
The following list of racial organizations has been generously compiled by the Bureau of Foreign Language Information Service of the American Red Cross. Only those of national scope have been included, with the exception of those starred, which, although not strictly national, have a more than local importance. It contains those organizations and societies doing benevolent, philanthropic or educational work, and, in a few instances, those primarily political or religious in character whose activities have been extended to include other work.

The list was compiled in March, 1921, and, although it is reasonably inclusive, the organizations, the officers, and the addresses are constantly changing.


Catholic Sokol Union
5798 Holcomb Street. Detroit, Michigan
Council of Higher Education
Secretary: P. A. Korab
Iowa State Bank, Iowa City, Iowa
Czecho-Slavonian Fraternal Benefit Union
Secretary: August R. Zicha
516 East Seventy-third Street, New York City
Czechoslovak National Alliance
Secretary: Ferdinand L. Musil
3734 West Twenty-sixth Street, Chicago, Illinois
Czechoslovak National Council of America
President: Dr. J. P. Percival
3756 West Twenty-sixth Street, Chicago, Illinois
National Federation of Czech Catholics in America
Secretary: John Straka
2752 South Millard Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Sisterly Benevolent Union, Supreme Lodge
Secretary: Mrs. Marie Zemanova
4934 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio
Society of Taborites
Secretary: Fr. Cernohorsky
3416 East Fifty-third Street, Cleveland, Ohio
Sokol Gymnastic Organization of America
Secretary: Thomas Vonasek
1647 South St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Union of Czech Women
Secretary: Mrs. Marie Zemanova
180 Forty-first Street, Corona, New York
United Czechoslovak Legion of America
Secretary: Lada T. Krizek
3742 East 140th Street, Cleveland, Ohio
Western Czech Fraternal Union
Secretary: L. J. Kasper
307 Twelfth Avenue East, Cedar Rapids, Iowa


The Danish Brotherhood in America
Supreme Secretary: Frank V. Lawson
Omaha National Bank Building, Omaha, Nebraska
The Danish Sisterhood in America
Supreme Secretary: Mrs. Caroline Nielsen
6820 So. Carpenter Street, Chicago, Illinois


*Eendracht Maaht Macht
President: G. Verschuur
65 Nassau Street, New York City
Nieuw Nederland
President: A. Schrikker
Netherland Consulate, New York City


Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church
Office of National Secretary, care of Valvoja
Calumet, Michigan
Finnish Branch, Industrial Workers of the World
Office of National Secretary, care of Industrialisti
22 Lake Avenue, North, Duluth, Minnesota
Finnish Congregational Church of the United States
Office of National Secretary, care of Astorian Sanomat
Astoria, Oregon
Finnish Lutheran National Church
Office of National Secretary, care of Auttaja
Ironwood, Michigan
Finnish Lutheran Suomi Synod Church of America
President: Rev. John Wargelin
Hancock, Michigan
Finnish National Temperance Brotherhood
National Secretary: Mrs. Hilma Hamina
Ishpeming, Michigan
Finnish Socialist Organization of the United States
National Secretary: Henry Askeli
Mid City Bank Building, Chicago, Illinois
Knights of Kalova
National Secretary: Matti Simpanen
5305 Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York
Ladies of Kalova
National Secretary: Miss Martha Hamalainen
266 Pleasant Street, Gardner, Massachusetts
Lincoln Loyalty League of Finnish-Americans
Secretary: J. H. Jasbert
1045 Marquette Building, Chicago, Illinois
Swedish-Finnish Sick Benefit Society of America
Secretary: John Back
Box 27, North Escanaba, Michigan


American Gymnastic Union (Turners)
First President: Theo. Stempfel
Fletcher American Nat. Bank, Indianapolis, Indiana
German Beneficial Union
Supreme President: Louis Volz
1505-07 Carson Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
National Federation of German Catholic Societies
President: Michael Girten
915 People's Gas Building, Chicago, Illinois
North American Association of Singing Societies
President: Charles G. Schmidt
2000 Central Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio
North-Eastern Association of Singing Societies
President: Carl Lentz
77 Broad Street, Newark, New Jersey
Order of Harugari
Grand Treasurer: Henry F. Raabe
30 Vanderveer Street, Brooklyn, New York
Order of the Sons of Herman
Grand Secretary: Richard Schaefer
New Britain, Connecticut
Workmen's Sick and Death Benefit Fund
Seventh Street and Third Avenue, New York City


