Franz Brentano, son of Christian Brentano, and nephew of Clemens Brentano and Bettina von Arnim, was born on January 16, 1838, at Marienberg, near Boppard on the Rhine. He early embraced the study of philosophy and theology, both at Berlin, under Trendelenburg, and also at Munich. In 1864 he was ordained priest, and two years later became privat docent in the University of WÜrzburg. In 1873 he was appointed professor there, but in the same year resigned his office in consequence of his changed attitude towards the Church, and as an opponent of the Vatican Council. Somewhat later, in response to this change in his convictions, he separated himself definitely from the Church. In 1874 Brentano received a call to the University of Vienna, and continued there teaching Philosophy until 1895, first as ordinary professor, and afterwards, having meantime renounced his professorship, as privat docent. The reasons which led him to retire from this post also, are set forth in his work, My Last Wishes for Austria (Stuttgart, 1895). After withdrawing from his post as teacher he took up his residence at Florence. Brentano regards Aristotle as his real teacher in philosophy, and his two earliest publications, Von der mannigfachen Bedeutung des Seienden nach Aristoteles (Freiburg, i. Br. 1862), and Die Psychologie des Aristoteles insbesondere seine Lehre vom ???? p???t???? (Mainz, 1867), are a testimony to his comprehensive study and thorough knowledge of Aristotelian philosophy. Especially is he in agreement with the Stagirite regarding the high position he would assign to the application of the empirical method as the only one which, in regard alike to scientific and philosophical problems, is able by cautious and gradual Such psychognostical inquiries, although not yet in principle separated from genetic inquiry, occupy by far the greater part of the first volume of the Psychology from the Empirical Standpoint. Among the subjects there treated are: 1, the fundamental revision of the classification of psychical phenomena, and their division into the three main classes: ideas, judgments, and phenomena of love and hate; 2, and in particular, a new and more appropriate characterization of the judgment. The insufficiency of the old doctrine according to which judgment The new description of the judgment and its essential qualities form the basis for a reform of logic even in its most elementary stages, a reform which, in its essential features, is suggested in the above-mentioned work, and also touched upon in the Essay here translated; but this truer description of the phenomenon of judgment also throws light upon the description and classification of the modes of speech from the point of view of their function or meaning,—a classification based upon true and most essential distinctions. In comparison with phonetics this branch is still little developed. What is here said, was seen by eminent philologists like Fr. von Miklosich, the pioneer in the sphere of Slav comparative philology. In the appendix will be found an article bearing upon this view. While engaged in a profound study of the descriptive peculiarities connected with the third fundamental class of psychical states above referred to—a study analogous to that previously undertaken by him with regard to the judgment—Brentano was led to the discovery of the principles of ethical knowledge which form the subject of this lecture. The author, in his lectures delivered before students of all faculties, but especially to students in the faculty of law, during each winter session throughout many years, presented a complete and fully developed system of ethical teaching based upon these principles. 