| BENEFACTOR. Any person contributing money or property to the value of $25,000. |
| PATRON. Any person contributing money or property to the value of $10,000. |
| FELLOW IN PERPETUITY. Any person contributing money or property to the value of $5,000. |
| FELLOW FOR LIFE. Any person contributing money or property to the value of $1,000 |
| The above constitute the Governing Members of the Society. |
| LIFE MEMBERS. Any person paying the life membership fee of $100.00. |
| ANNUAL MEMBERS. Any person paying the annual membership fee of $10.00. |
| ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Privileges restricted to person paying an annual membership fee of $2.00. Limited to teachers and students. |
| CLUB MEMBERSHIP. Clubs may become members of the Society of Fine Arts by special arrangements, which entitle such groups to meet in the galleries or to use the lecture room and stereopticon. |
PLAN OF THE FIRST FLOOR Works of art earlier than the XIX century, the cast collection, and the Print Department are located on the First Floor. The visitor who wishes to make a general tour of the collections is advised to proceed from the entrance through the octagonal hall to the corridor at the left. At the end of this corridor is the entrance to the Oriental collections. The Egyptian collection in the adjacent gallery may then be visited. Returning to the corridor, the visitor will come to the Library and Print Study Room. (The Print Department will eventually be given space on the Ground Floor, and the galleries now occupied devoted to Greek and Roman art.) Casts of classical sculpture are exhibited in the corridor. The cast collection is continued in Gallery B-10 (Gothic art) and in Galleries B-11, 12, and the west corridor (Renaissance and later periods). Opposite the stairs to the Second Floor is the entrance to a series of rooms in which original examples of European art are exhibited according to period. The first gallery is devoted to Gothic art; the next two to Renaissance art; these are followed by the gallery of XVII and the two galleries of XVIII century art. The stairs opposite Gallery B-15 lead to the Ground Floor, where are the lunch room, women's rest room, toilets, class room, administration offices, and work rooms. [pg xi]
PLAN OF THE SECOND FLOOR Nineteenth century and modern works of art are exhibited on the Second Floor. On this floor are also the Print Exhibition Gallery and the Bradstreet Collection. The visitor is advised to enter the series of galleries through the Print Exhibition Gallery, C-1. From this room the visitor may proceed to the galleries in which paintings of the American and European schools are exhibited. Having completed the circuit along the north front of the building, the visitor may return by way of the corridors and galleries to the south (modern drawings and sculpture, the Bradstreet Room). Galleries C-8 and 9 are used for transient exhibitions, generally changed each month. [pg xii] |