American Hungarian Reformed Society
Secretary: Steve Molnar
269 Plymouth Street, Toledo, Ohio
*First Hungarian Literary Society of New York
Secretary: Joseph Partos
317 East Seventy-ninth Street, New York City
First Hungarian Miners Sick Benefit Society of Ben Creek
Secretary: Stephen Beres
Box 244, Cassandram, Pennsylvania
*First Hungarian Sick Benefit and Funeral Society of New Brunswick
Secretary: Joseph Kopencey
Box 511, New Brunswick, New Jersey
*First Hungarian Sick Benefit Society of East Chicago and Vicinity
Secretary: Kovacs A. David
620 Chicago Avenue, East Chicago, Indiana
*Hungarian Public Association of Passaic
Secretary: Julius Faludy
127 Second Avenue, Passaic, New Jersey
*Hungarian Rakoczi Sick Benefit Society of Bridgeport
Secretary: Steve Koteles, Jr.
626 Bostwick Avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut
*Hungarian Reformed Benefit Society of Pittsburgh and Vicinity
Chairman: Andrew Hornyak
600 Hazelwood Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
*Hungarian Reformed Sick Benefit Society of Windber and Vicinity
Secretary: Joseph Molnar
542 R. Road Street, Windber, Pennsylvania
Kohanyi Tihamer's Hungarian Workman's Sick Benefit Society of Hungary and America
Secretary: Julius Sipos
Box 240, Homer City, Pennsylvania
Roman and Greek Catholic First Hungarian Sick Benefit Society of Benwood
Secretary: Ignac Kiss
R. F. D. No. 2, Box 346, Wheeling, West Virginia
Saint Laszlo Roman and Greek Catholic Hungarian Sick Benefit and Funeral Society of Johnstown and Vicinity
Secretary: John Angyal
205 Third Avenue, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Saint Istvan Hungarian Workman's Sick Benefit Society of Snow Shoe
Secretary: Antal Polczar
Box 62, Clarence, Pennsylvania
United Petofi Sandor Association
Secretary: Bela K. Bekay
2196-98 West Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan
Verhovay Aid Association
Secretary: Stephen Gabor
Room 809-811 Markle Bank Building, Hazelton, Pennsylvania
Workman's Sick Benefit and Literary Society
Secretary: Joseph Kertesz
350 East Eighty-first Street, New York City


Italian War Veterans
244 East Twenty-fourth Street, New York City
Order of Sons of Italy in America
President: Stefano Miele
266 Lafayette Street, New York City


