APPENDIX D Well-Known Watch Collections |
(From list compiled by Major Paul M. Chamberlain, of Chicago in 1915.) - Abbott—George E. H. Abbott, Groton, Massachusetts.
- Addington—S. Addington, Esq., purchaser at Bernal sale.
- Ashmolean—Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England.
- Augsburg—Maxmillian Museum, Augsburg, Germany.
- Baker—Edwin P. Baker, referred to by Britten.
- Baxter—James Phinney Baxter, Portland, Maine.
- Blois—Musee de la ville, Blois, France.
- Boston—Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Bourne—T. W. Bourne, referred to by Britten.
- British—British Museum, London, England.
- Bulley—Edward H. Bulley, referred to by Britten.
- Burkhardt—M. Albert Burkhardt, Basle, Switzerland.
- Chamberlain—Paul M. Chamberlain, Chicago, Illinois.
- Chesam—Lord Chesam, referred to by Britten.
- Cluny—Musee de Cluny, Paris, France.
- Clarke—A. E. Clarke, London, England.
- Cockey—Edward C. Cockey, New York City.
- Cointre—La Famille Cointre, of Poitiers, France.
- Copenhagen—Horological Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Cook—E. E. Cook, Walton-on-Thames, England.
- Czar—Imperial collection, Hermitage Gallery, Petrograd, Russia (1915).
- Cumberland—Duke of Cumberland, England.
- Debruge—Debruge collection, catalogue published in 1849, referred to by M. E. Deville in Les Horlogers Blesois.
- Dennison—Franklin Dennison collection, Birmingham, England.
- Devotion—The Edward Devotion House, Brookline, Massachusetts.
- Dickson—R. Eden Dickson, London, England.
- Ditisheim—Henri Ditisheim, Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland.
- Dresden—Green Vaulted Chambers, Dresden, Germany.
- Duplessis—Family of Duplessis of Blois, referred to in Les Horlogers Blesois.
- Dover—Dover Museum, Dover, England.
- Dunwoody—Dr. W. J. Dunwoody, mentioned by Britten.
- Estreicher—Dr. Tad. Estreicher, Fribourg, Switzerland.
- Eschenbach—Baroness Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Vienna, Austria-Hungary.
- Fawkes—J. H. Fawkes of Farnlet Hall, England.
- Fellows—Collection of Sir Charles Fellows, of Westbourn, Isle of Wight, bequeathed by widow to British Museum.
- Fitzwilliam—Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England.
- Fleisher—Collection of Moyer Fleisher, exhibited in the Pennsylvania Museum,
- Memorial Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Foulc—M. Foulc, Paris, France.
- Franck—B. Bernard Franck, Paris, France.
- Freeman—Charles Freeman, referred to by Britten.
- Froidevaux—M. Froidevaux, Blois, France.
- Garnier—M. Paul Garnier, Paris, France.
- Gelis—M. Edouard Gelis, Paris, France.
- Geyer—H. F. Geyer, mentioned by Britten.
- Georgi—M. Georgi, Paris, France.
- Glyn—George Carr Glyn, referred to by Britten.
- Gotha—Museum of Gotha, Germany.
- Greene—T. Whitcomb Greene, referred to by Britten.
- Guildhall—Guildhall Museum, London, England.
- Hartshorne—Albert Hartshorne, referred to by Britten.
- Hearn—George Hearn collection, presented by widow to Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.
- Heckscher—Martin Heckscher collection in Vienna, Austria-Hungary.
- Heinz—Collection of Henry J. Heinz, exhibited in the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg.
- Hodgkins—Collection of J. E. Hodgkins, London, England.
- Humphreys—Miss M. Humphreys, mentioned in Britten.
- Jenkins—Collection of Jefferson D. Jenkins, Decatur, Illinois.
- King—C. King, Newport, Monmouthshire, England.
- Kensington—South Kensington Museum, London, England.
- Kirner—B. A. Kirner, Chicago, Illinois.
- Lambert—Messrs. Lambert, referred to by Britten.
