Remarks.—The signs ?, q, Þ follow h, k, t, respectivly.—The figures in () refer to the paragrafs of the Grammar. Aba, m. (108, n. 1), husband, man; Lu. II, 36. AbiaÞar, pr. n., Abiathar; dat. -a; Mk. II, 26. [< ????a?.] Abraham (61, n. 3), pr. n., Abraham. [< ??a?.] af (56, n. 1), prep. w. dat. (217), of, from, out of, away from, off; Mt. V, 18. 42. Mk. III, 22. II. Cor. III, 5. [OE. of, ME. of, off, a, o, NE. of, off, a- (as in 'adown').] af-aikan, rv. (179), to deny, curse. afar, prep. (217), (1) w. dat.: after, according to; Mk. I, 7. 17. 20. II. Cor. V, 10. (2) w. acc.: after (only of time); afar dagans, after sum days; Mk. II, 1; afar Þatei, after that, when; Mk. I, 14. Skeir. VII, c. [< af + compar. suff. -ar. OHG. avar, abur, MHG. aver, aber, NHG. aber- (in compos.), further, again, aber, conj., but. Cf. OE. eafora, m., posterity, child.] afar-gaggan, anv. (179, n. 3; 207), to go after, follow; w. miÞ w. dat.; Mk. V, 37. af-daubnan, wv. (194), to becum def, grow dul; II. Cor. III, 14. af-dÔjan (26, a), wv. (187), to tire out, vex, harass. af-dumbnan, wv. (194), to becum dum, hold one's peace; Mk. IV, 39. af-Êtja (56, n. 2), m. (108), voracious eater, glutton. [-Êtja < v of itan + suff. -jan-.] af-gaggan, stv. (179, n. 3; 207), to go away, depart; w. faÍrra w. dat.; Lu. II, 37. *af-haimeis, adj. (127), away from home, absent; II. Cor. V, 6. 9. [-haimeis < haims. Cf. anahaimeis.] af-hamÔn, wv. (190), to take off clothes, to unclothe; II. Cor. V, 4. af-hlaÞan, stv. (177, n. 1), to lade, load. af-?apjan, wv. (188), w. acc., to choke; Mk. IV, 7. 19. af-?apnan, wv. (194), to choke (intr.), be choked; Mk. V, 13. af-iddja, prt. of afgaggan. af-lageins, f. (124), a laying aside, remission; Mk. I, 4. [< af-lagjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] af-laÍlÔt, prt. of aflÊtan. af-leiÞan, stv. (172, n. 1), to go away, depart; w. af w. dat.; Mk. I, 42; du w. dat.; Mk. III, 7. af-lÊtan (-leitan; 7, n. 2), rv. (181), w. acc. of pers. or th., to leav, forsake, put away (a wife); Mt. V, 24. 31. 32; w. dat. of pers. and acc. of th., to let off, forgiv; Mt. VI, 12. 14. 15; to let one hav; Mt. V, 40. af-lifnan (56, ns. 1. 4), wv. (194), to remain, remain over and abuv; Skeir. VII, c. af-linnan, stv. (174, n. 1), to depart. af-maitan, stv. (179), to cut off; w. acc. of th.; Mt. V, 30. af-marzeins, f. (103, n. 1), offense, deceitfulness; Mk. IV, 19. [< af-marzjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] af-mÔjan (26), wv. (187), to weary, fatigue. af-niman, stv. (170; 175), w. acc., to take away, remove; II. Cor. III, 16; and dat.; Mk. IV, 25; or af w. dat.; Mk. II, 20. 21. af-satjan, wv. (187), w. acc., to put away (a wife), divorce; Mt. V, 32. af-skiuban (56, n. 1), stv. (173, n. 1), to shuv away, put away, reject. af-slauÞjan, wv. (188), to amaze; in pass.: to be in despair; II. Cor. IV, 8. af-slauÞnan, wv. (194), to becum beside one's self, be amazed. af-standan, stv. (177, n. 3), to fall away, renounce; w. dat.; II. Cor. IV, 2. af-stass, f. (103, n. 3), a standing off, falling away; afstassais bÔkÔs, a writing of divorcement; Mt. V, 31. [< stem -stassi- < stat-ti-< stat (< v of standan +-t) + suff. -ti-.] af-stÔÞum, prt. of afstandan. af-swaggwjan, wv. (188), to make despondent; afswaggwiÞs wisan, to despair; II. Cor. I, 8 (note). afta, adv. (213, n. 2), behind. [< af + suff. -ta. OE. Æft, again, behind.] aftana, adv. (213, n. 2), from behind; Mk. V, 27. [< afta + suff. -na. OE. Æftan, ME. Æfte, NE. aft; cf. abaft < a, on, + bi, by, + aft.] aftarÔ, adv. (211, n. 1), from behind, behind. [< af + adv. compar. suff. -tarÔ.] aftra, adv., back, backwards, behind; Lu. II, 43; again; Mt. V, 33. [< af + adv. compar. suff. -tra. OE. Æfter, ME. Æfter, after, NE. after.] aftuma, superl. adj. (139), the last. [< af + superl. suff. -tu-ma-n-.] aftumists, superl. adj. (139, n. 1), the last; aftumist haban, to lie, or be, at the point of deth; Mk. 5, 23. [< aftuma + superl. suff. -ist-a-. OE. ME. Æftemest, NE. aftermost (by influence of after and most; s. aftra and maists).] aggilus, m. (120, n. 1), angel, messenger; Lu. II, 9. 10; dat. -au; Lu. II, 13. 21; acc. -u; Mk. I, 2; pl. nom. -jus; Lu. II, 15; or -eis; Mk. I, 13. [< ???e???, messenger, angel.] aggwiÞa, f. (97), anguish; II. Cor. II, 4. [< aggwus + suff. -iÞÔ-.] *aggwjan, wv. (188), in ga-aggwjan. [< aggwus.] aggwus, adj. (68; 131), narrow. [OE. ange, ME. ang, OHG. engi (ja-stem), MHG. enge, NHG. enge, eng, adj. narrow.] agis, gen. agisis, n. (35; 94), aw, fear; Mk. IV, 41. Lu. II, 9. II. Cor. V, 11. [< agan (s. un-agands) + suff. -is-a-. OE. ege (or i-stem; see Brgm., II, p. 421, § 132, Rem. 2), ME. e?e, ON. agi > ME. aghe, awe, NE. aw.] *agjan, wv. (35), in us-agjan. [< *ags, awful, fearful, < -agan; s. agis.] aglait-gastalds (88a, n. 1), adj. (124), greedy of filthy lucre, greedy. [-gastalds < ga- + -stalds < v of staldan.] aglaiti, n. (95), lasciviousness, unchastity. [< *aglaits, adj., lascivious; cp. agls, adj., indecent.] aglaiti-waÚrdei (88a), f. (113), indecent language, filthy talk. [< aglaiti-waÚrds, adj.; -waÚrds < waÚrd.] -agljan (14, n. 1), wv. (188), to trubl, in us-a. [< aglus. OE. eglan, ME. eile, NE. ail.] aglÔ, f. (112), tribulation, anguish, distress; Mk. IV, 17. II. Cor. I, 4. 8. II, 4. IV, 17. [< aglus.] aglus, adj. (131), difficult, hard. Agustus, pr. n., Augustus; dat. -au; Lu. II, 1. [?????st??.] ahaks, f. (103, n. 2), duv; Mk. I, 10. Lu. II, 24. ahma, m. (108), the Spirit, the Holy Ghost; Mk. I, 8. 10. 12. 23. 25. 26. 27. II, 8. 11. 29. 30. V, 2. 8. 13. Lu. II, 26. 27. 40. II. Cor. I, 22. II, 13. III, 3. 6. 8. 17. 18. IV, 13. V, 5. [< v of ahjan, to think, + suff. -man-.] ahs, n. (94), ear (of grain); Mk. II, 23. IV, 28. [OE. Êar (< *eaur, *eahur, *ahur), ME. ear, er, NE. ear (of grain; for ear, the organ of hearing, s. ausÔ).] ahtau, indecl. num. (141), eight; Lu. II, 21. [OE. eahta, ME. eighte, NE. eight.] ahtau-tÊhund, indecl. num. (143), eighty; Lu. II, 37. ahtuda, ord. num. (146), the eighth. [< aht-au + suff. -u-da-n-. OE. eahtoÐa, ME. eighte, NE. eighth.] a?a, f. (97), river, stream, water; Mk. I, 5. [OE. Êa (< *au, *ahu, *ahwu), f., ME. Æ, river, water, > OE. Îg, iland, lit. 'belonging to the water', and in composition: Îgland, ME. iland, NE. iland.] aibr, n. (94), an offering; Mt. V, 23. [No doubt a corrupt form for *tibr = OE. tifer, n., OHG. zebar, victim, sacrifice; cf. MHG. un-ge-zibere, un-zifer, NHG. ungeziefer, n., vermin, prop. 'an animal unfit for a sacrifice'.] Áigan (Áihan), prt.-prs. (203), to own, hav, possess.—Cpd. faÍrÁihan (203). [OE. Âgan, ME. aghe, owe, NE. ow.—Prt.: Gothic Áihta, OE. Âhte, ME. Âhte, ouhte, NE. ought.] ÁiginÔn, wv., in ga-aiginÔn. [< aigin (< v of aigan + suff. -ina-), n., property.] Áihts (20, n. 2), f. (103), property, possession; in pl. goods, things. [< v of aigan + suff. -ti-. OHG. Êht, f., property, goods, in compos. frÊht (= Goth. *fra-aihts), gain, wages; cf. LG. fracht, Du. vracht > ME. fraht, fraught, cargo, freight, > frahte, fraughte, to load, pp. fraught, NE. fraught. Of G. or Du. origin is the ML. frecta, fretta, > OF. *freit, fret > ME. freit, freight (the gh being due to 'fraught'), NE. freight.] aÍ?a-tundi (64), f. (98), brambl-bush, bush. [< aÍ?a = OE. eoh (< *eohu), m., horse; -tundi < *tindan > the caus. tandjan, to kindl, OE. tendan, ME. tende, NE. tind.] *aikan, rv. (179), in af-aikan. aÍkklÊsjÔ, f. (111), church. [< ?????s?a.] AÍleisabaÍÞ (23), pr. n., Elisabeth. [< ???s?e?.] aÍlÔÊ (6, n. 1), my God! [< ???? < the Hebrew.] ainaha, weak adj. (132, n. 2), only. [< ains + suff. -(a)ha-n-.] ain-falÞei, f. (113), simplicity; II. Cor. I, 12. [< ainfalÞs.] ain-falÞs, adj. (148), 'one-fold', singl; Mt. VI, 22. ain-?arjizuh, prn. (165, n. 1), every one, each one; Luc. II, 3. II. Cor. V, 10. ain-?aÞaruh, prn. (166), each of two. *ainlif (56, n. 1), num. (141), eleven. [< ains + -lif, left, over. OE. and-, end-leofan, -leofen, (for Ân-leofan, etc., -leofan being the dat. of-lif), ME. end-, en-, el-leven, NE. eleven.] ain(n)Ôhun, acc. sg. of ainshun. ains, num. (140), (I) one, a singl one, (1) alone; II. Cor. V, 15; (2) w. a sb., (a) follg.; Mt. V, 18. 36; (b) preceding; Mt. V, 18. 41; (c) ains-hun, indef. prn. (163, c), only in negativ sentences, not any one, none, (1) alone; II. Cor. V, 16; (2) w. a partit. gen. follg.; Mk. V, 37. aÍpiskaÚpus, m. (120, n. 1), bishop. [< ?p?s??p??, bishop.] aÍpistaÚlÊ, f. (120, n. 3), epistl, letter; II. Cor. III, 2. 3. [< ?p?st???, message, letter.] Áir, adv. (214, n. 1), erly; Mk. I, 35. [OE. *Âr > the compar. Æ^r; see Áiris.] ÁirinÔn, wv. (190), to be a messenger, an ambassador; w. faÚr w. acc.; II. Cor. V, 20. [< Áirus.] Áiris, comp. adv. (212), erlier. [< Áir + suff. -is. OE. Æ^r, ME. er, sooner, erlier, before, NE. ere.] Áiriza, comp. adj. (136), of old time, living formerly; in pl. uzed substantivly; Mt. V, 21. 33. [< Áir + suff. -iz-an-. OE. Æ^ror, ME. erer, former.] aÍrÞa, f. (97), erth, ground, land; Mt. V, 18. 35. VI, 10. 19. Mk. II, 10. IV, 5. 8. 20. 28. 31. Lu. II, 14. [OE. eorÐe, ME. erthe, NE. erth.] aÍrÞa-kunds (88a), adj. (124), erthy, born of the erth. aÍrÞeins, adj. (124), of erth, erthen; II. Cor. IV, 7. erthly; II. Cor. V, 1. [< aÍrÞa + suff. -eina-. ME. eorthen, erthen, NE. erthen.] Áirus (20, n. 2), m. (105), messenger, ambassador. [OE. Âr (of the o-declension), m., messenger. Cf. OE. Æ^rende, n., ME. erand, NE. errand.] aÍrzeis, adj. (128), astray, led astray. [OE. yrre, eorre, ME. eorre, irre, angry, OHG. irri, MHG. NHG. irre, adj., astray, confused.] *ais (for which aiz, 78, n. 1; occurs only onse; Mk. VI, 8), n. (94), brass, bronz, muney. [OE. Âr, f., brass, bronz, copper, ME. Ôr, NE. ore.] aiÞei, f. (113), mother; Mk. III, 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. V, 40. Lu. II, 33. 34. 43. 48. 51. [OHG. eidi, eide, mother.] aiÞs, gen. aiÞis, m. (91), oath; Mt. V, 33. [OE. ÂÐ, m., ME. oth, NE. oath.] aÍÞÞau (20, 3; 71, n. 1), conj. (218), or; Mt. V, 17. 18. 36. VI, 31. Mk. III, 4. 33. IV, 17. 21. 30. Lu. II, 24. II. Cor. I, 13. 17. III, 1; jabai ...aÍÞÞau, either ... or; Mt. VI, 24; else, otherwise; Mt. VI, 1. [Cf. OE. oÐÐe, North Æththa, or.] Aiulf, prn. n. (65, n. 1). aiw, adv. (prop. acc. sing. of aiws, q. v.), ever, always with ni: never; Mk. II, 12. 25. III, 29. [OE.  (for *Âw), ME. Â, Ô, ON. ei > NE. aye.] aÍwaggÊljÔ, f. (112), gospel; Mk. I, 1. 14. 15. [< e?a???????.] aiweins, adj. (124), eternal; Mk. III, 29. II. Cor. IV, 17. 18. V, 1. [< aiws + suff. -ein-a-.] aiwiski, n. (95), shame, dishonesty; II. Cor. IV, 2. [< *aiwisks (in un-aiwisks, that need not be ashamed). OE. Æ^wisc, ashamed.] aiws, m. (91, n. 5), time, life-time, age, world, eternity; II. Cor. IV, 4; in aiwins, forever; Mt. VI, 13.—S. also aiw. aiz; see ais. ajukduÞs (21, n. 2), f. (103), time, eternity. [< ajuk- (perhaps < aiws) + suff. -du-Þ-i-.] ak, conj. (218), but, for; Mt. V, 17. 39. VI, 13. 18. Mk. I, 45. II, 17. 22. III, 26. 29. IV, 17. 22. V, 19. 26. 39. II. Cor. I, 9. 12. 19. 24. II, 4. 5. 13. 17. III, 3. 5. 6. 14. IV, 2. 5. 18. V, 4. 12. 15. Skeir. VII, a. c. [OE. ME. ac, but.] AkaÏja, pr. n., Achaja; dat. -ai; II. Cor. I, 1. [< ??a?a.] akei, conj. (218), but; II. Cor. I, 9. III, 15. IV, 8. 9. Skeir. VII, a; yet; II. Cor. V, 16. [< ak + ei.] akeits, m. (? 91, n. 2), vinegar. [< Lt. acÊtum, vinegar.] akran, n. (94), fruit; Mk. IV, 7. 8. 20. 28. 29. [OE. Æcern, n., ME. akern, acorn, NE. acorn.] akrana-laus, adj. (124), fruitless, unfruitful; Mk. IV, 19. akrs, m. (91, n. 1), field. [OE. Æcer, m., field, ME. aker, NE. acre.] aqizi, f. (98), ax. [OE. Æx, eax, f., ME. Æx, NE. ax.] alabalstraÚn (24, n. 5; 46, n. 2), indecl. sb. n. (120, n. 2), alabaster box. [< ???ast???.] ala-mans, m. (117, n. 1), all men, the hole human race. [For ala-, s. alaÞarba; mans is nom. pl. of manna.] alan, stv. (177), to grow. [OE. alan, to nurish.] ala-Þarba, adj. (132, n. 2), very poor, very needy. [ala- stands for alla- (< alna- < v of alan + ptc. suff. -na-), stem of alls, all; Þarba, needy, < v of ÞaÚrban.] Albila (54), pr. n., Albila. alds (73; 74, n. 3), f. (103), age, generation, life, world. [< v of alan + suff. -di-. OE. ieldu (orig. i-stem), ME. elde, NE. eld (poet.), age. Cf. alÞeis.] aleina, f. (97), el, cubit; Mt. VI, 27. [OE. eln, f., ME. (< the inflected cases) elne, elle, NE. el.] alÊw, n. (119), oliv, oil; Mk. VI, 13. [< Lt. oleum, oil.] Alfaius, pr. n., Alpheus; gen. -aus; Mk. II, 14. III, 18. [< ??fa???.] alhs, f. (116), templ; Lu. II, 27. 37. 46. [OE. alh, ealh, m., templ.] alja, (1) conj., than, except, unless; II. Cor. I, 13. (2) prep. w. dat. (217), except. [< stem of aljis.] alja-kuns, adj. (130), foren, strange. [alja < aljis; kuns < kuni.] alja-leikÔs, adv. (212, n. 2), otherwise. [From stems of aljis and -leiks + adv. compar. suff. -Ôs.] aljar, adv. (213, n. 1), elsewhere. [< stem of aljis + suff. -r.] aljaÞ, adv. (213, n. 1), in another direction. [< stem of aljis + suff. -Þ.] aljaÞrÔ, adv. (213, n. 1), from elsewhere. [< stem of aljis + suff. -ÞrÔ.] aljis, adj. (126), other, another; II. Cor. I, 13. Skeir. VII, b. [OE. elles (gen. sg. n.), ME. elles, NE. else.] allaÞrÔ, adv. (213, n. 2), from all directions, from every quarter; Mk. I, 45. [< stem of alls + suff. -ÞrÔ.] allis, (1) adv. (215), in general, holely, at all; ni—allis, not at all. (2) conj. (218), never at the beginning, for; Mk. III, 35; for neither, for not; Mk. IV, 22. [Prop. gen. sg. n. of alls. OE. ealles, ME. alles, adv., holely.] alls, adj. (122, n. 1), all, every, hole, (1) alone, w. or without the prec. or follg. art. or dem. prn.; Mt. V, 18. VI, 32. Mk. I, 5. 27. 37. II, 12. IV, 11. 34. V, 20. 40. Lu. II, 3. 19. II. Cor. II, 9. IV, 8. 15. V, 15. 17. 18. (2) w. a pers. prn. prec. or follg.; II. Cor. II, 3. III, 18. V, 10. (3) w. a poss. prn. follg.; Mk. V, 26. (4) w. attraction of a rel. prn. (see 'Explanatory Notes'); Lu. II, 20. (5) w. a ptc.; Mk. I, 32. Lu. II, 18. 38. 47. (6) w. a follg. adj. prec. by the art.; II. Cor. I, 1. (7) w. an adv. frase; Lu. II, 39. (8) w. a sb., w. or without the art.; Mt. VI, 29. Mk. I, 5. 28. 33. 39. all-waldands, m. (115), all-ruling, almighty. [< all-s + prsp. of waldan.] -alÞan, rv. (179, n. 1), in us-alÞan. [Cp. alÞeis.] alÞeis, adj. (128), old; n. pl. ÞÔ alÞjÔna, (the) old things; II. Cor. V, 17. [Cp. alds; also OE. eald (w. suff. -do-), ME. ald, old, NE. old.] Amalaberga, pr. n. (54, n. 2). Amalafrigda, pr. n. (3, n. 2). amÊn, amen, verily; Mt. V, 18. 26. VI, 2. 5. 13. 16. Mk. III, 28. II. Cor. I, 20. [< ??? < the Hebrew.] ams, m. (91, n. 4), shoulder. an, interr. particl (216), then. ana, prep. (217), (1) w. dat., (a) local, in, to, on, upon, over; Mk. I, 45. IV, 5. 16. 20. 38. V, 4. II. Cor. III, 15; (b) of cause, especially w. vs. of 'affection', in, for, at, over; Mk. I, 22. Lu. II, 33. 47. II. Cor. I, 4; ana Þammei, for that; V, 4; (c) w. vs. of 'knowing, showing', and the like, on, by, from, in; Mk. V, 29. Skeir. VII, c; (d) in other relations, denoting 'inclination, reference', and the like; Lu. II, 25. 40. II. Cor. I, 23. IV, 10. (2) w. acc., local, on, upon, at, into; Mt. V, 45. VI, 27. Mk. I, 10. 35. II, 21. III, 10. IV, 21. 26. 31. V, 23. Lu. II, 28. II. Cor. III, 13. [OE. an, on, ME. on, o, NE. on.] ana-aukan, rv. (179), to ad, w. ana w. acc.; Mt. VI, 27. ana-biudan, stv. (170; 173), to command, instruct, bid, (1) w. dat. of pers.; Mk. I, 27. (2) w. acc. of th.; Mk. I, 44. (3) w. dat. of pers. and an obj. clause w. ei; Mk. V, 43. ana-busns (15, n. 1), f. (103); command, commandment; Mt. V, 19. [< ana-biudan + suff. -sni- (the radical d being dropt). OE. bysen, bisen, ME. bisne, f., NE. (dial.) byzen, exampl.] ana-filh, n. (94), commendation; anafilhis bÔkÔs, epistls of commendation; II. Cor. III, 1. [< ana-filhan.] ana-filhan, stv. (174, n. 1), to hand down as tradition, commit to, commend, w. acc. (dir. obj.); II. Cor. III, 1; and dat. (indir. obj.); II. Cor. V, 12. *ana-haimeis, adj. (127), at home, present; II. Cor. V, 8. 9. [-haimeis < haims.] ana-haitan, rv. (170; 179), w. two accs.; II. Cor. I, 23. ana-hamÔn, w. v. (190), to put on clothes, to clothe; II. Cor. V, 4. ana-hneiwan, stv. (172, n. 1), to bend down, stoop down; Mk. 1, 7. ana-kaÚrjan, w. v. (193) w. acc., to press upon, overload; II. Cor. II, 5. anaks, adv., suddenly, at onse; Lu. II, 13. ana-kumbjan (54, n. 1), wv. (187), to lie down, recline, sit at meat; Mk. II, 15. Skeir. VII, b. ana-kunnains, f. (103, n. 1), a reading; II. Cor. III, 14. [< ana-kunnan + suff. -ai-ni-.] ana-kunnan, wv. (193) w. acc., to read; II. Cor. I, 13. III, 2. ana-qiman, stv. (175, n. 1) w. acc., to cum near, approach; Lu. II, 9. ana-laugniba, adv. (210), secretly, in secret. [< analaugns + suff. -ba.] ana-laugns, adj. (130), hidn, secret; Mk. IV, 22. II. Cor. IV, 2. [< ana + -laugns < liugan + suff. -ni-.] ana-leikÔ, adv., in like manner; Skeir. VII, a. [< *analeiks (< ana + -leiks; s. also galeikÔ) + suff. -Ô; = OHG. ana-mÊljan, w. v. (187), to write down, enrol for taxation; Lu. II, 5. -anan (78, n. 4), stv. (177, n. 1), in us-anan, to breath out, giv up the ghost. [< v an, in OE. andian, to be angry, OHG. andÔn, MHG. anden, NHG. ahnden, to punish.] ana-nauÞjan, wv. (188), w. acc., to constrain, force, compel; Mt. V, 41. ana-niujan, wv. (188), to renew; II. Cor. IV, 16. ana-praggan (51), rv. (178), to harass, trubl. ana-silan, wv. (193), to be silent, be stil; Mk. IV, 39. ana-siuns, adj. (130), visibl. ana-stÔdeins, f. (103, n. 1), beginning; Mk. I, 1. [< ana-stÔdjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] ana-stÔdjan, wv. (188), intr., to begin; Mk. superscr. ana-trimpan, stv. (174, n. 1), to tred upon, press upon. and, prep. w. acc. (217), local, denoting 'motion over', along (orig. opposit), to, into, on, in; Mk. I, 28. 39. and driusÔn, down a slope; Mk. V, 13. [Orig. *anda = anda-, uzed w. sbs. and adjs. only; and- also w. vs. and advs. OE. ME. and-, ond-, NE. an- (in answer).] anda-; s. and. anda-beit (in B, -bÊt in A), n. (94), reproach; II. Cor. II, 6. [< and-beitan.] anda-hafts, f. (103), answer, reply; sentence; II. Cor. I, 9. [-hafts < hafjan + suff. -ti-.] anda-nahti, n. (95), the time toward night, evening; Mk. I, 32. IV, 35. [nahti < nahts.] anda-neiÞs, adj. (124), contrary; Þata andaneiÞÔ, contrariwise; II. Cor. II, 7. [-neiÞs < neiÞ, n., envy, OE. nÎÐ, m., ME. niÐ, OHG. nÎd, MHG. nÎt (nÎd-), NHG. neid, m., envy.] anda-nÊm (33), n. (94), a receiving. [< and- (= anda-) niman.] anda-nÊms (33), adj. (130), plezant, acceptabl. [< and-niman; cp. prec. w.] anda-numts (33), f. (103), a receiving, acceptation. [< and-niman + suff. -ti-; cp. prec. w.] anda-sÊts (34), adj. (130), abominabl. [< and- (s. and) sitan, to fear, regard. Cf. G. entsetzlich, terribl, < (sich) entsetzen, to be amazed, < ent-+ setzen, factit. of sitzen, to sit, +-lich.] anda-staÞjis, m. (92), adversary. [-staÞjis < staÞs.] anda-staua, m. (107), adversary; Mt. V, 25. anda-ÞÂhts, (209), adj. (124), vigilant, cautious. [Prop. an old ptc. in-to-, < and-Þagkjan.] and-augjÔ, adv., openly, publicly; Mk. I, 45. [< and-augi (+ adv. suff. -Ô), n., face; -augi < aug- (in augÔ) + suff. -ja-.] anda-waÚrdi, n. (95), answer; Luc. II, 47. [waÚrdi < -waÚrds (in lausa-waÚrds, etc.) < waÚrd. OHG. ant-wurti, n. f., MHG. ant-wÜrte, -wurt, NHG. antwort, f., answer.] anda-wleizn, n. (94) or -wleizns, f. (103), countenance, face; II. Cor. III, 13. [-wleizn < *wleitan (= OE. wlÎtan, ME. wlite, to look) + (if f.) suff. -sni-.] and-bahti, n. (95, n. 1), service, office, ministry, ministration; II. Cor. III, 7. 8. 9. IV, 1. V, 18. [< andbahts.] and-bahtjan, wv. (187) w. dat. of pers., to serv, minister; Mk. I, 13. 31; w. acc. of th., to perform, administer; II. Cor. III, 3. [< andbahts, andbahti.] and-bahts, m. (91), servant, minister; II. Cor. III, 6. officer; Mt. V, 25. and-beitan, stv. (172, n. 1), w. acc., to rebuke, charge; Mk. I, 25. III, 12; in pass., to be perplext; II. Cor. IV, 8. and-bindan, stv. (174) w. acc., to unbind, loose; Mk. I, 7; to explain; Mk. IV, 34. and-bundnan, wv. (194), to becum loose, loosen. andeis, m. (92, n. 1), end; Mk. III, 26; und, or in, andi, to the end; II. Cor. I, 13. III, 13. [OE. ende, m., ME. ende, end, NE. end.] and-hafjan, stv. (177, n. 2), w. dat. of pers., to answer; Mk. III, 33. and-haitan, rv. (170; 179), to confess, w. dat. of pers., to confess (one's self) to, to thank; Lu. II, 38; w. dat. of th., to confess sumthing; Mk. I, 5. and-hausjan, wv. (187), to listen to (and answer favorably), to hear; pers. pass.; Mt. VI, 7. and-hÔf, prt. of andhafjan. and-huleins, f. (103, n. 1), uncuvering, revelation; illumination; Lu. II, 32. [< and-huljan + suff. -ei-ni-.] and-huljan, wv. (187), w. acc., to uncuver; Mk. II, 4; to reveal; Lu. II, 35; pp. andhuliÞs, uncuverd, open; II. Cor. III, 18. andi-laus (88a, n. 2), adj. (124), endless. andizuh, conj. (218), otherwise, else. [< andiz-, perhaps a compar. form of and, anda-, orig. opposit.] and-niman, stv. (170; 175), w. acc., to take, receiv, partake, accept; Mk. IV, 20. 36. Skeir. VII, c; in the prt. to hav receivd, to hav; Mt. VI, 2, 16; and ana w. acc., to take, take up in; Lu. II, 28. AndraÍas, pr. n. Andrew; Skeir. VII, a; gen. -ins; Mk. I, 29; acc. -an; Mk. I, 16. III, 18. [< ??d??a?.] and-sakan, stv. (177, n. 1), to argue against, speak against; Lu. II, 34. and-standan, stv. (177, n. 3), w. dat., to stand against, resist; Mt. V, 39. and-staÚrran, wv. (193), to murmur against. and-tilÔn, wv. (189), to serv, accomodate one's self to; Skeir. VII, a. and-Þagkjan (gg; 67, n. 1), wv. (209), prt. -ÞÂhta (5, b), to consider, devise; w. sik and gen. of th., to recollect, remember; Skeir. VII, a; so without sik; Skeir. VII, a. and-waÍrÞi, n. (95), presence, sight, face; Mt. VI, 16. II. Cor. II, 17. III, 18. IV, 2; person; II. Cor. II, 10; in managamma andwaÍrÞja, before many persons; II. Cor. I, 11. in andwaÍrÞja w. gen., in the presence of, before; Mt. V, 24. VI, 1. Lu. II, 31; faÚra a. w. gen., before; Mk. II, 12. [< and-waÍrÞs.] and-waÍrÞs, adj. (124), present; II. Cor. IV, 17. [-waÍrÞs < waÍrÞan. OE. ond-, and-weard, ME. NE. -ward.] Anna, pr. n., Anna; Lu. II, 36. [< ???a.] Annas, pr. n., Annas. [< ???a?.] *ans, m. (91, n. 4), beam. [ON. oss, Áss (from *ans), beam, pole, > vindÁss, windlass, > ME. windas, NE. windlass (the l by influence of windlass, a circuit, < the vb. wind +-lass, for lace).] ansteigs, adj. (124), gracious, favorabl. [< ansts + suff. -eig-a-.] ansts, f. (102), favor; Lu. II, 52; grace; Lu. II, 40. II. Cor. I, 2. 12; joy; II. Cor. I, 24. benefit; II. Cor. I, 15. [OE. Êst (Ê is i-uml. of Ô < on for an), m., ME. este, favor, grace.] anÞar, adj. (122, n. 1; 124, ns. 1. 4; 146), another, second, (1) alone, with or without the art.; Mt. V, 39. Mk. III, 21. V, 19; ains... anÞar, the one ... the other; Mt. VI, 24; sum...anÞaruÞ Þan, sum ... sum; Mk. IV, 5; (2) w. a sb.; apaÚstaÚlus, m. (120, n. 1; apaÚstulus, 13, n. 1), apostl, messenger; II. Cor. I, 1. [< ?p?st????.] arbaidjan, wv. (187), to work, labor, toil; Mt. VI, 28. [< arbaiÞs.] arbaiÞs, f. (103), work, labor, toil. [< *arban, to work (vB., 78) + suff. -di-. OE. earfoÐ, earfeÐe, n., ME. earfeÐ-, labor, pains, trubl, OHG. arabeit, MHG. arebeit, arbeit, f., labor, trubl, need, NHG. arbeit, f., work, labor.] arbi, n. (95), heritage, inheritance. [OE. yrfe, ierfe (ie is i-uml. of ea), n., ME. erfe, OHG. erbi, MHG. NHG. erbe, n., heritage, inheritance.] arbi-numja (88a), m. (108), one who takes an inheritance, an heir. [-numja < niman +-suff. -jan-.] arbja, m. (108), heir. [< arb-i + suff. -jan-.] arbjÔ, f. (112), heiress. [< arbi + suff. -jÔn-. OHG. arbeo (-eo <-jo), erbo, MHG. NHG. erbe, m., heir.] Ariamirus (61, n. 1), pr. n. Ariaricus (3, n. 2), pr. n. arjan, rv. (179, n. 5), to til, plow, cultivate. [OE. erian, ME. ere, NE. ear, to plow.] ark-aggilus (57), m. (105), archangel. [< ??????e???.] arma-haÍrtiÞa, f. (97), pity, mercy; Mt. VI, 4. [< armahaÍrts (+ suff. -iÞÔ-), merciful, < arms = OE. earm, ME. arm, OHG. aram, arm, MHG. NHG. arm, adj. poor, miserabl; + -haÍrts < haÍrt-Ô. Formd after the Lt. misericors.] armaiÔ (22, n. 3), f. (112), mercy, pity; alms; Mt. VI, 1. 2. 3. [< arman.] arman, wv. (192), to show mercy.—Cpd. ga-a. [< arms, adj.; s. armahaÍrtiÞa.] arms, m. (101), arm; Lu. II, 28. [OE. earm, m., ME. arm, NE. arm.] arniba, adv. (130, n. 3; 210), surely. [< *arni- (+ suff. -ba) = OE. *Ærne- > eorn-ost, ME. ernest, NE. ernest.] arwjÔ, adv., without cause, freely, for nought. asans, f. (103), harvest, harvest time, summer; Mk. IV, 29. [< v as = OE. Ær in earnian, ME. arne, erne, NE. ern.] AsÊr, pr. n., Aser; gen. -is; Lu. II, 36. [< ?s??.] Asia, pr. n., f., Asia; dat. -ai; II. Cor. I, 8. asilus, m. f. (105), yung ass, ass. [Lt. asinus (with change of suff.), OE. esol, m., ass, OHG. esil, MHG. esel, NHG. esel, m., ass.] asneis, m. (92), servant, hired man, hireling; Mk. I, 20. [< asans. OE. esne, m., servant.] asts, m. (91), branch, twig; Mk. IV, 32. [OE. *Æst (> Æstel, m., litl branch, book-mark), OHG. MHG. NHG. ast, m., branch, bough.] at, prep. (217), (I) w. dat., (1) local, (a) denoting nearness, at, by, with, about; Mk. II, 2. 14. IV, 1. V, 11. for (s. haban); Mk. III, 9; in an abstract sense; Luc. II, 52. II. Cor. I, 12. 17. II, 1 (the first). 17. V, 8; (b) the point or goal at which anything arrives, after vs. of 'cuming, bringing', and the like, to; Mk. I, 33. 40. II, 3. III, 8. II. Cor. I, 15. 16. II, 1 (the second). Skeir. VII, b (the second); (2) temporal, i. e. 'the time within which'; emfatic w. the dat. abs.; Mk. IV, 6. 35. Lu. II, 2. II. Cor. I, 11. II, 12. V, 20. Skeir. VII, b (the first and third). (II) w. acc., only temporal, at, in; at dulÞ, at the feast; Lu. II, 41. [OE. Æt, ME. NE. at.] at-augjan, wv. (187), (1) w. refl. acc. (sik) and dat. of pers., to bring before the eys, show (one's self to); Mk. I, 44; (2) w. faÚra w. dat., to show one's self, appear; II. Cor. V, 10. at-baÍran, stv. (175), w. acc. of th., to bring; Mt. V, 24; to offer; Mk. I, 44. at-gaggan, anv. (179, n. 3; 207), to go to, cum; Mt. V, 24. Mk. II, 18. 20; w. ana w. acc.; Mk. I, 10; du w. dat.; Mk. V, 15; in w. acc.; Mk. III, 20; aftana; Mk. V, 27. at-giban (56, n. 1), stv. (176), (1) w. acc. (in pass. the nom.), to giv over, deliver up, deliver, put in prison; Mk. I, 14; to bring forth; Mk. IV, 29; and in w. acc., to deliver unto; II. Cor. IV, 11; (2) w. dat. (indir. obj.) and acc. (dir. obj.), to deliver; Mt. V, 25; in pass. w. dat. of pers. (indir. obj.) and an inf. clause (subj.); Mk. IV, 11. at-haitan (69, n. 2), rv. (170; 179), w. acc., to call to one; Mk. III, 13. 23. Athanaildus (65, n. 1), pr. n. Athanaricus (3, n. 2), pr. n. at-iddja, prt. of at-gaggan. atisk, n. (94) or m. (91; only acc. sg., atisk, occurs), seed, cornfield; Mk. II, 23. at-kunnan, wv. (193), w. dat. of pers. and acc. of th., to afford, grant, award, giv. at-nÊ?jan, wv. (188), w. sik, to draw near, (in prt.) to be at hand; Mk. I, 15. at-saÍ?an (34, n. 1), stv. (176, n. 1), w. inf., to take heed; Mt. VI, 1. at-satjan, wv. (186), w. acc. (understood) and faÚra w. dat. (fraujin), to present to the Lord; Lu. II, 22. at-standan, stv. (177, n. 3), to stand near, cum near; Lu. II, 38. atta (69, n. 1), m. (108), father; Mk. I, 20. V, 40. Lu. II, 48. (= God) Mt. V, 45. 