1. In the lecture (p. 15) it is said that anything may be either affirmed or denied, and that if the affirmation is right its denial must be considered wrong, and vice versÂ. It is also stated that this is true analogously in respect of love and hate. This Brentano no longer asserts, but rather observes that whereas the whole must be denied, if but a part is untrue, a sum of good and bad, on the other hand, may be of such a nature as nevertheless as a whole to be worthy of love. It may be also so constituted that good and bad remain in equilibrium. 2. In the lecture (p. 24), and in the corresponding note 37 (p. 87), it is said that our preference qualified as right in the case where, for instance, to one good another is added, is drawn, not from our knowledge of the preferability of the sum as opposed to the parts, but that analytic judgments here yield the means of our advance in knowledge, and that the corresponding preferences are therefore qualified as right, since the knowledge (given analytically) is here the criterion. Here it is overlooked that without the experience of acts of preferring we neither have nor could have the conception, and therefore also our notion of preferability. And so it is also true that it is by no means evident from analysis that one good plus another is preferable to each of these goods taken singly. Here also a complete analogy to the sphere of the true is wanting. One truth added to another does not yield something more true. On the other hand, one good plus another good yields a better. But that this is so can only be understood by means of a special experience belonging peculiarly to this sphere, i.e. by means of the experience of acts of preferring which are qualified as right. As to the other branches of philosophy, the work of Brentano already published forms but a portion—often but the smaller portion—of investigations, which, in the manner above described, have become known to a larger or smaller circle of disciples. This explains the striking fact that, in proportion to the extent of what has been published, an unusually large number of investigators and scholars appear in a greater or lesser degree to have been influenced by Brentano. (Überweg-Heinze, in the eighth edition of the Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, reckons, as belonging to his school, six names of men at present occupying important positions as teachers of philosophy.) One section of Brentano’s doctrine of sense-perception forms With regard to psycho-genetic problems, apart from the question as to the meaning and validity of Fechner’s psycho-physical law, a question discussed in the first volume of his Psychology and elsewhere, and that of the spirituality and immortality of the soul, which formed repeatedly the substance of lectures at Vienna University, Brentano has especially occupied himself with the laws of the association of ideas. One result of this study is his lecture, Das Genie, published in 1892, which seeks to explain the artistic productions of men of genius—often regarded as something quite unique and inexplicable—as a development of psychical events which universally control our imaginative life. Of Brentano’s researches in metaphysics and in the theory of knowledge it must also be said that hitherto they remain still unpublished, though they are familiar to a greater or smaller circle of disciples. In this latter sphere are to be mentioned particularly his inquiries respecting the nature of our insight into the law of causality, the logical justification of induction, the a priori nature of mathematics, and the nature of analytic judgments. In ontological questions also psychognosie has proved fruitful to the investigator in leading him to an understanding and to an analysis based upon experience, of the most important metaphysical notions, as, for instance, causality, substance, necessity, impossibility, etc., notions which some, despairing of the task rightly insisted upon by Hume, of showing their origin to be based upon perception and experience, have sought to explain straight away as a priori categories. For the rest, Brentano, in regard to