I PARLIAMENTARY AND MUNICIPAL PUBLICATIONS Elementary Schools (Children Working for Wages), Parts I. and II., Parliamentary Return. 1899. Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on the Employment of School-Children. 1901. Report of the Departmental Committee on the Employment of Children Act, 1903. 1910. Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and the Relief of Distress. 1909. Report by Mr. Cyril Jackson on Boy Labour. 1909. Report of the Commissioners of Prisons for the year ending March 31, 1908. Report of the Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education for the year 1909. Report of the Consultative Committee of the Board of Education on Higher Elementary Schools. 1906. Report of the Consultative Committee of the Board of Education on Attendance, Compulsory or Otherwise, at Continuation Schools. 2 vols., 1909. Report on the By-Laws made by the London County Council under the Employment of Children Act, 1903, by Chester Jones. 1906. London County Council Report of the Medical Officer (Education) for the year 1906. London County Council Report of the Medical Officer (Education) for the year 1909. London County Council: Medical Treatment of Children attending Elementary Schools—Report of Education Committee. 1909. London County Council: Home Circumstances of Necessitous Children in Twelve Selected Schools. 1909. London County Council: The Apprenticeship Question. 1906. London County Council: Report of the Higher Education Sub-Committee on Apprenticeship: Agenda of Education Committee, February 24, 1909, pp. 412-425. London County Council: Technical Education Board Report on the Building Trades. 1899. London County Council: Report by Miss Durham, Inspector of Women’s Technical Classes on Juvenile Labour in Germany. 1910. London County Council: Report by Mr. R. Blair (Education Officer) on Organization of Education in London. P. S. King and Son, Westminster. County Council of Middlesex: Report by Mr. A. J. Bird (Inspector of Schools) on Employment Bureaux for Children of School-leaving Age. Urban District Council of Finchley: Annual Report of the Medical Officer of Health, including the Report to the Education Committee for the year 1908. Gloucestershire Education Committee: Report of the Minor Committee to consider Certain Proposals for the Creation of an Apprenticeship Fund and a Labour Bureau. 1907. II AUTHORS Abraham and Davies: Factories and Workshops. 1902. Abram, A.: Social Life in the Fifteenth Century. 1909. Alden, Margaret: Child Life and Labour. Ashley, W. J.: Introduction to English Economic History. 1888. Beveridge, W. H.: Unemployment. 1909. Black, Clementina: Sweated Industry. 1907. Blair, R.: Some Features of American Education. 1904. Booth, Charles: Life and Labour of the People, 9 vols. 1896. Bray, Reginald A.: The Apprenticeship Question, in Economic Journal, September, 1909. Bray, Reginald A.: The Town Child. 1907. Christian Social Union: Report on the Employment of Boys in the London Area. 1910. Continuation Schools in England and Elsewhere, edited by M. E. Sadler. 1907. Creasey, Clarence H.: Technical Education in Evening Schools. 1905. Crowley, Ralph H.: Hygiene of School Life. 1909. Cuningham, W.: Growth of English Industry and Commerce: Early and Middle Ages. 1905. Cuningham, W.: Growth of English Industry and Commerce: Modern Times, 2 vols. 1903. Davies, Maude F.: Life in an English Village. 1909. Frere, Margaret: Children’s Care Committees. 1909. Gibb, The Rev. Spencer J.: The Problem of Boy Work. 1906. Gibb, The Rev. Spencer J.: Boy Work and Unemployment. C.S.U. Pamphlet. Gordon, Ogilvie: Handbook of Employments. 1908. Green, J. R.: History of the English Peoples, vols. i. and iv. 1896. Green, Mrs. J. R.: Town Life in the Fifteenth Century, 2 vols. 1894. Hall, G. Stanley: Adolescence, 2 vols. Hasbach, W.: History of the English Agricultural Labourer. 1908. Hawkins, C. B.: Norwich: A Social Study. 1910. Hayward, F. H.: Day and Evening Schools. 1910. Hogarth, A. H.: Medical Inspection of Schools. 1909. Hutchins and Harrison: A History of Factory Legislation. 1907. Jackson, Cyril: Unemployment and Trade Unions. 1910. Jebb, Eglantyne: Cambridge: A Brief Study in Social Questions. 1906. Keeling, Frederic: The Labour Exchange in Relation to Boy and Girl Labour. 1910. Kirkman, Gray B.: A History of English Philanthropy. 1905. Kirkman, Gray B.: Philanthropy and the State. Knowles, G. W.: Junior Labour Exchanges. 1910. Macmillan, Margaret: Labour and Childhood. 1907. Moseley: Educational Committee Report. 1904. Nicholls, Sir G.: History of the English Poor Law. 1898. Rogers, J. E. T.: Six Centuries of Work and Wages. 1884. Rowntree, B. S.: Poverty: A Study of Town Life. 1901. Russell, C. E. B.: Manchester Boys. 1905. Russell and Rigby: The Making of the Criminal. 1906. Russell and Rigby: Working Lads’ Clubs. 1908. Shadwell, Arthur: Industrial Efficiency. 1909. Studies of Boy Life in our Cities, edited by E. J. Urwick. 1904. Tawney, R. H.: The Economics of Boy Labour, in Economic Journal, December, 1909. Trades for London: Boys. Compiled by the Apprenticeship and Skilled Employment Committee. 1908. Trades for London: Girls. Compiled by the Apprenticeship and Skilled Employment Committee. 1909. Tuckwell and Smith: The Workers’ Handbook. 1908. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice: History of Trade Unionism. 1907. Webb, Sidney and Beatrice: Industrial Democracy, 2 vols. 1897. |