1. | Cockatoos (Cacatua) | 28 |
2. | Collared Parrot (PalÆornis torquatus) | 29 |
3. | The Jako (Psittacus erithacus) | 36 |
4. | The Amazon Parrot (Chrysotis Amazonicus) | 40 |
5. | The Maitakka (Pionus menstruus) | 41 |
6. | The Crested Hawk Parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus coronatus) | 44 |
7. | The Helmet Cockatoo (Callicephalus galeatus) | 48 |
8. | The Nestor Cockatoo (Nestor productus) | 49 |
9. | The Casmalos (Microglossus aterrimus) | 52 |
10. | The Raven Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus Banksii) | 53 |
11. | The Scarlet Macaw (Ara Macao) | 61 |
12. | The Garuba (Conurus luteus) | 64 |
13. | The Rosella (Platycercus eximius) | 72 |
14. | The Waved Parrot (Melopsittacus undulatus) | 73 |
15. | The Corella (Nymphicus NovÆ HollandÆ) | 76 |
16. | The Ground Parrakeet (Pezoporinus formosus) | 77 |
17. | The Purple-capped Lory or Lorikeet (Lorius domicella) | 80 |
18. | The Dappled Lorikeet (Psitteuteles versicolor) | 81 |
19. | Tail-piece | 82 |
20. | The Large-beaked Cross-bill (Loxia pityopsittacus) | 85 |
21. | The Banded Cross-bill (Loxia tÆnioptera) | 88 |
22. | Cross-bills (LoxiÆ) | 89 |
23. | The Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) | 93 |
24. | The Desert Trumpeter (Bucanetes githagineus) | 96 |
25. | Female Bullfinch and Nest | 104 |
26. | The Girlitz (Serinus hortulanus) | 105 |
27. | The Wild Canary | 109 |
28. | The Tame Canary | 112 |
29. | The Chaffinch (Fringilla Coelebs) | 116 |
30. | The Mountain Finch (Fringilla montifringilla) | 120 |
31. | The Brown Linnet (Cannabina linota) | 121 |
32. | Siskin, Bullfinch, and Goldfinch | 125 |
33. | Goldfinches and Nest | 128 |
34. | Winter Visitors to the Village | 132 |
35. | Sparrow's Nest | 133 |
36. | The Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) and the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) | 136 |
37. | The Green Grosbeak (Chloris hortensis) | 140 |
38. | The Rose-breasted Hawfinch (Coccoborus ludovicianus) | 144 |
39. | The Dominican Finch (Paroaria dominicana) | 148 |
40. | The Rarita or Rara (Phytotoma Rara) | 149 |
41. | The Guttarama (Euphone violacea) | 156 |
42. | The Rice Bird (Padda oryzivora) | 160 |
43. | The Pheasant Finch (Astrilda undulata) | 164 |
44. | Detached Nest of Male Gold-fronted Weaver Bird (Oriolinus icterocephalus) | 165 |
45. | Nest of Astrilda, from Senegal | 165 |
46. | Nest of Weaver Bird, slit open | 166 |
47. | Nest of Mahali Weaver Bird | 168 |
48. | Nest of Social Weaver Bird (PhiletaËrus socius) | 168 |
49. | The Golden Weaver Bird (Ploceus galbula) and | |
| the Masked Weaver Bird (Ploceus larvatus) | 169 |
50. | The Java Weaver Bird (Baya) and Nests | 172 |
51. | Breeding Nest of the Golden-fronted Weaver Bird (Oriolinus icterocephalus) | 173 |
52. | Nests of South African Weaver Birds | 175 |
53. | The Fire Finch (Euplectes Petiti) | 176 |
54. | Dinemelli's Buffalo Weaver Bird (Textor Dinemellii) | 177 |
55. | The Paradise Widow Bird (Vidua paradisea) | 180 |
56. | The White-throated or Song Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) | 181 |
57. | The Ortolan, or Garden Bunting (Emberiza-Glycyspina hortulana) | 188 |
58. | The Black-headed Bunting (Euspiza melanocephala) | 189 |
59. | The Reed Bunting (Cynchramus schoeniclus) | 192 |
60. | The Lark Bunting (Centrophanes lapponicus) | 193 |
61. | The Snow Bunting (Plectrophanes nivalis) | 194 |
62. | The Calandra Lark (Melanocorypha Calandra) | 197 |
63. | The Moor Lark (Saxilauda Tatarica) | 200 |
64. | The Desert Lark (Ammomanes deserti) | 201 |
65. | The Alpine Lark (Phileremos alpestris) | 202 |
66. | The Tufted Lark (Galerita cristata) | 204 |
67. | The Skylark (Alauda arvensis) | 205 |
68. | The Sentry Lark (Macronyx capensis) | 208 |
69. | Tail-piece | 209 |
70. | The Boblink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) | 212 |
71. | The Red-Winged Troopial (Agelaius Phoeniceus) | 216 |
72. | The Cow Starling (Molothrus pecoris) | 217 |
73. | The Baltimore Bird | 220 |
74. | The Great Boat-tail (Quiscalus major) | 221 |
75. | The Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) | 224 |
76. | The Rose Starling (Pastor roseus) | 228 |
77. | The Musical Grakle (Gracula musica) | 229 |
78. | The Red-beaked Ox-biter (Buphaga erythrorhyncha) | 232 |
79. | The Superb Glossy Starling (Notauges superbus) | 233 |
80. | The Scaly Glossy Starling (Pholidauges leucogaster) | 236 |
81. | The Satin Bower Bird (Philonorhynchus holosericus) | 237 |
82. | The Spotted Collar Bird (Chlamydera maculata) | 240 |
83. | The Pirol, or Golden Oriole (Oriolus galbula) | 241 |
84. | Birds of Paradise | 244 |
85. | The Red Bird of Paradise (Paradisea rubra) | 245 |
86. | The Resplendent Epimachus (Seleucides resplendens) | 249 |
87. | The Collared Epimachus (Epimachus magnus) | 252 |
88. | The Magpie Bird of Paradise (Astrapia gularis) | 253 |
89. | The Chough (Fregilus graculus) | 256 |
90. | The White-necked Vulture Raven (Corvultur albicollis) | 259 |
91. | The Scapulated Raven (Pterocorax scapulatus) | 260 |
92. | The Raven (Corax nobilis) | 261 |
93. | The Carrion Crow (Corvus corona) | 262 |
94. | The Rook (Corvus frugilegus) | 264 |
95. | The Jackdaw (Monedula turrium) | 265 |
96. | The Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) | 268 |
97. | The Flute Bird (Gymnorhina tibicen) | 269 |
98. | The Magpie (Pica caudata) | 273 |
99. | The Crested Blue Jackdaw (Cyanocitta cristata) | 276 |
100. | The Common Jay (Garrulus glandarius) | 277 |
101. | The Wandering Magpie (Dendrocitta vagabunda) | 281 |
102. | The Banana Eater (Musophaga violacea) | 284 |
103. | The White-cheeked Helmet Bird (Corythaix leucotis) | 285 |
104. | The Alarm Bird (Schizorhis zonurus) | 288 |
105. | The Wiriwa (Colius Senegalensis) | 289 |
106. | Oriental Falconry | 297 |
107. | The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) | 301 |
108. | The Falconer | 304 |
109. | The Tree Falcon (Hypotriorchis subbuteo) | 305 |
110. | The Lark Kestrel (Tinnunculus alaudarius) | 308 |
111. | The Red-footed or Evening Falcon (Erythropus vespertinus) | 309 |