48. VI, 4. 6. 8. 9. 14. 15. 18. 26. 32. Lu. II, 49. II. Cor. I, 2. 3; forefather, ancestor; Skeir. VII, d. [OHG. atto.—< the language of children.] attaÍtÔk, prt. of attÊkan. attaÚhun, prt. of attiuhan. at-tÊkan (ei for Ê; 7, n. 2), rv. (181), w. dat.; to tuch; Mk. I, 41. III, 10. V, 27. 28. Attila, pr. n. (108), prop. 'litl father'. at-tiuhan, stv. (173), to pul or draw towards, to bring; s. inn-at-tiuhan. at-Þinsan, stv. (174, n. 1), w. acc., to draw towards. at-wisan, to be present, be at hand; Mk. IV, 29. aÞÞan, conj. (218), always at the beginning of the sentence, but, moreover; Mt. V, 22. 28. 34. 44. VI, 16. Mk. II, 10. 20. III, 29. IV, 15. II. Cor. I, 6. 13. 18. 21. 23. II, 1. 5. 10. 14. III, 4. 7. 16. 17. 18. IV, 3. 7. V, 5. 8. 11. 18; for; II. Cor. II, 4. IV, 5; aÞÞan ik...iÞ is, I (indeed) ... but he; Mk. I, 8. Audericus (25, n. 2), pr. n. auftÔ (24, n. 1; 211, n. 1), adv., perhaps, likely, surely; ibai auftÔ, lest perhaps; Mk. II, 22. II. Cor. I, 17. II, 7. auga-daÚrÔ (88a), n. (110), window, lit. 'ey-door'. [The pl. f. daÚrÔns means door; s. also daÚr.] augjan, wv. (187), to show.—Cpd. at-au. [< stem auga- (s. prec. w.). OE. Æt-Êawan, Æt-ywan, ME. (at-)ewe, to show.] augÔ, n. (110), ey; Mt. V, 29. 38. VI, 22. 23. Lu. II, 30. [OE. Êage, n., ME. e?e, eye, NE. ey.] auhjÔdus (aÚhjÔdus?), m. (105), noiz, tumult; Mk. V, 38. [< aÚhjÔn + suff. -Ô-dus.] auhjÔn (aÚhjÔn?), wv. (190), to make a noiz, cry aloud; Mk. V, 39. *aÚhns, m. (91, n. 2), oven; Mt. VI, 30. [OE. ofen (for the common aÚhsa, m. (108, n. 1), ox. [OE. oxa, m., ME. oxe, NE. ox.] aÚhuma, superl. adj. (139), w. a compar. meaning, higher, > aÚhumists, aÚhmists (a new superl.; 124; 139, n. 1), highest, chief. [OE. ymest, highest.] auk, conj. (in our 'Selections' after the first, or two first closely connected words of the sentence), for; Mt. V, 18. 20. 29. 30. 46. VI, 7. 8. 16. 21. 32. Mk. I, 16. II, 15. III, 10. 21. IV, 28. V, 42. II. Cor. III, 9. 11. V, 1. Skeir. VII, c; jah auk, for; II. Cor. V, 4; auk...-uÞ (= uh)-Þan, for ... but; II. Cor. II, 16 (in B). [OE. Êac, ME. Êk, Êke, also, likewise, NE. eke.] aukan, rv. (179), to increase.—Cmpds. ana-, bi-au. [OE. *Êacan (pp. Êacen), to increase, > the caus. ycan, *Êcan, ME. eke, eche, to increase, NE. eke (dial.), ech(e) (Shak.).] AÚnisimus (9, n. 1), pr. n. aurahi (98, or aurahjÔ, 111? aÚ? Only dat. pl., aurahjÔm, occurs), f., tomb; Mk. V, 2. 3. 5. aurÂli (5, a), n. (98), napkin. [< Lt. orale, napkin.] Ausila (25, n. 2), pr. n. ausÔ, n. (110), ear; Mk. IV, 9. 23. [OE. Êare, ME. Êre, n., NE. ear.] Austrovaldus (25, n. 2), pr. n. auÞeis, adj. (127; or auÞs, 130, n. 2), desert, waste; Mk. I, 35. 45. [ON. auÐr, OHG. Ôdi, MHG. oede, NHG. Öde, desert, waste.] auÞida, f. (97), desert; Mk. I, 3. 4. 12. 13. Skeir. VII, d. [< auÞeis or auÞs + suff. -idÔ-.] awÊÞi (17, n. 1), n. (95), flock of sheep. [Perhaps for *aweiÞi (7, n. 4), < *awi; s. awistr. OE. eowde, n., ME. eowd, flock of sheep.] awiliuÞ (-d), n. (94), thanks; II. Cor. II, 14. giving of thanks, thanksgiving; II. Cor. IV, 15. awiliudÔn, wv. (190), to thank, giv thanks; Skeir. VII, b; w. faÚr w. acc.; II. Cor. I, 11. awistr (4), n. (94), sheepfold. [< *awi (OE. eowu, a-stem, f., ME. ewe, NE. ewe, yu) + suff. -stra. OE. eowestre, n., sheepfold.] azÊts, adj. (124), easy; compar. azÊtizÔ, n.; Mk. II, 9. azgÔ, f. (112), ashes. [Cf. OE. asce, f., ME. asche, pl. -en (reg.) and es, NE. ash, pl. ashes.] azymus (77), occurs only onse, in gen. pl. azymÊ, unlevend bred. [< ?????, adj., unlevend, unmixt, azymÊ being formd in accordance w. t?? ?????, gen. pl. of the n. adj. uzed substantivly.] Badi, n. (95), bed; Mk. II, 4. 9. 11. 12. [OE. bed(d), n., ME. NE. bed.] bagms (48, n. 1), m. (91), tree. [Cf. OE. bÊam, m., tree, ME. beom, bÊm, NE. beam.] -bahtjan, wv., in and-bahtjan. bai, num. adj. (140, n. 1), both. [OE. *b (for which be?en; cp. my Compar. Gloss., p. 583), m., bÂ, f., ME. bÂ, bÔ, f. n., NE. bo-, in both.] BaÍaÍlzaÍbul, pr. n. in acc., Beelzebub; Mk. III, 22. [< ?ee??e???.] baÍran, stv. (175), (1) to carry, bring (a person); w. at w. dat.; Mk. II, 3; du w. dat.; Mk. I, 32. (a th.) Mt. V, 23. (2) to bear; bring, bring forth (a child); Lu. II, 6; w. akran, fruit; Mk. IV, 8. 28.—Cpds. at-, ga-, us-b. [OE. beran, ME. bere, NE. bear.] baÍrgan, stv. (174, n. 1), w. dat., to hide, keep. [OE. beorgan, ME. ber?e, to keep, preserv, protect.] baÍrhtaba, adv. (210), clearly, brightly. [< baÍrhts + suff. -ba.] baÍrhtei, f. (113), brightness, clear baÍrhtjan, wv. (187), to make clear, show.—Cpd. ga-b. [< baÍrhts.] baÍrhts, adj. (124), bright, manifest. [OE. beorht, byrht, ME. bri?t, briht, NE. bright.] baitrs (20, n. 4), adj. (124), bitter. [< bait (the v-form of the prt. sg. of beitan) + suff. -ra-. OE. ME. NE. bitter < bit-, the v-form of the prt. pl. and pp.] bajÔÞs, adj. (117, n. 1; 140, n. 1), both. [Cf. bai.] balgs, m. (100), lether bag, wine-skin, botl; Mk. II, 22. [Orig. skin of an animal. OE. bÆlg, m., a lethern bag, pouch, belly, ME. bely, NE. belly.] balÞei, f. (113), boldness; II. Cor. III, 12. [< *balÞs, bold, daring, = OE. beald, ME. bald, bold, NE. bold.] balwjan, wv. (187), w. dat., to torment, plague; Mk. V, 7. [< *balws, pernicious, baleful, = OE. bealu, adj., evil, pernicious, and n. sb., evil, sorrow, ME. bale, sb., bali, adj., NE. bale, misery.] bandi, f. (96), band, bond. [< bindan. OE. bend, m. f. n., ME. NE. bend.] bandja (32), m. (108), one being bound, prisoner. [< band-i + suff. -jan-.] bandwa, f. (97, n. 1), sign, token. bansts, m. (101), barn. Mt. VI, 26. [Cf. OE. bÔs (< *bons < *bans), n., stable, ME. bÔs, NE. boose.] barizeins, adj. (124), of barley; Skeir. VII, a. d. [< *baris (+ suff. -eina-), barley, = OE. bere, m. (?), ME. bere, barley, NE. bar-in barley.] barn (33), n. (93), child; Mk. V, 39. 40. 41. Lu. II, 12. 16. 17. 27. 40. Skeir. VII, b. [OE. bearn, barn, ME. barn, n., child, NE. barn (Shak.).] barnilÔ, n. (110), litl child, sun; Mk. II, 5. [< barn + suff. -i-lÔn-.] BarÞaÚlaÚmaius (24, n. 5), pr. n., Bartholomew; acc. -u; Mk. III, 18. [< ?a?????a???.] batiza, compar. adj. (138), better, w. dat. of pers. and a subj. clause; Mt. V, 29. 30. [< *bat-, good, + compar. suff. -iz-a-n-. OE. bet(e)ra, ME. betere, bettre, NE. better.] baÞ, prt. of bidjan. bauains, f. (103, n. 1), dwelling; Mk. V, 3. II. Cor. V, 2. [< bauan + suff. -ai-ni-.] bauan (26), wv. (179, n. 2; 193, n. 1), to dwel, inhabit.—Cpd. ga-b. [OE. bÛan, ME. bue, OHG. bÛan, MHG. bÛwen, to dwel, til, plant, cultivate, NHG. bauen, to build, cultivate, etc. Its v is containd also in NE. bower and-bor, in neighbor.] BaÚanaÍrgaÍs (a by-name of James and John), Boanerges; Mk. III, 17. [< ??a?e????.] -bauljan (24, n. 1), wv. (187), to cause to swel, in uf-b. [Cf. OE. byle, f., ME. bile, bule, NE. bile, boil, tumor.] baÚr (33), m. (101, n. 2), son. [< baÍran. OE. byre (< *buri-), m., son.] baÚrgs, f. (116), town, city; Mt. V, 35. Mk. I, 33. 38. 45. V, 14. Lu. II, 3. 4. 11. 39. [OE. burh, burg, f., ME. burgh, borugh, NE. borough.] baÚrgs-waddjus (88a, n. 3), f. (105), town-wall. beidan, stv. (172, n. 1), w. gen., to abide, expect; Lu. II, 25.—Cpd. us-b. [OE. bÎdan, ME. bide, NE. (a)bide.] -beistjan, wv. (187, n. 3), to leven, in ga-b. [< beist, n., leven. < v of beitan.] beitan, stv. (172, n. 1), to bite.—Cpd. and-b. [OE. bÎtan, ME. bite, NE. bite.] bÊrusjÔs (bi-; 7, n. 3), pl. (sing. *bÊruseis; 33), m. (92, n. 2), parents; Lu. II, 27. 41. [Orig. perfect ptc. activ, < v of baÍran.] BÊÞlahaim (aÍ for a in Jo. VII, 42; concerning the h, s. 61, n. 3), indecl. pr. n., Bethlehem; Lu. II, 4. 15. [< ????eÉ.] bi, prep. (217), (I) w. dat., (1) local, by. Mk. V, 41; (2) in abstr. relations, by, on; Mt. V, 34. 35. 36. Mk. V, 7; after, according to, in; Lu. II, 22. 27. 29. 39. 42. II. Cor. I, 17. IV, 13. V, 16; bi ufarassau, exceedingly; II. Cor. IV, 17. (II) w. acc., (1) local, against, on; Mt. V, 39; about; Mk. I, 6. III, 8. 32. 34. IV, 10. V, 4; (2) in abstr. relations, about, over, for, of, concerning; Mt. V, 44. Mk. I, 30. IV, 19. V, 16. 27. 33. Lu. II, 17. 27. 33. 38. II. Cor. I, 8. 11; against; Mt. V, 23. Mk. III, 6; because of, at, about; Mt. VI, 28. Lu. II, 18.—bi sumata, in part; II. Cor. I, 14. II, 5. [OE. bÎ, prep., bi-, be-, pref. ME. bi, by, bi-, be-, NE. by, be-.] bi-aukan, rv. (179), to increase; in pass. w. dat. of pers., to ad to, giv more; Mk. IV, 24. bida, f. (97), request, prayer; Lu. II, 37; the pers. for whom the prayer is made, is exprest by bi w. acc.; II. Cor. I, 11. [< bidjan. OE. bedu, f. (ge-bed, n.), ME. bede, OHG. beta, bita, MHG. bete, bite, NHG. bitte, f., prayer, request.] bidjan, stv. (176, n. 5), to pray, ask, desire, beseech, call on, beg, (1) abs.; Mt. VI, 5. 6. 7. 9. Mk. I, 35; (2) w. acc. of the pers. addrest; Mt. V, 42. VI, 8. Mk. I, 40. V, 12. 23; (3) w. du w. dat. of the pers. addrest; Mt. VI, 6; (4) the pers. for whom the prayer is made, is exprest by bi w. acc.; Mt. V, 44; (5) w. acc. of pers. and a dependent clause introduced by ei (w. opt.); Mk. V, 10. 18; or an inf. clause; Mk. V, 17. II. Cor. II, 8. V, 20. [OE. biddan, ME. bidde, NE. bid, to pray, which represents also OE. bÊodan; s. biudan.] bi-gaÍrdan, stv. (174, n. 1), to begird, gird one's self. bi-gat, bi-gÊtun, prt. of bigitan. bi-gitan, stv. (176, n. 1), to find, meet with, w. acc.; Mk. V, 37. Luc. II, 16. 45; w. two accs., the second being a ptc. in agreement w. the first; Lu. II, 12. 16 (barn). 46; in pass. w. nom.; Skeir. VII, c; or two noms. (one being implied); II. Cor. V, 3. bi-hlahjan, stv. (177, n. 2), to laf at, laf to scorn; Mk. V, 40. bi-leiban (56, n. 1), stv. (172, n. 1), to remain. bi-leiÞan, stv. (172, n. 1), to leav, forsake, in pp.; II. Cor. IV, 9. bi-maitan, rv. (179), w. acc., to circumcise; Lu. II, 21. bi-naÚhan, prt.-prs. (201); impers.: bi-nah, it is lawful. bindan, stv. (174), to bind.—Cpds. and-, ga-b. [OE. bindan, ME. binde, NE. bind.] bi-raubÔn, wv. (190), to rob, strip, despoil. birusjÔs; s. bÊrusjÔs. bi-saÍ?an (34, n. 1), stv. (176, n. 1), w. acc., to look round about on; Mk. III, 34. bi-sauljan (24, n. 1), wv. (188), to sully, defile. bi-saulnan (24, n. 1), wv., to becum soild, sullied, defiled. bi-sitan, stv. (176, n. 1), to sit about or near; only in prsp. uzed substantivly (115): and allans bisitands (acc. pl.) G., to 'all dwellers' bi-skeinan, stv. (172, n. 1), w. acc., to shine upon, shine round about; Lu. II, 9. bi-sunjanÊ, adv., about, round about, near; Mk. I, 38. III, 34. [-sunjanÊ, for *sundjanÊ, gen. pl. of the prsp. of v es- + suff. -jon- (Feist p. 19); s. im.] bi-swaÍrban, stv. (174, n. 1), to wipe. bi-swaran, stv. (177, n. 1), to swear to, to adjure, w. acc. of pers. and bi w. dat.; Mk. V, 7. BiÞania (9, n. 1), pr. n., Bethany. bi-ÞÊ and bi-ÞÊh (153, n. 2; 154, n. 2; for -h, s. -uh), (1) adv., after that, then, afterward; Mt. V, 24. (2) conj. (218), while, when, as, as soon as; Mt. VI, 16. Mk. I, 42. II, 15. IV, 10. 17. 29. Lu. II, 15. 21. 22. 39. 42. Skeir. VII, d. -biudan, stv. (170; 173), to offer.—Cpd. ana-b. [OE. bÊodan, ME. bede, to offer, command, announce. NE. bid represents both OE. biddan and bÊodan; s. bidjan.] biugan, stv. (173, n. 1), to bow, bend.—Cpd. ga-b. [OE. bÛgan (Û for Êo in the prs. forms), ME. buge, bouwe, NE. bow.] bi-Ûhti, n. (95), custom; Lu. II, 27. 42. [< biÛhts.] bi-Ûhts (15), adj. (124), accustomd, wont. biuÞs (74, n. 2), m. (91, n. 2), table. [Apparently < v of biudan. OE. bÊod, m., table.] bi-windan, stv. (174, n. 1), to wind round, enwrap, swathe, w. acc.; Lu. II, 7. (biwundans, wrapt) 12. blandan, rv. (179, n. 1), to blend, mix. [OE. blandan, blondan, to mix, confused with blendan, to make blind, to mix, ME. blende, NE. blend.] bleiÞei, f. (113), mercy; II. Cor. I, 3. [< bleiÞs.] bleiÞs, adj. (130, n. 2), merciful, kind. [OE. blÎÐe, happy, glad, frendly, ME. bliÞe, NE. blithe.] -blÊsan, rv. (179, n. 1), to blow, in uf-b. [OHG. blÂsan, MHG. NHG. blasen, to blow.] bliggwan (68), stv. (174, n. 1), to beat, cut, w. acc. and instr. dat.; Mk. V, 5. [OE. *blÊowan (Kluge, W., blÄuen) (> ME. blowe, NE. blow, a stroke, hit), OHG. bliuwan, MHG. bliuwe, NHG. blÄuen (now connected with blau, blu), to beat.] -blindjan, wv. (187), to make blind, in ga-b. [< blinds.] -blindnan, wv. (194), to becum blind, in ga-blindnan. [< blinds.] blinds, adj. (123), blind. [OE. blind, ME. blind, NE. blind.] blÔma, m. (108), flower; Mt. VI, 28. [< v blÔ, to bloom, + suff. -man-. OE. blÔma, m., ME. blome, NE. bloom.] -blÔstreis (69, n. 2), m. (92), wurshipper, only in guÞ-b. [< *blÔstra-, a sacrifice, < blÔtan + suff. -stra-.] blÔtan, rv. (179, n. 1), to reverence, wurship, w. acc. of pers. and instr. dat.; Lu. II, 37. [OE. blÔtan, to sacrifice.] blÔÞ (gen. blÔÞis; 94), n., blud; Mk. V, 25. 29. [OE. blÔd (w. -d), n., ME. blod, n., NE. blud.] blÔÞa-rinnands, adj. (prop. prsp.; 133), blud-running. [< stem of blÔÞ + prsp. of rinnan.] bnauan (26), stv. (? 179, n. 2), to rub. [For bi-n. ON. *bnÛa < b- + nÛa =-nÛa in gnÛa (later nÛa), to scrape.] bÔka, f. (97), letter; II. Cor. III, 6; in pl. letters; epistl; anafilhis bÔkÔs, letters of commendation; II. Cor. III, 1. afstassais bÔkÔs, writing of divorcement; Mt. V, 31. [Probably nom. pl. of bÔk, n., which, at a later period, was mistaken for a nom. sg. f. OE. bÔc, n., uzually bÔkareis, m. (92), scribe; Mt. V, 20. Mk. I, 22. II, 6. 16. III, 21. 22. [OE. ME. bÔcere, m., scribe, lit. 'booker'.] bÔtjan, wv. (187), w. acc., to boot, profit, advantage. ni waÍhtai bÔtida, nothing betterd; Mk. V, 26. [< bÔta (= OE. bÔt, f., ME. bÔte, advantage, NE. boot, reparation). OE. bÊtan, ME. bÊte, NE. beet, bete, to mend, make better.] brÂhta, prt. of briggan. braidei, f. (113), bredth. [< braiÞs. OE. brÆ^du (the u for orig. Î = Goth. ei), ME. brÊde, NE. bredth (the th being due to sbs. w. orig. th = Goth.) -Þ- of the ful suff. -iÞÔ-.] *braiÞs, braids (74, n. 2), adj. (124), broad. [OE. brÂd, ME. brÂd, brÔd, NE. broad.] brakja (33, n. 1), f. (97, n. 1), strugl. [Orig. 'breach' (Brgm., II, § 63), < brikan + suff. -jan-.] -brannjan (80, n. 1), wv. (187), to burn (tr.), in in-br. [Caus. of brinnan (prt. brann). OE. brennan, bÆrnan, ME. brenne, NE. burn (tr.).] briggan (67, n. 2), anv. (174, n. 2; 208), to bring, lead, w. acc. and in w. dat.; Mt. VI, 13; waÍrÞana b., to make or count wurthy; II. Cor. III, 6. [OE. bringan (prt. bro^hte < *branhte = Goth. brÂhta < *branhta), ME. bringe, NE. bring.] brikan (33, n. 1), stv. (175, n. 1), to break.—Cpd. ga-b. [OE. brecan, ME. breke, NE. break.] brinnan, stv. (174, n. 1), to burn (intr.).—Cpd. uf-b. [OE. brinnan, beornan (< birnan for brinnan), ME. berne, birne, NE. burn.] brinnÔ, f. (112), fever; Mk. I, 31; in brinnÔn ligan, to lie sick of fever; Mk. I, 30. [< brinnan.] brÔÞar, m. (114), brother; Mt. V, 22. 23. 24. Mk. I, 16. 19. III, 17. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. V, 37. II. Cor. I, 1. 8. [OE. brÔÐor, ME. broÐer, NE. brother.] brÔÞru-lubÔ (88a, ns. 2. 3; 210, n. 1), f. (112), brotherly luv. brÛkjan (15), anv. (209), to uze, partake of, w. gen.; II. Cor. I, 17. III, 12. [< brÛks.] -bruknan, wv. (194), to break off (intr.), in us-b. [< pp. stem of brikan.] brÛks (15), adj. (130), useful, profitabl. [OE. bryce, ME. briche, useful, < v of Goth. *brÛkan, OE. brÛcan, ME. brÔke, brouke, to uze, enjoy, NE. brook (v.).] brunjÔ, f. (112), brestplate. [OE. byrne (-yr-for-ry-), f., ME. brynie, G. brÜnne, coat of mail.] brunna, m. (108), wel, spring, issue; Mk. V, 29. [OE. burna (-ur-for -ru-), m., ME. burne, bourne, NE. bourn(e).] -brunsts (49), f. (103), in ala-brunsts, holocaust, burnd offering. [< brinnan + suff. -sti-.] brusts, f. (116), brest. [OHG. MHG. NHG. brust, f., brest. Cf. OE. brÊost, n., ME. brest, NE. brest.] brÛÞ-faÞs (88a, n. 1; gen. -fadis), m., (101), bridegroom; Mk. II, 19. 20. brÛÞs (15), f. (116), bride, daughter-in-law. [OE. bryd, ME. bryde, brid, NE. bride.] bugjan, anv. (209), to buy, sel. [OE. byc?an, ME. bugge, bigge, bi?e, beye, NE. buy.] -bundnan, wv. (194), in and-b. [< pp. stem of bindan.] -Daban, stv. (177, n. 1), in ga-d. [OE. *dafan > the verbal adj. dÆft, mild, gentl, ME. deft, daft, NE. deft, fit, dexterous, neat.] daddjan (73, n. 1), wv. (187), to giv suck, suckl. [See Brgm., IV, § 707.] Dagalaiphus (21, n. 1; 52), pr. n. dags, m. (90), day; Mk. I, 9. 13. II, 20. IV, 35. Lu. II, 1. 6. 21. 22. 36. 44. II. Cor. I, 14; daga jah daga, day by day, daily; II. Cor. IV, 16; afar dagans, after (sum) days; Mk. II, 1; himma daga, to-day; Mt. VI, 11. 30. Lu. II, 11; und hina dag, until (unto) this day; II. Cor. III, 14. 15; naht jah daga, night and day; Mk. IV, 27; nahtam jah dagam, th. s.; Mk. V, 5. Lu. II, 37. [OE. dÆg, m., ME. dÆi, dai, day, NE. day.] DaÍkapaÚlis, pr. n., Decapolis; dat. -ein; Mk. V, 20. dailjan, wv. (188), to deal. Cpd. ga-d. [< dails. OE. dÆ^lan, ME. dÊle, NE. deal, v.] dails, f. (103), deal, part, portion, share. [OE. dÆ^l, m., ME. deal, dÊl, NE. deal, sb.] dal, n. (? 94, n. 2), dale, valley. [OE. dÆl, n., ME. dale, NE. dale.] dalaÞ, adv. (213, n. 2), downward, down. [< stem of dal + suff. -Þ.] dalaÞa, adv. (213, n. 2), below. [< dalaÞ + suff. -a.] dalaÞrÔ, adv. (213, n. 2), from beneath. [< stem of dal + suff. -ÞrÔ.] daubiÞa, f. (97), defness; d. haÍrtins, hardness of hart; Mk. III, 5. [< daufs, gen. daub-is, + suff. -iÞÔ-.] -daubnan, wv. (194, b), to becum def, in af-d. [< *daufs, gen. daubis.] -daudjan, wv. (188), in us-d. [< -dauÞs, zelous, in us-dauÞs.] *daufs (56, n. 1), adj. (124, n. 2), def, hardend. [OE. dÊaf, ME. dÊf, NE. def.] daug, prt.-prs. in 3d pers. sg. prs. ind. (198), it is fit, it is of use, it profits. [OE. dÊah, inf. dugan, ME. du?e, dowe, NE. do (in the frase 'that wil do'), prov. E. dow.] daÚhtar, f. (114), daughter; Mk. V, 23. 34. 35. Lu. II, 36. [OE. dohtor, f., ME. dou?ter, NE. daughter.] dauns, f. (103, n. 1), odor, savor; II. Cor. II, 14. 15. 16. [ON. daunn, m., odor.] daupeins, f. (103, n. 1), baptism; Mk. I, 4. [< daupjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] daupjan, wv. (187), to baptize, (1) abs.; Mk. I, 4. (2) w. acc. and in w. dat.; Mk. I, 8. (pass.) Mk. I, 5. 9. [OE. dypan (y for ie < Êa + -j = Goth. au + -j), to immerge, baptize.] daupjands, m., prop. prsp. of daupjan (115); sa d., the Baptist. daÚr, n. (94), door, gate; Mk. I, 33. II, 2. [OE. dor, n., OHG. MHG. tor, NHG. thor, n., door, gate; s. also auga-daÚrÔ.] -daÚrsan, prt.-prs. (199), to dare, in ga-d. [OE. *durran, prs. ind. sg. dear (= Goth. -dars), ME. dar, der, NE. dare.] dauÞeins, f. (103, n. 1), the dying; II. Cor. IV, 10. [< dauÞjan + (suff. -ei-ni), to kil, < dauÞs.] -dauÞnan, wv. (194), to die, in ga-d. [< dauÞs.] dauÞs, gen. dauÞis, adj. (124), ded; II. Cor. I, 9. [Prop. an old ptc. < v dau (containd in ON. dÓ, prt. of deyja (Noreen, § 413), stv., to die, > ME. deye, NE. die) + suff. -Þo-. OE. dÊad, ME. dÊd, ded, NE. ded.] dauÞus, m. (105), deth; II. Cor. I, 9. II, 16. in pl. deths, i. e. dangers of deth; II. Cor. I, 6. III, 7. IV, 11. 12. [< v dau (s. dauÞs) + suff. -Þu-. OE. dÊaÐ (orig. u-stem), m., ME. deaÞ, deÐ, NE. deth.] Daweid, pr. n., David; Mk. II, 25. gen. -is: Lu. II, 4. 11. [< ?a??d.] -dÊds; s. -dÊÞs. deigan, stv. (172, n. 1), to knead. [< v dÎg, in prt. daig = OE. dÂg, seen in dÂg (Goth. daigs), dÂh, m., ME. dah, dogh, NE. dough.] -dÊÞs, -dÊds (74, n. 2), f. (103), deed, only in cpds.; cf. missa-dÊÞs. [< v dÊ (: dÔ > OE. dÔn, ME. dÔ, diabaÚlus, diabulus (13, n. 1), m. (105), devil. [< d??????, slanderer, devil.] dis-, inseparabl particl prefixt to vs. (and verbal sbs.), (1) asunder, apart; (2) uzed intensivly (cf. dis-haban). [In meaning = Lt. dis- (> NE. dis- and OE. des-)> NE. de- (different from de-< Lt. de).] dis-haban, wv. (192), w. acc., to constrain (s. dis-); II. Cor. V, 14. dis-hniupan, wv. (173, n. 1), to break to pieces. dis-kreitan, stv. (172, n. 1), to tear asunder, rend (tr.). dis-skritnan, wv. (194), to rend (intr.). dis-taÍran, stv. (175, n. 1), w. acc., to tear asunder, burst; Mk. II, 22. dis-wilwan, stv. (174, n. 1), to plunder (completely), spoil; Mk. III, 27. diupei, f. (113), depth, deep. [< diups.] diups, adj. (124), deep; Mk. IV, 5. [OE. dÊop, ME. dÊp, NE. deep.] dius, gen. diuzis, n. (94), beast; Mk. I, 13. [OE. dÊor, n., ME. dÊr, der, (wild) animal, NE. deer.] diwan, stv. (176, n. 2), to die; Þata diwanÔ, that which is mortal, mortality; II. Cor. V, 4. [Cp. dauÞs.] -dÔjan (26), wv. (187), in af-d. dÔmjan, wv. (187), w. acc., to deem, judge; II. Cor. V, 14. [< dÔms, m., judgment (= OE. dÔm, m., ME. dÔm, NE. doom). OE. dÊman, ME. dÊme, deme, NE. deem.] -draban, stv. (177, n. 1), in ga-d. dragan, stv. (177, n. 1), to carry, load. [OE. dragan, ME. drawe, dra?e, NE. draw.] dragk (32; -ggk; 67, n. 1), n. (94), drink. [< drigkan, prt. dragk.] dragkjan, wv. (188), to giv to drink. [Caus. of drigkan. OE. drencan, ME. drenche, NE. drench.] draibjan, wv. (188), w. acc., to trubl; Mk. V, 35. [Caus. of dreiban. OE. -drÆ^fan, OHG. MHG. treiben, wv., to drive.] draÚhsna (drausna; 62, n. 4), f. (97), crum, fragment. Skeir. VII, d. [OE. drosn, ME. drosne, dregs.—?] draÚhtinassus, m. (105), warfare. [< draÚhtinÔn + suff. -assu-, to war, < stem of -draÚhts (ga-draÚhts, m., soldier), < v of driugan + suff. -ti-.] -drausjan, wv. (188), to cause to fall, in ga-dr. [Caus. of driusan.] dreiban (-drÊbi; 10, n. 5), stv. (172, n. 1), to drive, in us-dr. [OE. drÎfan, ME. drive, NE. drive.] drigkan (gg for g; 67, n. 1), (stv. 174, n. 1), to drink, (1) abs.; Mk. II, 16. (2) w. acc.; Mt. VI, 25. 31. [OE. drincan, ME. drinke, NE. drink.] driugan, stv. (173, n. 1), to perform military service, to war. [OE. drÊogan, ME. drege, dre?e, NE. dree, to endure, suffer.] driusan, stv. (173, n. 1), to fall, fall down, w. ana w. acc.; Mk. III, 10; du w. dat.; Mk. III, 11. V, 33.—Cpd. ga-d. [OE. drÊosan (> drÊor n., gore, blud, > drÊorig, gory, sad, ME. drery, NE. dreary), ME. drese, to fall, > the NE. frequ. drizl.] driusÔ (31), f. (112), slope; Mk. V, 13. [< driusan.] drÔbnan (56, n. 4), wv. (194), to becum trubld. [< *drÔfs = OE. drÔf, trubld, > OE. drÊfan, ME. dreve, to trubl, afflict, = Goth. drÔbjan, to stir up, trubl, OHG. truoben, MHG. trÜeben, NHG. trÜben, to make turbid, to afflict.] drugkanei (32), f. (113), drunkenness. [< pp. stem of drigkan.] -drugkja (32), m., in weindrugkja. [< drugk- (s. drugkanei) + suff. -jan-.] drus, m. (101, ns. 1. 2), fall; Lu. II, drusun, prt. of driusan. du, prep. w. dat., (1) local (especially after vs. of 'saying, speaking', and the like, denoting the pers. or th. addrest), to, into, at, on, towards; Mt. V, 23. VI, 6. 26. Mk. I, 5. 32. 37. 38. 40. 44. 45. II, 5. 8. 10. 11. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 24. 25. III, 3. 5. 7. 11. 13. 23. 31. 32. IV, 1. 13. 21. 24. 33. 35. 38. 39. 40. 41. V, 9. 15. 19. 21. 22. 31. 33. 34. 36. 39. 41. Lu. II, 10. 15. 17. 18. 20. 34. 48. 49. 50. II. Cor. I, 18. III, 7. 16. (2) abstr., to, unto, toward, for; Mt. VI, 6. Mk. I, 4. 44. Lu. II, 32. 34. II. Cor. I, 18. 20. II, 4. III, 1. IV, 2. 6. 15. V, 5. Skeir. VII, a; in; II. Cor. I, 9. 10. III, 4. (3) w. inf., to; Mt. V, 28. VI, 1. Mk. II, 9. III, 14. 15. IV, 3. Lu. II, 6. 21. [In meaning (not in form) identical w. OE. tÔ, ME. to, NE. to, prep. (too, adv.).] -dÛbÔ (15), in hraiwa-dÛbÔ. [OE. dÛfe, f., ME. douve, NE. duv.] du-ginnan, stv. (174, n. 1), to begin, w. inf.; Mk. I, 45. II, 23. IV, 1. V, 17. 20. II. Cor. III, 1. du-?Ê, adv., wherefore; Mk. II, 8. 18. IV, 40. dulÞs, f. (116 and n. 1), feast; Lu. II, 41. 42. [OHG. tuld, MHG. tuld, dult, f., NHG. (Bavarian) dult, a fair.] -dumbnan, wv. (194), in af-d. [< dumbs.] dumbs, adj. (124), dum. [OE. dumb, ME. domb, dum, NE. dum.] du-stÔdjan, wv. (188), to begin; II. Cor. superscr. du-ÞÊ (duÞÞÊ, for duhÞÊ, i. e. du-h-ÞÊ, for du-uh ÞÊ; s. 62, n. 3), adv. and conj. (153, n. 2), therefore; Mt. VI, 25. Mk. I, 38. II. Cor. I, 20. II, 9. IV, 1; duÞÊ ei w. indic., for, because; Lu. II, 4; w. opt., that, in order that; Mk. IV, 21. II. Cor. III, 13. dwals, adj. (124), foolish; dwala, m. (107; cp. also 132, n. 2), fool. [OE. dwal, dwol, dol, ME. dwal, dul, adj., foolish, NE. dul.] Ei, (1) conj. (218), (a) before subj. clauses, that; Mt. V, 29. 30. VI, 7. II. Cor. I, 18; (b) before obj. clauses, after vs. of 'perceiving, knowing, believing, hoping, saying, commanding', and the like, that; Mt. V, 17. Mk. I, 44. III, 9 (first). 12. V, 43. II. Cor. I, 10. 13. 23. II, 1 (appositional). V, 1; (d) before final clauses, after vs. of 'willing, praying', and the like, that, in order that; Mt. V, 45. VI, 2. 4. 5. 16. 18. Mk. I, 38. II, 10. III, 2. 6. 9 (second). 10. 14. IV, 12. 21. 22. V, 10. 12. 18. 23. Luc. II, 3. 20. 24. 27. 35. II. Cor. I, 4. 9. 11. 15. 17. II, 3. 4. 5. 9. 11. III, 13. IV, 4. 7. 10. 11. 15. V, 4. 10. 12. 15. 21; (e) causal, sinse, for; Mk. I, 27. (2) enclitic, forming, (a) rel. prns. (157, 158; S., 69): saei, ikei, etc.; (b) rel. advs.: Þarei, Þadei, etc.; (c) conjs.: akei, faÚrÞizei, etc.; (d) adv. particls: waitei, wainei, etc. [Cp. sai.] Eila (65, n. 1), pr. n. eils = hails (21, n. 1; 61, n. 1). eisarn, n. (94), iron. See note to Mk. V, 4. [OE. Îsern, Îren, n., ME. iren, NE. iron. Of Keltic orig.] eisarneins, adj. (124), of iron, iron; Mk. V, 3. 4. [< eisarn + suff. -eina-.] ei-Þan, conj. (218), therefore. Erelieva (54, n. 2), pr. n. Ermanaricus (20, n. 3), pr. n. Ermenberga (20, n. 3), pr. n. Esaeias, pr. n. m., Esaias; dat. EsaÏin; Mk. I, 2. [< ?sa?a?.] Fadar, m. (114), father. [OE. fÆder, m., ME. fader, NE. father (th for d may be due to the influence of ON. faÐir and to 'brother', which hav orig. th).] fadrein, n. (94, n. 4), paternity, family. [Prop. adj. uzed as sb., < fadar + suff. -eina-.] fadreins, f. (103), lineage, family; Lu. II, 4. [< fadar + suff. -eini-.] faginÔn (66, n. 1), wv. (190), to rejoice, w. fram w. dat.; II. Cor. II, 3. [< a lost adj. (cp. aiginÔn). OE. fÆ?nian (< fÆ?en, adj., glad), ME. faine, to rejoice, NE. fain (obs.), to wish, desire.] fagrs, adj. (124), suitabl, fair. [OE. fÆ?er, adj., fair, beutiful, ME. fÆi?er, fayr, NE. fair.] fÂhan (5 b), rv. (179), to cach, seiz. [OE. fÔn (< fÔan < fÔhan < fonhan < fanhan; prt. fÊng), ME. fon, fong (by influence of the prt. forms w. ng), to cach, > OE. ME. fang, NE. fang (sb.).] fahÊÞs (fahÊds; acc. faheid; 7, n. 2), f. (103), joy, gladness; Mk. IV, 16. Lu. II, 10. II. Cor. II, 3. [< fah- (cp. fag-inÔn) + suff. -Êdi-.] -fahjan, wv. (188), in fulla-f. [< fah-; s. fahÊÞs.] faian (22, n. 2), rv. (? 