We have now arrived at an important division of the feathered tribes, all the members of which are more or less terrestrial. They generally procure their food from the surface of the ground, upon which they run or walk with facility, and many of them scratch up the earth in search of such nutritive materials as serve for their subsistence. They have, therefore, in conformity with such a mode of life, a short or moderately long beak, which is usually vaulted above. Their body is heavy, and their wings generally short. They all live principally upon grain, and are furnished with a strong muscular gizzard. To this order belong our game birds, and most of our poultry. Their flesh is edible, and supplies us with wholesome and nutritious food, and from the facility with which they are procurable, and the ease with which some are domesticated, are of the utmost importance to mankind. The members of this division were separated by Cuvier into two sections—the COLUMBÆ, or Pigeons, and the GALLINÆ, properly so called. More recently, however, these sections have been considered as forming two distinct orders, distinguished by the names of the PIGEONS (Gyratores) and the SCRAPERS (Rasores), or TRUE GALLINACEOUS BIRDS. PIGEONS. The place which the Pigeons ought to occupy in the zoological system has been a very fertile subject of dispute. LinnÆus classed them with the Passeres; Buffon, Pennant, and Latham arrange them as an order by themselves; while Cuvier and others place them in the category of Gallinaceous Birds. The settlement of this question is, indeed, a matter of considerable difficulty, as the habits of the entire race are in many respects very peculiar. Like the Passerine Birds, they associate in pairs during the nuptial season, work together in the construction of their nest, and materially assist in the incubation of their eggs and the care of their progeny, which latter, blind and helpless when they are first hatched, are fed in the nest that forms their cradle, and which they never quit until fully fledged; indeed, for some time afterwards they are unable to supply their own wants, and depend entirely upon the assistance of their parents. The features in which they differ from the Passerine race are, however, equally well marked; these consist in their manner of drinking and of administering food to their young family, in the singularity of their caresses, in the nature of their plumage, and in their vocal capabilities. They neither sing nor utter any cry; their only voice in the adult state consists of a full, rolling sound, generally designated by the term "cooing." Other dissimilarities separate them from the Gallinaceous races, with which they have little in common, either in their instincts, their manner of life, or their mode of pairing. The GallinÆ are almost all of them polygamists, and the females, by laying numerous eggs, produce a covey at a single brood. Moreover, in temperate climates, this happens but once in the year. The Pigeons, on the contrary, are all of them strictly monogamous, and the female lays but two eggs for each sitting, although she has several broods. In the Gallinaceous tribes the male renders no assistance to the female, either in the construction of the nest or in the care of their progeny. The chickens are born with their eyesight perfect, and as soon as they escape from the egg-shell are able to run about, and procure for themselves their own food. The principal distinctive character of the ColumbÆ is furnished by the structure of the bill. The upper mandible consists of a horny apical portion, which is often of considerable length and strength, The FRUIT PIGEONS (Trerones) are recognisable by their compact body, short, thick beak, powerful, broad-soled, but short feet, moderate-sized wings, and short tail; the latter is composed of fourteen feathers, and is either slightly cuneiform or straight at its extremity. The plumage, in which green predominates, is always brilliant. The members of this group inhabit the whole of India, the Malayan Peninsula, Australia, and Africa, and are usually seen in parties of variable number, perched upon fruit-trees. Their movements much resemble those of the Parrots, and their voice, unlike that of most of their congeners, is loud and sweet. Such species of Fruit Pigeons as inhabit India (and probably Africa) place their very loosely-constructed nest at the summit of a lofty tree, and lay two white eggs. THE PARROT PIGEON. The PARROT PIGEON (Phalacroteron Abyssinica), a beautiful species of the above group, is powerfully built, with long wings and a short tail; its beak, which is short and strong, has the base bare and the upper mandible hooked at its tip; the short tarsus is almost entirely covered with feathers, and the broad-soled foot furnished with small toes; the wing, in which the second quill is the longest, is pointed, and the tail straight at its extremity. The plumage of this beautiful bird is pale olive-green on the mantle and light yellow on the under side; the head, throat, and breast are greyish green, the shoulders of a rich deep red, the wing-covers of a blackish hue, broadly edged with pale yellow; the quills black, edged with a lighter shade; the dark grey tail is black upon the under portion, from the root to the centre, and from that point to the tip of a silver-grey; the purple-red iris is surrounded by a narrow blue ring; a bare patch which encircles the eye is blueish red, the cere of a dirty coral-red; the white beak is shaded with blue, and tipped with pale red; the foot is deep This Pigeon has been met with in Great Namaqua Land, Western Africa, and Abyssinia. Temminck informs us that it frequents the settlements of the traders, and is constantly to be seen perching perfectly motionless upon the trees during the heat of the day; at the approach of the rainy season, he tells us, it consorts with others of its species in large flocks, and wanders forth to more southern portions of the continent: our own experience would, however, lead us to condemn the latter statement as erroneous, and, indeed, all recent observations on this point prove that this bird does not migrate. Lofty mimosa-trees, surrounded by bushes of Christ's-thorn, and interlaced with the streaming tendrils of the cissus, are the favourite resorts of such of these birds as inhabit regions where those trees are abundant, while such as occupy the mountain-valleys seek shelter amid the luxuriant foliage of the tamarind-tree, or upon the well-covered branches of the lofty sycamore. Occasionally this species is seen living in pairs, but most usually in small parties of from eight to twenty birds. Even when thus associated, it is easy to distinguish the different couples, as the males constantly perch and fly close to their mates, towards whom they exhibit the utmost tenderness, endeavouring to excite their attention and admiration by agitating their wings, and caressing and tending them with all the devotion exhibited by the Parrot for its mate. The flight of these Pigeons is rapid, and accompanied by a harsh, shrill sound, produced by the violent motion of the wings as they cleave the air. The voice is very unpleasing. Such of these birds as we observed did not utter the cooing note common to many of their congeners. The stomachs of those we shot contained berries of various kinds. Le Vaillant informs us that the Parrot Pigeon deposits her eggs in a bed of moss and dry leaves within a hollow tree, but this statement we believe to be erroneous. Owing to the extreme timidity of these birds, it is exceedingly difficult to obtain specimens. The DOVES (ColumbÆ) are distinguishable from the above group by the peculiar form of their delicate, moderate-sized beak, which is covered with a cere at its base, is slightly vaulted, and has a hard, sharp tip. The comparatively high, slender foot is well adapted for walking firmly on the ground; the tail, composed of twelve feathers, is either rounded or straight at its extremity, and the plumage not remarkable for its brilliancy. The members of this group occupy all parts of the globe, Europe being particularly rich in species. THE RING-DOVE, WOOD PIGEON, OR CUSHAT. The RING-DOVE, WOOD PIGEON, or CUSHAT (Palumbus torquatus), has a large and strongly-built body, comparatively long tail, and short feet. The plumage of the adult bird is of a deep blue on the head, nape, and throat; the upper part of the back and upper wing-covers are dark greyish blue, and the lower portion of the back and rump light blue; the breast is reddish grey, the centre of the under side light greyish blue, and the lower belly white. The lower part of the throat is decorated on each side with a glossy white spot, and gleams with metallic lustre; the quills are slate-grey and the tail-feathers slate-black, marked with an irregular stripe of lighter shade. The female is recognisable from her mate by the inferiority of her size, and the young birds by their comparatively pale plumage. In all, the eye is pale sulphur-yellow, the beak light yellow, with a red base, and the foot blueish red. The length of the body is sixteen inches and a half, and the breadth twenty-eight inches and a half; the wing measures nine and the tail six inches and a half. THE PARROT PIGEON (Phalacroteron Abyssinica). The Ring-dove, so called on account of the white feathers that partially encircle the throat, is the largest of all the wild Pigeons met with in Europe, the warm and temperate portions of which it frequents in large numbers, only visiting such northern countries as Sweden and Norway during the warm seasons. It is particularly fond of fir plantations, and in these its tender, cooing note may be heard during the entire spring and summer. In England these Pigeons resort to woods, coppices, and enclosed ground; and in winter assemble and roost in large parties on the summits of lofty trees, the ash-tree affording them a very favourite gathering-place. Their food consists of young leaves and seeds of various kinds, according to the season of the year. In spring and summer they subsist principally on the tender leaves of growing plants, and often commit great ravages in fields of beans and peas. Spring-sown corn is also attacked by them, both in the grain and the blade; and as soon as young turnips have put forth their second leaves, they, too, become objects of devastation. As the season advances they visit the corn-fields, especially those in the neighbourhood of their native woods, and seek for oily seeds of all kinds with great eagerness. At the approach of autumn they assemble in small flocks, and resort to oak and beech trees, where acorns and beech-mast, swallowed whole, afford them an abundant and nourishing diet. In winter these small flocks unite, and form larger ones, so large, indeed, that it would appear probable that their numbers are considerably augmented by arrivals from colder climates. Both parents assist in making their strange and carelessly constructed abode, which scarcely deserves to be called a nest, being nothing more than a mere platform of twigs, so loosely put together that the brood is distinctly visible through the interstices. The fork of a branch is usually selected as a resting place for the nest. The eggs, two in number, are long, THE RING-DOVE, OR WOOD PIGEON (Palumbus torquatus). The Ring-dove is easily tamed, but very rarely breeds in captivity; and even when reared from the nest, if set at liberty, it at once seeks its native woods, and never voluntarily returns. In all ages of the world this Dove has been regarded with especial favour, and, as a sacred symbol, is in some countries regarded with particular reverence. The Himalayan Cushat differs from the European by the neck-patch being clayey buff instead of white, and much contracted in size, also in the less extent of the white border to the primaries. Mr. Blyth also notices that whilst in European birds the green gloss prevails above the neck-patch, and amethystine below, the reverse is the case in the Asiatic race. This Wood Pigeon has only been found in the North-western Himalayas, near Simla, and in the Alpine Punjaub. It visits the salt range and the plains of the Punjaub during winter. THE STOCK DOVE. The STOCK DOVE (Columba oenas) is of a deep blue upon the head, throat, upper wings, lower part of back, and rump; the upper portion of the back is deep greyish blue, the region of the crop rich deep red; the rest of the under side pale blue. The quills and ends of the tail-feathers are slate-blue, the wing is decorated with a dark band, and the neck enlivened by the metallic lustre common to the race of Pigeons. The eye is deep brown, the beak pale yellow, with dark flesh-pink base, powdered with white, and the foot pale red. The young resemble the parent birds, but are duller in their colours. The length of this species is from twelve inches to twelve and a half, and its breadth from twenty-five to twenty-six inches; the wing measures eight inches and a half and the tail five inches. Many authors have regarded this as the same species as the Rock Dove, or as having but trifling differences. Yarrell, however, considers them to be perfectly distinct, both as to habits, voice, plumage, and the localities which they frequent. "The Stock Dove," says this accurate author, "was called oenas When the eggs are laid in this manner in deserted burrows, they are either placed on the bare sand or upon a few dried roots, about a yard within the entrance. The Stock Dove also nestles under furze bushes, or in the holes of decayed trees. The eggs are two in number, oval and white, and are laid about the end of March or beginning of April. The food of the Stock Dove is similar to that of the last-mentioned species. The Columba oenas has not been found in Scotland. On the continent of Europe it is abundant, visiting the central and northern parts during the summer, and it has been seen in Northern Africa. It is also said to be met with in the Deccan. The harsh and somewhat grunting note of this species is usually uttered while the bird is perching, and is accompanied by considerable inflation of the throat. When in flight its movements are very rapid and noisy, the wings producing a rushing sound, which gradually becomes shriller and clearer, but altogether subsides when the gently hovering motion commences that precedes alighting. So strong is the love of the Stock Dove for its favourite retreat, that even if repeatedly alarmed it returns immediately to its place. The period of incubation commences early in spring, and, if not disturbed, the female produces three broods in the season, the first eggs being deposited by the beginning of April. During the whole time his mate is thus busily engaged, the male bird testifies the greatest devotion, keeping close to her, and constantly uttering his cooing note. Many are the quarrels that ensue between the various couples at this period, for, as each requires an unused hole in some tree wherein to deposit a brood, the demand is usually greater than the supply, and as these localities are also much resorted to by such formidable THE ROCK DOVE. The ROCK DOVE (Columba livia)—see Coloured Plate XXVII.—is of a pale greyish hue on the mantle and bright blue on the under side; the head is light slate-blue, the throat deep slate-colour, glistening above with bright blueish green, and on its lower portion with a purple gloss; the rump is white. Two black lines pass across the deep grey wings; the tail-feathers are dark bright blue, tipped with black; those at the exterior are white on the outer web. The eye is sulphur-yellow, the beak black, with a light blue base, and the foot deep blueish red. The sexes are alike, and the young somewhat deeper in their colours than the adult birds. This species is thirteen inches long and twenty-three broad; the wing measures eight inches and one-sixth and the tail four inches and one-third. The Rock Dove in its natural state inhabits rocky sea-coasts, flying only sufficiently inland to procure food. It is spread over a very wide range of country, being met with as far north as the Faroe Islands, and as far southward as Africa. In Great Britain it is found both on the southern coasts of England and in the east and west of Scotland. In the Orkneys it breeds in the crevices of the rocks, the nests being at such a depth that they are quite out of reach. During the day the Doves associate in flocks and search for food, which consists principally of grain and seeds. The Rock Dove breeds twice in the season, each brood consisting of two young, generally a male and a female. The eggs are white and of a short oval shape, rather pointed at one end. From this species our Dove-cote Pigeons are derived, and they, like their original progenitors, seldom roost or settle on trees. The nest of the Rock Dove is a mere heap of straw, dry grass, and twigs, with a slight hollow in its centre for the reception of the eggs, which have a glossy, pure white shell. The female alone builds, but is supplied with materials by her devoted mate, who remains constantly near her both day and night. The blind and unusually helpless young are hatched about sixteen or eighteen days after the eggs are laid, and leave the shell within from twenty-four to thirty-six hours of each other. As with their congeners, the nestlings are at first nourished with pulp from the crops of their parents, then with partially digested seeds, and when fledged, with hard seeds, with the addition of tiny pebbles and bits of clay, to assist the still weak gizzard in the work of trituration. When about a month old the young are strong enough to quit the nest in company with their parents, who, however, soon leave them to their own devices, and at once commence their preparations for a second brood. "The Blue Pigeon, or Rock Dove of India" says Jerdon, "differs from that of Europe only in having an ash-coloured instead of pure white rump. It is one of the most common and abundant birds, congregating throughout the country in large flocks, and breeding wherever they can find suitable spots. They are most partial to large buildings, such as churches, pagodas, mosques, tombs, and the like, frequently entering verandahs of inhabited houses and building in the cornices. Hollows in walls of cities or towns are favourite places, and in some parts of the country they prefer holes in wells. In default of such spots they will breed in crevices and cavities of rocks, caverns, and sea-side cliffs, and are particularly partial to rocky waterfalls. The celebrated falls of Gaissoppa are The CUCKOO PIGEONS (MacropygiÆ) constitute a group distinguishable by the slender formation of their bodies, their small heads, long tails, and short wings and feet. These birds are all eminently social in their habits, and frequently keep together in large flocks. All subsist principally upon fruit and seeds, and, in order to obtain these, constantly occupy woods and forests, from whence they occasionally venture forth to seek for food in well-planted gardens and orchards. THE PASSENGER PIGEON (Ectopistes migratorius). THE PASSENGER PIGEON, OR CAROLINA TURTLE-DOVE. The CAROLINA TURTLE-DOVE, or PASSENGER PIGEON (Ectopistes migratorius), a large and well-known member of the above group, inhabiting North America, is very powerfully built, and has a long neck and small head. The medium-sized beak is slenderly formed, and the wing, in which the second quill exceeds the rest in length, long and pointed; the tail is long and graduated, the tarsus strong, but shorter than the centre toe without its claw. The plumage of the mantle is The nest is but slightly formed of a few twigs, and lined with dry root-fibres. The eggs, two in number, are snow-white. The young are fed by both parents. More than two broods are seldom produced in the year, sometimes there is only one, but this appears to depend upon the time of laying, which in some parts of the United States begins as early as March, in others not until the middle of May, and on the borders of Lake Superior still later in the year. The usual roosting-places of these birds are among long grass in deserted fields, or dried stalks of corn, amid the stubble, or among the withered foliage of trees. They will return to favourite roosting-grounds from a considerable distance; but though a whole flock often settles in one locality, they seldom roost very near to each other, and if any one approach, even in the darkest night, will at once rise and take flight. The note of the Carolina Turtle Dove is low, plaintive, and repeated at intervals; in the early spring it may be heard among the newly-budding trees of the forest, even at a considerable distance. "The Passenger Pigeon," writes Audubon, "or, as it is usually named in America, the Wild Pigeon, moves with extreme rapidity, propelling itself by quickly repeated flaps of the wings, which it brings more or less near the body, according to the degree of velocity which is required. Like the Domestic Pigeon, it often flies during the love season in a circling manner, supporting itself with both wings angularly elevated, in which position it keeps them until it is about to alight. Now and then, during these circular flights, the tips of the primary quills of each wing are made to strike against each other, producing a smart rap, which may be heard at a distance of thirty or forty yards. Before alighting, the Wild Pigeon, like the Carolina Parrot and a few other species of birds, breaks the force of its flight by repeated flappings, as if apprehensive of receiving injury from coming too suddenly in contact with the branch or spot of ground on which it intends to settle. I have commenced my description of this species with the above account of its flight because the most important facts connected with its habits relate to its migrations. These are entirely owing to the necessity of procuring food, and are not performed with a view of escaping the severity of a northern latitude, or of seeking a southern one for the purpose of breeding. They, consequently, do not take place at any fixed period or season of the year; indeed, it sometimes happens that a continuance of a sufficient supply of food in one district will keep these birds absent from another for years. I know that in Kentucky they remained for several years constantly, and were nowhere else to be found. They all suddenly disappeared, when the mast was exhausted, and did not return for a long period. "Their great power of flight enables them to survey and pass over an astonishing extent of country in a very short time. This is proved by facts well known. Thus, Pigeons have been killed in the neighbourhood of New York with their crops full of rice, which they must have collected in the fields of Georgia and Carolina, these districts being the nearest in which they could possibly have procured a supply of that kind of food. As their power of digestion is so great that they will decompose food entirely in twelve hours, they must in this case have travelled between three and four hundred miles in six hours, which shows their average rate of speed to be at about one mile in a minute. A velocity such as this would enable one of these birds, were it so inclined, to visit the European continent in less than three days. "This great power of flight is seconded by as great a power of vision, which enables them, as they travel at that swift rate, to inspect the country below, discover their food with facility, and thus attain the object for which their journey has been undertaken. This I have also proved to be the case by having observed them, when passing over a sterile district, or one scantily furnished with food suited to them, keep high in the air, flying with an extended front, so as to enable them to survey hundreds of acres at once. On the contrary, when the land is richly covered with food, or the trees abundantly hung with mast, they fly low, in order to discover the part most plentifully supplied." The innumerable hosts in which the Passenger Pigeon moves, as related by Audubon and Wilson, might seem to be almost fabulous. "On my way to Frankfort," says the latter writer, "when about one o'clock, the Pigeons which I had observed the greater part of the morning flying northerly began to return in such immense numbers as I had never before witnessed. Coming to an opening by the side of a creek called the Benson, where I had a more uninterrupted view, I was astonished at their appearance. They were flying with great steadiness and rapidity at a height beyond gunshot, in several strata deep, and so close together that could shot have reached them one discharge could not have failed of bringing down several individuals. From right to left, as far as the eye could reach, the breadth of this vast procession extended, seeming everywhere equally crowded. Curious to determine how long this appearance would continue, I took my watch out to note the time, and sat down to observe them. It was then half-past one. I sat for more than an hour, but instead of any diminution of this prodigious procession, it seemed to increase in numbers and rapidity, and, anxious to reach Frankfort before night, I rose and went on. About four o'clock in the afternoon I crossed the Kentucky River, at the town of Frankfort, at which time the living torrent above my head seemed as numerous and as extensive as ever. Long after this I observed them in large bodies, that continued to pass for six or eight minutes, and these again were followed by other detached bodies, all moving in the same direction, till after six in the evening. The great breadth of front which this mighty multitude preserved would seem to intimate a corresponding breadth of their breeding-place." "In the autumn of 1813," relates Audubon, "I left my house at Henderson, on the banks of the Ohio, on my way to Louisville. In passing over the Barrens, a few miles beyond Hardensburg, I observed the Pigeons flying from north-east to south-west in greater numbers than I had ever seen them before, and feeling an inclination to count the flocks that might pass within reach of my eye in one hour, I dismounted, seated myself on an eminence, and began to mark with my pencil, making a dot for every flock that passed. In a short time, finding the task that I had undertaken impracticable, as the birds poured on in countless multitudes, I rose, and counting the dots that had been put down, found that one hundred and sixty-three had been made in twenty-one minutes. I travelled on, and still met more the farther I proceeded. The air was literally filled with Pigeons; the light of noon-day was obscured as by an eclipse; the dung fell in spots, not unlike melting flakes of snow, and the continued buzz of wings had a tendency to lull my senses to repose. "While waiting for dinner at Young's Inn, at the confluence of Salt River with the Ohio, I saw at my leisure immense legions still going by, with a front reaching far beyond the Ohio on the west, and the beech-wood forests directly on the east of me. Not a single bird alighted; for not a nut or acorn was that year to be seen in the neighbourhood. They consequently flew so high that different trials to reach them with a rifle proved ineffectual, nor did the reports disturb them in the least. I cannot describe to you the extreme beauty of their aËrial evolutions. When a Hawk chanced to press upon the rear of a flock, at once, like a torrent, and with a noise like thunder, they rushed into a compact mass, pressing upon each other towards the centre. In these almost solid masses they darted forward in undulating and angular lines, descended and swept close over the earth with inconceivable velocity, mounted perpendicularly, so as to resemble a vast column, and when high in the air were seen wheeling and twisting within their continued lines, which then resembled the coils of a gigantic serpent. "Before sunset I reached Louisville, distant from Hardensburg fifty-five miles. The Pigeons were still passing in undiminished numbers, and continued to do so for three days in succession. The people were all in arms. The banks of the Ohio were crowded with men and boys, incessantly shooting at the pilgrims, which there flew lower as they passed the river. Multitudes were thus destroyed. For a week or more the population fed on no other flesh but Pigeons', and talked of nothing but Pigeons. "It is extremely interesting to see flock after flock performing exactly the same evolutions which had been traced as it were in the air by a preceding flock. Thus, should a Hawk have charged on a group at a certain spot, the angles, curves, and undulations that have been described by the birds in their efforts to escape from the dreaded talons of the plunderer are undeviatingly followed by the next group that comes up. Should the bystander happen to witness one of these affrays, and, struck with the rapidity and elegance of the motions exhibited, feel desirous of seeing them repeated, his wishes will be gratified if he only remain in the place until the next group comes up. "Perhaps it may not be amiss to make an estimate of the number of Pigeons contained in such a host, and of the amount of food consumed by them. Granting the procession to be a mile broad, which is certainly no exaggeration, and that at a given speed it travels for three hours, we obtain a parallelogram of eighteen square miles, English measure; this, reckoning only two pigeons to the square yard, would give 1,000,115,736,000 individuals in such a flight; and if each Pigeon required daily half a pint of food, the whole multitude would consume 8,712,000 bushels daily. Wilson makes a similar calculation, and arrives at the conclusion that one swarm contains more than 2,000,000,000,000 Pigeons, and requires daily 17,424,000 bushels of corn. "As soon as the Pigeons discover a sufficiency of food to entice them to alight, they fly round in circles, reviewing the country below. During their evolutions on such occasions, the dense mass which they form exhibits a beautiful appearance as it changes its direction, now displaying a glistening sheet of azure, when the backs of the birds come simultaneously into view, and anon suddenly presenting a mass of rich deep purple. They then pass lower over the woods, and for a moment are lost among the foliage, but again emerge and are seen gliding aloft. They now alight, but the next moment, as if suddenly alarmed, take flight, producing by the flapping of their wings a noise like the roar of distant thunder, and sweep through the forests to see if danger is near. Hunger, however, soon brings them to the ground. When alighted, they are seen industriously throwing up the dead leaves in quest of the fallen mast. The rear ranks are continually rising, passing over the main body, and alighting in front in such rapid succession that the whole flock seems still on the wing. The quantity of ground thus swept is astonishing, and so completely has it been cleared that the gleaner who might follow in their rear would find his labour completely lost. "On such occasions, when the woods are filled with these Pigeons, they are killed in immense numbers, although no apparent diminution ensues. About the middle of the day, after their repast is finished, they settle on the trees to enjoy rest and digest their food. On the ground they walk with ease, as well as on the branches, frequently jerking their beautiful tail, and moving the neck backwards and forwards in the most graceful manner. As the sun begins to sink beneath the horizon, they depart en masse for the roosting-place, which not unfrequently is hundreds of miles distant, as has been ascertained by persons who have kept an account of their arrival and departure. "Let us now, kind reader," continues Audubon, "inspect their place of nightly rendezvous. One of these curious places, on the banks of the Green River, in Kentucky, I repeatedly visited. It was, as is always the case, in a portion of the forest where the trees were of great magnitude, and where there is little underwood. I rode through it upwards of forty miles, and, crossing it in different parts, found its average breadth to be more than three miles. My first view of it was about a fortnight subsequent to the period when they had made choice of it, and I arrived there nearly two hours before sunset. Few Pigeons were then to be seen, but a great number of persons, with horses and wagons, guns and ammunition, had already established encampments on the borders. Two farmers from the vicinity of Russelsville, distant more than a hundred miles, had driven upwards of three hundred hogs to be fattened on the Pigeons which were to be slaughtered. Here and there the people employed in plucking and salting what had already been procured were seen sitting in the midst of large piles of these birds. The dung lay several inches deep, covering the whole extent of the roosting-place. Many trees, two feet in diameter, I observed were broken off at a great distance from the ground, and the branches of many of the largest and tallest had given way, as if the forest had been swept by a tornado. Everything proved to me that the number of birds resorting to this part of the forest must be immense, beyond conception. As the period of their arrival approached, their foes anxiously prepared to receive them. Some were furnished with iron pots, containing sulphur, others with torches of pine-knots, many with poles, and the rest with guns. The sun was lost to our view, yet not a Pigeon had arrived. Everything was ready, and all eyes were gazing on the clear sky which appeared in glimpses amidst the tall trees. Suddenly there burst forth a general cry of 'Here they come!' The noise which they made, though yet distant, reminded me of a hard gale at sea, passing through the rigging of a close-reefed vessel. As the birds arrived and passed over me, I felt a current of air that surprised me. Thousands were knocked down by the pole-men. The birds continued to pour in. The fires were lighted, and a magnificent, as well as wonderful and almost terrifying sight presented itself. The Pigeons, arriving by thousands, alighted everywhere one above the other, until solid masses were formed on the branches all round. Here and there the perches gave way under the weight with a crash, and, falling to the ground, destroyed hundreds of birds beneath, forcing down the dense groups with which every stick was loaded. It was a scene of uproar and confusion. I found it quite useless to speak, or even to shout to those persons who were nearest to me. Even the reports of the guns were seldom heard, and I was made aware of the firing only by seeing the shooters re-loading. No one dared to venture within the line of devastation. The hogs had been penned up in due time, the picking up of the dead and wounded being left for the next morning's employment. The Pigeons were constantly coming, and it was past midnight before I perceived a decrease in the number of those that arrived. The uproar continued the whole night, and, as I was anxious to know to what distance the sound reached, I sent off a man accustomed to perambulate the forest, who, returning two hours afterwards, informed me he had heard it distinctly when three miles distant from the spot. Towards the approach of day the noise in some "It was then that the authors of this devastation began their entry among the dead, the dying, and the mangled. The Pigeons were picked up and piled in heaps, until each had as many as he could possibly dispose of, when the hogs were let loose to feed on the remainder." Precisely the same slaughter takes place in the nesting-places of the Passenger Pigeon, and Audubon goes on to describe these localities in the following manner:— "The breeding of the Wild Pigeons, and the places chosen for that purpose, are points of great interest. The time is not much influenced by season, and the place selected is where food is most plentiful and most attainable, and always at a convenient distance from water. Forest trees of great height are those in which the Pigeons form their nests. Thither the countless myriads resort, and prepare to fulfil one of the great laws of nature. At this period the note of the Pigeon is a soft 'coo-coo-coo-coo,' much shorter than that of the domestic species. The common notes resemble the monosyllables 'kee-kee-kee-kee,' the first being the loudest, the others gradually diminishing in power. The male assumes a pompous demeanour, and follows the female, whether on the ground or on the branches, with spread tail and drooping wings. The body is elevated, the throat swells, the eyes sparkle. He continues his note, and now and then rises on the wing, and then flies a few yards to approach the fugitive and timorous female. Like the Domestic Pigeon and other species, they caress each other by billing, in which action the bill of one is introduced transversely into that of the other, and both parties alternately disgorge the contents of their crops by repeated efforts. These preliminary affairs are soon settled, and the Pigeons commence their nests in peace and harmony. They are composed of a few dry twigs, crossing each other, and are supported by forks of the branches. On the same tree from fifty to one hundred nests may frequently be seen; I might say a greater number, were I not anxious that, however wonderful my account of the Wild Pigeon is, you may not feel disposed to refer it to the marvellous. The eggs are two in number, of a broadly elliptical form, and pure white. During incubation the male supplies the female with food. Indeed, the tenderness and affection displayed by these birds towards their mates, are in the highest degree striking. It is a remarkable fact that each brood generally consists of a male and a female. The young are fed by the parents in the manner described above; in other words, the old bird introduces its bill into the mouth of the young one in a transverse manner, or with the back of each mandible opposite the separations of the mandibles of the young bird, and disgorges the contents of its crop. As soon as the young birds are able to shift for themselves they leave their parents, and continue separate until they attain maturity; by the end of six months they are capable of reproducing their species. "Here, again, the tyrant of creation, man, interferes, disturbing the harmony of this peaceful scene. As the young birds grow up, their enemies, armed with axes, reach the spot, to seize and destroy all they can. The trees are felled and made to fall in such a way that the cutting of one causes the overthrow of another, or shakes the neighbouring trees so much that the young Pigeons or Squabs, as they are named, are violently hurled to the ground. In this manner also immense quantities are destroyed." Wilson thus describes the breeding-places in detail:—"When the Passenger Pigeons have frequented one of these places for some time, the appearance it exhibits is surprising. The ground is covered to the depth of several inches with their dung; all the tender grass and underwood destroyed; "Not far from Shelbyville, in the State of Kentucky, there was one of these breeding-places, which stretching through the woods in nearly a north and south direction, was several miles in breadth, and was said to be upwards of forty miles in extent. In this tract almost every tree was furnished with nests, wherever the branches could accommodate them. The Pigeons made their first appearance there about the tenth of April, and left it altogether with their young before the twenty-fifth of May. As soon as the young were fully grown, and before they left the nests, numerous parties of the inhabitants from all parts of the adjacent country came with wagons, axes, beds, and cooking utensils, many of them accompanied by the greater part of their families, and encamped for several days at this immense nursery. Several of them informed me that the noise in the woods was so great as to terrify their horses, and that it was difficult for one person to make another hear without bawling in his ear. The ground was strewed with broken limbs of trees, eggs, and young Squab Pigeons, which had been precipitated from above, and on which herds of hogs were fattening. Hawks, Buzzards, and Eagles were sailing about in great numbers, and seizing the Squabs from their nests at pleasure; while, from twenty feet upwards to the tops of the trees, the view through the woods presented a perpetual tumult of fluttering and crowding Pigeons, their wings roaring like thunder, mingled with the frequent crash of falling timber, for now the axe-men were at work, cutting down those trees that seemed to be most crowded with nests." Persons unacquainted with these birds might naturally conclude that such dreadful havoc might soon put an end to the species, "but I have satisfied myself," remarks Audubon, "by long observation, that nothing but the gradual diminution of our forests can accomplish their decrease." In 1805 there came into New York schooners laden in bulk with Pigeons caught up the Hudson River, which were sold for a cent apiece. A man in Pennsylvania caught in a clap-net in one day, upwards of five hundred dozens, sweeping sometimes twenty dozen or more at a single haul; and in the month of March, 1830, they were so abundant in the markets of New York that piles of them met the eye in every direction. The TURTLE DOVES (Turtures) constitute a very numerous section, whose members are all recognisable by their slender body, small head, long wings and tail, and the comparative length of their feet, which enables them to walk over the surface of the ground. The plumage is usually of a reddish hue, and in most species adorned by a broad line around the throat. This band is either black or spotted black and white. The various members of this group inhabit almost every portion of the globe, Asia and Africa being particularly rich in species. In their habits they resemble other Pigeons, but are readily distinguished from them by the peculiarities of their flight and cry. The Turtle Doves are of a social disposition, and frequently assemble in large flocks, which fly over large tracts of the surrounding country, after the manner of the Passenger Pigeons of North America, described above. Brushwood or groves of low trees are the situations which they principally frequent, though many species also occupy the moist depths of primeval forests, and evidently prefer such localities as are in the immediate vicinity of water. The carelessly-constructed nest is usually placed in low brushwood, at but a little distance from the ground. THE TURTLE DOVE. The TURTLE DOVE (Turtur auritus) possesses a slender body, straight beak, slightly compressed at the tips of both mandibles, long, weak-toed feet, long wings, in which the second and third quills exceed the rest in length, and a very decidedly rounded, long tail. The feathers on the back are brownish grey, edged with brown and spotted with black and grey in the centre; the top of the head and nape are light greyish blue, the sides of the throat adorned with four black streaks, bordered with silvery white; the throat, region of the crop, and upper breast are deep red, the rest of the under side is purplish grey, shading gradually into greyish white; the primary quills are blackish grey, the secondaries greyish blue, the shoulder-feathers of a blackish hue, broadly edged with rust-red. The eye is brownish yellow, the eye-ring blueish red, the beak black, and the foot carmine-red. This species is eleven inches long and nineteen and a half broad; the wing measures six and a half and the tail five inches. The Turtle Dove is spread over the whole continent of Europe, even very far northward, but is not found within the Arctic Circle. In the autumn it visits the shores of the Mediterranean, going still farther southward as the season advances. It feeds on grain and vegetables, frequenting fields of corn and peas. The note is a soft and mournful "coo," often uttered when the bird is on the ground. The Turtle Dove is merely a summer visitor to the British Islands, arriving in April or May. It is more numerous in the southern and midland than in the northern counties, but it has been seen both in Scotland and Ireland. It frequents woods and fir plantations, and also thick hedges of ploughed fields. The nest of this species is placed in the forked branch of an oak, in a fir-tree, or near the top of a tall thick bush. Both parents sit by turns, the male sometimes feeding his mate, and both combining to procure food for their young. In England, only one brood is produced during the year. In the autumn, the Turtle Doves fly in parties of ten or twelve, departing at the close of the fine season to winter in Africa. Jerdon tells us that among the Indian species the Ashy Turtle Dove most resembles that of Great Britain. The INDIAN RING-DOVES (Streptopelcia) have a shorter and less abruptly rounded tail than that possessed by the members of the above group; the line around the neck completely encircles it, and the general coloration of the plumage is of a lighter shade. They are all remarkably beautiful birds. THE INDIAN RING-DOVE. The INDIAN RING-DOVE (Streptopelcia risoria) has a somewhat shorter and less decidedly rounded tail than the Turtle Dove. The plumage of this species is principally of creamy yellow, darkest on the back, and with the head, throat, and belly of a light shade; the neck is decorated with a black collar; the quills are of a blackish hue; the eye is light red, the beak black, and the foot carmine-red. The length of this bird is twelve and its breadth twenty inches; the wing measures six inches and a half, and the tail five inches. The western part of India, Ceylon, Yemen, Arabia, and a great portion of Eastern Africa form the habitat of the Indian Ring-dove. Reichenbach, it is true, discredits the statement of Le Vaillant and other writers who have described this bird as being met with in Africa, and supposes that they mistake for it a nearly-allied species: we can, however, positively assert, on our own experience, that this Ring-dove has been observed not only near Aden, but in Africa, namely, in Samchara and the forests near the Blue River, and that in extraordinary numbers. We are certain we are not mistaken as to the identity of the species, as we killed and closely examined many African specimens in their native haunts, and found them in every respect like such as inhabit Asia. TURTLE DOVES. This species is generally diffused throughout India, where it frequents hedges and trees in the neighbourhood of cultivated districts, and also low bush or reed jungle; it is also found in Ceylon, but is rare in Malabar and the countries east of the Bay of Bengal. Layard notices its partiality for euphorbia bushes, on which, he says, it generally builds its nest. Like the other Doves, it breeds in the plains at all seasons, it also appears to ascend the hills near Mussoora to breed there in spring. The "coo," says Blyth, is quite different from that of the domestic Turtle Dove, and may be expressed by "kookoo-koo, kookoo-koo." DWARF PIGEON (Chalcopeleia Afra). THE DWARF PIGEON. The DWARF PIGEON (Chalcopeleia Afra), a small and delicate species found in Africa, represents a group recognisable by their short, rounded tail, high tarsi, and the very remarkable metallic coloration of the upper secondary quills. In this bird the sombre olive-brown mantle is relieved by a yellowish sheen; the top of the head is grey; the brow and throat are whitish; the under side is reddish grey, with belly of a very pale tint, and black rump. The quills are blackish brown, with cinnamon-red roots and inner web; the metallic patches on the plumage gleam with deep blueish black; the centre tail-feathers are olive-brown, and those at the exterior black. The eye is red, the beak blackish, and the foot yellowish red. This species is seven inches and a quarter long. The wing measures four and the tail three inches. The Dwarf Pigeon inhabits the southern and eastern parts of Africa, rarely appearing, according to our own observations, farther north than sixteen degrees north latitude. Amongst the forests in the The GROUND PIGEONS pass their entire lives upon the ground, and are remarkable for the length of their legs. These birds have short or moderate-sized wings, and powerful, high tarsi. The tail is variously formed, being sometimes short, quite straight, slightly rounded, or much prolonged, and wedge-shaped. The members of this group are met with in all parts of the globe except the continent of Europe. The AMERICAN GROUND PIGEONS (ZenaidÆ), as Bonaparte has named such of these birds as inhabit America, have a powerful body, short wings, and long, well-developed legs. The various species comprised in this group are met with in all parts of that continent, but are especially numerous in the south. In their general habits they seem to occupy a position intermediate between Pigeons and Rasoreal Birds, and some of them strikingly resemble certain Partridges. The SINGING DOVES (Melopeleia) have comparatively long wings, a moderate-sized tail, and plumage much resembling that of the Turtle Dove. The region of the eye is bare. Of these the best known is THE KUKULI. The KUKULI (Melopeleia meloda) is a species inhabiting South America. This bird has reddish brown plumage, shaded with yellow. The crown of the head is deep brown; the under breast and belly are of greyish hue; the wings dark brown, bordered with greyish white; the tail-feathers blackish grey tipped with white. Under the ear is an oval black spot, and the sides of the neck are decorated with patches of metallic brilliancy. The eye is blackish blue; the eye-ring, or, rather, broad, bare cheek-stripe, is deep blue; the beak black, and the foot red. This species is twelve inches long. The wing measures six inches and three-quarters. We are without any detailed account of the life of this Pigeon, but are indebted to Tschudi for a short communication respecting it in his "Travels in Peru." "The Kukuli," he writes, "one of the largest species of Pigeon, is a great favourite in this country, and much kept in cages. Its song, which is monotonous, but very melodious, is continued up from the earliest hours of the morning till mid-day, and is re-commenced at sunset. The song consists merely of a threefold repetition of the syllables 'cu-cu-li.' Some of these birds repeat 'cu-cu-li' more than thrice, and their price increases according to the number of their uninterrupted repetitions, which seldom exceed five or six. In Coackacra, however, I