THE TOOTH-BEAKED SINGING BIRDS (Dentirostres). The SHRIKES (Lanius):—The Sentinel Butcher Bird, or Great Grey Shrike—The Southern Shrike—The Grey, or Black-browed Shrike. The BUTCHER BIRDS PROPER (Enneoctonus):—The Red-backed Shrike, or True Butcher Bird—The Red-headed Shrike, or Wood Chat—The Masked Shrike. The THICK-HEADED SHRIKES (Pachycephalus):—The Falcon Shrike. The BUSH SHRIKES (Malaconotus). The FLUTE-VOICED SHRIKES (Laniarius):—The Scarlet Shrike—The Flute Shrike. The HOODED SHRIKES:—The Tschagra—The Helmet Shrike. The CROW SHRIKES (Cracticus):—The Magpie Shrike. The RAVEN SHRIKES (Thamnophilus):—Vigors' Raven Shrike. The DRONGO SHRIKES (Edolius):—The King Crow, or Finga. The DRONGOS (Chaptia):—The Singing Drongo. The FLAG-BEARING DRONGOS (Edolius or Dissemurus):—The Bee King. The DRONGO SHRIKES. The SWALLOW SHRIKES (Artamius):—The Wood Shallow Shrike 140-158
THE FLY-CATCHERS. The KING or TYRANT SHRIKES (Tyrannus):—The True Tyrant Shrike, King Bird, or Tyrant Fly-catcher—The Bentevi. The FORK-TAILED TYRANTS (Milvulus):—The Scissor Bird—The Royal Tyrant. The STILTED FLY-CATCHERS (Fluvicola):—The Yiperu, or Yetapa—The Cock-tailed Fly-catcher. The CATERPILLAR EATERS (Campephaga):—The Red Bird, or Great Pericrocotus. The FLY-SNAPPERS (Myiagra). The PARADISE FLY-CATCHERS:—The Paradise or Royal Fly-snapper. The FANTAILS (Rhipidura):—The Wagtail Fantail. The TRUE FLY-CATCHERS (Muscicapa):—The Grey or Spotted Fly-catcher. The MOURNING FLY-CATCHERS (Muscicapa):—The Black-capped or Pied Fly-catcher—The Collared or White-necked Fly-catcher—The Dwarf Fly-catcher. The SILK-TAILS (Bombycilla):—The European, or Common Silk-tail, Bohemian Chatterer, or Wax-wing 158-174
THE MANAKINS (Pipra). The ROCK BIRDS (Rupicola):—The Cock of the Rock. The TRUE MANAKINS (Pipra). The LONG-TAILED MANAKINS (Chiroxiphia):—The Long-tailed Manakin—The Tije—The Black-cap Manakin. The PANTHER BIRDS (Pardalotus):—The Diamond Bird. The BALD-HEADED CROWS (Gymnoderus):—The Capuchin Bird, or Bald Fruit Crow—The Umbrella Bird, or Umbrella Chatterer. The BELL BIRDS (Chasmarhynchus):—The Bare-necked Bell Bird—The Araponga—The True Bell Bird—The Three-wattled Bell Bird, or Hammerer. The THRUSHES (TurdidÆ). The GROUND SINGERS (Humicola) 174-185
THE NIGHTINGALES (Luscinia):—The Nightingale. The HEDGE SINGERS, or TREE NIGHTINGALES (AËaou or Agrobates):—The Tree Nightingale. The BLUE-THROATED WARBLERS (Cyanecula)—Swedish Blue-throat—White-starred Blue-throat. The RUBY NIGHTINGALES (Calliope):—The Calliope of Kamschatka. The Robin Redbreast 186-193
THE WARBLERS (Monticola). The REDSTARTS (Ruticilla):—The Black-capped Redstart—The Garden Redstart. The MEADOW WARBLERS (Pratincola):—The Brown-throated Meadow Warbler—The Black-throated Meadow Warbler. The CLIPPERS (Ephthianura):—The Wagtail Clipper. The CHATS (Saxicola):—The Fallow Chat, or Wheatear—The Eared Stone Chat and Black-throated Stone Chat. The RUNNING WARBLERS (DromolÆa):—The White-tailed Wheatear. The STONE THRUSHES, or ROCK WAGTAILS (Petrocincla):—The Stone Thrush, or Rock Wagtail—The Blue Rock Wagtail, or Blue Thrush—The Bush Warbler 193-204