metaphysics, is a decided theist. He is an adherent of the theory of evolution, while denying that accidental variations and natural selection in the struggle for existence render explicable the phenomena of Brentano’s views on the historical development of philosophical inquiry and the causes determining that development, the present state of philosophy and its views regarding the future, he has set forth in various publications: Die Geschichte der Philosophie im Mittelalter (MÖhler’s Kirchengeschichte, vol. ii. 1868); Über die GrÜnde der Entmutigung auf philosophischem Gebiete (Vienna, 1874), delivered as an inaugural address on entering upon his work at Vienna University; Was fÜr ein Philosoph manchmal Epoche macht (Vienna, 1876); Über die Zukunft der Philosophie (Vienna, 1893); and Die vier Phasen der Philosophie und ihr augenblicklicher Stand (Stuttgart, 1895). In the last work a concise survey is made of the entire course of the History of Philosophy, and it is there shown how in the three periods, rightly regarded as distinct (Greek Philosophy, the Philosophy of the Middle Ages, and Modern Philosophy), there is each time an analogous change, a rising or blossoming period, and three periods of decadence, of which those which succeed are always the psychologically necessary result of the preceding. That in so doing Brentano has characterized the latest phase of German philosophy, the so-called idealistic direction from Kant to Hegel as the third or mystic period of decadence (howbeit with all due recognition of the talents of these writers) has naturally aroused violent opposition, though it has not found any real refutation. It has been already said that Brentano’s earliest efforts were directed to historical inquiries and especially to a presentation of the Aristotelian psychology and to important sections of his Butler & Tanner, The Selwood Pringing Works, Frome, and London. Dante and Giovanni del Vergilio The Mind of Tennyson “Admirably sums up for us Tennyson’s philosophic ideas and the creed he had ultimately arrived at. Since Mr. Stopford Brooke’s comprehensive survey of Tennyson, nothing so excellent has been written on the poet’s ideas.”—Spectator. The Teachings of Dante “The author of this delightful volume takes his reader, as it were, behind the scenes and shows him of the inner life and thought of the master.... Mr. Dinsmore has a grip of the religious teaching of Dante which few men have attained, and the whole volume is wondrously suggestive of the deep truths that underlie the marvellous imagery of the poet.”—The Rock. 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Square 4to. 5s. INDEX TO AUTHORS
A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS Arranged in Order of Prices ? Waverley Novels. See page 64. 1s. Anon. Muggleton College. Bankes (Roden) A Story Book for Lesson Time. Bidder (George) Merlin’s Youth. Paper. Bright (Charles) Science and Engineering, 1837-97. Gale (Norman) Cricket Songs. Palmer (Walter, M.P.) Poultry Management on a Farm. 1s. Net. Philips (F. C.) A Full Confession. The Books of the Bible—Psalms, St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John. Cloth. Paper label. The St. George’s Kalendar, 1902. 1s. 6d. Net. Doughty (Charles) Under Arms, 1900. Scott (Sir Walter) The Waverley Novels. 48 Volumes. Label. Per vol. The Books of the Bible—Psalms, St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John. Cloth gilt. Warren (Kate M.) Spenser’s Faerie Queene. 6 vols. Each. 2s. Chamberlain (Rt. Hon. Joseph, M.P.) Patriotism. Buckram. Coldstream (John P.) Institutions of Austria. —— “ “ Italy. 2s. Net. Scott (Sir Walter) The Waverley Novels. 48 vols. Cloth gilt. Per Vol. 2s.6d. Anon. The Love of an Obsolete Woman. 