FIG. | | PAGE |
1. | The Sai, or Blue Caereba (CÆreba cyanea) | 3 |
2. | The Banana Quit (Certhiola flaveola) | 4 |
3. | The Abu-Risch (Hedydipna metallica) | 5 |
4. | The Hanging Bird (Arachnocestra longirostris) | 9 |
5. | The Poe, or Tui (Prosthemadera circinata) | 13 |
6. | The Hoopoe (Upupa epops) | 16 |
7. | The Red Oven Bird (Furnarius rufus) | 17 |
8. | The Hairy-cheeked Stair-beak (Xenops genibarbis) | 20 |
9. | The Common Nuthatch (Sitta cÆsia) | 21 |
10. | The Alpine Wall-creeper (Tichodroma muraria) | 24 |
11. | The Common Tree-creeper (Certhia familiaris) | 25 |
12. | The Woodpecker Tree-chopper, (Dendraplex picus) | 28 |
13. | The European Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) | 29 |
14. | The Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis) | 32 |
15. | The Red-headed Black Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus) | 33 |
16. | The Green Woodpecker (Gecinus viridis) | 40 |
17. | The Golden-winged Woodpecker (Colaptes auratus) | 41 |
18. | The Wry-neck (Yunx torquilla) | 44 |
19. | The Giant Humming Bird (Patagona gigas) | 48 |
20. | The Sword-bill Humming Bird (Docimastes ensifer) | 49 |
21. | The Sickle-billed Humming Bird (Eutoxeres aquila) | 52 |
22. | The Chimborazian Hill-star (Oreotrochilus Chimborazo) | 53 |
23. | The Crimson Topaz Humming Bird (Topaza pella) | 56 |
24. | The Brazilian Fairy (Heliothrix auriculata) | 61 |
25. | The Amethyst Humming Bird (Calliphlox amethystina) | 65 |
26. | The Splendid Coquette (Lophornis ornata) | 67 |
27. | The Horned Sun-gem (Heliactinus cornutus) | 68 |
28. | The White-footed Racket-tail (Steganurus Underwoodii) | 69 |
29. | The Sappho Comet (Sparganura Sappho) | 72 |
30. | Humming Birds | 73 |
31. | The Bee-wolf (Melittotheres nubicus) | 77 |
32. | The Australian Bee-eater (CosmÄerops ornatus) | 80 |
33. | The Blue Roller (Coracias garrulus) | 81 |
34. | The Mot-mot (Prionites momota) | 84 |
35. | The Java Broad-throat (Eurylaimus Javanicus) | 85 |
36. | The European Kingfisher (Alcedo ispida) | 88 |
37. | Grey Kingfishers (Ceryle rudis) | 92 |
38. | The Laughing Jackass (Paralcyon gigas, or Dacelo gigantea) | 93 |
39. | The Green Jacamar (Galbula viridis) | 97 |
40. | The Dusky Trappist, or Bearded Cuckoo (Monasta fusca) | 99 |
41. | The Narina (Hapaloderma narina) | 101 |
42. | Quesals, or Resplendent Trogons (Calurus paradiseus, or C. resplendens) | 104 |
43. | The Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) | 108 |
44. | The Jay Cuckoo (Coccystes glandarius) | 109 |
45. | The Didrik, or Golden Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx auratus) | 112 |
46. | The Giant Cuckoo, or Channel-bill (Scythrops NovÆ-HollandiÆ) | 113 |
47. | The Kokil, or Large Green-billed Malkoha (Zanclostomus tristis) | 115 |
48. | The Ani, or Savanna Blackbird (Crotophaga ani) | 120 |
49. | The Wrinkled-beaked Tick-eater (Crotophaga rugirostris) | 121 |
50. | The Pheasant Coucal (Polophilus phasianus) | 124 |
51. | The Pearl Bird (Trachyphonus margaritatus) | 125 |
52. | The Arassari (Pteroglossus aracari) | 128 |
53. | The Toco Toucan (Ramphastus toco) | 129 |
54. | The Tok (Rhynchaceros erythrorhynchus) | 133 |
55. | The Homray (Dichoceros bicornis) | 136 |
