- Adjusting, Practical Course in—Theo. Gribi. Jewelers' Circular Publishing Company, New York City, 1901.
- American Clockmaking—Its Early History—Henry Terry. J. Giles & Son, Waterbury, Connecticut, 1870.
- American Watchmaker and Jeweler, The—(An encyclopedia.) H. G. Abbott. Geo. K. Hazlitt & Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1891.
- American Watchmaker and Jeweler—J. Parish Stelle. Jesse Haney & Co., New York City, 1868. Revised Edition, 1873.
- Ancient and Modern Timekeepers—Reprint from Harper's Magazine, July, 1869. Albert D. Richardson.
- Annuaire Suisse (de l'horlogerie et de la bijouterie)—Supplement gratuit—de l'Annuaire du commerce suisse. Geneva, Switzerland, 1912.
- Artificial Clockmaker, The—(Fourth edition with large emendations.) Wm. Derham. James, John and Paul Knapton, London, England, 1734.
- AusfÜhrliche Geschichte der Theoretisch-Praktischen Uhrmacherkunst Seit der Altesten Art den Tag Einzutheilen Bis an das Ende des Achzehnten Jahrhunderts—Johann Heinrich Moritz Poppe, Roch und Compagnie. Leipzig, Germany, 1801.
- Avis Sur le PrivilÉge des Horloges et des Montres de la Nouvelle Invention—J. de Hautefeuille, Paris, France.
- Clock and Watchmakers' Manual—M. L. Booth. John Wiley, New York City, 1860.
- Clock and Watchmakers' Manual, New and Complete—Mary L. Booth. J. Wiley, New York City, 1860.
- Clock and Watchmaking, Rudimentary Treatise on—E. B. Denison (Lord Grimthorpe). John Weale, London, England, 1850.
- Clock and Watchmaking, Treatise on—Thomas Reid. Blackie and Son, London, England, 1849.
- Clock and Watch Repairing, Essentials of—John Drexler, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1914.
- Clock and Watch Work—From the Eighth Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica—Sir Edmund Beckett. Adam and Charles Black, 1855.
- Clockjobber's Handybook, The—Paul N. Hasluck. Crosby Lockwood and Son, London, England, 1899.
- Clock, Watches and Bells—Sir Edmund Beckett. (Sixth edition Revised and Enlarged.) Lockwood & Company, London, England, 1874.
- Clockwork, Essays on the Improvement of—Alexander Cumming, London, England, 1766.
- Collection Archeologique du Prince Pierre Soltykoff. Horlogerie. Description et Iconographie des Instruments Horaires du XVIe SiÈcle, PrÉcÉdÉe d'un AbrÉgÉ Historique de L'Horlogerie au Moyen Age—Pierre Dubois. V. Didron, Paris, France, 1858.
- Curiosities of Clocks and Watches—E. J. Wood. R. Bentley, London, England, 1866.
- Detached Lever Escapement, The—Moritz Grossman. (Revised, Corrected, Enlarged.) Jewelers' Publishing Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1884.
- Detached Lever Escapement—A Discourse on The—(Pamphlet.) C. T. Higginbotham. South Bend Watch Co., 1912.
- Die Pendeluhr Horologium Oscillatorium—Christian Huyghens, 1673. W. Engelman, Leipzig, Germany, 1913.
- English Trades, Book of—Sir Richard Phillips. (Twelfth edition.) London, England, 1824.
- Essai Sur L'Horlogerie, Relativement À L'Usage Civil, À l'Astronomie et À la Navigation—2 Vols., Paris, France, 1763.
- Evolution of Automatic Machinery—E. A. March. Geo. K. Hazlitt & Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1896.
- Evolution of the Time-Piece—Lyon and Scott. Ottumwa, Ohio, 1895.
- Friction, Lubrication and Lubricants—W. T. Lewis. Geo. K. Hazlitt & Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1896.
- Geschichte der Uhrmacherkunst—Emanuel Schreiber. B. Fr. Voigt, Weimar, Germany, 1850.
- Great Industries of United States—Horace Greeley. J. B. Burn, Hyde & Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1871.
- Histoire Corporative de L'Horlogerie de L'OrfÈvrerie et des Industries Annexes—Anthony Babel. A. Kundig, Geneva, Switzerland, 1916.
- Histoire de la MÉsure du Temps par les Horloges—Ferdinand Berthoud, Paris, France, 1802.
- Histoire de L'Horlogerie—Pierre Dubois. Published under management of "Moyen Age et la Renaissance," Paris, France, 1849.
- History of Inventions, Discoveries and Origins—Johann Beckman. Tr. from German by Wm. Johnston. Revised and Enlarged by Wm. Francis and J. W. Griffith, London, England, H. G. Bohn, 1846.
- History of Watches and Other Timekeepers, A—J. F. Kendal. Crosby Lockwood and Son, London, England, 1892.
- Industrial History of the United States—Albert Sidney Bolles. Henry Bill Publishing Co., Norwich, Connecticut, 1879.
- Jewelled Bearings for Watches—C. T. Higginbotham (Pamphlet.) G. K. Hazlitt & Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1911.
- Journal Suisse D'Horlogerie—PubliÉ sous les auspices de la classe d'industrie et de commerce. (SociÉtÉ des arts de GenÈve.) 1876.
- L'Art de Conduire et de RÉgler les Pendules—Ferdinand Berthoud. Paris, France. 1805. 1811.
- Les Montres Sans Clef—Adrien Philippe. Geneva, Switzerland. 1863.
- Lessons in Horology—Jules Grossman and Herman Grossman. Keystone, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1905.
- Les Transformations Industrielles Dans L'Horlogerie Suisse—Henri Borle. G. Krebs. 1910.
- Lever Escapement, The—T. J. Wilkinson. Technical Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1916.
- L'Horlogerie Astronomique et Civile; Ses Usages—Ses ProgrÈs Son Enseignement À Paris—A. H. Rodanet. Vve. C. Dunod, Paris, France, 1887.
- L'Industrie HorlogÈre aux États Unis—George Blondel. Soc. de gÉographie commerciale de Paris. Bull. mensuel. Paris, France, 1917.
- Manipulation of Steel in Watchwork—John J. Bowman. Jewelers Circular Publishing Co., New York City, 1903.
- Modern Clock, The—Ward L. Goodrich. Hazlitt & Walker, 1905.
- Modern Horology—Claudius Lanier. Trans. by J. Tripplin. E. Rigg. (Second Edition.) Crosby Lockwood & Co., London, England, 1887.
- Modern Horology, Treatise on—Claudius Lanier. Translation.
- Modern Methods in Horology—Grant Hood. Kansas City, Jeweler and Optician, Kansas City, Missouri, 1904.
- Nouveau RÉgulateur des Horloges des Montres et des Pendules; Ouvrage Mis À La PortÉe de Tout Le Monde et OrnÉ de Figures—Ferdinand Berthoud and L. Janvier, Paris, France, 1838.
- Old Clock Book—Mrs. N. Hudson Moore. Frederick A. Stokes & Co., New York City, 1911.
- Old Cl