Alliance Israelite Universelle
150 Nassau Street, New York City
Alumni Association of the Hebrew Union College
Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio
American Jewish Committee
31 Union Square West, New York City
American Jewish Congress
1 Madison Avenue, New York City
American Jewish Relief Committee
30 East Forty-second Street, New York City
American Union of Rumanian Jews
44 Seventh Street, New York City
Baron de Hirsch Fund
80 Maiden Lane, New York City
Bureau of Jewish Social Research
114 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Temple Beth El, Detroit, Michigan
Council of Jewish Women
Executive Secretary: Mrs. Harry Sternberger
305 West Ninety-eighth Street, New York City
Council of Reform Rabbis
1093 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, New York
Council of Y. M. H. and Kindred Associations
114 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning
Broad and York Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis
1093 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, New York
Educational League for the Higher Education of Orphans
336 Engineer's Building, Cleveland, Ohio
Federation of Bessarabian Jews in America
52 St. Mark's Place, New York City
Federation of Galician Jews and Bukovinian Jews in America
66 Second Avenue, New York City
Federation of Jewish Farmers of America
175 East Broadway, New York City
Federation of Lithuanian and Latvian Jews in America
6 Ludlow Street, New York City
Federation of Oriental Jews of America
42 Seventh Street, New York City
Federation of Russian and Polish Hebrews in America
1822 Lexington Avenue, New York City
Federation of Ukrainian Jews in America
200 East Broadway, New York City
55 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Hai Resh Fraternity
St. Joseph, Missouri
Histadrut Ibrith
55 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America
229-231 East Broadway, New York City
Hebrew Technical Institute for Boys
36 Stuyvesant Street, New York City
Hebrew Technical School for Girls
Second Avenue and Fifteenth Street, New York City
Independent Order of B'nai B'rith
1228 Tribune Building, Chicago, Illinois
Independent Order of Brith Abraham
37 Seventh Avenue, New York City
Independent Order Brith Sholom
510-512 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Independent Order Free Sons of Israel
21 West 124th Street, New York City
Independent Western Star Order
1227 Blue Island Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Independent Workmen's Circle of America, Inc.
9 Cambridge, Boston, Massachusetts
Industrial Removal Office
174 Second Avenue, New York City
Intercollegiate Menorah Associations
600 Madison Avenue, New York City
Intercollegiate Zionist Association of America
55 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Jewish Academicians of America
125 East Eighty-fifth Street, New York City
Jewish Agricultural and Industrial Aid Society
174 Second Avenue, New York City
Jewish Agricultural Experiment Station
356 Second Avenue, New York City
Jewish Central Relief Committee
51 Chambers Street, New York City
Jewish Chautauqua Society
1305 Stephen Girard Building
21 South Twelfth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jewish Consumptive Relief Association of California
207 South Broadway, Los Angeles, California
Jewish Consumptive Relief Society
510-512 Kittredge Building, Denver, Colorado
Jewish National Workers Alliance of America
89 Delancey Street, New York City
Jewish People's Relief Committee
175 East Broadway, New York City
Jewish Publication Society of America
1201 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jewish Socialist Federation of America
175 East Broadway, New York City
Jewish Socialist Labor Poale Zion of America and Canada
266 Grand Street, New York City
Jewish Teachers Association
Secretary: A. P. Schoolman
356 Second Avenue, New York City
Jewish Teachers' Seminary
252 East Broadway, New York City
Jewish Teachers' Training School of the Misrachi Organization
86 Orchard Street, New York City
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
531 West 123d Street, New York City
Jewish Welfare Board
149 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Joint Distribution Committee
20 Exchange Place, New York City
Kappa Nu Fraternity
2937 Schubert Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
National Association of Jewish Social Workers
Secretary and Treasurer: M. M. Goldstein
356 Second Avenue, New York City
National Conference of Jewish Social Service
114 Fifth Avenue, New York City
National Desertion Bureau
Secretary: Charles Zusser
356 Second Avenue, New York City
National Farm School
407 Mutual Life Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods
62 Dutenhofer Building, Cincinnati, Ohio
National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives
3800 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado
National Jewish Immigration Council
18 Maiden Lane, New York City
National Union of Jewish Sheltering Societies
229-231 East Broadway, New York City
Order Brith Abraham
266 Grand Street, New York City
Order Knights of Joseph
311-312 Society for Savings Building
Cleveland, Ohio
Order of Sons of Zion
55 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Order of the United Hebrew Brothers
189 Second Avenue, New York City
Pi Tau Pi Fraternity
New Orleans, Louisiana
Progressive Order of the West
406-407-408 Frisco Building
Ninth and Olive Streets, St. Louis, Missouri
Red Mogen David of America
201 Second Avenue, New York City
Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity
277 Broadway, New York City
The Mizrachi Organization of America
86 Orchard Street, New York City
The Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada
121 Canal Street, New York City
The Workmen's Circle
175 East Broadway, New York City
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Cincinnati, Ohio
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
125 East Eighty-fifth Street, New York City
United Order of True Sisters
317 West 139th Street, New York City
United Orthodox Rabbis of America
121 Canal Street, New York City
United Sons of Israel, Inc.
18 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts
United Synagogue of America
531 West 123d Street, New York City
Women's League of the United Synagogue of America
531 West 123d Street, New York City
Young JudÆa
55 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Z B T Fraternity
237 West Eighty-eighth Street, New York City
Zionist Organization of America
55 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Zionist Society of Engineers and Agriculturists
122 East Thirty-seventh Street, New York City