heard one of these birds that repeated its 'cu-cu-li' fourteen times, and the owner would not sell his favourite for a less price than fourteen ounces of gold." The SPARROW PIGEONS (PyrgitÆnas), the smallest members of the entire order, are strongly-built birds, with a short neck and small head. Their wings, in which the second quill is the longest, are of medium length; the tail, composed of twelve feathers, is comparatively short, and rounded at its tip; the short beak is straight and delicate, the foot small, and the tarsus bare. THE SPARROW PIGEON, OR GROUND DOVE. The SPARROW PIGEON, or GROUND DOVE, as it is called in North America (PyrgitÆnas passerina, or Columba passerina), is principally of a greyish brown, with dark grey crown of head and nape. The rump is dull brownish grey, and the breast whitish; the feathers on the breast and fore part of the throat are edged with deep brown; the quills are dark brown, with brownish red inner web; the tail-feathers black, those at the exterior bordered with white on the outer web; the feathers on the wing-covers are enlivened by round spots of metallic lustre. The eye is bright orange, the beak pale red, deepest in shade at its tip; the foot is reddish brown. The Ground Dove is six inches and a half long, and ten inches and a quarter broad. The wing measures three inches and a quarter, the tail two inches and a third. This species, which is the smallest, most delicate, and inoffensive of all Doves, is a native of the West Indian Islands and the Southern States of North America. In the northern parts of that continent it visits the country near the coast only during the course of its migrations. In Jamaica, on the contrary, it remains throughout the entire year, living in small parties of from four to twenty birds, and frequenting grassy plains or pasture land. "The flight of the Ground Dove," says Audubon, "is low, easy, and accompanied by a whistling sound, produced by the action of the wings when the bird is surprised and forced to fly; but it seldom flies more than one hundred yards at a time, and, indeed, is extremely attached to the spot it has selected for the season. You may drive it to the opposite end of a field, and yet in a few hours after it may be found in the place whence you raised it. Although it alights on trees or low bushes, on the branches of which it walks with ease, the ground is its usual resort. There it runs with facility, keeping its tail considerably elevated, as if to prevent it from being soiled. It is also fond of alighting on fences, where it is easily observed, and where it may be heard cooing for half an hour at a time. These Pigeons are met with in groups of four or five, and it is seldom that more than a dozen are seen together. They prefer the thinly-grained, sandy portions of cotton-fields, pea-patches, and such places. In East Florida they are seen in the villages, and resort to the orange-groves about them, where they frequently breed." "I have found them," continues our author, "in the famous Spanish fort of St. Augustine, where I have been surprised to see them rise almost perpendicularly to reach above the parapets, by which they insured their escape. They are easily caught in traps, and in that place are sold for six and a quarter cents each. They readily become domesticated, and, indeed, so very gentle are they that I have seen a pair that have been caught at the time when their young ones were quite small, and placed in an aviary, at once cover their little ones, and continue to nourish them until full grown. They afterwards reared a second brood, and showed great spirit in keeping the Jays and Starlings away from their charge. The Ground Doves were fed on rice and other grain." The nest of this species is large and compact, the exterior formed of dry twigs, with a lining of grass disposed in a circular form. The eggs, deposited in April, are two in number, and of a pure white; usually two, sometimes three broods, are reared in the season. The male struts before the female after the manner of the Barbary Ringed Dove. "I met with some of these birds," says Audubon, "on Sandy Island, six miles from Cape Sable. They were so gentle that I approached them within less than two yards. Their nest was placed on The SPARROW-HAWK PIGEONS (Geopeleia) are small, graceful birds, remarkable for their slenderness of form and length of tail. Their wings are short and rounded, the tail graduated, and the plumage striped. THE STRIPED SPARROW-HAWK PIGEON. The STRIPED SPARROW-HAWK PIGEON (Geopeleia striata) has light brown plumage; all the feathers on the mantle and under side being striped with black; the brow and throat are dark grey, the belly and rump whitish; the quills and feathers of the centre part of the tail-covers of a metallic brown, delicately sprinkled with black towards their roots, and pure white at their extremities. The eye is light brown, the beak pale, and the foot dark yellow. This species is nine inches long, its wing measures three inches and three-quarters. THE KUKULI (Melopeleia meloda). The Sunda and Molucca Islands must be regarded as the native land of this Pigeon, which is, however, numerously met with not only in the neighbouring countries, but in Europe. In Java it is very highly esteemed as a domestic favourite, its voice being supposed to act as a charm against witchcraft. Many writers speak of this bird as peculiarly interesting when in captivity, but, although it possesses a sweet pleasing voice, we have been unable to discover anything attractive in its habits. Such caged birds as we have observed were extremely quiet, remaining almost motionless throughout the day, and only coming down from their perch to eat or drink. Plate 26, Cassell's Book of Birds KAMPHASTOS ERYTHRORHYNCHUS ____ TOUCAN (over one third Nat. size) THE SPECKLED OR WEDGE-TAILED TURTLE DOVE. The SPECKLED or WEDGE-TAILED TURTLE DOVE (Stictopeleia cuneata) belongs to a group of birds inhabiting the continent of New Holland, distinguishable from the Pigeons above described by their superior length of tail, in which the five outer pairs of feathers are progressively shortened, and by their spotted plumage. The head, throat, and breast are grey; the back and shoulders cinnamon-brown; the feathers on the wing-covers deep grey, and those on the shoulders decorated with two white spots, surrounded by a black line; the belly and feathers on the lower wing-covers are white; the quills brown, with a reddish inner web; the four centre tail-feathers are grey, with black extremities; the rest greenish black at the root and pure white at the tip. The eye is bright red, the bare circle round the eye pale scarlet or greenish yellow; the beak deep olive-brown, and the foot reddish brown, or yellowish. The female is smaller than her mate, and of a more decided brown on the head, throat, and back; the spots on her wing are also fewer, and less clearly defined. The length of this bird is seven inches and three-quarters, the wing measures three inches and a half, and the tail four inches and one-third. THE STRIPED SPARROW-HAWK PIGEON (Geopeleia striata). "All that we read or imagine of the softness and innocence of the Dove," says Captain Sturt, "is realised in this beautiful and delicate little bird. It is common on the Murray, and in various parts of the interior of Australia. Two remained with us at the depÔt in latitude 39° 40´, longitude 142°, during a greater part of the winter, and on one occasion roosted on my tent-ropes, "The Little Turtle Dove," says Gould, "is more frequently observed on the ground than among the trees. I sometimes met with it in small flocks, but more often in pairs. It runs over the ground with a short bobbing motion of the tail, and while feeding is so remarkably tame as almost to admit of its being taken by the hand; if forced to take wing it merely flies to the nearest tree, and there remains motionless among the branches. I not unfrequently observed it close to the open doors of the huts of the stock-keepers of the interior." The nest is a frail and beautiful structure, formed of the stalks of a few flowering grasses, crossed and interwoven. "One sent me from Western Australia is composed," says Gilbert, "of a small species of knotted everlasting plant (Composita), and was placed on the overhanging grasses of the XanthorrhÆa. During my first visit to this part of the country, only two situations were known as places of resort to this species, and I did not meet with more than four or five couples; since that period it has become exceedingly abundant, and now a pair or two may occasionally be seen about most of the settlers' houses on the Avon, becoming apparently very tame, and familiarised to man. This bird utters a rather singular note, which at times somewhat resembles the distant crowing of a cock. The term Men-na-brun-ka is applied to it by natives, from a traditionary idea that the bird originally introduced the men-na, a kind of gum which exudes from a species of acacia, and which is one of the favourite articles of food among the natives." The RUNNING PIGEONS (Geotrygones) are heavy, and powerfully framed, with rounded wings, the first primary quill of which is often much shortened; high, thick tarsi, and short toes. All the species belonging to this group occupy Southern and Central America. THE PARTRIDGE DOVE. The PARTRIDGE DOVE (StarnÆnas cyanocephala), the most remarkable of these birds, has a thick-set body, short wings, the slender, sabre-formed quills of which are pointed at the extremity, the third and fourth being longer than the rest, and a moderately long and rounded tail; the high, broad, and very strong beak is vaulted at its culmen; the feet are long, with thick tarsi and short fleshy toes, armed with large and very decidedly hooked claws. The plumage is dense, and the cheek-stripes bare, overspread with small, oval warts. A beautiful chocolate-brown predominates in the coloration of the feathers, shading into reddish brown on the mantle, and into rich deep red upon the breast. The crown of the head and a few scale-like feathers on the throat are slate-blue; the face, nape, and throat, black; the cheek-stripes, and a line on the lower part of the throat, pure white; the wings dark brown, edged with reddish brown, and shaded with deep grey on the lower side; the centre tail-feathers are chocolate-brown, and those at the sides blackish brown. The eye is dark brown; the beak bright coral-red at the base and greyish blue at the tip; the foot is pale reddish white, with horny plates of deep carmine-red; the toes are deep blueish red, and the skin between them sky-blue. This species is twelve inches long and seventeen broad; the wing and tail each measure five inches. The island of Cuba must be considered as the native country of these splendid birds, from whence they spread northwards to Florida, southwards to Venezuela. They appear, according to Burmeister, to approach the upper tracts of land near the river Amazon, but do not come farther southwards. It is questionable if they are found in Jamaica. Gosse says, "The Spanish Partridge Dove (Cyanocephala) is not considered as indigenous in Jamaica, though it is frequently imported thither from Cuba." Audubon met with several of them in Florida, and states that "A few of these Grundlach tells us that the nest of the Partridge Dove is built of twigs and placed amongst the parasitical plants that entwine themselves around the branches of their favourite forest trees. We are without any reliable information concerning the manner of incubation or the appearance of the eggs. The BRONZE-WINGED PIGEONS (Phapes) also pass a considerable portion of their lives upon the ground, but, unlike the preceding, are furnished with short tarsi and long toes. All are of comparatively large size, and most species powerfully framed, though in some instances their length of tail gives them a somewhat slender appearance. The beak is strong, the wings generally long and pointed, and the tail composed of from fourteen to sixteen feathers of various sizes. The variegated plumage is enlivened by a strong metallic brilliancy. The members of this beautiful group inhabit Oceania. THE CRESTED BRONZE-WING. The CRESTED BRONZE-WING (Ocyphaps lophotes), the most striking member of the family, has a slender body, moderately long, pointed wing, and long, graduated tail, formed of fourteen feathers, and wedge-shaped at its extremity. The short beak is hooked at the tip, and the low foot has its centre toe almost as long as the tarsus; the back of the head is decorated with a long, pointed plume. The head, face, breast, and under side are grey; the crest is black, the mantle light olive-brown, shading into red on the sides of the head; the large feathers on the wing-covers are of a glossy, metallic bronze-green, edged with white; the quills brown, narrowly bordered with brownish white, and partially tipped with white; the centre tail-feathers are light brown, the rest of a deeper shade, with a greenish sheen on the outer web and white tips. The eye is orange-red, the bare skin around the eye red, the beak deep olive, with a brown base and black tip, the foot red. The length is thirteen inches and a half, and that of the wing and tail six inches each. "The chasteness of its colouring," says Mr. Gould, "the extreme elegance of its form, and the graceful crest which flows from its occiput all tend to render this Pigeon one of the most lovely members of its family, and it is therefore to be regretted that owing to its being exclusively an inhabitant of the interior of Australia it can never become an object of general observation. As might be supposed, this bird has attracted the notice of all travellers who have crossed the Blue Mountains." Captain Sturt mentions it as being numerous on the plains of Wellington Valley and in the neighbourhood of the Morumbidgee. "The locality nearest the coast-line that I know it to inhabit is the country near the bend of the river Murray, in South Australia, where it is tolerably abundant. It is numerous on the banks of the Namoi, and is occasionally seen on the Liverpool Plains. It frequently assembles in very large flocks, and when it visits the lagoons or river-sides for water, during the dry seasons, generally selects a single tree, or even a particular branch, on which to congregate before descending simultaneously with its companions to drink." "Its flight is so rapid as to be unequalled by that of any member of the group to which it belongs. An impetus being given by a few quick flaps of the wing, it goes skimming off, apparently The nest of this species is built on low trees or bushes, and is very slightly formed of a few twigs. The eggs are white and two in number. According to Captain Sturt, this bird has a particular partiality for the Polygonum geranium, never ascends to higher land if near extensive marshes covered with this plant, and is always found in river-valleys where it grows. THE CRESTED BRONZE-WING (Ocyphaps lophotes). The TRUE BRONZE-WINGS (Phaps) are stoutly-framed birds, with long wings and short tails; their beak almost equals the head in length; the powerful tarsus is shorter than the middle toe, and the second and third quills in the pinions are longer than the rest. THE COMMON BRONZE-WING. The COMMON BRONZE-WING (Phaps chalcoptera) is brown on the mantle, deep brown at the back of the head, and a rich deep red on the under side, shading into grey on the belly; the brow and a line under the eyes and on the throat are yellowish white; the sides of the throat are grey; the feathers on the wing-covers adorned with oval copper-bronze patches, and two or three of the secondary quills with glossy green spots; the centre tail-feathers are brown, the rest deep grey. The eye is dark reddish brown, the beak blackish grey, and the foot carmine-red. The female is without the light streak upon her brow; her plumage is also greyer, and has fewer bright metallic spots than that of her mate. The Bronze-winged Pigeon is very generally distributed in all parts of Australia; in some it would seem to be stationary, while in others it is said to be migratory. THE BRONZE-WINGED PIGEON (Phaps chalcoptera). "It is," says Mr. Gould, "a plump, heavy bird, weighing when in good condition fully a pound, and is constantly eaten by every class of persons resident in Australia. Its amazing powers of flight enable it to pass in an incredibly short space of time over a great expanse of country, and just before sunset it may be observed swiftly winging its way over the plains or down the gullies to its drinking-place. During the long drought of 1839-40, when I was encamped at the northern extremity of the Brezi range, I had daily opportunities of observing the arrival of this bird to drink, the only water for miles, as I was assured by the natives, being in the immediate vicinity of my tent, and that merely the scanty supply left in a few small natural basins in the rocks, which had been filled by the rains of many months before. This peculiar situation afforded me an excellent opportunity of observing not only the Bronze-wing, but many other birds inhabiting the neighbourhood. Few if any of the true insectivorous or fissirostral birds came to the water-holes, but on the other hand those species that live upon grain and seeds, particularly the Parrakeets and Honey-eaters (Trichoglossi and Meliphagi), were continually rushing down to the edges of the pools, utterly regardless of my presence, their thirst entirely overcoming their sense of danger. Seldom if ever, however, did the Bronze-wing make its appearance during the heat of the day, but at sundown it arrived with arrow-like swiftness, either singly or in pairs. It did not descend at once to the edge of the pool, but dashed down to the ground at about ten yards distance, remained quiet for a short time, then walked leisurely to the water, and after drinking, winged its way to its roosting-place. With a knowledge, therefore, of the habits of this bird, the weary traveller may always know when he is in the vicinity of water; and however arid the appearance of the country may be, if he observes the Bronze-wing wending its way It is supposed that a partial exodus of these birds takes place from time to time, which Gould thinks very probable. After the termination of the breeding season, both young and old resort to the stubble-fields, and from twenty to thirty brace may be daily killed. This species feeds entirely on the ground, upon a variety of leguminous seeds. It breeds in August and the four succeeding months, and often rears two or more broods. The nest is usually placed on the horizontal branch of an apple or gum tree near the ground, especially on those growing in flat meadow-land in the neighbourhood of water. The nest, which is very frail, is made of small twigs, and of rather hollow form. The two eggs are white, an inch and three-eighths in length, and an inch in breadth. The QUAIL PIGEONS (Geophaps) differ from the above birds principally in the comparative shortness of their powerful beak, their small, rounded wing, high tarsus, and the bare circle that surrounds the eye. The members of this group inhabit Australia, and breed upon the ground. THE PARTRIDGE BRONZE-WING. The PARTRIDGE BRONZE-WING (Geophaps scripta) is light brown on the mantle and breast; the rest of the under side is grey, shading into white, except on the yellowish brown belly. The quills and feathers of the wing-covers have light edges, the outer web of many of the larger feathers gleaming with greenish purple; the throat, upper breast, a broad line from the lower mandible to the eyes, and a spot on the sides of the throat are snow-white, adorned with very peculiar black markings resembling printed letters. The eye is dark brown, the eye-ring blueish grey, the beak black, and the foot deep, rich red. The length is twelve inches; that of the tail five and a half inches. "This Pigeon," says Gould, "has more than ordinary claims to the attention both of the ornithologist and the epicure, since to the first it is of interest as being a typical example of a minor group of the ColumbÆ, whose habits and economy are very peculiar, and to the second as a most delicate viand for the table. "It is to be regretted that a bird possessing such high qualifications as an article of food should be so exclusively a denizen of the plains of the interior of Australia that it is available to few except inland travellers, for it would be of especial interest to the sportsman from its offering a closer resemblance to the GallinaceÆ than any other Pigeon. I sometimes observed it in pairs, but more frequently in small flocks of from four to six in number, which, when approached, instead of seeking safety by flight, ran off with exceeding rapidity in an opposite direction and crouched down either on the bare plain or among any scanty herbage that appeared to offer the best shelter, where they often lay until all but trodden on." When this Pigeon does rise, it flies with extreme rapidity, making a loud burring noise with the wings, and generally spinning off to another part of the plain, or to the horizontal branch of a tree, on which it immediately squats in the same line as the branch, from which it is not easily distinguished or driven off. The two eggs are placed on the bare ground without any trace of nest. The nestlings run and fly when only the size of a Quail. The food of this bird principally consists of seeds of grasses and small plants, and in some seasons insects and berries. Water seems quite an essential to its existence; and many writers inform us that it is abundant on such plains as are intersected by rivers and water-holes. Gould met with this bird on the Liverpool Plains, and as he proceeded on the Lower Namoi its The WHITE-FLESHED PIGEONS (Leucosarcia) are recognisable by their powerful, compact build; long, round beak; short, shell-shaped wings; moderate-sized, rounded tail, and very long tarsi. THE WONGA-WONGA PIGEON. The WONGA-WONGA PIGEON (Leucosarcia picata) is of a greyish hue on the mantle, and white on the brow, throat, and under side. The sides of the head are light grey; the bridles, a triangular patch and two broad lines on the upper part of the head are black; the feathers on the sides of the belly are decorated with dark, triangular, metallic spots; the anterior wing-feathers are brown, the outer tail-feathers white at the tip, and the feathers of the lower tail-covers dark brown, becoming lighter towards their tips; the eye is dark brown, the beak purplish black, and the foot of a reddish shade. The length of this species is fifteen inches; the wing measures seven inches and a half, and the tail five inches and a quarter. The Wonga-wonga Pigeon is an inhabitant of Australia, where, however, seeing its value as an article of food, it is by no means so plentiful as could be wished. "This Pigeon," says Gould, "must always be an object of interest, from its large size, and its white flesh rendering it a great delicacy for the table, in which respect it is second to no member of its family, the only one at all approximating it being the Geophaps scripta. It is to be regretted that a bird possessing so many qualifications should not be generally dispersed over the country, but such is not the case. To look for it on the plains or in any of the open hilly parts would be useless, no other districts than the brushes which stretch along the line of coast of New South Wales, or those clothing the sides of the hills of the interior, being favoured with its presence. The same kind of situations that are suited to the Brush Turkey (Tallegallus Lathami), the Menura, and the Satin Bird are equally adapted to the Wonga-wonga. Its distribution over Australia mainly depends upon whether the surface of the country be or be not clothed with that rich character of vegetation common to the south-eastern portion of the continent. As the length of its tarsi would lead one to expect, this species spends most of its time upon the ground, where it feeds upon the seeds and stones of the fallen fruits of the towering trees under whose shade it dwells, seldom exposing itself to the rays of the sun or seeking the open parts of the forest. While traversing these solitudes, the explorer is frequently startled by the sudden rising of the Wonga-wonga, the noise of whose wings is not very different from that made by the rising of a Pheasant. Its flight is not of long duration, its wings being merely employed to remove it to a sufficient distance to enable it to avoid detection by again descending to the ground or mounting to the branch of a neighbouring tree. I had frequent opportunities", continues Mr. Gould, "of personally observing it at Illawarra, on the low islands at the mouth of the river Hunter, and in the cedar brushes of the Liverpool range. During my encampment in those parts I shot them whenever an opportunity occurred, for the purpose of eating." We have no precise information respecting the nidification of this important bird. THE HACKLED GROUND PIGEON. The HACKLED GROUND PIGEON (Calloenas Nicobarica) is a powerfully-built bird, with a strong beak, furnished with a soft, conical excrescence at its base; the feet approximate the gallinaceous type, having stout tarsi and short toes; the long wings when closed extend almost to the tip of the rounded THE HACKLED GROUND PIGEON (Calloenas Nicobarica). This beautiful bird, according to Jerdon, is met with on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Merqui Archipelago, the Philippines, and Malaya generally, usually preferring to settle upon the small, unoccupied islands. Though, like its congeners, it possesses considerable powers of flight, it seeks the grain and insects that afford it the means of subsistence almost exclusively on the ground, upon which it passes the entire day, only leaving its surface to seek a perch whereon to sleep. We are without particulars respecting the incubation of this Pigeon, except that, like the Partridge, it builds its nest upon the ground. The CROWNED PIGEONS (GourÆ), as the largest members of the family of Pigeons are called, inhabit New Guinea and the neighbouring islands. These birds exceed the Domestic Fowl in size, and are remarkable for a fan-like crest with which the head is adorned. Their body is stout; their wings, in which the secondary quills exceed the primaries in length, are long and much rounded at the tip; the beak is about half as long as the head, the foot furnished with long tarsi and short toes, and the slaty-blue plumage very soft in texture. THE CROWNED PIGEON. The CROWNED PIGEON (Goura coronata) is principally of a slate-blue colour, with chestnut-red shoulders and white stripes on the centre of the wing; the tail-feathers terminate in a white stripe. The eye is yellowish scarlet, the back dull grey, and the foot red, powdered with white. The length of this bird is twenty-eight inches; the wing measures fourteen and a half and the tail ten inches. THE VICTORIA CROWNED PIGEON (Goura VictoriÆ). These birds, we learn from Wallace, inhabit the coast of New Guinea in large numbers, as also the Islands of Waigiu, Salawati, and Misool. In their habits they resemble Pheasants, living upon the ground, and wandering about the woods in small parties in search of fallen fruit. If alarmed, they at once take refuge upon the low branch of a tree, and in this situation they also sleep. The nest found by Rosenberg was very loosely constructed, and contained but one fledgling. Large numbers of these birds are exported alive to Java, Amboyna, and Banda, and from thence to Europe; from this practice has arisen the idea that the species is indigenous to those islands. When in confinement the Crowned Pigeons soon become tame, and learn to attach themselves to those who feed them. In "Their walk," says the Rev. J. G. Wood, "is quite of a royal character—stately, majestic, and well according with the crown they wear upon their heads. The crest seems always to be held expanded. They have the habit of sunning themselves upon the hot pavement of their prison by lying on one side, laying the head flat on the ground, tucking the lower wing under, and spreading the other over their bodies, so as to form a very shallow tent, each quill-feather being separated from its neighbour and radiating around the body. Sometimes the bird varies this attitude by stretching the other wing to its full length, and holding it from the body at an angle of twenty degrees or so, as if to take advantage of every sunbeam and waft of air. While lying in this unique attitude it might easily pass at a distance for a moss-covered stone, a heap of withered leaves, or a rugged tree-stump, with one broken branch projecting from its side; no one would think of taking it for a bird." THE VICTORIA CROWNED PIGEON. The VICTORIA CROWNED PIGEON (Goura VictoriÆ), the second member of this group with which we are acquainted, is also principally of a slaty blue colour, but has a reddish brown under side; the wing-stripes are blueish grey, and a broad line at the end of the tail whitish grey. In this bird the feathers that form the crest terminate in small fan-like appendages. The eye is reddish, and the foot flesh-pink. This Pigeon is somewhat larger than the species last described. It inhabits the most southern parts of North Guinea, and is nowhere very numerous. THE DIDUNCULUS, OR TOOTHED PIGEON. The DIDUNCULUS, or TOOTHED PIGEON (Didunculus strigirostris), is an extraordinary bird, representing a family of Pigeons possessing a powerful body, moderately long neck, and large head. The beak, which is much higher than it is broad, has the upper mandible arched and hooked at its extremity, its margins being smooth; the tip of the curved under mandible, on the contrary, is furnished with three tooth-like indentations. The tarsus is strong, partially bare, and longer than the centre toe; all the toes are unconnected, and armed with broad hooked claws. The rounded wings extend, when closed, almost to the end of the moderate-sized and slightly-rounded tail. The head, throat, breast, and belly of this species are of a glossy greenish black; the hinder portions of the under side, the wings, tail, and feathers on the lower wing-covers rich, deep chestnut-brown; the quills are greyish black, and all the feathers on the upper part of the mantle decorated with a brilliant green spot at their tips; the lower back, wings, tail, and feathers of the lower tail-covers are of a beautiful dark chestnut-brown, and the quills greyish black. The eye is blackish brown; the bare patch that surrounds it and the cheek-stripes bright orange-red; the beak is also orange-red, with light yellow tip; the feet red, and the claws yellowish white. The length is twelve inches and a half, and breadth twenty-four inches; the wing measures seven inches, and tail three inches. The first description of the Didunculus was published by Sir William Jardine, in the "Annals and Magazine of Natural History." "We are," he says, "indebted to Lady Harvey, who purchased it at Edinburgh, for a specimen of this bird;" and adds, "We are aware of no existing description, though there is one allusion made to a bird which may turn out to be this. In Mr. Strickland's 'Report on the Present State of Ornithology,' it is stated that in the recent American voyage of discovery Mr. Titian Peale had discovered a new bird allied to the Dodo, which he proposed to name Didunculus." The subject remained in this state till 1862, when Dr. Bennett communicated his observations on this Pigeon to the Sydney Morning Herald. This communication was subsequently published in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, from which the following account is taken:— "The Rev. John B. Stair," says Dr. Bennett, who formerly resided for some time at the Navigator group of islands, which are believed to be the exclusive habitat of this singular bird, "informed the Secretary of the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria that it is named by the natives Manua-mea or Red Bird, from the predominant colour of its plumage being chocolate-red. It was formerly numerous, and therefore we may be surprised that it should not have been seen and procured by the early navigators. Now it is nearly extinct. It feeds on plantains, and is partial to the fruit of the soi, a species of Dioscorea, or yam, a twining plant abundant in these islands, and producing a fruit resembling a small potato. In disposition it is exceedingly shy and timid. Like the Ground Pigeons, it roosts on bushes or stumps of trees, and feeds on the ground; it also builds its nest in such situations. During the breeding season both parents aid in the work of incubation, relieve each other with great regularity, and are so intent on the performance of their duty that when sitting on the eggs they may be easily captured by hand. Two living birds were obtained in this way by Mr. Stair. They are also taken by the natives with birdlime or springes, and shot with arrows, the sportsman concealing himself near an open space in which a quantity of the soi, their favourite food, had been placed. "The first living bird obtained was accidentally killed; the second, when placed in confinement, was sullen, and refused food, but soon became reconciled to captivity, and throve well. The natives fed it upon boiled taro (the root of the Caladium esculentum), rolled into oblong pellets, in the same manner as they fed their pet Wood Pigeons and Doves. The power of wing of most of the Pigeon tribe is very great, a circumstance which also obtains in this bird. It flies through the air with a loud noise, like the Top-knot Pigeon (Lopholaimus antarcticus), of the Illawarra district, and many other of the Australian Pigeons; and Mr. Stair describes it as making so great a noise with its wings on rising, that when heard at a distance it resembles the rumbling of distant thunder, for which it might be mistaken." In a second communication, made to the same society, by Dr. Bennett, in 1863, he speaks of another living specimen of this rare bird brought to Sidney by Mr. Williams. "It was," he says, "at first rather shy and wild, but afterwards became more tame, and manifested but little fear; this feeling was, however, occasionally exhibited by the utterance of rapid 'coos,' and by fluttering its wings. It is a stupid-looking bird, and has no particular attraction except in the anomalous and extraordinary form of the beak, which cannot fail to attract the attention of the most ordinary observers. The only sound it utters is a quick 'coo-coo-coo,' the beak being always open when the sounds are emitted. The bird was captured about five miles from Apia, in the Island of Upola; it is evident, therefore, that a few still remain there. It is, however, agreed by every one with whom I have conversed who has resided at the Navigators' Islands, that it is nearly extinct, both from being eaten by the natives, as well as owing to the attacks of cats, rats, and other vermin. Its food consisted at first of boiled yams, but it will eat bananas, apples, bread, and boiled potatoes." In a third paper, read by Dr. Bennett in 1864 at a meeting of the Zoological Society, he says:—"In the contour of the bill, the form and position of the nostrils, and several other characters, the Didunculus differs from any other living species yet known. Although a smaller bird, it approximates in all its characters to the extinct Dodo, and, like it, combines the characters of a rapacious bird with those of the harmless Pigeon. Although the mandibles are powerful, yet the beak is never used as an offensive weapon, for when the hand is placed in the cage, or the bird is seized for removal from one cage to another, it never attempts to bite, but, on the contrary, is so timid that, after fluttering about or running into a dark corner, it soon becomes subdued and is easily taken." Of a living pair purchased by Dr. Bennett, he says: "They would nibble into minute bits the seeds of loquats, almonds, and hempseed, with the same action as a Parrot when feeding. When I first had them, boiled potatoes and bread formed their diet; the former, being soft, were torn and swallowed in large pieces, but the latter they placed under their feet and tore with their hooked beak into small bits. It was supposed that these birds never drink water; this I soon found to be incorrect. They invariably feed in the light, but will not take food if any one be present. They run with great rapidity, elongating the body and depressing the head, and in the action of running resemble Grouse." Another specimen, purchased at a high price by Dr. Bennett, was presented by him to the Zoological Gardens, London, where it lived for several months. Its skin is now in the British Museum. Of this bird Dr. Bennett says that, while in his possession, "it never became domesticated, nor evinced the slightest attachment to the lady who fed it; it was the same to her as to strangers." Dr. Bennett does not consider the Didunculus a bird which could be readily reconciled to captivity; "for some time it would be comparatively tame, and then, without any apparent cause to account for the change, it would become very wild." Walpole says that the Didunculus makes its nest on the ground, and that both parents incubate the eggs. TRUE GALLINACEOUS BIRDS. The TRUE GALLINACEOUS BIRDS are so named because they present a general resemblance, both in their structure and habits, to our common Barn-door Fowls. They are usually of a moderate or rather large size, and of a stout and somewhat heavy build. They have a small head, often partially or wholly denuded of feathers, and a bill of moderate length, of which the upper mandible is distinctly arched and overhangs the lower, both at the tip and along the margins. As they are all essentially terrestrial in their habits, their legs are always strong and well-developed. The tarsi are stout, and very commonly armed with a spur, or even with two or more such weapons, which are especially developed in the males. The toes are three in front and one behind, the latter being usually small and slightly elevated on the back of the tarsus, but sometimes more elongated, and then placed upon the same level as the other toes, so as to be efficient in grasping. The anterior toes are not very long, but stout, and often united by webs at their base; they are armed with strong, but rather blunt nails, which are of great use in scratching up the ground in search of food—a habit common to most of the species, from which, indeed, many ornithologists give them the name of RASORES, or SCRAPERS. The feathers of the legs are continued down to the articulation of the tarsus, and sometimes extend beyond this point, even to the extremities of the toes. The wings are generally short and weak in comparison with the weight of the body, so that they fly heavily and only to short distances. Their plumage is firm and often adorned with brilliant colours, and parts of it, especially in the males, are frequently developed to an extraordinary extent, sometimes giving them a grotesque appearance. The feathers are remarkable for the great development of the accessory plumules springing from the base of the stem at its junction with the quill. The members of this order are spread over all parts of the world, but the finest species are inhabitants of the warmer regions. The GallinÆ may be generally described as being the order more especially set apart by their great Creator for the service of man. Hence they are more easily domesticated than any other birds; their flesh is the most palatable, and their fecundity the greatest. They live almost entirely on the ground, which consequently affords them their chief nourishment in SAND GROUSE. The SAND GROUSE (PteroclÆ) differ in so many essential particulars from allied groups as to make it necessary to regard them, not merely as forming a family, but a distinct tribe of birds, the peculiarity of whose habits, movements, and plumage render them eminently fit to enjoy life in the desert places and sandy wastes which they frequent. The principal characteristics of the PteroclÆ or Sand Grouse, are a short body, much-arched breast, neck of moderate length, and small, delicate head. The beak is short, slightly arched at its culmen, and compressed at its sides in such a manner as to make it almost round; the lower mandible becomes thicker towards its tip, the nostrils, situated at the base of the bill, and concealed by the feathers on the brow, are open above, and THE GANGA, OR LARGE SAND GROUSE. The GANGA, or LARGE SAND GROUSE (Pterocles arenarius), one of the largest members of the group, is of a reddish grey on the head, shading into a somewhat deeper tint at the nape; the mantle is mottled with light or dark yellow and slate-grey, each feather having a round yellow spot at its tip; the throat is ochre-yellow, a band upon its lower portion brownish black; the breast is reddish grey, and has a very clearly defined streak on its surface, which is black or brownish black, as is the belly; the quills are grey or greyish blue, tipped with brownish black above and deep black beneath; the secondaries are white at the roots; some of the feathers on the upper wing-covers are partially of a pure, unspotted ochre-yellow, and those of the lower covers white; the two centre tail-feathers are reddish brown, striped with pale black; the rest are deep grey, tipped with white above, and coal-black on their lower surface. The feathers on the upper tail-covers are mottled like the back, and those on the lower covers spotted black and white; the plumage on the feet is of a dark brownish yellow. The eye is deep brown, the beak dull blueish grey. Both sexes are about thirteen and a half inches long, and from twenty-six to twenty-seven inches broad; the wing measures eight inches and three-quarters, and the tail four inches. The female is of a sandy yellow over the entire back and sides of the throat, each of the mantle feathers being striped with blackish brown, and those on the head, neck, throat, and upper breast marked with small dark spots: the bands upon the throat and breast are comparatively indistinct, and the brown and black belly paler than that of the male bird. The Ganga is met with in North-western Africa, and occasionally in the most southern countries of Europe; in Asia it is very numerous, appearing regularly in India during the cold season. "This fine Sand Grouse," says Jerdon, "is only a winter visitant to India, arriving towards the end of September and leaving in March. It frequents extensive open sandy plains, flies in vast flocks, being said to be more abundant than P. exustus in those parts where it does occur. Like the others of this tribe, it goes regularly twice a day to certain spots on the banks of rivers or tanks to drink, and it is fond of basking in the sun and rolling on the sand. One writer records that he saw these birds leave their roosting-places among sand-hills about sunrise, and collect in thousands on a hard bare plain, close to where they usually drank, but that they were neither feeding nor drinking at that early hour, and came there, he suggests, for the sake of basking in the early rays of the sun. This species seeks its food on grassy plains and also on stubble-fields, and does so immediately after drinking." The flight of this Sand Grouse, we are told, is amazingly strong and rapid, and when roused it The eggs of this Sand Grouse, usually three, occasionally four in number, are, according to the Arabs, deposited on the sand or bare ground; whilst Adams, on the contrary, maintains that this species excavates a small hole wherein to place the brood, and raises a circle of dry grass around its outer edge. THE LARGE PIN-TAILED GROUSE, OR KHATA. The LARGE PIN-TAILED GROUSE, or KHATA (Pterocles alchata), is somewhat smaller than the Ganga, and has the feathers more highly coloured. Like that bird, the plumage is principally of a sandy yellow, the brow and sides of the cheeks being reddish brown, the throat and a delicate line commencing at the eye and passing to the back of the head are black; the nape and the back brownish-greyish green, spotted with yellow; the small wing-covers greyish crimson, their upper feathers striped with reddish brown, then with light yellow, and again with deep brown; the feathers of the larger covers are greyish-greenish yellow, bordered with blackish brown; the lower part of the throat is reddish fawn-colour; the upper breast bright crimson-brown, surrounded above and below by a narrow black line, and the belly white. The quills are grey, with black shafts shading beneath to a deeper tint; the shoulder-feathers are greenish grey above and fawn-grey on the lower surface; most of the tail-feathers are striped grey and yellow on the outer, and grey tipped with white on the inner web; while the long centre pair are greenish grey, marked with faint stripes. The plumage of the female resembles that of her mate, but is readily distinguished by the stripes upon her mantle, a double line upon her throat, enclosing a patch of greyish yellow, and by the white hue of its upper portion. The eye is brown, the beak dark grey, and the foot of a brownish shade. The length of the male is twelve inches and three-quarters, the breadth twenty-two inches and a half; the wing measures seven inches, and the tail five inches. This well-known Sand Grouse inhabits Northern Africa, Western Asia, and the south of Europe, especially Spain, Sicily, and the Levant, and it occasionally penetrates through Central Asia to the Punjaub and Scinde. "The Khata," says Jerdon, "is a comparatively rare bird in India, only a few finding their way across the Sutlej. I presume that, like P. arenarius, it is migratory to this country, and only found in the cold season." It is a very beautiful bird, and the bill is thicker and stronger than that of any other of the genus. This species has a peculiar call, resembling the syllables "kaa-kia," and not unlike the cry of the Jackdaw. It flies in flocks of from ten to seventy, or more, and is said to be very shy and wary, and more difficult to approach than the Large Sand Grouse. Its specific appellation is taken from its Arabic name, El-chata or El-katta, which, however, is also applied to P. arenarius. It breeds among THE KHATA (Pterocles alchata). THE COMMON SAND GROUSE. The COMMON SAND GROUSE, or ROCK PIGEON OF INDIA (Pterocles exustus), the third species of this group, is principally of a beautiful reddish cream-colour, shading into bright yellow on the face, THE COMMON SAND GROUSE (Pterocles exustus). "This," writes Jerdon, "is the most common and abundant species of Sand Grouse throughout India, being found in every part of the country except the more wooded portions, and never occurring in forest districts. It is therefore quite unknown in Malabar, in the wooded districts of Central India, and in Lower Bengal, and neither this, nor either of the previous species, as far as is known, occur to the eastwards, in Assam, Sylhet, or Burmah. Out of India, it is common through great part of Central and Western Asia and Northern Africa, and, it is stated, has been met with, though rarely, in These Sand Grouse breed in the Deccan and Southern India from December to May, and in Central India still later. In some parts of the country, as at Mhow and Saugor, most of them leave the district after breeding in July, and do not return till the end of the rains. The eggs are laid on the bare ground, three or four in number, of cylindrical form, nearly equally thick at both ends, of a greenish stone-colour, thickly spotted with grey and brown. This species, if kept long enough, is very excellent eating, though the flesh is somewhat hard and tough, but with a high game flavour. The young birds, when nearly full-grown, are most excellent. THE STRIPED SAND GROUSE. The STRIPED SAND GROUSE (Pterocles Lichtensteinii) has the mantle and under side of a light greyish yellow, delicately striped with black; the brow and fore part of the head are whitish, and divided in the centre by a black line, that passes from the base of the bill to the top of the head, which, like the region of the cheek and the throat, is marked with dark spots instead of stripes. The mantle is enlivened by numerous bright yellow, crescent-shaped spots, and the upper breast decorated with a broad band of light brownish yellow, through which pass two lines, the one dark brown and the other light grey; the primaries are deep brown on the outer, and light brown on the inner, web; the secondaries brown at the root, with pure white outer web and black tip; the rounded tail—the centre feathers of which do not exceed the rest in length—is reddish yellow, each feather being delicately striped with black. The eye is dark brown, and the skin around it sulphur-yellow. The beak is dull orange; and the fore parts of the foot are copper-colour. This species is ten inches and two-thirds long, and twenty-one inches and a half broad; the wing measures seven and the tail two inches and a half. The female is without the dark line on the brow, and the reddish brown band upon her breast; her plumage is greyish yellow, striped very uniformly with delicate black lines. The Striped Sand Grouse, which closely resembles its congeners in its habits, is, according to Jerdon, common in Arabia, and occurs as a straggler in Scinde and the Punjaub. PALLAS'S SAND GROUSE. PALLAS'S SAND GROUSE (Syrrhaptes paradoxus), the representative of a group inhabiting Asia, is distinguished by the long bristle-like point in which the first wing-quill terminates, and by the shortness of its toes; these latter—three in number—are very broad, and so connected by a fold of skin as to present, when seen from beneath, the appearance of a foot-sole without toes. The claws are broad and strong, and the connecting skin covered with horny warts. This Sand Grouse is fifteen inches long, without including the longest tail-feathers, and twenty-three inches broad, exclusive of the bristle-like wing-quills; the wing measures seven inches, and the tail four inches and a half, or seven inches inclusive of its central tail-feathers. The female is shorter and more slender than her mate. In this species, the top of the head and a line that commences at the eyes and passes over the sides of the throat are dark grey; the region of the head is separated from the greyish yellow breast by a band formed of delicate black and white lines; the upper belly is brownish black, its lower portion and the feathers of the middle tail-covers light grey; the