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The Books of the Bible—Psalms, St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John. Leather gilt. Walker (C.) Amateur Fish Culture. Warren (Kate M.) Spenser’s Faerie Queene. Cloth gilt. 6 vols. Each. 3s. Net. Four Gospels. Cloth gilt. 3s. 6d. Andom (R.) and Harewood (F.) The Fortune of a Spendthrift. Anon. Muggleton College. Cloth. Ballin (Mrs. Ada) From Cradle to School. Bryden (H. A.) Tales of South Africa. Carmichael (Montgomery) Sketches and Stories, Grave and Gay. Charrington (Charles) A Sturdy Beggar, and Lady Bramber’s Ghost. Two Stories. Doyle (C. W.) The Shadow of Quong Lung. —— The Taming of the Jungle. Goffic (C. Le) The Dark Way of Love. Hannan (Charles, F.R.G.S.) Chin-Chin-Wa. Kingsley (Charles) Westward Ho! Lytton (Lord) Harold. Macfarlane (Charles) The Camp of Refuge. —— Reading Abbey. Macleod (Fiona) Green Fire. Morison (Theodore) Imperial Rule in India. Parker (Nella) Dramas of To-Day. Peel (Mrs. C. S.) The New Home. —— Ten Shillings a Head per Week for House-books. Perks (Mrs. Hartley) Among the Bracken. Sinclair (Ven. Archdeacon, D.D.) Simplicity in Christ. Steele (F. A.) In the Tideway. Stoker (Bram) The Shoulder of Shasta. Sturgis (Julian) The Folly of Pen Harrington. Thorburn (S. S.) His Majesty’s Greatest Subject. Ward (Prof. A. W.) Sir Henry Wotton. 3s. 6d. Net Allen (G. C.) Tales from Tennyson. Barmby (B. H.) Gisli Sursson. A Drama. Battersby (Caryl) The Song of the Golden Bough. Courtney (W. L.) The Idea of Tragedy. Deighton (Kenneth) Conjectural Readings in the Old Dramatists. Gemmer (C. M.) Fidelis and other Poems. Madge (H. D.) Leaves from the Golden Legend. Meredith (George) Selected Poems. Pocket Edition. —— Tale of Chloe. Pocket Edition. —— The Story of Bhanavar. Pocket Edn. Rait (R. S.) A Royal Rhetorician. The Manchester Stage, 1880-1900. 4s. Gall (John, M.A., LL.B.) and Robertson (David, B.Sc.) Popular Readings in Science. Lewes (Vivian B.) and Brame (J. S. S.) Laboratory Note Book for Chemical Students. 4s. Net. Boswell’s Account of Dr. Johnson’s Tour in the Hebrides. 2 volumes. Cloth. 4s. 6d. Meredith Birthday Book. 4s. 6d. Net. Thomson (J. J.) The Discharge of Electricity through Gases. 5s. Baughan (B. E.) Verses. Bidder (George) By Southern Shore. —— Merlin’s Youth. Cloth. Four Gospels. Leather. Gale (Norman) A Country Muse. 1st Series. —— 2nd Series. Mills (E. J.) My Only Child. Nesbit (E.) Songs of Love and Empire. Piatt (J. J.) The Ghost’s Entry. Piatt (Mrs.) Child World Ballads. Rogers (Alexander) The Widowed Queen. Skrine (J. H.) Songs of the Maid. Somervell (A.) and Brooke (Leslie) Singing Time. A Child’s Song Book. Walker (Charles) Shooting on a Small Income. Wilkinson (Spenser) The Nation’s Awakening. Wilson (Robert) Laurel Leaves. 5s. Net. Armstrong (Arthur Coles) A Tale from Boccaccio. Davidson (Thomas) A History of Education. Dinsmore (Charles A.) The Teachings of Dante. Dryden (John) Aureng-Zebe, Somerville (William) The Chace. Edited by Kenneth Deighton. Graham (David) Rizzio. —— Darnley. Mitchell (H. G.) The World Before Abraham. Seton-Watson (R. W.) Maximilian. Sneath (E. Hershey) The Mind of Tennyson. Stanton (Frank L.) Songs of the Soil. 6s. ‘Alien’ Another Woman’s Territory. Argyll (Duke of) Adventures in Legend. Bates (Arlo) The Puritans. Berthet (E.) The Catacombs of Paris. Bidder (M.) In the Shadow of the Crown. Bower (Marian) The Puppet Show. Bradley (A. G.) The Fight with France for North America. Cairnes (Captain W. E.) The Coming Waterloo. Capes (Bernard) Love Like a Gipsy. Chambers (R. W.) Cardigan. Charles (Joseph F.) A Statesman’s Chance. Conway (Sir William Martin) The Alps from End to End. Cooper (E. H.) The Enemies. Cornish (F. Warre) Sunningwell. Coxon (Ethel) Within Bounds. Currie (Major-Gen. Fendall) Below the Surface. Dale (T. F.) and Slaughter (F. E.) Two Fortunes and Old Patch. Daniell (A. E.) London City Churches. —— London Riverside Churches. Darnley (Countess of) and Hodgson (R. Ll.) Elma Trevor. 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Reed (Marcus) ‘Pride of England.’ ‘Rita’ The Sin of Jasper Standish. Russell (W. Clark) The Ship’s Adventure. Scott (Eva) Rupert, Prince Palatine. Setoun (Gabriel) The Skipper of Barncraig. Siborne (Captain William) The Waterloo Campaign, 1815. Sichel (Edith) The Household of the Lafayettes. Sinclair (May) Two Sides of a Question. Smith (F. Hopkinson) Caleb West: Master Diver. Soane (John) The Quest of Mr. East. Stoker (Bram) Dracula. Street (G. S.) A Book of Stories. Sturgis (Julian) Stephen Calinari. Tarver (J. C.) Some Observations of a Foster Parent. —— Debateable Claims. Trevor-Battye (Aubyn) A Northern Highway of the Czar. Tynan (Katharine) That Sweet Enemy. Waddell (Major L. A.) Among the Himalayas. White (Stewart E.) The Westerners. —— The Blazed Trail. Wicksteed (Rev. P. H.) The Chronicle of Villani. Wilson (Archdeacon J. M.) Truths New and Old. Wilson (Sarah) The Romance of our Ancient Churches. Winslow (Mrs. Anna Green) Diary of a Boston School Girl. Young (Ernest) The Kingdom of the Yellow Robe. ‘Zack’ The White Cottage. 6s. Net. Boswell’s Account of Dr. Johnson’s Tour in the Hebrides. Half leather. 2 vols. The set. Browning (Robert) Men and Women. 2 vols. The set. Burroughs (John) Whitman. Campbell (James Dykes) Coleridge’s Poems. Cunynghame (H. H.) Art Enamelling on Metals. Illustrated. Second Edition. Godkin (E. L.) Unforeseen Tendencies of Democracy. Meredith (George) Odes in Contribution to the Song of French History. —— Selected Poems. —— A Reading of Life. Mowbray (J. P.) The Making of a Country Home. MÜnsterberg (Hugo) Psychology and Life. Thompson (Francis) New Poems. Torrey (Joseph) Elementary Studies in Chemistry. Turner (H. H., F.R.S.) Modern Astronomy. 7s. 6d. Bertram (James) Some Memories of Books, Authors and Events. Chailley-Bert (J.) Colonisation of Indo-China. Collins (Churton) Ephemera Critica. Curzon (Lord, of Kedleston) Problems of the Far East. Elliott (Robert) Gold, Sport, and Coffee-Planting in Mysore. Godkin (E. L.) Reflections and Comments. —— Problems of Modern Democracy. Hodgson (R. Ll.) On Plain and Peak. Stuart (John) Pictures of War. Thomson (James) Poems. 7s. 6d. Net. Hayden (E. G.) Travels Round our Village. Masterman (N.) Chalmers on Charity. McCrindle (J. W.) Ancient India as described in Classical Literature. Mowbray (J. P.) A Journey to Nature. Roberts (Morley) The Western Avernus. 9s. Net. Spenser (Edmund) The Faerie Queene. 6 vols. Cloth. 10s. Net. Bonavia (Emmanuel) Flora of the Assyrian Monuments. Hanna (Col. H. B.) The Second Afghan War. Vol. I. 10s. 6d. Constable’s Hand Gazetteer of India. Holden (Ed. S.) Mogul Emperors of Hindustan. Jardine (Hon. Justice) Burma a Hundred Years Ago. Loti (Pierre) Impressions. McNair (Major J. F. A.) Prisoners their Own Warders. Ryley and M’Candlish, Scotland’s Free Church. 10s. 6d. Net. Bain (R. Nisbet) Peter III. Gairdner (James) The Paston Letters. Supplementary Volume. Hackel (Eduard) The True Grasses. Leaf (Cecil H.) The Surgical Anatomy of the Lymphatic Glands. List of 837 London Publishers. Rogers (C. J.) Coin Collecting in Northern India. Roosevelt (Theodore) Oliver Cromwell. Townsend (Meredith) Asia and Europe. 12s. Arnold (T. W.) The Preaching of Islam. Gardner (E. G.) Dante’s Ten Heavens. Gardner (E. G.) and Wicksteed (P. H.) Dante and Giovanni del Virgilio. Gomme (G. Laurence) The Principles of Local Government. Hewitt (J. F.) Ruling Races of Prehistoric Times. Second Series. Irwin (S. T.) Letters of T. E. Brown. 2 vols. Lafargue (Philip) Stephen Brent. 2 vols. Metcalfe (C. T.) Two Native Narratives of the Mutiny in Delhi. Prichard (Hesketh) Where Black Rules White. Traill (H. D.) England, Egypt and the Sudan. Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Edited by Augustine Birrell. 6 vols., fcap. 8vo. Lane Poole (Stanley) Mohammedan Dynasties. Leach (A. F., M.A., F.S.A.) English Schools at the Reformation, 1546-48. Zimmermann (Dr. A.) Botanical Microtechnique. 12s. 6d. 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