182, n. 1), to find fault with. [Cp. fijan.] fÁih (20, n. 2), n., fraud, deception. -fÁihÔn, wv. (190), in ga-f. [< fÁih. Cp. OE. fÂh, adj., hostil, ge-fÂh, m., foe, ME. fÂ, fÔ, adj., hostil, (i-) fÂ, (i-) fÔ, m. (sb.), NE. foe. See also ga-fÁihÔn.] faÍhu (53), n. (106), catl, property, muney. [OE. feoh, n., ME. fÊ, NE. fee.] *faÍhu-ÞraÍhns, m. (91, or -ÞraÍhn, n.; 94?), plenty of catl, riches. [-ÞraÍhns < Þreihan + suff. -na-.] faÍr-, inseparabl particl, w. vs. and verbal derivativs which it intensifies. [OE. for-, intensiv prefix, ME. NE. for- (except in forfeit, where it is) < Lt. foris, out of doors.] faÍr-Áihan, prt.-prs. (203), to partake. faÍr-greipan, stv. (172), w. acc., to take hold of, take; Mk. V, 41. faÍrguni, n. (95), mountain; Mk. III, 13. V, 5. 11. [OE. firgen-, n., mountain, in f.-bÊam, m., mountain-tree; f.-holt, n., mountain-wood, etc.] -faÍr?jan, wv. (188), in wai-f. [< faÍr?us.] faÍr?us, m. (105), the world; II. Cor. I, 12. [OE. feorh, m. n., ME. vor, life.] faÍrina, f. (97), charge, cause; Mt. V, 32. [< faÍr- + suff. -inÔ- (?). OE. firen (< *firenu), f., crime, sin.] faÍrneis, adj. (128), old; Mk. II, 21, 22. [< *faÍrna- (< *faÍr-; cp. faÍrra) + suff. -na. OE. fyrn (cp. Siev., § 302), ME. furn, former, OHG. firni, MHG. virne, NHG. firn, old.] faÍrra, adv. (213, n. 2; 217), far, far off; uzed as prep. w. dat.; Lu. II, 15. 37. [< faÍr- + suff. -ra. OE. feor(r), ME. feor, fer, adv. and adj., NE. far.] faÍrraÞrÔ, adv. (213, n. 2), far from, afar off; Mk. V, 6. [< faÍrra + -ÞrÔ.] faÍr-weitjan, wv. (187), to look at, behold stedfastly, fix the eys upon, w. gen.; II. Cor. IV, 18; w. du w. dat.; II. Cor. III, 7; in w. acc.; II. Cor. III, 13. falÞan, rv. (179), to fold. [OE. fealdan, ME. falde, folde, NE. fold.] -falÞs, adj. (148), -fold, in ain-f., fidur-f. [< falÞan. OE. -feald, ME. -fald, -fold, NE. -fold.] fana, m. (108), a small piece of cloth, a pach; Mk. II, 21. [OE. fana, a piece of cloth, banner, ME. fane, vane, NE. vane, flag.] FanuÊl, pr. n., Phanuel; gen. -is; Lu. II, 36. [< Fa?????.] faran, stv. (177, n. 1), to fare, go. [OE. faran, to go, travel, ME. fare, NE. fare.] Fareisaius, m., Farisee; nom. pl. -eis; Mk. II, 16. 18. 24. III, 6; gen. pl. -Ê; Mt. V, 20. [< Fa??sa???.] fastan, wv. (193), to hold fast, observ, keep; to fast; Mt. VI, 16. 17. 18. Mk. II, 18. 19. 20.—Cpd. ga-f. [< *fasts (= OE. fÆst, adj., firm, strong, ME. NE. fast). OE. fÆstan, ME. faste, to fasten, fast, NE. fast (also fasten, ME. fÆstne, OE. fÆstnian < OE. fÆst).] fastubni, n. (95), (1) a keeping, observance. (2) fasting; Lu. II, 37. [< fastan + suff. -ubnja-. OE. fÆsten, n., ME. fasten, festen, fasting.] -faÞs, m. (101), master; s. brÛÞ-, synagÔga-, ÞÛsundi-faÞs. faÚr, prep. w. acc. (217), (1) of space, before, along, by; Mk. I, 16. II, 13. IV, 4. (2) in abstr. relations, for, for ... sake, concerning; II. Cor. I, 6. 11. V, 15. 20.—Occurs also in composition w. other words. [OE. for, prep., before, for, ME. NE. for.] faÚra, faÚr-, (1) adv. of space and time, before. (2) prep. w. dat. (217), (a) of space, before; Mt. VI, 2. Mk. I, 2. V, 21. Lu. II, 22. II. Cor. V, 10; (b) in abstr. relations, for, because of; Mk. II, 4. f. andwaÍrÞja w. gen., before; Mk. II, 12.—Occurs also in composition w. other words. [OE. ME. fore, prep., for, before; cp. faÚr.] faÚra-gaggja (67, n. 1), m. (108), 'fore-goer', guvernor, steward. [< -gaggja < *gaggi < gaggan + suff. -ja.] faÚra-ga-satjan, wv. (187), w. acc., to set before, to present; II. Cor. IV, 14. faÚr-hÂh (5 b), n. (94), curtain. [< -hÂh < hÂhan.] faÚrhtei, f. (113), fright, fear; Mk. V, 42. [< faÚrhts. OE. fyrhtu (u for orig. Î), f., ME. frigt, fri?t, NE. fright.] faÚrhtjan, wv. (188), to fear, be afraid; Mk. V, 36. [< faÚrhts. OE. fyrhtan, ME. fri?te, a-fri?t, pp., NE. fright (poet.), affright.] faÚrhts, adj. (124), fearful; Mk. IV, 40. [OE. forht, timid.] faÚr-lageins, f. (103, n. 1), a laying before; hlaibÔs faÚrlageinais, show-bred; Mk. II, 26. [< faÚr-lagjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] faÚr-mÛljan (15), wv. (188), to bind up one's mouth, to muzl. faÚrÞis, adv., first, beforehand, before; Mt. V, 24. Mk. III, 27. II. Cor. I, 15. [< faÚr + adverbial compar. suff. -Þis (< -Þiza-). OE. furÐor, ME. furÐer, NE. further.] faÚrÞiz-ei, conj. (218), before; Mt. VI, 8. Lu. II, 21. faÚrÞizÊ (6, n. 4); Lu. II, 26. *faus, adj. (124, n. 3), few. [OE. fÊa(w-), ME. fÊwe (the-we is due to the inflected forms), NE. few.] -feinan, wv. (193), in in-f., to be moved with compassion, to pity; Mk. I, 41. fÊra (8), f. (97), region, side, part. [OHG. feara, fiara, side, part.] fidur- (15, n. 1; 24, n. 2; 141, n. 1), num. (only in cpds.), four. [< *fiÞur. OE. fyÐer-, ME. feÐer-, four; cp. fidwÔr.] fidur-falÞs, adj. (148), four-fold. fidwÔr, num. (141), four; Lu. II, 37; dat. -im; Mk. II, 3. [For *fidwÔr(i)z. OE. fyÐer-, ME. feÐer-. Cp. OE. fÊower (< *fewur, for *fehwur = O. Icel. fjogor, fjugur, n., < an erlier *kwekur-< *kwetur-; cp. Brugm., III, p. 11), ME. foure, NE. four. Cp. fidur.] fidwÔr-taÍhun, num. (141). [OE. fÊower-tene, ME. fourtene, NE. fourteen.] fidwÔr tigjus (cp. tigus), num. (142), figgra-gulÞ (88a), n. (94), 'finger-gold', finger-ring. figgrs, m. (91), finger. [OE. finger, m., ME. finger, NE. finger.] fijan (fian; 10, n. 4), wv. (193), to hate, w. acc.; Mt. V, 43. VI, 24. [OE. fÊon (< *fi(j)on). Cp. fijands.] fijands (fiands), m. (115), enemy; Mt. V, 43. 44. [Prop. prsp. of fijan, uzed as sb. OE. fÊond (< fi(j)ond), m., ME. fÊnd, NE. fiend.] filhan, stv. (174, n. 1), to hide, conceal.—Cpd. ana-f. [OE. feolan (< *feolhan), to hide, be-feolan, to commit, ME. fele, to hide, be-fele, to commit, OHG. bifel(h)an, to commit, trust, recommend, also to hide, bury, MHG. bevel(he)n, to trust, commit, command, NHG. be-fehlen, to command, commend, commit.] Filippus, pr. n., Philip; Skeir. VII, a; acc. -u; Mk. III, 18. [< F???pp??.] -fill, n. (94), skin, hide, in ÞrÛts-fill. [< Germanic fella- (i. e. fel-la-; -la- < orig. -no-; cp. Brgm., I, § 67). OE. fel(l), n., skin, hide, ME. NE. fel.] filleins, adj. (124), made of skin, lethern; Mk. I, 6. [< fill + suff. -eina-.] filu, adj. (131, n. 3), much, very; II. Cor. I, 5; w. a sb. in the gen.; Mk. III, 7. 8. IV, 1. V, 21. 24; as adv., much, greatly; Mk. I, 45. III, 12. V, 10. 23. 38. 43; w. a compar.: filu mais, much more; Skeir. VII, d; filaus (gen.) maizÔ, (sumthing) much greater; Skeir. VII, c; und filu mais, much more, stil more; II. Cor. III, 9. 11; ?an filu, how much, how great; Mt. VI, 23. Mk. III, 8. V, 19. 20. w. advs.: swa filu, so much; Skeir. VII, c. swa filu swÊ, as much as; Skeir. VII, c. [OE. feolu, feola, ME. fela, fele, OHG. filu, MHG. vil(e), NHG. viel, much.] filusna, f. (97), abundance; Skeir. VII, c (the first); multitude; Skeir. VII, b. c (the second). [< filu + suff. -s-nÔ-; cp. Brgm. II, p. 141.] filu-waÚrdei, f. (113), much talking; Mt. VI, 7. [< *filu-waÚrds, adj.; -waÚrds < waÚrd.] filu-waÚrdjan, wv. (188), to uze many words, to speak much; Mt. VI, 7. [< *filuwaÚrds; s. prec. word.] fimf, num. (141), five; Skeir. VII, b; fimf-taÍhun (141), fifteen. fimf tigjus (142), fifty. fimf ÞÛsundjÔs waÍrÊ, five thousand (of) men; Skeir. VII, b. [OE. fÎf (< *fimf), ME. fif, vive, NE. five.—OE. fÎftene, -tyne, ME. fiftene, NE. fifteen.—OE. fÎfti?, ME. fifti, NE. fifty.] fimfta-taÍhunda, ord. num. (146), the fifteenth. [OE. fÎftÊoÐa (< fÎfta-tÊoÐa, -tÊogeÐa), the fifteenth.] finÞan, stv. (174, n. 1), to find, find out, know, w. acc.; Mk. V, 43. [OE. findan, ME. finde, NE. find.] fiskja, m. (107), fisher; Mk. I, 16. [< fisks + suff. -jan-.] fiskÔn, wv. (190), to fish. [< fisks.] fisks, m. (91), fish; Skeir. VII, a. b. c. d. [OE. fisc, m., ME. fiss, fish, NE. fish.] fitan, stv. (? 176, n. 1), to travail (in birth), to bear (children). flÔdus, f. (? 105, b), flud. [< v flÔ (also seen in OE. flÔwan, ME. flowe, NE. flow) + suff. -du-. OE. flÔd, m., ME. flÔd, flod, NE. flud.] flÔkan, rv. (179 and n. 4), to lament, bewail. [OS. -flÔkan (stv.) in far-flÔkan, to curse, OHG. (far-)fluohhÔn (wv., but pp. farfluahhan), MHG. (ver-)fluochen, NHG. (ver-)fluchen (wv.), to curse.] fÔdeins, f. (103, n. 1), food; Mt. VI, 25. [< fÔdjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] fÔdjan, wv. (188), to feed, nurish, bring up, w. acc.; Mt. VI, 26. Skeir. VII, d. [OE. fÊdan (< *fÔdian), ME. fede, NE. feed.] fÔn (12, n. 3), n. (118), gen. funins, dat. funin, fire; Mt. V, 22. [< v fÛ (Goth. Ô for Û) + suff. -na, -n-an-. In West-Germanic the suff. -r-is added. OE. fyr (< fÛ-ir), ME. fir, NE. fire.] fÔtu-baÚrd (88a), n. (94), foot-board, foot-stool; Mt. V. 35. [< fÔtus + baÚrd = OE. bord, n., board, shield, table, ME. bord, NE. board.] fÔtus, m. (105), foot; Mt. V, 35. Mk. V, 4. 22. [Stem fÔtu-, orig. fÔt- (consonantal stem). OE. fÔt, pl., fÊt, m., ME. fÔt, fot, pl. fÊt, NE. foot.] fra-, an inseparabl particl uzed w. vbs. and verbal nouns. It chiefly signifies 'separation, destruction, loss, change', and the like. [A variant of faÍr-.] fra-gaf, prt. of fra-giban. fra-giban (56, n. 1), stv. (176), w. acc. of th. (dir. obj.) and dat. of pers. (indir. obj.), to forgiv; II. Cor. II, 7. 10; to giv, grant; Skeir. VII, b. [OE. for-giefan, ME. forgive, NE. forgiv.] fra-gifts (56, n. 4), f. (103), a giving away; espousal; Lu. II, 5. [< fra-giban; s. -gifts.] fraÍhnan, stv. (176, n. 4), to ask, w. acc. of the pers. askt and gen. of the th. askt for; Mk. IV, 10; for the gen. a dir. question; Mk. V, 9; to ask questions; Lu. II, 46. [OE. frignan, ON. fregna > ME. freine, to ask; cp. OHG. frÂgÊn, MHG. vrÂgen, NHG. fragen, to ask.] fraisan, rv. (179), to tempt; Mk. I, 13. [Cp. OE. frÂsian, wv., to tempt.] fraistubni, f. (98), temptation; Mt. VI, 13. [< fraisti- (< fraisan + suff. -ti-) = ON. freisti, f., temptation; + suff. -ubnjÔ-.] fra-itan, stv. (176, n. 3), to eat up, devour, w. acc.; Mk. IV, 4. [OE. fretan (< *for-etan), to eat up, devour, ME. frete, to devour, consume, corrode, NE. fret, to eat away.] fraiw, n. (94, n. 1), seed; Mk. IV, 3. 26. 27. 31. [ON. frÆ^ (dat. frÆ^wi), n., seed.] fra-kunnan, prt.-prs. (199, n. 1), to despise, w. dat.; Mt. VI, 24. fra-qiman, stv. (175, n. 1), to expend, spend, consume, w. dat.; Mk. V, 26. fra-qistjan, wv. (188), to destroy; Mk. I, 24. II. Cor. IV, 9. fra-qistnan, wv. (194), to perish; Mt. V, 29. 30. Mk. II, 22. IV, 38. II. Cor. II, 15. Skeir. VII, d. fra-laÍlÔt, prt. of fralÊtan. fra-lÊtan (-leitan; 7, n. 2), rv. (181), w. acc., to let free, dismiss, send away; Lu. II, 29; to let down; Mk. II, 4; w. dat. of pers. and an inf., to permit, suffer; Mk. I, 34. V, 37; fralÊt (imper.), let be, let alone; Mk. I, 24. fra-lÊts, m. (91; or -lÊt; n.; 94?), forgivness; Mk. III, 29. [< fra-lÊtan.] fra-liusan, stv. (173, n. 1), to lose. [OE. for-lÊosan, ME. forlÊse, NE. *forleese (s. -liusan), pp. forlorn.] fra-lusnan, wv. (194), to perish; II. Cor. II, 15 (gloss). IV, 3. fra-lusts, f. (103), loss, destruction. [< fraliusan + suff. -ti-.] [OHG. vir-lust, MHG. verlust, f., NHG. verlust, m., loss.] fram, prep. w. dat. (217), (1) local, denoting, (a) 'separation', from, away from; II. Cor. V, 6; (b) 'motion, direction', from; Mk. I, 9. V, 35. (2) temporal, from, sinse; Lu. II, 36. II. Cor. V, 16. (3) in other relations, (a) after vs. of fram-aldrs, adj. (124), advanced in age, very old; Lu. II, 36. [-aldrs < *aldr, n. (= OE. ealdor, n., OHG. altar, MHG. NHG. alter, n., age), age, < alan + suff. -dra-.] framis, compar. adv. (212), further, onward; Mk. I, 19. [< fram + -is, the adv. ending of the compar.] fram-wigis, adv. (214), continually, ever more, [-wigis is gen. sg. of wigs.] fra-slindan, stv. (174, n. 1), to swallow up; II. Cor. V, 4. fraÞi (74, n. 3), n. (95), mind; II. Cor. III, 14. IV, 4. [< fraÞ- (in fraÞjan).] fraÞjan, stv. (177, n. 2), to understand, know; Mk. IV, 12; be in right mind; Mk. V, 15; w. dat., to understand; Lu. II, 50. [Cp. frÔÞs (w. ablaut).] -fraÞjan, wv. (185), in fulla-f. [< -fraÞjis.] -fraÞjis, adj. (126), thinking, minded. [< fraÞ- (in fraÞjan, stv.) + suff. -ja-.] frauja (1, n. 4), m. (108), lord, master; Mt. V, 33. Mk. I, 3. II, 28. V, 19. Lu. II, 29. II. Cor. I, 2. 3. III, 17. IV, 5. [OE. frÊa (for *frÊa(j)a), m., lord (especially Christ, God), OHG. frÔ, MHG. vrÔ, lord, king, God, NHG. frohn- (< OHG. frÔno, gen. pl.) in cpds.] fraujinÔn, wv. (190), to be lord, be king, rule over; Lu. II, 29; w. dat.; II. Cor. I, 24. [< frauja.] fraujinÔnds, m. (115), ruler. [Prop. prsp. of fraujinÔn.] fra-waÍrÞan, stv. (174, n. 1), to go to ruin, to corrupt (intr.). fra-wardjan, wv. (188), to ruin, corrupt, w. acc. (exprest or understood); Mt. VI, 19. 20; to disfigure; Mt. VI, 16; in pass. to perish; II. Cor. IV, 16. fra-waÚrhts, adj. (124), evil-working, sinful; (in our 'Selections') uzed as m. sb., sinner; Mk. II, 15. 16. 17. [Prop. pp. of fra-waÚrkjan.] fra-waÚrhts, f. (103), sin; Mk. I, 4. 5. II, 5. 7. 9. III, 28. 29. IV, 12. II. Cor. V, 21. [< fra-waÚrkjan, to work il, do evil, sin, + suff. -ti-. OE. -wyrht (< *wurhti-), f., ME. -wurht, deed, work.] fra-weitan, stv. (172. n. 1; 197, n. 1), to avenge, revenge. fra-weitands, m. (115), revenger. [Prop. prsp. of fra-weitan.] frÊhun, prt. of fraÍhnan. freidjan, wv. (188), to spare, w. gen.; II. Cor. I, 23. [OHG. frÎten, to luv, foster, protect, > frÎt-in frÎthof, MHG. vrÎthof, churchyard, cognate with vride, enclosure, > NHG. friedhof, m., churchyard, graveyard. Cp. friaÞwa, -friÞÔn.] frei-hals (88a), m. (91, n. 4), liberty, freedom; II. Cor. III, 17. [< freis + hals. OE. frÊols (< *frÊoheals < *frÎoheals, for *frijo-hals), liberty, freedom, lit. the state of having a free neck.] freis, adj. (126, n. 2), free. [OE. frÊo (< frÎo, *frijo), ME. frÊ, NE. free.—See also friaÞwa.] frÊtun, prt. of fra-itan. frijaÞwa, friaÞwa (10, n. 4), f. (97), frijÔn (10, n. 4), wv. (190), to luv, w. acc.; Mt. V, 43. 44. 46. VI, 24; w. inf.; Mt. VI, 5. [< stem of freis; s. also frijaÞwa. Cp. OE. frÊogan, to luv and to make free, ME. freoie, to 'free', MHG. (prop. LG., Kl. W.) vrÎen, NHG. freien, to woo, marry.] frijÔndi, f. (98), a female frend. [< frijÔnds.] frijÔnds, m. (115), frend; Mt. V, 47. [Prop. prsp. of frijÔn. OE. frÊond (< fri(j)ond), ME. frend, NE. frend.] -fri-sahtjan, wv. (188), to make an image, in ga-f. [< fri-sahts.] -fri-sahtnan, wv. (194, n. 1), to be formd, in ga-f. [< frisahts.] fri-sahts, f. (103), image, exampl, ridl; II. Cor. III, 18. IV, 4. [< fri- (allied to faÍr-?) + -sahts (= OE. saht, sÆht, f., ME. sahte, sÆhte, reconciliation, peace) < sakan + suff. -ti-.] -friÞÔn, wv. (190), in ga-f. [< *friÞus (= OE. frioÐu-< friÐu-, m., later friÐ, n., ME. friÐ, peace, luv, protection, = G. friede, m., peace), < v fri (cp. friaÞwa) + suff. -Þ-. OE. friÐian, to make peace, treat kindly, protect, ME. friÐie, to keep in peace, preserv. Cp. freidjan.] frius, n. (94; or m., 91?), frost, cold. [< *friusan = OE. frÊosan, ME. frÊse, NE. freez.] frÔdei (74, n. 3), f. (113), wisdom, understanding; Lu. II, 47. 52. [< frÔÞs.] frÔÞs (35), adj. (124, n. 2), wise, prudent, skilful. [< fraÞjan (prt. frÔÞ). OE. frÔd, wise.] frÔÞun, prt. of fraÞjan, stv. fruma, superl. adj. (139 and n. 1), the first (146). [< the adv. stem fru- (cp. OHG. fru-o, MHG. vruo, NHG. fruh, frÜh (by influence of the adj. frÜh), erly), + suff. -ma-n-. Cp. frum, n. (or frums, m.?), and OE. fruma, m., ME. frume, frome, beginning.] fruma-baÚr (88a), m. (101, n. 2), a first-born; Lu. II, 7. frumists, superl. adj. (139 and n. 1), foremost, first (146); frumist, adv. (212, n. 3), first. [< fruma + suff. -ista-.] fugls, m. (91), fowl, bird; Mk. IV, 4. 32. [OE. fugol, m., ME. fo?el, fowel, NE. fowl.] fulgins (66, n. 1), adj. (124), hidn; Mk. IV, 22. [< the stem of the pp. of filhan.] fulhsni, n. (95), that which is hidn, a secret; Mt. VI, 4. 6. 18. [< filhan + suff. -snja- < -sni- + -ja-. ON. fylsne, fylgsne, a hiding-place.] fulla-fahjan, wv. (188), to please fully, to satisfy, w. acc.; Skeir. VII, d. fulla-fraÞjan, wv. (185), to be fully in right mind, be sober; II. Cor. V, 13. fulla-tÔjis (88a), adj. (126), perfect; Mt. V, 48. fulla-weisjan, wv. (188), to inform fully, to persuade, w. acc.; II. Cor. V, 11. [< fullaweis < stem of fulls + -weis (s. un-weis).] fulleiÞ(s), f. (? 103, n. 2), fulness; Mk. IV, 28.—Cpds. ga-, us-f. [< fulljan + suff. -Þi (for -ei-, cp. vB., 79). OE. fylleÐ, f. (?), fulness.] fulljan, wv. (188), to fil, fulfil.—Cpds. ga-, us-f. [< fulls.] fullnan, fulnan (80), wv. (195), to becum ful, to fil (intr.), w. gen.; Lu. II, 40.—Cpds. ga-, us-f. [< fulls.] fullÔ, f. (112), fulnes; Mk. II, 21. [< fulls.] fulls, adj. (122, n. 1), ful. [< an old pp. in-no-, fulla- < ful-no-. OE. ME. full, NE. ful.] fÛls (15), adj. (124), foul. [OE. fÛl, ME. foul, NE. foul.] funins; s. fÔn. Ga-, inseparabl particl prefixt to vs., sbs., adjs., and advs. For its various meanings, s. my 'Comparativ Glossary', p. 113, or 'First Germanic Bible', p. 343. [OE. ge-, ME. ?e-, i- (in handiwork), e- (in enuf).] ga-aggwjan, wv. (188), to constrain, distress; II. Cor. IV, 8. ga-aiginÔn, wv. (190), to take possession of, get an advantage of; II. Cor. II, 11. ga-arman, wv. (192), to hav pity on, to pity, w. acc.; Mk. V, 19; in pass., to be pitied, receiv mercy; II. Cor. IV, 1. ga-baÍran, stv. (175), w. acc., to bring together, compare; Mk. IV, 30; to bear (a child); Lu. II, 7; in pass. the nom.; Lu. II, 11. ga-baÍrhtjan, wv. (188), to make bright or clear, to manifest, show, w. acc.; II. Cor. II, 14; in pass. the nom.; Mk. IV, 22. ga-bar, prt. of gabaÍran. ga-bauan (26), wv. (179, n. 2; 193, n. 1), to dwel; Mk. IV, 32. ga-baÚr, m. (91, n. 4), a festiv meal. [Lit. that which is brought together, < ga-baÍran, to bring together.] ga-baÚrÞs, f. (103), birth. [< ga-baÍran, to bear, + suff. -Þi-. OE. ge-byrd, f., ON. burÐr > ME. burth, birth, burÞ, NE. birth.] gabei (34), f. (113), riches; Mk. IV, 19. [< giban.] ga-beistjan, wv. (187, n. 3), to levn. gabigs, gabeigs (17, n. 3), adj. (124), rich. [< giban + suff. -i-ga-, -ei-ga-.] ga-binda (32), f. (97), band, bond. [< ga-bindan.] ga-bindan, stv. (174), to bind, w. acc.; Mk. III, 27. V, 4 (gloss); and instr. dat.; Mk. V, 3; in pass. w. a subj. nom.; Mk. V, 4. ga-biugan, stv. (173, n. 1), to bow, bend; Mk. V, 4 (s. note). ga-blindjan, wv. (187), w. acc.; to make blind, to blind, w. acc.; II. Cor. IV, 4. ga-blindnan, wv. (194), to becum blind; II. Cor. III, 14 (gloss in A). ga-brak, prt. of gabrikan. GabriÊl (6), pr. n., Gabriel. [< Ga????.] ga-brikan (33, n. 1), stv. (175, n. 1), w. acc., to break; Mk. V, 4. ga-bruka (33, n. 1), f. (97), a broken bit, fragment; Skeir. VII, d. [< ga-brikan.] ga-bundi (32), f. (98), bond. [< ga-bindan.] ga-daban, stv. (177, n. 1), to becum, fit, befall, happen. ga-daila, m. (108), partaker; II. Cor. I, 7. [< *ga-dails, adj., partaking; -dails < sb. dails.] ga-dailjan, wv. (188), to divide, separate, w. acc. (in pass. the nom.); Mk. III, 26; w. wiÞra w. acc.; Mk. III, 24. 25. ga-daÚrsan, prt.-prs. (199), to dare. ga-dauÞnan, wv. (194), to die; Mk. V, 39. GaddarÊnus, pr. n. [< Gada?????.] *ga-dÔfs (56, n. 1), adj. (130, n. 2), becuming, fit. [< ga-daban (prt. gadÔf). OE. ge-dÊfe, adj.; suitabl, fit. See also -daban.] ga-draban, stv. (177, n. 1), to hew out. ga-draus, prt. of gadriusan. ga-drausjan, wv. (188), w. acc., to thrust down, cast down; pp. gadrausiÞs; II. Cor. IV, 9. ga-driusan, stv. (173, n. 1), to fall, w. ana (upon) w. dat.; Mk. IV, 5; du (at) w. dat.; Mk. V, 22; faÚr wig, by the way side; Mk. IV, 4; in w. acc., into, among, on; Mk. IV, 7. 8; so in a pass. sense, to be cast; Mt. V, 29. 30. gaf, prt. of giban. ga-fÂhs (5 b), m. (91), a cach, haul. [< ga-fÂhan.] ga-fÁihÔn, wv. (190), to defraud; II. Cor. II, 11. [< *gafÁihs adj., deceitful, hostil, < ga + -fÁihs (= OE. fÂh, adj., hostil; ge-fÂh, m.) < fÁih; s. also -fÁihÔn.] ga-fastan, wv. (193), to hold fast, keep; Lu. II, 19. 51. ga-fÁurs, adj. (130), sober, wel behaved. ga-fraÍhnan, stv. (176, n. 4), to find out by inquiry, w. an obj. clause; Mk. II, 1. ga-frÊhun, prt. of gafraÍhnan. ga-frisahtjan, wv. (188), to make an image, engrave; II. Cor. III, 7. ga-frisahtnan, wv. (194, n. 1), to be formd. ga-friÞÔn, wv. (190), to make peace, reconcile, w. dat. of the pers. to whom one is reconciled, and acc. of the pers. reconciled; II. Cor. V, 18. 19. ga-friÞÔns, f. (103, n. 1), reconciliation; II. Cor. V, 18. 19. [< ga-friÞÔn.] ga-fulljan, wv. (188), to fil, w. acc., the th. w. which anything is fild, occurs in the gen., Skeir. VII, d. ga-fullnan, wv. (194), to becum ful, to fil (intr.), fil up (intr.); hense to be fild; Mk. IV, 37. ga-gaggan, anv. (179, n. 3; 207), to cum together, gather together; so w. the refl. sik; Mk. III, 20. ga-ga-waÍrÞnan, wv. (194, n. 1), w. dat., to reconcile one's self to, be reconciled to; II. Cor. V, 20. [< *ga-waÍrÞs; s. gawaÍrÞi.] gaggan, anv. (179, n. 3; 207), to go, go one's way, walk, cum; Mk. II, 9. III, 6. V, 42; w. inf.; Mt. V, 24. Mk. I, 44; w. afar w. dat. (to go after, follow); Mk. II, 14. 15. V, 24; du w. dat.; Mk. I, 38. 45. II, 11. 13. V, 19; in w. dat.; II. Cor. IV, 2; or acc.; Mt. VI, 6. Mk. V, 34; miÞ w. dat.; Mt. V, 41. VI, 6. Lu. II, 51; ÞaÍrh w. acc.; II. Cor. V, 7; a final clause; Lu. II, 3.—Cpds. af-, afar-, at-, du-at-, inn-at-, ga-, ÞaÍrh-, us-g. [OE. gongan, gangan, ME. gange, NE. (Sc.) gang.] ga-grÊfts, f. (103), decree; Lu. II, 1. [-grÊfts < v grÊf (+ suff. -ti-) seen in OHG. grÂvo, MHG. grÂve, NHG. graf, m., erl, count.] ga-gudei, f. (113, n. 2), piety, godliness. [< gaguÞs, adj., godly, pious, < ga- + -guÞs < guÞ.] ga-haban, wv. (192), to hav, possess, hold; to lay hold on; w. acc.; Mk. III, 21. ga-hÂhjÔ (5 b), adv., in order, connectedly. [< *gahÂhs, adj., connected, lit. hanging together, < ga- + *-hÂhs < hÂhan.] ga-hailjan, wv. (188), to heal, w. acc. of pers.; Mk. I, 34. III, 10. ga-hailnan, wv. (194), to becum hole, be heald; Mk. V, 29. ga-hait, n. (94), promise; II. Cor. I, 20. [< ga-haitan. OE. ge-hÂt, n., promise, ME. hat, hÔt, promise, OHG. gahei?, m., MHG. gehei?, m., gehei?e, n., NHG. geheiss, n., command.] ga-hardjan (14, n. 1), wv. (197), to harden. ga-hausjan, wv. (187), to hear; Mk. II, 17. IV, 9. 15. Lu. II, 18; w. acc.; Mk. V, 36. Lu. II, 20 (s. note); bi w. acc.; Mk. V, 27. ga-hÔrinÔn, wv. (190), to whore, commit adultery with, w. dat.; Mt. V, 28. ga-hraineins, f. (103, n. 1), a clenzing; Mk. I, 44. [< ga-hrainjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] ga-hrainjan, wv. (188), to clenz; Mk. I, 40. -gÂhts (5 b), f. (103), a going, in cpds. [Stem -gÂhti- (for-ganhti-) < gangan + suff. -ti-.] ga-hugds (81, n. 1), f. (103), thought, mind; conscience. [< (*ga-)hugjan + suff. -di- (cp. Brgm., I, p. 405). OE. gehygd, f. n., thought, mind.] ga-huljan, wv. (187), to cuver, hide, conceal, w. acc. (in pass. the nom.), II. Cor. IV, 3. ga-?eilains, f. (103, n. 1), a staying for a while, rest; II. Cor. II, 13. [< ga-?eilan + suff. -ai-ni-.] ga-?Ôtjan, wv. (188), to threten, rebuke, charge, w. dat.; Mk. I, 43. ga-iddja, prt. of ga-gaggan. GaÍaÍnna, m. (108), Gehenna; Mt. V, 22. 29. 30. [< ??e??a.] gailjan, wv. (187), to make glad, w. acc.; II. Cor. II, 2. [< *gails, adj., = OE. gÂl, ME. gal, gol, adj., proud, wanton, OHG. MHG. geil, wanton, merry, gay, NHG. geil, adj., lascivious, lewd, fat.] Gaina (21, n. 1; 65, n. 1), pr. n. GaÍnnÊsaraÍÞ (23), pr. n., Gennesaret. [< Ge???sa???.] gaÍrda, f. (97), girdl; Mk. I, 6. [< v of -gaÍrdan. ON. gjorÐ, f., girdl, girth, > ME. gerth, NE. girth.] -gaÍrdan, stv. (174, n. 1), to gird, in bi-g. [Cp. OE. gyrdan, wv., ME. girde, NE. gird.] gaÍrnjan, wv. (188), to yern for, cuvet, desire, wish; II. Cor. V, 2. [< -gaÍrns (= OE. georn, adj.) (georne, adv.), ME. ?ern, adj., zelous, eager (?erne, adv.), OHG. MHG. gern, adj., desirous, eager, > OHG. gernÔ, MHG. gerne, NHG. gerne, gern, adv., (gladly, willingly, eagerly.) OE. geornian, ME. ?erne, NE. yern.] gairu (cp. 20, n. 2), n. (106, n. 1), sting. -gaisjan, wv. (188), in us-g. [ME. (< Scand.) gÂse, NE. gaze. Cp. aghast for agast for agasted, pp. of ME. agasten [Sk.] < OE. Â- (= Goth. us-) + gÆ^stan, to terrify, < a lost sb. gÆ^st < *gÂs- (= Goth. gais-) + suff. -ti-.] ga-juk, n. (94), that which is joind in a yoke, a pair; Lu. II, 24. ga-jukÔ, f. (112), that which is put together for the sake of comparison, hense a comparison, parabl; Mk. III, 23. IV, 2. 10. 11. 13. 30. 33. 34. [< gajuk.] ga-jukÔ, f. (110, n. 3), a female cumpanion. [< gajuk.] ga-kannjan, wv. (188), to make known, w. acc. of pers. and dat. of th.; Lu. II, 15; to make known abroad, w. bi w. acc.; Lu. II, 17. ga-krÔtÔn (12, n. 1), wv. (190), to crush, grind. ga-kunnan, prt.-prs. (199, n. 1), to acknowledge one's inferiority or subjection, to subject one's self. ga-kunnan, wv. (193; 199, 1), to recognize, know, consider, w. acc., Mt. VI, 28. II. Cor. I, 14. ga-kusts, f. (103), proof, test. [< ga-kiusan, to prove, test, + suff. -ti-. -kusts = OE. cyst, f., ME. cust, choice, quality.] ga-qÊmun, prt. of gaqiman. ga-qiman, stv. (175, n. 1), to cum together; Mk. II, 2; w. sik and du w. dat.; Mk. V, 21. ga-qiss, adj. (124, n. 1), consenting. [< ga-qiÞan + suff. -ta- (qissa- < *qiÞ-to-).] ga-qiujan (42), wv. (187), to quicken, giv life; II. Cor. III, 6. ga-qiunan (42, n. 3), wv. (194), to becum alive. ga-qumÞs, f. (103), a cuming together, assembly, council; Mt. V, 22; synagog; Mt. VI, 2. 5. [< gaqiman + suff. -Þi-. -qumÞs = OHG. MHG. kumft, kunft (w. eufonic f before which m changed to n), a cuming, arrival, NHG. -kunft (in cpds.).] ga-lagjan, wv. (188), to lay, lay down, w. acc. and in w. dat.; Lu. ga-laista, m. (108), follower, cumpanion; g. waÍrÞan w. dat., to follow; Mk. I, 36. [< *ga-laists, adj., following; -laists < the sb. laists; s. laistjan.] ga-laiÞ, prt. of ga-leiÞan. ga-laubeins (31), f. (103, n. 1), belief, faith; Mk. II, 5. IV, 40. V, 34. II, Cor. I, 24. IV, 13. V, 7. [< galaubjan + suff. -eini-.] ga-laubjan (31), wv. (188), to believ, (1) abs.; Mk. IV, 24. V, 36. II. Cor. IV, 13. (2) w. in w. dat.; Mk. I, 15.—leitil galaubjands, litl-believing, of litl faith; Mt. VI, 30. *ga-laufs (56, n. 1), adj. (124), precious, valuabl. [Cp. liufs.] ga-lausjan, wv. (188), to loose, loosen, w. acc. of th. and af w. dat.; Mk. V, 4; to deliver, w. acc. of pers. and us w. dat.; II. Cor. I, 10. ga-leikan, wv. (193), to please; waÍla g., w. dat., to please, be acceptabl to; II. Cor. V, 9; or in w. dat., to take great plezure in, be wel pleased in; Mk. I, 11. ga-leikÔ, adv. (211), like, alike. [< ga-leiks (= OE. ge-lÎc, ME. i-lik, lik, NE. like, similar) < ga + -leiks (= OE. -lÎc, ME. -lich, -li, NE. -ly) < leik. OE. ge-lÎce, ME. iliche, ylyke, NE. like.] ga-leikÔn, wv. (190), (1) tr., w. acc. of th. and ?Ê (whereunto), to liken; Mk. IV, 30. (2) intr., w. dat., to be like unto, be conformd to; Mt. VI, 8. Galeilaia, pr. n., f., Galilee; gen. -as; Mk. I, 9. 16. 28; dat. -a; Mk. I, 14. III, 7. Lu. II, 4; acc. -an; Mk. I, 39. Lu. II, 39. [< Ga???a?a.] ga-leiÞan, stv. (172, n. 1), to go, cum; Mk. V, 20; w. afar w. dat.; Mk. I, 20; ana w. acc.; Mk. I, 35; du w. dat.; Mk. III, 13; faÍrra w. dat.; Lu. II, 15; faÚr w. acc.; Mk. II, 13; hindar w. acc.; Mk. V, 17; in w. acc.; Mk. I, 21. 45. II, 1. 26. III, 1. 27. IV, 1. V, 12. 13. 