| | PAGE |
1. | Value of History and Philosophy for Jurisprudence; the new proposals for the reform of legal studies in Austria | 1 |
2. | Our theme; Relation to Ihering’s lecture before the Vienna Law Society | 2 |
3. | Twofold meaning of the expression “natural right” | 2 |
4. | Points of agreement with Ihering; rejection of the “jus naturae” and “jus gentium”; pre-ethical political statutes | 3 |
5. | Opposition to Ihering; There exists a universally valid naturally recognizable moral law. Relative independence of the question | 4 |
6. | The notion “natural sanction” | 4 |
7. | Manifold misconception of the same by philosophers | 6 |
8. | Habitually developed feeling of compulsion as such is no sanction | 6 |
9. | Motives of hope and fear as such not yet sanction | 6 |
10. | The thought of the arbitrary command of a higher power is not the natural sanction | 7 |
11. | The ethical sanction is a command similar to the logical rule | 8 |
12. | The aesthetic point of view; as little in ethics as in logic the right one | 9 |
13. | Kant’s Categorical Imperative an impracticable fiction | 10 |
14. | Necessity for preliminary psychological inquiries | 10 |
15. | No willing without a final end | 10 |
16. | The problem: which end is right? the chief problem of ethics | 11 |
17. | The right end is the best among attainable ends; obscureness of this definition | 11 |
18. | Of the origin of the conception of the good; it has not its origin in the sphere of the so-called external impression | 12 |
19. | The common characteristic of everything psychical | 12 |
20. | The three fundamental classes of psychical phenomena; idea (Vorstellung), judgment, feeling (GemÜtsbewegung) | 13 |
21. | The contrasts, belief and denial, love and hate | 15 |
22. | Of these opposed modes of relation one is always right, one wrong | 15 |
23. | The conception of the good | 15 |
24. | Distinction of the good in the narrow sense from what is good for the sake of some other good | 16 |
25. | Love is not always a proof that an object is worthy to be loved | 16 |
26. | “Blind” and “self-evident” judgment | 17 |
27. | Analogous distinction in the sphere of pleasure and displeasure; criterion of the good | 18 |
28. | Plurality of the good; problems associated therewith | 21 |
29. | Whether by “the better” is to be understood that which deserves to be loved with more intensity | 21 |
30. | Right determination of the conception | 22 |
31. | When and how do we recognize that anything is in itself preferable? The case of the opposite, of absence, of the addition of like to like | 23 |
32. | Cases where the problem is insoluble | 25 |
33. | Whether the Hedonists in this respect would have the advantage | 26 |
34. | Why these failures prove less disadvantageous than might be feared | 27 |
35. | The sphere of the highest practical good | 28 |
36. | The harmonious development | 28 |
37. | The natural sanction respecting the limits of right | 29 |
38. | The natural sanction for positive ethical laws | 29 |
39. | The power of the natural sanction | 30 |
40. | True and false relativity respecting ethical rules | 30 |
41. | Derivation of well known special enactments | 32 |
42. | Why other philosophers, by other ways, arrive at the same goal | 32 |
43. | Whence arise the universally extended ethical truths? Unclearness concerning processes in one’s own consciousness | 33 |
44. | Trace of the influence of the moments severally mentioned | 35 |
45. | Lower currents exercising an influence | 37 |
46. | Necessity of guarding against overlooking the distinction between ethical and pseudo-ethical development | 39 |
47. | Value of such developments in the pre-ethical time; establishment of the social order; formation of dispositions; outlines of laws at the disposal of legislative ethical authority; security against doctrinaire tendencies | 39 |
48. | Beneficent influences which still operate continually from this side | 41 |
49. | A further word on the reform of politico-legal studies | 42 |
| | PAGE |
13. | In defence of my characterization of Herbart’s ethical criterion | 44 |
14. | Of Kant’s Categorical Imperative | 44 |
16. | The Nicomachean Ethics and Ihering’s “fundamental idea” in his work; Der Zweck im Recht | 46 |
17. | Of the cases of smaller chances in the effort after higher ends | 46 |
18. | Of the dependence of the conceptions upon concrete perceptions | 46 |
19. | The term “intentional” | 47 |
21. | The fundamental classification of mental states in Descartes | 47 |
22. | Windelband’s error in respect of the fundamental classification of mental states; short defence of various attacks upon my Psychology from the Empirical Standpoint; Land, on a supposed improvement on formal logic; Steinthal’s criticism of my doctrine of judgment | 50 |
23. | In criticism of Sigwart’s theories of the existential and negative judgments | 55 |
24. | Descartes on the relation of “love” to “joy” and of “hate” to “sadness” | 69 |
25. | Of the notions of truth and existence | 69 |
26. | Of the unity of the notion of the good | 71 |
27. | Of “evidence.” Descartes “Clara et distincta perceptio.” Sigwart’s doctrine of “evidence” and his “postulates” | 71 |
28. | Of ethical subjectivism. Aristotle’s oversight in respect of the source of our knowledge of the good. Parallels between his error in respect of the feelings (GemÜtsthÄtigkeit), and Descartes’ doctrine of the “Clara et distincta perceptio” as a pre-condition of the logically justified judgment; modern views which approach to this doctrine | 78 |
29. | Of the expressions “gut gefallen” and “schlecht gefallen” | 84 |
31. | Typical case of a constant geometrical relation of mental values | 85 |
32. | Cases in which something at the same time both pleases and displeases | 85 |
33. | Establishment of universal laws of valuation on the basis of a single experience | 86 |
34. | Certain moments in the theory of ethical knowledge are of more importance for the theodicy than for ethics itself | 87 |
35. | Explanation of the manner in which anything in certain cases is recognized as preferable | 87 |
36. | The two cases, unique in their kind, in which preferability becomes clear for us from a certain character in the act of preference | 87 |
39. | Gauss on the measurement of intensities | 89 |
40. | Against exaggerated expectations from the so-called psycho-physical law | 89 |
40. | Defence against the objection of a too great ethical rigour | 90 |
41. | Love of neighbour in harmony with greater care of one’s own good | 91 |
43. | Why the narrowness of human foresight should not do injury to moral courage | 92 |
44. | In criticism of Ihering’s view of the notion of right and of his criticism of older views | 93 |
45. | Of the provisional ethical sanction of objectionable laws | 96 |
60. | Self-contradiction of Epicurus | 97 |
64-65. | Proof for the law of addition of like to like; testimony for it in the teaching of the Stoa, of the theistic Hedonists, and in the demand for immortality; Helmholtz | 98 |
67. | The great theologians are opponents of the arbitrary character of the divine law of morals | 99 |
68. | John Stuart Mill on the doctrine of the distinction between “blind” and “self-evident judgments” | 99 |
(The numbers missing in the index contain only literary references.) |
MIKLOSICH ON SUBJECTLESS PROPOSITIONS (Appendix to pages 14 and 55). |
I. | Short sketch of the essential features treated in Miklosich’s article | 105 |
II. | Critical remarks | 110 |
| Biographical Note | 119 |