Plate I.The Scarlet Macaw. Plate VI.The Waglers Cassicus.
" II.The Ground Parrakeet. " VII.The Sharp-billed Oriole.
" III.The Blue-striped Lory. " VIII.The Ruby Bird of Paradise.
" IV.Eggs. " IX.The Sparrow Hawk.
" V.The Bullfinch and Goldfinch. " X.The Imperial Eagle.


FIG. page
1. Respiratory Apparatus of a Fowl 2
2. Wing of a Bird, partially stripped of Feathers, to show the insertions of the Quills 4
3. Nascent Feather of a Chicken 5
4. Head of a Swan (Cygnus olor) 6
5. Section of the Head of an Eagle, showing the structure of the Eye 7
6. Eye of an Owl, showing the arrangement of the Nictitating Membrane 8
7. Muscles of the Eye-ball and of the Nictitating Membrane 9
8. External Ear of a Young Owl 10
9. The Throat of a Fowl, showing the parts in situ 11
10. Tongue of the Woodpecker, showing the mechanism employed for its protrusion 12
11. Viscera of Small Bird (Euphone violacea) 13
12. Skeleton of a Goose 16
13. Regions of the body of a Small Bird 19
14. Chicken in the Egg, newly arrived at maturity 21
15. A Young Chicken, showing the arrangement of the Feathers 22


