
CRACKERS (Enucleatores).

Parrots (Psittacini). The True Parrot (PsittacinÆ):—The Jako—The Amazon Parrot—The Maitakka—The
Crested Hawk Parrot 24-43
The Dwarf Parrots (Psittacula):—Swinder's Love Bird—The Sparrow Parrot—The Siskin Parrot 43-45
Cockatoos (Plyctolophus):—The Lemon-crested Cockatoo—Leadbeater's Cockatoo—The Helmet Cockatoo—The
Nose Cockatoo—The Nestor Cockatoo—The Eagle Cockatoo—The Casmalos—Banks's Raven
Cockatoo—The Kakapo, or Night Parrot of New Zealand 45-57
The Araras (ArÆ): The Scarlet Macaw—The Soldier Arara—The Anakan—The Ararauna—The Hyacinth-coloured
Arara. The Parrakeets, or Conical-tailed Parrots (Conurus):—The Garuba—The
Tiriba—The Carolina Parrakeet—The Choroy 58-66
The Long-tailed Parrots, or Parrakeets (PalÆornithes):—The Collared, or Rose-ringed Parrot—The
Bettet. The Superb Parrots (Polytelis):—The Scarlet-crested Superb Parrot—The Black-tailed
Superb Parrot. The Grass Parrots (Platycerci):—The Rosella—The Variegated Parrot—The Waved
Parrot—The Corella—The Ground Parrakeet 66-79
The Lories (Lorii):—The Purple-capped Lory—The Dappled Lorikeet—Swainson's Lorikeet—The Maiden
Lorikeet—The Papuan Lory—The Blue-striped Lory 79-82


The Cross-bills (LoxiÆ):—The Large-beaked Cross-bill—The Pine-tree Cross-bill—The Banded Cross-bill—The
Parrot Greenfinch 85-92
The Bullfinches (PyrrhulÆ):—The Parrot Bullfinch—The Pine Grosbeak—The Carmine Grosbeak—The
Rose Bullfinch—The Carmine Bullfinch—The Siberian Bullfinch—The Vinous Grosbeak, or Desert
Trumpeter—The Bullfinch—The Girlitz—The Canary 92-114
The Finches (FringillÆ):—The Chaffinch—The Mountain Finch—The Snow Finch—The Winter Finch. The
Linnets (CannabinÆ)—The Brown Linnet—The Mountain or Grey Linnet—The Birch-tree Siskin—The
Common Siskin—The Goldfinch—The Golden Thistle Finch 114-130
The Sparrows Proper (Passeres):—The Common Sparrow—The Spanish Sparrow—The Field or Tree
Sparrow—The Plain Sparrow—The Golden Sparrow—The Rock Sparrow. The Hawfinches
(CoccothraustÆ):—The Green Grosbeak—The Hawfinch—The Evening Cherry Hawfinch—The
Large-beaked Hawfinch. The Parrot Finches (Pityli):—The Rose-breasted Hawfinch—The
Cardinal Grosbeak—The Dominican Finch—The Tiny Finch—The Diadem Grosbeak—The Ashy-blue
Parrot Finch—The Masked Parrot Finch 131-148
The Habias (Saltator):—The Capi. The Plant Cutters (Phytotoma): The Rarita. The Tangaras
Proper:—The Ornate Tangara. Fire Tangaras (Pyranga):—The Flax Bird—The Fire Tangara
The Callistes (Calliste):—The Red-necked Calliste. The Callous-beaked Tangaras (Ramphocelus):—The
Tapiranga. The Butcher-bird Tangaras (Lanio):—The Black-headed Butcher-bird Tangara.
The Organist Tangaras (Euphone):—The Violet Organist. The Bright-coated Finches (AmadinÆ):—The
Band Bird. The Hooded Finches (Spermestes):—The Magpie Finch.


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