38. Lu. II, 15. II. Cor. I, 16. II, 13; miÞ w. dat.; Mk. V, 24; inn; Mk. V, 40. ga-lÊsun, prt. of galisan. ga-lÊwjan, wv. (188), w. acc., to betray; Mk. III, 19. ga-ligri, n. (95), consummation of marriage, lit. a lying-together. [< *ga-ligrs, having the same bed with, < ga + the sb. ligrs. OE. geligere, adultery.] ga-lisan, stv. (176, n. 1), to gather, gather up; Skeir. VII, d; w. sik and du w. dat., to gather, congregate unto; Mk. IV, 1. ga-liÞun, prt. of galeiÞan. ga-liug, n. (94), a lie; g. taujan, to falsify; II. Cor. IV, 2. ga-lÛkan (15), stv. (173, n. 2), to shut, close, w. (instr.) dat.; Mt. VI, 6. ga-mainduÞs, f. (103), communion, fellowship. [< ga-mains + suff. -du-Þi-.] ga-mains, adj. (130), common. [OE. ge-mÆ^ne, ME. (i-) mene, NE. mean.] *ga-maiÞs (74, n. 2), adj. (124), (bodily) weak, bruised. ga-man, n. (94; 117, n. 1), fellow-man, cumpanion, partner, communion. ga-manwjan, wv. (188), to prepare, make redy, w. acc.; Mk. I, 2. Skeir. VII, c; and du w. dat.; II. Cor. V, 5. ga-marzjan, wv. (188), to offend; Mk. IV, 17. ga-maudjan, wv. (188), to remind, w. acc. of pers. and an inf.; Skeir. VII, d. ga-mÊleins, f. (103, n. 1), a writing, the scripture; II. Cor. III, 7. [< ga-mÊljan + suff. -ei-ni-.] ga-mÊljan, wv. (187), to write, (1), w. dat. of the pers. addrest; II. Cor. II, 4. (2) the th. writn is in ga-mÔstÊdun, prt. of gamÔtan. ga-mÔtan, prt.-prs. (202), to hav or find room, hav place; Mk. II, 2. ga-mÔtjan, wv. (188), to meet, w. dat.; Mk. V, 2. ga-munan, prt.-prs. (200, n. 1), to mind, remember, w. Þatei; Mt. V, 23. ga-nasjan, wv. (185), to make hole, to heal, save; Mk. V, 34. ga-naÚha, m. (108), sufficiency, contentment; Skeir. VII, b. [< ga-naÚhan.] ga-naÚhan, prt.-prs. (201), to suffice; ganah; it is enuf, it is sufficient, w. dat. of pers.; II. Cor. II, 6. ga-niman, stv. (170; 175), w. acc., to take, take with one; Mk. V, 40; to receiv; II. Cor. V, 10; to conceiv; Lu. II, 21 (pass.). ga-nisan, stv. (176, n. 1), to becum hole, be heald; Mk. V, 23. 28; to be saved; II. Cor. II, 15. ga-nists (34), f. (103), a becuming hole, recuvery, salvation. [< ga-nisan + suff. -ti-.] ga-niÞjis, m. (92), kinsman; Lu. II, 44. ga-nÔhjan, wv. (188), to satisfy, w. acc. of pers. and (instr.) dat.; Skeir. VII, b. [< ga-nÔhs.] ga-nÔhs, adj. (122, n. 1), enuf. [Cf. ga-naÚhan. OE. ge-nÔh, ME. inÔh, inough, inow, NE. enuf.] ga-raÍhtei, f. (113), righteousness; Mt. V, 20. II. Cor. III, 9. V, 21. [< garaÍhts.] ga-raÍhts, adj. (124), right, righteous, just; Mt. V, 45. Lu. II, 25. [OHG. gi-reht, right (not righteous), MHG. gereht, NHG. gerecht, adj., right, righteous.] *ga-raiÞs (-raids; 74, n. 2), adj. (124), commanded, appointed. [OE. (ge-)rÆ^de (w. umlaut), ME. rede, adj., redy, > (or < the Scand.) ME. (i-) rÆdi, rÆdi?, redy, w. suff. -i?, -i, OE. (ig), NE. redy.] *ga-raÞjan?, stv. (177, n. 2), to reckon, number. garda-waldands (88a, n. 2), m. (115), master of the house. [-waldands is prsp. of waldan.] gards, m. (101), house, yard, household, family; Mk. I, 29. II, 1. 11. 15. 26. III, 20. 25. 27. V, 19. 38. Lu. II, 4. II. Cor. V, 1. [Properly an enclosure, with or without a building; < v of -gaÍrdan. OE. geard, m., enclosure, yard, dwelling, ME. ?erd, ?ard, yard, garden, NE. yard (for yard, a mezure s. gazds).] ga-rinnan, stv. (174, n. 1), to run together, cum together, gather together, w. at w. dat.; Mk. I, 33. *ga-riuÞs (-riuds; 74, n. 2), adj. (124), honest, honorabl, wel behaved. [Prop. shamefully blushing; < v of rauÞs.] ga-rÛni, n. (95), counsel, consultation; Mk. III, 6. [< ga + rÛna extended by suff. -ja-.] ga-runs, f. (103, n. 3), a place where peple run together, street; Mt. VI, 2. [< ga-rinnan + suff. -si-.] ga-sa?, prt. of ga-saÍ?an. ga-saÍ?an (34, n. 1), stv. (176, n. 1), to see, behold, w. acc. (sumtimes understood); Mk. I, 10. 16. 19. II, 5. 12. 14. 16. III, 11. V, 6. 15. 16. 38. Lu. II, 17. 20 (s. note). 48; in pass., to appear, w. pred. nom.; Mt. VI, 16. 18; —ÞÔ gasaÍ?anÔna, the things seen; II. Cor, IV, 18. ga-sakan, stv. (177, n. 1), to reprove, ga-sandjan (74, n. 3), wv. (187), to unite in sending; hense to accumpany, w. acc. of pers. and in w. acc. of place; II. Cor. I, 16. ga-satjan, wv. (187), to set, place, w. acc.; namÔ g. w. dat. (indir. obj.), to giv a name or surname; Mk. III, 16 (s. note). 17. ga-sÊ?um, prt. of gasaÍ?an. ga-sibjÔn, wv. (190), w. dat., to reconcile one's self to, be reconciled to; Mt. V, 24. ga-siggqan, stv. (174, n. 1), to sink (said of the sun); Mk. I, 32; w. (instr.) dat., to sink under, be swallowd up; II. Cor. II, 7. ga-sinÞja (gasinÞa), m. (108), (traveling) cumpanion, in pl. cumpany (for the Grk. s???d?a); Lu. II, 44. [< *ga-sinÞs, adj.; -sinÞs < the sb. sinÞs. OHG. gi-sindo (for gasindjo), MHG. gesinde, m., traveling cumpanion, servant, while OHG. gi-sind, MHG. gesint(d), OE. ge-sÎd (s. sinÞs), m., cumpanion, attendant, are strong sbs.] ga-sitan, stv. (176, n. 1), to set one's self down, sit down, sit, w. in w. dat.; Mk. IV, 1. ga-skafts (51, n. 2), f. (103), creation, creature; II. Cor. V, 17. ga-skaidnan, wv. (194), to becum parted, to depart. ga-skapjan, stv. (177, n. 2), w. acc., to shape, make, create; in pass. w. nom.; Mk. II, 27. ga-skeirjan, wv. (188), to make clear, explain, interpret; Mk. V, 41. ga-slawan, wv. (193), to be silent; Mk. IV, 39. ga-smeitan, stv. (172, n. 1), to besmear, annoint. ga-sÔk, prt. of gasakan. ga-staldan, rv. (179), to win, gain, possess. ga-standan, stv. (177, n. 3), (1) lit., to stand, stand stil, stop; w. in w. dat., to tarry, stay behind; Lu. II, 43. (2) trop., (a) to take position, rize up, w. ana w. acc.; Mk. III, 26 (the first); to stand; Mk. III, 26 (the second); w. (loc.) dat.; II. Cor. I, 24; (b) to be restored; Mk. III, 5. gasti-gÔÞs (88a), adj. (124), good to a stranger, hospitabl. ga-stÔjan (26), wv. (186), to judge, determin, w. acc. and at w. dat.; II. Cor. II, 1. ga-stÔÞ, prt. of gastandan. gasts, m. (101), stranger. [OE. gÆst, ME. gest, stranger, gest, enemy, NE. gest.] ga-suljan, wv. (188), to found, ground. ga-swalt, prt. of ga-swiltan. ga-swikunÞjan, wv. (188), to make known, manifest, w. acc.; Mk. III, 12. ga-swiltan, stv. (174, n. 1), to die; Mk. V, 35. II. Cor. V, 15 (the second); w. faÚr w. acc.; II. Cor. V, 15 (three times). ga-taÍhun, prt. of ga-teihan. ga-taÍran, stv. (175, n. 1), to tear, tear to pieces, break, destroy; Mt. V, 17. 19; in pass., to be dissolvd; II. Cor. V, 1; to be destroyd, be done away; II. Cor. III, 14. ga-tamjan (33), wv. (187), w. acc., to tame; Mk. V, 4. ga-taujan (26), wv. (187), to do, make, commit, (1) w. acc.; Mk. II, 25. II. Cor. V, 10 (s. note); astans g., to shoot forth branches; Mk. IV, 32; garÛni g., to take counsel, w. bi w. acc.; Mk. III, 6; w. two accs., to make; Mt. V, 36; and faÚr w. acc.; II. Cor. V, 21; to do. (2) w. dat. of pers. and ?an filu; Mk. V, 19. 20. (3) w. acc. and inf., to make; Mk. I, 17. Skeir. VII, b. c. ga-taÚra, m. (108), tear, rent; Mk. II, 21. [< ga-taÍran.] ga-taÚrnan, wv. (194), to rend (intr.), ga-taÚrÞs, f. (103), destruction. [< ga-taÍran + suff. -Þi-.] ga-teihan, stv. (172, n. 1), to tel, report, announce; w. in w. dat. of place; Mk. V, 14; w. dat. of pers. and a clause introduced by ?an filu; Mk. V, 19; or, in the pass., an inf. frase as subj.; Lu. II, 26. ga-tÊmiba (33), adv. (103, n. 3; 210), fitly. [< *ga-tÊms (= OHG. gi-zÂmi, MHG. gezÆ^me, adj., fit, suitabl) + -ba; < v of ga-timan.] ga-timan, stv. (175, n. 1), to suit. ga-timrjÔ, f. (112), building; II. Cor. V, 1. [-timrjÔ < -timra (w. suff. -ra-) = OE. timber (w. inorganic b), n., ME. NE. timber, wood for building; +-suff. -jÔn-.] ga-trauan (26), wv. (179, n. 2; 193), to hav confidence, be confident, to trust; II. Cor. V, 6. 8; w. in w. dat.; II. Cor. II, 3. ga-tulgjan, wv. (188), to confirm, establish; pp. gatulgiÞs, firm, stedfast; II. Cor. I, 6. gatwÔ, f. (112), street. [ON. gata (acc. gotu), f., street, > ME. gate, NE. (Sc.) gate, way, path.] ga-ÞaÍrsan, stv. (174, n. 1), to wither; Mk. III, 1. 3. ga-ÞaÚrbs (56, n. 3), adj. (124), temperate. [< v of (*ga-)ÞaÚrban.] ga-ÞaÚrsnan (32), wv. (194), to dry up, wither away; Mk. IV, 6. V, 29. ga-ÞiuÞjan, wv. (187), w. acc., to bless; Skeir. VII, b. ga-ÞlÁihan, rv. (179, n. 1), to cumfort, console; II. Cor. II, 7; to exhort; II. Cor. V, 20. ga-ÞlÁihts, f. (103), a pleasing with kind words, cumfort; consolation; II. Cor. I, 3. 4. 6. 7. [< ga-ÞlÁihan + suff. -ti-.] ga-ÞlaÚhun, prt. pl. of ga-Þliuhan. ga-Þliuhan, stv. (173, n. 1), to flee; Mk. V, 14. ga-Þrafsteins, f. (103, n. 1), cumfort, consolation; II. Cor. I, 5. [< gaÞrafstjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] ga-Þrafstjan, wv. (188), to cumfort, console, w. acc. of pers. and ana w. dat.; II. Cor. I, 4; or ÞaÍrh w. acc.; II. Cor. I, 4; in pass. the nom. (exprest or implied), w. (instr.) dat.; II. Cor. I, 4; or in w. gen.; II. Cor. I, 6. ga-Þrask (32), n. (94), threshing floor. [< v of (*ga-)Þriskan.] ga-Þulan, wv. (193), to suffer, endure, w. acc. and fram w. dat.; Mk. V, 26. ga-Þwastjan, wv. (188), to confirm, restore, establish, w. acc. and in w. acc.; II. Cor. I, 21. gaumjan, wv. (188), to see, perceiv, observ, behold, (1) abs.; Mk. IV, 12. (2) w. a clause w. Þatei; Skeir. VII, d.—in pass., to appear, be seen, w. dat.; Mt. VI, 5. [OHG. goumen and goumÔn, MHG. goumen, to pay attention to, observ.] gaunÔn, wv. (189), to lament. gÁurjan, to make sorry, to griev, w. acc.; II. Cor. II, 5 (the second); also abs., to cause grief; II. Cor. II, 5 (the first).—sa gÁurida (pp.; 134), he who is made sorry, w. us w. dat.; II. Cor. II, 2. [< gÁurs.] gÁurs (24, n. 3), adj. (124), sorry, sorrowful, sad, grievd; w. in w. gen.; Mk. III, 5; of a sad countenance; Mt. VI, 16. [< v gau, in gau-n-Ôn, to mourn, lament. Cp. OHG. gÔrag (w. suff. -a-ga-), adj., wreched.] ga-waÍrÞi, n. (95, n. 1), peace; Mk. V, 34. Lu. II, 29. II. Cor. I, 2. [< *ga-waÍrÞs, adj., taking the same turn; hense agreeing, < (*ga)-waÍrÞan (waÍrÞan, orig., to turn) = OE. geweorÐan, to please, agree, OHG. giwerdan, MHG. gewerden, NHG. ga-waknan (35), wv. (194), to awake, awaken. ga-wandjan, wv. (188), to turn, cause to cum back, (1) intr., w. du w. dat.; II. Cor. III, 16. (2) tr., w. sik, to turn, turn back; Mk. V, 30; to be converted; Mk. IV, 12; to return; Lu. II, 20; w. in w. acc.; Lu. II, 39. 45; w. aftra; Lu. II, 43. ga-wasjan, wv. (187), to clothe, w. sik, to clothe one's self; Mt. VI, 29; gawasiÞs (pp.), clothed; Mk. V, 15. II. Cor. V, 3. gawasiÞs wisan, to be clothed, w. (instr.) dat.; Mk. I, 6. ga-waÚrki, n. (95), work, business. [< ga- + waÚrk extended by suff. -ja-.] ga-waÚrkjan, anv. (209), to work, make to do; w. acc. of pers. and du w. inf., to appoint, ordain; Mk. III, 14. ga-waÚrstwa, m. (108), fellow-worker; II. Cor. I, 24. [< ga- + waÚrstw extended by suff. -an-.] gawi, n. (95), region, district, province, cuntry. [OHG. gewi, gouwi, MHG. gÖu, gou, n., NHG. gau, m., district.] ga-widan, stv. (176, n. 1), to join together. ga-wigan, stv. (176, n. 2), to shake, shake together. ga-wiljis, adj. (126), willing, unanimous. [-wiljis < wiljan.] ga-wiss, f. (103), connection, joint. [< ga-widan, to join together, (s. -widan) + suff. -ti- (ss < dt).] ga-wrisqan, stv. (174, n. 1), to produce fruit. gazds, m. (91), sting. [OE. gierd (stem geardjÂ-< gardjÂ-, while gazds is an a-stem), gird, f., ME. yerde, twig, rod, NE. yard.] -geisnan, wv. (194), in us-g., to becum amazed. [Cp. -gaisjan.] GelimÊr, pr. n. (6, n. 2). giba, f. (96), gift; Mt. V, 24. II. Cor. I, 11. [< giban. OE. giefu, gifu, f., ME. gife, gift; cp. -gifts.] giban (56, n. 1), stv. (176), to giv, w. acc. of th.; Mk. IV, 7. 8. Lu. II, 24; two accs.; II. Cor. I, 22; w. dat. of pers. and acc. of th.; Mt. V, 31. VI, 11. II. Cor. V, 12. 18; or two accs.; II. Cor. V, 5; for the acc. an inf.; Mk. V, 43; w. dat. of pers.; Mt. V, 42. Mk. II, 26; so in pass.; Mk. IV, 25.—Cpds. at-, fra-, us-g. [OE. giefan, gifan, ME. gyve, NE. giv.] gibands, m. (115), giver. [Prop. prsp. of giban.] gif, imper. of giban. -gifts (56, n. 4), f., a giving, in fra-g. [< giban and suff. -ti-. OE. gift, f. n., ME. NE. gift.] -gildan, stv. (174, n. 1), to pay, in cpds. only. [OE. gyldan, geldan, to pay, requite, ME. ?elde, NE. yield.] gilstr (75, n. 1), n. (94), tribute. [< -gildan + suff. -tra (st < dt.)] gilstra-mÊleins, f. (103, n. 1), enrolment for taxation; Lu. II, 2. [< stem of gilstr + -mÊleins < mÊljan + suff. -ei-ni-.] gilÞa, f. (97), sickl; Mk. IV, 29. [Cf. ON. gelda > ME. gelde, NE. geld.] -ginnan, stv. (174, n. 1), in du-g., to begin. [OE. -ginnan, ME. ginne, NE. gin (obs.), cpd. begin (be-) = Goth. bi-.] Gisaleicus (21, n. 1), pr. n. gistra-dagis, adv. (214), to-morrow; Mt. VI, 30. [Either an error, for afar-daga, or it means both yesterday and to-morrow; cp. ON. ÍgÆr, to-morrow, yesterday; OHG. Êgestern, day after to-morrow, day before yesterday; gistra < gis- (cp. Lt. hes-ternus, yesterday) + -tra; dagis is gen. of dags.] -gitan, stv. (176, n. 1), to get, in giutan, stv. (173, n. 1), to pour, w. acc. and in w. acc.; Mk. II, 22. [OE. gÊotan, ME. ?ete, to pour, OHG. gio?an, MHG. gie?en, NHG. giessen, to pour, cast.] glaggwÔ, adv., (211), diligently, perfectly, accurately, wel. [< *glaggwus + adv. suff. -Ô.] glaggwuba (4, b), adv. (131, n. 2; 210 and n. 1), diligently, accurately. [< glaggwus + -ba.] *glaggwus (68), adj. (131, n. 2). [OE. glÊaw, ME. gleu, adj., sagacious, skild.] glitmunjan, wv. (187), to glitter, shine. [< *glitmuni, shine, splendor, < *glitmun- (+ suff. -ja), splendor, < *glit- (= glit-in E. glit-ter) + suff. -mun-.] gÔljan, wv. (188), to greet, salute, welcum, w. acc.; Mt. V, 47. gÔÞs (gen. gÔdis), adj. (124, n. 2; 138), good, meet, suitabl; Mt. V, 45. Mk. IV, 20. Lu. II, 14. [OE. gÔd, ME. gÔd, god, NE. good.] graba (35), f. (97), dich, trench. [< v of graban.] graban (56, n. 1), stv. (177, n. 1), to dig.—Cpds. uf-, us-g. [OE. grafan, ME. grave, to dig, NE. grave, to entomb (obs.), to cut, engrave.] gras (gen. grasis), n. (94), grass, blade of grass, herb; Mk. IV, 28. 32. [OE. grÆs, n., ME. gras, gress, NE. grass.] grÊdags, adj. (124), greedy, hungry; Mk. II, 25. [< grÊdus (= OE. grÆ^d, orig. u-stem, m., greed), m., greed, hunger, + suff. -a-ga-. OE. grÆ^dig (w. suff. -ig-), ME. gredi, NE. greedy.] greipan, stv. (172), to seiz, take.—Cpds. faÍr-, und-g. [OE. grÎpan, ME. gripe, NE. gripe.] grÊtan, rv. (181), to weep, lament; Mk. V, 38. 39. [OE. grÆ^tan, ME. grÊte, NE. greet, to weep, lament.] grÊts, m. (101, n. 1), weeping. [< grÊtan.] grinda-fraÞjis, adj. (126), feebl-minded, pusillanimous. *griÞs (grids; 74, n. 2), f. (103), step, grade, degree. grÔba (35), f. (97), hole. [< v of graban. OHG. gruoba, MHG. gruobe, NHG. grube, f., pit, hole, dich.] guda-faÚrhts (88a, n. 1), adj. (124), God-fearing, devout; Lu. II, 25. guda-laus (88a, n. 1), adj. (124), godless, without God. gud-hÛs (88a, n. 1), n. (94), house of God, templ. Gudi-lub (56, n. 1; 88a, n. 2), pr. n. gudja, m. (108), priest; Mk. I, 44. II, 26. [< guÞ + suff. -jan-.] gulÞ, n. (94), gold. [OE. gold, n., ME. gold, NE. gold.] guma, m. (107), man. [OE. guma, ME. gome, NHG. -gam (in brÄutigam, bridegroom) < MHG. gome, OHG. gomo, m., man.] guma-kunds (88a), adj. (124), of the male kind, male; Lu. II, 23. Gumundus (65, n. 1), pr. n. -gutnan, wv. (194), to pour (intr.), in us-g. [< pp. stem of giutan.] guÞ (1, n. 4), m. (94, n. 3; 118, n. 1), God (in pl. guda, gods); Mt. V, 34. Mk. II, 7. IV, 11. 26. 30. Lu. II, 13. 20. 28. 40. 52. II. Cor. I, 1. 2. 3. 9. 12. 19. II, 15. 17. III, 4. IV, 2. 4. 6. 7. 15. V, 1. 5. 11. 18. 19. 20. 21. [OE. god, m., God; n., god, ME. god, NE. God, god.] guÞa-skaunei (88a, n. 1), f. (113), the form of God. [-skaunei < skauns.] guÞ-blÔstreis (88a, n. 1; cp. 69, n. 2), m. (92), wurshipper of God. Haban, wv. (192), (1) to hav, possess, (a) abs.; Mk. IV, 25; (b) w. acc.; Mt. V, 46. VI, 5. Mk. I, 22. 32 (s. unhulÞÔ). 40. III, 1. 3. 11. 15. 22. 26. 29. 30. IV, 5 (the first). 6. 9. 23. 40. V, 15. II. Cor. I, 15. II, 13. III, 4. 12. IV, 1. 7. 13. Skeir. VII, a; and bi w. acc.; Mt. V, 23; fram w. dat.; Mt. VI, 1. II. Cor. II, 3; in w. dat.; Mk. IV, 17. V, 3. II. Cor. I, 9; miÞ w. dat.; Mk. II, 19; us w. dat.; II. Cor. V, 1; wiÞra w. acc.; II. Cor. V, 12. (2) to hold, take, take hold of, keep; habaiÞ wisan, to be held, be redy for; Mk. III, 9. (3) to 'hav evil', be sick; Mk. I, 32 (the first). 34. II, 17; waÍrs h., rather to be wurse; Mk. V, 26; aftumist h., to lie at the point of deth; Mk. V, 23; ufarassau h., to hav in abundance; II. Cor. II, 4.—Cpds. dis-, ga-h. [OE. habban, ME. habbe, have, NE. hav.] hafjan, stv. (177, n. 2), to heav, lift up, bear; Mk. II, 3.—Cpds. and-, us-h. [OE. hebban, ME. hebbe, heve, NE. heav.] -hafnan (35), wv. (194), to heav (intr.), in ufar-h. [< pp. stem haf-ans < hafjan.] hÂhan (5, b), rv. (179), to hang. [OE. hÔn (< *hÔan < *hÔhan < *hanhan; prt. hÊng, pp. hangen; cf. hangian, wv.), ME. *hÔn (prt. heng, pp. hange), and hange, NE. hang (by infl. of the forms w. ng and ang).] HaÍbrÁius (23; 61), pr. n., Hebrew. [< ??a???.] haÍhait, prt. of haitan. hÁihs (20, n. 2), adj. (124), with one ey. hailags (21, n. 1), adj. (124), holy. [< hails + suff. -ga-. OE. hÂli? (w. suff. i? for e?), ME. hali, holi, NE. holy.] hailidÊdi-u, prt. of hailjan + -u. hailjan, wv. (188), to heal, (1) abs.; Mk. III, 2. (2) w. acc. of disease; Mk. III, 15.—Cpd. ga-h. [< hails. OE. hÆ^lan, ME. hele, NE. heal.] -hailnan, wv. (194), to heal (intr.), in ga-h. [< hails.] hails, adj. (124), hale, hole, sound, w. af w. dat.; Mk. V, 34. [OE. hÂl, ME. hol, NE. hole.] haims, f. (103, n. 4), village, town, cuntry; Mk. I, 38. V, 14. [OE. hÂm, m., ME. hÔm, home, dwelling, in acc. uzed as adv., NE. home, -ham, Ham-, in names of places.] hÁiraÍsis (23), heresy, in nom. pl. -eis. [< a??es??, pl. -e??.] haÍrda, f. (97), herd, flock; Mk. V, 11. 13. Lu. II, 8. [OE. heord, f., ME. herde, NE. herd.] haÍrdeis, m. (90), herd, shepherd; Lu. II, 8. 15. 18. 20. [< haÍrda. OE. hierde, hyrde, and heorde (without uml.), ME. herde, NE. herd, -herd (in shepherd = 'sheep-herd').] haÍrtÔ, n. (109), hart; Mt. V, 28. VI, 21. Mk. II, 6. 8. III, 5. IV, 15. Lu. II, 35. II. Cor. I, 22. II, 4. III, 2. 3. 15. IV, 6. V, 12. [OE. heorte, f., ME. herte, hert, NE. hart.] haÍrus, m. (105), sword; Lu. II, 35. [OE. heoru, m., ME. here, sword.] haitan, rv. (170; 179), to name, call; to call, bid, invite; Mk. I, 20. III, 31; to command, w. inf.; Mk. V, 43; in pass., to be calld, w. pred. nom.; Mt. V, 19. Lu. II, 21. 23.—Cpds. ana-, and-, at-h. [OE. hÂtan (in pass. hÂt-te = Goth. haitada), prt. heht (= Goth. haÍhait), ME. hate, hote, prt. hÊt, (for)heht, hight (< OE. *hiht; i for ie < eo by influence of the palatal, orig. guttural, h; eo < e before ht) > NE. hight (poet.); hense, prop., a prt. form.] haiÞi, f. (98), heath, field; Mt. VI, 28. 30. [OE. hÆ^Ð, f., ME. hÊth, NE. heath.] haiÞiwisks, adj. (124), wild; Mk. I, 6. [< haiÞi + suff. -i-ska- (= E. -ish), the w between the two vowels being intrusiv.] halba, f. (97), the half, a part; in Þizai halbai, in this respect, in this behalf; II. Cor. III, 10. [Prop., f. of halbs uzed as sb. OE. healf (< *half), ME. half (behalfe, for be halfe, NE. behalf), NE. half, side.] halbs, adj. (122, n. 1), half. [OE. healf, ME. half, NE. half.] haldan, rv. (179), to hold, keep, feed; Mk. V, 11. 14. [OE. healdan, ME. halde, holde, NE. hold (notice its various meanings).] haldis, adv. (212), rather, more. [Prop. compar. adv. Cp. OE. ge-healdre, ME. helder, G. halt (w. loss of suff.), rather, more.] halja, f., (97, n. 1), hel. [Apparently < v of *hilan (s. huljan) + suff. -jÔ-. OE. hell (< *halja), f., ME. helle, NE. hel.] hals, m. (91, n. 4), neck. [OE. heals, hals, m., ME. hals, NE. halse (obs.), OHG. MHG. NHG. hals, m., neck.] hamfs (53), adj. (124), maimd. [OHG. hampf, adj., maimd.] -hamÔn, wv. (190), to clothe, in af-, ana-, ufar-h. [< a sb. = OE. homa, hama, m., ME. hame, coat, cuvering (lic-hame, OE. lÎc-hama, body), NHG. -am, for ham, in leichnam, m., corpse, MHG. lÎchname, OHG. lÎhhinamo (lÎhhin is gen. of *lÎhho, prop. weak adj. = Goth. -leika, in man-leika, m., OE. man-lica, m., ME. manliche, human form; Goth. -leika < -leiks; s. ga-leikan), m., corpse.] hana, m. (108), cock. [OE. hona, hana, m., cock, ME. *hane, han- (in cpds.), OHG. hano, MHG. han, NHG. hahn, m., cock.] handugei, f. (113), wisdom; Lu. II, 40. II. Cor. I, 12. [< handugs.] handugs, adj. (124), wise. [< hand- (not allied to handus; s. Kluge, Stammbildungslehre, 203) + suff. -u-ga (the u by influence of handus). OE. hendig (w. suff. -ig), ME. hendi, NE. handy (a for e by influence of hand), adj. skilful.] handus, f. (105), hand; Mt. V, 30. Mk. I, 31. 41. III, 1. 3. 5. V, 23. 41. [OE. hond, hand, f., ME. hand, NE. hand.] hansa, f. (97), multitude, cumpany, band of men. [OE. hÔs (Ô < on < an), f., band of men, OHG. hansa, f., multitude, MHG. hanse, a commercial leag, NHG. hanse, f., Hanseatic leag.] hardjan (14, n. 1), wv. (187), to harden, in ga-h. [< hardus.] harduba, adv. (210 and n. 1), hard, severely, grievously. [< hardus + -ba.] hardu-haÍrtei, f. (113), hard-hartedness. [< stem of hardus + haÍrtei < -haÍrts, adj.; s. armahaÍrtiÞa.] hardus, adj. (131), hard, severe. [OE. heard, ME. hard, NE. hard, -ard (as in drunkard).] harjis, m. (90), army, multitude, legion; Lu. II, 13. [OE. here (< *heri < *hÆri < *hari), m., army, multitude, ME. here, host, army, NE. her- (in heriot), har- (in harbor).] hatis, n. (gen. hatizis; 94 and n. 5), hate, hatred, wrath, anger. [< hatan + suff. -iz-a. OE. hete (i-stem, orig. iz-stem; s. however Brugm., II, 421), m. (orig. n.), hate, persecution, ME. hete, hate, NE. hate.] hatizÔn (78), wv. (190), to be angry. [< hatis.] hatjan (and hatan; 193, n. 1), wv. to hate, w. acc.; Mt. V, 44. [< hat-, consonantal stem of hatis. OE. hatian, ME. hate, NE. hate.] haubiÞ, n. (93), hed; Mt. V, 36. VI, 17. [OE. heafod, n., ME. heaved, heved, NE. hed.] hÁuhei, f. (113, n. 1), height. [< hÁuhs. OHG. hÔhi, MHG. hoehe, NHG. hÖhe, f., height.] hÁuheins, f. (103, n. 1), lit. a heightening, a raizing on high; hense honor, glory, praise. [< hÁuhjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] hÁuhis, compar. adv. (212), higher. [< hÁuhs.] hÁuhisti, n. (95), the highest height, the highest; Lu. II, 14. [< hÁuhista-, superl. stem of hÁuhs.] hÁuhjan, wv. (188), to raiz on high, exalt, glorify, w. acc.; Mt. VI, 2. Mk. II, 12. [< hÁuhs. OE. hÊan, hÊgan, ME. heie, OHG. hÔhjan, hÔhen, MHG. hoehen, NHG. (er-)hÖhen, to make high, raiz.] hÁuhs, adj. (124), high; superl. hÁuhista, the highest; Mk. V, 7. [OE. hÊah, ME. heigh, NE. high.] hÁuns, adj. (130, n. 2), humbl, base. [OE. hÊan, ME. hÊne, adj., base, vile, poor; cp. G. hohn, m., scorn, disgrace.] haÚrds, f. (103), door; Mt. VI, 6. II. Cor. II, 12. [OHG. hurt, pl. hurdi, f., hurdl, MHG. hurt, pl. hÜrte, hÜrde, f., hurdl, door, > NHG. hÜrde, f., hurdl, pen, fold; cp. also OE. hyrdel (w. l-suff.), m., ME. hurdel, NE. hurdl.] haÚrn, n. (94), horn. [OE. ME. NE. horn, n.] haÚrnja, m. (108), horn-blower, trumpeter. [< haÚrn + suff. -jan-.] haÚrnjan, wv. (187), to blow a horn; Mt. VI, 2. [< haÚrn.] hausjan, wv. (187), to hear, listen, harken, (1) abs.; Mk. IV, 3. 9. 12. 23. (2) w. gen. of pers.; Lu. II, 47. (3) w. dat. of pers. (to listen to, hear); Lu. II, 46. (4) w. acc. of th.; Mk. IV, 16. 18. 20. 24. (5) w. fram w. dat.; Mk. III, 21. (6) w. Þatei; Mt. V, 21. 27. 33. 38. 43.—Cpds. and-, ga-, uf-h. [OE. hÎeran, hyran, hÊra(n) (ie, etc., < Êa (= Goth. au) before orig. j), ME. here, NE. hear.] hausjÔn, wv. (187, n. 3; 190), to hear; Mk. IV, 33. [= hausjan having gone over to the second weak conjugation.] hawi, n. (dat. hauja; 95), grass; Mt. VI, 30. Skeir. VII, b. [Prop., a thing to be cut (< v hau, seen in OE. hÊawan, rv., ME. hewe, NE. hew). OE. hÊg, n., ME. hei, hai, NE. hay.] hazeins, f. (103, n. 1), praise. [< hazjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] hazjan, wv. (187), to praise, w. acc.; Lu. II, 13; and in w. gen.; Lu. II, 20. [OE. herian, ME. herie, NE. herry (obs.), to praise.] hÊr (8), adv. (213, n. 1), here, hither. [OE. hÊr, ME. hÊr, NE. here.] HÊrÔdÊs (61), pr. n., Herod. [< ???d??.] HÊrÔdianus, pr. n. m., Herodian; dat. pl. -um; Mk. III, 6. [< ???d?a???.] hÊÞjÔ, f. (112), chamber; Mt. VI, 6. hidrÊ, adv. (213, n. 1), hither. [< pronominal stem hi-, in himma, + suff. -drÊ. Cp. OE. hider, ME. hider, ON. heÐra (to which seems due the th of) NE. hither.] Hildericus (61, n. 1), pr. n. Hildibald (54, n. 2; 61, n. 1). hilpan, stv. (174, n. 1), to help; w. (instr.) dat. and bi w. acc.; II. Cor. I, 11. [OE. helpan, ME. helpe, NE. help.] himina-kunds (88a), adj. (124), hevenly; Lu. II, 13. himins, m. (91), heven; Mt. V, 18. 19. 20. 34. 45. 48. VI, 1. 9. 10. 14. 20. 26. 32. Mk. I, 10. IV, 32. Lu. II, 15. II. Cor. V, 1. 2. [ON. himinn, m., heven. Cp. OHG. himil (w. suff. -l-), MHG. himel, NHG. himmel, m., heven.] himma, hina, hita (155), forms of a hindana, adv., uzed as a prep. w. gen., behind, on the further side of, beyond; Mk. III, 8. [< hin- (= OE. hin-, in cpds., = G. hin, away) + -dana; hin- < a pronominal stem hi-, as in himma. OE. hindan, adv. (be-hindan, adv., behind, and prep., behind, after), ME. hinde- (in cpds. behinde, adv. and prep.), NE. hind, hind- (in cpds.; behind, adv. and prep.).] hindar, prep. (217), behind, on the further side of, on that side of, beyond, (1) w. dat.; so after qiman; Mk. V, 1. (2) w. acc.; Mk. V, 17. 21. [< hin- (s. hindana) + compar. suff. -dar. OE. hinder, adv. and prep., behind, ME. hinder- (in cpds.), hind, OHG. hintar, MHG. NHG. hinter, prep., behind.] hindumists, superl. adj. (149, n. 1), hindmost, uttermost. [A dubl superl. form, < hinduma (+ suff. -ist-a-) < hin- (s. hindana) + suff. -dum-a(n)-. OE. hin-dema, superl. adj., hindmost, last. NE. hindmost < hind (s. hindana) +-most, for *-mest; s. aftumists.] -hinÞan, stv. (174, n. 1), to cach, in cpds. only. [Cf. OE. hendan (wv.), ME. hende, NE. hend (obs.), to seiz.] hiri (20, n. 1), interjectional imper. (187, n. 4; 219), cum here! dual hirjats, cum here (you two); Mk. I, 17. [< *hirjan (cp. Brgm., 'Morph. Unters.', p. 414 et seq.) < *hir, adv., < hi- (+ suff. -r); s. himma.] hiufan, stv. (173, n. 1), to mourn, lament. [OE. hÊofan (str. and wv.), to lament.] hiuhma (hiuma; 62, n. 4), m. (108), crowd, multitude. [< v of hÁuhs + suff. -man-.] hlahjan, stv. (177, n. 2), to laf.—Cpd. bi-h. [OE. hliehhan (ie < ea, by i-uml., < a before h, which was dubld before the orig. j), hlÆhhan, ME. laghe, laughe, lau?we, NE. laf.] hlaifs (gen. hlaibis; 56, n. 1), m. (90), bred, loaf of bread; Mt. VI, 11. Mk. II, 26. III, 20. Skeir. VII, a. b. c. d. [OE. hlÂf, m., ME. lÔf, NE. loaf.] hlaiw (42), n. (94), tomb, grave. [Stem hlaiwa-, orig. *hlaiwaz, -iz. OE. hlÂw and (w. i-uml.) hlÆ^w, ME. lawe, lowe, mound, hil, cave, NE. low, hil. Its v appears (w. abl.) in OE. hli-n-ian, intr., hleonian, to lean, hlÆ^nan, tr., to make to lean, ME. leonie; lÆne, lene, NE. lean, to incline.] -hlaÞan, stv. (177, n. 1), in af-h. [OE. hladan, ME. lade (stv.), NE. lade (wv., but str. is the pp. laden).] -hlaupan, rv. (179, n. 1), in us-h. [OE. hlÊapan, ME. lÊpe, lepe (stv.), NE. leap (wv.).] hleiduma, superl. adj. (139), left; uzed as sb., left hand; Mt. VI, 3. [Lit. hanging down most, < v hlei (cp. hlaiw). For the suff., s. hindumists.] hleis, m., (only in acc. pl., hlijans), tent, tabernacl. [< v hlei; cp. hlaiw. Cp. OE. hlÊo, hlÊow, m., protection, roof, ME. lÊwe, lew, shelter, NE. lee, lew (prov.), a shelterd place, a place defended from the wind, (a nautical term, probably due to) ON. hlÉ, lee (of a ship).] hleiÞra, f. (97), hut, tent; II. Cor. V, 1. 