THE THRUSHES (Turdus):—The Red-winged Thrush—The Red-throated Thrush—The Pale Thrush—The Siberian Thrush—The Wandering Thrush—The Hermit Thrush—Wilson's Thrush—Swainson's Thrush—Dwarf Thrush—The Soft-feathered Thrush—The Black-throated Thrush—The Ground Thrush—The Missel Thrush—The Song Thrush—The Fieldfare, or Juniper Thrush—The Redwing—The Ring Ouzel, or Ring Thrush—The Blackbird, Black Thrush, or Merle. The MOCKING THRUSHES (Mimus):—The Mimic Thrush, or Mocking Bird—The Ferruginous Mocking Bird, or Thrasher—The Cat Bird. The BABBLERS, or NOISY THRUSHES (Timalia):—The Grey Bird—Le Vaillant's Grey Bird. The TRUE BABBLERS (Timalia):—The Red-headed Babbler. The HOOK-CLAWED BABBLERS (Crateropus):—The White-rumped Babbler. The LAUGHING THRUSHES (Garrulax):—The White-tufted Laughing Thrush 204-223
THE WATER OUzels (Cinclus):—The Water Ouzel, or Dipper—The American Water Ouzel. The PITTAS, or PAINTED THRUSHES (Pitta):—The Nurang—The Pulih—The Noisy Pitta—The ANT THRUSHES (Myiothera):—The Fire Eye—The Ant King—The Tapacolo or Tualo 223-232
THE LYRE BIRD (Menura superba) 232-237
THE WARBLERS (Sylvia). The SONG WARBLERS (Sylvia). The TRUE SONG WARBLERS (Curruca):—The Sparrow-hawk Warbler—The Orpheus Warbler—The Greater Pettichaps, or Garden Warbler—The Lesser Whitethroat—The Capirote, or Black-cap—The White Throat—The Spectacled Warbler—The White-bearded Warbler—The Fire-eyed Warbler—RÜppell's Warbler—The Black-headed Fire-eyed Warbler—The Sardinian Fire-eyed Black-head—The Provence Fire-eyed Warbler, or Dartford Warbler. The TREE WARBLERS (Phylloscopus):—The Field Tree Warbler, or Willow Wren. The LEAF WRENS (Reguloides):—The Leaf Wren. The GARDEN WARBLERS (Hypolais):—The Melodious Willow Wren—The Chiff-Chaff—The Ashy Garden Warbler. The MARSH WARBLERS (CalamodytÆ). The REED WARBLERS (Acrocephalus):—The True Reed Warbler. The SEDGE WARBLERS (Calamodus):—The Sedge Warbler. The GRASSHOPPER WARBLERS (Locustella):—The Grasshopper Warbler. The BUSH WARBLERS (Drymoica):—The Pinc-Pinc. The TAILOR BIRDS (Orthotomus):—The Long-tailed Tailor Bird—The Emu Wren 237-269
THE WRENS (TroglodytÆ):—The Common Wren. The MARSH WRENS (Thryothorus):—The Carolina Wren—The House Wren—The Flute-player 269-274
THE PIPITS (Anthus):—The Meadow Pipit, or Meadow Titling—The Tree Pipit—The Rock Pipit, Shore Pipit, or Sea Titling—The Stone Pipit, or Fallow-land Pipit. The SPURRED PIPITS (Corydalla):—Richard's Spurred Pipit 274-282
THE WAGTAILS (Motacilla):—The White Wagtail—The Pied Wagtail—The Dhobin—The Rock Wagtail—The Mountain Wagtail. The SHEEP WAGTAILS (Budytes):—The Cow or Meadow Wagtail—Ray's Wagtail—The Velvet-headed or Sheep Wagtail—The Yellow-headed Wagtail—The Gomarita, or Garden Wagtail. The SWALLOW WAGTAILS (Enicurus):—The MENINTING 282-292
THE ACCENTORS (Accentor). The HEDGE SPARROWS, or HEDGE WARBLERS (Tharraleus, or Accentor):—The Hedge Sparrow, or Hedge Warbler—The Siberian Accentor—The Alpine Accentor 292-296
THE TITS (Parus). The CRESTED WRENS or KINGLETS (Regulus):—The Golden-crested Wren—The Dalmatian Wren—The Fire-crested Wren—The Satrap Crowned Wren—The Ruby Crowned Wren. The Penduline Titmice (Ægithalus):—The True Penduline Titmouse. The REED TITMICE (Panurus):—The Bearded Titmouse. The LONG-TAILED TITS (Orites):—The Long-tailed Titmouse. The CRESTED TITS (Lophophanes):—The Crested Tit—The Toupet Tit. The WOOD TITS (Parus):—The Great Tit—The Sombre Tit—The Cole Tit. The BLUE TITS:—The Blue Tit—The Azure Tit—The Siberian Tit—The Marsh Tit—The Carolina Titmouse—The Black-cap Titmouse 296-320