56. | The Djolan, or Year Bird (Rhyticeros plicatus) | 137 |
57. | The Abbagamba, or Abyssinian Hornbill (Bucorax Abyssinicus) | 139 |
58. | Nestlings of The Abbagamba | 140 |
59. | The Parrot Pigeon (Phalacroteron Abyssinica) | 144 |
60. | The Ring-dove, or Wood Pigeon (Palumbus torquatus) | 145 |
61. | The Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) | 148 |
62. | Turtle Doves | 156 |
63. | Dwarf Pigeon (Chalcopeleia Afra) | 157 |
64. | The Kukuli (Melopeleia meloda) | 160 |
161. | The Striped Sparrow-hawk Pigeon (Geopeleia striata) | 161 |
66. | The Crested Bronze-wing (Ocyphaps lophotes) | 164 |
67. | The Bronze-winged Pigeon (Phaps chalcoptera) | 165 |
68. | The Hackled Ground Pigeon (Calloenas Nicobarica) | 168 |
69. | The Victoria Crowned Pigeon (Goura Victoria) | 169 |
70. | Sand Grouse | 173 |
71. | The Khata (Pterocles alchata) | 176 |
72. | The Common Sand Grouse (Pterocles exustus) | 177 |
73. | Pallas's Sand Grouse, or Sand Grouse of The Steppes | 180 |
74. | The Capercali (Tetrao urogallus) | 184 |
75. | The Black Cock (Lyrurus tetrix) | 185 |
76. | Hybrid Grouse (Tetrao medius) | 188 |
77. | Hazel Grouse (Bonasia sylvestris) | 189 |
78. | The Prairie Hen (Cupidonia Americana) | 192 |
79. | The Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus albus) | 197 |
80. | The Alpine Ptarmigan (Lagopus Alpinus), in Summer plumage | 200 |
81. | The Alpine Ptarmigan (Lagopus Alpinus), in Winter plumage | 201 |
82. | The Red-legged Partridge (Caccabis rubra) | 208 |
83. | The Common Partridge (Perdix cinerea, or Starna cinerea) | 209 |
84. | The Virginian Partridge (Ortyx Virginianus) | 217 |
85. | The Californian Partridge (Lophortyx Californianus) | 220 |
86. | The Common
Quail (Coturnix communis) | 221 |
87. | The Chinese Quail (Excalfactoria Chinensis) | 224 |
88. | The African Bush Quail (Turnix Africanus, or T. Gibraltariensis) | 228 |
89. | The Monaul, or Impeyan Pheasant (Lophophorus resplendens, refulgens, or Impeyanus) | 229 |
90. | The Sikkim Horned Pheasant (Ceriornis Satyra) | 233 |
91. | The Kaleege, or Black Pheasant (Euplocamus-Gallophasis-melanotus) | 240 |
92. | The Silver Pheasant (Nycthemerus argentatus, or Euplocamus nycthemerus) | 241 |
93. | Reeves' Pheasant (Phasianus Reevesii, or P. veneratus) | 244 |
94. | The Golden Pheasant (Thaumalea picta) | 245 |
95. | The Chinese Eared Pheasant (Crossoptilon auritum) | 248 |
96. | The Argus Pheasant, or Kuau (Argus giganteus) | 249 |
97. | The Chinquis, or Assam Peacock Pheasant (Polyplectron chinquis) | 252 |
98. | The Common Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) | 257 |
99. | The Ocellated Turkey (Meleagris ocellata) | 260 |
100. | The Brush Turkey (Catheturus Lathami) | 265 |
101. | The Maleo (Megacephalon Maleo) | 269 |
102. | The Crested Curassow (Crax alector) | 277 |
103. | The Hoactzin, or Stink Bird (Opisthocomus cristatus) | 281 |
104. | The Inambu (Rhynchotus rufescens) | 284 |
105. | The Ostrich (Struthio camelus) | 288 |
106. | An Ostrich Hunt | 292 |
107. | Nandus (Rhea Americana), with Nest and Eggs | 293 |
108. | The Nandu, or American Ostrich (Rhea Americana) | 297 |
109. | The Emu (DromÆus NovÆ-HollandiÆ) | 300 |
110. | Cassowary (Casuarius galeatus) | 304 |