1. Cockatoos (Cacatua) 28
2. Collared Parrot (PalÆornis torquatus) 29
3. The Jako (Psittacus erithacus) 36
4. The Amazon Parrot (Chrysotis Amazonicus) 40
5. The Maitakka (Pionus menstruus) 41
6. The Crested Hawk Parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus coronatus) 44
7. The Helmet Cockatoo (Callicephalus galeatus) 48
8. The Nestor Cockatoo (Nestor productus) 49
9. The Casmalos (Microglossus aterrimus) 52
10. The Raven Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus Banksii) 53
11. The Scarlet Macaw (Ara Macao) 61
12. The Garuba (Conurus luteus) 64
13. The Rosella (Platycercus eximius) 72
14. The Waved Parrot (Melopsittacus undulatus) 73
15. The Corella (Nymphicus NovÆ HollandÆ) 76
16. The Ground Parrakeet (Pezoporinus formosus) 77
17. The Purple-capped Lory or Lorikeet (Lorius domicella) 80
18. The Dappled Lorikeet (Psitteuteles versicolor) 81
19. Tail-piece 82
20. The Large-beaked Cross-bill (Loxia pityopsittacus) 85
21. The Banded Cross-bill (Loxia tÆnioptera) 88
22. Cross-bills (LoxiÆ) 89
23. The Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) 93
24. The Desert Trumpeter (Bucanetes githagineus) 96
25. Female Bullfinch and Nest 104
26. The Girlitz (Serinus hortulanus) 105
27. The Wild Canary 109
28. The Tame Canary 112
29. The Chaffinch (Fringilla Coelebs) 116
30. The Mountain Finch (Fringilla montifringilla) 120
31. The Brown Linnet (Cannabina linota) 121
32. Siskin, Bullfinch, and Goldfinch 125
33. Goldfinches and Nest 128
34. Winter Visitors to the Village 132
35. Sparrow's Nest 133
36. The Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) and the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) 136
37. The Green Grosbeak (Chloris hortensis) 140
38. The Rose-breasted Hawfinch (Coccoborus ludovicianus) 144
39. The Dominican Finch (Paroaria dominicana) 148
40. The Rarita or Rara (Phytotoma Rara) 149
41. The Guttarama (Euphone violacea) 156
42. The Rice Bird (Padda oryzivora) 160
43. The Pheasant Finch (Astrilda undulata) 164
44. Detached Nest of Male Gold-fronted Weaver Bird (Oriolinus icterocephalus) 165
45. Nest of Astrilda, from Senegal 165
46. Nest of Weaver Bird, slit open 166
47. Nest of Mahali Weaver Bird 168
48. Nest of Social Weaver Bird (PhiletaËrus socius) 168
49. The Golden Weaver Bird (Ploceus galbula) and
the Masked Weaver Bird (Ploceus larvatus) 169
50. The Java Weaver Bird (Baya) and Nests 172
51. Breeding Nest of the Golden-fronted Weaver Bird (Oriolinus icterocephalus) 173
52. Nests of South African Weaver Birds 175
53. The Fire Finch (Euplectes Petiti) 176
54. Dinemelli's Buffalo Weaver Bird (Textor Dinemellii) 177
55. The Paradise Widow Bird (Vidua paradisea) 180
56. The White-throated or Song Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) 181
57. The Ortolan, or Garden Bunting (Emberiza-Glycyspina hortulana) 188
58. The Black-headed Bunting (Euspiza melanocephala) 189
59. The Reed Bunting (Cynchramus schoeniclus) 192
60. The Lark Bunting (Centrophanes lapponicus) 193
61. The Snow Bunting (Plectrophanes nivalis) 194
62. The Calandra Lark (Melanocorypha Calandra) 197
63. The Moor Lark (Saxilauda Tatarica) 200
64. The Desert Lark (Ammomanes deserti) 201
65. The Alpine Lark (Phileremos alpestris) 202
66. The Tufted Lark (Galerita cristata) 204
67. The Skylark (Alauda arvensis) 205
68. The Sentry Lark (Macronyx capensis) 208
69. Tail-piece 209
70. The Boblink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) 212
71. The Red-Winged Troopial (Agelaius Phoeniceus) 216
72. The Cow Starling (Molothrus pecoris) 217
73. The Baltimore Bird 220
74. The Great Boat-tail (Quiscalus major) 221
75. The Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) 224
76. The Rose Starling (Pastor roseus) 228
77. The Musical Grakle (Gracula musica) 229
78. The Red-beaked Ox-biter (Buphaga erythrorhyncha) 232
79. The Superb Glossy Starling (Notauges superbus) 233
80. The Scaly Glossy Starling (Pholidauges leucogaster) 236
81. The Satin Bower Bird (Philonorhynchus holosericus) 237
82. The Spotted Collar Bird (Chlamydera maculata) 240
83. The Pirol, or Golden Oriole (Oriolus galbula) 241
84. Birds of Paradise 244
85. The Red Bird of Paradise (Paradisea rubra) 245
86. The Resplendent Epimachus (Seleucides resplendens) 249
87. The Collared Epimachus (Epimachus magnus) 252
88. The Magpie Bird of Paradise (Astrapia gularis) 253
89. The Chough (Fregilus graculus) 256
90. The White-necked Vulture Raven (Corvultur albicollis) 259
91. The Scapulated Raven (Pterocorax scapulatus) 260
92. The Raven (Corax nobilis) 261
93. The Carrion Crow (Corvus corona) 262
94. The Rook (Corvus frugilegus) 264
95. The Jackdaw (Monedula turrium) 265
96. The Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) 268
97. The Flute Bird (Gymnorhina tibicen) 269
98. The Magpie (Pica caudata) 273
99. The Crested Blue Jackdaw (Cyanocitta cristata) 276
100. The Common Jay (Garrulus glandarius) 277
101. The Wandering Magpie (Dendrocitta vagabunda) 281
102. The Banana Eater (Musophaga violacea) 284
103. The White-cheeked Helmet Bird (Corythaix leucotis) 285
104. The Alarm Bird (Schizorhis zonurus) 288
105. The Wiriwa (Colius Senegalensis) 289
106. Oriental Falconry 297
107. The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) 301
108. The Falconer 304
109. The Tree Falcon (Hypotriorchis subbuteo) 305
110. The Lark Kestrel (Tinnunculus alaudarius) 308
111. The Red-footed or Evening Falcon (Erythropus vespertinus) 309


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