- Lazerus—Collection of Moses Lazerus, Philadelphia, bequeathed to Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Lambiley—Compte de Lambiley, France.
- Laurance—E. A. Laurance, mentioned by Britten.
- Lebenheim—Mentioned in Morgan catalogue.
- Lecointre—Family of Lecointre, Poitiers, France.
- Leicester—Leicester Museum, Leicester, England.
- Leroux—M. E. Leroux, Paris, France.
- Liljigren—L. O. Liljigren, Chicago, Illinois.
- Londesboro—Lord Londesboro, London, England.
- Louvre—Musee de Louvre, Paris, France.
- Marfels—Collection of Carl Marfels, Berlin, Germany.
- Massey—Edwards Massey, London, England.
- Meldrum—Robert Meldrum, referred to by Britten.
- Metropolitan—Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.
- Mirabaud—M. G. Mirabaud, Paris, France.
- Moore—Bloomfield Moore collection in Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia.
- Morgan—J. Pierpont Morgan collection at Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.
- O. Morgan—Octavius Morgan collection in British Museum.
- Moray—Lord Moray, London, England.
- Moss—Rev. J. J. Moss, purchaser at Bernal sale, London, England, 1855.
- Munich—National Bavarian Museum at Munich, Germany.
- Nelthropp—Collection presented by Rev. H. L. Nelthropp to the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers of the City of London and exhibited at Guild Hall Museum.
- Newington—Newington Free Library, Newington, England.
- Olivier—M. Olivier, Paris, France.
- Parr—Edward Parr, London, England.
- Partridge—R. W. Partridge, London, England.
- Ponsonby—Hon. Gerald Ponsonby, referred to by Britten.
- Proctor—Frederick Towne Proctor, Utica, New York.
- Proctor, T. R.—Thomas Redfield Proctor, Utica, New York.
- Purnell—J. B. Purnell, purchaser at Bernal sale in 1855.
- Ranken—William Ranken, London, England.
- Reeves—R. F. Reeves, St. Louis, Missouri.
- Renouard—Family of Renouard, Belois, France.
- Roberts—Evan Roberts, London, England.
- Robertson—J. Drummond Robertson, London, England.
- Roblot—Ch. Roblot, Paris—Passy, France.
- Rothchild—Baroness Alphonse de Rothchild collection.
- Rosenheim—Max Rosenheim, referred to by Britten.
- Roux—Edward Roux, mentioned by Britten.
- Salting—Collection now in the South Kensington Museum.
- Saussure—M. Th. de Saussure, mentioned by Britten.
- Sauve—M. Sauve, Belois, France.
- Schlichting—Baron von Schlichting, Petrograd, Russia, (1915).
- Shapland—Charles Shapland, London, England.
- Shaw—Morgan Shaw, London, England.
- Sidebottom—Collection of Mrs. H. Sidebottom, in South Kensington Museum.
- Sivan—M. Charles Sivan, Paris, France.
- Smythies—Major R. H. Raymond Smythies, London, England.
- Soane—Soane Museum, London, England.
- Stamford—Stamford Institution, England.
- Stroehlin—Stroehlin collection, referred to in J. P. Morgan catalogue.
- Sudell—Edward Sudell, mentioned by Britten.
- Sutton—Rev. A. F. Sutton, England.
- Thompson—Mrs. G. F. Thompson, Ottawa, Canada.
- Torphicon—Lord Torphicon, referred to by Britten.
- Turrettini—Turrettini collection referred to by Dr. Williamson in Morgan catalogue.
- Vautier—M. L. Vautier, Belois, France.
- Vendome—Calvaire de Vendome, France.
- Vienna—Imperial Treasury, Vienna, Austria-Hungary.
- Wallace—Lord Wallace collection, bequeathed by his widow to the British Museum.
- Wehrle—Eugene Wehrle, Brussels, Belgium.
- Wheeler, H. L.—Horace L. Wheeler, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Wheeler—Collection of Willard H. Wheeler, Brooklyn, N. Y., exhibited in the Brooklyn Museum, New York City.