4. [< v hlei (cp. hlaiw) + suff. -ÞrÔ-. ON. hleiÞra, tent.] hleiÞra-stakeins (88a), f. (103, n. 1), feast of tabernacls, lit. 'tent-stick hlifan, stv. (176, n. 1), to steal; Mt. VI, 19. hlijans; s. hleis. hliuma, m. (108), hearing, ear. [< hliu- (+ suff. -man-) = OE. hlÊo-, in hlÊoÐor, n., that which is herd, a sound, voice. Its v is containd also in OE. hlÛd (orig. pp., herd), ME. lud, loud, NE. loud; and in OHG. HludwÎg (-wÎg < v of Goth. weihan), NHG. Ludwig, Louis.] hlÛtrei, f. (113), purity, sincerity; II. Cor. I, 12. [< hlÛtrs. OHG. hlÛt(t)rÎ, lÛt(t)ri, MHG. liuter, f., purity.] hlÛtriÞa, f. (97), purity, sincerity; II. Cor. II, 17. [< hlÛtrs + suff. -i-ÞÔ-.] hlÛtrs (15), adj. (124), pure. [< v hlÛt + suff. -ra-. OE. hlÛt(t)or, ME. lutter, OHG. (h)lÛt(t)ar, MHG. lÛter, NHG. lauter, adj., pure, clean, etc.] hnaiwjan, wv. (187), to abase. [Caus. of hneiwan (prt. hnaiw). OE. hnÆ^gan (< hnÂg, prt. of hnÎgan), OHG. MHG. NHG. neigen, wv., to bend, press down.] hnaiws, adj. (124), low, humbl. [< v of hneiwan (prt. hnaiw).] hnasqus, adj. (131, n. 1), soft, tender. [OE. hnÆsce, hnesce, ME. NE. nesh (obs.), soft, tender.] hneiwan, stv. (172, n. 1), to bend downwards, decline, bow.—Cpd. ana-h. [OE. hnÎgan (For Goth. w and OE. g, s. Brgm., I, §§ 443 and 444). OHG. nÎgan (for hnÎgan), MHG. nÎgen, stv., to bow, incline, NHG. neigen, wv. (due to neigen = Goth. hnaiwjan.)] -hniupan, stv. (173, n. 1), in dis-hn., to tear or break to pieces, to break. hnÛÞÔ (15; hnÛtÔ in B), f. (112), thorn, sting. [ON. hnÚÐa.] hÔrinÔn, wv. (190), to whore, commit adultery; Mt. V, 27. 32.—Cpd. ga-h. [< hÔrs.] hÔrs, m. (91), whoremonger, adulterer. [ON. hÓrr, m., adulterer, hÓra, f., adulteress, > ME. hÔre, NE. whore (w. inorganic w).] hraineins, f. (103, n. 1), purification; Lu. II, 22. [< hrainjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] hrainja-haÍrts (88a, n. 2), adj. (124), pure in hart, pure-harted. [-haÍrts < hairt- in haÍrtÔ; s. armahaÍrtiÞa.] hrainjan, wv. (187), to purify, clenz.—Cpd. ga-h. [< hrains. OHG. hreinnan (for hreinjan), reinen, MHG. reinen, to make clean. NHG. MHG. reinigen, to clean, < reinic(g), adj., < reine + suff. -ic, -g; s. hrains.] hrains, adj. (130), pure, clean; h. waÍrÞan, to becum clean, be clean; Mk. I, 41. to be clenzd; Mk. I, 42. [OHG. reini (r for hr), MHG. reine, NHG. rein, adj., clean.] hraiwa-dÛbÔ, f. (112), turtl-duv; Lu. II, 24. [Stem hraiwa- is in form = OE. hrÂ(w), beside hrÆ^(w), OHG. hrÊo (Ê before w = Goth. ai; o < w final), rÊ(o), MHG. rÊ, corpse.] hrÔpjan, wv. (188), to call, cry, cry out; Mk. III, 11. V, 5; w. (instr.) dat.; Mk. I, 26. V, 7.—Cpd. uf.-h. [< hrÔps, m., outcry, clamor. (< v of OE. hrÔpan, rv., ME. rÔpe, NE. (Sc.) roup, to cry, shout, OHG. ruofan, MHG. ruofen, NHG. rufen, to call, cry). OHG. ruofen, MHG. rÜefen, wv., to call, cry out.] hrÔt, n., (94), roof; Mk. II, 4. [Cf. OE. hrÔst (st < t-t), m., ME. rÔst, NE. roost, a perch (for fowls).] hrÔÞeigs, adj. (124), victorious, triumfant; II. Cor. II, 14. [< *hrÔÞi- (< v hrÔ, seen in OHG. (h)ruom, MHG. ruom, NHG. ruhm, hrÛkjan (15), wv. (188), to crow. [Cf. OE. hrÔk, m., ME. rÔk, NE. rook, a kind of crow.] huggrjan (66, n. 1; 67, n. 1), wv. (188), to hunger. [< stem hungru-; s. hÛhrus. OE. hyngran, ME. hungre, NE. hunger.] hugjan, wv. (188), to think, be minded, believ, w. acc.; Skeir. VII, a; w. acc. and inf.; Lu. II, 44; w. ei; Mt. V, 17; waÍla h., to think wel towards, agree with, w. dat.; Mt. V, 25. [< hugs, m. (= OE. hyge, m., ME. hy?e, hi?e, mind, thought). OE. hycgean (< *huggjan), ME. hu?ie, to think.] hÛhrus (15; 66, n. 1), m. (105), hunger. [< stem *hunhru- (*hungru-; s. huggrjan). OE. hungor (transferd to the a-declension), m., ME. hunger, NE. hunger.] hulistr, n. (94), a cuvering, veil; II. Cor. III, 13-16.—Cpds. and-, ga-h. [< huljan + suff. -s-tra-. ON. hulstr, m., case, cuvering, Du. holster, case for a pistol, > NE. holster.—OE. heolstor, cuvering, cave, is a primary formation < v of helan; s. huljan.] huljan, wv. (187), to cuver, veil. [< *hulja (= OHG. hulla, MHG. hÜlle, f., cuvering, raiment, NHG. hÜlle, f., cuvering, veil, < *hilan, OE. helan, ME. hele, OHG. helan, MHG. heln, stv., NHG. hehlen, wv., to conceal, but verhohlen, adj., orig. pp., conceald, unverhohlen, unconceald, frank). OHG. hullan, MHG. NHG. hÜllen, to envelop, cuver, veil.] -hun, enclitic particl (163), any. [Cp. -gin = OE. -gen in hwergen, hwÆrgen (?Ær, where), anywhere. OHG. *hwargin, wergin, io (= aiw) wergin > iergen, MHG. (MG.) iergen, NHG. irgend (w. inorganic d), anywhere. Cp. Kl. W., irgend.] hund, n. (144), a hundred; occurs in the pl. only, hunda; cp. also hunda-faÞs, chief of hundred men, centurion. [OE. ME. hund, NE. hund-, in hundred, < ME. OE. hundred (-red = Goth. *raÞ in raÞjÔ).] hunsl, n. (94), sacrifice; Lu. II, 24. [OE. hÛsl (< *hunsl), n., offering, eucharist, ME. hÛsel, NE. housel.] hunsla-staÞs (88a), m. (101), a place where sacrifices ar offerd, an altar; Mt. V, 23. 24. [< stem of hunsl + staÞs.] hups, m. (101), hip, loin; Mk. I, 6. [OE. hype, m. f., ME. hupe, hipe, NE. hip.] -hÛs (15), n. (94), house, in gud-hÛs, house of God. [OE. hÛs, n., ME. hus, hous, NE. house.] huzd, n. (94), trezure; Mt. VI, 19. 20. 21. II. Cor. IV, 7. [OE. hord, n. m., ME. hord, NE. hoard, store, trezure.] huzdjan, wv. (188), to lay up trezure, w. acc.; Mt. VI, 19. 20. [< huzd.] ?a, n. of ?as. ?aÍrban, stv. (174, n. 1), to walk. [OE. hweorfan (eo < e = Goth. aÍ), ME. hwerfe, to walk about, OHG. werban, MHG. werben, to walk about, pursue, NHG. werben, to sue for, woo, etc.] ?aÍrnei, f. (113), skul. [Cf. the meaning of OHG. hirni (< *hirzni), MHG. hirne, NHG. hirn, n., brain.] ?aiteis, m. (92), wheat. [OE. hwÆ^te, m., ME. whete, NE. wheat.] ?aiwa, adv. (and conj.; 218), how; Mt. VI, 28. Mk. II, 26. III, 23. IV, 13. 40. V, 16; ?aiwa mais, how much more; Mt. VI, 30; rel.: ?aiwa managai (-Ôs, -a), how many, as many as; II. Cor. I, 20. [< stem of ?as. OHG. (h)wÊo (< hwÊwu), later (h)weo, wio, MHG. NHG. wie, adv. and conj., how, as.] ?ammÊh, dat. sg. m. n. of ?azuh. ?an, adv. (214, n. 1), (1) in negativ sentences: ibai, or nibai, ?an, lest at any time; Mt. V, 25. Mk. IV, 12. (2) w. adjs. and advs., how, (a) in dir. questions or exclamations: ?an filu, how great; Mt. VI, 23; (b) in indir. questions: ?an filu, how much, what great things; Mk. III, 8. V, 19. 20. [< stem of ?as. Cf. OE. hwanne, hwÆnne, ME. hwanne, whan, hwen, NE. when.] ?an-hun, adv. (163), ever, at any time. -?apjan, wv. (188), in af-?. -?apnan, wv. (194), in af-?. ?ar, adv. (213, n. 1), where. [< stem of ?as + loc. suff. -r. OE. hwÆr-, hwer- (s. -hun), beside hwÆ^r, hwÂr, ME. hwer, wher, NE. where.] ?arbÔn, wv. (190), to go about, walk; Mk. II, 14; w. faÚr w. acc.; Mk. I, 16. [OE. hwearfian, ME. wharfen, to turn, wander about. Cp. ?aÍrban.] ?arjis, interr. prn. (160), who? which? (of several). [< ?ar + suff. -ja-.] ?arjiz-uh, indef. prn. (147, n. 1; 165), every one, every; Lu. II, 3. II. Cor. V, 10. ?as (?az-), prn. (159), (I) interrogativ, who?, what?, which?, what sort of? ?Ê (instr.), wherewith, in what degree, by what, whereunto, (1) in dir. questions; Mt. VI, 31. Mk. I, 24. 27. II, 7. III, 33. IV, 30. 41. V, 7. 9. 30. 31. II. Cor. II, 16. Skeir. VII, a; w. a prn. in the gen. pl.; Mt. VI, 27; —?Ê managizÔ, what greater (or more)? Mt. V, 47.—Sumtimes = Gr. t?, Lt. quare, quomodo, why?; Mt. VI, 28. Mk. II, 16. 24. V, 35. 39. Lu. II, 48. 49; (2) in indir. questions; Mt. VI, 3. 25. Mk. II, 25. IV, 24. V, 14. (II) indef. (116, n. 2), any one, any thing; Mt. V, 23. 39. 41. Mk. IV, 23. II. Cor. II, 5. 10. III, 5. V, 17; w. an adj. (uzed as sb.) in the gen. sing.; Mk. IV, 22. [OE. hwÂ, m. f., whÆt, n., ME. hwa, hwo, who, m. f., hwÆt, hwat, what, n., NE. who, what.] ?as-hun, indef. prn. (163), any one. ?assei (76, n. 1), f. (113), sharpness, severity. [< stem *?assa (in ?assaba, adv., sharply) = stem of OE. hwÆs, OHG. (h)was, MHG. was, adj., sharp. Stem ?assa- < *?at-ta-< *?at (= OE. hwÆt, ME. hwat, hwÆt, sharp) + suff. -ta-.] ?aÞ, adv. (213, n. 1), whither. [< stem of ?as + suff. -Þ.] ?aÞar, interr. prn. (124, n. 1. 4; 160), whether, which of two?; Mk. II, 9. [< stem of ?as + suff. -Þar. OE. hwÆÐer, which of two, ME. hweÐer, wheÐer, NE. whether.] ?aÞar-uh, indef. prn. (166), each of two, each. ?aÞrÔ, adv. (213, n. 1), whense, from whense. [< stem of ?as- + -ÞrÔ.] ?az-uh, indef. prn. (147, n. 1; 164), f. ?Ôh, n. ?ah, each, every, (1) as sb.; Mt. V, 22. Lu. II, 23. (2) as attrib.; Lu. II, 41; = ?. saei, whoever, whosoever; Mt. V, 28. 31. 32.—See also sa-?. and Þis-?. For [?az-: ?as, s. 78, c.] ?Ê, instr. of ?as. ?Êh, instr. of ?azuh (164, n. 2), uzed as adv., at least, only. ?eila, f. (97), while, hour, time, season; Mk. II, 19. ?eila?aÍrbs, adj. (124), enduring but for a while, transitory. [-?aÍrbs < v of ?aÍrban.] ?eilÔ-hun, adv. (97, n. 2; 163, n. 1), for a while. [?eilÔ- is the stem of [hv]eila.] ?eits, adj. (124), white; Mt. V, 36. [OE. hwÎt, ME. whyte, hwit, NE. white.] ?ÊlauÞs, interr. prn. (161), how ?ileiks, interr. adj. and prn. (161), what, what sort of?, in dir. questions; Mk. IV, 30. [< ?i- (161, n. 1) + -leiks. OE. hwilc (< *hwi-lÎc), ME. hwilc, hwilch, which, NE. which.] ?Ô, f. of ?as. ?Ôftuli (51, n. 2), f. (98), rejoicing, boasting, glory; II. Cor. I, 12. 14. V, 12. [< ?Ôpan + the composit suff. -tul-jÔ-.] ?Ôpan, rv. (179), to boast, glory; II. Cor. V, 12. ?Ôtjan, wv. (188), to threten, rebuke, charge.—Cpd. ga-?. [< ?Ôta, f., thret, thretening. Cp. -?atjan, to sharpen, incite, < *?at; s. ?assei.] IaÍrusalÊm, pr. n. f., Jerusalem; dat. -Êm; Lu. II, 22. 25. 43; acc. -Êm; Lu. II, 41. 45. [< ?e???sa??.] IaÍrusaÚlyma, pr. n. f., Jerusalem; gen. -Ôs; Lu. II, 38; dat. -ai; Mt. V, 35. Mk. III, 22; acc. -a; Lu. II, 42. [< ?e??s???a.] IaÍrusaÚlymeis, pr. n. in pl., Jerusalem; also the peple of Jerusalem; Mk. I, 5. [< ?e??s????t??, inhabitant of Jerusalem (cp. IaÍrusaÚlymeitÊs in Jo. VII, 25).] IakÔb (54), pr. n., Jacob. [< ?a??.] IakÔbus, pr. n., James; gen. -aus; Mk. III, 17; or -is; Mk. V, 37; dat. -au; Mk. I, 29. III, 17; acc. -u; Mk. I, 19. III, 18. V, 37. [< ??????.] IarÊd (6), pr. n., Jared. [< ?a??d.] IaÚrdanÊs, pr. n., the river Jordan; dat. -Ê; Mk. I, 5. 9; also nom. -us; gen. -aus; Mk. III, 8. [< ???d????, ???da???.] ibai (iba), (1) interr. particl (216), in dir. questions, a negativ answer being expected, perhaps, but uzually remains untranslated in English; Mk. II, 19. IV, 21. II. Cor. III, 1; so w. auftÔ; II. Cor. I, 17. (2) conj. (218), lest, lest by any means; Mk. II, 21; ibai auftÔ, lest perhaps; Mk. II, 22. II. Cor. II, 7; iba ?an, lest at any time; Mt. V, 25. [OE. *if (in gif; s. jabai), OHG. ibu, conj. (prop. instr. of iba, f., dout; cp. Kl. W., ob), beside oba, MHG. obe, ob, NHG. ob, if, whether.] ibnassus, m. (105), evenness, equality. [< ibns + suff. -assus.] ibns, adj. (124), even, flat. [< ib- (apparently = ib in ib-dalja, descent, ibuks, backwards) + suff. na-. OE. efn, ME. even, NE. even.] iddja (73, n.), weak prt. (207), I went; Mk. I, 45. II, 13. 15. V, 24. 42. Lu. II, 3. 51.—Cpds. af-, at-, ga-, us-i. For citations, s. the respectiv cpds. of gaggan. [OE. Êode, ME. eode, ?ede, ?eode, NE. yede, yode, (obs.).] idreiga, f. (97), repentence; Mk. I, 4. idreigÔn, wv. (190), to repent, do penance; Mk. I, 15. [< idreiga.] Idumaia, pr. n. f. in dat., Idumea; Mk. III, 8. IÊsus (1, n. 4), pr. n., Jesus (Christ); Mk. I, 9. 14. 17. 25. 41. 42. II, 5. 8. 17. 19. III, 7. IV, 1. V, 13. 20. 30. 36. Lu. II, 21. 43; gen. IÊsuis; Mk. I, 1. V, 22. II. Cor. I, 1. IV, 5; dat. IÊsua; Mk. II, 15. V, 15. 21; or IÊsu; II. Cor. I, 2; acc. IÊsu; Mk. V, 6. 27. Lu. II, 27. II. Cor. IV, 14; voc. IÊsu; Mk. I, 24. V, 7. [< ??s???.] iftuma, superl. adj. (139), the next. [< if + superl. suff. -tu-ma-n-.] igqara (iggqara; 67, n. 1), pers. prn. 2nd pers. du. gen.; dat. acc. ig(g)qis; s. Þu. [OE. gen. incer, dat. inc, acc. inc(it); ME. gen. incer, dat. acc. inc(k).] igqis, acc. du. of Þu. ija, acc. sg. of si. ik, pers. prn. 1st pers. nom. sing. (150), I, (1) emfatic, w. vs.; Mt. im, anv. (204), 1st pers. sing. pres. indic.; s. wisan. [OE. eom, eam, am, ME. eom, Æm, am, NE. am. The remaining forms of the prs. indic. and opt. (Goth. is, is-t; sijau, etc., OE. ear-t, is; sÎe, etc.) ar from the same v.] im, prn.; s. is. imma, prn.; s. is. in, prep. (217), (1) w. gen., on account of, for ... sake, about, thru, by; Mk. II, 27. III, 5. 9. IV, 17. Lu. II, 20. II. Cor. I, 6. II, 10. 12. III, 7. IV, 5. 11. 15; in Þis, in-uh Þis, on this account, for this cause; II. Cor. II, 8. IV, 16. V, 9; in Þiz-ei, because, for the reason that; Mk. IV, 5. II. Cor. IV, 13. (2) w. dat., both concrete and abstr., and after vs. of motion and rest, (a) local, in, into, within, among, on, at, towards, to, before; Mt. V, 19. 20. 25. 28. 45. 48. VI, 1. 2. 5. 9. 10. 13. 18. 23. Mk. I, 2. 4. 9. 11. 13. 14. 15. 19. 20. 23. 29. 39. II, 1. 6. 8. 15. III, 3. IV, 1. 17. 28. 36. V, 1. 3. 5. 13. 14. 20. 27. 30. Lu. II, 3. 7. 8. 11. 12. 14. 16. 19. 21. 22. 24. 25. 27. 34. 38. 43. 44. 46. 49. 51. II. Cor. I, 8. 9. 11. 19. 20. 23. II, 3. 8. 14. 15. III, 2. 3. 7. 10. 14. IV, 3. 4. 11. 12. V, 1. 4. 6. 11. 19. Skeir. VII, b. d; (b) temporal, in, at, during, within, by, for; Mk. I, 9. II, 20. III, 4. IV, 35. II. Cor. I, 14; (c) in other relations of which sum may be regarded as belonging under (2), (a), chiefly in an abstr. sense, indicating a 'state' or 'condition', in, of, with; Mt. VI, 6. 13. 18. 29. Mk. I, 23. 30. V, 25. II. Cor. I, 4. 12. II, 1. III, 8. V, 17; or 'manner', in, with; Mt. VI, 4. 6. 29; or 'instr.', 'means'; Mk. I, 5. 8. IV, 2. 24. V, 13. 21. Lu. II, 27. II. Cor. I, 21. II, 12. 17. III, 7. 14. V, 19. Skeir. VII, c (the first); or 'reason', 'cause', because of, for; Mt. VI, 7. II. Cor. V, 2. in Þammei (= Þamma ei), because; II. Cor. II, 13; with regard to, according to, in, after; Mk. I, 11. 15. II. Cor. II, 3. 9. IV, 8. Skeir. VII, e. (the second). (3) w. acc., (a) of place, in, into, on, among, to, toward, down to, up to; Mt. V, 25. 29. 30. VI, 6. 26. 30. Mk. I, 12. 21. 45. II, 1. 22. 26. III, 1. 13. 20. 27. IV, 1. 7. 8. 18. V, 12. 13. 18. 38. Lu. II, 4. 15. 39. 41. 42. II. Cor. I, 16. II, 13. III, 13. 18; (b) of time, in, for; Mt. VI, 13. Lu. II, 1; (c) in other relations, expressing 'disposition', 'feeling', 'direction', or 'action towards', toward, against, to, unto, in; Mt. V, 22. Mk. V, 34. II. Cor. I, 5. 11. IV, 11.—Occurs ina, prn., s. is. in-brannjan, wv. (187), to set on fire, set fire to, burn. in-feinan, wv. (193), to be moved with compassion, to pity, w. du w. dat.; Mk. I, 41. in-ga-leikÔn, wv. (190), to change into the likeness of; II. Cor. III, 18. in-kilÞÔ, f. adj. (132, n. 2), with child; Lu. II, 5. [-kilÞÔn- < a sb. = OE. cild, n. (m.), ME. child, NE. child.] inn, adv. (213, n. 2), in; Mk. V, 40.—Occurs in many cpds. [< in. OE. in(n), ME. NE. in, adv.] inna, adv. (213, n. 2), within, in; II. Cor. III, 3. [< inn + -a. OE. ME. inne, NE. in, adv., coinciding with in = Goth. inn.] innana, adv. (213, n. 2), within, inside. [< inna + -na. OE. innan, ME. innen, NE. in (coinciding with in = Goth.) inn, inna.] inn-at-gaggan, anv. (179, n. 3; 207), to enter, enter into, go or cum into; Mk. IV, 19. V, 39. inn-at-tiuhan, stv. (173), w. acc., to bring in; Lu. II, 27. innaÞrÔ, adv. (213, n. 2), from within, within, inwardly. [< inna + suff. -ÞrÔ.] inn-gaggan, anv. (179, n. 3; 207), to go in, enter, w. in w. acc.; Mk. V, 18; inng. framis, to go on; Mk. I, 19. innuma, superl. adj. (139), inner, innermost, inward; II. Cor. IV, 16. [< inn + suff. -u-ma-n. Cf. OE. ME. innem-est (= Goth. *innumist-s, a dubl superl.; cp. hindumists), NE. inmost (-ost for-est by influence of most; s. maists).] ins, prn.; s. is. in-saian (-saijan; 22, n. 1), rv. (182), to sow into, w. acc. and in w. dat.; Mk. IV, 15. in-saÍ?an (34, n. 1), stv. (176, n. 1), to look upon, behold, w. du w. dat.; Mt. VI, 26. in-sailjan, wv. (188), to let down by means of a rope, let down with cords; Mk. II, 4. in-sandjan, wv. (188), to send into, send off or forth, send, (1) w. acc.; Mk. IV, 29; and faÚra w. dat.; Mk. I, 2; or in w. acc. and a clause w. ei; Mk. V, 12; or inf. of purpose; Mk. III, 14. (2) without obj., w. du w. dat.; Mk. I, 2. inuh, prep. w. acc. (217), without; Mt. V, 32. Mk. IV, 34. Skeir. VII, b. [Also inu. Cf. OHG. Âno, MHG. Ân, Âne, NHG. ohne, prep., without.] in-wait, prt. of inweitan. in-weitan, stv. (172, n. 1; 197, n. 1), to wurship; Mk. V, 6. in-winds, adj. (124), turnd aside; hense distorted from the right; perverse, unjust, unrighteous; Mt. V, 45. [-winds < v of -windan.] IÔdas (11, n. 2), pr. n., Juda. [< ???da?.] IÔhannÊs (61, n. 3), John; Mk. I, 4. 6. 14; gen. -is; Mk. II, 18; dat. -Ê; Mk. I, 9. III, 17; or -Ên; Mk. I, 29; acc. -Ên; Mk. V, 37; or -Ê; Mk. I, 19. [< ???????.] IÔsÊf, pr. n., Josef; Lu. II, 4. 33. 43; acc. IÔsÊf, pr. n., Josef; Lu. II, 16. [< ??s?f.] is, pers. prn. 3d pers. sg. m. (152), nom., uzed alone and w. vs., for emfasis, he; Mk. I, 8. 45. II, 15. 25. III, 8. 13. IV, 27. 38. V, 4. 34. 40. Lu. II, 28. Skeir. VII, d; gen. is; Mt. V, 35. Mk. I, 7. 16. 19. 22. 28. II, 15. 16. 23. III, 5. 27. IV, 32. V, 27. 28. 31. Lu. II, 21. 33. 34. 41. 43. 47. 48. 51. II. Cor. II, 11. III, 7. Skeir. VII, a. c; dat. imma; Mt. V, 25. 39. 40. 41. Mk. I, 5. 13. 18. 26. 27. 30. 36. 37. 40-45. Lu. II, 24; acc. ina; is, ist, anv. (204), 2nd and 3d pers. sing. prs. indic. of wisan. IskariÔtÊs, pr. n., Iscariot; acc. -Ên; Mk. III, 19. [< ?s?a???t??.] IsraÊl, pr. n., Israel; gen. -is; Lu. II, 25. II. Cor. III, 7. 13; dat. -a; Lu. II, 32. [< ?s?a??.] IsraÊleitÊs, pr. n. (120, n. 2), Israelite. [< ?s?a???t??.] ist, 3d pers. prs. ind. of wisan. ita, prn.; s. is. itan, stv. (176, n. 3), to eat.—Cpd. fra-i. [OE. etan, ME. Æte, Ête, NE. eat.] iÞ, conj. (218), continuativ and more or less adversativ; so always at the beginning of the sentence, (1) but; Mt. V, 19. 21. 22. 29. 32. 33. 37. 39. VI, 3. 6. 15. 17. 20. 23. 27. Mk. I, 8. 14. 30. 41. 45. II, 18. III, 4. IV, 10. 11. 34. V, 33. 34. 36. 40. Lu. II, 19. 40. II. Cor. I, 12. III, 6. IV, 5. 18. V, 11. 16. Skeir. VII, a. b. (2) and; Mt. VI, 24. (3) iÞ, then, therefore; Mt. V, 19. IÛdaia, pr. n., Judea; dat. -a; Mk. III, 7; acc. -an; Lu. II, 4; or -a; II. Cor. I, 16. [< ???da?a.] IÛdaia-land, pr. n., the cuntry of Judea; Mk. I, 5. IÛdas or JÛdas, pr. n., Judas; acc. -an; Mk. III, 19. [< ???da?.] iup, adv. (213, n. 2), upwards, up. [Cf. OE. Ûp, upp, ME. up, NE. up.] iupa, adv. (213, n. 2), abuv, on high. [< iup + suff. -a.] iupana, adv. (213, n. 2), from abuv, again. [< iup + suff. -a-na.] iupaÞrÔ, adv. (213, n. 2), from abuv. [< iupa + suff. -ÞrÔ.] izai, izÊ, izÔ, izÔs, prn.; s. is. iz-ei (78, c; izÊ), rel. prn. (157, n. 3), he who, he that; II. Cor. I, 10. III, 6; f. sei (< si ei); Lu. II, 4. 5. 10; Þana izei, him who; II. Cor. V, 21. sa izÊ, he who; Mt. V, 32. izÔ, izÔs; s. izai. izwar, poss. prn. (124, n. 1. 4; 151), m.; izwara, f.; izwar, n., your, in our 'Selections' always w. a sb., (1) preceding and, (a) without the art.; Mt. V, 37. 44. 45. 48. Mt. VI, 1. 8. 14. 15. 21. 25. 26. 32. Mk. II, 8. II. Cor. I, 14. 24. II, 9. IV, 5. V, 11. (b) w. the art.; Mt. V, 47. (2) following; so always without the art.; Mt. V, 20. II. Cor. I, 6. 24. [< stem of izwara. OE. Êower, ME. NE. your.] izwara, izwis, pers. prn.; s. Þu. [2nd pers. gen. and dat. acc., respectivly. OE. gen. Êower, dat. Êow, acc. (Êowic), Êow, ME. gen. ?ure, dat. acc. ?ou, ?ow, > NE. you.] izwizei (i. e. izwiz-ei), rel. prn.; s. Þu-ei. Ja, adv. (216), yes; Mt. V, 37. II. Cor. I, 17. 18. 19. 20. [OE. iÂ, geÂ, ME. ?ea, ?e, NE. yea.] jabai, conj. (218), if, whether, even if, altho, (1) w. prs. indic.; Mt. V, 46. 47. VI, 14. 15. 22. 23. Mk. III, 24. 25. IV, 26. V, 28. II. Cor. Jaeirus, pr. n., Jairus; Mk. V, 22. [< ??e????.] jah (the h being often assimilated to a follg. sound; 62, n. 3), conj. (217), (1) and (?a?); Mt. V, 18. 19. 20. 23. 24. 25. 29. 30. 32. 38. 41-45. 47 (the 1st). VI, 2. 4. 5. 6. 12 (the 1st). 13. 17-20. 25. 26. 28. Mk. I, 4-7. 9-13. 15-26. 27 (the 1st). 29 (the 1st)-38 (the 1st and 2nd). 39-45. II, 1-4. 6. 8. 9. 11-14. 15 (all but the 2nd)-25. 26 (the 1st and 2nd). 27. III, 1-8. 9. 11-19 (the 1st). 20-28. 31-34. IV, 1. 2. 4-9. 11. 12. 13. 15-21. 24. 25 (the 1st). 26. 27. 30. 32. 33. 35-41 (all but the 3d). V, 1-7. 9. 10. 12-26. 29-34. 37-43. Lu. II, 3. 7-10. 12. 13. 14. 15 (1st and 3d). 16. 18. 20. 21. 22. 24-28. 30. 33-40. 42-52. II. Cor. I, 1. 2. 3. 6. 10. 12. 15-22. II, 2. 3. 4. 7. 12. 14. 15. 16. III, 2. 13. IV, 7. 14 (the 2nd). 16. 17. V, 2. 6. 8. 12. 15. 18. 19. Skeir. VII, a (the 1st and 3d). b. c (the 3d). d. (2) also (?a?); sumtimes it is merely emfatic: even, indeed, or may remain untranslated in E.; Mt. V, 39. 40. 46. 47 (the 2nd). VI, 10. 12 (the 2nd). 14. 21. 24. Mk. I, 27 (the 2nd). 38 (the 3d). II, 15 (the 2nd). 26 (the 3d). 28. III, 19 (the 2nd). IV, 25 (the 2nd). 41 (the 3d). Lu. II, 15 (the 2nd). II. Cor. I, 5. 7. 8. 11. 13. 14. II, 10. III, 6. IV, 6. 11. 13 (the 2nd). 14 (the 1st). V, 3. 4. 5. 11. Skeir. VII, a (the 2nd). c (the 1st and 2nd). (3) and, but (d?); Mt. VI, 30.—in Þizei jah, and therefore; II. Cor. IV, 13.—jah...jah, both ... and; II. Cor. V, 5 (But s. note). Cp. also Mk. III, 35. [OHG. joh (ahd gr., 25, n. 1), MHG. joch, and, also.] jainar, adv. (213, n. 1), there; Mt. V, 23. 24. Mk. I, 35. 38. II, 6. III, 1. V, 11. Lu. II, 6. [< jains + loc. suff. -r.] jaind, adv. (213, n. 1), there, thither. [< jains + loc. suff. -d. Cf. OE. geond, ME. yond, NE. yond (obs.), adv., yonder.] jaindrÊ, adv. (213, n. 1), there, thither. [< jains + suff. -drÊ. ME. NE. yonder.] jains (20, n. 4), dem. prn. (156), that, w. a sb., (1) without the art.; Mk. I, 9. II, 20. IV, 35. Lu. II, 1; jainis stadis, to the other side; Mk. IV, 35. (2) w. the art.; Mk. III, 24. 25; jainaim Þaim Ûta, to them (that ar) without; Mk. IV, 11. [OE. geon, ME. ?on, NE. yon.] jainÞrÔ, adv. (213, n. 1), thense; Mt. V, 26. Mk. I, 19. [< jains + suff. -ÞrÔ.] jaÞÞÊ (62, n. 3), conj. (153, n. 2; 218), and if, jaÞÞÊ...jaÞÞÊ, either ... or, whether ... or; II. Cor. I, 6. V, 9. 10. 13. [< jah (Þ for h; s. jah) + ÞÊ, instr. of Þata; s. sa.] jau, interr. adv. (216), whether, if. jÊr, n. (94), year; Mk. V, 25. 42. Lu. II, 36. 37. 41. Skeir. VII, d. [OE. geÂr, gÊr, ME. yÊr, NE. year.] jÔta, m. (108), iota, jot; Mt. V, 18. [< ??ta, iota.] ju, adv. (214, n. 1), now, alredy; Mt. V, 28. Lu. II, 15. [OE. iÛ, giÛ, adv., alredy, onse, formerly.] juggs (124), adj. (124), new, fresh; Mk. II, 22. yung; Lu. II, 24.—sa juk, n. (94), yoke, pair. [OE. geoc, gioc, n., ME. ?ok, NE. yoke.] jus, pers. prn. 2nd pers. pl.; s. Þu. [Cf. OE. nom. gÊ, gen. Êower, dat. Êow, acc. Êowic; ME. nom. yÊ, gen. your, dat. you, acc. you (prop. dat.), NE. nom. ye, you (prop. dat.), (gen. your, poss., s. izwara), dat. you, acc. you (prop. dat.).] ju-Þan, adv., alredy; Mk. IV, 37; juÞan ni, no longer, no more; Mk. I, 4. 5. II, 2. Kafarnaum, indecl. pr. n., Capernaum, in acc.; Mk. I, 21. II, 1. [< ?ape??a??.] kaisar, m. (91, n. 4; 119), Cesar; dat. -a; Lu. II, 1. [< ?a?sa?.] Kajafa (52), pr. n., Cajaphas. [< ?a?af??.] kalbÔ, f. (112), female calf, hefer. [OHG. chalba, kalba, MHG. kalbe, f. Its orig. stem appears in OE. cealf-ru, pl., but cealf, sing. (without the orig. s: z: r-suff.), ME. cÆlf, kalf, NE. calf.] kalds, adj. (124), cold. [Orig. a ptc. (da- being suff.), < v kal, in OE. ME. cÔle, w. abl., NE. cool, OE. ceald, ME. cald, cold, NE. cold.] kalkinassus, m. (105), adultery, fornication; Mt. V, 32. [< kalk- (seen in kalk-jÔ, or kalk-i, harlot, whore) + suff. -in-assu-.] KananeitÊs, pr. n. m., Canaanite; Mk. III, 18. [< ?a?a??t??.] kann, kan(n)t; s. kunnan, prt.-prs. kannjan, wv. (188), to make known.—Cpds. ga-, us-k. [Factit. of kunnan. OE. (ge-)cennan, ME. (i-) kenne, to make known, and (by influence of ON. kenna, to know) to know, NE. ken, to know, recognize.] kara, f. (97; karist; 204, n. 3), care; kara wisan, to concern, w. acc.; Mk. IV, 38 (without ist). [OE. cearu, f., ME. care, care, grief, NE. care.] karkara, f. (97; 119), prison; Mt. V, 25. [< Lt. carcer, m., prison.] kas, gen. kasis, n. (94), vessel, picher, pot; II. Cor. IV, 7; in pl. also goods (so in the E. version; gerÄt in G.). Mk. III, 27. [OHG. char, MHG. kar, n., vessel, dish.] kaupatjan, wv. (187, n. 1), to strike with the palm of the hand, to cuf, buffet. KaÚrazein (57), pr. n., Chorazin. [< ???a?e??.] kaÚrei, f. (113), weight, burden; II. Cor. IV, 17. [< kaÚrus.] KaÚrinÞaÍus, pr. n., a Corinthian; dat. pl. -aÍum; II. Cor. superscr. (in B); or -ium (in A). [< ?????????.] KaÚrinÞÔ, pr. n., Corinth; dat. -Ôn; II. Cor. I, 1. 23. [< ????????.] kaÚrjan, wv. (188), to press, burden, trubl, w. acc., in pass. the nom. (implied); II. Cor. I, 8. V, 4.—Cpd. ana-k. [< kaÚrus.] kaÚrn, n. (94), corn, grain; Mk. IV, 28. [OE. corn, n., a grain, corn, ME. NE. corn.] kaÚrnÔ, n. (110), corn, grain of corn; Mk. IV, 31. [< kaÚrn.] kaÚrus, adj. (131, n. 1), hevy, weighty, burdensum. kawtsjÔ (39, n. 1), f. (112), security. [< Lt. cautio, security.] KÊfas (6), pr. n., Cephas. keinan, stv. (172, n. 2; 195, n. 2), to germinate, spring up, grow; Mk. IV, 27. [OE. cÎnan, ME. chine, to split, crack, burst, > NE. chink (w. k-suff.).] kilÞei, f. (113), womb. [S. inkilÞÔ.] kindins, m. (91), guvernor; k. wisan, to be guvernor, to guvern; Lu. II, 2. kinnus, f. (105), cheek; Mt. V, 39. [OE. cin- (in composition), chin (but cheek in cin-bÂn, n., cheek-bone, cin kintus, m. (105), farthing; Mt. V, 26. [Perhaps < a vulgar form of Lt. quintus, one fifth (of an 'as'); cp. MHG. quentÎn (quintÎn) one fourth (perhaps orig. one fifth of a 'lot' = about ½ ounce), < Vulgar Lt. quintÎnus < Lt. quintus, fifth.] kiusan, stv. (173, n. 1), to test, prove, choose. [OE. cÊosan, ME. chese, chose > NE. choose.] kniu, n. (94, n. 1), knee; Mk. I, 40. [OE. cnÊo, ME. kne, NE. knee.] knÔÞs (74, n. 2), f. (103), race, stock. [OHG. chnÔt, chnuat, f., race. Its stem, knÔ, = OE. cnÔ-, in cnÔsl (w. suff. -sla-), race, kin.] knussjan, wv., to kneel down; Mk. I, 40. [< *knussus, a kneeling, < stem knu-:kniw-, extended kniwa- > kniu.] KrÊks (8), m. (119), a Greek. [< Lt. GrÆcus.] KrÊta (6), pr. n., Crete. [< ???t?.] kriustan, stv. (173, n. 1), to gnash. -krÔtÔn (12, n. 1), wv. (190), in ga-k. krusts, m. (101, n. 1), gnashing. [< kriustan.] -kumbjan (54, n. 1), wv., in ana-, miÞ-ana-k. [< Lt. -cumbere, in ac-c., to lie down, recline.] kÛmei, arise!; Mk. V, 41 [< ????, arise!, < the Syrian.] -kunds, adj. (124), denoting origin or kind, in aÍrÞa-, guma-, himina-, qina-kunds. [Prop. an old ptc. < v of kuni. OE. -cund (as in god-cund, divine), extended cynde, ME. kynde, kinde, natural, suitabl, kind, NE. kind.] kuni, n. (93), kin, race, tribe; Lu. II, 36. [OE. cyn(n), n., ME. kin, kun, NE. kin.] kunnan, prt.