throat, brow, a broad stripe over the eyes, and the back are clay-yellow, the latter striped with a deeper shade. The quills are dark grey, those at the exterior being bordered with black on the outer, and the rest with grey on the inner web; the shoulder-feathers are of a brownish hue, edged with yellow, and tipped with white, and those on the inner wing-covers yellowish brown, tipped with blackish brown; the plumage on the tarsi is yellowish white. The female is without the band upon her breast, and is of a paler shade upon the face and lower belly; her plumage is also rather spotted than striped. These singular looking birds, respecting whose habits we have only recently received reliable information, inhabit Southern Europe, Africa, and Asia, living in dry sandy deserts, bare or rocky plains, or bushy or woody grounds, and are especially numerous in the neighbourhood of low hills. They are usually met with singly, or in pairs, except when such as occupy the desert plains resort to water, which they do in flocks. When flushed, they rise with a low chuckling call, fly for a short distance, and then alight. If followed, they run along the ground for a few steps, and with difficulty rise again. "Others, however," Dr. Smith tells us, "fly to a great height and suddenly descend, when they approach the water on their feeding grounds; sometimes this descent is not commenced till they are directly over the spot on which they purpose to alight. On such occasions they are obliged to make a circular or semi-circular sweep, before they can reach the desired locality." Their food consists of hard seeds, bulbs, and insects, mixed with fine gravel. The two eggs which are deposited on the bare ground are elliptical in form, about seventeen or eighteen lines long by twelve or thirteen lines broad at their centre, and have a greenish-greyish yellow shell, marked, dotted, and streaked with various shades of greyish brown; in some instances one end of the egg is decorated with a wreath of spots. The GROUSE TRIBE (TetraonidÆ) constitute the richest group of the entire order. These birds have a compact body, short neck, small head, and short powerful beak, with a thick base. The foot is short, the tarsus moderate; the wing of medium length, and usually much rounded; the tail is generally straight, but in some instances pointed or incised at its extremity. The thick plumage in most species extends over the entire body, even to the toes; some few also exhibit bare patches of brightly-tinted skin. The sexes are nearly alike in colour. The members of this tribe inhabit almost every latitude of the globe. The GROUSE PROPER (Tetraones) are recognisable by their powerful, compact bodies, short, or moderate-sized wings, and short straight tail; the latter, however, is occasionally long, and either wedge-shaped or forked at its extremity. The bill is strong, thick, short, and much vaulted, and the foot low and powerful, with more or less well-feathered tarsus. The plumage is thick and rich, the brow and nape often exhibit bare patches, covered with small horny plates of a bright red colour. The toes of some species are covered with a short and remarkable horny growth. PALLAS'S SAND GROUSE, OR SAND GROUSE OF THE STEPPES. These birds are met with throughout the whole of Europe, Asia, and North America, but are quite unknown in Africa. All are, without exception, stationary in their habits, and rarely undertake THE CAPERCALI. The CAPERCAILLIE, CAPERCAILZIE, or CAPERCALI (Tetrao urogallus), the largest and finest species of the above group, is of a blackish hue on the crown of the head and throat; the nape is deep grey, marked with undulating black lines; the back pale black, powdered with grey and reddish brown; the tail black, spotted here and there with white; the breast glossy steel-green, and the rest of the under side spotted more or less distinctly with black and white. The eye is brown, the bare skin that surrounds it bright red, and the beak greyish white. This noble bird is from two feet two inches to two feet five inches long, its breadth being from four feet four inches to four feet seven inches; the wing measures from fifteen to seventeen, and the tail from thirteen to fourteen inches. "The Capercali," says Mr. Lloyd, "is to be found in most parts of the Scandinavian peninsula; indeed, as far to the north as the pine-tree flourishes, that is to say, very near to the North Cape itself. These birds are, however, very scarce in the more southern of the Swedish provinces. The favourite haunts of the Capercali are extensive fir-woods. In coppices or small covers they are seldom or never to be found." Professor Nilsson observes that such as breed in the larger forests remain there all the year round, but those on the contrary that breed on the sides of elevated mountains, or in more open parts of the country, in the event of deep snow, usually descend to the lower grounds. The principal food of the Capercali, when in a state of nature, consists of the leaves and tender shoots of the Scotch fir (Pinus sylvestris). He very rarely feeds upon those of the spruce (Pinus abies). He also eats juniper-berries, blue berries, and other berries common to the northern forests, and also, occasionally in the winter time, the buds of the birch, &c. The young Capercali feed principally at first on ants, worms, and insects. In the spring of the year, and often when the ground is still deeply covered with snow, the cock stations himself on a pine, and commences his love song, or play, as it is termed in Sweden, to attract the hens about him. This performance is usually carried on from the first dawn of day to sunrise, or from a little after sunset, until darkness has set in. The time, however, more or less depends upon the mildness of the weather, and the advanced state of the season. During his play the neck of the Capercali is stretched out, his tail is raised and spread like a fan, his wings droop, his feathers are ruffled up, and, in short, he much resembles in appearance an angry Turkey-cock. He begins his play with a call, something resembling the words "Peller, peller, peller." These sounds he repeats at first at some little intervals; but, as he proceeds, they increase in rapidity, until at the last, and after perhaps the lapse of a minute or so, he makes a sort of gulp in his throat, and finishes by drawing in his breath. During the continuance of this latter process, which only lasts a "On hearing the call of the cock, the hens, whose cry in some degree resembles the croak of the Raven, or rather, perhaps, the sound of 'gock, gock, gock,' assemble from all parts of the surrounding forest. The male bird now descends from the eminence on which he was perched to the ground, where he and his female friends join company. "The Capercali does not play indiscriminately over the forest, but has certain stations, which may be called his playing grounds. These, however, are often of some little extent; and here, unless very much persecuted, the call of these birds may be heard in the spring, year after year, for years together. The Capercali does not during his play confine himself to any particular tree, and is seldom met with on the same spot for two days in succession. On these playing grounds several Capercali may occasionally be heard playing at the same time. Old male birds will not permit young birds, or those of the preceding season, to play. Should the old birds, however, be killed, the young ones, in the course of a day or two, usually open their pipes. Combats, as may be supposed, not unfrequently take place on these occasions, though I do not recollect having heard of more than two of these birds being engaged at the same time." "The Capercali hen makes her nest upon the ground, and lays from six to twelve eggs; these are two inches three lines long, by one inch eight lines in breadth, and of a pale reddish yellow-brown, spotted all over with two shades of darker orange-brown. It is said she sits for four weeks; her young keep with her until the approach of winter, but the cocks separate from the mother before the hens. When the females really commence incubation, they are forsaken by the old males, who skulk about among the brushwood while renewing their plumage, the female alone attending to the hatching and rearing of her progeny." "Except there be deep snow upon the ground," says Mr. Lloyd, "the Capercali is much upon the ground in the daytime; very commonly, however, he sits in the pines, sometimes on the very uppermost branches. During the night he generally roosts in the trees; but if the winter be very cold, he not unfrequently buries himself in the snow. Considering the large size of the bird, his flight is not particularly heavy or noisy; indeed, I have not only seen the Capercali at a very considerable height in the air, but I have known him to take a flight of several miles at a time. During the winter he is in most instances to be seen perched on the very uppermost branches of the pines." "The Capercali lives to a considerable age; at least, so we infer from the cocks not attaining their full growth until their third year, or upwards. The old ones may be easily known from their greater bulk, their eagle-like bill, and the more beautiful glossiness of their plumage. The size of these birds, I have reason to suppose, depends in a great degree on the latitude where they are found." Pennant, in his "British Zoology," speaking of the Capercali, says, "This species is found in no other part of Great Britain than the Highlands of Scotland north of Inverness, and is very rare even in those parts. In our country I have seen one specimen, a male, killed in the woods of Mr. Chisholme, to the north of Inverness." Of late years successful attempts have been made to restore this bird to Scotland, and in 1836 Mr. Lloyd procured for Sir T. Fowell Buxton forty-nine Capercali, male and female. These he presented to his friend Lord Breadalbane, by whom they were reared with such success that about Taymouth Castle they became as common as the Black Cock, and spread thence over all the more wooded parts of the Highlands as far as Aberdeen, and have grown so tame that a carriage might be driven under the trees on which the hens are perched without their taking the slightest notice. Although the Capercali is exceedingly shy in its native wilds, it sometimes divests itself of its shyness and approaches people fearlessly; and this, says Mr. Lloyd, in his amusing volume on the "In Scandinavia," continues Mr. Lloyd, "the Capercali is in considerable request for the table. It is more palatable, however, during the autumnal months, when it lives for the most part on berries and the like, than in the winter, when its food consists of pine-leaves, which give it a somewhat resinous flavour. In Wermeland and the adjacent country it is a standing dish at the last-named season at the houses of the gentry, who usually lay in an ample supply of these birds at the setting in of the frost. On the occasion of births, marriages, and deaths with the peasantry, the Capercali is looked upon as a needful addition to the feast. With them it is eaten either simply boiled or first parboiled and afterwards roasted until hard as a stone, in which state it will keep for weeks or months." The HEATH COCKS (Lyrurus) represent a group of slenderly-formed birds, possessing short, arched, and rounded wings, the third quill of which exceeds the rest in length. The tail, composed of eighteen feathers, is in the female very slightly excised at its extremity, but in the male is so deeply forked as to present somewhat the form of a lyre. The powerful beak is of moderate size; the foot has its exterior and inner toes of equal length, and is completely covered with feathers. The very glossy plumage exhibited by the members of this group may be regarded as their most distinguishing characteristic, the male in particular being remarkable for the resplendent brilliance that adorns his feathers. THE CAPERCALI (Tetrao urogallus). THE BLACK COCK. The BLACK COCK (Lyrurus tetrix) is principally of a rich black, relieved upon the head, throat, and lower back with a magnificent steel-blue sheen; the wings are enlivened by bands of pure white, the feathers on the lower tail-covers are also of snowy whiteness; the eye is brown, the pupil blueish black, and the beak black; the toes are greyish brown, the eye brown, and a bare patch around the eye bright red. In the female the prevailing colour of the plumage is a mixture of rusty yellow and rusty brown, marked with transverse stripes and spots of black. The length of the male is nearly two feet, and its breadth over three feet; the length of the wing is twelve inches, and that of the tail seven inches. The female is six inches shorter and nine inches narrower than her mate. The young in their first plumage resemble their mother; but in the first moult the black feathers of the young males appear about the sides and breast. THE BLACK COCK (Lyrurus tetrix). The Black Cock is generally distributed over the European continent, being found in Germany, Holland, France, and, according to Savi, in Italy. In the north, it is met with in Scandinavia, Russia, Siberia, and Lapland. It is said at one time to have been frequent in Ireland, but has long since disappeared. In England it is met with on heathy hills and forest districts, becoming more plentiful toward the borders of Scotland, and is found in considerable abundance in the mountainous and wooded parts of that country. Its favourite haunts are the low slopes of hills, in which brushwood and coppice alternate with heather and fern, and rocky, well-wooded glens. In spring and summer its food consists of leaf-buds, the tops of heather, berries of various plants growing among the heath, insects, larvÆ, and sometimes corn and seeds from the neighbouring fields. In winter this "Unlike the Capercali, which mostly roosts in trees," says Mr. Lloyd, "the Black Cock almost invariably passes the night on the ground, and in the winter, more especially if the cold be intense, it not seldom buries itself in the snow." Nilsson indeed supposes that the bird only makes a hollow in the snow and allows itself to be covered by the falling flakes; but Mr. Lloyd assures us that the bird makes a regular burrow for itself, the depth depending, it is generally believed, on the mildness or severity of the weather. "Scores of times," he says, "when crossing glades and other openings in the forest, where the surface of the snow, to the casual observer, appeared to be as smooth as glass, one or more Black Cocks have suddenly emerged from beneath the snow, almost at my feet, and when expecting every moment others to follow I have carefully looked about me, I never could discover anything beyond the slightest indentation in the snow where the bird had burrowed, the hole itself being filled up by the sides collapsing; and yet perhaps within the next minute half a score of Black Cocks would fly up all around me. That their heads were above the surface previously to their leaving the snow I hold to be impossible, nor can I conceive that even their beaks protruded as others will have it. If air be needful to birds when thus imbedded in the snow, their beak no doubt forms an imperceptible orifice, through which they are enabled to respire." In addition to his own experiences in the matter, Mr. Lloyd quotes the observations of the amusing though sometimes "marvel-relating" Bishop Oppidam: "In the winter-time the Black Grouse take care of themselves in this manner: they first fill their craw with as much food as it will hold, till it hangs like a bag under their necks, whereby they are provided for something to live on for some time; then they will drop themselves down into the soft snow and do not stay in their first hole, but undermine and burrow in the snow some fathoms from it; and there they make a small opening for their bills, and thus be warm and comfortable." In the warm days of early spring these birds resort to their pairing ground, for unless they have been disturbed, they frequent the same place year after year. "The places selected at such seasons," says Sir W. Jardine, "are generally elevations, such as the turf enclosure of a former sheep-fold, which has been disused and is now grown over, or some of those beautiful spots of fresh and grassy pasture, which are well known to the inhabitants of a pastoral district. Here, after perhaps many battles have been fought and rivals vanquished, the noble, full-dressed Black Cock takes his stand, commencing at the first dawn of day, and where game is abundant, the hill on every side repeats his humming call; he struts round the spots selected, trailing his wings, inflating his throat and neck, and puffing up the plumage of these parts and the now brilliant wattle above the eyes, raising and expanding his tail and displaying the beautifully contrasting white under tail-covers." (See engraving, p. 185.) "While the Cock is thus parading to and fro," says Mr. Lloyd, "he frequently vaults high into the air, and in doing this 'slews' his body round, so that on alighting again his head is turned in an opposite direction." This season of admiration does not continue long, the females dispersing to seek a place for their eggs, and the males retreating to the shelter of the brushwood or brakes of fern, they are then seldom seen except early in the morning and evening. The nest of the "Grey Hen," as the female is commonly called, is very simple, being merely a hollow in the ground sheltered by a low bush or tuft of grass; the eggs are from six to twelve in number, about two inches long, and of a yellowish white colour, spotted and dotted with yellowish red. The mother has the entire charge of the young, both during and after incubation, and most zealously does she defend her trust, acutely distinguishing friends from foes, as the following anecdotes from the Zoologist will prove:— "As Mr. W. S. Hurrel was crossing the hill between Carr Bridge and the Spey, on a fishing excursion, with some of his dogs following, one of them pointed, when a Grey Hen offered to do battle in defence of her brood, and flapping her wings like fanners, she with heroic bravery actually beat her canine antagonist and drove him crest-fallen away. Mr. Bass, M.P., and his friends who have taken the shootings around Carr Bridge are in the habit of giving presents to the herd-boys in the districts in order to engage them to preserve the nests, and if possible guard them from external violence. One of the keepers lately accosted one of these herd-boys, and in answer to several queries on the subject of nests, was told by the boy that in guarding the game from molestation he had no difficulty except with one nest, which was situated in a place much frequented by the cattle, and which he said must have been destroyed unless by some means protected. 'But,' continued the boy, 'I have built a little house of stones and turf about it, and that will prevent the cattle getting at it.' 'But,' said the keeper, 'you will certainly scare away the birds.' 'Oh, no,' replied the boy, 'I have left a little door for the hen to get in and out of, and she sits on her eggs as usual;' which the keeper on visiting the place found to be true." The Black Cock is pursued with great zest in all countries of which it is a native—in Scandinavia various modes of warfare are resorted to. "A very common plan of starting the Black Cock, in the winter time," says Mr. Lloyd, speaking of his Scandinavian experiences, "is with the aid of a bulvan, or artificial decoy bird. This is affixed to the top of a long and slender pole, or of two poles tied together, which is then hoisted a little above the top of a birch-tree, standing on an eminence, that it may be seen from a distance. The fowler then conceals himself in a screen constructed of a few fir-boughs, previously prepared for the purpose. Here he patiently awaits the coming of the birds, and when attracted by the bulvan, or driven towards it by people patrolling the country for the purpose, they alight in the tree on which the decoy is placed, or on those in the immediate vicinity, one or other of them usually meets its doom. "At times two or three individuals take part in this amusement, and if there be several wooded knolls in the same locality, each may be occupied to advantage by a jÄgare and his bulvan, for as these birds, when alarmed at the shot, keep flying from one bulvan to the other, they are pretty sure of being killed sooner or later." These bulvans seem to be very rudely constructed, for if a stuffed Black Cock be not procurable for a bulvan, "an imitation one may be made out of an old hat or piece of dark-coloured cloth. Two small patches of red cloth, one on each side of the head, represent the combs over the eyes, and two others of white stuff the white spots on the bird's shoulders. The tail of a veritable Black Cock is usually attached, but should this not be procurable, one made with black cloth, and lined with white, can be substituted in its stead. Legs are not required, the stick to which the bulvan is fastened supplying their place. At times, however, the bulvan is carved out of a piece of wood and afterwards painted." The Black Cock may be domesticated without much trouble, and instances are known of its having bred in captivity. "In the rural districts of Sweden," Mr. Lloyd tells us, "one often sees a caged Black Cock in the houses of the gentry, this bird being greatly admired by every one both for his beauty and for his spel, or song, which, though anything but musical, is wild and pleasing, and during the pairing season almost continual." THE HYBRID GROUSE. The HYBRID GROUSE (Tetrao medius). In this remarkable bird, a cross between the Black Cock and Capercali, the entire mantle is black, faintly marked with grey spots and zigzag lines; the upper wing is watered with blackish brown and grey; the secondary quills are enlivened by a brown whitish HYBRID GROUSE (Tetrao medius). The Hybrid Grouse are found wherever the Black Cock and Capercali inhabit the same district, and are particularly numerous in Scandinavia. They closely resemble their parents in general habits, although towards the former of these species they frequently exhibit a very pugnacious spirit during the period of incubation, and constantly do great damage to the sportsmen by attacking and disturbing the Grey Hen when brooding. "The Capercali," says Mr. Lloyd, "occasionally breed with the Black Grouse, and the produce are in Sweden called Racklehanen. These partake of the leading characters of both species, but their size and colour greatly depend upon whether they have been produced between the Capercali HAZEL GROUSE (Bonasia sylvestris). Professor Nilsson has given us the following account of one of these birds which he kept in confinement:—"He is more dull than lively. For the most part he will sit for a whole day on his perch in a passive attitude, with his tail hanging down, his feathers somewhat ruffled, and his eyes closed. He is, nevertheless, wild and shy. Towards people who approach his coop he evinces more shyness than malice; but to small animals and birds that come near him, or attempt to purloin his food, he displays an exceedingly angry and spiteful temper. About March, when he puts on his beautiful summer plumage, he is more vicious than usual. Towards the end of that month, or early in April, when the fine weather sets in, he commences his spel (call). In this, however, he never indulges at an early hour in the morning, but only in the daytime, both before and after noon. His moulting season commences about July, and continues for a long period. His food consists of whortle-berries, and other forest berries when obtainable, but he is also fond of apples chopped up small, cabbages, and various vegetables, as well as of barley and the seeds of the spruce pine." THE HAZEL GROUSE. The HAZEL GROUSE (Bonasia sylvestris), a third species, represents a group that have their tarsi only partially feathered, and their toes quite bare. These birds have the tail composed of sixteen feathers, and rounded at its extremity, while the plumage on the head is prolonged into a crest. The sexes are very similarly coloured, and of about the same size. The plumage on the mantle is spotted reddish grey and white, most of the feathers being also delicately pencilled with undulating black lines. The reddish grey upper wing is enlivened with white streaks and spots; the throat is spotted brown and white. The quills are greyish brown, dotted with reddish white on the narrow outer web, and the blackish tail-feathers dotted with grey, those in the centre being marked with reddish brown. The eye is rust-brown, the beak black, and the bare part of the foot greyish brown. The length of the male is from seventeen to eighteen inches, and the breadth from twenty-three to twenty-five inches; the wing measures seven and the tail five inches; the female is about one-fifth or one-sixth smaller than her mate. The habitat of this species extends from the Alps to the extreme north of Europe, and from Scandinavia to Eastern Siberia. Extensive forests of oak, beech, alder, and hazel are the situations it prefers, whilst it almost entirely avoids fir and pine woods; for this reason, it is by no means equally spread over this portion of the European continent, being numerously met with in a large part of Scandinavia, Russia, and Siberia, whilst in Austria, Bavaria, Bohemia, and Silesia it is comparatively rare, and in Northern Germany quite unknown. In certain districts the Hazel Grouse remains within its forest home throughout the entire year, and in others wanders to a short distance in search of berries. These expeditions are made by the male birds alone, and they usually return within a month to their former haunts. Leyen informs us that the retreats chosen by these birds vary with the different seasons of the year—that in May, June, and July they seek the borders of the forest, and in August some retire within the most sheltered nooks of its interior to subsist upon berries, while others wander over the country in the manner above described. In September they again seek the brushwood, and in winter make their home within their favourite forests. In Switzerland they appear to prefer the wooded tracts of the Alps, and are very rarely seen upon the plains that lie beneath. They frequently associate with the Capercali, but often venture higher than that bird. In the more northern parts of Europe, they are also met with in mountainous districts, and in Scandinavia are especially numerous at the foot of the Northern Alps. The Hazel Grouse is peculiarly quiet and retired in its habits, and has but one mate; its movements upon the ground are rapid, and its power of springing from one point to another when in danger remarkable. Naumann mentions having seen one of these birds leap to a height of fully four feet, in order to snatch some berries from a bush. Whilst running the hen keeps her crest close to her head, whilst that of the male is fully expanded and displayed. Although not much in the habit of having recourse to its wings, the flight of the Hazel Grouse is strong and more rapid than that of the Capercali; in its general character it resembles that of the Partridge. In Finland, M. Wilhelm von Wright tells us, that the Hazel Hen is found in larger or smaller packs, according to their greater or less abundance in the districts. "It is not for me, of course," says Mr. Lloyd, "to question the accuracy of so good an observer, but singularly enough I myself never heard of more than a single family continuing in company. Sweden, however, is not Finland, and the habits of birds may vary in different countries. The favourite haunts of the Hazel Hen are hilly and wooded districts. In the open country it is never found, but it somewhat varies its ground, according to the season of the year. During summer and autumn one often sees these birds in woods consisting of deciduous trees; but when the leaves begin to fall, they retire to the great pine forests, probably that they may be less exposed to birds of prey. "Their food in the autumn consists of worms, larvÆ, and the various berries with which the Scandinavian forests abound; but in the winter, when the snow lies deep on the ground, they subsist chiefly on the tender tops of the birch and alder, especially the latter. I have then also found in their crops the stalks and tops of the blackberry. "Even when the Hazel Hen is 'treed,' a practised eye is often required to discover its whereabouts, for it frequently sits so shrouded amongst the branches of an umbrageous pine as not to be readily seen, at least by a casual observer. It is so cunning, moreover, as to regulate its movements by those of the fowler; for whilst he is on the look-out for the bird on one side of the tree, it creeps to the opposite, leaving during its progress little more than its head exposed, and that only for the purpose of keeping the enemy in sight. "The usual way of shooting the Hazel Hen in Scandinavia is without any dog, and solely with the aid of the so-called hjerp-pipa, or pipe. This implement, which is much less in size than one's finger, is constructed of wood or metal, or, it may be, the 'wing-bone of a Black Cock.' It produces a soft, whistling sound, that may be varied according to the call of the bird. Such a pipe may be readily manufactured. Often, indeed," continues Mr. Lloyd, "when we have accidentally met with a Hazel Hen has my man with his knife alone made one out of a sapling of a pithy tree, and that in the course of a very few minutes. "Provided with this implement, the sportsman traverses the forest in silence, and when he has succeeded in flushing the brood he, after a time, begins to lacka, when one or other of the birds is pretty sure to respond, or, it may be, fly directly towards him, and in the end he usually succeeds in shooting the whole or greater part of them." M. Wilhelm von Wright speaks of the Hazel Hen as an exceedingly amusing bird in an aviary. At first it will not eat, but endeavours to hide itself in a corner; the best way is therefore to supply it with food and water and leave it to itself. Red whortle-berries and juniper-berries are the best for it at first, but afterwards it will eat hempseed, barley, buckwheat, and other grain. To induce it to drink, some berries should be put into the vessel containing water; it will also eat meat, raw or boiled. Dry sand should be placed in a box, as it "dusts" itself daily, if provided with this, especially should the sun shine, it makes a hole with its beak in the sand, which it throws over its body. Afterwards it lies first on one side and then on the other, or on its back, with eyes half closed, and often mounts on some part of the coop and whistles. THE PRAIRIE HEN, OR PINNATED GROUSE. The PRAIRIE HEN, or PINNATED GROUSE (Tetrao cupido, or Cupidonia Americana), a North American species very nearly related to the above birds, represents a group recognisable by two long tufts, each composed of about eighteen slender feathers, that hang down on each side of the neck and cover bare patches of skin which indicate the position of bladder-like cavities connected with the windpipe and capable of being inflated. The sexes are similarly coloured, but are readily distinguished by the inferior size of the tufts on the head of the female. The feathers on the mantle are black, striped with pale red and white, while those on the under side are striped light brown and white. The quills are greyish brown, with black shafts, and spotted with red on the outer web; the tail-feathers dark greyish brown, tipped with dirty white; the regions of the cheeks and throat are yellowish; the belly is of a whitish shade, and a line under the eye brown; the long throat-feathers that form the tufts are dark brown on the outer and pale yellowish red on the inner web. The eye is reddish brown, the brow bright scarlet, beak dark horn-grey, and bare parts of the foot and throat orange-yellow. This species is eighteen inches long, and its breadth thirty inches; the wing measures five inches and five-sixths, and the tail four inches and a half. "When I first removed to Kentucky," says Audubon, "the Pinnated Grouse were so abundant that they were held in no higher estimation as food than the most common flesh, and no hunter of Kentucky deigned to shoot them. They were, in fact, looked upon with more abhorrence than the Crows are at present in Massachusetts and Maine, on account of the mischief they committed among the fruit-trees of the orchards during winter when they fed on their buds, whilst in the spring months they picked up the grain in the fields. Children were employed to drive them away with rattles from morning till night, and also caught them in pens and traps of various kinds. In those days during the winter, the Grouse would enter the farm-yard and feed with the poultry, alight on the houses, or walk in the very streets of the villages. I recollect having caught several in a stable at Henderson, where they followed some Wild Turkeys. In the course of the same winter a friend of mine, who was fond of rifle-shooting, killed upwards of forty in one morning, but picked none of them up; so satiated with Grouse was he as well as every member of his family. My own servants preferred the fattest flitch of bacon to their flesh, and not unfrequently laid them aside as unfit for cooking." THE PRAIRIE HEN (Cupidonia Americana). Such an account appears still more strange when we learn that in the same country where sixty years ago they could not have been sold for more than a cent a-piece, scarcely one is now to be found. The Grouse have abandoned the State of Kentucky, and removed (like the Indians) every season further westward to escape from the murderous white man. In the Eastern States where some of them still exist, game-laws have been made for their protection. The Pinnated Grouse selects for its abode wide prairies and treeless land covered only with grass or scattered bushes, and has hence received the name of the Prairie Hen; it does not, however, avoid cultivated land, Plate 27. Cassell's Book of Birds COLUMBA LIVIA ____ ROCK PIGEON (about one half Nat. size) "The Pinnated Grouse," says Audubon, "moves through the air with frequent beats, after which it sails with the wings bent downwards, balancing itself for a hundred yards or more, as if to watch the movements of its pursuer, for at this time they can be easily observed to look behind them as they proceed. They never rise when disturbed without uttering four or five distinct clucks, although at other times they fly off in silence. The ordinary voice of this species nearly resembles that of our domestic fowls, but during the pairing season the male utters a peculiar call. "The curious notes," continues the same writer, "emitted in the love season are peculiar to the male. When the receptacles of air above alluded to, which in form, colour, and size resemble a small orange, are perfectly inflated, the bird lowers its head to the ground, opens its bill, and sends forth, as it were, the air contained in these bladders in distinctly-separated notes, rolling one after another, from loud to low, and producing a sound like that of a large, muffled drum. This done, the bird immediately erects itself, refills its receptacles by inhalation, and again proceeds with its 'tootings.'" Audubon observed in those Prairie Hens he tamed, that after producing the noise the bags lost their rotundity and assumed the appearance of a burst bladder, but in a few seconds became again inflated. He caught one of these birds and pierced the air-cells with the point of a pin, after which it was unable to "toot" any more. Another bird, of which he punctured one cell only, was unable to inflate that one, but next morning could toot with the other, though not so loudly as before. As soon as the pairing and fighting season is over, the bladders collapse and are concealed beneath the feathers of the ruff. During the winter they are much reduced in size. The bladders and long neck-feathers are seen on the young males before the first winter, and in the spring attain maturity, but they increase in size and beauty for several years. These birds live both on vegetable food and on insects. During the sowing season they visit corn-fields of various kinds, where they do considerable damage. They feed on the barberry, and various other berries growing on low shrubs, on buds of various plants, and on acorns. "In the western country," says Audubon, "these birds frequent the sumach bushes to feed on their seeds, often in such numbers that I have seen them bent by their weight, and I have counted more than fifty on a single apple-tree, the buds of which they entirely destroyed in a few hours. They also alight on high forest trees on the margins of large rivers. During winter these Grouse congregate in large flocks, but as soon as the snows have melted away, and the first blades of grass In tracts of land in the western country, the Pinnated Grouse may be heard booming and tooting before break of day, and at all hours afterwards until sunset; but in those districts where they have been frequently annoyed by that intruder, man, their meetings are more noiseless, their battles shorter and less frequent, and their fighting-grounds more concealed. Many of the young males fight in the autumn, the females generally joining them to make peace. The nest is made earlier or later, according to the latitude of the place, between the beginning of April and the end of May. Audubon found a nest in Kentucky finished and containing a few eggs at the first-mentioned date; but he thinks, taking the difference of seasons into consideration, that the average time is about the beginning of May. The nest, which is formed of dry leaves and grass, neatly interwoven, is carefully placed amid the tall grass, or a large tuft in the open ground, or at the foot of a bush. The eggs are from eight to twelve in number, and are of a light colour. The mother sits upon the nest eighteen or nineteen days, and as soon as the young have freed themselves, leads them away from the nest, when the male ceases to associate with her. In autumn the families congregate together in flocks, which at the approach of winter consist of several hundreds. When alarmed, the young squat so closely in the grass as to be quite hidden. "Once," says Audubon, "my horse almost placed his foot on a covey that was in the path. I observed them, and instantly leaped to the ground; but, notwithstanding all my endeavours, the cunning mother saved them by a single cluck. The little fellows rose on the wing for only a few yards. I spent much time in search of them; I could not discover one. I was greatly amused, however, by the arts the mother employed to induce me to leave the spot where they lay concealed." These birds never have more than one brood during the year; but should the eggs have been destroyed, a second set is laid, generally fewer in number than the first. About the 1st of August the young are nearly as large as the little American Partridge, and are then fit for the table; but they do not become strong in the wing till the middle of October. The war against these Grouse is carried on in various ways. Some are shot on their breeding-places, others killed with sticks, or caught in nets and snares. "I observed," says Audubon, "that for several nights in succession many of these Grouse slept in a meadow not far distant from my house. This piece of ground was thickly covered with tall grass, and one dark night I thought of amusing myself by trying to catch them. I had a large seine, and took with me several negroes supplied with lanterns and long poles, with the latter of which they bore the net completely off the ground. We entered the meadow in the early part of the night, although it was so dark that without a light, one could hardly have seen an object a yard distant, and spreading out the leaded end of the net, carried the other end forward by means of the poles, at the height of a few feet. I had marked before dark a place in which a great number of the birds had alighted, and now ordered my men to proceed towards it. As the net passed over the first Grouse in the way, the alarmed bird flew directly towards the confining part of the angle, and almost at the same moment a great number of others arose, and, with much noise, followed the same direction. At a signal, the poles were laid flat on the ground, and we secured the prisoners, bagging some dozens. Repeating our experiment three times in succession, we met with equal success; but now we gave up the sport on account of the loud bursts of laughter from the negroes, who could no longer refrain. Leaving the net on the ground, we returned to the house laden with spoil, although I am confident that several hundreds had escaped." "The Pinnated Grouse," as Audubon further relates, "is easily tamed, and easily kept. It also breeds in confinement. I have often been surprised," he continues, "that it has not been fairly domesticated. While at Henderson I purchased sixty alive that were expressly caught for me within twelve miles of that village, and brought in a bag laid across the back of a horse. I cut the tips of their wings, and turned them loose in a garden and orchard about four acres in extent. Within a week they became tame enough to allow me to approach them without their being frightened. I supplied them with abundance of corn, and they fed besides on vegetables of various kinds. This was in the month of September, and almost all of them were young birds. In the course of the winter they became so gentle as to feed from the hand of my wife, and walked about the garden like so many tame fowls, mingling occasionally with the domestic poultry. I observed that at night each individual made choice of one of the heaps in which a cabbage had grown, and that they invariably turned their breast to the wind, whatever way it happened to blow. When spring returned they strutted, 'tooted,' and fought, as if in the wilds where they had received their birth. Many laid eggs, and a good number of young ones made their appearance; but the Grouse at last proved so destructive to the young vegetables—tearing them up by the roots—that I ordered them to be killed. So brave were some of the male birds that they never flinched in the presence of a Turkey Cock; and now and then would stand against a Dunghill Cock for a pass or two before they would run from him." The PTARMIGANS (Lagopus) constitute a group of remarkable birds, characterised by their very compact body, medium-sized wings, in which the third quill is the longest, a short, slightly rounded, or straight tail, composed of eighteen feathers, and a small beak. The comparatively small feet have the tarsi and toes covered with hairy feathers. The rich plumage varies in its hues according to the season of the year; the sexes are very similar in their coloration, and the young soon These birds live on open ground, and feed upon twigs and leaves of shrubs, berries, grasses, and seeds; their flight is quick, strong, and prolonged. They walk and run very nimbly, and often escape from their pursuers by hiding under shrubs or among heather, when much alarmed they take wing, but even then never resort to the woods for shelter. Their eggs, which are numerous, are spotted with dark brown. The young run about as soon as they leave the egg, and follow their mother in search of food. At the approach of winter several families frequently associate together. THE WILLOW PTARMIGAN. The WILLOW PTARMIGAN (Lagopus albus) is about fifteen inches long and twenty-four inches and a half broad; its wing measures seven inches and a half, and the tail four inches and a quarter, the female is one inch shorter and narrower than her mate. During the winter the plumage of this beautiful bird is of a dazzling white, except the fourteen outer tail-feathers, which are black, with white roots and edges; the six largest quills have an oval brownish black streak in the outer web. As the pairing season advances, the head and nape become reddish brown, spotted and streaked with black, the feathers on the shoulders, back, and rump, and those in the centre of the tail are black, edged with white, and have lines of reddish brown or yellow over half their surface; the tail-feathers become paler and lose their light edges. The primary quills remain white as in winter, while the secondaries turn brown; the face and throat are usually of unspotted reddish brown; the head, upper breast, and thighs of a reddish hue, dotted and lined with black; the feathers of the middle part of the breast are black, spotted with reddish brown and white, and those of the belly and legs entirely white. The lower tail-covers are black, marked with reddish brown and yellow, and the corners of the mouth are decorated with white spots. The above colours often vary in their shades, and in the course of the summer become much paler. The female is always lighter in hue than her mate, and acquires her summer plumage before the male. When the feathers begin to darken, the comb on the brow becomes higher and of a reddish tint. Many observers have assumed that there are two moulting seasons—the first, which occurs in autumn, extends to the whole of the feathers; during the second, which takes place in spring, the smaller feathers alone are changed; but the winter clothing does not immediately replace the summer dress, nor does that at once supersede the winter suit. On this account it has been supposed by some that the Ptarmigan moults four times in the year. American observers, on the contrary, think they have perceived that the smaller feathers at least are not replaced, but simply changed in colour. According to Richardson, "The second change is occasioned, not by the reproduction of feathers, but by the coloured ones becoming white, the process commencing on their tip. This alteration takes place in scattered feathers, which at the same time lengthen, and in a week or ten days the change is complete; spotted specimens undergoing the change may be distinguished from spring ones by the worn state of the tarsal feathers." This Ptarmigan is spread throughout the northern parts of both the New and Old World, although it is not found everywhere in the same numbers. It is very plentiful in Scandinavia, and also in Finland, and Russia, and common in the eastern coasts of the latter country, and in many parts of Siberia. Radde did not meet with it about the Lake of Baikal or the Amur, and therefore concludes that it does not stay there during the summer; but he found it in Eastern Sayan, at a height of THE WILLOW PTARMIGAN (Lagopus albus). ONE-THIRD NATURAL SIZE. These Ptarmigans prefer the shelter of birch or willow trees, and where such abound are frequently met with in very large numbers, one pair living close to another, but each holding its own small domain (usually measuring about fifteen paces) with the utmost intrepidity against all intruders; no sooner, however, is the breeding season over than the various families unite into large flocks, and wander over the country to a considerable distance. In disposition this species is lively, and its movements generally restless and rapid, its broad, thickly-feathered feet enabling it to run with equal facility over fresh snow or unsafe moss-covered earth. Whilst in motion the head and tail are usually held down; but when the bird is quite secure from danger, the body is kept much elongated, and the head boldly raised erect. The flight is graceful and light, that of the male accompanied by a loud resonant note as he is about to descend, but the female utters no sound when on the wing. During THE ALPINE OR GREY PTARMIGAN. The ALPINE or GREY PTARMIGAN (Lagopus Alpinus or mutus)—see Coloured Plate XXVIII.