Carniolian Slovene Catholic Union
1004 North Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois
Croatian League of Illinois
2552 Wentworth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Croatian Union of the Pacific
560 Pacific Building, San Francisco, California
Jugoslav Benevolent Society "Unity"
408 Park Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jugoslav Catholic Benevolent Union
Ely, Minnesota
Jugoslav Republican Alliance
3637 West Twenty-sixth Street, Chicago, Illinois
Loyal Serb Society Srbadia
443 West Twenty-second Street, New York City
National Croatian Society
1012 Peralta Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Serbian Federation Sloboda
414 Bakewell Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Serbian Orthodox Federation Srbobran Sloga
Twelfth and Carsons Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Slovene Benevolent Society
1064 East Sixty-second Street, Cleveland, Ohio
Slovene Catholic Benevolent Association
420 Seventh Street, Calumet, Michigan
Slovene Croatian Union
Fifth South Borgo Block, Calumet, Michigan
Slovene Free Thinkers Association
1541 West Eighteenth Street, Brooklyn, New York
Slovene Workingmen's Benevolent Association
634 Main Street, Johnstown, Pennsylvania
*Slovenic Benevolent Society
"St. Barbara"
Forest City, Pennsylvania
Slovenic National Benefit Society
2657 S. Lawndale Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Southern Slav Socialistic League
3639 West Twenty-sixth Street, Chicago, Illinois
The Holy Family Society
1006 North Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois
Western Slav Society
4822 Washington Street, Denver, Colorado
Young National Croatian Society
President: Mark Smiljanich
2857 South Ridgeway Avenue, Chicago, Illinois


American-Lithuanian Catholic Press Association
Secretary: Rev. V. Kulikauskas
2327 West Twenty-third Place, Chicago, Illinois
Auxiliary of Lithuanian Red Cross
Secretary: Rev. Petraitis
147 Montgomery Avenue, Paterson, New Jersey
Knights of Lithuania
Secretary: Vincas RukŠtelis
3249 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois
Lithuanian Alliance of America
Secretary: Miss P. Jurgeliute
307 West Thirtieth Street, New York City
Lithuanian National Fund
Secretary: J. KruŠinskas
222 South Ninth Street, Brooklyn, New York
Lithuanian Patriot Society
Secretary: J. Sekys
101 Oak Street, Lawrence, Massachusetts
Lithuanian Roman Catholic Alliance of America
Secretary: J. Tumasonis
222 South Ninth Street, Brooklyn, New York
Lithuanian Roman Catholic Charitable Association
Secretary: John Purtokas
4441 South Washenaw Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Lithuanian Roman Catholic Federation of America
Secretary: J. Valantiejus
222 South Ninth Street, Brooklyn, New York
Lithuanian Roman Catholic Women's Alliance of America
President: Mrs. M. Vaiciuniene
442 Leonard Street, N. W., Grand Rapids, Michigan
Lithuanian Total Abstinence Association
Secretary: Vincent Bacys
41 Providence Street, Worcester, Massachusetts
St. Joseph's Lith. Roman Catholic Association of Labor
Secretary: A. F. Kneizis
366 West Broadway, South Boston, Massachusetts
The People's University
Secretary: Dr. A. L. Graiciunas
3310 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois


Knights of the White Cross
Care of Nora Lodge
1733 North Kedvale Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Sons of Norway
Secretary: L. Stavnheim
New York Life Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota


Association of Polish Women of the United States
General Secretary: Mrs. L. H. Dziewczynska
6723 Fleet Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio
Polish Alliance of New Jersey
General Secretary: J. Wegrocki
84 Tyler Street, Newark, New Jersey
Polish Falcons Alliance of America
General Secretary: K. J. Machnikowski
Cor. South Twelfth and Carson Streets, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Polish Military Alliance of the United States of America
General Secretary: P. Balecki
450 Pacific Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey
*Polish National Alliance of Brooklyn
General Secretary: V. G. Nowak
142 Grand Street, Brooklyn, New York
Polish National Alliance of the United States of North America
General Secretary: J. S. Zawilinski
1406-08 West Division Street, Chicago, Illinois
Polish Roman-Catholic Alliance
General Secretary: J. Grams
6924 Worley Street, Cleveland, Ohio
Polish Roman-Catholic Association
General Secretary: L. F. Szymanski
755 Twenty-third Street, Detroit, Michigan
*Polish Roman-Catholic Benevolent Association of Bay City
General Secretary: J. Lepczyk
1112 Fifteenth Street, Bay City, Michigan
Polish Roman-Catholic Union
984 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Polish Socialists Alliance of America
General Secretary: R. Mazurkiewica
959 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Polish Women's Alliance of America
General Secretary: Mrs. J. Andrzejewska
1309-15 North Ashland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Polish Union
General Secretary: J. Dembiec
Room 824, Miners Bank Building, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Polish Union of America
General Secretary: F. Zandrowicz
761-765 Fillmore Avenue, Buffalo, New York
Human Catholic Alliance of America
General Secretary: W. Gola
59 Fourth Street, Passaic, New Jersey
The Polish Roman-Catholic St. Joseph Union
General Secretary: A. Kazmierski
2813 Nineteenth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


League of Russian Clergy
43 Reed Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
North American Ecclesiastical Consistory
Archbishop Alexander
15 East Ninety-seventh Street, New York City
Russian Brotherhood Organization of U. S. A.
P. O. Box 475, Olyphant, Pennsylvania
Russian Collegiate Institute
219 Second Avenue, New York City
Russian Independent Orthodox Brotherhoods
34 Vine Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Russian Independent Society
917 North Wood Street, Chicago, Illinois
Russian National Organization
P. O. Box 2066, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Russian National Society
5 Columbus Circle, New York City
Russian Orthodox Catholic Mutual Aid Society
84 Market Street, East, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Russian Peasants' Union
324 East Fourteenth Street, New York City
Russian Society "Nauka"
222 East Tenth Street, New York City
*Union of Russian Citizens
1522 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Women's Russian Orthodox Mutual Aid Society
P. O. Box 512, Coaldale, Pennsylvania


Catholic Slovak Sokol
Secretary: Michael Kudlac
205 Madison Street, Passaic, New Jersey
First Catholic Slovak Ladies' Union of the United States
President: Mrs. Frantiska Jakaboin
600 South Seventh Street, Reading, Pennsylvania
National Slovak Society in United States of America
Secretary: Joseph Duris
P. O. Box 593, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Slovak Gymnastic Union of Sokols
Secretary: Frank Stas
283 Oak Street, Perth Amboy, New Jersey
Slovak Protestant Union
President: Jan Bibza
409 South Second Street, N. S., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tatran Slovak Union
President: Samuel Vrablik
2519 South Ridgeway Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
The First Catholic Slovak Union
President: Andrej H. Dorko
Marblehead, Ohio
Zivena, Benefit Society of Slovak Christian Women of the United States of America
President: Mrs. C. E. Vavrek
3 Stark Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania


American Society of Swedish Engineers
Secretary: N. V. Hansell
271 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, New York
Scandinavian Fraternity of America
P. O. Box 184, Spokane, Washington
(Membership consists of Norwegians, Danes, and Swedes)
The American Union of Swedish Singers
President: Hjalmar Nilsson
State Capitol, St. Paul, Minnesota
The Order of Vasa
President: Carl Festin
610 East Seventy-fifth Street, Chicago, Illinois
*United Swedish Societies of Greater New York
President: John Olin
Anderson's Assembly Rooms, Sixteenth Street and Third Avenue, New York City
(Consists of two delegates from each local society)


Providence Association, Inc.
President: Eugene Yakubovich
827 North Franklin Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Ukrainian Federation of the United States, Inc.
President: Miroslav Sichinsky
166 Avenue A, New York City
Ukrainian Mutual Aid Society, Inc.
President: M. Porada
3357 West Carson Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ukrainian National Association, Inc.
President: Simon Yadlowsky
83 Grand Street, Jersey City, New Jersey
Ukrainian National Committee
President: V. B. Lotozky
30 East Seventh Street, New York City
Ukrainian Women's Alliance
President: Mrs. C. Zubrich
932 North Okley Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois
Ukrainian Workingmen's Association, Inc.
President: George Kraykiwsky
524 Olive Street, Scranton, Pennsylvania
Union of Brotherhoods
President: George Hylak
107 Grant Street, Olyphant, Pennsylvania


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