-prs. (199), to know, w. acc.; Mk. I, 34. IV, 11. 13. II. Cor. II, 4. (in pass. the nom.) III, 2. V, 16. 21. Skeir. VII, a; and an indir. question; Mk. I, 24; or bi w. dat.; II. Cor. V, 16.—Cpds. fra-, ga-k. [OE. cunnan; prs. sing. can, con, ME. cunne, kunne, conne; prs. con, kan, can > NE. can.] -kunnan, wv. (199, n. 1), in ana-, at-, ga-, uf-k. [< kunnan, abuv. OE. cunnian, ME. cunne, to try to find out, to try, test, NE. con (obs.), to consider, cun (Sc.).] kunÞa, prt. of kunnan, prt.-prs. kunÞi, n. (95), knowledge; II. Cor. II, 14. IV, 6. [< kunÞs. OE. cyÐ(Ð), f. (?), ME. kith, MHG. kÜnde, n., knowledge.] -kunÞjan; s. -swi-kunÞjan. kunÞs, adj. (123; prop. pp.), known; II. Cor. III, 2; kunÞa, sb. m. (107), acquaintance; Lu. II, 44. [< kunnan. OE. cÛÐ (Û < un), ME. cuth, adj., known, NE. -couth, in uncouth.] kustus, m. (105), proof, trial, test; II. Cor. II, 9. [< kiusan + suff. -tu-. OE. cost (for cyst, s. ga-kusts), m., manner, ME. cost, cust, choice, quality, manner, OHG. chost, m., judgment, decision, > chostÔn, MHG, NHG. kosten, to taste, try.] KyreinaÍus, pr. n., Cyrenius; dat. -au; Lu. II, 2. [< ????????.] -QaÍrnus (105), in asilu-qaÍrnus, milstone (lit. 'ass-mil', i. e. a mil turnd by an ass), mil. [OE. cweorn, cwyrn, f., mil, ME. cwern, quern, NE. quern, hand-mil.] qaÍrrus, adj. (131), meek, gentl. [ON. kvÆr (stem *kverru-) beside kvirr (stem *kvirria-), stil, quiet, OHG. *churri, *cwirri, MHG. kÜrre, MG. kurre, kirre, NHG. kirre, adj., tame, familiar, submissiv.] qam, prt. of qiman. Qartus (59), pr. n., Quartus. qaÞ(-uh), prt. of qiÞan (+ -uh). qÊmjau, qÊmun, prt. of qiman. qÊns (qeins; 7, n. 2), f. (103), woman, wife; Mt. V, 31. 32. Lu. II, 5. [OE. cwÊn, f., ME. quene, wife, woman, queen, NE. queen. Cp. qinÔ.] qÊÞun, prt. of qiÞan. qiman, stv. (175, n. 1), to cum, arrive, both lit. and trop.; Mt. VI, 10. Mk. I, 7. 9. III, 31. IV, 4. 15. 17. V, 22. 23. 33. II. Cor. II, 3; w. af w. dat.; Mk. III, 22. II. Cor. I, 16; at w. dat.; Mk. I, 40. II, 3. III, 8. II. Cor. I, 15. 16. II, 1; fram w. dat.; Mk. V, 35; hindar w. dat.; Mk. V, 1; in w. dat.; Mt. V, 20. Mk. I, 14. 29. V, 1. Lu. II, 27. 51. II. Cor. I, 23. II, 12; nÊ?a w. dat.; Mk. II, 4; us w. dat.; Mk. I, 11; duÞÊ (therefore); Mk. I, 38; a final clause w. duÞÊ ei; Mk. IV, 21; inf. of purpose; Mt. V, 17. Mk. I, 24. II, 17. V, 14; a ptc.; Mk. I, 14. 40. II, 3. V, 35. Lu. II, 16; an acc. of time; Lu. II, 44.—Cpds. ana-, fra-, ga-, us-q. [OE. cuman (< *cwuman < *queman), ME. cume, come, NE. cum.] qina-kunds (88a), adj. (124), female. qinÔ, f. (112), woman; Mt. V, 28. Mk. V, 25. 33. Skeir. VII, a. [OE. cwene, f., woman, lady, ME. quene, wife, woman, quean, NE. quean, OHG. quena, chone, MHG. kone, f., woman. Cp. qÊns.] -qiss (76, n. 1), f., in cpds. [< qiÞan + suff. -ti (ss < Þt). OE. -cwiss, in gecwiss, f., harmony.] qistjan, wv. (188), to destroy, in fra-, us-q. [< stem *qis-ti, destruction, = OHG. quist, f., destruction.] -qistnan, wv. (194), in fra-q. [Cp. qistjan.] qiÞan, stv. (176, n. 1), to say, speak, tel, name, call, (1) w. acc. of the th. said; Mk. I, 42 (in pass. the nom.). Lu. II, 21; (2) w. a dependent sentence or frase, (a) dir.; Mt. V, 27. 38. 43. VI, 31. Mk. I, 7. 24. 25. 27. III, 30. 33. 34. IV, 9. 26. 30. V, 7. 30. Lu. II, 13. 28. Skeir. VII, a; (b) w. Þatei; Mt. V, 31. Mk. I, 11. 15. II, 12. III, 11. 21. 22. V, 23. 28. 35. (3) w. acc. and inf.; II. Cor. IV, 6. (4) w. dat. of the pers. addrest and, (a) an acc. of th.; Mk. V, 33; or a voc.; Mt. V, 22 (raka, indecl.); (b) a dir. obj. sentence; Mt. V, 18. 21. 26. 33. 44. VI, 2. 25. Mk. I, 17. 41. II, 9. 11. 19. 27. IV, 2 (and in w. dat.). 11. V, 8. Skeir. VII, d; (c) an obj. clause w. Þatei; Mt. V, 20. 22. 28. 32. 33. VI, 5. 16. 29. Mk. III, 28; (d) a final clause w. ei; Mk. III, 9; (e) an inf.; Mt. V, 34. 39; (f) bi w. acc.; Mk. I, 30. (5) w. du w. dat. of the pers. addrest, and, (a) a dir. sentence; Mk. I, 38. 44. II, 5. 8. 10. 14. 16. 17. 18. 24. 25. III, 3. 4. 5. 23. 32. IV, 13. 21. 24. 35. 38. 39. 40. 41. V, 9. 19. 31. 34. 36. 39. 41. Lu. II, 10. 15. 34. 48. 49; (b) an obj. clause w. Þatei; Mk. I, 37. 40. (6) w. swaswÊ and in w. dat.; Lu. II, 24.—Cpd. us-q. [OE. cweÐan (prt. cwÆÐ), ME. queÐe (prt. quaÐ, quoÐ), NE. (be-)queath (prt. quoth).] qiÞus, m. (105), womb; Lu. II, 23. [ON. kviÐr, m., stomach.] -qiujan (42), wv. (187), to quicken, in ga-q. [< qius. OE. cwicjan, ME. quike, to make alive, OHG. quicchan in ir-qu., MHG. erquicken, to cause to revive, to refresh, NHG. erquicken, to refresh.] -qiunan (42, n. 3), wv. (194), in ga-q., to becum alive. [< qius.] *qius, adj. (124, n. 3), quick, living, alive. [< stem qiwa-. Cf. OE. cwic (o-stem); cwicu and cucu (< stem in -u), NE. quick.] qrammiÞa, f. (97), moisture. qums, m. (101, n. 1), a cuming, arrival. [< qiman. OE. cyme, m., ME. cume, kime, a cuming.] Lag, prt. of ligan. laggei, f. (113), length. [< laggs. OE. lengu (str., for *lengÎ, weak, by change of declension), f., ME. lenge, OHG. lengÎ (likewise str.), MHG. lenge, NHG. lÄnge, f., length.] laggs, adj. (124), long (said of time only); Mk. II, 19. [OE. long, lang, ME. NE. long.] lagjan, wv. (187), to lay, lay down, put, place, giv, w. acc. and ana w. acc.; Mk. V, 23. II. Cor. III, 13; to communicate, commit, w. acc. and in w. dat. (or acc.?); II. Cor. V, 19.—Cpd. ga-l. [Caus. of ligan. OE. lec?an, ME. legge, leie, NE. lay.] laÍgaÍÔn, legion; Mk. V, 9. 15. [< ?e?e??, legion.] laikan, rv. (179), to leap, leap for joy. [OE. lÂcan, to leap, play, ME. lake, to play.] laÍktjÔ (57), f. (always in the margin, in B, opposit the passage to be red in church); II. Cor. III, 4. V, 11. [< L. lectio, a reading.] laÍlÔt, prt. of lÊtan. laÍlÔun, prt. of lauan. lais (30), prt.-prs. (197), I know. [Cp. laisareis, laisjan.] laisareis, m. (92), teacher, master; Mk. IV, 38. V, 35. Lu. II, 46. Skeir. VII, a. [< *laisa (= OE. lÂr, f., a teaching, ME. lare, lore, NE. lore) < lais. OHG. lÊrari, MHG. lÊrÆre, lÊrer, NHG. lehrer, teacher.] laiseins, f. (103, n. 1), a teaching, doctrin; Mk. I, 22. 27. IV, 2. [< laisjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] laisjan (30), wv. (188; 197), to teach, (1) abs.; Mk. IV, 1. (2) w. acc. of pers.; Mt. V, 19. Mk. I, 21. 22. II, 13; and acc. of th.; Mk. IV, 2. [Caus. of lais. OE. lÆ^ran, to teach, ME. lere, to teach, lern, NE. lear (obs.). OHG. MHG. lÊren, to teach, lern (rare), NHG. lehren, to teach.] laistjan, wv. (188), to follow, follow after, w. afar w. dat.; Mk. I, 18. III, 7. [< laists (< lais + suff. -ti- = OE. lÂst, m. o-stem, ME. last, lest, NE. last), m., foot-print, track. OE. lÆ^stan, to perform (by following a track), stand by, ME. laste, leste, NE. last.] LaÍwweis, pr. n., Levi; acc. -i; Mk. II, 14. [< ?e???.] lamb, n. (94), lamb, sheep. [OE. ME. lomb, lamb, n., NE. lam.] land, n. (94), land, cuntry, region; Mk. V, 1. 10, Lu. II, 8. (Þata bisunjanÊ land, the cuntry round about; Lu. IV, 37); landis (215), gen. uzed adverbially, a portion of land, far away. [OE. lond, land, n., ME. land, NE. land.] lasiws (42, n. 1), adj. (124), feebl, weak. [< stem las-. Cf. OE. lÆ^ssa, compar. adj., ME. lesse, NE. less.] laÞÔn, wv. (190), to invite, call, w. acc.; Mk. II, 17. [OE. laÐian, ME. laÐie, OHG. ladÔn, MHG. NHG. laden, to invite, summon.] laÞÔns, f. (103, n. 1), a calling, invitation, consolation; Lu. II, 25. redemption; Lu. II, 38. [< laÞÔn.] *lauan (22, n. 2; 26, n. 2), rv. (179, 4), to revile. -laubjan (31), only in ga-, us-l. [< a sb. = OE. lÊaf, f., ME. lÊve, NE. leav, permission, (ge-)liefan, -lÊfan, (< *-lÊafian), ME. (i-, be-)lÊve, NE. believ.] laufs (56, n. 1), m. (91), leaf, the leavs, foliage. [OE. lÊaf, n., ME. lÊf, NE. leaf.] laugnjan (31), wv. (188), to deny. [< -laugns (in ana-l.), adj., hidn. OE. lÊgnian(?), ly?nian, (< *lÊagnian), ME. leine, laine, OHG. louginen, lougnen, MHG. lÖugenen, NHG. lÄugnen, to deny.] lauhatjan, wv. (187, n. 1), to lighten. lauhmuni (-moni; 14, n. 3), f., (98) Lauidja (26, n. 1), f. (97) pr. n.; in dat. -ai. [< ????, dat. ???d?.] laun, n. (94), pay, reward; Mt. VI, 1. [OE. lÊan, n., ME. lean, OHG. MHG. lÔn, m. n., NHG. lohn, m., pay, reward.] laus (78, n. 2), adj. (124), empty. [< v of liusan. OE. lÊas, ME. lÊs, empty, free from, false, NE. -less, ON. lauss, free, > ME. los, NE. loose.] lausa-waÚrds (88a, n. 1), adj. (124), speaking loose words, talking vainly. [-waÚrds < waÚrd.] laus-handus (88a, n. 1), adj. (131, n. 1), empty-handed. lausjan, wv. (188), to loose, redeem, deliver, w. acc. and af w. dat.; Mt. VI, 13.—Cpd. ga-l. [< laus. OE. lysan, lÊsan, ME. lese (NE. loose, ME. lose < los; s. laus), OHG. lÔsen, MHG. loesen, NHG. lÖsen, to loose.] laus-qiÞrs (88a, n. 1), adj. (124), with empty stomach, fasting. -leiban (56, n. 1), stv. (172, n. 1), in bi-l. [OE. (be-)lÎfan, OHG. (bi-)lÎban, MHG. blÎben, NHG. bleiben, to remain, stay.] leihts, adj. (124), light; II. Cor. IV, 17. [OE. lÎht, ME. liht, NE. light.] leihts, m. (? 90), lightness; II. Cor. I, 17. [< leihts, adj.] lei?an, stv. (172), to lend; l. sis, to borrow; Mt, V, 42. [OE. lÊon (< lÎhon), to lend, OHG. lÎhan, MHG. lÎhen, NHG. leihen, to lend, also borrow.] leik, n. (94), body; Mt. V, 29. 30. VI, 22. 23. 25. Mk. V, 29. II. Cor. IV, 10. V, 6. 8. 10; flesh; II. Cor. I, 17. IV, 11. V, 16. [OE. lÎc, n., ME. lik, lich, NE. like (obs.), person, corpse, lich- (in lichgate, lichwake, etc.), Lich- (in Lichfield), OHG. lÎh (hh), f. n., body, flesh, MHG. lÎch, lÎche, f., body, corpse, NHG. leiche, f., corpse, leich- (in leichdorn, corn on a toe, leichnam, corpse; s. -hamÔn).] -leikan, wv. (193), to please, in ga-l. [< -leiks. OE. lÎcian, ME. like, NE. like (obs.), to please. The signification of the simpl v. seems due to the compound (s. galeikan).] leikeins, adj. (124), bodily, fleshly; II. Cor. I, 12. III, 3. [< leik + suff. -eina-.] -leikjan, wv. (188), in silda-l. [< -leiks.] -leikÔn, wv. (190), in in-ga-l. [< (ga-)leiks; s. galeikÔ.] -leiks; s. galeikÔ. leitils, adj. (124; 138), litl, short; Mt. VI, 30. Mk. I, 19. [Cf. OE. lytel, lÎtel, ME. litel (infl. litl-), NE. litl.] -leiÞan, stv. (172, n. 1), to go, in af-, bi-, ga-, us-l. [OE. lÎÐan, ME. liÐe, to go, > the OE. caus. lÆ^dan, ME. lede, NE. lead.] leiÞu, n. (? 106; n. 1), a strong drink. [OE. lÎÐ, m. (o-stem), potion, wine, OHG. lÎd, MHG. lÎt, lÎd-, n. m., a wine-like drink.] lÊkeis (leikeis, 7, n. 2), m. (92), fysician; Mk. II, 17. V, 26. [OE. lÆ^ce, m., ME. lÊche, NE. leech, fysician (now obs.), a blud-sucking wurm.] lÊtan (leitan, 7, n. 2), rv. (181), w. acc., to let, suffer, permit, allow, leav; Mk. V, 19.—Cpds. af-, fra-l. [OE. lÆ^tan, ME. lete, NE. let, to permit (let, to hinder, = Goth. latjan < lats, slothful, lazy).] lÊw, n. (94, n. 1), opportunity, occasion; II. Cor. V, 12. [Cf. OE. lÆ^wa, m., betrayer; s. lÊwjan.] lÊwjan, wv. (188), to betray.—Cpd. ga-l. [< lÊw. OE. lÆ^wan, ME. be-lewe, to betray.] libains, f. (103, n. 1), life; II. Cor. II, liban, wv. (193), to liv; Mk. V, 23. II. Cor. I, 8. III, 3. IV, 11. V, 15 (the first); w. dat. of advantage; II. Cor. V, 15 (the second); w. miÞ w. dat.; Lu. II, 36. [OE. libban, lifian, ME. libbe, livie, live, NE. liv.] -lifnan, wv. (194), to remain, in af-l. [Cf. -leiban, pp. libans.] ligan, stv. (176, n. 1), to lie, w. ana w. dat.; Mk. II, 4. II. Cor. III, 15; du w. dat.; Lu. II, 34; in w. dat.; Mk. I, 30. Lu. II, 16; Þarei; Mk. V, 40. [OE. licgan, ME. ligge, lie, NE. lie.] ligrs, m. (91), couch, bed; Mk. IV, 21. [< ligan + suff. -ra-. OE. leger, m., couch, ME. leir, NE. lair.] -linnan, stv. (174, n. 1), to cease, in af-l. [OE. linnan, ME. linne, NE. lin (obs.; cpd. blin = *be-lin, OE. blinnan, ME. blinne), to cease.] lisan, stv. (176, n. 1), to gather, collect, w. in w. acc.; Mt. VI, 26.—Cpd. ga-l. [OE. lesan, ME. lese, NE. lease, to glean, = G. lesen, to gather, read.] lists (30), f. (? 103, n. 2), wile, craftiness. [< lis- (seen in lis-ans, pp. of lais) + suff. -ti-. OE. ME. list, skil, cunning, OHG. MHG. list, m. (f.), wisdom, craftiness, NHG. list, f., craft, cunning.] liÞus, m. (105), lim, member; Mt. V, 29. 30. [< v of leiÞan. OE. lioÐu- (only in cpds.), m., liÐ, n. (o-stem), ME. lith, NE. (Scot.) lith, lim.] liudan, stv. (173, n. 1), to grow, grow up; Mk. IV, 27. [OE. lÊodan, to grow. Its v appears also in OE. lÊod, m. f., pl. lÊode, ME. leode, lede, OHG. liut, m. n., pl. liuti, MHG. liute, NHG. leute, peple, men, servants.] liufs (gen. liubis; 31; 56, n. 1), adj. (124, n. 2), beluvd, dear; Mk. I, 11. [OE. lÊof, ME. lÊf, NE. lief (poet.), OHG. liob, MHG. liep, lieb-, NHG. lieb, beluvd, dear.] liugan (31), stv. (173, n. 1), to lie. [OE. lÊogan, ME. ly?e, li?e, NE. lie.] liugan, wv. (192, n. 1; 193), to marry, w. acc.; Mt. V, 32. [< liuga, f., marriage.] liugn (31), n. (94), lie. [< liugan + suff. -na-.] liugnja (31), m. (108), liar. [< liugn + suff. -jan-.] liuhadei, f. (113 and n. 2), light, illumination; II. Cor. IV, 4 (-eins, partit. g., in A; -ein in B; s. note). 6. [< liuhaÞ.] liuhadeins, adj. (124), ful of light, shining, bright; Mt. VI, 22. [< liuhaÞ + suff. -eina-.] liuhaÞ, gen. liuhadis, n. (94), light; Mt. VI, 23. Lu. II, 32. II. Cor. IV, 6. [< v liuh + suff. -ada-.] liuhtjan, wv. (188), to giv light, to light, shine; II. Cor. IV, 4. 6. [< *liuhts (< v of liuhaÞ + suff. -to-), adj. (= OE. lÊoht, ME. licht, NE. light). OE. lyhtan, ME. lihte, NE. light.] -liusan, stv. (173, n. 1), in fra-l. [OE. (for-)lÊosan, ME. (for-)lÊse, NE. leese (obs.), to lose, pp. (for-)lorn.] liuta, m. (108), dissembler, hypocrit; Mt. VI, 2. 5. 16. [Prop. weak form of the adj. liuts < v of OE. lÛtan, ME. lute, loute, NE. lout (obs.), to bend, bow, stoop. Cf. also OE. lyteg (w. suff. -eg), ME. luti, shrewd, cunning.] lÔfa, m. (108), the palm of the hand. [ON. lÓfi, Scot. loof, the palm of the hand.] lubains (31), f. (103, n. 1), hope. [< *luban, to hope, (+ suff. -ai-ni-), < v of liufs.] lubja-leisei (30), f. (113), wichcraft. [< lubjaleis, adj., skild, < lubja- (= OE. lyb, f.?, poison; cf. also cÊse-lib, ME. cheselep, NE. cheese -lubÔ (31), f. (111), in brÔÞru-(-a-?)lubÔ, brotherly luv. [< v of liufs. OE. lufe (later lufu, a-declension), f., ME. lufe, luve, love, NE. luv.] ludja, f. (97), face, countenance; Mt. VI, 17. [< v of liudan + suff. -jÔ-.] luftus, m. (105), air. [OE. lyft (i-stem), m. f. n., ME. luft, lift, NE. lift (Scot.), air.] -lÛkan (15), stv. (173, n. 2), to lock, in ga-, us-l. [OE. lÛcan, ME. louke, luke, to lock. Its v occurs w. abl. in -luks, m., an opening; cf. OE. loc, n., loca, m., ME. loke (> the vb. lokke, NE. lock), inclozure, lock, NE. lock.] lukarn, n. (94), light, candl; Mt. VI, 22. Mk. IV, 21. [< Lt. lucerna, f., lamp, candl.] lukarna-staÞa, m. (108), candl-stick; Mk. IV, 21. [< stem of lukarn + -staÞa < staÞs, sted, place, < v of standan + suff. -Þi-.] lÛns (15, n. 1), f. (102), or lun, n. (94, n. 2), ransom. -lusnan, wv. (194), in fra-l. [< pp. stem of liusan.] lustÔn, wv. (190), to desire, lust after, w. gen.; Mt. V, 28. [< lustus. OHG. lustÔn, MHG. lusten, to desire, NHG. lÜsten, MHG. lusten, lÜsten, (OHG. lustjan, lusten, = OE. lystan, ME. liste, NE. list, to please, < lust, f., OE. lyst, f., desire).] lustus, m. (105), lust, desire; Mk. IV, 19. [OE. lust (a-stem), m., ME. lust, NE. lust.] Magan, prt.-prs. (201), to be abl, be abl to do, w. inf.; Mt. V, 36. VI, 24. 27. Mk. I, 40. 45. II, 4. 7. 19. III, 20. 23-27. IV, 32. 33. V, 4. II. Cor. I, 4. III, 7. [OE. *magan, prs. mÆ?; prt. meahte (Goth. mahta), mihte, ME. prs. mai, may, prt. miht, NE. prs. may, prt. might.] magaÞei, f. (113), virginity; Lu. II, 36. [< magaÞs.] magaÞs, f. (103), maid, virgin. [< stem mag-a- (s. magus, stem mag-u-) + suff. -Þi-. OE. mÆgÐ, f., virgin, OHG. magad, virgin, MHG. maget, virgin, maid, female servant, NHG. magd, f., female servant.] magula, m. (108), litl boy, lad; Skeir. VII, a. [< magus + dim. suff. -lan-.] magus, m. (105), boy, child, servant; Lu. II, 43. 48. [< v of magan. OE. magu (-o), m., sun, servant.] mahta, prt. of magan. mahteigs, adj. (124), mighty, strong. [< mahts + suff. -eiga-. OE. meahtig, mihtig, ME. mihty, NE. mighty.] mahts (66, n. 1), f. (103), might, strength, power, virtue; Mt. VI, 13. Mk. V, 30. II. Cor. I, 8. IV, 7. Skeir. VII, a. c. [< v of magan + suff. -ti-. OE. meaht, miht, ME. miht, NE. might.] maidjan, wv. (188), to corrupt, deform, falsify; II. Cor. II, 17. [< -maiÞs (in ga-maiÞs; cp. ME. mad, NE. mad). OE. mÆ^dan, to deform, confuse, ME. mÆde (madde), to confuse, derange, NE. mad (Shak.), to make mad.] maÍhstus, m. (105), dung, dung-hil. [< v of OE. mÎgan, ME. mi?e, to urin. OHG. MHG. NHG. mist (for *mihst), m., manure.] mais, adv. (212), more, rather; II. Cor. II, 7. V, 8; w. dat., more than; Mt. VI, 25; w. another compar.; Mt. VI, 26. Mk. V, 26. filu m., much more; Skeir. VII, d; und filu m., much more, so much the more; II. Cor. III, 9. 11; ?aiwa m., how much more; Mt. VI, 30; ?aiwa nei m., not much more; II. Cor. III, 8. [< ma- + adv. compar. maist, adv. (212, n. 3), most. S. maiza. maitan, rv. (179), to cut, cut off, cut down.—Cpds. af-, bi-m. [OHG. mei?an, MHG. mei?en, to cut, hew. Cf. also G. meissel (w. l-suff.), m., chisel.] maiÞms, m. (91, n), gift. [< verbal stem maiÞ- + suff. -ma-. OE. mÂÐum, ME. maÐem, gift, trezure.] maiza, compar. adj. (138), more, greater; filaus maizÔ, much more; Skeir. VII, b; superl. maists (138), greatest. [< stem ma- + suff. -iza. OE. mÂra, superl. mÂst, ME. mare, more, superl. most, NE. more, superl. most.] MakaÍdonja (or i for aÍ, 11, n. 1), pr. n., Macedonia; dat. MakaÍdonjai (in B; i for aÍ in A); II. Cor. I, 16; acc. -a; II. Cor. I, 16. II, 13 (in A; i for aÍ in B). [< ?a?ed???a.] malan, stv. (177, n. 1), to grind in a mil. [OHG. malan, MHG. maln, NHG. mahlen, to grind.] malÔ, f. (112), moth; Mt. VI, 19. 20. [Lit. 'grinding insect', < v of malan.] mammÔna, m. (108), mammon, riches; Mt. VI, 24. [< a???(?) < the Hebrew.] managduÞs, f. (103), abundance [< manags + suff. -du-Þi-.] managei, f. (111; 113), crowd, multitude, the peple; Mk. II, 4. III, 9. IV, 36. V, 27. 30. An adj., ptc., or prn., referring to m., uzually agrees w. it in gender and number; Mk. V, 31. Lu. II, 10. 31. 32. The v. either agrees w. m.; Mk. III, 20. Lu. II, 13. Skeir. VII, c; or m. stands in the sg. and the v. in the pl.; Mk. III, 32; so all, or filu, m., Mk. II, 13. III, 7. 8. IV, 1. V, 21. 24. [< manags. OE. menigu (orig. -Î), f., ME. manye, NE. many (sb.; as, a great 'many').] managnan, wv. (194), to increase, abound; II. Cor. IV, 15. [< manags.] manags, adj. (124), often uzed as sb., much, many; Mk. I, 34. II, 2. 15. III, 10. IV, 2. 5. V, 9. 26. Lu. II, 34. 35. 36. II. Cor. I, 11. II, 4. III, 12. Skeir. VII, a. b; swa m., so many; Skeir. VII, b; swa m. swÊ, as many as; Mk. III, 11; swa m. swaswÊ, as many as; Mk. III, 28; swaleikai m. swaswÊ, many such as; Mk. IV, 33; ?aiwa m., how many; II. Cor. I, 20.—compar. managiza (136), more, greater; Mt. V, 20. II. Cor. II, 6. 7. IV, 15; w. dat. (as abl.); Mt. V, 37; ?Ê m., what (i. e. in what degree or manner) more; Mt. V, 47. [OE. manig, monig, ME. mani, NE. many. Cp. managei.] mana-maÚrÞrja (88a, n. 3), m. (108), man-slayer, murderer. [-maÚrÞrja < maÚrÞr + suff. -jan-.] mana-sÊÞs (88a, n. 3; gen. -sÊdais), f. (103), 'man-seed', peple, multitude; world; II. Cor. V, 19. [sÊÞs < v of saian + suff. -Þi- (-di-). OE. sÆ^d, m. n., ME. sÊd, NE. seed.] man-leika (88a, n. 3), m. (108), image. [Prop. weak adj. uzed as sb.; -leika < -leiks. OE. manlÎca, m., ME. manliche, effigy, image.] manna, m. (117), man; Mt, V, 19. VI, 1. 2. 5. 14. 15. 16. 18. Mk. I, 17. 23. II, 10. 27. 28. III, 1. 3. 5. 28. IV, 26. V, 2. 8. Lu. II, 14. 15. 25. 52. II. Cor. III, 2. IV, 2. 16. V, 11. Skeir. VII, b; ni m. or m. ni, no man, nobody; Mt. VI, 24. Mk. II, 21. 22. III, 27. V, 3. 4. 43. [< stem mann-. OE. monna, manna, and mon(n), man(n), ME. man, NE. man.] manna-hun, indef. prn. (163), always manwjan, wv. (188), to prepare, make redy, w. acc.; Mk. I, 3. 19. Lu. II, 31. Cpd. ga-m. [< manwus.] manwuba, adv. (210), in rediness. [< manwus + adv. suff. -ba.] manwus, adj. (131), redy. marei, f. (113), sea; Mk. IV, 41; du marein, to the sea; Mk. III, 7; faÚr, or faÚra, marein, near the sea; Mk. I, 16. II, 13. V, 21; hindar marein, on the other side of the sea; Mk. V, 1. 21; in marein (dat.), in the sea; Mk. IV, 1 (the second), acc., to, or into the sea; Mk. I, 16. IV, 1 (the first). [OE. mere, m. (orig. n.), ME. mere, sea, lake, NE. mere, a pool or small lake, OHG. mari, meri, m. n., MHG. mere, NHG. meer, n., sea.] Maria (Marja), pr. n., Mary; Lu. II, 19. dat. Mariin; Lu. II, 5. 34; acc. Marian; Lu. II, 16. [< ?a??a.] marikreitus, m. (119), perl. [Coind < a??a??t??, perl. So, also, OE. meregreot < the Lt. margarita > ME. margarite, NE. margarite (obs.), perl.] marka, f. (97), border, boundary, coast; Mk. V, 17. [OE. mearc, f., ME. merk, mark, NE. mark, border, boundary.] Markus, pr. n., Mark; acc. -u; Mk. superscr. [< ??????.] martyr (39), m., martyr. [< ??t??, witness.] marzjan, wv. (188), to offend, w. acc.; Mt. V, 29. 30.—Cpd. ga-m. [OE. -merran, -myrran, in Â-m., to provoke, offend, ME. merre, marre, NE. mar.] matjan, wv. (188), to eat; (1) abs.; Mk. V, 43 (matjan as obj.). Skeir. VII, c. (2) w. acc.; Mt. VI, 25. 31. Mk. I, 6. II, 26. III, 20; miÞ w. dat.; Mk. II, 16. [< mats.] mats, m. (101), meat, food. S. also nahta-m. [OE. mete, m., ME. mete, NE. meat.] MatÞaius, pr. n., Matthew; acc. -u; Mk. III, 18. maÞl, n. (94, n. 2), assembly, market, market-place. [OE. mÆÐel, n., council, meeting.] maudjan, wv. (188), to remind.—Cpd. ga-m. maÚrgins, m. (91, n. 1; 214), morn, morning. [OE. morgen, mergen, ME. mor?en, morn (> morning, w. suff. -ing, NE. morning), morwe, NE. morn, morrow.] maÚrnan, wv. (194), to be anxious or trubld; Mt. VI, 27. 31; w. dat.; Mt. VI, 25. [OE. murnan, ME. murne, mourne, NE. mourn.] maÚrÞr, n. (94), murder. [< v maÚr + suff. -Þra-. OE. morÐor (murÐor), n., ME. morther, morder, NE. murder, murther (obs.).] maÚrÞrjan, wv. (188), to murder, kil; Mt. V, 21. [< maÚrÞr. OE. myrÐrian, ME. murd(e)re, NE. murder.] mawi (42), f. (94), maid, maiden, damsel; Mk. V, 42. [< magw- = magu-, stem of magus.] mawilÔ, f. (112), yung maiden, damsel; Mk. V, 41. [< mawi + suff. -lÔn-. OE. mÊowle (< *mewilÔ), yung maiden, maid.] mÊgs, m. (91, n. 1), sun-in-law. [OE. mÆg, m., mÆ^i, mai, OHG. mÂg, MHG. mÂc (g-), NHG. mage, m., kinsman.] meina, pers. prn. in gen.; s. ik. [OE. mÎn, dat. me; acc. mec, me (prop. dat.); ME. gen. wanting; dat. acc. me; NE. dat. acc. me.] meins, poss. prn. (151), (alone or) w. a following or preceding sb., w. or without the art.; Mk. I, 2. III, 33. 34. 35. V, 23. Lu. II, 30. 49. [< meina. OE. ME. mÎn, mÎ, NE. mine, my.] mÊl, n. (94), (orig. point or mezure mÊla, m. (108), mezure, bushel; Mk. IV, 21. mÊljan, wv. (187), to write, w. acc.; in pass. the nom. (implied); Lu. II, 3; and dat. of pers. (indir. obj.); II. Cor. I, 13.—Cpds. ana-, ga-m. [< mÊl, pl. mÊla, writings. OE. mÆ^lan, to mark, OHG. malÔn, -Ên, (of different conjugations), to mark, paint, MHG. mÂlen, to paint, write, NHG. malen, to paint.] mÊna, m. (108), moon. [OE. mo^na, m., ME. mone, NE. moon. Cf. mÊnÔÞs and Brgm., II, § 123, p. 393.] mÊnÔÞs, m. (117), month. [OE. mo^naÐ, ME. moneÐ, m., ME. month.] mÊriÞa, f. (97), fame, report; Mk. I, 28. [< -mÊrs. OE. mÆ^rÐu, mÆ^rÐ, f., fame, glory.] mÊrjan, wv. (188; mÊrjands, m.; 115), to make known, proclaim, noiz abroad, preach, (1) abs.; Mk. I, 7. 38. 39. III, 14. V, 20; w. in w. dat.; Mk. I, 39. (2) w. acc.; Mk. I, 4. 14. 45. II. Cor. IV, 5. (3) w. an obj. clause and in w. dat.; Mk. V, 20.—Cpds. waÍla-, waja-m. [< -mÊrs. OE. mÆ^ran, OHG. mÂren, MHG. mÆ^ren, to make known, praise.] *mÊrs, adj. (130, n. 2), known, famous, in waÍla-m., praisewurthy, of good report. [OE. mÆ^re, ME. mere, famous, OHG. mÂri, famous, > mÂrÎ, f., mÂri, n., rumor, fame, MHG. mÆ^re, n. f., tale, NHG. mÄre, f., news, tidings, report, > mÄrchen (w. dimin. suff. -chen), n., tale, story, fable.] mÊs (8), n. (94), table. [Cf. OE. mÊse (gen. -an), f., table, perhaps < Lt. mensa (mÊse < *mense), f., table.] midjis, adj. (122, n. 1; 125), midl; Lu. II, 46. [OE. ME. mid(d), adj., midl, NE. mid- (as in midday, midnight, etc.).] midjun-gards, m. (101), erth, world; Lu. II, 1. [Prop. 'midl-world', between heven and hel. midjun- < stem of midjis. OE. middaneard for middangeard, m., ME. middaneard, world.] *miduma, f. (97; 139, n. 1), midst; Mk. III, 3. [Prop. superl. adj. uzed as sb., < mid- (cp. midjis) + superl. suff. -u-ma-n-. OE. meoduma.] midumÔnds, m. (115), mediator. [Prop. prsp. of *midumÔn < miduma.] mik; s. ik, meina. mikilduÞs, f. (103), greatness. [< mikil- (< mikils) + suff. -duÞi-.] mikilei, f. (113), greatness. [< mikils.] mikiljan, wv. (185), to magnify, glorify, praise, w. acc.; Mk. II, 12. Lu. II, 20. [< mikils.] mikilnan, wv. (194), to becum great. [< mikils.] mikils, adj. (138), great, much; Mt. V, 19. 35. Mk. IV, 32. 37. 39. 41. V, 42. Lu. II, 9. 10. Skeir. VII, a. b; strong, loud; Mk. I, 26. V, 7. [OE. micel, mycel, ME. mikel, mychel, muchel, NE. mickle (Sc.).] mildiÞa, f. (97), mildness, kindness. [< -milds (in friaÞwa-, un-m.), adj., mild, kind, + suff. -i-ÞÔ-.] milhma, m. (108), cloud. miliÞ, n. (94), huney; Mk. I, 6. [Cf. OE. mele-, mil-, huney, in mele-, mil-dÊaw, m., ME. mildew, NE. mildew.] miluks, f. (116), milk. [OE. meolc, f., ME. NE. milk.] *mims (mimz; 78, n. 1), n. (94), flesh, meat. minnists, superl. adj. (138), very small, least; Mt. V, 19. 26. Mk. IV, 31. [< stem minn- (< minw-; minniza, compar. adj. (138), smaller, less. [< stem minn- (s. minnists) + compar. suff. -iza. OHG. minniro, MHG. minner, minre, NHG. minder (w. eufonic d), smaller, less.] mins (minz; 78, n. 1), adv. (212, n. 1), less. [< minn- (s. minnist) + adv. compar. suff. -s for -is.] mis; s. ik, meina. *missa-dÊÞs (-dÊds), f. (103), misdeed, trespass, sin; Mt. VI, 14. 15. II. Cor. V, 19. [miss(a)- = OE. ME. NE. mis- (not = mis-, as in mischief, < Lt. minus).] missa-leiks, adj. (124), various, divers; Mk. I, 34. missÔ, adv. (211, n. 1), reciprocally, one another, w. a pers. prn.; sis m.; Mk. I, 27. IV, 41. Lu. II, 15. [< missa- + adv. suff. -Ô.] mitan, stv. (176), to mezure; Mk. IV, 24.—Cpd. us-m. [OE. metan, ME. mete, NE. mete.] mitaÞs, f. (116), mezure; Mk. IV, 24. [< mitan + suff. -a-Þi-(-di-).] mitÔn, wv. (190), w. acc., to consider, reason upon, think over, think; Mk. II, 8; and refl. dat.; Mk. II, 8; to purpose, intend; II. Cor. I, 17. [Perhaps < a lost sb. OHG. me?