—may be said to vary its plumage every month during the summer. At all seasons, however, the belly, lower tail-covers, exterior wing-covers, quills, and tarsi are white, the tail is black, and the quills streaked with black. About the middle of April other black feathers begin to make their appearance, and the entire plumage becomes, as it were, chequered. By May the head, throat, back, and upper feathers of the wing-covers are more or less variegated with reddish brown and white. As the autumn approaches the feathers gradually change, and by the end of September are of a light grey, dotted with black, and the reddish streaks on the neck and head almost white. In the female these parts are marked with undulating reddish and black lines, the bands being much broader and more clearly defined. In winter the plumage of the male is entirely of a snowy white, except the few black tail-feathers; these latter also show a light border. Occasionally specimens are met with that have retained some of these dark feathers through the cold season. The Alpine Ptarmigan, or Fjall Ripa, as it is called, is met with in Scotland, and abounds in Scandinavia, in the higher ranges of that peninsula, up to the vicinity of the North Cape. "The Fjall Ripa," says Professor Rusch, in a letter to Mr. Lloyd, "is found so far south in the province of Christiansand, that its southern limits can certainly be placed in latitude 58° 40´. It occurs wherever the mountains rise above the limits of the dwarf birch, with steep precipices and stone rubble. On mountains in the southern districts of Norway, at the height of 3,000 to 3,500 feet, the sportsman may be tolerably certain of meeting with one pair or more of these birds." During the year the plumage varies very considerably, being almost in a constant state of moult. By all accounts, this species puts on at least three different dresses in the course of the year. The tail-feathers are always black, and the male has a small black mark from the base of the bill to the temple; but with these exceptions the winter dress of both sexes is white. The male begins to assume his spring dress about the middle of April, the female a few days later, and usually completes it by the end of May or beginning of June; the information respecting the autumnal moulting is not so precise. In the beginning of September, according to Barth, they have assumed the greater part of their autumnal dress, which about the middle of the same month begins to change into the winter plumage in such a manner that the autumn moulting is simultaneously continued. The Lagopus Alpinus is not shy in summer, and early in autumn may be approached very closely without taking flight. "Not unfrequently, indeed," says Mr. Lloyd, "the fowler or wayfarer finds himself in the very midst of a brood, without having been previously aware of its presence; but as the season advances the several families 'pack,' and they then become very wary, especially should they have become associated with the Lagopus albus, which is of a much wilder nature, and thus they keep together throughout the winter, and until the month of May, when they separate in pairs. Their favourite resorts are amongst stones and shingle, where they find shelter in bad weather, and from which in their summer plumage they are hardly to be distinguished." During the summer and autumn they feed on seeds and leaves, especially on those of the crakeberry (Empetrum nigrum), the leaves of which are green all the year round. When heavy storms of snow make these unattainable they devour the tender tops of willow and dwarf birch. "The easily satisfied appetite of the Lagopus Alpinus," says M. Barth, "coupled with the fact that the crakeberry grows in such profusion everywhere as in many places to cover the whole slope of the fjall, up to near the line of perpetual snow, explains the question why these birds never lack food in the higher regions, where one would least suppose it possible for any living creature to find the wherewithal to sustain existence. The crakeberry plant in some years has so many berries that the ground looks black with them; nevertheless, in those years I never found the berries themselves in the crop of this species, but only the stalks and leaves. After producing fruits in such abundance, the crakeberry plant would seem to require some time for rest, inasmuch as in the succeeding year scarcely a berry is to be seen on it. The Ptarmigan would therefore be very badly off if its taste only permitted it to feed on the berry and not on the stalk—another instance of the wise foresight of Nature. During pairing time the cry of the male is said to resemble the croak of a frog, or the snoring of a man. The female note is a low 'Ü-ack, Ü-ack.'" The nest is made among stones, or heather and grass. The eggs are yellowish, with brown spots, and are from eight to fourteen in number. The brood is hatched about the middle or end of June, according to the season. The male is said to remain with his mate during the time of incubation, but as soon as the young are hatched he leaves them with their mother and joins his male companions on the upper part of the fjalls, where his family follow him with their mother as soon as they are sufficiently grown; both parents and brood remain together till the approach of winter, when the various families unite in packs. Mr. Lloyd, however, doubts the truth of the generally-believed fact of the partial separation of the male from his family, and thinks that these packs of males may be such as have been unable to obtain mates. "While the female is sitting," says M. Grouland, "the male always remains in the near vicinity of the nest, to protect her against the attacks of foxes, weasels, and the numerous birds of prey by which she is then often molested. He never separates from her, even after the young are hatched, but accompanies the family everywhere, and evinces the same regard for the mother as for the poults. When meeting a family of Fjall Ripa (the Swedish name for these birds) in the forest, one has an opportunity of witnessing the instinct implanted by Nature in the parents to protect their offspring. Should a person then approach the spot where they are collected, the male, for the purpose of drawing the enemy's attention from them to himself, runs forward to meet him with plaintive cries and outstretched wings, thereby endangering himself to secure the safety of those he holds dearer than life itself." M. Barth relates that, "When the fowler comes suddenly upon a brood of young Fjall Ripa it is really distressing to see the mother running to and fro before him. Should he remain stationary, her boldness gradually increases, until at length, either from a feeling of her own weakness, or from her fears being dispelled at seeing him make no attempts to injure her, she by degrees retires with the The Lagopus Alpinus is pursued by many feathered enemies, and when hard pressed sometimes takes refuge in the hut of the Laplander or among his reindeer. "Of all the genus Tetrao," says Mr. Lloyd, "this species is the least in request in Scandinavia, but if well dressed I have always found it very palatable, and little inferior to the Lagopus albus." THE ALPINE PTARMIGAN (Lagopus Alpinus), IN SUMMER PLUMAGE. ONE-THIRD NATURAL SIZE. THE RED GROUSE, BROWN PTARMIGAN, OR GAR COCK. The RED GROUSE, BROWN PTARMIGAN, or GAR COCK (Lagopus Scoticus), closely resembles the above bird in its general appearance during the summer, but is without the white feathers in the wings, and has the feet covered with plumage of a greyish hue, spotted with brown. The feathers on the head and nape are light reddish brown, spotted with black; those on the back and wing-covers are spotted in the centre with black; the throat-feathers are red, those on the back and belly dark purplish brown, with numerous markings; the quills are dark brown, and the quill-feathers, except the four in its centre (which are striped red and black) are entirely black; the plumage on the legs has a reddish shade and dark markings; the tarsi and toes are covered with whitish feathers. The eye is nut-brown, the beak black, and the powerful claws of a whitish hue. The female is darker than her mate, has white spots on her breast and belly, and some of her wing-feathers tipped with white. This species is fifteen inches long and twenty-six broad; the female is not quite so long. The Red Grouse is peculiar to Great Britain and Ireland, not having been found in any other part of the world, and is especially abundant in Scotland, inhabiting heathy tracts from the "It is pleasant," says Macgillivray, "to hear the bold challenge of the Gar Cock at early dawn on the wild moor, remote from human habitation. I remember with delight the cheering influence of its cry on a cold morning in September, when, wet to the knees and with a sprained ankle, I had passed the night in a peat-bog in the midst of the Grampians, between the sources of the Tummel and the Dee." After expatiating on his misadventures and the reflections to which they gave rise, he continues, "However, morning came at last, and I started up to renew my journey. It was now that I got a view of my lodging, which was an amphitheatre formed of bare craggy hills, covered with fragments of stone and white moss, and separated by patches of peat-bog. Not a house was to be seen, nor a sheep, or so much as a blade of green grass. Not a vestige of life can be found here, thought I; but I was reproved by a cry which startled me. The scarlet crest and bright eye of a Moor Cock were suddenly protruded from a tuft of heather, and I heard with delight the well-known 'kok, kok' of the 'blessed bird,' as the Highlanders call him." THE ALPINE PTARMIGAN (Lagopus Alpinus), IN WINTER PLUMAGE. ONE-HALF NATURAL SIZE. "The Brown Ptarmigan," continues our author, "feeds for the most part upon the tops of heath (Calluna vulgaris and Erica cinerea), and also picks the leaves and tender twigs of Vaccinium myrtillus and Empetrum nigrum, with the young heads of Eriophorum vaginatum, shoots of Galium saxatile, Carices, grasses, willows, and other plants. It is also said to eat the berries of Empetrum nigrum, The Red Grouse flies low, heavily, and in a direct course, moving its wings rapidly, sometimes, especially when at full speed, with a whirring sound, and then descending with almost motionless pinions. "If disturbed when feeding," says Macgillivray, "the male often boldly starts up and utters a loud cackle, which may be imitated by quickly repeating the syllable 'kok' with a deep voice. In spring and summer they are often heard uttering the same sound without being disturbed, either as a call of defiance to their fellows, or as a warning or protection to their mates and young. Early in the morning as well as late in the evening, but occasionally through the day, you may hear on the moors a loud cry, which is easily syllabled into 'Go, go, go, go, go-back, go-back;' although the Celts, naturally imagining the Moor Cock to speak Gaelic, interpret it as signifying, 'Co, co, co, co, mo-claidh, mo-claidh'—that is, 'Who, who (goes there?) my sword! my sword!'" These birds pair early in spring. The nest is made in a hollow of the ground among the heath, and is irregularly formed of bits of twigs, grass, and a few feathers; the eggs, from eight to twelve in number, are oval, and of a yellowish white, yellowish grey, or brownish yellow colour, clouded, blotched, and dotted with blackish and amber brown. The young leave the nest soon after they are hatched, and are tended by both parents, the mother showing much anxiety for her progeny, and endeavouring by affecting lameness to lure any intruder from them. The young are soon able to fly, and all keep together till the end of autumn, when several flocks unite and form a pack, continuing together till spring arrives, when they separate and pair. In the more remote parts of Scotland the Red Grouse is considered a bird of good omen. By its crowing at dawn, the evil spirits of night are thought to be put to flight, or deprived of their power. The flesh of the Red Grouse is dark, and has a peculiar, bitter flavour, but is held in high estimation. The PARTRIDGES (Perdices), one of the most numerous groups of the order, are comparatively slenderly built birds, with small heads and unfeathered tarsi. The wings, in which the third or fourth quill exceeds the rest in length, are relatively quite as short and rounded, but not so much arched as those of the Tetraones. The tail, composed of from twelve to sixteen feathers, is always short. The somewhat elongated beak is but slightly raised at its culmen, and compressed at its sides. The tarsus is frequently furnished with one, or occasionally with two spurs. The members of this The SNOW PARTRIDGES (Tetraogallus) may be regarded as combining the characteristics of both the Ptarmigans and Partridges. Their body is compactly framed, their neck short, the head small, the wing of moderate size, and slightly pointed at the extremity, its second and third quills being longer than the rest. The gently-rounded tail is of medium length; the beak long, broad, and powerful, and the heavy short foot furnished with a blunt spur. The thick plumage is much developed on the tail-covers; a small patch behind the eye is unfeathered. THE CASPIAN SNOW PARTRIDGE. The CASPIAN SNOW PARTRIDGE (Tetraogallus Caspius), a member of the above group, inhabiting Persia, is dark grey upon the head, nape, and upper breast; the plumage on the back is varied grey and reddish yellow, and the rest of the under side grey, the shafts of the feathers are streaked longitudinally with reddish yellow. Two dark lines pass from the corners of the lower mandible to the breast. These lines divide three white patches, one on the throat, and one on each side of the face. The feathers on the upper wing-covers are shaded with black and reddish yellow, with a broad red edge at their outer web; the quills are pure white, as are the belly and feathers of the lower tail-covers. The eye is dark brown, the beak pale horn-grey, and the foot reddish yellow. The length is about twenty-four inches. This species was first described by Gmelin, in 1788-93, in the thirteenth edition of the "Systema NaturÆ." Latham, who places it among the true Partridges, says that it inhabits Astrabad, Ghilan, and other parts of Persia. We are indebted to Mr. Gray, who has made for these birds the separate generic title of Tetraogallus, for the following description of their habits, derived from the St. Petersburg Transactions:—"This species builds on the highest summits of the rocky mountains of the Caucasus. It prefers altogether the region of snow, which it never quits. Thus, when we desired to acclimatise the young chickens of this Partridge in the plains of Kahetia, they have not survived the spring. It runs on the rocks and the ledges of precipices with great agility, and rises with a great cry at the least danger; so that the most skilful sportsman cannot approach within shot except under cover of mists. It lives in societies of from six to ten, becoming the inseparable companion to the goat, on the excrement of which The following passage in Layard's "Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon" seems also to refer to this species:—"A covey of large birds sailed with a rapid swoop, with the whistling sound peculiar to the Partridge kind, from an opposite height, and alighted within a few yards of me. They were the Kabk-i-dered, or the Pur-kak-lik, as they are called by the Turks, a gigantic Partridge, almost the size of a small Turkey, only found in the highest regions of Armenia and Kurdistan." Prince Charles Bonaparte thought that there was some reason for believing that this species exists on the confines of Europe, and a correspondent of Mr. Gould's observed it among the mountains of Candia, where it was excessively rare, and only to be seen on the peaks of the hills. In the Zoological Gardens, London, two specimens were received, one in 1842, and another about 1852, both of which lived there for several years. THE HIMALAYAN SNOW COCK, OR SNOW PHEASANT. The HIMALAYAN SNOW COCK, or SNOW PHEASANT (Tetraogallus Himalayensis), is grey upon the top of the head, cheeks, and nape. The feathers on the back are of a reddish grey, delicately spotted with black, and streaked with deep reddish brown. The chin, nape, throat, and lower breast are whitish. The upper breast is greyish white, decorated with crescent-shaped black spots. The rest of the feathers are grey, sprinkled with brown, and marked with two brown spots. The sides are paler than the mantle, and the lower covers almost white; the tarsi are dark grey. The eye is surrounded by two brown lines, which unite at the sides of the neck. The primary quills are white, their grey tips spotted with brown. The tail-feathers are of a reddish shade, spotted with black on the outer and grey on the inner web. The eye is deep brown, the bare patch behind it yellow, the beak pale horn-grey, and the foot yellowish red. The male is twenty-nine inches long, and forty broad; the wing measures thirteen, and the tail eight inches. The female does not exceed twenty-four inches in length. "These fine birds," we learn from Hutton, "are common in the Hazara Mountains, and are called by the Affghans Kank-i-durra, or the Partridge of the GhÂts. They are sometimes sold in the markets of Cabool and Candahar. They rise," he tells us, "in coveys of from ten to twenty, and usually have a sentry perched on some neighbouring rock, to give warning of danger by a low and musical whistle." The Tetraogallus Himalayensis "is confined," says "Mountaineer," "exclusively to the snowy mountain ranges, or the large spurs jutting from them which are elevated above the limits of forest, but is driven in winter to perform one, and in some places two, annual migrations to the middle regions. In summer it is only seen near the limits of vegetation. In Kunawur it is common at all seasons, from Cheenee upwards; but on the Gangetic hills, from June till August, however much a person wanders about on the highest accessible places, but few are met with, and I have no doubt whatever but that nearly all such as at other seasons frequent this part retire across the snow into Chinese Tartary to breed. About the beginning of September these birds are first seen near the tops of the higher grassy ridges jutting from the snow, and the green slopes above and about the limits of forests. After the first general and severe fall of snow they come down in numbers on to some of the bare exposed hills in the forest regions, and remain there till the end of March. This partial migration is probably made in the night after the fall of snow, as I have invariably found them in their winter quarters early next morning. It requires a deep fall of snow to drive them down, and in some mild winters, except a few odd birds, they do not come at all. The birds on each respective hill seem to have a particular spot for their winter resort, which they return to every year the migration is made. The Snow Pheasant is gregarious, congregating in packs, sometimes to the number of twenty or thirty, but in general not "The Jer-moonals, as these birds are called in India, never enter forest or jungle, and avoid spots where the grass is long, or where there is underwood of any kind. It is needless to add that they never perch. During the day, if the weather be fine and warm, they sit on the rocks, or rugged part of the hills, without moving much about, except in the morning and evening. When it is cold and cloudy, and in rainy weather, they are very brisk, and are moving about and feeding all day long. When feeding they walk slowly uphill, picking up the tender blades of grass and young shoots of plants, occasionally stopping to snatch up a certain bulbous root of which they seem very fond. If they reach the summit of the hill, after remaining stationary for some time, they fly off to another quarter, alighting some distance down, and again picking their way upwards. When walking, they erect their tails, have a rather ungainly gait, and at a little distance present something the appearance of a large grey Goose. They are partial to feeding on spots where the sheep have been kept at nights when grazing in the summer pastures. These places have been called 'tatters' by the shepherds, and the grass on them keeps green and fresh long after the rest of the hill is dry and brown. They roost on the rocks and shelves of precipices, and return to one spot many successive nights. Their call is a low, soft whistling, occasionally heard at intervals throughout the day, but more generally at daybreak. It is most common in cloudy weather. The first note is considerably prolonged, and followed by a succession of low rapid whistles. This species has by far the most agreeable song of all our game birds. This call is only heard when the bird is at rest. When alarmed and walking away, it sometimes utters, at short intervals, a single low whistle, and when it gets on the wing the whistles are shrill and very rapid. However far it flies, the whistles are continued until it alights, and for a few seconds afterwards, but then slightly changed in tone to a few notes which seem in a strange manner to express satisfaction at being again on the ground. However odd the comparison, I can compare the whistling of these birds, when flying and alighting, to nothing but the different sounds produced by the wings of a flock of Pigeons when flying, and when alighting on some spot where they have to flutter a few seconds before they gain footing." The Jer-moonals are not remarkably wild or shy. When approached from below, on a person getting within eighty or one hundred yards, they move slowly uphill or slanting across, often turning to look back, and do not go very far unless followed. If approached from above they fly off at once, without walking many yards from the spot. They seldom, in any situation, walk far downhill, and never run, except for a few yards, when about to take wing. The whole flock rise together; their flight is rapid, downwards at first, and then curving, so as to alight on the same level. Where the hill is open and of great extent, it is often continued for upwards of a mile, at a considerable height in the air; when the space is more circumscribed, as is often the case on the hills they frequent in winter, it is of shorter duration, perhaps merely across or into the next ridge. "They feed on the leaves of plants and grass, and occasionally on moss, roots, and flowers; grass forms by far the greater portion of their food: they are very partial to the young blades of wheat and barley, when it is first springing up, and while it remains short, and should there be an isolated patch on the hill where they are, they visit it regularly night and morning. They never, however, come into what may be called the regularly cultivated parts. They are generally exorbitantly fat, but the flesh is not particularly good, and it has often an unpleasant flavour when the bird is killed at a high elevation, probably owing to some of the plants it there feeds upon. Though I have spent many summers on the snowy ranges, I never found the nest or eggs, but in Thibet I often met with broods of young ones newly hatched. There The considerable height at which the Snow Pheasants live secures them from many persecutors to whom their congeners are exposed: nevertheless they also have their enemies, for all the larger and stronger Eagles regard them as welcome prey. "The Ring-tailed Eagle," says "Mountaineer," "is an inveterate annoyer of these birds; inhabiting exposed situations where there is nothing to conceal so large a quarry from his sight as he sails along the hill-side above them, they at once arrest his attention, and are driven backwards and forwards by this unrelenting tormentor all day long." They, however, often manage to escape his clutches, for the same author continues: "On the appearance of these birds of prey, which fortunately for them are not very numerous, they seldom wait till one of them makes a stoop, but on the enemy wheeling round near the spot where they are, immediately fly off to another quarter; the Eagle never flies after or attacks them on the wing, so that although he allows them little quiet while near their resort, he only occasionally succeeds in securing one." From man this bird has little to fear, as few persons pursue game at the heights they inhabit, and the hunting propensities of the Eastern nations are not very considerable. According to "Mountaineer" these hardy birds are easily kept in confinement, but (although they will eat grain) would probably not live long without an occasional supply of their natural green food of grass and plants. "They may," he tells us, "be kept without the least trouble in large cages, the bottoms of which, instead of being solid, are made of bars of wood, or iron wire, so that the birds being put out on the grass may feed through the interstices." The RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGES (Caccabis). This section embraces several European species possessing strong bodies, short necks, and comparatively large heads. The wings, in which the third and fourth quills exceed the rest in length, are of medium size: the tail, composed of from twelve to sixteen feathers, is moderately long, and not completely concealed by its upper covers. The beak is long, but powerful; the foot of medium height, and furnished with a blunt spur or species of horny wart. The thick smooth plumage is principally of a reddish grey, shaded in some instances to slate-grey; the upper breast, part of the throat, and the thighs are brightly coloured. These birds are met with in Southern Europe, Western and Central Asia, Northern and Western Africa, Madeira, and the Canary Islands, everywhere inhabiting such barren or rocky situations as accord with their mottled plumage, and carefully avoiding tree-covered regions. THE GREEK PARTRIDGE. The GREEK PARTRIDGE (Caccabis GrÆca, or C. saxatilis) is of a blueish grey, shaded with red on the breast and mantle; the throat is white; a line encircling the throat, another on the brow, and a small spot on the chin are black; the feathers on the thighs are striped alternately yellowish brown and black; the rest of the under side is reddish yellow; the quills are blackish brown, with yellowish white shafts, and reddish yellow streaks at the edge of the outer web; the exterior tail-feathers are rust-red. The eye is reddish brown, beak coral-red, and foot pale red. The length of the male is from thirteen to fourteen inches, the breadth from nineteen to twenty inches; the wing measures six, and the tail four inches; the female is smaller than her mate. This bird is met with in Central Europe, but more numerously in the most southern parts of that continent; as also in Turkey, Asia Minor, Palestine, and Arabia: in a westerly direction it would appear to venture but rarely beyond the limits of the Red Sea, and in India and Southern China is Tristram tells us that this is the commonest Partridge in the Holy Land: "In every part of the country, whether wooded or bare, it abounds, and its ringing call-note in early morning echoes from cliff to cliff, alike amidst the barrenness of the wilderness of Judea, and in the glens of the forest of Carmel. The male birds will stand erect on a boulder-stone, sending their cheery challenge to some rival across the wady, till the moment they perceive themselves detected; they then drop down from their throne, and scud up the hill faster than any dog, screening themselves from sight by any projecting rock as they run." According to Lindermayer, the Greek Partridge lays as early as February; in the Alps the female does not brood till the end of May at the earliest, and often as late as July. The nest is a mere hollow in the ground, beneath a low bush, and is slightly lined with moss, heath, or grass. In the south even this trifling preparation for the little family is omitted, and the hen contents herself with making a hole in the sand. The eggs, from twelve to fifteen in number, have a pale, yellowish white shell, delicately streaked with light brown; the mother alone broods, and when her young are strong enough, leads them forth to seek their food in company with her mate. Tschudi tells us that the young display extraordinary alacrity in concealing themselves on the first alarm of danger, and on this account the shooting of these much-esteemed birds is attended with no small difficulty, and frequently tries the sportsman's patience to the utmost. THE CHUCKORE. The CHUCKORE PARTRIDGE (Caccabis Chukor), a very nearly allied species, is found throughout the Western Himalayas, passing into Thibet, and in the salt range and alpine regions of the Punjaub, passing into Affghanistan. "In our part of the hills," says "Mountaineer" (the North-western Himalayas), "the Chuckore is most numerous in the higher inhabited districts, but is found scattered over all the lower and middle ranges. In summer they spread themselves in the grassy hills to breed, and about the middle of September begin to assemble in and around the cultivated fields near the villages, gleaning at first in the grain fields which have been reaped, and afterwards, during winter, in those that have been sown with wheat and barley for the ensuing season, preferring the wheat. A few straggling parties linger on the hill-sides, where they breed, as also in summer many remain to perform the business of incubation in the fields. In autumn and winter they keep in loose scattered flocks, very numerous, sometimes to the number of forty or fifty, or even a hundred. In summer, though not entirely separated, they are seldom seen in large flocks, and a single pair is often met with. They are partial to dry, stony localities, never go into forests, and in the lower hills seem to prefer the grassy hill-sides to the cultivated fields. This may probably be owing to their comparatively fewer numbers, as I have observed that many others of the feathered race are much shyer and more suspicious of man when few in number than those of the same species in places where they are more numerous. Their call is a kind of chuckling, often continued for some time, and by a great many birds at once. It is uttered indiscriminately at various intervals of the day, but most generally when breeding. The Chuckore feeds on grain, roots, and berries, when caught young it becomes quite tame, and will associate with domestic poultry. From the beginning of October Chuckore-shooting is, perhaps, the most pleasant of anything of the kind; in the hills about some of the higher villages ten or twelve brace may be bagged in a few hours." From a writer in the Bengal Sporting Magazine we learn that "the male is very bold, and is tamed for the purpose of fighting. In a domesticated state he makes no hesitation in offering battle to every animal, and pecks very fiercely, always searching for a tender part; the nose of a dog or the naked feet of the native servants immediately attract his attention, and he soon makes the object of his attack fain to run." "When reclaimed," says another contributor to the same periodical, "this bird is peculiarly bold, fearless, and entertaining. It trots about the house, and is as familiar as a little dog. It is amusing to see its antipathy to quick motions in others. It will follow a servant who hurries into a room, pecking at his heels, scouring away when he attempts to turn upon it. It is still more persevering against the poor wight who moves backwards and forwards as he pulls the punkah. Half asleep at his task, he is roused by a fierce attack on his legs. He attempts to continue his work, and at the same time to drive away the intruder; but it is of no use, and he is at last obliged to call for assistance to rid him of his persecutor." THE RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE (Caccabis rubra). ONE-THIRD NATURAL SIZE. THE RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE. The RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE (Caccabis rubra), a species inhabiting South-western Europe, differs from the last-mentioned bird in the deeper shade of the red on its mantle, and in the broad stripe and spots that adorn its neck. The back of the head and nape are bright rust-red, the crown of the head is grey, the breast and upper belly are greyish brown, the under belly and lower tail-covers reddish yellow; the long, light grey feathers on the thighs are marked with whitish red and dark brown streaks, edged with black. A white line, commencing on the brow, passes over the eye to the sides This bird inhabits France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and the Channel Islands, and has been recently introduced into England, where it is now plentiful. It is more wild than the Common Partridge, and stronger on the wing, and will run sturdily before the dogs. It prefers heaths, commons, and waste land, but also frequents turnip fields. The nest is slightly formed of grass and leaves, and placed in a field of corn or grass. "Two or three instances are recorded," says Mr. Yarrell, "in which a nest with eggs were found in the thatch, or upon the top of low stacks." THE COMMON PARTRIDGE (Perdix cinerea, or Starna cinerea). ONE-THIRD NATURAL SIZE. The eggs are of a reddish yellow-white, spotted and speckled with reddish brown, one inch and seven and a half lines long, and one inch and three lines broad, and from fifteen to eighteen in number. The young leave the nest soon after they are hatched. Their food is the same as that of the Common Partridge. THE BARBARY PARTRIDGE. The BARBARY PARTRIDGE (Caccabis petrosa), another member of the above group, is principally recognisable by the reddish brown band, spotted with white, that encircles its throat. The brow and THE COMMON PARTRIDGE. The COMMON PARTRIDGE (Perdix cinerea, or Starna cinerea) is distinguishable from the above birds by the coloration of its plumage, by the plates protecting the feet forming two distinct rows both before and behind, by the absence of the spur-like wart on the tarsus, and by the formation of its wing, the third, fourth, and fifth quills of which are longer than the rest; the tail is composed of sixteen or eighteen feathers. In this species the brow, a broad line above and behind the eye, and the sides of the head and throat, are light rust-red, the rest of the head is brown, marked with yellow, and the grey beak is striped with rust-red; the feathers are delicately traced with black zigzag lines, and have light shafts: a broad dark band, varied with black, adorns the breast, and passes along both sides of the belly, where it is interrupted by various rust-red streaks, surrounded by a white line. The white belly has a large horseshoe-shaped brown spot at its centre; the rump-feathers and those in the centre of the tail are streaked with shades of brown; the primary quills are pale brownish black, spotted with reddish yellow. The eye is nut-brown, the eye-space and stripe that passes behind it are both red, the beak is blueish grey, and the foot reddish grey or brown; the female is smaller than her mate, and less pleasing in her colour: her back is darker, and her belly without the brown patch in its centre. The male is twelve inches long and twenty broad, and the wing measures six, and the tail three inches. The Common Partridge is almost exclusively a European bird. Mr. Gould states that in his extensive observations he has never met with a single species either from Africa or Asia. Temminck, however, tells us that it visits Egypt and the shores of Barbary, and Russian naturalists have included it among the birds found between the Caspian and Black Seas, south of the Caucasus. In Europe it is extensively distributed in all suitable localities, and inhabits all the level parts of England and Scotland. It frequents cultivated land and corn-fields, ranging sometimes into neighbouring waste ground covered with furze and broom. It runs with great rapidity when alarmed, but often squats close to the ground and flies off when nearly approached. The food of the Partridge consists of corn, grain of various kinds, peas, seeds, and tender shoots of grass; it also consumes insects and larvÆ of many kinds, that would otherwise injure the crops. It feeds principally in the early morning and late in the evening, when coveys of these birds may be met with in fields of corn or stubble, according to the season. During the day they frequent pasture lands, and sun and dust themselves in dry bare The nest is merely a slight hollow in the ground, lined with a few dried leaves, or bits of grass scraped together; it is usually placed beneath a tuft of grass, among standing corn, or even by the road-side. The eggs are from twelve to twenty, and of a greenish brown tint; occasionally, a greater number are found, but these are not supposed to be the produce of one bird. The female alone broods, guarding her nest with zealous anxiety, but her partner is also on the watch, lest danger should approach. The following instance of the care of the Partridge for her eggs is related by Mr. Jesse:—"A gentleman living near Spilsby, in Lincolnshire, who was one day riding over his farm superintending his men as they ploughed a piece of fallow land, saw a Partridge glide off her nest so near the foot of one of his plough-horses that he thought the eggs must have been crushed: this, however, was not the case; but he found that the old bird was on the point of hatching, as several of the eggs were beginning to chip. He observed the old bird return to her nest the instant that he left the spot. It was evident that the next round of the plough must bury the nest and eggs in the furrow. His surprise was great, when returning with the plough, he came to the spot and saw the nest indeed, but the eggs and bird were gone. An idea struck him that she had removed her eggs, and he found her before he left the field sitting under the hedge upon twenty-one eggs. The round of ploughing had occupied about twenty minutes, and in this short time she, assisted by the cock bird, had removed the twenty-one eggs to a distance of about forty yards." Another interesting anecdote is thus related by Mr. Murkwick:—"As I was hunting with an old pointer the dog came upon a brood of very small Partridges, the old bird cried, fluttered, and ran tumbling along, just before the dog's nose, till she had drawn him to a considerable distance, when she took wing and flew still further off, but not out of the field; on this the dog returned to me near the place where the young ones lay concealed in the grass. This the bird no sooner perceived than she flew back again to us, settled before the dog's nose again, and by rolling and tumbling about drew off his attention from her young and thus preserved her brood a second time. I have also seen," continues the same writer, "when a Kite has been hovering over a covey of young Partridges, the old birds fly up at the bird of prey, screaming and fighting with all their might to preserve their brood." Of the same daring spirit Mr. Selby gives the following remarkable instance:—"A person engaged in a field not far from his residence, had his attention arrested by some objects on the ground, which upon approaching he found to be two Partridges, a male and female, engaged in battle with a Carrion Crow; so successful and so absorbed were they in the issue of the contest, that they actually held the Crow till it was seized and taken from them by the spectator of the scene. Upon search, the young birds (very lately hatched) were found concealed in the grass. It would appear that the Crow (a mortal enemy to all kinds of young game), in attempting to carry off one of these, had been attacked by the parent birds, with the above singular result." The eggs of Partridges are frequently hatched under a Domestic Hen, and the young reared on ants' eggs, curds, and grits, with a little green food, when old enough they should be fed with grain. They are easily tamed, though it is said they never wholly forget their wild origin. An account is given by Daniell of one of these birds that became an inmate of a clergyman's house, which long after its full growth entered the parlour at breakfast and other times, received food from any hand, and stretched itself before the fire, the warmth of which it seemed to enjoy. The FRANCOLINS (Francolinus) are distinguishable by their moderately long, powerful, and slightly-hooked beak, and by the two spurs upon their foot. The tail, composed of fourteen feathers, is either quite straight or gently rounded at its extremity; the third or fourth wing-quill exceeds the rest in length. The thick plumage is often much variegated. The male and female are usually alike in size, colour, and markings. These birds inhabit the southern portions of Asia, and are very numerously met with on the continent of Africa. Some species frequent level plains, while others live in forests; when disturbed they conceal themselves in the brushwood in the thickest part of the jungle, not venturing forth again till all danger has disappeared. Should no hiding-place be near, they endeavour to escape by running, and have only recourse to their wings when the danger is very urgent. In their general habits they very much resemble the true Partridges; they breed at the same season, testify the same care and devotion for their young, and are equally prolific. They differ, however, from Partridges, inasmuch as they do not frequent cultivated grounds, but prefer the neighbourhood of woods, where they seem to select damp localities overgrown with reeds. They live upon berries quite as much as upon grain, and seek eagerly for such worms and insects as abound in marshy soil. The African species feed on small bulbous roots which they dig from the ground with their beaks. They are very fond of perching upon trees, especially during the night, and their call is much more harsh and noisy than that of the Partridge. Their flesh is excellent. (See XXIX.—Coloured Plate—Sanguine Francolin, Ithaginis cruentus.) THE BLACK PARTRIDGE. The BLACK PARTRIDGE (Francolinus vulgaris) is of a deep black on the brow, cheeks, and breast; the feathers on the back of the head are edged with red, and streaked with white; the ear-feathers are pure white; those on the centre of the throat are reddish brown, and form a broad collar; the mantle-feathers are black, bordered with red, and spotted with white, those of the lower back finely striped black, and more or less spotted and lined with white. The thighs and lower tail-covers have the feathers tipped with brown; the quills are black and red, those at the exterior black and grey at their roots. The eye is brown, the beak black, and the foot yellowish red. This species is from thirteen to fourteen inches long, and twenty broad. The wing measures five inches and three-quarters, and the tail three inches and a half. Jerdon informs us "that the Black Partridge is found throughout the whole of Northern India, from the Himalayas to the valley of the Ganges, and southwards to Sindh and Guzerat, eastwards through Dacca to Assam, Sylhet, and Tipperah, and on mountains 4,000 feet above the level of the sea." It frequents by preference grass meadows near water, cultivated fields of corn, mustard, or pulse, and any patch of moderately high green herbage, also low jungle, and is not unfrequently flushed in moderately long grass interspersed with bushes, even at some distance from water. "In the cold weather," says Jerdon, "after the young have flown and separated from their parents, they may be found scattered over a greater expanse of country than during the hot weather and rains, and are often to be found in fields far from water. This Partridge is stated occasionally to perch and roost on trees; but this is certainly a rare habit, at least with this species." During pairing-time the call of the cock bird may be frequently heard at sunrise, and towards evening. Malesherbes represents it as an agreeable sound, resembling the syllables "Tre-tre-tre." A Sicilian proverb says that the bird wishes to declare his own value, and that he may be purchased for three coins. This cry has been represented by many different syllables that, however, would scarcely give a correct idea of its sound to those who have not heard it. The Mussulmans say that it repeats the pious words, "Dobhan teri kudrut," others that it calls out, "Lussun, piaz, udruk," or garlic, onions, ginger. Adams represents the cry as "Lohee-wha-which-a-whick," and some one The Francolin is not shy, but when it finds itself pursued, runs quickly for two or three minutes, avoiding open ground, before it takes wing; its flight is strong and steady, but slow, and not long continued. When alarmed it usually only rises to the nearest bush, and thence descends again to the ground. In India, according to Jerdon, the hens brood from May to July. The nest is usually in high grass, sometimes in indigo fields, and occasionally in plantations of sugar-cane. The eggs are ten or twelve, and sometimes even fifteen in number, of a pale blueish white or pale green tint. It is probable that the mother alone broods. A few years ago many of these birds were shot in Sicily, but now they seem to have almost disappeared from that island. In Syria and Palestine, according to Tristram, "they are found in the rich lowland plains of Gennesaret, Acre, and Phoenicia, concealing themselves in the dense herbage and growing corn, where their singular call can be heard resounding at daybreak from every part of the plain, while not a bird can be seen." In the Bengal Sporting Magazine for 1841, we are told that seventy-five brace were shot by one sportsman in the neighbourhood of Kamal in the Upper Provinces; but it is everywhere more scarce than it was formerly. The flesh of this bird is good, especially when kept for a few days, and eaten cold. The beautiful spotted feathers of the lower plumage were used in some parts of the country to make into capes, but are now scarcely procurable. The BARE-NECKED PHEASANTS (Pternistes) constitute a group of African Francolins, recognisable by their comparatively slender body, moderately long neck, and small head. The wing (in which the fourth quill exceeds the rest in length) is much rounded, the tail, over which the pinions do not extend, is almost straight at its extremity. The beak is of medium size, the foot high, and armed with a spur. THE RED-NECKED PHEASANTS. The RED-NECKED PHEASANTS (Pternistes rubricollis) are principally of a pale greyish brown, almost all the feathers, except those on the head, being decorated with a triangular yellowish white spot, and edged with white. The primary quills are black, bordered with yellow on the outer, and spotted with the same shade on the inner web; the tail-feathers are irregularly striped with yellow and brown. The eye is light brown, the bare circle that surrounds it cinnabar-red; a patch upon the throat is yellow, edged and spotted with black; the beak deep brownish grey, with red base and nostrils; the foot dark brownish grey. The male is sixteen inches long and twenty-five broad; his wing measures seven inches and two-thirds, and the tail four inches; the female is an inch and a half shorter and one inch narrower than her mate. As far as has been at present ascertained, the habitat of this species extends over all the low-lying country near the African coast, from the northern boundary of Abyssinia to Somali; we have never seen it upon mountains, although it occasionally frequents their immediate vicinity. The Red-necked Pheasant, like other Francolins, is extremely shy, and if disturbed runs with great quickness to a place of security, and only when very hard pressed employs its wings. Its flight is noisy but light, and resembles that of the Lyrurus tetrix; upon the ground, however, it is far more at home than in the air, running over its surface with almost incredible ease and rapidity. Like its The AMERICAN PARTRIDGES (Odontophori) are delicately-framed birds, possessing a short high beak, compressed at its sides, high, much arched, and furnished at its margin with two strong, tooth-like projections. The moderately long tail is composed of twelve feathers, the external of which are frequently much shortened; the fourth, fifth, and sixth quills of the very decidedly-rounded wings exceed the rest in length; the tarsi are high, without a spur, but the toes are long and furnished with long, sharp claws. The thick plumage is more or less brilliantly coloured and always beautifully marked; some species have a bare patch around the eye. All the members of this group are strictly American, and by far the greater number of them are natives of that portion of the continent lying between 30° north latitude and the equator. Four species are now included in the fauna of North America, and four have been discovered in Brazil; some few extend their range to the larger of the West Indian Islands, and several others inhabit the vast mountain ranges of the Andes. The American Partridges form a large and well-defined group, distinguishable from the Partridges and Quails of the Old World by the absence of any spur, or spur-like appendage on the tarsi, and by the tooth-like processes in the upper mandible. They are pugnacious in their disposition, seem arboreal in their habits, and deposit their eggs in a depression of the ground or in a very inartificial nest. Their food consists of seeds, berries, fruits, and the tender leaves of grass and other vegetables. Their flesh is white, tender, and well flavoured. In the morning and evening twilight they perch on a low branch near each other, when the males frequently give utterance to their cries, which reverberate through the forest to a great distance. If alarmed when on the ground, they usually hasten to some neighbouring branch, along which they run, and crouching down conceal themselves amongst the foliage. The female lays from eight to fifteen eggs. THE CAPUEIRA PARTRIDGE. The CAPUEIRA PARTRIDGE (Odontophorus dentatus), the largest species of the entire family, represents a group of powerfully-built birds, with comparatively long necks and moderate-sized heads, their short tail, rounded at its extremity, is formed of soft feathers; the short, decidedly-rounded wing has its fifth and sixth quills longer than the rest; the strong, hooked beak is compressed at its sides, and has the high upper mandible much vaulted; the margins of the lower mandible are furnished This bird is found in suitable localities in most parts of Brazil, from the Rio de la Plata to the Amazon. We are indebted to the Prince of Wied for what we know of its life and habits. "This species," says the prince, "is called 'Capueira' by the Brazilians. Its habits and mode of life are very similar to those of the Hazel Grouse, or Gelinotte (Bonasia sylvestris). It never frequents the open country, but confines itself entirely to the thick woods. In the early part of the year the 'Capueira' lives in pairs, and after the breeding season the families remain in coveys of from ten to sixteen or more in number. These birds run very quickly, and procure their food among the dry leaves on the ground in the midst of the extensive woods. The stomachs of such as I examined contained fruits, berries, insects, small stones, and a little sand. The part of the country in which I met with them is the eastern portion of Southern Brazil, from Rio de Janeiro to 13° south latitude; by Spix they appear to have been found still farther north. In the vast forests bordering the rivers Mucuri, AlcobaÇa, Belmonte, and Ilheo they were very common, and we frequently killed them for the sake of their flesh, which is excellent. Their loud and remarkable voice is heard only in the forests, where it reverberates to a great distance. Azara states that the cry is uttered by both sexes, but I believe it is emitted by the male bird only. Like the Domestic Cock in Europe, it frequently aroused us at the break of day, bidding us, as it were, continue our researches among the grand but almost impenetrable forests of that magnificent country. They commenced calling before daybreak, thus affording us ample time for breakfasting, and enabling us to start by the dawn of the young day." Azara tells us that the voice of the Capueira consists of two notes; but on this point he is incorrect, as it comprises three or four notes, which are frequently and very quickly repeated. Morning and evening the Capueiras perch on a branch in a line, very near to each other, and at this time the male birds frequently give utterance to their cry, which Azara states to resemble the word "uru," but it appeared to me very different. The nest found by me in the woods near the fine lake called Lagoa d'Arara (Macaw Lake) was placed on the ground, and contained from ten to fifteen pure white eggs, which coincides with Sonnini's account; while Azara's assertion that they are of a violet-blue is doubtless a mistake, which may probably have arisen, as M. Temminck suggests, from his having mistaken the eggs of a Tinamou for those of a Capueira. Some travellers have asserted that they have found the nests