BY CAPTAIN F. S. BRERETON Author of "The Hero of Panama" "Tom
CHAPTER I Ebenezer speaks his Mind
CHAPTER II The Road to London
CHAPTER III Wanted a Job
CHAPTER IV A Responsible Position
CHAPTER V London's Alien Criminals
CHAPTER VI The Professor makes a Suggestion
CHAPTER VII At Sea on a Chinese Junk
CHAPTER VIII In a Tight Corner
CHAPTER IX A Game of Long Bowls
CHAPTER X Ebenezer Clayhill's Inspiration
CHAPTER XI David goes on a Journey
CHAPTER XII Chang announces his Errand
CHAPTER XIII In a Chinese Prison
CHAPTER XIV Tsu-Hi is Astonished
CHAPTER XV Dick and David Turn the Tables
CHAPTER XVI Freedom Again
CHAPTER XVII A Chapter of Adventures
CHAPTER XVIII Terrors of the Mongolian Desert
CHAPTER XIX A Fight to a Finish
CHAPTER XX The Secret of the Ruins