Ôn (< me?, n., mezure, way, manner), to mete, moderate.] mitÔns, f. (103, n. 1), consideration, thought; Lu. II, 35. [< mitÔn + suff. -Ô-ni-.] miÞ (mid; 74, n. 1), (1) prep. w. dat. (217), (a) denoting 'accumpaniment, community, connection', with, together with, among, amid; Mt. V, 25. 41. Mk. I, 13. 20. 29. 36. II, 16. 19. 25. 26. III, 6. 7. 14. IV, 10. 36. V, 18. 24. 40. Lu. II, 5. 13. 36. 51. II. Cor. I, 1. 21. IV, 14; (b) 'way' and manner'; Mk. III, 5. IV, 16. (2) adv., along (with). [Cf. OE. ME. mid, prep. and adv., with, along, NE. mid- (in midwife).] miÞ-ana-kumbjan (54, n. 1), wv. (188), to lie down together with, sit at table with; Mk. II, 15. miÞ-garda-waddjus (88a, n. 2), f. (105), partition wall, midl wall. miÞ-Þan-ei, conj. (218), (lit. 'with that that'), when, while, as; Mk. IV, 4. Lu. II, 6. 27. 43. II. Cor. III, 15. 16. miÞ-wissei (30), f. (113), a 'knowing with', conscience; II. Cor. I, 12. IV, 2. V, 11. [< *miÞwiss < miÞ + -wiss (in un-wiss, not known, uncertain), prop. an old ptc. in-to-, < stv. witan (ss < tt < d-t). -wiss = OE. -wis, in ge-wis (ge = Goth. ga), adj., certain, ME. (i-) wiss, adj., certain, and adv., certainly, NE. ywis (obs.), certainly.] mizdÔ, f. (112), reward; Mt. V, 46. VI, 2. 5. 16. [OE. meord, mÊd (by lengthening of e + z to Ê; cp. Brgm., I, § 538), ME. mede, mÊde, NE. meed.] mÔdags, adj. (124), wroth, angry; Mt. V, 22. [< mÔÞs + suff. -aga-. OE. mÔdig (w. later suff. -ig, for orig. -eg = Goth. -ags. Cp. my remarks on this point in 'Transactions of the Wis. Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters', vol. VIII, p. 167), adj., proud, brave, ME. mody, NE. moody.] *mÔjan (26), wv. (187), in af-m. [OHG. muo(j)an, MHG. mÜe(j)en, to trubl, make angry, NHG. mÜhen, to trubl.] MÔsÊs, pr. n., Moses; Mk. I, 44. II. Cor. III, 13 (in B). 15; MÔsÊz; II. Cor. III, 13 (in A); gen. MÔsÊzis; Lu. II, 22. II. Cor. III, 7. [< ??s??.] mÔta, f. (97), toll, custom; the place where customs ar paid, receipt of -mÔtan, prt.-prs. (202), in ga-m. [OE. *mÔtan, prs. ind. mÔt, may; prt. mÔste, ME. prs. mot, mÔt, may, must, 2nd prs. most (OE. mÔst); prt. most(e) > NE. must.] mÔtareis, m. (92), toll-taker, publican; Mt. V, 47. Mk. II, 15. 16. [< mÔta + suff. -arja-.] -mÔtjan, wv., to meet, in ga-m. [< *mÔt (= OE. mÔt, n., ME. mÔt, meeting). OE. mÊtan, ME. mete, NE. meet.] mÔÞs (gen. mÔdis; 74, n. 2), m. (91, n. 2), wrath, anger; Mk. III, 5. [OE. mÔd, n., mind, curage, pride, ME. mÔd, NE. mood.] mÛka-mÔdei (15), f. (113), meekness. [mÛka- = ON. mjÚkr > ME. meoc, meke, NE. meek.] -mÛljan (15), wv. (188), in faÚr-m. [< mÛla-, n., mouth, cf. OHG. mÛla, f., MHG. mÛl, mÛle, n., mÛle, f., NHG. maul, n., mouth.] munan, prt.-prs. (200), to mean, suppose, think.—Cpd. ga-m. [OE. (ge-)munan, prs. ind. man, mon, prt. munde, ME. (i-) mune, prs. man, prt. munde, remember, think.] munan, wv. (200, n. 1), to think, intend. [< muns. OE. mynnan, ME. mynne, munne, to remember.] muns, m. (101), thought, mind, purpose; counsel, device; II. Cor. II, 11. [< stv. munan. OE. myne, memory, luv, ME. mune, mind, memory.] Naen (6), pr. n., Nain. [?a??.] -nah, in bi-, ga-; s. -naÚhan. nahta-mats (88a, n. 3), m. (101), supper (lit. 'night-food'); Skeir. VII, b. nahts, f. (116), night; gen. nahts, in the night, by night; Lu. II, 8; dat. sg. naht, by night; Mk. IV, 27; dat. pl. nahtam, by night; Mk. V, 5. Lu. II, 37. [OE. neaht, niht, ME. niht, NE. night.] naiteins, f. (103, n. 1), blasfemy; Mk. II, 7. III, 28. [< -naitjan (in ga-n.), to blasfeme, + suff. -ei-ni-.] naqaÞs, gen. naqadis, adj. (124), naked; II. Cor. V, 3. [OE. nacod (w. an unlabialized guttural), ME. naked, NE. naked.] namnjan, wv. (187), to name, call. [< stem of namÔ (for the mn, s. Brgm., I, § 215). OE. nemnan (beside namian, ME. name, NE. name), ME. nemne, OHG. MHG. nemmen, nennen, NHG. nennen, to name, call.] namÔ, n. (110, n. 1), name; Mt. VI, 9. Mk. III, 16. 17. V, 9. 22. Lu. II, 21. 25. [OE. noma, nama, m., ME. nome, name, NE. name.] naseins, f. (103, n. 1), salvation; Lu. II, 30. II. Cor. I, 6. [< nasjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] nasjan, wv. (185), to save; Mk. III, 4.—Cpd. ga-n. [Caus. of -nisan. OE. nerian, nergan, to save, OHG. ner(j)an, MHG. nerigen, nern, NHG. nÄhren, to nurish.] nasjands, m. (115), the Savior; Lu. II, 11. [Prop. prsp. of nasjan. OE. nergend, m., savior.] nati, n. (95), net; Mk. I, 16. 18. 19. [OE. net(t), n., ME. NE. net.] NaÞan (70), pr. n., Nathan. [< ?a???.] NaÚbaÍmbaÍr (54, n. 1), November. [< Lt. November.] naudi-bandi (88a), f. (96), fetter, lit. 'need-band'; Mk. V, 3. 4. [naudi- < stem of nauÞs.] NaÚÊl (26, n. 1), pr. n. [< ??e.] naÚh, adv., stil, yet; Skeir. VII, c; ni naÚh, not yet, not as yet; Mk. IV, 40. [< nu + -uh. OHG. MHG. noh, NHG. noch, yet, stil.] -naÚhan, prt.-prs. (201), in bi-, ga-n. [OE. -nugan, in 3d pers. sg. -neah (= Goth. -nah), in be-, ge-n., it suffices.] naÚh-Þanuh, adv., stil, yet; Mk. V, 35. naus, m. (101, n. 3), a ded man, corpse. nauÞjan, wv. (188), to force, press, compel, in ana-n. [< nauÞs. OHG. nÔtan, nÔten, MHG. nÔten, noeten, to urge, compel.] nauÞs, f. (103), need, necessity. [OE. nÎed, nÊad, nÊd, f., ME. nede, nÊd, NE. need.] NazaraiÞ, indecl. pr. n., Nazareth; Mk. I, 9. Lu. II, 4. 39. 51. [< ?a?a??t.] NazÔrÊnus, pr. n., one of Nazareth. voc. (onse in) -ai (Gr. infl.); Mk. I, 24. [< ?a???????.] nÊ, adv. (216), no, nay; Mt. V, 37. II. Cor. I, 17. 18. 19. [Cf. ni.] nÊ? (64), adv., near. [OE. nÊah, nÊh, ME. neih, nei?e, NE. nigh.] nÊ?a, adv. (216), near; uzed as prep. w. dat., near; Mk. II, 4. [< nÊ?.] nÊ?is, compar. adv. (212), nearer. [< stem of nÊ? + adv. compar. suff. -is.] nÊ?jan (sik), wv. (188), to draw near, approach.—Cpd. at-n. [< nÊ?. OHG. nÂhan, nÂhen, MHG. nÆhen, to bring near, beside nÂhen, NHG. nahen, to approach, be near.] nÊ?undja, m. (108, neighbor; Mt. V, 43.) [< stem of nÊ? + suff. -und-jan-.] nei, interr. particl, not?; II. Cor. III, 8. [< ni + ei.] neiwan, stv. (172, n. 3), to hav a quarrel against. ni, neg. part. (216), not, (1) joind to vs. (a) in declarativ sentences; Mt. V, 17. 18. 26. 34. 36. 39. VI, 1. 15. 18. 26. Mk. I, 7. 34. 45. II, 2. 12. 17. 18. 19. III, 9. 12. 20. 24. 25. 26. IV, 5. 6. 12. 13. 17. 22. 25. 27. 34. V, 19. 37. 39. Lu. II, 7. 26. 37. 43. 50. II. Cor. I, 8. 9. 23. II, 1. 3. 5. 11. 13. 17. III, 7. 10. 13. IV, 1. 2. 4. 16. V, 4. 16. 21. Skeir. VII, b. d; so also w. a pred. ptc.; Mk. II, 24. 26; or a prs. ptc.; Mk. II, 4. Lu. II, 45. II. Cor. IV, 18. V, 19; (b) in prohibitiv sentences; Mt. V, 7. 8. 17. 21. 27. 33. 42. VI, 2. 3. 5. 7. 13. 16. 19. 25. 31. Mk. V, 7. 36. Lu. II, 10. (2) joind to other words (sbs., adjs., ptcs. uzed as adjs., etc.), chiefly in antithesis and hypothetical sentences, and often w. other particls; Mt. V, 20. 30. VI, 15. 24. Mk. I, 22. II, 27. IV, 40. V, 26. II. Cor. I, 12. 13. 24. II, 4. 5. III, 3. 5. 6. IV, 5. 7. 8. 9. V, 3. 7. 12. 15. 16. Skeir. VII, a. b. c. [OE. ME. ne, NE. ne (obs.), adv., not. Also containd in no, neither, not, etc.] niba, nibai (10, n. 2), conj. (218), except, but, if not, unless, save; (1) w. sbs.; Mk. II, 7. 26. V, 37. II. Cor. II, 2. (2) w. vbs.; Mt. V, 20. Mk. III, 27; nibai ?an, lest at any time; Mk. IV, 12. [< ni + iba, ibai.] nidwa, f. (97), rust; Mt. VI, 19. 20. nih (20, n. 1; 62, n. 3), conj. (218), and not, not even; Mt. VI, 29; in a negativ sentence it merely intensifies the negation or is either copulativ or disjunctiv: ni..nih, not ... and not, not ... nor, (or not even, not as much as); Mt. VI, 20. 25. Mk. II, 2. III, 20. Skeir. VII, a; ni..nih..nih, not ... nor ... nor; Mt. VI, 26; nih..ak, not ... but; II. Cor. I, 19. Skeir. VII, a; nih Þan..ak jah, for not ..., but also; Skeir. VII, c; ni..nih..ak, not ... nor ... but; II. Cor. IV, 2; nih allis ?a..nih..ak, for nothing ... neither ... but; Mk. IV, 22; nih..nih, neither ... nor, not ... nor; Mt. VI, 20. 28; ni..allis ni ..nih..nih..nih, not at all, NikaÚdÊmus (23, n. 1), pr. n., Nicodemus. niman, stv. (170; 175), to take, accept, receiv, take away, w. acc.; Mt. V, 40. Mk. II, 9. 11. IV, 16. Skeir. VII, b.—Cpds. af-, and-, ga-, us-n. [OE. niman, ME. nime, to take, seiz, NE. nim (Shak.), to steal.] -nisan, stv. (176, n. 1), in ga-n. [OE. gi-nesan, to be saved, OHG. gi-nesan, MHG. genesen, to remain alive, be saved, be deliverd (of a child), NHG. genesen, to recuver.] niÞan, stv. (176, n. 1), to help. [Its v (w. abl.) appears in OHG. ginÂda, f., mercy, grace, MHG. gnÂde, genÂde, NHG. gnade, f., grace, etc.] niÞjis, m. (92), kinsman, cuzin. [OE. niÐ-in pl. niÐÐas, m., persons, men.] niÞjÔ, f. (112), female cuzin. [Extended < stem of niÞjis.] ni-u, interr. part. (216), in dir. questions, not? (= Lt. 'nonne'); Mt. V, 46. 47. VI, 25. 26. Mk. IV, 21. 38. Lu. II, 49; ni aiw, never?; Mk. II, 25. -niujan, wv. (187), to renew, in ana-n. [< niujis.] niuja-satiÞs (88a, n. 1), pp. uzed as sb., m. (134), a novice. [satiÞs < satjan.] niujis, adj. (126), new, yung; Mk. I, 27. II, 21. 22. II. Cor. III, 6. V, 17. [OE. nÎewe, nÎwe, < nÊowe (+ suff. -ja-), ME. niwe, new(e), NE. new.] niu-klahei, f. (113), puerility, pusillanimity; Skeir. VII, a. [< niuklahs, adj., under age, childish; niu- = OE. nÊo-we; s. niujis.] niun, card. num. (141), nine. [OE. nigon (the g being intrusiv), nigen, ME. ni?en (infl. ni?ene > the contracted) nine, NE. nine.] niunda, ord. num. (146), ninth. [< niun. OE. nigoÐa (< *nigonÐa), ME. nieÞe, nynt, NE. ninth (by influence of 'nine').] niuntÊhund, num. (143), ninety. [< niun + -tÊhund. Cp. Brgm., III, § 179.] niutan, stv. (173, n. 1), to enjoy. [OE. nÊotan, OHG. gi-nio?an (= Goth. ga-n.), MHG. genie?en, NHG. geniessen, to enjoy.] -nÔhjan, wv. (188), in ga-n. [< (ga)-nÔhs.] nÔta, m. (108), hinder part of a ship, stern; Mk. IV, 38. nu, (1) adv. (214, n. 1; 218), now, even now, just now; Lu. II, 29; uzed as sb.: fram Þamma nu, henseforth; II. Cor. V, 16. (2) conj. (218: so never at the beginning of a sentence), now, then, therefore; Mt. V, 19. 23. 48. VI, 2. 8. 9. 22. 23. 31. II. Cor. I, 17. III, 12. IV, 12. 13. V, 6. 11. 20. [Cf. OE. nÛ, ME. nu, nou, NE. now.] nuh, adv. (216; 218), occurring always in questions, now, then, therefore. [< nu + -h, i. e. -uh-.] -numja (33), m., one who takes, in arbi-numja, heir. [< niman + suff. -jan-.] nunu, conj. (218), now, then, therefore. [< nu + nu.] nuta, m. (108), cacher, fisher; Mk. I, 17. [< niutan.] Ô, interj. (219), o! oh! Ôgan (35), prt.-prs. (202), to fear, be afraid, (1) abs.; Mk. V, 15. 33. Lu. II, 10; Ôgan agisa mikilamma (instr. dat.), to fear exceedingly; Lu. II, 9. (2) w. refl. dat. (sis) and a cognate acc. (agis mikil), to fear exceedingly; Mk. IV, 41. [< *agan; s. unagands.] Ôgjan (35), wv. (188), to terrify, frighten. [Caus. of Ôgan.] ÔhtÊdun, prt. of Ôgan. Ôsanna (61), Hosannah. [< ?sa???, pray, help!, < the Hebrew.] Paida (51), f. (97), coat; Mt. V, 40. [Prob. a foren w. (51, a). OE. pÂd, f., OHG. pheit, MHG. pheit, pfeit, f., gown.] paÍntÊkustÊ (13, n. 1), Pentecost. [< pe?t???st?, fiftieth (i. e. the 50th day after the Passover.)] PaÍtrus, pr. n., Peter; Mk. III, 16; acc. -u; Mk. V, 37. [< ??t???.] paraskaÍwÊ (39), f. (113), the day of the preparation. [< pa?as?e??, f., preparation.] paska, f. (97), (the feast of) the Passover; Lu. II, 41. [< p?s?a < the Hebrew.] PaÚntius (24, n. 5), pr. n., Pontius. [< ???t???.] paÚrpura, paÚrpaÚra (24, ns. 2. 5), f. (97), purpl. [< Lt. purpura.] Pawlus, pr. n., Paul; II. Cor. I, 1. [< ?a????.] peika-bagms (51), m. (91), date-palm. PeilÂtus (5, a), pr. n., Pilate. [< ?e???t??.] Phaeba (52), pr. n. pistikeins (51), adj. (124), genuin, pure. [< p?st????, faithful, honest, + Goth. suff. -eina-.] plapja, f. (97, n. 1), street; Mt. VI, 5. [Occurs only onse, in gen. pl. plapjÔ, which is prob. an error, for *platjÔ < Lt. platea < Grk. p?ate?a, a broad way, street.] plats, m. (91, or 100? or plat, n., 94?), a piece of cloth, pach; Mk. II, 21. [< Old Slavonic platu, pach.] plinsjan (51), wv. (188), to dance. [< Old Slavonic plesati, to dance.] -praggan (51), rv. (178), in ana-p. [< Old Slavonic. Cf. Dutch prangen, to press.] praitÔriaÚn, n. (120, n. 2), Pretorium. [< p?a?t?????, Pretorium.] praÚfÊteis, f. (92), profetess; Lu. II, 36. [< p??f?t??, profetess.] praÚfÊtus (praÚfÊtÊs), m. (105; 91), profet; dat. -au; Mk. I, 2; acc. pl. -uns; Mt. V, 17. [< p??f?t??, profet.] puggs (51), m. (91; or pugg, n., purse.) [Borrowd <? Cf. OE. pung, m. (?), ME. pung, purse.] pund (51), n. (94), pound. [< Lt. pondo, indecl. sb.; pound; cf. Lt. pondus, weight.] Q. See K. Radagaisus (21, n. 1), pr. n. raginÔn, wv. (190), to guvern, be guvernor; Lu. II, 2. [< ragin (= OE. regn-, in composition), n., judgment, decree, counsel, (> also ragineis (92), m., counselor). OE. regnjan, to plan, arrange.] rahnjan, wv. (188), to reckon, count, w. acc. of th. and dat. of pers., to impute anything to; II. Cor. V, 19. raÍhtis, adv. conj. (218) uzed as an enclitic, for, however, indeed; Mk. IV, 4. [< raÍhts + adv. compar. suff. -is; s. 212.] raÍhts, adj. (124), straight, right; Mk. I, 3. [Prop. an old ptc. in-to-, < v of reiks. OE. riht, ME. ryght, riht, NE. right.] -raisjan, wv. (188), to cause to rize, to raiz, in ur-r. [Caus. of -reisan. OE. rÆ^ran (r < z < s), ME. rere, NE. rear.] raka (indecl.), raca; Mt. V, 22. [< ?a?? < Hebrew rÂkÂ, wurthless fellow.] -rakjan, wv. (188), to strech, in uf-r. [OHG. recchen, MHG. NHG. recken, Du. rekken, to strech, > NE. rack.] rann, prt. of rinnan. -rannjan (32), wv. (188), to cause to run, in ur-r. [Caus. of rinnan. rasta, f. (97), stage (of a jurney), mile; Mt. V, 41. [< v ras, to stay (> also razn (w. suff. na), n., house) + suff. -tÔ-. OHG. rasta, MHG. raste, rast, f., rest, stage of a jurney, NHG. rast, f., rest, repose. Cf. OE. rest, rÆst (w. suff. -ti-), ME. NE. rest.] -raÞjan (?), stv. (177, n. 2), in ga-r. raÞjÔ, f. (112), number, account. [< v of -raÞjan + suff. -jÔn-. OHG. redia, reda, MHG. rede, f., account, speech, NHG. rede, f., speech. ra-Þ- = E. -red; s. hund. (Cp. Brgm., I, § 214; II, § 300.)] -raubÔn, wv. (190), to rob, in bi-r. [OE. (bi-)rÊafian, ME. (bi)reve, NE. (be-)reav.] raupjan, wv. (188), to pluck, w. acc.; Mk. II, 23. [OHG. roufen, MHG. roufen, rÖufen, NHG. raufen, to pluck, pul.] *rauÞs (gen. raudis; 74, n. 2), adj. (124), red. [OE. rÊad, ME. rÊd, NE. red.] ReccarÊd (6, n. 2), pr. n. -rÊdan, rv. (181), (only in cpds.), to counsel, deliberate. [OE. rÆ^dan, ME. rede, reade, to advise, rule, NE. rede, read (Shak.), > OE. rÆ^d, m., ME. rede, reade, NE. (obs.) read, rede, advice, counsel, > OE. rÆ^dan (wv.), ME. rÊde, to interpret, NE. read.] reiki, n. (95), power, authority, rule. [< reiks, sb. OE. rÎce (rÎci), n., ME. riche, rike, reign, kingdom, NE. -ric (ME. -rich, OE. -rÎce), in bishopric.] reikinÔn, wv. (190), to rule, guvern. [< reiks, sb.] reiks, m. (117), ruler, prince. [Stem reik-, reika-, < Keltic rÎg-, ruler. Cp. reiks, adj.] reiks, adj. (130, n. 2), mighty, noble, honorabl; superl. (sa)reikista, (the) mightiest, prince; Mk. III, 22. [OE. rÎce, powerful, mighty, of high rank, ME. riche, rice, powerful, also rich (by confusion w. the Fr. riche), NE. rich. Cp. reiks, sb.] reiran, wv. (193), to trembl; Mk. V, 33. -reisan, stv. (172, n. 1), to rize, in ur-r. [OE. rÎsan, ME. rise, NE. rize.] rignjan, wv. (188), to rain; Mt. V, 45. [< rign, n. (= OE. regn, m., ME. rein, NE. rain). OE. regnian, ME. reine, NE. rain.] rikan, stv. (176, n. 1), to heap up, collect. [Its v appears (w. abl.) in OE. raca, m. (or racu, f.?), ME. rake, NE. rake, an instrument for scraping erth.] riqis, riqiz (78, n. 1), n. (94), darkness; Mt. VI, 23. II. Cor. IV, 6. [ON. rÖkkr, n., darkness.] riqizeins, adj. (124), dark, darkend; Mt. VI, 23. [< riqis + suff. -eina-.] rinnan, stv. (174, n. 1), to run; Mk. V, 6; w. in w. acc.; Mk. V, 13.—Cpds. ga-, ur-r. [OE. rinnan, uzually irnan, eornan, iernan, ME. rinne, renne, rynne, eorne, NE. run.] rinnÔ (32), f. (112), brook. [< rinnan. OHG. rinnÂ, f., aqueduct, MHG. rinne, f., aqueduct, gutter, NHG. rinne, f., gutter.] *riureis (127; or riurs?; 130 and n. 2), adj., temporal, mortal; II. Cor. IV, 11. 18. [ON. ryrr, adj., small, poor.] rÔdjan, wv., (188), to speak, (1) abs.; Mk. I, 34. V, 35. II. Cor. IV, 13; so w. dat. of pers.; Mk. IV, 34; or bi w. acc., and in w. dat.; Lu. II, 38; or us w. dat., and in andwaÍrÞja w. gen.; II. Cor. II, 17; or du w. dat. of pers.; Lu. II, 20. (2) w. acc. of th. (in pass. the nom.; s. also below); Mk. II, 7. V, 36; and bi w. acc.; Lu. II, 33. (3) w. acc. of th. and dat. of the RÛma (15, n. 2), pr. n., Rome. [< ???.] RÛmÔneis (15, n. 2), pr. n., Romans. [< ??a???.] -rÛmnan (78, n. 4), wv. (194), in ur-r. [< rÛms.] rÛms (15), m. (? 91), room, place; Lu. II, 7. [OE. rÛm, n., ME. roum, NE. room. Cp. Brgm. I, § 59.] rÛna (15), f. (97), mystery, counsel; Mk. IV, 11. [OE. rÛn, f., mystery, counsel, rÛne, ME. roune, NE. roun (obs.; rÛne < the Scand.).] runs (32; 49), m. (101, ns. 1. 2), a running, issue; Mk. V, 25. [< rinnan. OE. ryne, m., a running, course, ME. rune, NE. run.] Sa, m., sÔ, f.; Þata, n. (153), (1) dem. prn. (for ??t??, ??e????, etc.), this, that, (for a?t??) he, she, it, -self—(S. my Gothic Syntax, § 63 et seq.)—, (a) uzed alone; Mt. V, 30. 32. 37. VI, 8. 26. 29. 32. Mk. I, 19. 25. 27. 31. 42. II, 7. 8. 21. III, 35. IV, 4. 7. 18. 20. 30. 41. V, 12. 23. 32. 43. Lu. II, 6. 12. 34. II. Cor. I, 12. 17. II, 16. V, 2. 5. 15. Skeir. VII, a. d. For in Þis inuh Þis, s. in, (1); (b) w. sbs. or adjs. (follg. or prec.); Mt. V, 19. Mk. IV, 13. Lu. II, 15. 17. 19. 25. 38. 51. II. Cor. I, 15. III, 10. IV, 1. 4. 7.—Þata silbÔ, this same thing; II. Cor. II, 1. 3; (c) w. a rel. prn.; Mt. V, 32. Mk. V, 15. Lu. II, 33. II. Cor. V, 21. Skeir. VII, d. (2) art. (for ?, ?, t?), the, (a) w. sbs. (unmodified; cp. b, , and e, , below), (a) appellativs; Mt. V, 20. 25. 47. VI, 2. 23. Mk. I, 10. 13. 15. 20. 22. 29. 31. 34. 42. 45. II, 4. 5. 6. 9. 10. 16. 20. 21. 22. 28. III, 9. IV, 7. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 27. 28. 33. 36. 39. V, 4. 8. 11-14. 22. 29. 31. 35. 36. 38-42. Lu. II, 7. Skeir. VII, b. c; () pr. ns. (where the E. often omits it, especially when the pr. n. occurs alone); Mt. V, 20. Mk. I, 16. III, 6. 17. Lu. II, 7. 10. 13. 15. 17. 20. 25. 27. 40. 43. 50. II. Cor. I, 4. 11. 12. III, 16. IV, 1. 2. 7. V, 1. 4. 5. 8. 17; (b) w. adjs. (poss. prns. or is), (a) alone (chiefly uzed as sbs.; so, sumtimes, w. other adjs. or ptcs.); Mt. V, 21. 33. 37. 39. 47. Mk. III, 27. V, 15. 16. II. Cor. II, 6. 7. III, 10. IV, 15. 17. V, 10. 17; () w. sbs. (the art. prec. the adj. and its sb.); Mt. V, 26. 35. Mk. I, 24. II, 21 (sc. plat). Lu. I, 8. II. Cor. I, 6. III, 13. 18. IV, 13. V, 1. Skeir. VII, d. (the art. standing between the sb. and its adj.) Mt. V, 19. 29. VI, 11. Mk. I, 11. 26. 27. II, 22. IV, 20. V, 7. 13. Lu. II, 26. II. Cor. I, 6. (or between the adj. and its sb.) Mk. V, 33. Lu. II, 19. (the art. standing before the sb. and its adj.) Mk. II, 9. III, 5. 9. 27. V, 34. Lu. II, 41. 48. II. Cor. I, 18. III, 5. (the art. prec. the first of two qualifying adjs.) Skeir. VII, d; (c) w. nums., (a) alone; Mk. IV, 10; () attributivly; Skeir. VII, b; (d) w. advs. or adv. (prep.) frases, (a) without sb.: Mk. I, 7. 19. 36. 38. II, 25. 26. IV, 10. 11. 15. 16. 18. 31. V, 40. II. Cor. I, 4. 20. V, 2. 16; () w. other words; Mt. V, 45. 48. VI, 1. 23. Mk. I, 38. IV, 19. 31. V, 4. II. Cor. III, 10. IV, 16; (e) w. a ptc. (chiefly uzed as sb.; so sumtimes w. an adj.), (a) without sb.; Mt. V, 40. 44. 46. Mk. I, 32. II, 17. III, 22. 34. IV, 3. 14. 16. 20. 24. V, 14. 32. Lu. II, 18. 21. 38. 47. II. Cor. I, 1. 20. II, 2. 14. 15. III, 11. 13. sabbatÔ (indecl.) or sabbatus, m. (120, n. 1), the Sabbath; Mk. II, 27; dat. sg. -Ô; Mk. II, 28; gen. pl. -Ô; Mk. I, 21. II, 23. 27. III, 2. [< s?at?? < Hebrew shabbÁth, rest, sabbath-day.] sa-ei, rel. prn. (157) m.; f. sÔei, sei (157, 3); n. Þatei (for *Þataei); that, who, whosoever, (1) for ??; Mt. VI, 8. Mk. I, 2. 7. 44. II, 4. 24. 26. III, 13. 17. 19. IV, 9. 16. 24. 31. V, 3. 33. 41. Lu. II, 11. 15. 20. 25. 31. 50. II. Cor. I, 4. 6. 10. 13. 17. 19. II, 3. 4. 10. IV, 4. V, 4. 10. Skeir. VII, a. b. c. d. (2) for ?? ?? (w. subj.), w. prs. indic.; Mt. V, 21. 22. Mk. III, 35. IV, 25; w. prs. opt.; Mk. IV, 22. (3) for ?st??; Mk. IV, 20. Lu. II, 4. 10. (4) for the Gr. art. (w. prs. ptc.), w. prs. or prt. indic. or opt.; Mt. VI, 4. 18. Lu. II, 33. II. Cor. I, 4. II, 2; (w. aor. ptc.) w. prt. indic.; Mk. V, 16. 18. Lu. II, 17. II. Cor. IV, 6. V, 5. (w. sb.), w. prs. opt.; Mt. VI, 12.—When a rel. clause contains two vs., both may occur in the indic. mood, or the first stands in the indic. and the second in the opt.; Mt. V, 19.—The rel. saei is sumtimes preceded by the dem. (art.) sa; see sa, (1), (c).—It is uzually assimilated to the case of its antecedent; Lu. II, 20.—For its function as a conj., s. afar; in, (1) and (2), (c); ÞaÍrh; und; also Þammei, Þizei, and Þatei. saggws, m. (101), song, singing. [< siggwan. OE. song, m., ME. songe, sang, NE. song.] sa-h, dem. prn. (154) m.; f. sÔh; n. Þatuh (for Þata-uh), and this, and that, and he; this, that, the same; he; who, which, (1) referring to a prec. rel. clause; Mt. V, 19. (2) follg. sum other antecedent; Lu. II, 38; so often as a connectiv before accessory clauses; Lu. II, 36. 37.—sah occurs frequently with Þan; Mk. III, 11. Lu. II, 2. 37. II. Cor. I, 17. IV, 15. [< sa + uh.] sa-?az-uh, indef. rel. prn. (164, n. 1); s. Þis?azuh. sai, interj. (204, n. 2; 219), see! behold! lo!; Mk. I, 2. II, 24. III, 32. 34. IV, 3. V, 22. Lu. II, 10. 34. 48. II. Cor. V, 17; suns sai, immediately; Mk. I, 12. [< sa + -i (a mutilated form of -ei), prop. a dem. particl attacht for emfasis.] saian (saijan; 22 and n. 1), rv. (182), to sow, (1) abs.; Mt. VI, 26. Mk. IV, 4. (2) w. acc. (nom. in pass.); Mk. IV, 14. 15 (nom. implied). 32. (3) w. instr. dat. (fraiwa); Mk. IV, 3.—Followd by ana w. dat.; Mk. IV, 16. 20; or acc.; Mk. IV, 31; in w. acc.; Mk. IV, 18; —prs. ptc. (uzed as sb.) saiands, sower; Mk. IV, 3. 14.—Cpd. in-s. [OE. sÂwan; (cp. waian), ME. sowe, NE. sow.] saÍhs, card. num. (141), six. [OE. seox, six, ME. NE. six.] saÍhsta, ord. num. (146), sixth. [< saÍhs. OE. sixta, ME. sixte, NE. sixth (the th by influence of the numerals w. regular th).] saÍ?an (34, n. 1), stv. (176, n. 1), to see, look, behold, take heed, take heed to, (1) abs.; Mt. VI, 4. 6. 18. Mk. IV, 12. (2) w. acc.; Mt. V, 28. Mk. IV, 24. V, 22. 32. Lu. II, 15. 26. 30; and a ptc. in acc.; Mk. V, 31. (3) w. faÍrraÞrÔ (afar, afar off); Mk. V, 6. (4) w. du w. inf.; Mt. V, 28. (5) w. an indir. question; Mk. IV, 24. V, 14. (6) w. a clause introduced by ei; Mk. I, 44.—Cpds. at-, bi-, ga-, in-, ÞaÍrh-, us-s. [OE. sÊon (< *sehwon), ME. see, NE. see.] -sailjan, wv. (188), to cord, in in-s. [< *sail (= OE. sÂl, m., ME. sÔl, OHG. MHG. NHG. seil, n., rope, cord). OE. sÆ^lan, to fasten with a cord.] sÁir (20, n. 2), n. (94), sorrow, travail. [Prop. n. adj. uzed as sb. (m. *sairs = OE. sÂr, ME. sore, NE. sore, painful, >) OE. sÂr, n., pain, ME. sore, NE. sore.] saiwala, f. (97), soul, life; Mt. VI, 25. Mk. III, 4. Lu. II, 35. [OE. sÂwol, sÂul, f., ME. sawle, soule, NE. soul.] saiws, m. (101, n. 1), sea, lake, marsh. [OE. sÆ^ (infl. also sÆ^w-), m. f., sea, lake, ME. sÊ, NE. sea.] sakan, stv. (177, n. 1), to strive, quarrel, rebuke.—Cpds. and-, ga-s. [OE. sacan, ME. -sake (in cpds.), to strive, contend. Cp. frisahts and sakjÔ.] sakjÔ (35), f. (112), strife. [< sakan + suff. -jÔn-. Cf. OE. sÆc(c), f. (jÂ-stem), strife, contest; sacu, f. (Â-stem), strife, hostility, ME. sake, strife, litigation, gilt, cause, (for ... sake =) NE. (for ...) sake.] sakkus (58, n. 1), m. (105), sack, sackcloth. [< Lt. saccus (or) < Grk. s????? < Hebrew saq, sackcloth, sack for corn.] salbÔn, wv. (189), to salv, anoint; w. acc.; Mt. VI, 17. II. Cor. I, 21. [< *salba (= OE. sealf, f., ME. salfe, salve, NE. salv, sb.). OE. sealfian, ME. salfe, salve, NE. salv, vb.] salbÔns, f. (103, n. 1), salv, ointment. [< salbÔn + suff. -Ô-ni-.] saltan, rv. (179, n. 1), to salt. [OE. sealtan, OHG. salzan, MHG. salzen, (NHG. salzen, wv., but pp. gesalzen), rv., to salt. Cf. OE. sealt, ME. salt, n. (also adj.), NE. salt > ME. salte, NE. salt, wv.] sama, adj. prn. (132, n. 3; 156), same, the same, (1) without sb., and with the art.; Mt. V, 46. 47. Skeir. VII, d. (2) w. a sb., and with the art.; Lu. II, 8. II. Cor. I, 6. III, 14. IV, 13. [ON. samr, adj., > ME. same, NE. same. Cf. OE. some, same, adv.: sw s., just as.] sama-fraÞjis, adj. (126), like-minded. sama-lauÞs (74, n. 1), adj. (124), of the same size or quantity, as much. [-lauÞs < v of liudan.] sama-leikÔ, adv., equally, likewise; Mk. IV, 16. Skeir. VII, c. [< sama-leiks = OHG. samolÎh, samelÎh, MHG. same-, seme-, sem-lÎch, alike, agreeing together. For -leiks, s. galeikÔ.] samaÞ, adv. (213, n. 2), to the same place, together. [< sama + suff. -Þ. OE. somod, samod, ME. samed, OHG. samet, MHG. NHG. samt, adv., together, and prep., together with.] sandjan (74, n. 3), wv. (187), to send.—Cpds. in-, us-s. [Causal of *sinÞan, to go. OE. sendan, ME. sende, NE. send.] Satana, pr. n., Satan; Mk. III, 26; or Satanas; Mk. III, 23. IV, 15; satjan, wv. (187), to set, place, put; Mk. IV, 21.—Cpds. af-, at-, ga-, faÚra-ga-s. [Causal of sitan. OE. settan, ME. sette, NE. set.] saÞs, gen. sadis (74, n. 3), adj. (124), sated, ful; s. waÍrÞan, to be fild; Skeir. VII, d. [Prop. an old ptc. in-to-. OE. sÆd, ME. sad, sed, NE. sad (obs.) satiated.] saÚhts (58, n. 2), f. (103), sickness, disease; Mk. I, 34. III, 15. [< v of siuks + suff. -ti-. OE. suht (?), f., ME. suht, disease, ilnes, OHG. MHG. suht, NHG. sucht, f., disease, malady.] sauil (26), n. (94), sun; Mk. I, 32. SaÚlaÚmÔn, pr. n., Solomon; Mt. VI, 29. [< S?????.] -sauljan (24, n. 1), wv. (188), to soil, in bi-s. [Cp. OE. sylian (< sol, orig. *sul-, n., mire), ME. sulie, NE. sully.] -saulnan (24, n. 1), wv. (194), in bi-s. SaÚr (24, n. 5), pr. n., a Syrian; dat. pl. -im; Lu. II, 2. [< S????.] saÚrga, f. (97), care; Mk. IV, 19. sorrow, grief; II. Cor. II, 1. 3. 7. [OE. sorh, sorg, f., ME. sorwe, NE. sorrow.] saÚrgan, wv. (193), to sorrow, be grievd; II. Cor. II, 4; w. bi w. acc., to be anxious about, take thought for; Mt. VI, 28. [< saÚrga. OE. sorgian (transferd to the Second Conjugation), ME. sorwe, NE. sorrow.] sauÞs, m. (101), sacrifice. [ON. sauÐr, m., sheep, prop. an animal to be immolated, a victim, < v of sjÓÐa (prt. sauÐ) = OE. sÊoÐan (prt. sÊaÐ), ME. sethe, NE. seeth.] sei, f. prn. (157, n. 3); s. saei. SeidÔna, pr. n. f., Sidon; acc. -a; Mk. III, 8. [< S?d??.] SeimÔn, SeimÔnus, pr. n., Simon; Mk. I, 36; gen. -is; Mk. I, 16. 29. 30; dat. -a; Mk. III, 16; acc. -a (Gr. infl.); Mk. III, 18; or -u; Mk. I, 16. [< S???.] seina, refl. prn. gen.; dat. sis, acc. sik, uzed for all genders and numbers, (I) alone, (1) where the Gr. has no corresponding prn., (a) m., (a) sing.; Mt. V, 42. VI, 29; () pl. Mk. II, 6. IV, 12. 41. Lu. II, 20. 43; (b) fem., (a) sg.; Mk. III, 20; () pl.; Mk. IV, 1. V, 21; (c) n., (a) sg. (not found in our 'Selections.') () pl.; Lu. II, 39. 45; (2) for ?a?t?, a?t?, a?t?, etc., (a) m., (a) sg., Mk. II, 26. III, 14. 