of this bird on trees, and that they were placed in such situations in order THE VIRGINIAN OR AMERICAN PARTRIDGE. The VIRGINIAN or AMERICAN PARTRIDGE (Ortyx Virginianus) represents a group distinguishable by the following characteristics:—Their body is short and powerful, with the neck and head of medium size; the beak is strong, short, much vaulted, and has the lower mandible incised, the upper mandible terminates in a hook, while the margin of the lower portion near its apex presents two or three distinct notches. The moderate-sized and arched wing has the fourth quill longer than the rest; the rounded tail is composed of twelve feathers, and the foot is protected by rows of smooth, horny plates in front, and covered with small scales at the back and sides. The plumage is glossy, and prolonged into a crest on the head. In the male all the feathers of the mantle are reddish brown, spotted and lined with black and edged with yellow; those on the under side are whitish yellow, striped with reddish brown and marked with black. Two bands, the one white, the other black, pass across the brow; the white throat is separated from the sides of the neck—which is mottled with black, brown, and white, by a black line. The upper wing-covers are principally reddish brown; the dark brown primary quills are bordered with blue on the outer web; the secondaries are irregularly striped with brownish yellow; the centre tail-feathers are greyish yellow, dotted with black; the rest are greyish blue. The eye is reddish, the beak dark brown, and the foot greyish blue. The female has more yellow on the brow and neck, and the rest of her plumage is less clearly marked than that of her mate; the young resemble the mother. This species is nine inches long, and thirteen inches and five-sixths broad; the wing measures four inches and a half, and the tail two inches and a quarter. Canada forms the northern, the Rocky Mountains the western, and the Gulf of Mexico the southern limit of the range of these birds. They have been introduced into the island of Jamaica, where they thrive, breeding in that warm climate twice in the year. In the southern part of the United States they are stationary, but in the north they make yearly expeditions, which resemble migrations. They are principally met with in open fields, or about fences sheltered by bushes or briars, and they sometimes visit the woods, but are rarely found in the depths of the forest. In their general demeanour they very much resemble our own Partridge. They run nimbly and fly swiftly, making a loud whirring sound with their wings. When chased by dogs they take refuge in the trees, where they remain until danger is past, walking with ease on the branches. Their usual cry is a clear whistle. The love-call of the male consists of three clear notes, the two last being the loudest, and resembling the syllables, "Ah! Bob White!" "The male," says Audubon, "is seen perched on a fence, stake, or on the low branch of a tree, standing nearly in the same position for hours together, and calling, 'Ah! Bob White,' at every interval of a few minutes. Should he hear the note of a female, he sails directly towards the spot whence it proceeded. Several males may be heard from the different parts of a field, challenging each other, and should they meet on the ground they fight with great courage and obstinacy until the conqueror drives off his antagonist to another field." About the beginning of May the female proceeds to build her nest; this is placed on the ground, close to a tuft of grass, and partly sunk in THE VIRGINIAN PARTRIDGE (Ortyx Virginianus). ONE-HALF NATURAL SIZE. "A friend of mine," says Wilson, "informs me, that of several hens' eggs, which he substituted for those of the Partridge, she brought out the whole; and that for several weeks he occasionally surprised her in various parts of the plantations, with her broods of chickens, on which occasions she exhibited much alarm, and practised her usual manoeuvres for their preservation. Even after they were considerably grown and larger than the Partridge herself; she continued to lead them about; but though their notes or call were those of common chickens, their manners had all the shyness, timidity, and alarm of young Partridges: they ran with great rapidity, and squatted in the grass exactly after the manner of the Partridge. Soon after this they disappeared, having probably been destroyed." In summer the food of these birds consists of insects, berries, and grain, and in the autumn they revel in the fields of buckwheat and Indian corn. When winter comes, and their supplies have disappeared, those in the northern districts commence their southward course, and many perish during Dr. Bachmann attempted to domesticate the American Partridge, and gives us the following account of his proceedings:—"The eggs had been obtained from the fields, and were hatched under a Bantam hen. By confining the young with their foster mother for a few days they soon learned to follow her like young chickens. They were fed for a couple of weeks on curds, but soon began to eat cracked Indian corn and several kinds of millet. They were permitted to stray at large in my garden; but fearing that they might be induced to fly over the enclosure and stray away, I amputated a joint of the wing. There was no difficulty in preserving them during the summer and winter, and they became so very gentle that they were in the habit of following me through the house, and often seated themselves for hours on the table at which I was writing, occasionally playfully pecking at my hand and running off with my pen. At night they nestled in a coop, placed for that purpose in the garden. The cats in the neighbourhood, unfortunately for my experiment, took a fancy to my birds and carried off several, so that at the breeding season my stock was reduced to two females, with a greater number of males; the latter now commenced their not unmusical notes of 'Bob White,' at first low, but increasing in energy and loudness till they were heard throughout the whole neighbourhood. These notes were precisely similar to those of the wild birds, affording a proof that they were natural, and not acquired by an association with others of their own species, as these birds had no opportunity of hearing any other notes than those of the poultry on the premises. As the spring advanced, the males became very pugnacious, and great contests took place between themselves, as well as with the Pigeons and the young poultry that occasionally intruded on their domicile. In May the hens commenced laying, both in one nest, and the eggs were hatched under a Domestic Hen." Dr. Bachmann was prevented carrying out his experiments further, but other observers have been more fortunate, and have without trouble reared many of these delicate birds in closed rooms. Their great fertility is very favourable to their increase, wherever it is wished that they should be naturalised. Several attempts have been made to introduce this species into England, and from time to time specimens have been shot in different parts of the country. The American Partridge is easily caught by means of snares and traps of various descriptions. Many are shot, but they are most frequently netted in the following manner:—A number of persons, furnished with a net, ride along the fences and thickets where the birds resort, one of the party simulating the call of the bird, which is soon answered by a covey; the party approach in an apparently careless manner to ascertain the position and number of the others; and then a horseman furnished with a net gallops a hundred yards in advance, and places it so that his companions can drive the Partridges into it. In this manner fifteen or twenty Partridges may be caught at one driving, but a pair out of each flock usually receive their liberty for fear that the breed should be destroyed. The CALIFORNIAN PARTRIDGE (Lophortyx Californianus) and GAMBEL'S PARTRIDGE (Lophortyx Gambelii) represent an American group principally remarkable for the crest that adorns their head. These birds have a powerful body, short neck, and moderately large head. The short arched wing is rounded at its extremity, and has its fourth or fifth quills longer than the rest. The tail, composed of twelve feathers, is short and remarkably graduated; the beak is short, strong, and much arched at its culmen; the foot is of medium height, and the thick plumage compact and glossy. At the top of the head rises a crest, formed occasionally of from two to ten, but generally of from four to six feathers; these are slender at the roots, becoming gradually broader towards the tips, which incline forward, and have somewhat the form of a sickle. This crest is much developed in the males. The coloration of the plumage, though by no means gorgeous, is both beautiful and brilliant. THE CALIFORNIAN PARTRIDGE. The CALIFORNIAN PARTRIDGE (Lophortyx Californianus) has the feathers on the top of the forehead of a straw-yellow, with dark shafts, these being surrounded by a dark line that passes over the eyes. The crown of the head shows two shades of brown; the long feathers that cover the nape are blueish grey, with black shafts and edges, and two white spots at their tips. The back is olive-brown, the throat black, encircled by a white band, the upper breast is blueish grey, its lower portion yellow, each feather being lighter at the tip, and bordered with black; the feathers on the belly are brownish red, edged with a darker shade, those on the sides brown, with white shafts, and those on the lower tail-covers light yellow, with dark shafts. The quills are brownish grey, the secondaries bordered with a yellowish tint; the tail is pure grey. The eye is dark brown, the beak black, and foot deep lead-colour. The female is of a dull whity-brown on the forehead, and brownish grey on the crown; the throat is yellowish, with dark markings, the breast dull grey; the rest of the plumage resembles that of the male, but is duller and fainter. The Californian Partridge was first observed during the visit of the unfortunate ship La Perouse to California, since which time it has been found to inhabit in abundance all suitable localities in that country; the accounts of its life and habits are, however, as yet very scanty. "These beautiful birds," says Gambel, "so extraordinarily plentiful throughout California, assemble in the winter in numerous swarms of more than a thousand individuals, if the woods are able to provide for that number, and are equally plentiful on bushy plains and the declivities of hills. They exhibit great watchfulness and activity, and when pursued run nimbly away into concealment; if suddenly started they take refuge in trees, crouching close to the horizontal branches like squirrels—in which position the great resemblance of their colouring to that of the bark of the tree, makes it very difficult to detect them." The nest is usually placed on the ground at the foot of a tree or beneath a bush. The eggs are generally numerous and placed in a shallow hollow, scooped at the foot of an oak, and spread over with a few leaves and a little dried grass. Gambel found twenty-four eggs in one nest, but thought that possibly they were the produce of two hens—fifteen being the usual number of the brood. Freyborg, who also observed this bird in its native country, says that it is stationary, or at least wanders only to a short distance, and feeds on grass, seeds, bulbous roots, garlic, plants of various kinds, berries, and insects, preferring thick bushes to any other localities. It seldom moves more than forty or fifty paces, and scarcely ever strays from the shade of the woods to open spots; it holds out for some time before the hounds, and flies to the nearest tree. In the winter it digs long burrows under the snow. In California these birds are shot from the trees with a small rifle, and they are also chased by the help of dogs—their flesh being in great request, and considered to resemble that of the Hazel Grouse (Bonasia sylvestris). Captain Beechey brought home several of these birds, but the females all died, and of the males which were presented to the Zoological Society, scarcely one survived. Since this time several others have been imported to different parts of Europe, and two pairs brought by Deschamps laid and hatched a numerous brood—other experimenters have been equally successful. GAMBEL'S PARTRIDGE. GAMBEL'S PARTRIDGE (Lophortyx Gambelii) resembles the species last described in its general appearance, but has the black patch on the face larger, and only a very small portion of the brow is white. The back of the head is bright reddish brown, streaked with light yellow. All its hues are brighter and more glossy than those of the Californian Partridge. THE CALIFORNIAN PARTRIDGE (Lophortyx Californianus). "It was late in June," says Coues, "when I arrived in Arizona, where I heard that this Partridge was especially plentiful. In my first day's sporting I stumbled, so to say, over a covey of young poults that were just escaped from the egg, but the nimble little creatures ran and concealed themselves with such wonderful celerity, that I could not catch a single one. I thought that I had mistaken for them the Oreortyx pictus, and wondered to find young ones of these so late in the year. But it was not yet late for Gambel's Partridge, as I found several broods in August only a few days old. In the following year I observed that the old birds had paired by the end of April, and at the beginning of June I saw the first young ones. I would also notice that breeding goes on rapidly in the months of May, June, July, and August, and that probably two or possibly three broods THE COMMON QUAIL (Coturnix communis). ONE-HALF NATURAL SIZE. With the exception of close fir-woods, without undergrowth, these birds people every locality, but seem to prefer thick bushes, and especially osier holts, on the borders of streams. Dr. Gambel tells us that he saw them in flocks of fifteen or twenty in company with another species in a barren tract, where several podded kinds of Prosopis, with low-spreading branches, afforded them excellent covert, and the seeds of bushy Maluas, ChÆnopodia, and Artemisia probably served them for food. In this The QUAILS (Coturnices) are recognisable by their comparatively small size, powerful, compact bodies, proportionately long, pointed wings, and very short, rounded tail, formed of twelve soft feathers, and almost concealed by the long feathers on the rump. The beak is small, and high at its base, the foot short, or of moderate size, without a spur, and the plumage, which completely covers the head, alike in both sexes. These birds are met with over a larger portion of the globe than any other members of the entire order, as they not only inhabit the whole of the Eastern Hemisphere, but are particularly numerous in Australia and the Malay Islands. Unlike other Rasores, the Quails are by no means social, but live strictly in pairs and rarely congregate into flocks, or associate freely with others of their kind, except during the migratory season, at which time they undertake journeys of considerable extent, their long wings enabling them to fly with far less effort or fatigue than do the Perdices. The incubation of this group is also somewhat peculiar, for wherever the means of subsistence are to be found, there they will breed as readily as in their native lands. As regards their general development, the Quails will bear comparison with any of their relations, and far exceed most of them in the rapidity and ease of their movements. In most respects the food of this group is the same as that consumed by other Rasores, although, perhaps, they may be said to eat a less proportion of vegetable matter. THE COMMON QUAIL. The COMMON QUAIL (Coturnix communis) is brown, striped with reddish yellow on the upper parts of the body; the head is somewhat darker than the back, the throat reddish brown, and the region of the crop reddish yellow; a pale yellowish line passes from the base of the upper mandible over the eyes and down the sides of the neck across the throat, where it is bounded by two narrow dark brown lines. The blackish brown primary quills are spotted with reddish yellow in such a manner as to form stripes, the first quill has also a narrow yellow border; the reddish yellow tail-feathers have white shafts and are spotted with black at their edges. In the female all these colours are comparatively indistinct, and the reddish brown of the throat but little conspicuous. The eye is light brownish red, the beak horn-grey, and the foot either reddish or pale yellow. The length is seven inches and a half, and the breadth thirteen inches; the wing measures four inches and the tail one inch and three quarters. This species is found in most parts of the Old World. It arrives on the south coast of Europe and the islands of the Grecian Archipelago in immense flocks about April, and thence spread over Europe. "The European Quails," says Jerdon, "are found throughout India in considerable numbers during the cold weather, most migrating during the rains and breeding elsewhere, but a few pairs remaining and breeding in various parts of the country, especially towards the west and north-west. The Grey Quail, as it is termed in India, generally rises singly or in pairs, but considerable numbers are found together; and in some localities and in certain seasons it occurs in great profusion, and affords excellent sport to the gunner. It is found in long grass, corn-fields, stubble, and fields of pulse, wandering about, according as crops ripen in different parts of the country. It is less numerous towards the south of India than farther north." In Great Britain it has been considered as a summer visitor; but, according to Yarrell, many instances have latterly been recorded of its occurrence in Ireland, as well as in England, during the winter months. This Quail is likewise met with abundantly in Syria and JudÆa, and there seems to be little doubt of its identity with the Quails so frequently mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. "We have," says Tristram, "a clear proof of the identity of the Common Quail with the Hebrew selac, in its Arabic name, salwa, from a root signifying 'to be fat'—very descriptive of the round, plump form and fat flesh of the Quail. The expression 'as it were two cubits high above the face of the earth' probably refers to the height at which the Quails fly above the ground. There are several expressions in the scriptural account which are borne out by observations of the habits of the Quail. At all times its flight is very low, just skimming the surface of the ground, and especially when fatigued it keeps close, never towering like the Partridge or Sand Grouse. It migrates in vast flocks, and regularly crosses the Arabian desert, flying for the most part at night, and when the birds settle they are so utterly exhausted that they may be captured in any numbers by the hand. Notwithstanding their migratory habits, they instinctively select the shortest sea passages, and avail themselves of any island as a halting-place. Thus in spring and autumn they are slaughtered in numbers on Malta and many of the Greek islands, very few being seen till the period of migration comes round. They also fly with the wind, never facing it like many other birds." "The Israelites 'spread them out' when they had taken them before they were sufficiently refreshed to escape; exactly as Herodotus tells us that the Egyptians were in the habit of doing with Quails—drying them in the sun." Brehm mentions having been a witness to the arrival of a huge flock of Quails upon the coast of North Africa, and tells us that the weary birds fell at once to the ground completely exhausted by their toilsome journey, and remained there for some minutes as though stupefied. On recovering somewhat, they did not again take wing, but continued their journey apparently on foot. In Africa they occasionally take up their quarters in stubble-fields and cultivated districts, but principally frequent the vast steppes, and wander about singly from spot to spot. During the summer they prefer fruitful plains and the vicinity of corn-fields, carefully avoiding mountains or marshy localities. The popularity of these birds is in a great measure due to the pleasant sound of their clear, resounding cry, which during the breeding season enlivens the whole district in which they live. Upon the ground they move quickly but ungracefully, with tail hanging down and neck drawn in, each step being accompanied by a slight nod of the head. Their flight is very rapid, and occasionally changes to a beautiful hovering motion. Even towards its own species the Quail is extremely unsocial and frequently most pugnacious, displaying the latter quality not only towards its rivals, but to its mate, who is often very roughly treated. The females exhibit a somewhat more amiable disposition, and besides being careful of their own offspring, prove excellent foster-mothers to such young birds as have lost their parents. Whilst the sun is high the Quails remain concealed among the long grass and weeds, and about noon indulge in a sand-bath; the succeeding hours are also spent in a state of quiescence, but the sun has no sooner set, than they become brisk and fully alive to the necessity of going in search of food or picking a quarrel with some rival. At this time their agreeable call may be said to be almost incessant. Seeds, small portions of plants, but principally insects, constitute their usual diet, the process of digestion being assisted by the swallowing of small stones. They do not require much water, the dew affording them in most instances all the moisture they need; for this reason they are rarely met with at any drinking-place. Although insect nourishment is decidedly preferred by the Quail, it has been fed for months together simply on grain and wheat. It would appear that this bird is polygamous, and it is even stated on good authority that it will mate with birds of entirely different species. The nest, formed by the hen of small portions of plants and placed in a corn-field, is not commenced till the beginning of the summer months. The eggs, from eight to fourteen in number, are large and pear-shaped, with a glossy, light brown shell, very variously The DWARF QUAILS (Excalfactoria), the smallest members of this family, represent a group distinguished from those already described by the rounded form of their wing, in which the third, fourth, and fifth quills are longer than the rest, the first being much shorter than the second; and the unusual difference observable in the plumage of the male and female. According to Latham, the scientific name given to these birds has arisen from a custom the Chinese have of using them to warm their hands upon during the winter. The various species inhabit India, the Malay Islands, and Australia. THE CHINESE QUAIL (Excalfactoria Chinensis). THE CHINESE QUAIL. The CHINESE QUAIL (Excalfactoria Chinensis) is a very beautiful bird, with the entire mantle of an olive-brown, each feather having a dark and light line on its shaft; the quills of the wing-covers are without these markings, though some few of the shoulder-feathers are striped with deep red. The brow, cheeks, breast, and sides are of a rich, deep grey; the throat is black above, and white, surrounded by a black line, beneath; the centre of the breast, the belly, lower tail-covers, and tail are of a beautiful brownish red. The coloration of the female is less varied in its tints; her chin is merely Plate 28. Cassell's Book of Birds LAGOPUS MUTUS ____ PTARMIGAN (about one half Nat. size) This beautiful little Quail is found all over China, the Malay Islands, and in many parts of India, but is rare in the latter country, except in Bengal and the neighbouring provinces. "I have killed it," says Jerdon, "only once in the Carnatic. It occurs occasionally in Central India and in the Upper Provinces, as far as Bareilly, but it is rare in all these localities, and perhaps only stragglers find their way so far. In Lower Bengal it is tolerably abundant in low grassy meadows, the borders of indigo-fields, and in the grasses on roadsides; and in Purneah, in the month of July, it was the only Quail I observed." This species breeds in July, the eggs being pale olive-green. When the young are full-grown they spread themselves all over the country, and this dispersion is greatly assisted and in many parts perhaps caused by the heavy inundations to which great part of the country in Bengal is annually subjected, generally in August and September. In the cold season they are replaced by the Grey Quail and the so-called Rain Quail. These birds, according to Bernstein, live by preference in thick, extensive wilds, where they are easily hidden between high stalks of plants, but nevertheless visit the fields and pastures in the vicinity of dwellings. Their quiet and retired mode of life makes it difficult to observe their habits. They take wing unwillingly, and avoid danger rather by running or squeezing themselves through sheltering plants than by flight. Their note is gentle, beginning loud and gradually becoming softer, "du, du, du," or "du, du, hi." Their food consists of insects, worms, and a variety of seeds; Bernstein himself kept them on grasshoppers and various insects. He several times found their nest, which was in a little hollow of the ground, scraped by the mother, and in this she prepared her bed of dry grass, stalks, and roots. In none of these nests were there more than six eggs; these are of a greyish olive-green, or olive-brown, more or less thickly sprinkled with numerous olive-brown specks. Bernstein tells us that these birds retain their shyness when tamed, and often injure themselves by beating against their cage; but Swinhoe says that in Canton they are highly esteemed as cage-birds, and may be pretty regularly found in the markets there. Latham informs us that this species, as well as the Common Quail, is used by the Chinese to warm their hands in winter, as may be seen in many drawings and paper-hangings from China, and that many of these birds are made into pies as a delicacy for Europeans during their voyage home. They are caught in China as in Europe by means of a call-pipe. The BUSH QUAILS (Turnices) are small birds with slender bodies, moderate-sized rounded wings, in which either the first quill is the longest, or the three first are of equal length. Their tail is composed of from ten to twelve narrow, weak feathers, and so small as to be almost entirely concealed beneath the upper and lower tail-covers; the medium-sized, straight, thin beak is high at its culmen and slightly arched towards its tip; the nostrils are situated at either side of the bill, and are partially covered with a small fold of skin; the delicate feet have long tarsi, and usually three or occasionally four toes. The Bush Quails are spread over the whole of the Eastern Hemisphere, but are quite unknown in the western division of the globe. Australia would, however, appear to be their principal head-quarters, for in that country, according to Gould, they are met with in every part that has as yet been explored, except in the neighbouring islands. Everywhere they select open plains, stony tracts covered with grass, or mountain sides, and in such situations lead a life so retired as to render their THE BLACK-BREASTED BUSTARD QUAIL. The BLACK-BREASTED BUSTARD QUAIL (Turnix pugnax), a well-known species of the above group, has the foot furnished with only three toes. The feathers on the mantle are of a dark brown tipped with crescent-shaped black and rust-red spots; the region of the eye, bridles, and cheeks are white, spotted with black; the wings are greyish brown, spotted with black and white; the quills are edged with white on the outer web; the throat is deep black, and the lower breast and belly bright rust-red; the rest of the plumage resembles that of the male. The eye is white, the beak light grey, and the foot dark yellow. This species is six inches long; the wing measures three inches, and the tail one inch. The female is considerably larger than her mate. This interesting bird, which has long been a domestic favourite with the Hindoos and Malays, is very common in Java, where, as everywhere else, it frequents grassy patches in the forests and jungles, low bushy jungle, or fields of dhal and other thick crops near patches of brushwood; but it is rarely found in barren country, or in cultivated ground where there is no shelter. It feeds on various kinds of grain, small insects, and grasshoppers. The call of the female is a peculiar, loud, purring sound. "The hen birds," says Jerdon, "are most pugnacious, especially about the breeding season; and this propensity is made use of in the south of India to effect their capture. To this end a small cage with a decoy-bird is used, having a concealed spring compartment made to fall by the snapping of a thread placed between the bars of the cage. This is set on the ground in some thick cover, carefully protected. The decoy-bird begins her loud purring call, which can be heard a long way off, and any females within earshot rapidly run to the spot and commence fighting with the caged bird, striking at the bars. This soon breaks the thread, the spring-cover falls, at the same time ringing a small bell, by which the owner, who remains concealed near at hand, is warned of a capture, and at once runs up, secures his prey, and sets his cage again in another locality. In this way I have known twelve to twenty birds captured in one day in a patch of jungle in the Carnatic, where only I have seen this practice carried on. The birds that are caught in this way are all females, and in most cases are birds laying eggs at the time, for I have frequently known instances of some eight or ten of those captured so far advanced in egg-bearing as to lay their eggs in the bag in which they were carried before the bird-catcher had reached my house." The eggs, which are usually laid in a hollow in the ground, behind a bush, or sheltered by a stone, are from five to eight in number, of a dull stone-grey or green tint, thickly spotted and freckled with dusky yellowish brown; they are blunt in shape and very large in proportion to the bird. The affection of the male of this species for its offspring would appear to be by no means inferior to that of the mother; for we learn from Swinhoe that upon one occasion, having succeeded in capturing two young Bustard Quails that were almost fully fledged and placed them in a cage, he observed the female parent, as he supposed, clucking like a hen, as it ran and crept about the prisoners in a vain endeavour to lure them out of their strange abode. In order to secure a specimen the bird was shot, THE AFRICAN BUSH QUAIL. The AFRICAN BUSH QUAIL (Turnix Africanus, or T. Gibraltariensis), one of the largest members of the group, is about six inches long; the sexes resemble each other in the coloration of their plumage, but the female is of much greater size, and fully one-third heavier than her mate. The dark brown head of the male is enlivened by three yellow streaks, and the back marked with irregular black and brown zigzag lines; the feathers of the wing-covers are yellow, with a black spot on the outer and a reddish yellow spot on the inner web; the throat is white, and the region of the crop reddish brown, each feather being edged with a lighter tint; the sides are reddish brown, with a few dark spots, and shade gradually into the pure white that covers the belly; the outer webs of the quills have light edges; the eye is yellow, the beak yellowish, and the foot lead-grey. This species is found in many parts of Sicily and Spain, and stragglers are sometimes seen in the plains of Languedoc; it is met with also in the north of Africa, especially among the thickets and dwarf palms of Mount Atlas. Tristram informs us that a nest found in Algeria was most carefully concealed in thick bushes, and contained several eggs, slightly spotted, and of a purplish blue shade. THE COLLARED PLAIN-WANDERER. The COLLARED PLAIN-WANDERER (Pedionomus torquatus) has the foot furnished with four toes. The beak, which almost equals the head in length, is straight and compressed at its tip; the wings are short and shell-shaped, with the first, second, and third quills of equal size; the tail is short, the tarsus long, and the hinder toe placed high. In this species the top of the head is reddish brown, spotted with black; the brow and sides of the neck are light fawn-colour, dotted with black; the broad white band on the throat also shows black spots; the mantle-feathers are reddish brown, striped with black, and edged with reddish yellow; the middle breast is red, the rest of the under side fawn-colour, each of the feathers being marked like those on the back, whilst those at the sides exhibit broad irregular black spots; the tail-feathers are striped with blackish brown. The eye is straw-colour, the beak yellow, with black tip, and the foot greenish yellow. The male is four inches and a half long, and his wing three inches and a quarter, whilst his mate, who also surpasses him in the beauty of her markings, is not less than seven inches long; her wing measures three inches and a half, and the tail of both sexes one inch and a quarter. "The structure of this singular little bird," says Gould, "is peculiarly well adapted for inhabiting the arid and extensive plains that characterise the eastern portion of Australia. The lengthened and courser-like legs of the Collared Plain-Wanderer are admirably suited for running, while its short, round wings are as little fitted for extensive flight. Its general contour suggests the idea of a diminutive Bustard. On its native plains this bird has many singular habits, particularly that of secreting itself among the scanty herbage, or of remaining quiet on the bare ground until it is nearly trodden upon before it will rise, and when it does take wing its flight is more contracted than that of any other bird with which I am acquainted." Sir George Grey states that these birds are migratory; appearing at Adelaide in June, and disappearing about January. While running about they are in the habit of raising themselves in a nearly perpendicular position on the extremities of their toes, so that the hinder part of the foot does not touch the ground, and of taking a wide survey around them. "While in confinement," says the same observer, "these birds eat pounded wheat, raw boiled rice, bread, and flies; the latter appear to be their favourite food. They soon become perfectly tame. The three in our possession we have had for upwards of four months. The call of those we have in Gould received from Mr. Strange a fully-developed egg, taken from the ovarium of the female, which in general character resembled those of the Turnices. It was somewhat suddenly contracted at the smaller end. The ground-colour was stone-white, sprinkled with small blotches of umber-brown and vinous grey, the latter tint appearing as if beneath the surface of the shell, the sprinkled markings predominating at the larger end. The egg was one inch and one-eighth long, and seven-eighths of an inch broad. THE AFRICAN BUSH QUAIL (Turnix Africanus, or T. Gibraltariensis). The PhasianidÆ of Brehm comprise not merely the PHEASANTS PROPER, but all nearly allied groups. The members of this important division generally possess a comparatively slender body, medium-sized or short and much rounded wings, and a long or broad tail, composed of from twelve to eighteen feathers. The moderately long bill is much vaulted, with its upper mandible curved over the lower part of the beak, and occasionally prolonged into a sharp, nail-like tip; the rather high foot is furnished with long toes, and in the male is armed with a spur; the partially bare head is sometimes adorned with combs and lappets of skin, and sometimes with horn-like appendages or tufts of feathers. The plumage is glossy and brilliantly coloured. This family is almost entirely confined to the Eastern Hemisphere, only two species being found in America; and even in the Old World their distribution is nearly completely restricted to the warmer part of the Asiatic continent and its dependent islands. The TUFTED PHEASANTS (Lophophori) constitute a group distinguishable by their short, rounded tail, the feathers of which are not placed as in most other Pheasants, but present a fan-like arrangement. THE MONAUL, OR IMPEYAN PHEASANT (Lophophorus resplendens, refulgens, or Impeyanus). THE MONAUL, OR IMPEYAN PHEASANT. The MONAUL, or IMPEYAN PHEASANT (Lophophorus resplendens, refulgens, or Impeyanus), possesses a comparatively powerful body, moderate-sized wings, and a rather long tail, composed of sixteen feathers. The upper mandible is curved and sharply pointed at its tip; the foot is of medium height, that of the male furnished with a spur. The plumage of the male is magnificently coloured and very glossy; the region of the eye is bare, and his head decorated with a crest formed of numerous feathers; these are denuded of web at the roots and very broad at the extremities. The head and throat of this beautiful bird are of a metallic green, the crest is also of that hue, but resplendent with a golden sheen; the nape and upper part of the throat are of such a glossy purple or carmine-red that they gleam with all the brilliancy of the ruby; the lower parts of the throat and back are bronze-green, shaded with gold; the rest of the mantle, the wing and upper tail-covers are brilliant violet or blueish green; some few feathers on the under side are white, but its surface is principally black, shining with green and purple on the centre of the breast, and lustreless on the belly; the quills are black, the tail reddish brown; the eye is brown, the bare place that surrounds it blueish; the beak is dark grey, and the foot greyish green. The length is twenty-six and the breadth thirty-three inches; We have from the pen of "Mountaineer" a full account of the life of the Monaul, but we cannot help regretting that such an excellent observer should look upon this magnificent species with the eye of a sportsman rather than with that of a naturalist. "The Monaul is found on almost every hill of any elevation, from the first great ridge of the Himalayas above the plains to the limits of the wooded district, and in the interior it is the most numerous of the game-birds. When the hills near Mussooree were first visited by Europeans it was found to be common there, and a few may be still seen on the same ridge eastwards from Landour. In summer, when the rank vegetation which springs up in the forest renders it impossible to see many yards around, few are to be met with, except near the summits of the great ridges jutting from the snow, where in the morning and evening, when they come out to feed, they may be seen in the green glades of the forest and on the green slopes above. At that time no one would imagine they are half so numerous as they really are, but as the cold season approaches, and the rank grass and herbage decay, they begin to collect together. The wood seems full of them, and in some places hundreds may be put up in a day's work. In summer the greater number of males and some of the females ascend to near the limits of the forests, where the hills attain a great elevation, and may often be observed on the grassy slopes a considerable distance above. In autumn they resort to those parts of the forest where the ground is thickly-covered with decayed leaves, and descend lower and lower as winter sets in, and the ground becomes frozen or covered with snow. If the season be severe, and the ground covered to a great depth, they collect in the woods which face south or east, where the snow soon melts in the more exposed parts, or descend much lower down the hill, where it is not so deep, and thaws sufficiently to allow them to lay bare the earth under the bushes and sheltered places. Many, particularly females and young birds, resort to the neighbourhood of the villages situated up in the woods, and may often be seen in numbers in the fields. Still, in the severest weather, when fall after fall has covered the ground to a great depth, many remain in the higher forests during the whole winter; these are almost all males, and probably old birds. In spring all in the lower parts gradually ascend as the snow disappears. "In the autumnal and winter months numbers are generally collected together in the same quarter of the forest, though often so widely scattered that each bird appears to be alone. Sometimes you may walk for a mile through the wood without seeing one, and suddenly come to some part where, within the compass of a few hundred yards, upwards of a score will get up in succession: at another time, or in another forest, they will be found dispersed over every part—one getting up here, another there, two or three farther on, and so on for miles. The females keep more together than the males; they also descend lower down the hills, and earlier, and more generally leave the sheltered woods for exposed parts, or the vicinity of the villages, on the approach of winter. Both sexes are found separately in considerable numbers. On the lower part or exposed side of the hill, scores of females and young birds may be met without a single old male; while higher up, or on the sheltered side, none but males are to be found. In summer they are more separated, but do not keep strictly in pairs, several being often found together. It may be questioned whether they do pair or not in places where they are at all numerous; if they do, it would appear that the union is dissolved as soon as the female begins to brood, for the male seems to pay no attention whatever to her whilst sitting, or to the young when hatched, and is seldom found with them. "From April to the commencement of the cold season, the Monaul is rather wild and shy, but this soon gives way to the all-taming influence of winter's frosts and snows; and from October it becomes "In the forest, when alarmed, it generally rises at once without calling or running far on the ground; but on the open glades, or grassy slopes, or any place where it comes only to feed, it will, if not hard pressed, run or walk slowly, in preference to getting up; and a distant bird, when alarmed by the rising of others, will occasionally begin and continue calling for some time while on the ground. It gets up with a loud fluttering and a rapid succession of shrill whistles, often continued till it alights, when it occasionally commences its ordinary loud and plaintive call, and continues it for some time. In winter, when one or two birds have been flushed, all within hearing soon become alarmed: if they are collected together, they get up in rapid succession; if distantly scattered, bird after bird slowly rises—the shrill call of each alarming others still farther off till all in the immediate neighbourhood have taken wing. When repeatedly disturbed by the sportsmen or shikaries, they often take a longer flight. "In spring, when the snow has melted in every part of the forest, and they have little difficulty in procuring food, they appear careless about being driven from any particular spot, and often fly a long way; but in winter, when a sufficiency of food is not so easily obtained, they seem more intent on satisfying their hunger, and do not heed so much the appearance of man. The females seem at all times much tamer than the males. The latter have one peculiarity, not common in birds of this order; if intent on making a long flight, an old male, after flying a short way, will often cease flapping his wings, and soar along with a trembling, vibratory motion at a considerable height in the air. At such times, particularly if the sun be shining on his brilliant plumage, he appears to great advantage, and certainly looks one of the most magnificent of the Pheasant tribe." The call of the Monauls is a loud, plaintive whistle, which is often heard in the forest at daybreak or towards evening, and occasionally at all hours of the day. In severe weather, numbers may be heard calling in different quarters of the wood before they retire to roost. The call has rather a melancholy sound, or it may be that as the shades of a dreary winter's evening begin to close on the snow-covered hills around, the cold and cheerless aspect of nature with which it seems in unison make it appear so. In autumn the Monaul feeds chiefly on a grub or maggot which it finds under decayed leaves; at other times it subsists on roots, leaves, and the young shoots of various shrubs and grasses, or when obtainable, on acorns and other seeds and berries. In winter it often feeds in the wheat and barley fields, but does not touch the grain; roots and maggots seem to be its only inducement for digging amongst it. At all times and in all seasons it is very assiduous in the operation of digging, and continues at it for hours together. In the higher forests, where large open plots occur quite free from trees or underwood, early in the morning or towards evening these localities may often be seen dotted over with Monauls all busily engaged at their favourite occupation. The Monaul roosts in the larger trees, but in summer, when near or above the limits of the forest, will often sleep on the ground in some steep rocky spot. The female makes her nest under a small overhanging bush or tuft of grass, and lays five eggs of a dull white, speckled with reddish brown; the chicks are hatched about the end of May. By some persons, according to "Mountaineer," the flesh of the Monaul is thought equal to that of the Turkey, while others think LHUYS' PHEASANT. LHUYS' PHEASANT (Lophophorus Lhuysi). This newly-discovered species, which has received the name of Lophophorus Lhuysi from Geoffrey St. Hilaire, in honour of the French minister of that name, differs from the Monaul chiefly in the ornamentation of its head and tail, the feathers of its crest being acuminate instead of spatulated, and its tail of a greenish bronze adorned with white spots. This bird inhabits the northern slope of the Great Himalaya range, while the Impeyan Pheasant occupies the southern slope of the same mountains. The female of this species resembles the Hen Monaul. The TRAGOPANS, or HORNED PHEASANTS (Ceriornis), have a powerful body, moderate-sized wing, and short, broad tail composed of eighteen feathers. The bill is very short and rather weak, while the strong, flat foot is furnished with a spur. Two small, fleshy, horn-like appendages are situated behind the bare patch around the eye, and the naked skin on the throat is prolonged so as to form a pair of pendent lappets. The rich plumage of the male lengthens into a crest at the crown of the head, and is most beautiful both in its hues and markings, whilst that of the female is comparatively of sombre tint. THE SIKKIM HORNED PHEASANT. The SIKKIM HORNED PHEASANT (Ceriornis Satyra) is of a bright carmine-red on the brow, crown of the head, nape, and shoulders; a broad band, that passes from the temples to the back of the head, and a narrow line around the lappet at the throat, are also of the same glowing hue; the upper back, breast, and belly are red, enlivened with white spots edged with black; the mantle and upper tail-covers are brown, but each feather is delicately striped with black, and has a black spot at its extremity; some of the feathers on the upper wing-covers are also dotted with red, the dark brown quills are bordered and streaked with dull yellow; the tail-feathers are black, striped with dark brownish yellow. The eye is deep brown, and the foot yellowish brown; the fleshy appendages and lappets are blue, spotted here and there with orange-yellow. The male is twenty-seven inches long, the wing measures eleven inches and a half, and the tail eleven inches. The plumage of the female is principally brown, darkest on the back, and enlivened by numerous black and red spots and streaks, as well as by the white shafts and dots of the feathers. Her length is only twenty-four inches, and that of her tail ten inches. This species, which was the first known to naturalists, inhabits the Nepaul and Sikkim Himalayas, being more abundant in the former. "I have," says Jerdon, "seen it in spring at an elevation of about 9,000 feet above the level of the sea; and in winter it descends to between 7,000 and 8,000 feet in the vicinity of Darjeeling, and perhaps lower in the interior. It is frequently snared by the Bhotees and other Hill-men, and brought alive for sale at Darjeeling. Its call, which I have heard in spring, is a THE SIKKIM HORNED PHEASANT (Ceriornis Satyra). THE JEWAR, OR WESTERN HORNED PHEASANT. The JEWAR, or WESTERN HORNED PHEASANT (Ceriornis melanocephala), differs from the species last mentioned principally in the predominance of black in the coloration of the under side. In the male the feathers on the top of the head are black, with red tips; the nape, upper part of the throat, and shoulder are scarlet; the feathers on the mantle dark brown, ornamented with very delicate black lines and, towards their extremities, with small black-edged white spots. The feathers on the breast and belly are black, spotted with white, and slightly shaded with red; the quills are pale black, spotted and edged with brown; the tail is black, striped with brown and white at the ends of the feathers. The eye is nut-brown, the bare patch that surrounds it bright red, while the fleshy horns are pale blue; the lappets on the throat are purple, dotted with light blue at the sides, and bordered with flesh-pink; the beak is horn-grey, and the foot reddish. The male is from twenty-seven to twenty-eight inches long, and from thirty-five to thirty-six broad; the wing measures ten inches and a half; and the tail ten inches. The plumage of the female is varied with different shades of brown and black on the upper parts of the body, and with greyish brown, black, and white on the under side; the back is enlivened by pale yellow markings, and the under side by irregular white spots. The length of the female is twenty-three inches, the breadth thirty-one inches and a half; the wing measures nine inches and a half, and the tail eight inches and a half. (See Coloured Plate XXX.) These birds are found from the western borders of Nepaul to the extreme North-west Himalayas; they are not very common near Simla and Mussooree, but are more plentiful near Almora. "Their usual haunts," says "Mountaineer," "are high up, not far from the snows, in dense and gloomy forests, where they live either alone or in small scattered parties. In winter they descend the hills, and then their favourite haunts are in the thickest parts of the forests of oak, chestnut, and morenda pine, where the box-tree is abundant, and where under the forest trees a luxuriant growth of 'ringalt' or the hill bamboo forms an underwood in some places almost impenetrable. They keep in companies of from two or three to ten or a dozen or more, not in compact flocks, but scattered widely over a considerable space of forest, so that many at times get quite separated and are found alone." Jerdon tells us, "that if undisturbed, they generally remain pretty close together, and appear to return year after year to the same spot, even though the ground be covered with snow, for they find their living then upon the trees. If driven away from the forest by an unusually severe storm or any other cause, they may be found at this season in small clumps of trees, wooded ravines, or patches of low brushwood. "At this season, with the exception of its cry of alarm when disturbed, the Jewar is altogether mute, and is never heard of its own accord to utter a call or note of any kind; unlike the rest of our Pheasants, all of which occasionally crow or call at all seasons. When alarmed it utters a succession of wailing cries, not unlike those of a lamb or kid, like the syllables 'waa, waa, waa,' each syllable uttered slowly and distinctly at first, and more rapidly as the bird is hard pressed and about to take wing. Where not repeatedly disturbed, it is not particularly shy, and seldom takes alarm till a person is in its immediate vicinity, when it creeps slowly through the underwood, or flies up into a tree, in the former case continuing its call till again stationary, and in the latter till it has concealed itself among the branches. If several are together all begin to call at once, and run off in different directions, some mounting into the trees, others running along the ground. When first put up they often alight in one of the nearest trees; but if again flushed the second flight is generally to some distance, and almost always down-hill. Their flight is rapid, and the whirr produced by the wings peculiar, so that even when the bird is not seen it may be distinguished from any other species. Where their haunts are often visited, either by the sportsmen or the villagers, they are more wary, and if such visits are of regular occurrence and continued for any length of time, they become alert in a very high degree; so much so that it is impossible to conceive a forest bird more shy or cunning. They then, as soon as aware of the presence of any one in the forest, after calling once or twice, or without doing so at all, fly up into the trees, which near their haunts are almost always evergreens of the densest foliage, and conceal themselves so artfully among the tangled leaves and branches that unless one has been seen to fly into a particular tree, and it has been well marked down, it is almost impossible to find them. In spring, as the snow begins to melt on the higher parts of the hills, they entirely leave their winter resorts, and gradually separate and spread themselves through the more remote and distant woods, up to the region of birch and white rhododendron, and almost to the extreme limits of forest. Early in April they begin to pair, and the males are then more generally met with than at any other period; they seem to wander about a great deal, are almost always found alone, and often call, at intervals, all day long. When thus calling, the bird is generally perched on the thick branch of a tree, or the trunk of one which has fallen to the ground, or on a large stone; the call is similar to the one they utter when disturbed, but it is much louder and only one single note at a time—a loud energetic 'waa,' not unlike the bleating of a lost goat—and can be heard for upwards of a mile. It is uttered at various intervals, sometimes every five or ten minutes for hours together, and sometimes not more than two or three times during the day; its purport most probably is to invite the females to the place. When the business of incubation is over, the broods, with the The Jewar feeds chiefly on the leaves of trees and shrubs: of the former the box and oak are the principal ones; of the latter, thugall and a shrub something like privet. It also eats roots, flowers, grubs, insects, acorns, seeds, and berries of various kinds, but in small proportion as compared with leaves; in captivity it will eat almost any kind of grain. Though the most solitary of our Pheasants, and in its native forests perhaps the shyest, it is the most easily reconciled to confinement; even when caught old it soon loses its timidity, eating readily out of the hand, and little difficulty is experienced in rearing it. "The Jewar," says Jerdon, "roosts in the trees; and in winter, perhaps for warmth, seems to prefer the low evergreens, with closely interwoven leaves and branches, to the larger trees which overshadow them." We are without particulars respecting the incubation of this species. The JUNGLE FOWLS (Galli) have a powerful body, short wings, and a moderate-sized graduated tail, consisting of fourteen feathers, placed vertically one above another. The beak is strong, of medium length, arched at its culmen, and curved at the tip of the upper mandible; the high foot is armed with a spur; a fleshy comb rises at the top of the head, and from the lower part of the beak depend soft fleshy wattles; the region of the cheek is bare. The thick, variegated plumage is so prolonged on the upper tail-covers as to conceal the real tail, over which the flowing feathers fall in graceful sickle-shaped curves. India and the Malay Islands seem to be the native abodes of these birds, each species, however, having its peculiar habitat. All the members of the group lead a retired life within the recesses of woods and forests, and for this reason we are but little acquainted with any minute details concerning the habits of many species. THE KASINTU, OR RED JUNGLE FOWL. The KASINTU, or RED JUNGLE FOWL (Gallus Bankiva), is a most gorgeous bird, having its head, throat, and the flowing feathers on the nape of glossy golden yellow, those on the back are purplish brown, with bright orange-red centre, and yellowish brown edges; the long feathers of the upper tail-covers are golden yellow, those of the middle wing-covers chestnut brown, shaded with blackish green; the breast-feathers are black, with a golden green lustre; the dark, blackish grey primaries have light borders, the secondaries are rust-red on the outer and black on the inner web; the black tail is glossy at its centre and quite lustreless at its sides. The eye is orange-red, the comb red, the back brownish, and the foot slate-grey. This species is twenty-five inches long; the wing measures eight inches and a half and the tail fourteen inches. The female is smaller than her mate, and carries her tail lower, and in her the comb and fleshy wattles are only indicated. The long neck-feathers are black, edged with whitish yellow, and those of the mantle dotted with brownish black; the under portions of the body are creamy yellow, and the quills and tail brownish black. This beautiful and well-known species, which is generally supposed to be the original stock of our domestic poultry, closely resembles some of the British Dunghill Cocks in plumage, but is considerably less in size. This bird appears to have been domesticated in the East at a very early date, and must have been introduced into Europe in very ancient times. It was well known to the Greeks and Romans, who, like our own people at a very recent period, and many Eastern nations at the present day, delighted in the cruel spectacle of a cock-fight. The Red Jungle Fowl is found from the Himalayas The Jungle Fowls are partial to bamboo jungle, but also inhabit lofty forests and dense thickets. "In travelling through a forest country," says Jerdon, "many are always found near the roads, to which they resort to pick up the grain from the droppings of cattle, &c.; dogs often put them up, when they at once fly on to the nearest trees. When cultivated land is near their haunts they may be seen morning and evening in the fields, often in straggling parties of from ten to twenty." The breeding season is from January to July, according to the locality. Their eggs, eight in number, are creamy white, and are often laid in a dense thicket, or under a bamboo clump, the hen occasionally scraping together a few leaves or dried grass to form a nest. After the end of the period of incubation, the hackles fall off the neck of the male, and are replaced by short blackish grey feathers. Jerdon tells us that young birds, if kept for a few days, are very excellent for the table, having a considerable game flavour. THE JUNGLE FOWL OF CEYLON. The JUNGLE FOWL OF CEYLON (Gallus Stanleyii). The male of this beautiful bird resembles that of the species last described in its general appearance, but has the breast reddish brown, striped with deep black, moreover, the wing-feathers have no brown patch in their centre. The female closely resembles that of the Gallus Bankiva. "This fowl," says Tennant, "abounds in all the lower parts of the island of Ceylon, but chiefly in the lower range of mountains; and one of the most vivid memorials associated with my journey through the hills, is its loud, clear cry, which sounds like a person calling 'George Joyce.' At early morning it rises amidst mist and dew, giving life to the scenery that has scarcely yet been touched by the sunlight." This species has never as yet bred or survived in captivity, and no living specimens have been successfully transmitted to Europe. THE JAVANESE JUNGLE FOWL. The JAVANESE JUNGLE FOWL (Gallus furcatus) is even more gorgeously plumed than those of its family already described. The long blunt feathers on the neck are of a deep metallic green, with a narrow border of velvety black; the long narrow feathers on the upper wing-covers are blackish green, with bright golden green edges; the long rump-feathers are blackish green in the centre, bordered with light yellow; and all the feathers of the tail-covers are of a deep and glossy black. The primary quills are blackish brown; the secondaries brown, with a narrow, reddish yellow edge to the outer web; while the real tail-feathers are of a rich glossy metallic green. The eye is light yellow; the bare face red at its sides, and marked with King's yellow beneath; the lower part of the comb is blue, and its apex violet; the beak is greyish black, with greyish yellow at its base; the foot is light-blueish grey. The female is considerably smaller than her mate, has her face covered with feathers, and is entirely without either comb or lappets on the throat. Her head and throat are greyish brown, the feathers on the mantle golden green, with greyish brown edges, and delicate golden streaks on the shafts. The secondary quills and large wing-covers are glossy dark grey, marked with yellow; the primaries are greyish brown; the tail-feathers brown, shaded with green, and edged with black. The under side is greyish cream-colour, and the throat white. This beautiful species is a native of Java. THE SONNERAT JUNGLE FOWL, OR KATAKOLI. The SONNERAT JUNGLE FOWL, or KATAKOLI (Gallus Sonnerati), differs from all its congeners in the construction of its neck-feathers, which are long, slender, and rounded at their extremities, where the shaft spreads out in such a manner as to form a round horny disc; it then again contracts, and again expands into a second disc. The webs of these feathers are dark grey; the shafts and lower discs pure white, and those at the end bright reddish yellow; the long slender feathers on the mantle are brownish black with light spots, and those of the smaller wing-covers have a webless smooth shaft of a glossy reddish brown; the wing-feathers are grey, with light shafts and edges, those at the exterior bordered and shafted with red and yellow. Some of the quills are dull grey, with light edges and shafts, the rest black, with a greenish lustre; the sickle-shaped feathers of the upper tail-covers gleam with dark green, those on the under side are blackish grey, such as cover the thighs having a reddish or yellow tint at the centre and edges. The eye is light brownish yellow, the comb red, and the beak yellowish grey. This species is twenty-four inches long; the wing measures nine inches and a half, and the tail about fifteen inches. The hen is almost of a uniform dark brown on the mantle, the edges to the feathers being of so pale a tint as merely to give the effect of light shading; the throat and gullet are white, the rest of the under side light yellowish grey, bordered with black; the primary quills are dark brown; the secondaries striped black and brown; the tail-feathers blackish brown, spotted and marked with a still deeper tint. The Sonnerat Jungle Fowl, or Grey Jungle Fowl, as it is also sometimes called, is found only in Southern India, spreading on the eastern coast to a little north of the Godavery, in Central India to the Pachmarii, and on the west to the Jajpeeple hills. It is found in great abundance on the Malabar coast, especially in the most elevated portions, and ascends to the summit of the Neilgherry Hills. It is also found in the Eastern Ghauts, and in various isolated ranges in different parts of Southern India. "Like the Red Jungle Fowl," says Jerdon, "it affects bamboo jungles. Early in the morning, throughout the Malabar coast, the bird may be found feeding on the roads; and with dogs you are certain of getting several shots, the birds perching at once on being put up by dogs. The hen lays from February till May, generally producing from seven to ten eggs of a pinky cream-colour. These are usually deposited under a bamboo clump. The call of the Cock is very peculiar, being a broken and imperfect kind of crow, quite unlike that of the Red Jungle Fowl, and quite impossible to describe. When they are taken from the jungles they are also very much wilder, and not so easily domesticated as that species; but cases are known in which they have bred in confinement with hens of the common breed." The section Phasianus of Brehm constitutes a numerous subdivision of the PhasianidÆ, generally recognisable by the elongate body, short neck, and small head; the short, much-rounded wing has the fifth and sixth quills longer than the rest; the tail (composed of from sixteen to eighteen feathers, placed in lengths) is wedge-shaped, and either very long or of moderate size; the slender bill is weak, much arched and hooked at its extremity; the foot is of medium height, smooth and powerful—that of the male is furnished with a spur. The plumage, which covers the entire body except the cheeks and tarsi, is prolonged upon the head, and sometimes on the nape into a crest and flowing collar; the brilliancy of its coloration is, to a certain degree, inferior to that of the PhasianidÆ, which we have before described, but it is, nevertheless, striking and beautiful. The female is smaller than her mate, owing to the unusual shortness of her tail; she also differs in the fact that her plumage is sombre and but little variegated. All the various members of this group were originally natives of Asia, where some species frequent mountain ranges, and never descend from a certain altitude even during the most severe winters, whilst others prefer low-lying districts; they, however, avoid the actual forest, and seek for the shelter of brushwood, shrubs, or hedges, and from thence fly out to search for food in the surrounding country. These birds are stationary in their habits, and at most indulge in short expeditions not exceeding the distance of a few miles from their native haunts. The MACARTNEY PHEASANTS (Euplocamus) constitute a group possessing a slender body, short neck, small head, short wing, and moderate-sized tail, composed of sixteen feathers. The bill is moderate, the tarsus high, and in the male armed with a spur. The feathers on the neck and rump are not much prolonged, and the former are more or less ragged at their tips; those of the tail are placed in gradations, the centre ones curving both downwards and outwards. The head is decorated with a delicate crest; the cheeks are bare, and covered with a soft velvety skin, which swells to such a size during the period of incubation as to form a comb and short lappets. The plumage of these birds is more remarkable for its brilliant lustre than for the variety of its hues. The female and young differ considerably from the adult male in their appearance. THE SIAMESE FIREBACK. The SIAMESE FIREBACK (Euplocamus-Diardigallus-prÆlatus) is a fine species, with the throat and upper part of the breast and back of a beautiful dark grey; the crown of the head and a narrow band around the bare red cheek are black; the feathers on the centre of the back are bright yellow; those on the rump black, with a broad scarlet edge. The wing-feathers are grey, bordered and marked with a darker shade; those of the tail are lustrous blackish green, and those on the breast deep black, with a green gloss; the crest is composed of from twelve to twenty feathers, having lancet-shaped tips and bare shafts towards their roots. This bird is a native of Siam, where it is known as the "Kai-pha." Sir Robert Schomburghk saw a living specimen in a collection of animals at a Siamese temple, and purchased it. When in captivity, instead of seeds, it had been fed upon the fry of fishes, prawns, and shrimps; this specimen, when dead, was forwarded to Mr. Gould. Sir Robert Schomburghk was afterwards told by the Prime Minister, or Kalakorne, that this pheasant is found at Rapri, or Raxaburi according to Sir J. Bowring's map, in latitude 31° 33´ north; longitude say 100° east. Mr. Gould, previously to the receipt of this specimen, had seen a drawing of the bird in the East India Company's collection. Schomburghk describes some of these birds kept by himself as being readily tamed; their flight resembled that of a Partridge, and their cry, when alarmed, was loud and harsh. Their food consisted of insects, rice in the husk, small bits of plants, bananas, and various other kinds of fruit; the latter diet they evidently preferred. THE SIKKIM KALEEGE, OR BLACK PHEASANT. The SIKKIM KALEEGE, BLACK PHEASANT, or KIRRIK (Euplocamus-Gallophasis-melanotus), as it is called in India, has the entire mantle of a glossy black, a part of the throat and the breast are whitish, the belly and feathers on the tail-covers dull brownish black. The eye is brown, the beak greyish yellow, the bare cheek bright red, and the foot grey. The length of this bird is twenty-three and the breadth twenty-eight inches; the wing measures eight inches and three-quarters, and the tail ten inches. The female is somewhat smaller, and is principally of an umber-brown, each feather having a light tip and lines on the shaft; these markings are broader and lighter on the under side Jerdon tells us the Sikkim Black Pheasant is met with in Nepaul, in some portions of the country being replaced by Gallophasis Horsfieldii. He informs us that about Darjeeling it is the only Pheasant at all common, and is not unfrequently put up on the roadside by dogs, when it at once takes refuge in trees. It is found at an altitude of from 3,000 to nearly 8,000 feet. It walks and runs with its tail semi-erect, and frequents both forests and bushy and grassy ground, coming to the fields and to more open spaces to feed in the morning and evening. Its eggs are occasionally found by the coolies, when weeding the tea-gardens in June and July, and are usually from five to eight in number. Its call sounds something like "koorchi-koorchi," at other times it resembles "kooruk-kooruk." THE KELITSCH, OR WHITE-CRESTED KALEEGE PHEASANT. The KELITSCH, or WHITE-CRESTED KALEEGE PHEASANT (Gallophasis albocristatus), has the head, throat, mantle, and tail of a lustrous blueish black; the rump-feathers are dull white, marked with pale black; the crest is white; the long breast-feathers greyish white; and the rest of the under side dark grey. The eye is brown, the bare cheek red, the beak dark grey, and the foot blueish grey. The hen bird is scarcely distinguishable from the female Kirrik. Of the life and habits of these birds we know but little, except from the writings of "Mountaineer," who has, however, observed and described them with his usual exactness. "The well-known Kaleege," says he, "is most abundant in the lower regions; it is common in the Dhoon at the foot of the hills, in all the lower valleys, and everywhere to an elevation of about 8,000 feet. From this it becomes scarcer, though a few are found still higher. It appears to be more unsuspicious of man than the rest of our Pheasants; it comes much closer to his habitations, and from being so often found near the villages and roadsides, is regarded by all as the most common, though in their respective districts the Monauls are more numerous. In the lower regions it is found in every description of forest from the foot to the summit of the hills, but is most partial to low coppice and jungle, and wooded ravines or hollows. In the interior it frequents the scattered jungle at the borders of the dense forest, thickets near old deserted patches of cultivation, old cow-sheds and the like, coppices near the villages and roads, and, in fact, forest and jungle of every kind except the distant and remote woods, in which it is seldom found. The presence of man, or some trace that he has once been a dweller in the spot, seems as it were necessary to its existence. "The Kaleege is not very gregarious; three or four are often found together, and ten or twelve may sometimes be put out of one small coppice, but they seem in a great measure independent of each other, much like our English Pheasants. When disturbed, if feeding or on the move, they generally run, and do not often get up unless surprised suddenly and closely, or forced by dogs, or else they lie rather close in thick cover. They are never very shy, and where not unceasingly annoyed by sportsmen or shikarees are as tame as could be wished. In walking up a ravine or hill-side, if put up by dogs a little distance above, they will often fly into the trees close above one's head, and two or three will allow themselves to be quietly knocked over in succession. When flushed from any place where they have sheltered, whether on the ground or aloft, they fly off to some distant cover, and alight on the ground in preference to the tree. Their call is a loud whistling chuckle or chirrup; it may be occasionally heard from the midst of some thicket or coppice at any hour of the day, but is not of frequent occurrence. It is generally uttered when the bird rises, and if it flies into a neighbouring tree is often continued for some time. When flushed by a cat or some small animal, this chuckling is always loud and earnest. "The Kaleege is very pugnacious, and the males have frequent battles. On one occasion I had shot a male, which lay fluttering on the ground in its death-struggles, when another rushed out of the jungle and attacked it with the greatest fury, though I was standing reloading the gun close by. The male often makes a singular drumming noise with its wings, not unlike the sound produced by shaking a stiff piece of cloth. It is heard only in the pairing season, but whether it is employed to attract the female, or in defiance of his fellows, I cannot say, as I have never seen the birds in the act, though often led to the spot where they were by the sound. It feeds on roots, grubs, insects, seeds, and berries, and the leaves and shoots of shrubs. It is rather difficult to rear in confinement when caught old, and the few chicks I have tried have also soon died, though possibly from want of attention. The Kaleege lays from nine to fourteen eggs—very similar in size to those of the Domestic Hen. They are hatched about the end of May." THE KALEEGE, OR BLACK PHEASANT (Euplocamus-Gallophasis-melanotus). Birds of this species resident in the Zoological Gardens in London have repeatedly bred there. THE SILVER PHEASANT. The SILVER PHEASANT (Nycthemerus argentatus, or Euplocamus nycthemerus) differs from the preceding, which in other respects it closely resembles, in the long ragged crest on its head, and the wedge-like form of its tail. The feathers of the latter are placed in heights, those in the centre curving rather towards the sides than downwards. This magnificent bird is white on the nape and mantle, the feathers of the latter being traced with delicate zigzag black lines. The black under side has a steel-blue lustre, the quills are white, edged and streaked with black; the tail-feathers are From the date of its first introduction into Europe the Silver Pheasant has been everywhere regarded as more fitted to be an ornament of our aviaries than a denizen of our woods, and, when so treated, has rewarded us for our pains. It may, indeed, be said to be completely naturalised in a domesticated state, and it could doubtless be established in our woods, were such a measure desirable; but to effect this with success no other species of Pheasants must be kept within its precincts, the pugnacious nature of this tribe of birds not admitting of the near proximity of two species, as the certain result would be a constant succession of battles, almost invariably ending, as is known to be the case when the Domestic Cock and Pheasant meet, in the death of the weaker bird. THE SILVER PHEASANT (Nycthemerus argentatus, or Euplocamus nycthemerus). Our country is not, perhaps, after all, well adapted either for this bird or its near allies, the Euplocami, which have been only recently introduced. The Silver Pheasant has been found to bear confinement well, and with but ordinary care its propagation is usually attended with success. After the autumn moult, its pencilled markings are exceedingly elegant and graceful; as spring advances its rich comb and wattle become enlarged, and of a most vivid scarlet, offering a striking contrast to its delicate pea-green bill. The colouring of the female is altogether sombre, and devoid of that sparkling brilliancy which so eminently adorns her mate, making him conspicuous even among the gayest of his congeners. The PHEASANTS PROPER (Phasiani) are recognisable by their long tail, the feathers of which are placed vertically, those in the centre being six or eight times as long as those at the sides, while those of the upper tail-covers have ragged or rounded tips. Their head is without a crest, but has a small upright tuft of feathers close to each ear. The plumage of the male is always beautiful, often most brilliant; but that of the female is comparatively sombre, with dark markings. The native countries of these birds are the mountainous parts of Asia, extending even to Japan; some species, however, have become naturalised in the temperate part of Europe. During the day they are found lying concealed in jungles, covers, and long grass, living in divided societies, of different sex. Towards the spring they separate into families, consisting of a male and several females; the party generally taking possession of a certain locality, from which the commander is very particular in driving away all male intruders. When suddenly disturbed, they endeavour to escape by using their legs rather than their wings. Their flight is rapid and noisy when first started, but is sustained only for a short distance. Various kinds of grain and insects form their principal food; these are usually sought for at sunset. They also consume bulbous roots, which are obtained by means of their bill and feet. Their eggs are deposited on long grass, without any kind of nest, and are about ten in number. THE COMMON PHEASANT. The COMMON PHEASANT (Phasianus Colchicus) is so variegated as to render an accurate description of its plumage extremely difficult. The head, as well as part of the neck, is green, with a resplendent blue gloss; the lower part of the neck, breast, belly, and sides are reddish brown, glistening with purple, each feather on these parts being edged with glossy black. The feathers on the mantle have white crescent-shaped spots below the border. The flowing, ragged feathers on the rump are dark copper-red, shaded with purple; the quills striped brown and reddish yellow; and the tail-feathers olive-grey, striped with black, and bordered with reddish brown. The eye is reddish yellow, the bare regions round the eye red, the beak light brownish yellow, and the foot reddish grey or lead-colour. This species is from thirty to thirty-two inches long, and from twenty-nine to thirty-one broad; the wing measures nine inches and a half, and the tail sixteen inches. The female is of inferior size, and has the entire plumage of a brownish grey tint, spotted and striped with black and deep reddish brown; the feathers on her back are darker than the rest of the body. The Banded and Isabel Pheasants closely resemble the above bird in their general appearance: but the first is distinguishable therefrom by a narrow white band on the throat, the deeper shade of its colouring, and the comparative paleness of its black markings; whilst the Isabel Pheasant is principally of a light yellowish grey, each feather edged with a deeper shade, the belly, on the contrary, is very dark, sometimes quite black. The females of both these last-mentioned varieties are similar to their mates in the principal hues of their plumage. The Common Pheasant, which is now naturalised all over the European continent, was originally introduced from Colchis, and derived its name from the river Phasis, in the neighbourhood of which it was especially abundant. In its native country, now called Mingrelia, it is still to be found wild, and of unequalled beauty. This bird, which is spread extensively over England, as far north as Northumberland, prefers woods, especially those of oak or beech, and such as have a growth of long grass and brambles, also damp ground where osiers and reeds abound, and hedgerows, but always lives in the vicinity of wood and water. During the day these Pheasants remain on the ground, moving quietly from bush to bush, as they go in search of food at dawn and sunset. In their progress to their feeding-place they always run, and on this account are very easily taken by wire snares set in the narrow paths that they make in the long grass which they constantly frequent. Towards evening they go to roost on low branches, taking their place near the stem or trunk of the tree. "An old cock Pheasant," says Mr. Yarrell, "immediately on hearing a dog give tongue in a wood where he is, will foot away to the farthest corner, particularly if the wood be open at bottom, and from thence run one dry ditch or hedgerow after another for half a mile to the next covert; but a hen Pheasant seems to trust to her brown colour to escape detection, and, squatting in any bit of long grass that is near her, often surprises and startles the young shooter not a little by bouncing up with a rattling noise close at his feet. The poor frightened bird is frequently indebted to the sensation thus created for a clear escape. The brown earth-like colour of the plumage of the females of several species of Pheasants seems to be an admirable provision, not only for their individual safety, but for the preservation of the whole race." In a wild state, the Pheasant feeds on grain, seeds, green leaves, and insects; also on some kinds of bulbs and berries. THE CHINESE RING-NECKED PHEASANT. The CHINESE RING-NECKED PHEASANT (Phasianus torquatus) is even more beautiful than its congeners. In this elegant bird the head and part of the throat are green; a line over the eyes and a collar about the throat white; the feathers on the nape almost black near the shaft, with broad yellow borders; and those on the mantle black at the base, with alternate yellow and black streaks, each feather edged with bright red. The long feathers on the rump and upper wing-covers are greenish grey, marked and dotted with red; those on the belly purplish brown, with conical black spots on the shafts, and those on the sides brownish yellow, marked with large round dark spots on the shafts. The quills are greyish brown, striped with greyish yellow, and secondaries reddish grey; the tail-feathers are greenish yellow, streaked with black. The eye is yellowish, the wattle on the cheek red, the beak light grey, and the foot brownish yellow. The size of this species is about that of the Common Pheasant. The hen resembles the female of the latter in her general appearance, but is somewhat "These birds," says Latham, "were first introduced into England under the name of Barbary Pheasants, by the Duke of Northumberland, and many were bred and turned out at large at Alnwick. Other noblemen and gentlemen have done the same, and thus the breed has become numerous. Birds of this species mix and breed with the Common Pheasant, and thus present much variety in their plumage, some having a well-defined and others a narrow and imperfect ring around the neck; the feathers of the flank, also, do not present the pure colouring either of P. torquatus or of P. Colchicus." Living specimens of this species have bred so abundantly in the gardens of the Zoological Society that birds and eggs have been transmitted to different parts of the country. The flight of the Chinese Ring-necked Pheasant when started is both rapid and direct, and is often continued to a considerable distance before the bird again enters the cover. REEVES' PHEASANT (Phasianus Reevesii, or P. veneratus). THE JAPANESE PHEASANT. The JAPANESE PHEASANT (Phasianus versicolor) has the head green and the upper part of the neck shaded with blue; the nape and entire under side are dark green, deepening to pale black at the sides and centre of the belly; the mantle-feathers are blackish green, surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped line of reddish yellow, THE GOLDEN PHEASANT (Thaumalea picta). These Pheasants are natives of Japan. In 1840 a pair of them were purchased by the Earl of Derby, of which the male only arrived at Knowsley; and from this bird and a female of the Common Pheasant have been derived the Green Pheasants, now so numerous in England. In form, habits, and disposition, this species resembles the Common Pheasant more nearly than the Phasianus torquatus, and has less disposition to wander. SOEMMERRING'S PHEASANT. SOEMMERRING'S PHEASANT (Phasianus Soemmerringii) is also known under the name of Graphephasianus, on account of its superior length of tail. The plumage of this species is principally copper-red, almost all the feathers having light borders; the centres of the upper wing and breast feathers are blackish brown; those on the rump have their rounded tips edged with golden yellow; the quills are brown, bordered with a paler tint; the eye This Pheasant, with which we became first acquainted through Dr. Siebold and Temminck, received its name from the latter, in honour of Professor Soemmerring, a distinguished naturalist. Since the year 1860 the living bird has been brought to Europe, and those in the Zoological Gardens, London, produced a brood in June, 1865. "The female," says Mr. Bartlett, "laid about ten eggs, but only three or four birds were hatched, and these died. The Phasianus Soemmerringii at the Antwerp Gardens also bred, but we are unable to say if the young arrived at maturity. In both places the males exhibited a strong inclination to destroy the females, and we come to the conclusion that the species is ill-adapted to breed in captivity." REEVES' PHEASANT. REEVES' PHEASANT (Phasianus Reevesii, or P. veneratus) represents a group, called by Wagler Syrmaticus, remarkable for their great length of tail and unusually variegated plumage. In this species the top of the head, ear-tufts, and a broad line around the throat are pure white; the sides of the head and a wide band across the breast are black, the feathers on the mantle, rump, and upper breast are golden yellow, edged with black; those of the lower breast and side whitish grey, decorated with a slender heart-shaped line, broadly edged with brownish red, and those of the belly brownish black. The feathers of the upper wing-covers are blackish brown, bordered with two lighter shades of brown; the quills are striped golden yellow and brownish black; and the tail-feathers silver-grey, dotted with red spots, surrounded by a black line, and broadly bordered with golden yellow. The eye is reddish, the beak and foot greyish yellow. This species resembles the Silver Pheasant in its general size, but has a streaming tail about six feet in length. Considerable confusion respecting the nomenclature of this remarkable bird has been occasioned by the late M. Temminck having, in his "Histoire Naturelle Generale des Pigeons et des GallinacÉs," assigned its two lengthened tail-feathers to the old Phasianus superbus of LinnÆus, an error which he subsequently corrected, when describing and figuring this bird in his "Planches ColorÉes" as P. veneratus. M. Temminck's error was adopted by Dr. Latham; and hence, while the description of the Barred-tail Pheasant, in his "General History of Birds" (Vol. VIII., p. 190), has reference to the old P. superbus, some of his remarks apply to the present species. It is probable that the bird did not escape the notice of the celebrated Marco Polo, since he states "there be plenty of Feysants and very great, for 1 of them is as big as 2 of ours, with Tayles of eygth, nine, and ten spannes long, from the kingdom of Erguyl or Arguill, the western side of Tartary;" but we question if he ever saw more than the central tail-feathers, which, being held in great estimation, were considered to be suitable presents to foreigners, and hence these feathers found their way to Europe many years before the entire bird. Through Mr. Reeves, after whom this species was named by Dr. Gray, we obtained the sight of the skin of a male, and afterwards some parts of a female. He also brought a female in 1838, and both were living in the Zoological Gardens at the same time, but did not breed. Another, brought from China in 1862, lived at Mr. Kelk's seat, near Edgware, among other Pheasants, at perfect liberty and in excellent health, for two years. Since the Chinese War, living examples have successfully bred in more than one menagerie, both in England and on the Continent. "The successful introduction of the living birds now in this country," says Mr. Tegetmeier, in the Field for June 7, 1867, "is owing to the combined efforts of Mr. John J. Stone, and Mr. Walter Medhurst, H.M. Consul at Hankow." Latham saw at Sir Joseph Banks's some drawings taken from a curious collection of ancient porcelain, representing a sham-fight on the water for the Emperor's amusement, supposed to be between his Tartarian and Chinese subjects, personated by the females of his seraglio, the chieftains of the former having one of the barred feathers of this species on each side of the bonnet, and the opponents, or Chinese, having two feathers of a Pheasant of a smaller kind, probably a Golden one; hence he concludes that the present bird is a native of Tartary, and not unlikely to be as common there as the other is in China. Dr. Bennett, in his "Wanderings in New South Wales," writes as follows:—"In Mr. Beale's splendid aviary and gardens at Macao, the beautiful Phasianus veneratus of Temminck, or P. Reevesii of Gray, now commonly known by the name of Reeves' Pheasant, was seen. It is the Che Kai of the Chinese. The longest tail-feathers of this bird are six feet in length, and are placed in the caps of the players when acting military characters. This I observed in Canton, where some of the beautiful tail-feathers (rather in a dirty condition, like the actors themselves, who in their tawdry dresses reminded me of the sweeps in London on a May-day) were placed erect on each side of their caps as a decoration. The Chinese do not venerate this bird, as was at first supposed, and which may have caused Temminck to bestow upon it the name of Veneratus, but it is superstitiously believed that the blood is possessed of poisonous properties, and that the mandarins, when in expectation of losing their rank and being suddenly put to death by order of the Emperor, preserve some of it upon a handkerchief in a dried state, on sucking which they fall down and instantly expire." Mr. Beale's first male specimen, obtained in 1801, was kept in a healthy state for thirteen years. After its death he endeavoured to procure others, but did not succeed until 1831, when four specimens were brought from the interior and purchased by him for 130 dollars. These were, I believe, subsequently taken to England by Mr. Reeves. The GOLDEN PHEASANTS (Thaumalea) are distinguishable from the birds above described by the comparatively small size of their bodies, their slender forms, bushy crest, and very long tail. The neck of the male is adorned with a remarkable collar of feathers that covers the nape, and is broadest under the chin. THE GOLDEN PHEASANT. The GOLDEN PHEASANT (Thaumalea picta) is most gorgeously apparelled, with a bright golden crest upon its head, and a rich orange-red collar, in which each feather is edged with deep velvety black; the feathers of the mantle are golden green, bordered with black, those on the lower back and upper tail-covers bright yellow, and those on the face, chin, and sides of throat whitish yellow. The lower neck and under side are a deep saffron-yellow, the wing-covers chestnut-brown, the quills greyish brown, edged with rust-red, the shoulder-feathers dark blue, with light borders, and most of those of the tail decorated with a black network tracery; the long, centre feathers of the upper covers are dark red, the eye is golden yellow, the beak whitish yellow, and the foot brownish. The male is thirty-two inches long and twenty-five broad, the wing measures eight and the tail twenty-two inches. The plumage of the hen is deep rust-red above, shading on the under side into a mixture of red, grey, and yellow; the feathers on the top of the head, throat, and sides, upper secondaries, and centre tail-feathers are striped brownish yellow and black, and the side tail-feathers brown, marked with yellowish grey. A very similar species lately discovered, and called Thaumalea obscura, is distinguishable from the above species, which in other respects it closely resembles, by the comparative darkness of its plumage during all its various changes, and by the inferior length of the tail-feathers. The Golden Pheasant inhabits Southern Tauria and the eastern part of the desert of Mongolia, advancing in summer up to the Amoor, and also the provinces of Kansu and Setschun in the interior THE CHINESE EARED PHEASANT (Crossoptilon auritum). LADY AMHERST'S PHEASANT. The LADY AMHERST'S PHEASANT (Thaumalea AmherstiÆ) is a very beautiful bird, having a black and red plume upon its head. The feathers that form the collar are of a silvery hue, with dark edges; the plumage of the neck, upper back, and upper wing-covers is light golden green, bordered with a deeper tint; and that of the lower back shaded golden yellow. The feathers of the upper tail-covers are pale red, spotted and lined with black, those on the under side pure white; the quills are brownish grey, edged with a lighter tint on the outer web; the centre tail-feathers are whitish grey, striped with black and edged with yellow, the rest are brownish grey; the lancet-shaped feathers at the sides of the upper tail-covers are coral-red, the bare patches on the cheeks blue, and the eye golden yellow; the beak is pale, and the foot dark yellow. THE ARGUS PHEASANT, OR KUAU (Argus giganteus). This species was first described by Mr. B. Leadbeater, in a paper read before the LinnÆan Society, December 2nd, 1828, and received from him its name in honour of the Countess of Amherst, to whom "It is now believed," says Mr. Gould, "that the bird is an inhabitant of the Chinese province of Yunnan and the adjoining region of Thibet." We have no account of its mode of life or habits. The EARED PHEASANTS (Crossoptilon), are so called on account of the remarkable tufts of feathers, resembling those of some Owls, situated at the sides of the head. They are also distinguishable from the members of the family already described by their very powerful build and comparatively short tail, the feathers at the extremity of which are discomposed, and overhang the rest. THE CHINESE EARED PHEASANT. The CHINESE EARED PHEASANT (Crossoptilon auritum) has the throat and a line that passes from thence to the ear of pure white; the somewhat lax plumage on the head, the nape, upper breast, and back are black, and the mantle-feathers light brownish grey; the rump is yellowish white, and the under side pale greyish yellow; the quills and tail-feathers are yellowish grey, with a dark border to the outer web; the streaming feathers on the upper covers are greyish black. The hen is somewhat smaller than her mate, and has the long feathers less developed. We are without particulars as to the life and habits of this Pheasant. Lamprey tells us he observed it in the markets of Pekin, and heard that it is found on the mountains to the north of that town. M. Armand David also met with it in July, 1863, in the northern valley of a high mountain, fifteen leagues to the west of Pekin, and was told that it is called Ho-ki, or Gho-ky, by the Chinese. When placed in an aviary these birds soon become gentle and familiar. In their wild state they frequent well-wooded spots on mountains; they perch readily, and carry their tails after the fashion of the Domestic Fowl; their somewhat varied call also much resembles the voice of that bird. The crops of three specimens killed in July were filled with the leaves of cytisus; and those examined in winter contained nuts, kernels, leaves of mugwort, ferns, roots, orchids, coleoptera, worms, and caterpillars. In a paper contributed to the Zoological Society's Proceedings for July, 1866, Mr. Saurin informs us that the hen lays at the end of May; the eggs are larger than those of a Common Fowl, and of a blueish tint. The Chinese rear these Pheasants on a kind of millet-cake; they are also very fond of barley. In 1866 two males of this species were presented to the London Zoological Gardens, and in the same year two hens were purchased from the Jardin d'Acclimatisation of Paris; since that time they have produced several broods, which have been hatched by a Domestic Hen. THE ARGUS PHEASANT, OR KUAU. The ARGUS PHEASANT, or KUAU (Argus giganteus). This magnificent species has the feathers on the upper and primary quills unusually prolonged, and broad at the tips; their shafts are soft, and the web of firm, stiff texture; the secondaries, on the contrary, are very short. The moderately long beak is compressed at its sides, slightly vaulted, bare at its base, and hooked at its tip; the long weak foot is without a spur; the tail, composed of twelve feathers, is very long and much graduated, the two centre feathers far exceeding the rest in length; the sides of the head and throat are bare, with the exception of a few black hairs; the brow, top of the head, and back of the head, on the contrary, are covered with a growth of small velvety feathers. The coloration of the plumage is more remarkable for the delicacy of its markings than for the brilliancy of its hues. The short feathers on the crown are deep black, those on the back of the neck striped yellow, and those on the nape and upper back brown, marked and dotted with light yellow. The yellowish brown feathers on the centre Plate 29. Cassell's Book of Birds ITHAGINIS CORIENTES ____ SANGUINE FRANCOLIN (about one half Nat. size) The Argus Pheasant is said to be found in the woods of Sumatra, and is called by the natives Coo-ow, or Kuaow. It does not bear long confinement, and seems to have an antipathy to the light, remaining inanimate during the day. When kept in a dark place, however, it appears to be perfectly at ease, and sometimes utters the note or call from which it takes its name. This cry is rather plaintive, and not harsh like that of the Peacock. The flavour of its flesh resembles that of the Common Pheasant. The PEACOCK PHEASANTS (Polyplectron) constitute a group forming the connecting link between the Argus Pheasants and the Peacocks. They have small, slender bodies; short, decidedly rounded wings, in which the fifth and sixth quills are the longest, and the feathers of the upper covers much prolonged; the tail is long, composed of twelve feathers, broad at its extremity and slightly graduated; the feathers on the upper covers closely resemble those beneath them in form, colour, and markings. The long, thin tarsus is armed with from two to six spurs, the toes are short, and the claws small; the moderate-sized beak is thin, straight, compressed at its sides, slightly curved towards the tip, and covered with feathers at its base. The plumage of the male is enlivened by numerous eyes upon the tail, and occasionally on the mantle and wing-covers. THE CHINQUIS, OR ASSAM PEACOCK PHEASANT. The CHINQUIS, or ASSAM PEACOCK PHEASANT (Polyplectron chinquis), the most beautiful of the four species of the above group with which we are acquainted, has the head of a greyish brown, delicately dotted and lined with black; the lower neck, breast, and centre of the belly are brown, striped with brownish black, and spotted with light yellow; the mantle-feathers are greyish yellow, marked with small greyish black lines; each feather being decorated with an ocellus having a green centre and glossy purple border; the feathers of the back, rump, and large tail-covers are pale brown, spotted and marked with brownish yellow, and have a similar green and purple spot, surrounded by a black rim. The eye is bright yellow and the foot black. This species is twenty-two inches long, but of these ten inches are included in the tail. The hen is distinguished by less showy plumage, the slight excrescences that replace the spurs upon her foot, and the shortness of her tail. THE CHINQUIS, OR ASSAM PEACOCK PHEASANT (Polyptectron chinquis). The countries of Assam, Silhet, Arucan, and Tenasserim, as far as Mergui, may be regarded as the habitat of this species, which received from LinnÆus, who erroneously believed Thibet to be its native country, the name of the Thibet Peacock; and even now we are but little acquainted with its habits, owing to its shy disposition, and the preference it has for the innermost recesses of dense forests. In "Ornithognomon's" "Game Birds of India" is one of the most interesting of the few notices we possess. "I have never," says the writer, "shot this bird; and, indeed, only once came upon it. This was in a narrow path leading along a ridge about 3,000 feet above the sea, in the mountains on the British side of the Thoungyen River, which separates Tenasserim from Yohan in Siam. It started so suddenly, having apparently been dusting itself in the path, and shot so rapidly across the jungle, through the kud, that had it not left two or three of its feathers behind I should not have known what bird I had flushed. I am not aware of any English sportsman having ever bagged one of these Pheasants; and, indeed, it frequents such inaccessible places as effectually to defy approach. The mountains in the tropics rise to a height of six or eight thousand feet above the sea, and from 6,000 feet downwards are clothed with such a dense mass of trees, thickets, underwood, bamboos, and thorny rattans, all bound together by creepers and tangle, that it would be an hour's labour to cut Two males of this species were sent by the Baba Rajendra Malhik to the London Zoological Gardens in 1857, and another pair in 1863, of which the female died; another female was obtained in 1864, which bred several times, and thus many particulars concerning their economy were learned. "Thus we know," says Mr. Sclater, "that two or three broods in a year are produced by the same pair, and are often covered by her tail, that the normal number of eggs is two, and that they are peculiarly delicate in form and colour, assimilating very closely to those of the Golden Pheasant (Thaumalea picta)—they are of a cream-colour, or buffy white, nearly two inches long, by one inch and seven-sixteenths broad." Mr. Ellis, in his monograph on the PhasianidÆ, states that Mr. Bartlett, superintendent of the Zoological Gardens, London, told him that the first time the young of this species were hatched in the Gardens, a Bantam Hen was employed as a foster mother, and the chicks would follow close behind her, never coming in front to take food, so that in scratching the ground she frequently struck them with her feet. The reason for the young keeping behind was not understood, until on a subsequent occasion two chicks were reared by a hen Chinquis, when it was observed that they always kept in the same manner behind the mother, who held her tail widely spread, thus completely covering them, and there they continually remained out of sight, only running forward when called by the hen to pick up some food she had found, and then immediately retreating to their shelter. It was thus rendered evident that the young, in following the Bantam Hen, were simply obeying the instincts of their nature, although the upright tail of their foster mother failed to afford them the protection which they would have found had they been reared by a female of their own species. The PEACOCKS (Pavones) are distinguished from all other members of their family by the superiority of their size, and the extraordinary development of the feathers of the upper tail-covers. Their bodies are powerful; the neck moderately long, head small, wings short, and legs high; the beak is strong, arched at its culmen and hooked at the tip; and the foot of the male is armed with a spur. The crown of the head is adorned with a crest, formed either of long and slender or short bearded feathers. The region of the eye is bare. These fine birds only attain their full beauty when three years old. The Peacock is a native of the East Indies and Ceylon, and is represented in Assam, the Sunda Islands, and Japan by the Pavo nigripennis. All the members of this glorious group frequent woods and jungle, preferring mountainous districts. On the Neilgherries and mountains of Southern India the Pavo cristatus is frequently met with at an altitude of 6,000 feet above the level of the sea; but it is not found in the Himalayas. Williamson tells us that these splendid creatures abound chiefly in well-wooded localities, where there is an extent of long grass for them to range in. They are very thirsty birds, and will only remain where they can have free access to water. "About the passes in the Jungleterry districts," continues the same authority, "I have seen such quantities of Pea Fowls as have absolutely surprised me. Whole woods were covered with their beautiful plumage, to which a rising sun imparted additional brilliancy. The small patches of plain among the long grass, most of them cultivated, and with mustard then in bloom, which induced the birds to feed, added beauty to the scene; and I speak within bounds when I assert that there could not be less than twelve or fifteen hundred Pea Fowls of various sizes within sight of the spot where I stood for more than an hour." When on the wing they fly heavily, generally within an easy THE COMMON PEACOCK. The COMMON PEACOCK (Pavo cristatus) is of a magnificent purplish blue on the head, throat, and upper breast, overspread with glowing green and golden lustre; the green feathers on the back are edged and marked with copper-red; the centre of the back is deep blue, the wing white striped with black, and the under side black; the quills and tail are light brown; the long feathers of the latter, which form the graceful train that renders this bird so conspicuous, being decorated with numerous ocellated spots. The crest-feathers, from twenty to twenty-four in number, are bearded at their tips. The eye is dark brown, and the bare ring that surrounds it whitish; the beak and foot are greyish-brown. The length of this species is from three and a half to four feet; the wing measures eighteen and the tail twenty-four inches. The long train-feathers of the upper tail-covers are from four to four feet and a half in length. The female is nut-brown on the head and upper throat; the feathers on the nape are greenish, edged with whitish brown; those of the mantle light brown, marked with delicate lines; and those on the throat, breast, and belly white; the quills are brown, and the tail-feathers brown tipped with white. The hen is from thirty-six to thirty-eight inches long; her wing measures fifteen and tail from twelve to thirteen inches; her crest is much smaller and darker than that of her mate. The general form of this magnificent bird is exceedingly elegant; and when he elevates and spreads his gorgeous train to the sun, displaying it in every way, as if conscious of the admiration he is exciting, the beholder is constrained to admit that there is no creature upon which Nature has lavished her powers of adornment with a more unsparing hand. The voice of the Peacock is extremely harsh and disagreeable, closely resembling in sound the word paon, which is its French name. The introduction of this bird into Europe is ascribed to Alexander the Great, but the exact date at which it was first imported into England is unknown. This Pea-fowl inhabits the whole of India Proper, and is replaced in Assam and the countries to the east by another species. Jerdon tell us, "It frequents forests and jungly places, more especially delighting in hilly and mountainous districts; and in the more open and level country, wooded ravines and river banks are the never-failing resort of some of them. It comes forth to the open glades and fields to feed in the morning and evening, retiring to the jungles for shelter during the heat of the day, and roosting at night on high trees. "During the courting season," says Jerdon, "the Peacock raises his tail vertically, and with it of course the lengthened train, spreading it out and strutting to captivate the hen birds; he has also the power of clattering the feathers in a most curious manner. It is a beautiful sight to come suddenly on twenty or thirty Pea fowl, the males displaying their gorgeous trains, and strutting about in all the pomp of pride before the gratified females. The train continues to increase in length for many years, at each successive moult, but it appears to be shed very irregularly." The breeding of "In Ceylon," writes Sir Emerson Tennant, "as we emerge from the deep shade and approach the park-like openings on the verge of the low country, numbers of Pea-fowl are to be found, either feeding on the seeds and fallen nuts among the long grass, or sunning themselves on the branches of the surrounding trees. Nothing to be met with in English demesnes can give an adequate idea of the size and magnificence of this matchless bird when seen in its native solitudes. Here he generally selects some projecting branch, from which his plumage may hang free of the foliage; and if there be a dead and leafeless bough, he is certain to choose it for his resting-place, whence he droops his wings and spreads his gorgeous train, or spreads it in the morning sun to drive off the damps and dews of night. In some of the unfrequented portions of the eastern province to which Europeans rarely resort, and where the Pea-fowl are unmolested by the natives, their number is so extraordinary that, regarded as game, it ceases to be sport to destroy them; and their cries at early dawn are so tumultuous and incessant as to banish sleep, and amount to an actual inconvenience." The flesh is excellent when served up hot, though it is said to be indigestible; when cold it contracts a reddish and disagreeable tinge. Among old English dishes for high festivals the Peacock at one time held a notable place, and a "Pecock enhakyl" (that is, with the feathers of the tail extended) is mentioned by Fabian as one of the second course dishes at the wedding-feast of Henry VI. In an old manuscript in the Library of the Royal Society is a receipt for the dressing of this noble dish:—"For a feste royal, Pecokkes schol be dight on this manere: Take and flee off the skin, with the fedures, tayle, and the neck and hed thereon. Then take the skynne and all the fedures, and lay hit on a tabel abrode, and straw thereon grounden comyn. Then take the Pecok and roste him, and endore him with rawe yolkes of eggs; and when he is rosted take hym off and let hym cole a whyle, and take and sowe him in his skynne, and gild his combe, and so serve him forthe with the last cours." The flesh of the Peacock is said to be dry, but such a quality must have been amply compensated by the wholesale provision of sauce; as, according to an old play, THE BLACK-WINGED PEACOCK. The BLACK-WINGED PEACOCK (Pavo nigripennis), a very similar species, differs from the above principally in the blackish blue or blueish green feathers on the upper wing-covers. The hen has a light grey plumage, spotted with a darker shade. THE JAPAN PEACOCK. The JAPAN PEACOCK (Pavo muticus, or Pavo spicifer) far exceeds its congeners in beauty. In this bird the body is slender and the foot high. The crest is composed of feathers having broader tips than those in the crest of the Common Peacock. The upper throat and the head are emerald-green; the feathers of the lower throat are adorned with blueish green spots, having golden edges; and the emerald-green breast-feathers gleam with gold. The belly is brownish grey, the wing-covers are dark green, the quills brown, marbled with black and grey on the outer web, and the secondary quills black, with a greenish gloss. The long feathers of the upper tail-covers resemble those of the Common Peacock, but are more gorgeous. The eye is greyish brown, the bare region around blueish green, the cheek brownish yellow, the beak black, and the foot grey. The female resembles her mate, but is without the train. The earliest description of this splendid bird is given by Aldrovandus, in the sixteenth century; this was taken from a drawing sent some years before by the Emperor of Japan to the Pope, who gave it to his nephew, the Marchese Tachinetti, from whom Aldrovandus received it. On the authority of this author it had been described in several scientific works, till at length, no further knowledge being gained concerning the species, its actual existence began to be doubted, and Cuvier, in his "RÈgne Animal," says, "Le Paon de Japon, ou SpicifÈre (P. muticus, Linn.), n'est rien moins qu'authentique. Le veritable Paon sauvage du Japon differe peu du notre, par les couleurs, et point par l'aigrette." M. Temminck, however, admitted the species, and described it principally from the account of Le Vaillant, who had seen an example of it in a menagerie at the Cape of Good Hope. At the time of the publication of Temminck's work, a specimen was received in the Paris collection, and two males were procured by Professor Jameson for the Ornithological Museum of Edinburgh. The GUINEA FOWLS (NumidÆ) are recognisable by their strongly-built body, short wings, moderate-sized tail, very long feathers in the upper tail-covers, moderate-sized, short-toed feet, without spurs; strong beak, and head and neck more or less denuded of feathers, and decorated with a crest, plume, wreath, or helmet of feathers, and lappets of skin. The plumage of both sexes is usually dark, enlivened with white. The female is adorned with a dress similar to that of her mate. The ROYAL GUINEA FOWLS (Acryllium) differ in many particulars from all their congeners. These birds have a slender body, long thin neck, small bare head, decorated with a wreath, extending from the ears over the back of the head, and formed of very short velvety feathers; the feathers on the throat are lancet-shaped; the upper secondaries considerably exceed the primaries in length, and the centre tail-feathers are longer than those at the exterior. The short strong beak is much curved, and has the upper mandible very decidedly hooked at its tip; the tarsi are high, and furnished with a spur-like wart. The members of this group are natives of Africa. THE VULTURINE ROYAL GUINEA FOWL. The VULTURINE ROYAL GUINEA FOWL (Acryllium vulturinum) has the head and upper part of the throat destitute of feathers, but besprinkled with hairs of a black colour, which are longest on the neck; the nape is thickly clothed with short, velvet-like, brown down, and the lower part of the neck ornamented with long, lanceolate, and flowing feathers, having a broad stripe of white down the centre, to which on each side succeeds a line of dull black, finely dotted with white, and margined with fine blue. The feathers of the inferior part of the back are of a similar form, but broader, with a narrower line of white down the centre, and with the minute white dots disposed in irregular and obliquely transverse lines. The wing-covers, back, rump, tail, under tail-covers, and thighs, are blackish brown, ornamented with numerous round and irregular spots of white surrounded by circles of black, the intermediate spaces being filled with very minute spots of dull white; the primaries are brown, with light shafts and spots of brownish white on the outer web; and the tips of the inner secondaries brownish black, with three imperfect lines of white disposed lengthwise on the outer web, and three rows of irregular spots of white on the inner web; the breast and sides of the abdomen are of a beautiful metallic blue, the centre of the abdomen black, the flanks dull pink, with numerous spots of white surrounded by circles of black; the bill is brownish, and the feet brown. "Independently of the chaste and delicate markings which adorn the whole of this tribe, the neck of the present species of Guinea Fowl," says Mr. Gould, "is ornamented by a ruff of lanceolate flowing plumes, which new feature, as well as the head being entirely devoid of fleshy appendages, render it conspicuously different from all its congeners. We are not able to furnish any account of its THE COMMON GUINEA FOWL (Numida meleagris). The TUFTED GUINEA FOWLS (Guttera) are recognisable by the bushy crest upon the head, as also by their very powerful beak, moderately high tarsus, and short strong tail. The neck is without any actual lappet, but has the bare skin arranged in deep folds. PUCHERAN'S TUFTED GUINEA FOWL. PUCHERAN'S TUFTED GUINEA FOWL (Guttera Pucheranii) is of a beautiful but unusually dark blue on the back and under side, and covered with very small round or oval spots, which merge into stripes on the feathers of the upper wing-covers; the primary quills are of almost unspotted brownish grey, and the exterior secondaries broadly edged with white on the outer web. The crest is pale velvety black, the summit of the head and bare fore parts of the neck are bright red, with the folds of the skin dark greyish violet; the eye is deep brown, the beak greyish yellow with blueish base, and the foot almost black. This species is a native of South-eastern Africa. The GUINEA FOWLS (Numida) form a group distinguishable by a horn-like crest on the crown of the head, and two fleshy lappets that depend from the lower mandible. Near Fuentes, in St. Jago, the chief of the Cape Verde Islands, Darwin met with these beautiful birds in large flocks. They were extremely wary, and could not be approached, running away like Partridges on a rainy day, with their heads cocked up, and if pursued readily took wing. "The discovery of a nest of wild Guinea Fowl," says that writer, "was an incident that enlivened a peculiarly toilsome part of the journey, the passage through a long but narrow watercourse, now dry, filled with masses of loose slippery stone, almost impassable for a horse. In the midst of a thick tuft of grass, within a wood, beside this rocky path, a Guinea Hen had deposited her brood of twenty eggs." Ellis, in his "Three Visits to Madagascar," says, "Among the companions of my journey was an officer, attended by a slave carrying in a neatly-made wicker cage a pair of perfectly white Guinea Fowls, as a great rarity, and a present from the chief of a distant province to the prince." In reference to this statement, Hartlaub tells us that he considers the Guinea Fowls of Madagascar to be specifically different from such as are natives of Africa. THE COMMON GUINEA FOWL. The COMMON GUINEA FOWL (Numida meleagris), the species from which our domestic bird is derived, when in its wild state, has the breast and nape unspotted lilac, and the back and rump grey, enlivened by small white dots, surrounded with a dark line. On the upper wing-covers these spots increase in size, and merge into narrow stripes on the outer webs of the secondary quills; the under side is greyish black, adorned with large round spots; the quills are brownish, streaked with white on the outer, and irregularly dotted and marked on the inner web; the dark grey tail-feathers are beautifully spotted, and those at the exterior partially striped. The broad lappets and comb are red, the eye is dark brown, the region of the cheek and the crest blueish white, the beak reddish horn-grey, the foot dull grey, and the toes flesh-colour. When tamed and reared, this species produces a race of much larger birds; these have the plumage very variously marked, and occasionally are entirely of a whitish or reddish hue. THE MITRED PINTADO. The MITRED PINTADO (Numida mitrata) has the horn-like excrescence on the head much developed, and the chin-lappets narrow and long. The pale black plumage is spotted with white; the feathers on the nape and throat are striped with greyish white, the secondary quills have the outer web partially streaked with white. The eye is greyish brown; the upper part of the head and base of the beak are bright red, a crescent-shaped patch behind the eye, the hinder part of the neck, and the throat are greenish blue, shaded with dark blue; the fleshy lappets are violet at the base and bright red at the tip; the comb or horn is pale yellow, the beak greyish yellow, and the foot blackish blue. This species is twenty-two inches long, the wing measures ten and the tail seven inches. The Mitred Pintado is found, though not abundantly, in Madagascar and Guinea, but is common in Mozambique and in Abyssinia. We learn from Layard that its habitat extends over the whole of the frontier district, into Ovampolando on the west, and to the Mozambique on the east, and that it is still abundant in some places within the colony, where the mimosa bush affords it sufficient shelter. It feeds on grain and insects, and lays from seven to ten eggs, rather sharply pointed at the small and rounded at the obtuse end. These are of a dark cream-colour, minutely dotted over with pin-points of brown. The same authority tells us that these Guinea Fowls rear their young much in the same manner as our Pheasants do. If the female is startled she flies off and leaves her little family, who at once disperse in every direction, and hide so cunningly amongst the grass and bushes that they are seldom discovered: they usually remain in their concealment until called together again by the shrill note of According to M. du Chaillu, the Phasidus niger was met with by him from fifty to one hundred miles in the interior, reckoning from Cape Lopez, and was unknown to the inhabitants of the Cape. He obtained but a single specimen. THE TUFT-BEAKED PINTADO. The TUFT-BEAKED PINTADO (Numida ptilorhyncha), a very similar species, has the stiff feathers that encircle the throat of a velvety black, whilst those of the body are dark brownish grey, dotted with white. These markings become more perceptible on the upper wing-covers, and take an oval form on the outer web of the shoulder-feathers; the under side has a blueish grey lustre; the breast, sides, and lower tail-covers are decorated with large round spots. The brownish grey quills are more or less distinctly margined with light grey or whitish edges; the lower secondaries have a light blueish grey border, tinted with two shades of brownish grey, and, like the tail-feathers, are very distinctly spotted. The eye is brown and the cheek light blue, as are the large broad lappets; the throat is flesh-red, the bare crown of the head greyish yellow, and the tuft of bristle-like hairs at the base of the upper mandible, from which these birds derive their name, light yellow; the bill is reddish at its base and grey at its tip; the foot dark greyish brown. This species is a native of Abyssinia and Nubia, where it frequents valleys bordered with thickets, and renders itself remarkable by its extremely harsh voice. It seldom flies, and then only for a short distance to escape from danger. The flesh is exceedingly savoury. The TURKEYS (Meleagrides) are large but comparatively slender birds, with long legs and short wings and tail; the moderate-sized head and neck are unfeathered and covered with warts; the short, strong beak, from which depends a fleshy wattle, has the upper mandible curved and vaulted. The high foot is furnished with long toes, the rounded wing has its third quill longer than the rest; and the tail, composed of eighteen broad, upright feathers, is also slightly rounded at its extremity. The thick heavy plumage is unusually glossy. One remarkable characteristic of these birds is the bristle-like structure of some of the breast-feathers, some of which are much longer than those of the rest of the body. The members of this group inhabit the forests, prairies, and open tracts of North America; the males wandering about the country in small parties of from ten to one hundred, and seeking their food apart from the females, who are occupied in feeding their young. Turkeys are found in a wild state from Canada to Panama, and so far from being improved by the care of man, have remarkably degenerated in a state of domesticity. When wild they often weigh from twenty to sixty pounds, and when standing upright, measure at least three feet in height. Formerly these birds were common in Canada and the central parts of the United States, but they have gradually fallen back before the advance of civilisation, although they only seem to yield their country inch by inch to the husbandman. THE PUTER, OR WILD TURKEY. The PUTER, or WILD TURKEY (Meleagris gallopavo), is of a brownish yellow on the upper parts of the body, which gleam with a beautiful metallic lustre, each feather having a broad resplendent black edge. The hinder portions of the back-feathers and tail-covers are dark reddish brown, striped green and black; the yellowish brown breast is darkest at its sides; the belly and legs are brownish grey, and the feathers on the rump pale black, faintly edged with a darker shade. The quills are THE OCELLATED TURKEY (Meleagris ocellata), ONE-FIFTH NATURAL SIZE. Of the many accounts respecting the life of the Wild Turkey of North America, none is more excellent than the following from the pen of Audubon:—"The unsettled parts of the States of Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana, an immense extent of country to the north-west of those districts upon the Mississippi and Missouri, and the vast regions drained by these rivers from their confluence to Louisiana, including the wooded parts of Arkansas, Tennessee, and Alabama, are most abundantly supplied with this magnificent bird. It is less plentiful in Georgia and the Carolinas, becomes still scarcer in Virginia and Pennsylvania, and is now very rarely seen to the east "The Turkey," continues Audubon, "is irregularly migratory, as well as irregularly gregarious. When the supply of food in one portion of the country happens greatly to exceed that of another, the Turkeys are insensibly led towards that spot, by gradually meeting in their haunts with more fruit the nearer they advance towards the place where it is most plentiful. In this manner flock follows after flock, until one district is entirely deserted, while another is, as it were, overflowed by them. "About the beginning of October, when scarcely any of the seeds and fruits have yet fallen from the trees, these birds assemble in flocks, and gradually move towards the rich bottom-lands of the Ohio and the Mississippi. The males, or as they are more commonly called, the 'gobblers,' associate in parties of from ten to a hundred, and search for food apart from the females; while the latter are seen advancing singly, each with its brood of young, then about two-thirds grown, or in connection with other families, forming parties amounting to seventy or eighty individuals, all intent on shunning the old cocks, which, even when the young birds have attained this size, will fight with and often destroy them by repeated blows on the head. Old and young, however, all move in the same course and on foot, unless their progress be interrupted by a river, or the hunter's dog force them to take wing. When they come to a river they betake themselves to the highest eminences, and there often remain a whole day, or sometimes two, as if for the purpose of consultation. During this time the males are heard gobbling, calling, and making much ado, and are seen strutting about as if to raise their courage to a pitch befitting the emergency. Even the females and young assume something of the same pompous demeanour, spread out their tails and run round each other, purring loudly and performing extravagant leaps. At length, when the weather appears settled, and all around is quiet, the whole party mount to the tops of the highest trees, whence, at a signal consisting of a single cluck given by a leader, the flock takes flight for the opposite shore. The old and fat birds easily get over, even should the river be a mile in breadth; but the young and less robust frequently fall into the water, not to be drowned, however, as might be imagined. They bring their wings close to their body, spread out their tail as a support, stretch forward their neck, and striking out their legs with great vigour, proceed rapidly towards the shore, on approaching which, should they find it too steep for landing, they cease their exertions for a few moments, float down the stream until they come to an accessible part, and by a violent effort generally extricate themselves from the water. It is remarkable that immediately after thus crossing a large stream, they ramble about for some time as if bewildered; in this state they fall an easy prey to the hunter. "When the Turkeys arrive in parts where food is abundant, they separate into smaller flocks, composed of birds of all ages and both sexes, promiscuously mingled, and devour all before them. This happens about the middle of November. So gentle do they sometimes become after these long journeys, that they have been seen to approach the farmhouses, associate with the Domestic Fowls, and enter the stables and corn-cribs in quest of food. In this way, roaming about the forests, and feeding chiefly on mast, they pass the autumn and part of the winter. "As early as the middle of February the females separate and fly from the males, the latter strenuously pursue, and begin to gobble or to utter their notes of exultation. The sexes roost apart, but at no great distance from each other. When a female utters a call-note, all the gobblers within hearing return the sound, rolling note after note with as much rapidity as if they intended to emit the first and last together, not with spread tail, as when fluttering round the females on the ground, or practising on the branches of the trees on which they have roosted for the night, but much in the manner of the Domestic Turkey, when an unusual or unexpected noise elicits its singular hubbub. "About the middle of April, when the season is dry, the hens begin to look out for a place to deposit their eggs. This place requires to be as much as possible concealed from the eyes of the Crow, as that bird watches the Turkey when going to her nest, and, waiting in the neighbourhood until she has left it, removes and eats the eggs. The nest, which consists of a few withered leaves, is placed on the ground, in a hollow scooped out by the side of a log, or in the fallen top of a dry leafy tree, under a thicket of sumach or briars, or a few feet within the edge of a cornbrake, but always in a dry place. When laying her eggs the female approaches her nest very cautiously, scarcely ever following the same track twice, and when she leaves them covers them so carefully with leaves that it is very difficult for any person to find the nest, unless the mother has been suddenly started from it. When on her nest, if she perceives an enemy, she sits still and crouches low until the intruder has passed by, unless she is aware that she has been discovered." "I have frequently," says Audubon, "approached within five or six paces of a nest, of which I was previously aware, assuming an air of carelessness, and whistling or talking to myself, the female remaining undisturbed; whereas if I went cautiously towards it, she would never suffer me to approach within twenty paces, but would run off, with her tail spread on one side, to a distance of twenty or thirty yards, when, assuming a stately gait, she would walk about deliberately, uttering now and then a cluck." The mother seldom abandons her nest on account of its having been disturbed by man, but if robbed by a snake or other wild animal she never approaches it again. If her brood has been destroyed, she lays a second set of eggs, but usually rears only one brood in the season. Sometimes several mothers lay their eggs in the same nest. Audubon once found three sitting upon forty-two eggs. In such a case one or other of the females always keeps guard over the nest, to prevent the approach of the weaker kind of enemies. When nearly hatching, the hen will not leave her eggs for any consideration, and will rather allow herself to be fenced in than desert her nest. Audubon tells us he once witnessed the hatching of a brood of Turkeys. "I concealed myself," he says, "on the ground, within a very few feet, and saw the female raise herself half the length of her legs, look anxiously upon the eggs, cluck with a sound peculiar to the mother on such occasions, carefully remove each half-empty shell, and with her bill caress and dry the young birds that already stood tottering and attempting to make their way from the nest. I saw them all emerge from the shell, and in a few moments after tumble, roll, and push each other forward, with astonishing and inscrutable instinct." Before the old bird leaves the nest she shakes herself violently, preens her feathers, and assumes quite a different appearance; she raises herself, stretches out her neck, and glances about and around to detect any enemy that may be nigh, spreads her wings, and clucking softly, endeavours to keep her young family together. As the brood are usually hatched in the afternoon, they often return and spend the first night in the nest, but afterwards remove to higher undulating ground, the mother dreading the Wild Turkeys will sometimes feed and associate with tame ones, whose owners are glad to welcome them, the half-breed being much the most hardy, and easily reared. "While at Henderson," says Audubon, "I had among other birds a fine male Turkey, which had been reared from its earliest youth under my care, it having been caught by me when probably not more than two or three days old. It became so tame that it would follow any person who called it, and was the favourite of the little village; yet it would never roost with the tame Turkeys, but regularly betook itself at night to the roof of the house, where it remained till dawn. When two years old it began to fly to the woods, where it remained for a considerable part of the day, returning to the enclosure as soon as night approached. It continued this practice until the following spring, when I saw it several times fly from its roosting-place to the top of a high cotton tree on the Ohio, from which, after resting a little, it would sail to the opposite shore, the river being nearly half a mile wide, and return towards night. One morning I saw it fly off at a very early hour to the woods, in another direction, and took no particular notice of the circumstance. Several days elapsed, but the bird did not return. I was going towards some lakes near Green River, to shoot, when having walked five miles I saw a fine large gobbler cross the path before me, moving leisurely along. Turkeys being then in prime condition for the table, I ordered my dog to chase it and put it up. The animal went off with great rapidity, and as it approached the Turkey, I saw with much surprise that the latter paid little attention. Juno was on the point of seizing it, when she suddenly stopped and turned her head towards me. I hastened to them, but you may easily conceive my surprise when I saw my own favourite bird, and discovered that it had recognised the dog and would not fly from it, although the sight of a strange dog would have caused it to run off at once." The Wild Turkeys do not restrict themselves to any particular kind of food, but prefer the winter grape and the pecan-nut, being found in the greatest numbers where these are plentiful. They eat grass and various herbs, corn, berries, fruit, insects, tadpoles, and small lizards. When walking, these birds often open their wings a little, folding them again over each other, as if their weight were too great, then run a short distance, spreading their pinions and fanning their sides after the manner of the Domestic Fowl, then leaping two or three times into the air, and shaking themselves. While searching for food they keep the head raised, and are always on the watch, meanwhile scratching with their feet, and snatching up at once with the beak any prey which they may have found. In summer they roll themselves in the dust of roads or ploughed fields to clear themselves from ticks. After snow, when the ground becomes hard, the Turkeys will remain on their sleeping-places without food for three or four days, but sometimes venture into farmyards to the stacks of corn and stables, in search of grain. During falls of melting snow they run to surprising distances, and with such rapidity that no horse can keep up with them; late in the spring, however, their strength is not so great, and a good dog is able to overtake them. With the exception of man, the most formidable enemies of the Wild Turkey are the lynx, the Snowy Owl, and the Virginian Owl. The lynx pursues both old and young, sucks their eggs, and does them great injury. The Owls attack them when roosting on the branches of trees, hovering Turkeys are hunted in all parts of America with ardour, but always in moderation. They are shot at pairing-time, and also when at roost; but they are most commonly caught in pens, in a manner thus described by Audubon:— "Young trees, of four or five inches in diameter, are cut down and divided into pieces of the length of twelve or fourteen feet. Two of these are laid on the ground parallel to each other, at a distance of ten or twelve feet. Two others are laid across the ends of these at right angles to them, and in this manner successive layers are added until the fabric is raised to the height of about four feet. It is then covered with similar pieces of wood, placed three or four inches apart, and loaded with one or two heavy logs to render the whole firm. This done, a trench about eighteen inches in depth and width is cut under one side of the cage, into which it opens slantingly and rather abruptly. It is continued on its outside to some distance, so as gradually to attain the level of the surrounding ground. Over the part of this trench within the pen, and close to the wall, some sticks are placed so as to form a kind of bridge about a foot in breadth. The trap being now finished, the owner places a quantity of Indian corn in its centre, as well as in the trench; and as he walks off, drops here and there a few grains in the woods, sometimes to the distance of a mile. This is repeated at every visit to the trap after the Turkeys have found it. No sooner has a Turkey discovered the train of corn than it communicates the circumstance to the flock by a cluck, when all of them come up, and searching for the grains scattered about, at length come upon the trench, which they follow, squeezing themselves one after another through the passage under the bridge. In this manner the whole flock sometimes enters, but more commonly six or seven only, as they are alarmed by the least noise, even the cracking of a tree in frosty weather. Those within having gorged themselves, raise their heads, and try to force their way through the top or sides of the pen, passing and repassing on the bridge, but never for a moment looking down or attempting to escape by the passage by which they entered. Thus they remain until the owner of the trap arriving closes the trench and secures his captives. I have heard of eighteen Turkeys having been caught in this manner at a single visit to the trap." When Turkeys are abundant, the owners sometimes neglect to visit their traps, and the poor prisoners are starved for want of food, for they never retrace their steps along the trench, as they might readily do, and thus regain their liberty. The AUSTRALIAN JUNGLE FOWLS (MegapodinÆ) form a group of Australian birds, distinguished from all their feathered brethren by the strange manner in which their broods are incubated. For this process mounds of grass and earth are erected by the parents to receive their unusually large eggs, which are hatched by means of the heat engendered by the decaying vegetable matter. The young do not quit the shell until they are fully fledged and capable of supporting themselves. Gould is of opinion that this singular way of incubating the eggs, and the very small size of their brain, indicate that the MegapodinÆ hold but a low place in the scale of intelligence. Naturalists are much at variance concerning the systematic position of these birds, but in our The TALLEGALLI (Tallegalli) are recognisable by their strong curved beak, short toes, small much-rounded wings, and the bare patches on the head, neck, and breast. These birds inhabit the dense brushes, scrubby gullies, and primeval forests of Australia and New Guinea, where they are met with in small flocks on the ground. In disposition they are very shy, and when disturbed endeavour to escape by running into the thick brush or by flying up to the branches of trees, and then ascending to the top, which they gain by leaping from bough to bough; having attained the summit they sometimes fly off to a new locality in the underwood. During the mid-day heat they generally seek shelter under the shady branches of trees, often uttering a low chuckling noise; they also dust themselves on the ground, after the manner of other Gallinaceous Birds. Their food consists of seeds, berries, and insects. THE BRUSH TURKEY (Catheturus Lathami). The BRUSH TURKEYS (Catheturus) are recognisable by their powerful frame, moderate-sized neck, large head, short rounded wings, and tail of medium length, composed of eighteen feathers; their soft woolly down, and a slight hairy growth on the head and neck. The fore part of the throat exhibits a long fleshy excrescence. These remarkable birds are natives of Australia. THE BRUSH TURKEY, OR WATTLED TALLEGALLUS. The BRUSH TURKEY, or WATTLED TALLEGALLUS (Catheturus, or Tallegallus Lathami), is of a beautiful chocolate-brown on the upper portions of the body, and light brown on the under side, which is marked with silver-grey. The eye is light brown, the wattle bright yellow, the beak lead-grey, and the foot light reddish brown. The bare skin on the head and neck is scarlet. This species is two feet and a half long; the wing measures twelve inches, and the tail nine inches and a half. The female closely resembles her mate. "How far the range of the Wattled Tallegallus may extend," says Mr. Gould, "is not yet satisfactorily ascertained; it is known to inhabit various parts of New South Wales, from Cape Howe to Moreton Bay, and Mr. Macgillivray informed me that he had killed it as far up the east coast as Port Molle. The assaults of the cedar-cutters and others, who frequently hunt through the brushes of Illawarra and Maitland, had, however, nearly extirpated it from those localities when I visited the colony in 1838, and it probably does not now exist there; but I believe it is still plentiful in the dense and little-trodden brushes of the Manning and Clarence. I was at first led to believe the country between the mountain ranges and the coast constituted its sole habitat, but I was agreeably surprised when I found it in the Liverpool brushes and in the scrubby gullies and sides of the lower hills that branch off towards the interior. "It has often been asserted that Australia abounds in anomalies, and in no instance is the truth of this assertion more fully exemplified than in the history of this very singular bird, respecting the situation of which in the natural system much diversity of opinion, as above noticed, has hitherto prevailed. It was consequently one of the birds which demanded my utmost attention during my visit to Australia. "The most remarkable circumstance connected with the economy of this species is the fact of its eggs not being incubated in the manner of other birds. At the commencement of the spring the Wattled Tallegallus scratches together an immense heap of decaying matter as a depository for the eggs, and trusts to the heat developed by the process of fermentation for the development of the young. The heap employed for this purpose is collected by the birds during several weeks previous to the period of laying; it varies in size from two to many cartloads, and in most instances is of a pyramidal form. The construction of the mound is either the work of one pair of birds, or, as some suppose, of the united labours of several; the same site appears to be resorted to for several years in succession, the birds adding a fresh supply of materials each succeeding season. "The materials composing these mounds are accumulated by the bird grasping a quantity in its foot, and throwing it backwards to a common centre, the surface of the ground for a considerable distance being so completely scratched over that scarcely a leaf or blade of grass is left. The mound being completed, and time being left for sufficient heat to be engendered, the eggs are deposited in a circle at the distance of nine or twelve inches from each other, and buried more than an arm's depth, with the large end upwards; they are covered up as they are laid, and allowed to remain until they are hatched. I have been credibly informed, both by natives and settlers living near their haunts, that it is not unusual to obtain half a bushel of eggs at a time from a single mound, and I have myself seen a native woman bring to the encampment in her net half that quantity, as the spoils of a foraging excursion to the neighbouring scrub. Some of the natives state that the females are constantly in the "Although, unfortunately," continues Mr. Gould, "I was almost too late for the breeding season, I nevertheless saw several of these hatching mounds, both in the interior of New South Wales and at Illawarra. In every instance they were placed in the most retired and shady glens and on the slope of a hill, the part above the mound being scratched clean, while all below remained untouched, as if the birds had found it more easy to convey the materials down than to throw them up. The eggs are perfectly white, of a long oval form, three inches and three-quarters long, by two inches and a half in diameter." In the Gardens of the Zoological Society in the Regent's Park, several old birds have constructed mounds, in which they deposited eggs, and their young have become developed. "In the year 1854," says Mr. Sclater, "the singular phenomenon of the mound-raising faculty of the Tallegallus, which had been well ascertained in Australia by Mr. Gould, was effectually displayed by a pair of birds. "On being removed into a sufficiently large enclosure, with an abundance of vegetable material within reach, the male began at once to throw it up into a heap behind him, by a scratching motion of his powerful feet, which projected each footful as he grasped it for a considerable distance in the rear. As he always began to work at the outer margin of the enclosure, the material was thrown inwards in concentric circles until it sufficiently neared the spot selected for the mound to be jerked upon it. As soon as the mound had risen to a height of about four feet, both birds worked in reducing it to an even surface, and then began to excavate a depression in the centre. In this in due time the eggs were placed, as they were laid, and arranged in a circle about fifteen inches below the summit of the mound, at regular intervals, with the smaller end of the egg pointing downwards. The male bird watched the temperature of the mound very carefully; the eggs were generally covered, a cylindrical opening being always maintained in the centre of the circle for the purpose of giving air to them, and probably to prevent the danger of a sudden increase of heat from the action of the sun, or accelerated fermentation in the mound itself. In hot days the eggs were nearly uncovered two or three times between morning and evening. In about a month after the first egg was supposed to have been laid a young bird was hatched, and is still living with its parents. Subsequent observation enables us to state that on the young bird chipping out of the egg, it remains in the mound for at least twelve hours, without making any effort to emerge from it, being at that time almost as deeply covered up as the rest of the eggs. On the second day it comes out with each of its wing-feathers well developed in a sheath which soon bursts, but apparently it has no inclination to use them, its powerful feet at once giving it ample means of locomotion. Early in the afternoon the young bird retires to the mound again, and is partially covered up for the night by the assiduous father, but at a diminished depth as compared with the circle of eggs from which it emerged in the morning. On the third day the nestling is capable of flight, and one of them accidentally forced its way through the strong netting which covered the enclosure." In its native woods this species lives in small companies like other GallinÆ, and while on the When disturbed, the Wattled Tallegallus readily eludes pursuit by the facility with which it runs through the tangled brush. If hard pressed, or when rushed upon by its great enemy the native dog, it springs upon the lowermost bough of some neighbouring tree, and by a succession of leaps from branch to branch ascends to the top, and either perches there or flies off to another part of the brush. It has also the habit of resorting to the branches of trees as a shelter from the mid-day sun, a peculiarity that greatly tends to its destruction; for, like the Ruffed Grouse of America, when assembled in small companies, these birds will allow a succession of shots to be fired until they are all brought down. Unless some measures be adopted for their preservation, this circumstance must lead to an early extinction of this singular species—an event much to be regretted, since, independently of its being an interesting object for the aviary, it is an excellent bird for the table. THE MALEO. The MALEO (Megacephalon Maleo) is characterised by a hard, round excrescence that commences at the nostrils and passes over the brow to the back of the head. The powerful beak is ridged at its culmen, and has the margin of the lower mandible almost straight; the third quill in the shell-shaped wing is longer than the rest; the rounded tail is composed of eighteen feathers, and the strong foot furnished with short toes. The plumage on the back, a band on the breast, and the region of the vent and thighs are blackish brown, and the breast and belly pale rose-red. The eye is yellow, the bare part of the head whitish blue, the occipital protuberance blue; the beak and the fore part of the foot are horn-grey. This species is twenty-four inches long; the wing measures eleven and the tail eight inches. "In the months of August and September," says Wallace, "when there is little or no rain, the Maleos come down in pairs from the interior to one or two favourite spots, and scratch holes three or four feet deep, just above high-water mark, where the female deposits a single large egg, which she covers with about a foot of sand, and then returns to the forest. At the end of ten or twelve days she comes again to the same spot to lay another egg, and each female bird is supposed to lay six or eight eggs during the season. The male assists the female in making the hole, coming down and returning with her. The appearance of these birds when walking on the beach is very handsome. The glossy black and rosy white of the plumage, the helmeted head, and elevated tail, like that of the Common Fowl, give a striking character, which their stately and somewhat sedate walk renders still more remarkable. There is hardly any difference between the sexes, except that the casque or bonnet at the back of the head and the tubercles at the nostrils are a little larger, while the beautiful rosy salmon-colour is perhaps deeper in the male bird; but the difference is so slight that it is not always possible to tell a male from a female without dissection. They run quickly, but when shot at or suddenly disturbed take wing with a heavy noisy flight to some neighbouring tree, where they settle on a low branch; they probably roost at night in a similar situation. Many females lay in the same hole, for a dozen eggs are often found together, and these are so large that it is not possible for the body of the bird to contain more than one fully-developed egg at the same time. In all the female birds which I shot," continues this author, "none of the eggs besides the one large one exceeded the size of peas, and there were only eight or nine of these, which is possibly the extreme number a bird can lay in the season. "Arrived at our destination, we built a hut, and prepared for a stay of some days, I to shoot and skin Maleos. The place is situated in the large bay between the islands of LimbÉ and Banca, and consists of a steep beach more than a mile in length, of deep, loose, and coarse black volcanic sand, or rather gravel, very fatiguing to walk over. It is in this loose black sand that those singular birds, the Maleos, deposit their eggs. "Every year the natives come for fifty miles round to obtain these eggs, which are esteemed a great delicacy, and when quite fresh are indeed delicious. They are richer than Hens' eggs, and of a finer flavour, each one completely fills an ordinary tea-cup, and forms, with bread or rice, a very good meal. The colour of the shell is a pale brick-red, or very rarely pure white. They are elongate, and very slightly smaller at one end, from four to four and a half inches long, by two and a quarter and two and a half wide." THE MALEO (Megacephalon Maleo), ONE-FOURTH NATURAL SIZE. After the eggs are deposited in the sand they are no further cared for by the mother. The young birds on breaking the shell, work their way up through the sand, and run off at once to the forest. "I was assured by Mr. Duivenfoden, of Ternate," says Wallace, "that they can fly the very day they are hatched. He had taken some eggs on board his schooner which were hatched during the night, and in the morning the little birds flew readily across the cabin. Considering the great distances the hens come to deposit the eggs in a proper situation (often ten or fifteen miles), it seems extraordinary that they should take no further care of them. It is, however, quite certain that they neither do nor can watch them. The eggs being deposited by a number of hens in succession in the same hole would render it impossible for each to distinguish its own, and the food necessary for such large birds, THE OCELLATED LEIPOA. The OCELLATED LEIPOA (Leipoa ocellata) has a slender body and a broad rounded wing, in which the second quill exceeds the rest in length; the tail, formed of fourteen feathers, is long, broad, and much rounded; the powerful foot is high, the beak comparatively small and straight. The colour of the head and crest is blackish brown, of the neck and shoulders dark ash-grey; the fore part of the former, from the chin to the breast, is marked by a series of lanceolate feathers, which are black, with a white stripe down the centre; the back and wings are conspicuously marked with three distinct bands of greyish white, brown, and black; near the tip of each feather the marks assume an ocellate form, particularly on the tips of the secondaries. The primaries are brown, their outer webs marked with zigzag lines of darker brown; the rump and upper tail-covers are brownish grey, the feathers of the latter transversely marked with two or three zigzag lines near their tip; all the under surface is light buff; the tips of the flank-feathers are barred with black; the tail is blackish brown, broadly tipped with buff; the bill black, and the foot blackish brown. "The Ocellated Leipoa," says Gould, "appears to be more peculiarly suited for a plain and open country than for the tangled brush; and it is most curious to observe how beautifully the means employed by Nature for the reproduction of the species is adapted to the situations it is destined to inhabit." The following sketches of its economy, so far as it has yet been ascertained, were given me by Gilbert and Sir George Grey, and are here reproduced in their own words:— "Wongan Hills, Western Australia, September 28, 1842. "This morning I had the good fortune to penetrate into the dense thicket I had so long been anxious to visit in search of the Leipoa's eggs, and had not proceeded far before the native who was with me told me to keep a good look out, as we were among the Ngou-oo's hillocks; and in half an hour after, we found one, around which the brush was so thick that we were almost running over it before seeing it. So anxious was I to see the hidden treasures within that, in my haste, I threw aside the black fellow and began scraping off the upper part of the mound; this did not please him at all, and he became very indignant, at the same time making me understand that as I had never seen this nest before, I had better trust him to get out the eggs, or I should, in my haste and impatience, certainly break them. I therefore let him have his own way, and he began scraping off the earth very carefully from the centre, throwing it over the side, so that the mound very soon presented the appearance of a huge basin. About two feet in depth of earth was in this way thrown off, when the large ends of two eggs met my anxious gaze; both these eggs were resting on their smaller apex, and the earth round them had to be very carefully removed to avoid breaking the shell, which is extremely fragile when first exposed to the atmosphere. About a hundred yards from this first mound, we came "The Wongan Hills are about 1,300 feet above the level of the sea, in a north-north-east direction from Drummond's House in the Toodyay. Their sides are thickly clothed with a dense forest of Eucalypti, and at their base is a thicket, extending for several miles, of upright-growing and thick bushy plants, so high in most parts that we could not see over their tops, and so dense that if we only separated for a few yards we were obliged to 'cooey' to prevent our straying from each other. This thicket is again shadowed by a very curious species of dwarf Eucalyptus, bearing yellow blossoms, and growing from fifteen to thirty feet in height, known to the natives as the spear-wood, and of which they make their spears, digging-sticks, dowaks, &c. The whole formation is a fine reddish iron-stone gravel, and this the Leipoa scratches up for several yards around, and thus forms its mound, to be afterwards converted into a hotbed for the reproduction of its offspring. The interior of the mound is composed of the finer particles of the gravel, mixed with vegetable matter, the fermentation of which produces a warmth sufficient for the purpose of hatching. Mr. Drummond, who had been for years accustomed to hotbeds in England, gave it as his opinion that the heat around the eggs was about 89°. In both the nests with eggs the White Ant was very numerous, making its little covered galleries of earth around and attached to the shell, thus showing a beautiful provision of Nature in preparing the necessary tender food for the young bird on its emergence. One of the eggs I have preserved shows the White Ant's tracks most beautifully. The largest mound I saw, and which appeared as if in a state of preparation for eggs, measured forty-five feet in circumference, and, if round in proportion on the top, would have been fully five feet in height. I remarked that in all the mounds not ready for the reception of eggs the inside or vegetable portion was always wet and cold; and I imagine from the state of the others that the bird turns out the whole of the materials to dry before depositing its eggs and covering them up with the soil. In both cases where I found eggs, the upper part of the mound was perfectly and smoothly rounded over, so that any one passing it without knowing the singular habit of the bird might very readily suppose it to be an ant-hill. Mounds in this state always contain eggs within, while those without eggs are not only not rounded over, but have the centres so scooped out that they form a hollow. The eggs are laid directly in the centre, all at the same depth, separated only by about three inches of earth, and so placed as to form a circle. I regret we were so early. Had we been a week later, the probability is I should have found the circle of eggs complete. Is it not singular that all the eggs were equally fresh, as if their development was arrested until the full number were deposited, so that the young might all appear at the same time? No one considering the immense size of the egg can suppose for a moment the bird capable of laying more than one without at least the intermission of a day, and perhaps even more. Like those of the Megapodius, they are covered with an epidermis-like coating, and are certainly as large, being three inches and three-quarters in length by two and a half in breadth. They vary in colour from a very light brown to a light salmon. During the whole day we did not succeed in obtaining sight of the bird, although we saw numerous tracks of its feet, and many places where it had been scratching. We also saw its tracks on the sand when crossing the dried beds of the swamps at least two miles from the breeding thicket, which proves that the bird in procuring its food does not confine itself to the bushes around its nest, but merely resorts to them for the purpose of incubating. The native informed us that the only chance of procuring the bird was by stationing ourselves in sight of the mound at a little distance, and remaining quiet and immovable till it made its appearance at sundown. This I attempted, and, with the native, encamped within twenty yards of the mound about an hour before sunset, taking precautions to conceal ourselves Sir George Grey completes the account given by Gilbert. He says, "I have lately returned from the Murray, where I have been studying the habits and manners of the Leipoa ocellata, which is very plentiful in the sandy districts of the scrub. Its food consists chiefly of insects, such as PhasmidÆ and a species of Cimex. It also feeds on the seeds of various shrubs. It possesses the power of running with extraordinary rapidity; it roosts at night on trees, and never flies if it can avoid so doing. "The mounds it constructs are from twelve to thirteen yards in circumference at the base, and from two to three feet in height, the general form being that of a dome. The sand and grass are sometimes scraped up for a distance of from fifteen to sixteen feet from its outer edge. The mound appears to be constructed as follows:—A nearly circular hole of about eighteen inches in diameter is scratched in the ground to the depth of seven or eight inches, and filled with dead leaves, dead grass, and similar materials; and a large mass of the same substance is placed all around it upon the ground. Over this first layer a large mound of sand, mixed with dried grass, &c., is thrown, and finally the whole assumes the form of a dome, as I have before stated. "When an egg is to be deposited, the top is laid open, and a hole scraped in its centre, within two or three inches of the bottom of the layer of dead leaves. The egg is placed in the sand just at the edge of the hole, in a vertical position, with the smaller end downwards; the sand is then thrown in again, and the mound left in its original form. The egg which has thus been deposited is therefore completely surrounded and enveloped in soft sand, having from four to six inches of sand between the lower end of the egg and the layer of dead leaves. When a second egg is laid, it is deposited in precisely the same plane as the first, but at the opposite side of the hole before alluded to. When a third egg is laid, it is still placed in the same plane as the others, but, as it were, at the third corner of a square. When the fourth egg is laid, it is still placed in the same plane, but in the fourth corner of the square, or rather of the lozenge, the figure being of this form, ; the next four eggs in succession are placed in the interstices, but always on the same plane, so that at last there is a circle of eight eggs all standing upright in the sand, with several inches of sand intervening between each. The male bird assists the female in opening and covering up the mound, and, provided the birds are not themselves disturbed, the female continues to lay several eggs in the same mound, even after it has been several times robbed. The natives say that the females lay an egg every day. Eight is the greatest number I have heard of, from good authority, as having been found in one nest. "The farthest point north at which I have seen the breeding-places of these birds is in Gantheaume Bay. The natives of King George's Sound say that the bird exists in their neighbourhood. I have never fallen in with its nests but in one description of country, viz., where the soil was dry and sandy, and so thickly wooded with a species of dwarf Leptospermum that if you stray from the paths it is almost impossible to force your way through." Besides the above particulars, we have from Gould the following account, which he elicited "The natives frequently find the nest and eggs, but they seldom see the old birds, as they are very timid and quick-sighted. They run very fast like the Emu, roost on trees, live for a long time without water, but drink when it rains. The Ocellated Leipoa is a remarkably stout compact bird, and appears when alive to have as large a body as the female Turkey, but it is shorter in the legs. Mr. Schomburghk states that an egg he took home and placed under a Domestic Hen was hatched the next day, and the young bird appeared covered with feathers, and capable of at once obtaining its own food." The MEGAPODES (Megapodii) have a large slender body, moderate-sized neck, and large head; the broadly-rounded wing has the third, fourth, and fifth quills of equal length; the tail, formed of ten feathers, is short and rounded; the tarsus very strong, and longer than the long, powerful middle toe, which is armed like the rest with a formidable and slightly-hooked claw. The straight beak is usually shorter than the head, and vaulted towards its tip. The thick plumage is prolonged upon the back of the head and the region of the eye; a large portion of the head and the throat and neck are always bare. We are indebted to Gould, Gilbert, and Macgillivray for full particulars respecting the mode of life of the Megapodes. "The habits and economy of the birds comprised in this family are," says Gould, "both curious and extraordinary, nor are they less singular in their structure; indeed, in my own opinion, no group of birds is more isolated. By one of our best ornithologists one species has been classed with the Vultures, another placed it with Meleagres, and a third authority considered it to be allied to the genus Ralles. From the colonists of Australia the three species inhabiting that country have received the trivial names of Brush Turkey, Native Pheasant, and Jungle Fowl, but to none of these birds are they in any way allied. In general appearance the MegapodidÆ offer a certain degree of alliance to the GallinaceÆ, but in the peculiar shape, colouring, and odour of their eggs, and in the mode in which they are incubated, they are totally different, and in some of these respects resemble the tortoises and turtles. Three species belonging to different genera inhabit Australia; others exist in New Guinea and the neighbouring islands, and extend as far north as the Philippines." THE AUSTRALIAN MEGAPODE. The AUSTRALIAN MEGAPODE (Megapodius tumulus) is about the size of a female Pheasant. The head of this species is dark reddish brown, the back and wing reddish brown, the upper and lower "On my arrival at Port Essington," says Gilbert, "my attention was attracted to numerous immense mounds of earth, which were pointed out to me by some of the residents as the tumuli of the aborigines; on the other hand, I was assured by the natives that they were formed by the Megapode for the purpose of incubating its eggs. This latter statement appeared so extraordinary, and so much at variance with the general habits of birds, that no one in the settlement believed them or took sufficient interest in the matter to examine the mounds, and thus to verify or refute their accounts. Another circumstance which induced a doubt of their veracity was the great size of the eggs brought in by the natives as those of this bird. Aware that the eggs of the Leipoa were hatched in a similar manner, my attention was immediately arrested by these accounts, and I at once determined to ascertain all I possibly could respecting so singular a feature in the bird's economy; and having procured the assistance of a very intelligent native, who undertook to guide me to the different places resorted to by these birds, I proceeded on the 16th of November to Knocker's Bay, a part of Port Essington Harbour, comparatively but little known, and where I had been informed a number of these birds were always to be seen." A detailed account follows of his finding several different mounds, which he examined, and was quite convinced that the natives had spoken the truth concerning them. Somewhat later, Mr. John Macgillivray observed the Megapode on Nago Island, in Endeavour Straits, and during his stay there was so fortunate as to procure both the male and the female, and to find several mounds containing eggs. "Few birds," says this gentleman, "are more wary and less easily procured than the Megapodius; it inhabits the belts of brush along the coast, and I never found the tumulus at a greater distance from the sea than a few hundred yards. When disturbed this species seldom rises at once, unless on the margin of a thicket, but runs off to some distance and then takes to wing, flying heavily, but without any of the whirring noise of the true GallinaceÆ. It seldom takes a long flight, and usually perches on a tree, remaining there in a crouching attitude with outstretched neck, but flying off again upon observing any motion made by its pursuer; and it is only by cautiously sneaking up under cover of the largest trees that it can be approached within gunshot. As an example of its shyness, I may mention that a party of three persons scattered about in a jungle on Nago Island for the purpose of shooting the Megapodius did not see a single bird, although they put up several, one of which came towards me and perched, unconscious of my presence, within twenty yards. At Port Essington I have shot this bird among mangroves, the roots of which were washed by the sea at high water; and Captain F. P. Blackwood killed one while running on the mud in a similar locality, in both instances close to a mound." Gilbert also confirms the statement that it is found near the shore. The Megapode, he says, is almost exclusively confined to the dense thickets immediately adjacent to the sea-beach; it appears never to go far inland, except along the banks of creeks. It is always met with in pairs, or quite solitary, and feeds on the ground, its food consisting of roots, which its powerful claws enable it to scratch up with the utmost facility, and also of seeds, berries, and insects, particularly the larger species of Coleoptera. He did not himself detect any note or cry, but, from the natives' description of it, it much resembles the clucking of a Domestic Fowl, ending with a scream like that of the Peacock. The mounds are very different, both as regards situation, size, and composition. They usually stand near the edge of water; some are composed of sand and shell, while others contain vegetable mould and decaying wood. Gilbert found one fifteen feet in height and sixty in circumference at the base, and another which covered a space of at least a hundred and fifty feet in The CURASSOWS, or HOCCOS (CracidÆ), are large or middle-sized birds, with slender bodies, much-rounded wings in which the four or five exterior primaries are graduated, and the secondaries prolonged, and a long powerful tail either slightly graduated or straight at its extremity. The beak, which is of various lengths and comparatively shorter than that of a Pigeon, is curved at the culmen, much hooked at the tip, and covered with a cere which extends over the whole region of the nostrils, and occasionally over the cheek-stripes and the excrescences exhibited by some species at the base of the bill. The rather high and sinewy foot is furnished with long thin toes placed on the same plane, and armed with narrow, long, pointed, and slightly hooked claws. The heavy plumage is composed of large feathers, some of which are broadly rounded, and in one family have the shafts of unusual size at the root, but gradually tapering towards the extremity. One species in particular possesses this peculiarity in a high degree, these broad shafts being ten or twenty times as thick at the centre as at the tip, and from six to ten times as thick as at the base, the lower portions of these broad shafts are covered with a downy web, whilst that of the extremity is close in texture. This peculiar structure of the feathers is much developed in the hinder parts of the body, and slightly The TRUE CURASSOWS, or HOCCOS (Craces), are powerfully-framed birds, possessing a high, much-curved beak, with compressed sides, and furnished with a cere and excrescences at its base. During the period of incubation the latter swell to a considerable size, and in one species present the appearance of a horn placed in the centre of the brow, and in another assume the appearance of a large pear-shaped excrescence. The strong foot is moderately high, and the toes rather long, the wing short, with its seventh and eighth quills longer than the rest, and the rounded tail of medium size. The plumage upon the brow and nape usually forms a comb-like crest composed of slender, stiff feathers, which incline backwards at their roots, but project forwards at their curved tips. The feathers on the cheeks, upper throat, and hinder parts are soft and downy, and those on the lower neck and rump coarse and harsh; the region of the eye is bare, and the cheeks covered with small hair-like feathers. The members of this family occupy the forests of tropical America, where they frequent the trees, and but rarely descend upon the ground, over the surface of which, however, they can run with great rapidity; their flight is slow, horizontal, and never long sustained, and their mode of disporting themselves when upon the branches of trees, easy though slow. During the breeding season they are met with in pairs, and at other times in small parties of some three or four birds. In all the various species the voice is peculiar, but very different in tone, and is heard most frequently during the period of incubation, or in the early morning, when they first awake from sleep. The Indians maintain, and Schomburghk has corroborated the statement, that one species, the Urax tomentosa, always utters its cry at the moment that the beautiful constellation called the Southern Cross attains its greatest altitude. In their wild state the Hoccos subsist principally on fruit and berries of various kinds, and occasionally consume insects, worms, and portions of certain plants; to the strong odour of some of the latter is probably attributable a most unpleasant flavour occasionally observable in their flesh. We are but little acquainted with the incubation of these birds, except that they build a flat nest made of twigs interlaced and lined with leaves, and placed upon the branches at no great distance from the ground. Bates and Schomburghk are of opinion that the large white eggs are but two in number; Gray, on the contrary, states that the female lays as many as five or six. In their native forests the Hoccos exhibit no fear of man, and if attacked, seem perfectly unconscious of danger, even should they see their companions fall dead around them. When living in the vicinity of human habitations, on the contrary, they become extremely timid, and if approached, at once take wing. The Indians not only eat the flesh of these birds, but employ their strong quills and tail-feathers as fans; the small feathers are also used in various kinds of ornamental work. In different parts of America Curassows have long been domesticated, and at one time were, it is said, thoroughly acclimatised in Holland by M. Armschoff, proving in his menagerie as prolific as any of our barn-door poultry. THE COMMON OR CRESTED CURASSOW. The COMMON or CRESTED CURASSOW (Crax alector) is nearly as large as a Turkey, being about thirty-six inches long. Its plumage is of a glossy black, and gleams with green and purple when exposed to the rays of the sun; the belly is white. The stout black beak is furnished with a large yellow cere at the base of both mandibles, and the eye is surrounded by a bare skin. The female This fine bird is common in Brazil, from Guiana to Paraguay, and is called "Powese" by the natives on account of its cry, which is said to resemble that word. Its flesh is much valued and forms an important article of food to the planters. In their native woods these birds exhibit little fear of man, but become more cautious when in the vicinity of human habitations; they are readily tamed, however, and are constantly kept by the natives as domestic pets. Sonnini mentions having seen them, when in Guiana, running freely about in the streets and entering the houses to obtain food; at night they slept on the house-tops or similar situations, and Bates gives an interesting account of a fine specimen that he saw running about a house quite like one of the family. It attended at all the meals, and passed from one person to another round the table to be fed, attracting the attention of the guests in a coaxing manner by rubbing its head against their cheeks and shoulders. At night it slept on a chest close to the hammock of a little girl to whom it was particularly attached, and followed her about the grounds in all her walks like a dog. THE CRESTED CURASSOW (Crax alector). ONE-QUARTER NATURAL SIZE. THE WATTLED CURASSOW. The WATTLED CURASSOW (Crax carunculata) is distinguishable from the species last described by the inferiority of its size, and the red hue of its cere. The plumage of the male is black, with the exception of the white belly and wings. The eye is brown, the tip of the beak black, the cere red, and the foot yellowish red. The female has part of her throat and breast spotted with white, and the wings and upper part of the belly and legs with reddish yellow, the rump and lower portions of the belly are brownish red. The length of this species is thirty-four inches and the breadth forty-seven inches, the wing measures fourteen and the tail thirteen inches and a half. The Wattled Curassow inhabits the forests on the eastern coasts of Brazil, and is met with from Rio de Janeiro to Bahia. THE RED CURASSOW. The RED CURASSOW (Crax rubra) is at once recognisable by its beautiful chestnut-brown plumage; the feathers on the nape and part of the throat are striped black and white, and those that form the tail adorned with yellowish white lines edged with black. The eye is reddish brown, the beak horn-grey, the cere blueish black, and the foot lead-grey. This species is about two feet and six or eight inches long. It has a large strong bill, and a crest composed of twisted and curled feathers, tipped with black at their broad extremities. The Red Curassows inhabit Mexico, Peru, and the West Indian Islands. They are easily tamed, and associate freely with other poultry; this accounts for mongrel birds being often seen that differ much from the parent stock. In their native wilds they are by no means shy, and will suffer themselves to be shot at many times before they attempt to escape. THE GALEATED CURASSOW. The GALEATED CURASSOW (Urax pauxi) is characterised by the large, pear-shaped excrescence situated above the nostril, its thick, curved beak, which is vaulted from its base to the tip, and the absence of a crest upon its head. The plumage is principally of a glossy blackish green, with white upon the belly and tip of the tail; the eye is reddish brown, the beak red, the excrescence on the beak blueish black, and the foot light red. The windpipe of this bird is much elongated, and after continuing down the whole length of the pectoral muscle, forms a loop and ascends again before entering the chest. The Galeated Curassow is met with in flocks in the Mexican forests, where it perches in the trees, but makes its nest upon the ground. The mother leads forth her young in the same manner as a Hen, and feeds them at first with worms, insects, and larvÆ, but at a later period they subsist upon grain and berries. This species is easily domesticated, and was one of those which bred in Holland in M. Armschoff's menagerie. THE MOUNTAIN CURASSOW, OR LORD DERBY'S GUAN. The MOUNTAIN CURASSOW, or LORD DERBY'S GUAN (Oreophasis Derbyanus), must be regarded as the connecting link between the Craces and PenelopÆ. This bird, with which we are but little acquainted, has an elongate but powerful body, short neck, and comparatively small head. In the small abruptly-rounded wings, the sixth quill exceeds the rest in length; the tail is long, graduated, and but slightly rounded at the tip. The feathers composing the tail and pinions are of unusual breadth, and those forming the latter have a decided curve inwards. All the smaller feathers are downy as far as their centre, with large shafts; those of the rump-feathers being remarkably thick. The plumage of the throat is of a velvety texture, but assumes a hairy appearance lower down, whilst The first specimen of the Mountain Curassow seen in Europe was killed by a Spaniard in 1848, and came into the possession of Earl Derby, after whom it was named. This rare species appears to be met with only on the Volcan del Fuego, a mountain in Guatemala which is covered at an altitude of 7,000 feet above the sea with high trees, among the branches of which it seeks its food during the morning hours, but later in the day it descends into the underwood or reposes upon the ground. Its habits probably resemble those of its congeners, but we are without any other details as to its mode of life. The GUANS (PenelopÆ) are distinguishable from the Curassows by their slender body, comparatively long, much-rounded tail, and low tarsus. They have a broad cere upon their beak, and a bare patch around the eye; their almost naked throat is only covered with a long hairy growth, and there is a slight crest upon the head. The upper plumage of these birds is usually of a uniformly dusky metallic green or brown, while many of the feathers on the under side and breast have light borders. The various members of this family are only found in the warm parts of South America, and closely resemble each other in their mode of life and habits. They usually frequent trees, near the tops of which they perch during the heat of the day, only descending to seek for fruit and insects at early morning or in the evening. Owing to the shortness of their wings their flight is heavy and performed with difficulty; on the branches they are more adroit, and if alarmed move with extraordinary rapidity; in disposition they are shy and usually remain concealed among the thickest foliage, from whence they peep forth to reconnoitre and keep a strict watch against approaching danger. The larger species are solitary in their habits, whilst the smaller members of the family associate in large parties, often numbering sixty or seventy individuals, and fly about under the guidance of one bird placed at the head of the flock. The harsh, loud, peculiar voices of the PenelopÆ are usually heard most frequently at break of day, and are represented by travellers as producing an almost deafening effect, when, as is generally the case, a whole flock, following the example of their leader, join together in chorus. Fruit, seeds, and berries of various kinds afford these birds the means of subsistence: it would also appear, according to the Prince von Wied, that they do not reject insect diet. The nests are usually built in trees, and only occasionally on the ground. The large white eggs are from two to six in number. It is at present uncertain whether both parents assist in tending their offspring. Bajon informs us that as soon as the young quit the shell they commence climbing about in the underwood, and are fed in the nest; when strong enough, they venture on to the ground, follow their mother like young chickens, and are led about by her in the short grass during the early morning; when fully fledged they go forth into the world on their own account, and the parents probably proceed to rear another brood. Some species only leave the nest when about ten or twelve days old. Amongst the Indians these birds are highly prized as THE SUPERCILIOUS GUAN. The SUPERCILIOUS GUAN (Penelope superciliaris) represents a group recognisable by their comparatively large size, moderately long tail, and soft plumage, as also by the small crest upon their head, and the absence of feathers on the brow, sides of the neck, and throat. Upon the crown, nape, throat, and breast, the plumage of this species is of a slaty black, shaded with grey; each of the feathers edged with a whitish line, while those of the back, wings, and tail are metallic green, bordered with whitish grey and reddish yellow; the feathers on the belly and rump are brown and yellowish red, and the quills delicately edged with greyish yellow. A whitish brown stripe passes above the brown eye, which is surrounded by a bare patch of black skin; the bare throat is deep flesh-red; the beak greyish brown; and the foot dusky reddish brown. The female is recognisable from her mate by the comparative indistinctness both of the stripes above the eye and the light borders to the feathers. The young are principally of a pale greyish brown, with a reddish yellow line over the eye, and are delicately marked with undulating lines upon the breast, rump, and leg feathers. This bird is twenty-four inches long; the wing measures ten, and the tail ten and a half inches. The Supercilious Guan is an inhabitant of Brazil, and is particularly numerous in the district of Para: it is called by the Indians "Jack-peva." THE PIGMY, OR PIPING GUAN. The PIGMY, or PIPING GUAN (Pipile leucolophos), represents a group distinguishable from the above birds by their low tarsi, the slender, sickle-shaped form of the three first wing-quills, the slender, erect, and pointed crest, about three inches long, that adorns their head, and the black, bristle-like growth that covers the cheeks and overspreads the throat in small tufts. The upper portion of the body is principally slate-black, with white outer wing tipped with spots of the same dark shade; the lower part of the back, under breast, belly, and vent are reddish brown; some parts of the throat and breast have a chequered appearance, owing to the white edges of the feathers. The crest is composed of pure white feathers with black shafts; the quills and tail are black, enlivened by a steel-blue sheen; the eye is a deep cherry-colour; the bare face light blue; the throat light red; the beak horn-black, with bright blue base; and the foot red. The female is not so large as her mate, and has a shorter crest, less decided tints, and broader white edges to her feathers. The plumage of the young is dusky brownish black, except on the reddish brown belly and rump; their crest is but slightly developed. This bird is twenty-nine inches long and thirty-nine broad; the wing measures nearly eleven, and tail ten inches and three-quarters. Schomburghk mentions that he met with the Piping Guan in all parts of British Guiana, and saw it in great numbers in the forests near the coast. It is less bold than its congeners, and unlike them, according to the Prince von Wied, builds its nest amongst the branches of the forest trees in which it lives in pairs. Its flesh is excellent, and it is readily tamed. The voice of this species is low and piping. THE ARACUAN. The ARACUAN (Ortalida Aracuan) and its congeners are smaller than the above birds, with longer tails, and tarsi as long as the centre toe. In the wing the outer primaries are rounded at the tip, and the fifth, sixth, and seventh quills longer than the rest. The cheeks and sides of the throat are bare, the latter divided by a narrow feathered stripe. The plumage, which is composed of soft THE HOACTZIN, OR STINK BIRD (Opisthocomus cristatus). The Aracuan is an inhabitant of Central Brazil, where it is principally met with in the forests of Bahia. THE HOACTZIN, OR STINK BIRD. The HOACTZIN, or STINK BIRD (Opisthocomus cristatus), the only representative of the tribe to which it belongs, has a slender body, moderately long neck, and wings that extend to about the centre of the tail, which is composed of ten long, broad feathers, graduated at its sides and rounded at the extremity. The bill, which resembles both that of the Craces and of the PenelopÆ, curves over The Hoactzin is peculiar to the northern parts of South America, and is common in the thickets and forests near Cameta, not far from the junction of the Talantias with the Para. "In this remarkable bird," says Bates, "the hind toe is not placed high above the level of the rest, as it generally is in the Rasorial order, but lies in the same plane with them, and the shape of the foot thus becomes adapted to the arboreal habits of the bird. This, indeed, may be said to be a distinguishing character of all the birds in equinoctial America that represent the Fowl and Pheasant tribes of the Old World. "This species lives in considerable flocks on the low trees and bushes bordering streams and lagoons, and feeds on various wild fruits, especially the sour guava (Psidium). The natives say it devours the fruit of arborescent arums (Caladium arborescens), which grow in crowded masses around the swampy banks of lagoons. Its voice is a harsh grating hiss; this noise is uttered when the birds are alarmed, all the individuals sibilating as they fly heavily away from tree to tree. The Opisthocomus is polygamous, like other members of the order to which it has been assigned. It is never, however, by any chance, seen on the ground, and is nowhere domesticated. The flesh has an unpleasant odour of musk combined with that of wet hides, a smell called by the Brazilians catinga, and it is therefore uneatable. If it be as unpalatable to carnivorous animals as it is to man, the immunity from persecution which this bird would thereby enjoy would account for its existing in such great numbers throughout the country." The Hoactzin is by no means shy, and will allow the hunter to approach very near. If alarmed at the report of a gun, the whole flock take flight crying "cra, cra," and all alight close to each other on the branches of some tree a few paces further off. The strong and most unpleasant odour emitted by the bodies of these birds is supposed to be imparted by the leaves of the trees on which they principally subsist. So powerful is the musky smell thus acquired that the natives employ the flesh as bait for certain fishes. Schomburghk is inclined to doubt whether this strong odour is to be thus accounted for, and tells us that stuffed specimens retain their disagreeable scent for several years. The very loosely-constructed nest of the Opisthocomus is placed in low bushes near the water; the eggs, three or four in number, are greyish white, spotted with red; in shape they resemble those of the PenelopÆ, whilst the markings are similar to those of the Rails. The TINAMOUS (CrypturidÆ), as the birds belonging to the last division of this order are called, constitute a group of very remarkable South American species, recognisable by their powerful bodies, long thin neck, small flat head, and long, slender, curved bill. The tarsus is long, the sole of the foot rough, and the small hinder toe, which is placed high up, is in some instances so short as to be nothing more than a claw. The feathers on the head and throat are small, whilst those on the rump are large, broad, and strong. The short rounded wings have the fourth or fifth of their THE TATAUPA. The TATAUPA (Crypturus Tataupa) represents a division of the above birds recognisable by their powerful body, short pigeon-like neck, moderately large head, and slender, slightly-curved beak, which exceeds the head in length, and is much flattened towards the lower part of the culmen. The first quill in the short wing is very small, and the fourth longer than the rest; the tail-feathers are entirely wanting, and the foot, which is of moderate height, has the hinder toe but slightly developed. The rich, dark plumage is grey upon the head, throat, and breast, whilst the back, wings, and tail-covers are reddish brown, and the rump-feathers black or deep brown edged with white and yellow. The eye is reddish light brown, the beak coral-red, and the foot flesh-brown. The length of this species is nine inches and a half, and its breadth fifteen inches; the wing measures four inches and three-quarters. The female bird is scarcely distinguishable from her mate in the coloration of her plumage, whilst the young are at once recognisable by the dull brownish grey feathers on their head, throat, and under side, and the deep greyish yellow hue of the belly, which is distinctly spotted with a darker shade. The Tataupa is met with in portions of Eastern Brazil, and is especially numerous in some parts of Bahia. According to the Prince von Wied it prefers open quarters to forest land, and runs with great rapidity over the ground. Towards evening it utters a very peculiar cry, consisting of two long-sustained notes, followed by six or eight of the same tone, but short and quickly repeated. In their other habits they resemble the Tinamous. The nest is made on the ground, the eggs are about the size of those of a Pigeon, and, according to Brehm, of a glossy, pale-chocolate hue. The THE INAMBU. THE INAMBU (Rhynchotus rufescens). ONE-QUARTER NATURAL SIZE. The INAMBU (Rhynchotus rufescens) represents a group recognisable by their great size, powerful body, long neck, small head, and slender, slightly-curved beak, which exceeds the head in length, and is bluntly rounded at its extremity. The wings are short and vaulted, with pointed primaries, of which the first is very small and the fourth the longest. The foot is high and furnished with long front toes and a well-developed hinder toe. The plumage, which upon the cheeks and bridles is composed of remarkably small feathers, is principally of a reddish yellow, the region of the throat being of a whitish hue, and the crown of the head streaked with black. The feathers on the back, wings, and tail-covers are also striped with black, and have two broad black lines above their yellow border. The primaries are of uniform bright yellowish red, and the secondaries grey, marked with undulating black and grey lines. The eye is yellowish brown; the beak brown with a pale yellowish brown base to the lower mandible, and the foot flesh-brown. The length of this species is sixteen inches; the wing measures eight inches. The Inambu is an inhabitant of Central Brazil, being specially numerous in St. Paul's, Southern Minas, and Goyaz: Darwin met with it in the sterile country near Bahia Blanca, where it frequented swampy thickets on the borders of lakes. According to that naturalist it lies low and is unwilling to rise, but often utters a very shrill whistle whilst on the ground. The flesh when cooked is quite white. The AMERICAN QUAILS (Nothura) are a race of small birds that nearly resemble the European Quail in their general appearance, and like it make their homes in the long grass of open pastures. The plumage of this group is thick, composed of long narrow feathers, and the beak is short and much hooked at its extremity. The first wing-quill is very short, the second comparatively large, and the fourth longer than the rest. The tail-feathers, which in some species are of remarkable size, are soft in texture; the foot is strong, and the hind toe moderately developed. These timid birds inhabit South America, frequenting both the open grassy plains that border the large rivers, and the barren tracts of the warmer portions of the continent. If alarmed they conceal themselves in bushes, or crouch close to the ground and do not readily have recourse to their wings. Insects and small fruits constitute their means of subsistence. THE LESSER MEXICAN QUAIL. The LESSER MEXICAN QUAIL (Nothura nana) has the plumage on the back of a greyish yellow; the breast whitish yellow, and the throat pure white. The feathers on the back are striped with black and edged with pale grey at the sides; the head and nape are spotted in stripes, and the side and belly transversely striped. The tail-covers of the male bird are covered with long, downy feathers, which form a flowing train. This species is six inches long and nine inches and half broad. The female is about an inch shorter than her mate. This Quail inhabits the grassy plains of Paraguay, and is by no means so rare as has been supposed. Owing to the shyness of its habits, it is frequently overlooked by sportsmen, as, if alarmed, it lies concealed in the long grass, only rises on the wing when danger is close at hand, and flying to a short distance, again seeks shelter; if once more disturbed we are told it does not again quit its hiding-place; and, according to Azara, will even allow itself to be taken with the hand rather than leave its cover. As the breeding season approaches it becomes more lively, and utters a penetrating cry. THE MACUCA. The MACUCA (Trachypelmus Brasiliensis) represents a division of the CrypturidÆ possessing well-developed tail-feathers. The characteristics of this group are powerful bodies; short thin necks; small heads; strong, arched, and much-rounded wings, in which the fifth quill exceeds the rest in length; a moderately short, slightly-rounded tail, which is entirely concealed beneath the feathers of the upper covers; and strong feet, furnished with short, slightly-rounded toes. The hinder toe is very small, and placed high. Upon the back the plumage is reddish brown, marked with undulatory black lines; the breast and belly are yellowish grey; the leg-feathers have dark markings, and each side of the throat is decorated with a reddish yellow line. The plumage of the Macuca is reddish brown, broadly marked with black upon the back; the belly and breast are of paler hue, and more delicately striped; the throat is whitish, and the sides of the neck mottled with black and white. The eye is greyish brown; the beak dark brown above, light grey at its sides; and the foot lead-colour. This species is eighteen inches and two-thirds long, and thirty-one inches broad; the wing measures seven, and the tail four inches. The Macuca, we learn from the Prince von Wied, inhabits the large forests of the warmer portion of South America. It runs with facility, and passes the day in searching for fruits and berries upon the ground. As night approaches it rises, with a very peculiar rustling of its wings, on to the branches of the trees. The cry of this species is deep, dull, and resonant, and is heard most frequently in the early morning and evening. The stomachs of some specimens examined by the above naturalist contained red berries, large hard fruit, and the remains of beetles and insects, together with gravel and small stones. The same authority states that the Macuca lays nine or ten large eggs, of a blueish green colour, which are deposited in a slight depression in the ground, about September, and that the females brood with so much zeal that upon several occasions they allowed themselves to be seized by his dogs rather than desert their little family. The flesh of the Macuca is highly esteemed, and consequently this bird is an object of ardent pursuit to the sportsman, who sometimes allures it by imitating its cry. A great variety of snares are also employed for its capture by night. The SPUR-FOWLS (Galloperdices) seem to constitute a distinct group, remarkable on account of the formidable character of their spurs, and the richness and variety of their colours, as exemplified in THE PAINTED SPUR-FOWL. The PAINTED SPUR-FOWL (Galloperdix Lunulosa)—See Coloured Plate XXXI. In this beautiful species the male has the head, face, and neck variegated with black and white, the feathers being black, with white streaks and triangular spots, the head mostly black; the upper plumage and wings rich chestnut, with white spots on the back, sides of the neck, shoulders, and wing-covers; primaries earthy brown, tail dark sepia-brown, glossed with green in old birds; beneath, the throat and neck are variegated black and white, changing on the neck to ochreous buff, with small triangular black marks, which disappear on the abdomen; the flanks, thigh-covers, and under tail-covers dull chestnut. Bill blackish, orbits and irides red-brown, legs horny brown. Length, thirteen inches, wing six, tail five, tarsus one inch and a half. These birds are found in Southern India, in the jungles of the Eastern Ghauts, and upon the Hill country in the vicinity of those mountains. They have been taken in the neighbourhood of Pondicherry and the Ghauts, near Bellary, Cuddapah, and Hyderabad; in Bengal and the Himalayas they are unknown. They are generally associated in small flocks, keeping to the low shrubs and brushwood, and seeking their food among fallen leaves and low herbage. Jerdon kept several individuals for a long time, but found them too pugnacious and quarrelsome for domestication. Their tail is carried erect, like that of the Jungle Fowl. A fine specimen of this species was brought to the Zoological Gardens, London, where its beauty and vivacity attracted general admiration. |