25. 34. V, 4. 5. 30. 37. 40. II. Cor. V, 19. Skeir. VII, a; () pl.; Mk. II, 8. 19. IV, 17. II. Cor. V, 15. (II) w. silba, m., (a) sg.: sis silbin, sik silban, himself; Mk. III, 26. V, 30; () pl.: sis silbam, (sik silbans), themselvs; II. Cor. V, 15. (III) w. missÔ: seina missÔ, one another; sis missÔ, one another; m. pl.; Mk. I, 27. IV, 41. Lu. II, 15. [Wanting in E., but see under seins.] OHG. gen. sg. (only m. n.) sÎn; dat. wanting; acc. sih (sg. and pl.), MHG. gen. sg. sÎn, acc. sg. and pl. sich, NHG. gen. sg. sein (poet.); dat. acc. sich (for all genders and numbers). seins, poss. prn. (151), uzed for all genders and numbers, his, theirs, their, etc., (1) alone, referring to a f. in sg.; Mk. V, 26. (2) w. a sb., referring, (a) to a m. in sg.; Mt. V, 22. 28. 32. 45. VI, 27. 29. Mk. I, 6. 41. III, 7. 9. IV, 2. 3. 34. Lu. II, 3. 28. II. Cor. II, 14. Skeir. VII, c. d; (b) to a m. in pl.; Mt. VI, 2. 5. 7. 16. Mk. I, 5. 20. II, 6. V, 17. Lu. II, 8. 39; (c) to a f. in sg.; Lu. II, 7. 19. 36. 51. [< stem of seina. OE. sÎn (referring to all genders and numbers;) OHG. sÎn seiteina (17, n. 2). seiÞus, adj. (131), late. [Cf. -seiÞs (s. ÞanaseiÞs).] sÊls, adj. (130), good, kind. [OE. sÆ^l, ME. sel, adj., good, >-sÆ^lig, ME. seli, happy, blessed, (NE. silly), OHG. sÂlig, MHG. sÆ^lec (-g-), NHG. selig, adj., happy, blessed.] sÊtun, prt. of sitan. si, pers. prn.; s. is. [Cf. OE. sÊo (< si + the fem. ending-u), ME. sche, NE. she. (Cp. Brgm., II, § 110.)] sibja, f. (97, n. 1), relationship. [OE. sib(b), f., ME. sib, sibbe, NE. sib (obs., but dial.), relationship, frendship, luv, peace.] -sibjÔn, wv. (190), in ga-s. [< stem of sibja. OE. ge-sibbian, wv., to appease, please.] sibun, indecl. num. (141), seven; Lu. II, 36. [OE. seofon, ME. seven, NE. seven.] sibuntÊhund, num. (143), seventy. [< sibun + tÊhund. Cp. Brgm., III, § 179.] sidÔn, wv. (190), to practis. [< sidus. OHG. (gi-)sitÔn, to do, prepare.] sidus, m. (105), custom, manner. [OE. siodu, m., custom, manner, morality, ME. side-, in side-ful, adj., modest, OHG. situ, m., MHG. site, m., f. (rare), NHG. sitte, f., custom, manner.] siggwan (68), stv. (174, n. 1), (1) abs., to sing. (2) w. acc. (nom. in pass.), to read (aloud); II. Cor. III, 15.—Cpd. us-s. [OE. singan, ME. singe, NE. sing.] sigis, n. (94), victory. [OE. sigor, m. (from stem in -iz; hense orig. n.), beside sige, m. (as if < sigi-z; cp. Brgm., II, § 132, Rem. 2), ME. si?e, victory, OHG. sigi, -u, m., MHG. sige, sic (-g-), NHG. sieg, m., victory.] Sigis-mÊres (6, n. 2), pr. n. sigqan (siggqan), stv. (174, n. 1), to sink.—Cpd. ga-s. [OE. sincan (intr.), ME. sinke, NE. sink (tr. and intr.).] sigljan, wv. (188), to seal, w. acc.; II. Cor. I, 22. [< Lt. sigillare, to seal.] sigljÔ, n. (110), seal. [< sigljan.] sihu? (20, n. 1), acc. n. (106), victory. [Cf. sigis.] sijau, siju, sijum, etc., v. (204). sik, refl. prn.; s. seina. -silan, wv. (193), in ana-s. [Cognate with, or < Lt. silere, to be silent.] silba, prn. (132, n. 3; 156), self, (1) uzed alone; II. Cor. I, 4. 9. (2) w. a poss. prn., where it stands in the gen. (like Lt. ipsius w. a poss. prn.); Lu. II, 35. (3) w. a pers. prn.; Mk. I, 44. III, 26. V, 30. II. Cor. I, 9. III, 1. 5. IV, 2. 5. V, 12. 15. (4) w. a dem. prn.; as, Þata silbÔ, this very thing; II. Cor. II, 1. 3. (5) w. a sb. Mk. IV, 28. [OE. seolf, self, ME. seolf, self (infl. -v-), NE. self.] SilbÂnus (5, a; 54, n. 1), pr. n., Silvanus; acc. -u; II. Cor. I, 19. [< S????a???.] silba-wiljis, adj. (92, n. 4), of one's own accord. [-wiljis < wiljan.] silda-leikjan, wv. (188), to be astonisht, be amazed, to wonder, marvel; Mk. I, 27. V, 20. Lu. II, 48; w. ana w. dat.; Lu. II, 33; bi w. acc.; Lu. II, 18. [< sildaleiks (= OE. sellÎc, for seld-lÎc, ME. sellich), adj., strange, wonderful, marvelous, < silda- (OE. seld, adj., rare, strange, ME. selde, pl., few; cp. OE. seldan, ME. selde, prop. dat. of seld) + -leiks.] silubr, n. (94), silver, muney. [OE. seolfor, siolfur, ME. seolver, silver, NE. silver.] simlÊ, adv. (214, n. 1), onse, formerly. [OE. simle, symle, ME. simle, adv., ever, always.] sinaps, m. (91; or sinap, n.? 94), mustard; Mk. IV, 31. [< s??ap?, n., mustard.] sineigs (10, n. 5), adj. (138 and 139), old, elder. [< *sina- (s. sinteins), adj., old, + suff. -eiga-.] sinteinÔ, adv., ever, always, continually; Mk. V, 5. II. Cor. IV, 10. 11. V, 6. [< sinteins + suff. -Ô.] sinteins, adj. (124), daily; Mt. VI, 11. [< sin- (for sina-; s. sineigs), ever, + -teina-; sin- = OE. sin-in sin-niht, f., eternal night; sin-grÊne, ME. sin-, sen-grene, NE. sengreen, the houseleek, lit. 'evergreen'.] sipÔneis, m. (92), pupil, disciple; Mk. II, 15. 16. 18. 23. 24. III, 7. 9. IV, 34. V, 31. Skeir. VII, d. sipÔnjan, wv. (187; 188), to be a disciple. [< sipÔneis.] sis, prn.; s. seina. sitan, stv. (176, n. 1), to sit; Mk. II, 6. V, 15; w. at w. dat.; Mk. II, 14; bi w. acc.; Mk. III, 32. 34; in w. dat.; Lu. II, 46.—Cpds. bi-, ga-s. [OE. sittan (< *sittjan; the j occurs in the prs. tense only; prt. sÆt, etc.), ME. sitte, NE. sit.] siujan, wv. (187), to sew; Mk. II, 21. [< a lost sb. OE. siowian, seowian, ME. sewe, NE. sew.] siukan, stv. (173, n. 1), to be sick, be il, be weak. siuks, adj. (124), sick, il, diseast, weak. [OE. sÊoc, ME. sÊk, sek, sic, NE. sick.] siuns (42, n. 3), f. (103), the sense of sight, sight; II. Cor. V, 7. [< saÍ?an + suff. -ni-; cp. Brgm., I, § 441.] siuÞ = sijuÞ; s. sijau. skaban, stv. (177, n. 1), to shave. [OE. sceafan, scafan, ME. schave, NE. shave.] skadus, m. (105), shade, shadow; Mk. IV, 32. [OE. sceadu (follg. a- or wa-stems, but orig. < stem in -u-), f., ME. schadowe, schade, NE. shadow, shade.] -skadweins (14, n. 1), f. (103, n. 1), a shading, in ga-sk. [< skadwjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] -skadwjan (14, n. 1), wv. (188), to cast a shade or shadow, in ufar-sk. [< skadus. OE. sceadwian, ME. schadowe, NE. shadow.] skaidan, rv. (179), to sever, separate, put asunder. [OE. sc(e)Âdan, ME. shede, wv., NE. shed, to part, pour, spil.] -skaidnan, wv. (194), to becum parted, in ga-sk. [< skaidan.] skalkinÔn, wv. (190), to serv, do service; Mt. VI, 24. [< skalks.] skalks, m. (91), servant; Lu. II, 29. II. Cor. IV, 5. [OE. scealc, m., ME. schalk (= NE. -shal, in marshal < French < G.), OHG. scalch, servant, MHG. schalc, servant, bondman, NHG. schalk, m., wag, rogue.] skaman, wv. (193), always w. sik, to be ashamed, w. inf.; II. Cor. I, 8. [< *skama, f. (= OE. sceomu, sceamu, ME. schame, NE. shame). OE. sceomian (of the Second, orig. Third Class), sceamian, ME. schame, NE. shame.] -skapjan, stv. (177, n. 2), to shape, make, in ga-sk. [OE. scieppan (< scieppjan; ie < ea < a), scyppan, ME. scheppe, schape, stv., schapie, wv., NE. shape.] skattja (80), m. (108), muney-changer. [< skatts + suff. -jan-.] skatts (69, n. 1), m. (91), muney, coin. [OE. sceat(t), scat, m., ME. scat, OHG. scaz, m., coin, muney, MHG. schaz (-tz-), NHG. schatz, m., trezure, sweet-hart.] skaÞjan, stv. (177, n. 2), to do scath, do wrong. [OE. sceÐÐan, sceaÐan, str. and wv., to harm, > sceÐÐ, n., sceaÐa, m., ME. scathe, NE. scath, harm.] skauda-raips, m. (91; or -raip, n.? skauns, adj. (130, n. 2), beutiful. [Lit. wurth seeing, noticeabl (cp. Brgm., § 95; also us-skaus and the follg. w.), OE. scÊone (for *scÊane) > scÎene, scÊne, ME. schene, adj., NE. sheen, adj. (beutiful, fair; poet.) and sb.] -skawjan (42, n. 2), wv. (188), to behold, see, in us-sk. [< -skaus; s. us-skaus.] skeinan, stv. (172, n. 1), to shine; II. Cor. IV, 6.—Cpd. bi-sk. [OE. scÎnan, ME. schine, NE. shine.] skeireins, f. (103), a making clear, explanation, interpretation. [< skeirjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] -skeirjan, wv. (188), to make clear, in ga-sk. [< skeirs.] skeirs (78, n. 2), adj. (129, n. 1), clear, evident, plain. [< v of skein-an. OE. scÎr, ME. shire, bright, clear, pure; cp. ON. skÆrr, sheer, bright, > ME. schere, NE. sheer.] skÊwjan, wv. (188), to go, walk; Mk. II, 23. [Cf. ON. skÆva, to go, stride along.] skip, n. (94), ship, boat; Mk. I, 19. 20. III, 9. IV, 1. 36. 37. V, 2. 18. 21. [OE. scip, n., ME. schip, NE. ship.] -skiuban (56, n. 1), stv. (173, n. 1), to shuv, push, in af-sk. [OE. scÛfan (irreg. only in the pres., but later also scÊofan), ME. shuve, (NE. shuv < ME. (schowwyn =) schove, OE. scofian, to shuv), OHG. scioban, MHG. schieben, NHG. schieben, to shuv.] skÔhs, m. (91?), shoe; Mk. I, 7. [OE. sceÔh, scÔh, m., ME. shÔ, NE. shoe.] -skreitan, stv. (172, n. 1), to shred, tear, rend (tr.), in dis-sk. [OS. scrÎtan, to tear. Cp. Swiss schrÎssen, to pull, tear.] -skritnan, wv. (194), to rend (intr.), in dis-sk. [< -skreitan.] skuggwa (68), m. (108), mirror. [< v of skaus, which is containd also in OE. scÛwa, m., shade, and in OHG. scÛchar, mirror.] skula, m. adj. (132), gilty; sb. (108), detter; Mt. VI, 12; sk. wisan w. acc. of th.: Þatei skulans sijaima, that for which we ow, our dets; Mt. VI, 12; the crime being indicated by the gen.: to be gilty of, be in danger of; Mk. III, 29; the punishment being indicated by the dat.; Mt. V, 21. 22; or in w. acc.; Mt. V, 22. [< skulan. OE. (ge-)scola, OHG. scolo, MHG. schol, ge-schol, m., detter.] skulan, prt.-prs. (200), (1) w. inf., to be about to be, to be one's duty, to be obliged, ow, shal, must; Lu. II, 49. II. Cor. II, 3. V, 10. (2) skuld ist, it behoovs, it is lawful; Mk. II, 24. III, 4. 26. [OE. sculan, prs. indic. sceal, prt. sceolde, ME. schal, prt. scholde, schulde, NE. shal, should.] skÛra (15), f. (97), shower; sk. windis, storm of wind; Mk. IV, 37. [Cf. OE. scÛr, m., ME. shur, schowre, NE. shower.] slahan, stv. (177, n. 1), to strike, beat, smite. [OE. slÊan < *slahon < *slahan, to strike, slay, ME. slÊ (= slÆ^), NE. slay.] slahs, m. (101), stroke, stripe; plague; Mk. V, 29. 34. [< slahan. OE. slege, m., ME. sle?e, blow; OHG. slag (a-stem; in comp. also i-stem: slegi-), MHG. slac (-g-), NHG. schlag, m., blow, stroke.] -slauÞjan, wv. (188), to cause to slide, in af-s. -slauÞnan, wv. (194), in af-s. [Correlativ to -slauÞjan.] slawan, wv. (193), to be silent, hold one's peace.—Cpd. ga-s. slÊpan (78, n. 3), rv. (179), to sleep, fall asleep, be asleep; Mk. IV, 27. V, 39; w. ana w. dat.; Mk. IV, 38. [OE. slÆ^pan (st. and wv.), ME. slepe (st. and wv.), NE. sleep (wv.), OHG. slÂfan, MHG. slÂfen, NHG. schlafen, stv., to sleep.] slÊps, m. (91, n. 2), sleep. [< slÊpan. OE. slÆ^p, m., ME. slep(e), NE. sleep.] -slindan, stv. (174, n. 1), to devour, in fra-s. [OHG. (far)-slintan, MHG. ver-slinden, NHG. verschlingen (ng for nd by influence of schlingen, to wind, twist), to devour.] sliupan, stv. (173, n. 1), to slip. [OE. slÛpan (for *slÊopan; cp. -skiuban), ME. (Æt)-slupe, OHG. sliofan, MHG. sliefen, NHG. schliefen, to slip. Cp. also E. slip.] smakka (58, n. 1), m. (108), fig. [A foren word. Cp. Old Bulgarian smoky, fig.] smals, adj. (124), small, litl. [OE. smÆl, ME. smal, NE. small.] -smeitan, stv. (172, n. 1), in ga-s. [OE. smÎtan, to strike, be-s., to soil, pollute, ME. smite, to strike, be-s., to soil, pollute, NE. smite.] snaga, m. (108), garment; Mk. II, 21. snaiws, m. (91, n. 1), snow. [OE. snÂ(w), m., ME. snow, NE. snow.] sneiÞan, stv. (172, n. 1), to cut, reap; Mt. VI, 26. [OE. snÎÐan, ME. sniÐe, OHG. snÎdan, MHG. snÎden, NHG. schneiden, to cut.] sniumjan, wv. (188), to hasten, make haste; Lu. II, 16. [< an adj. = OHG. sniumi, quick, fast (sniumo, adv., = OE. snÊome, snÎome, adv., quickly, immediately), < v of sniwan.] sniumundÔs, compar. adv. (212, n. 2), more quickly. [< sniumundÔ, adv., quickly, (< adj. stem sniumunda- + adv. suff. -Ô) + compar. suff. -is, < sniumun- (+ suff. -da-) < v of sniwan + suff. -mun-.] sniwan, stv. (176, n. 2), to hasten, go. [Cf. ON. snÚa, stv., to turn; and OE. sneowan, wv., to hasten.] snutrs, adj. (124), wise. [< stem snut- + suff. -ra-. OE. snot(t)or, snoter, ME. snoter, adj., wise, prudent.] sÔh, f. of sah. sÔkjan (35), wv. (186), to seek, seek for, ask for, desire, long for, (1) w. acc.; Mt. VI, 32. Mk. I, 37. III, 32. Lu. II, 44. 45. 48. 49. IV, 42. (2) w. miÞ w. dat., to question with; Mk. I, 27. [OE. sÊkan, ME. seke, (bi)seche, NE. seek, beseech. Cp. sakan.] sÔkns (35), f. (103), serch, inquiry, question. [< v of sÔkjan + suff. -ni-. OE. sÔcen (w. suff. -na-), f., ME. soken, a seeking, inquiry.] spaÍkulÂtur (5, a; 24, n. 2), m., spy, executioner. [< Lt. speculator, spy.] sparwa, m. (108), sparrow. [OE. spearwa, ME. spar(o)we, NE. sparrow.] spaÚrds, f. (116), stadium, furlong, race-course. [OHG. spurt, f. (?), a stadium.] spÊdumists, superl. adj. (139, n. 1), the last. [< stem *spÊduma(n)- (< spÊÞs + suff. -u-ma-n-) + suff. -ista; spÊÞs = OHG. spÂti, MHG. spÆ^te, NHG. spÄt, adj., late.] speiwan, stv. (172, n. 1), to spit. [OE. spÎwan, ME. spiwe, OHG. spÎwan, spÎan, MHG. spÎen, NHG. speien, to spit. Cp. also OE. spiwian, speowan, ME. spewe, NE. spew.] spilda, f. (97), (writing-) tablet; II. Cor. III, 3. [Cf. OE. speld, n., ME. speld, splinter, chip.] spillÔn, wv. (189), to tel a tale, tel, narrate; Mk. V, 16; to bring (good) spinnan, stv. (174, n. 1), to spin; Mt. VI, 28. [OE. spinnan, ME. spynne, NE. spin.] sprautÔ, adv. (211, n. 1), quickly, soon; Mt. V, 25. stafs (56, n. 1), m. (101), element, rudiment. [OE. stÆf, m., ME. staf, twig, staff, letter, NE. staff.] staiga, f. (97), path, way, highway; Mk. I, 3. [< steigan. OHG. steiga, MHG. steige, f., an ascending road, NHG. steige, f., stile, staircase.] stainahs, adj. (124), stony; Mk. IV, 5. 16. [< stains + suff. -ha (:ga). OHG. steinag, -ac, MHG. steinec (-g-), NHG. steinig, adj., stony.] staineins, adj. (124), of stone, stony; II. Cor. III, 3. [< stains + suff. -eina-. OE. stÆ^nen, ME. stenen, OHG. steinÎn, MHG. steinen, NHG. steinen (uzually steinern, w. dubl suff. -er-n), of stone.] stains, m. (91), stone, rock; Mk. V, 5. II. Cor. III, 7.—Also uzed as a pr. n., Peter; Skeir. VII, a. [OE. stÂn, m., ME. stÔn, NE. stone.] staÍrnÔ, f. (112), star. [OE. steorra (rr < rn), m., ME. sterre, NE. star, OHG. sterno, sterro, MHG. sterne, sterre, also stern, a-stem, m., NHG. stern, m., star.] -staldan, rv. (179), in ga-st. standan, stv. (177, n. 3), to stand, stand firm; Mk. III, 24. 25; w. in w. dat.; Mt. VI, 5; w. Ûta; Mk. III, 31.—Cpds. af-, and-, at-, ga-, twis-, us-st. [A nasalized form < v stat extended < sta. OE. stondan, standan, ME. stande, NE. stand. The orig. v is seen in OHG. MHG. stÂn, stÊn, NHG. stehen, stv., to stand; and in staÞs.] staÞs, gen. stadis (74 and notes), m. (101), sted, place; Mk. I, 35. 45. II. Cor. II, 14. Skeir. VII, b; an inn; Lu. II, 7; —jainis stadis (215), unto the other side (of the lake); Mk. IV, 35. [< v of standan + suff. -Þi-. OE. stede, m., ME. stede, NE. sted (insted = in sted).] *staÞs, gen. staÞis, m. (? 91, n. 2), shore, land; Mk. IV, 1. [< v of standan + suff. -Þa- or -Þi- (?). OE. stÆÐ, n., bank, shore, ME. staÐe, NE. staith.] staua (26), f. (97), judgment; Mt. V, 21. 22. [< v stÂw: stÔw; cp. stÔjan.] staua (26), m. (108), judge; Mt. V, 25. [< staua, f., + suff. -an-.] staua-stÔls, m. (91), judgment-seat; II. Cor. V, 10. -staÚrran, wv. (193), in and-st. [< a lost adj. (cp. OE. styrne, = Goth. *staÚr-ni-, ME. sterne, NE. stern). OHG. storrÊn, MHG. storren, to be rigid, stand forth stif.] stautan, rv. (179, n. 1), w. acc. and bi w. acc., to strike, smite; Mt. V, 39. [OHG. stÔ?an, MHG. stÔ?en, NHG. stossen, to thrust, push.] steigan, stv. (172, n. 1), to mount, climb up.—Cpds. ufar-, us-st. [OE. stÎgan, ME. stie, sty?e, NE. sty, to mount, ascend.] stibna, f. (97), voice; Mk. I, 3. 11. 26. V, 7. [OE. stefn, f., ME. steven, voice, NE. steven (obs.), an outcry.] -stiggan, stv. (174, n. 1), to sting, in us-st. [OE. stingan, ME. stinge, NE. sting.] stigqan (gg; 67, n. 1), stv. (174, n. 1), to thrust, strike. [ON. stÖkkva (for *stekkva), to jump, leap.] stilan, stv. (175, n. 1), to steal; Mt. VI, 20. [OE. stelan, ME. stele, NE. steal.] stiur (78, n. 2), m. (91, n. 4), steer, calf. [OE. stÊor, m., ME. stÊr, NE. steer.] stiwiti, n. (95), endurance, patience; II. Cor. I, 6. -stÔdjan, wv. (188), only in the cpds. ana-, du-st. [< v of standan.] stÔjan (26), wv. (186, n. 2), to judge, in ga-st. [< staua (cp. Brgm., I, § 179). OHG. stÔwan, stouwan (prt. stÔwida), MHG. stouwen, to scold, accuse.] stÔls, m. (91), stool, seat, throne; Mt. V, 34. [< v of standan + suff. -la. OE. stÔl, m., ME. stÔl, NE. stool.] straujan (42), wv. (187), to strew, spred. [< a sb. = OE. strÊa(w), North. strÊ, n., ME. strÂ(we), NE. straw. OE. strÊge, strÊawian, ME. stre?e, strewe, NE. strew.] striks, m. (91 or 100?), stroke, title; Mt. V, 18. [< v of *streikan (= OE. strÎcan, to move, go, ME. strike, NE. strike). OHG. strih, MHG. NHG. strich, m., stroke, line.] stubjus, m. (105), dust. [OHG. stuppe, MHG. (ge)stÜppe, (ge)stuppe, NHG. gestÜpp, n., dust.] -suljan, wv. (188), in ga-s. [< v of OE. syll, f., ME. sille, NE. sil; and of Goth. suljÔ (prob. not < Lt. solea).] suman, adv. (214, n. 1), onse, in times past. [< stem of sums.] sums, indef. prn. (162), (1) alone, sum one, pl. sum; II. Cor. III, 1. (2) adj., certain, sum. (3) w. partit. gen., certain, sum; Mk. II, 6. V, 25.—sums..sums-uÞ Þan, the one ... the other; II. Cor. II, 16; sum raÍhtis..anÞaruÞ-Þan..jah sum, sum ... other ... and sum; Mk. IV, 4-8.—bi-sumata, in part; II. Cor. I, 14. II, 5. [OE. ME. sum, NE. sum.] sundrÔ, adv., asunder, alone, privately; Mk. IV, 10. 34. [Cf. OE. sundor, ME. sunder, adv., especially, apart, OHG. suntar, MHG. sunder, adv., separately, especially; conj., but, rather; prep., without, NHG. sonder, prep., without.] sunja, f. (97, n. 1), truth; Mk. V, 33. II. Cor. IV, 2; acc. sg. is uzed adverbially (215). [< sunjis.] sunjaba, adv. (210), truly, verily. [< sunjis + suff. -ba.] Sunjai-friÞas (88a, n. 2), pr. n. sunjis, adj. (126), tru. [stem sunja- for *sundja-< *sund- (< v of im, sijau; s. wisan) = OE. sÔÐ (for sonÐ), ME. sÔth, NE. sooth.] sunjÔn, wv. (190), to verify, excuse. [< sunja.] sunnÔ, f. (112), n. (? 110, n. 2), sun; Mt. V, 45. Mk. IV, 6. [OE. sunne, f., ME. sunne, NE. sun.] suns, adv., soon, at onse, suddenly, immediately; Mk. I, 10. 12. 18. 20. 21. 28-31. 42. 43. II, 2. 8. 12. IV, 5. 15. 16. 29. V, 2. 13. 42. [Prop. compar. adv., < *sunis (cp. mins) < stem suna- + adv. compar. suffix -is. Cf. OE. so^na, ME. sone, NE. soon.] suns-aiw, adv., soon, immediately, straightway; Mk. III, 6. V, 29. 30. 36. suns-ei, conj. (218), as soon as, when. sunus, m. (104), sun; Mt. V, 45. Mk. I, 1. 11. II, 10. 19. 28. III, 11. 17. 28. V, 7. Lu. II, 7. II. Cor. I, 19. [OE. sunu, m., ME. sune, sone, NE. sun.] suts (15, n. 1), adj. (130), sweet, suitabl, patient. [OE. swÊte (jo-stem), ME. swete, NE. sweet.] swa, adv., so, (1) alone; Mt. V, 19. VI, 9. 30. Mk. II, 7. 8. 12. IV, 40. Lu. II, 48. (2) correlativ: swaswÊ..swa jah, as ... so also; II. Cor. I, 5; swa..swaswÊ, so ... as; Mk. IV, 26. (3) w. an adj. or adv.; Skeir. VII, a. b. c. (4) swa swÊ, w. an adj. or adv. between them: swa filu swÊ, as much as; Skeir. VII, c; swa lagga ?eila swÊ, as long as; Mk. II, 19; swa managai swa-ei, conj. (218), so that, that, therefore, (1) w. prs. indic.; Mk. II, 28. (2) w. prt. indic.; Mk. I, 27. Skeir. VII, c. (3) w. prt. opt.; II. Cor. III, 7. (4) w. acc. and inf.; II. Cor. II, 7.—wherefore, therefore; II. Cor. IV, 12. V, 16. 17. -swaggwjan, wv. (188), to cause to swing, in af-sw. [Caus. of *swiggwan (= OE. swingan, ME. swinge, NE. swing). OE. swengan, ME. swenge, NE. swinge (for *swenge, as singe for *senge).] swaÍhra, m. (108), father-in-law. [Cf. OE. swÊor (< sweohor < *swehur, a-stem), m., father-in-law, OHG. swehur, m., father-in-law, later also brother-in-law, MHG. sweher, NHG. schwÄher, m., father-in-law.] swaÍhrÔ, f. (112), mother-in-law; Mk. I, 30. [Extended < stem *swaÍhrÔ-. Cf. OE. sweger, f., OHG. swigar, MHG. swiger, NHG. schwieger (rare; uzually schwiegermutter), f., mother-in-law.] -swaÍrban, stv. (174, n. 1), to wipe, in bi-sw. [OE. sweorfan, to rub, file, polish, ME. swerve, NE. swerv, to turn aside.] swa-lauÞs, adj. (161), so great, so much, such. [For -lauÞs, s. sama-lauÞs.] swa-leiks, adj. (161), (1) alone; so w. the art., such a one; II. Cor. II, 6. 7. (2) w. a sb., without the art., such; Mk. IV, 33. II. Cor. I, 10. III, 4. [OE. swelc, swilc, < swÂ-lÎc, ME. swiche, swuch, NE. such.] swamms (swams; 48; 80, n. 1), m. (91), spunge. [OE. swam, m., fungus, OHG. MHG. swam (mm), NHG. schwamm, m., spunge, fungus.] swaran, stv. (177, n. 1), to swear, w. bi w. dat.; Mt. V, 34. 35. 36.—Cpds. bi-, ufar-s. [OE. swerian (the i, = j, occurs in the prs. tense only; prt. swore, pp. sworen), ME. swere, NE. swear.] swarÊ, adv., without a cause, in vain; Mt. V, 22. swartis (in A) or swartizl (in B), n. (? 94), that which is black, ink; II. Cor. III, 3. [< swarts + suff. -iz- (-zla- = NHG. -sal, -sel).] swarts, adj. (124), black; Mt. V, 36. [OE. sweart, ME. NE. swart.] swa-swÊ, (1) adv., as, just as, as it wer, in like manner as, like, (a) uzed alone; Mt. V, 48. VI, 2. 5. 7. 12. 16. Mk. I, 22. II. Cor. II, 17. III, 5. Mk. I, 22. IV, 33. Lu. II, 20. 23. II. Cor. I, 5. 14. II, 17. III, 5. 13. 18. IV, 1; swaswÊ jah, even as, as also; II. Cor. I, 14; swaswÊ qiÞan ist, as (= according to that which) is said; Lu. II, 24; (b) correlativ: swaswÊ..jah, as ... (so) also; II. Cor. I, 7. (2) conj. (218), so that, insomuch that, (a) w. prt. ind.; Mk. I, 45. II, 2. 12. III, 10. 20. IV, 32. 37; (b) w. prt. opt.; II. Cor. I, 8; (c) w. acc. and inf.; Mk. IV, 1. swÊ, (1) adv., (a) in comparison, as, just as, like; Mt. VI, 29. Mk. I, 2. 10. 22. IV, 27. 31. II. Cor. II, 17. III, 1. V, 20. Skeir. VII, b; —analeikÔ swÊ, in like manner; Skeir. VII, a; swÊ..jah; Mt. VI, 10; (b) before numerals, about; Mk. V, 13. (2) conj. (218; temporal), as, when; Mk. IV, 36. swÊgnjan, wv. (188), to rejoice, triumf. [< a lost adj. or sb. *swÊgna- < sweg- (cf. OE. swÔgan, to sound, rustl; swÊg, m., sound) + suff. -na-.] sweiban (56, n. 1), stv. (172, n. 1), to cease. [Cf. OHG. (gi)-swiftÔn, to be stil, be quiet; MHG. swiften (= OHG. *swiftjan), to silence, swein, n. (94), swine, pig; Mk. V, 11-14. 16. [Orig. adj., < *sÛ (= OE. sÛ, f., ME. sowe, NE. sow) + suff. -Îna-. OE. swÎn, n., hog, (wild) boar, (pl. swine), ME. swin, NE. swine.] swÊrs (78, n. 2), adj. (124), hevy, weighty; hense, grave, honord. [OE. swÆ^r, adj., hevy, difficult, OHG. swÂri, MHG. swÆ^re, adj., hevy, grave, noble, NHG. schwer, adj., hevy, difficult, grievous.] swÊs, adj. (124, n. 1), one's own; II. Cor. V, 10 (see note). [< swÊ- (allied to sei-na) + suff. -sa-. OE. swÆ^s, adj., one's own, domestic, intimate.] swÊ-ÞÁuh, adv. and conj. (218), yet, indeed, however; jabai sw. jah (s. jabai); II. Cor. V, 3; untÊ sw., for indeed, II. Cor. V, 19. -swikunÞjan, wv. (188), in ga-sw. [< swikunÞs.] swikunÞs, adj. (124), evident, manifest, open; II. Cor. V, 11; sw. waÍrÞan, to becum or be made manifest, appear; Mk. IV, 22. II. Cor. IV, 11. [< the pref. swi- (allied to swÊs) + kunÞs.] swiltan, stv. (174, n. 1), to die.—Cpd. ga-sw. [OE. sweltan, to die, ME. swelte, to faint, die, > the freq. sweltere, to faint away, NE. swelter, to be overcum with heat.] swinÞnan, wv. (194), to grow strong; Lu. II, 40. [< swinÞs.] swinÞs, adj. (124), strong; Mk. III, 27. hole, helthy; Mk. II, 17.—Compar. swinÞÔza, mightier; Mk. I, 7. [OE. swÎÐ (< *swinÐ), ME. swiÞ, strong, OHG. *swind (in pr. ns.), MHG. swint (d-), strong, quick, NHG. schwind (obs., but dial.), ge-schwind, quick.] swistar, f. (114), sister; Mk. III, 32. 35. [OE. sweostor, swustor, ME. suster and sister (by influence of ON. systir), NE. sister.] swÔgatjan, wv. (188), to sigh, groan; II. Cor. V, 2. 4. [Intensiv v. < swÔg- in (OE. swÔgan, ME. swowe > swo?ne, swoune, NE. swoon) -swÔgjan, to sigh; -atjan = OE. -ettan, NHG. -ezzen.] swumfsl (80), n. (94), swimming-bath, pool. [For swumsl (so in MS., an amended form of swumslf. But the f is merely eufonic) < swimman (+ suff. -sla) = OE. swimman, ME. swimme, NE. swim.] SymaÍÔn (39), pr. n., Simeon; Lu. II, 25. 34. [< S?e??.] synagÔga-faÞs, gen. -fadis, m. (101), ruler of a synagog; Mk. V, 22. 35. 36. 38. [< synagÔgÊ + -faÞs (only in cpds.), chief, master; s. brÛÞ-faÞs.] synagÔgÊ (39), f., synagog; (gen. -ais;) dat. (-ai; or) -ein; Mk. I, 29 (-Ên for -ein; 17, n. 1); or -Ê (Gr. infl.); Mk. I, 23; acc. (-ein; or) -Ên (Gr. infl.); Mk. I, 21. III, 1; dat. pl. -im; Mk. I, 39. [< s??a????, congregation.] Syria, pr. n., Syria; gen. -ais; Lu. II, 2. [< S???a.] Tagl, n. (94), a singl hair, hair; Mt. V, 36. Mk. I, 6. [OE. tÆ?(e)l, m., ME. tayl, NE. tail.] tagr, n. (94), tear; II. Cor. II, 4. [OE. tÊar, teagor (< *taur, for *tahur), m., drop, tear, ME. tere, tÊr, NE. tear.] tahjan, wv. (188), to tear, rend, w. acc.; Mk. I, 26. taÍhswa, f. (prop. str. adj.; Mk. XVI, 5. Col. III, 1), the right hand. [< taÍhsws.] taÍhsws, adj. (124; uzually weak; 132; so also without the art.; cp. prec. word), right (not left); Mt. V, 29. 30. 39.—taÍhswÔ (sc. han taÍhun, card. num. (141), ten. [OE. tÊn (< *teen for *tehen), tÊo (North.), ME. ten, NE. ten (-teen; s. fimf).] taÍhunda, ord. num. (146), the tenth. [< taÍhun + suff. -da.] [OE. tÊoÐa (for *tÊonÐa), ME. tenÞe (by influence of ten), NE. tenth.] taÍhun-tÊhund and -taÍhund, card. num. (143; cp. 148), a hundred. taiknjan, wv. (188), to betoken, point, show.—Cpd. us-t. [< taikns. OE. tÂcnian, ME. tokne, to show, betoken, signify, NE. token (Shak.), to foretel, betoken, to make known.] taikns, f. (103), token; sign, wonder, miracl; Lu. II, 12. 34. [< taik- (= OE. tÂc-in *tÂcian, to show, = tÆ^can, ME. teche, teache, NE. teach) + suff. -ni-. OE. tÂcen (w. suff. -no-), n., token, mark, wonder, ME. tokne, NE. token.] tainjÔ, f. (112), a basket of twigs, basket; Skeir. VII, c. d. [< tains + suff. -jÔn-. OHG. zein(n)Â, f., MHG. zeine, f. m., a basket of twigs.] tains, m. (91), twig, branch. [OE. tÂn, m., twig, rod, staf, ON. teinn > ME. tein, staff.] taÍran, stv. (175, n. 1), only in dis-, ga-t. [OE. teran, ME. tere, NE. tear.] taÍtÔk, prt. of tÊkan. taleiÞa, f. (97), damsel; Mk. V, 41. [< ta???? < the Chaldean.] talzjan, wv. (188), to teach, instruct.—talzjands, m. (prop. prsp.; 115), teacher. [< -tals (in un-tals, indocil, disobedient) < v tal seen in OE. talu, number, narrativ, speech, ME. tale, NE. tale.] -tamjan (33), wv. (187), to tame, in ga-t. [< an adj. = OE. tam, ME. tame, NE. tame; < v of -timan. OE. tamian, temian, ME. tame, teme, NE. tame.] taui (gen. tÔjis; 26), n. (95), deed, work. [< taujan.] taujan (26), wv. (187), (1) w. acc. (sumtimes understood), to do, make; Mt. V, 19. 46. 47. VI, 3. Mk. II, 24. III, 8. V, 32; armaiÔn t., to do alms; Mt. VI, 1. 2. 3. (2) w. dubl acc., to make; II. Cor. IV, 2. (3) waÍla t., to do wel, do good; Mt. V, 44. (4) w. bi w. acc., to do, make; Lu. II, 27. (5) w. acc. and inf., to make, cause; Mt. V, 32. (6) ÞiuÞ t., to do good; Mk. III, 4; unÞiuÞ t., to do evil; Mk. III, 4; galiug t., to falsify, handl deceitfully; II. Cor. IV, 2.—Cpd. ga-t. [< v of OE. tÔl (w. instr. l-suff.), n., ME. tÔl, NE. tool. Cf. OE. tawian, to prepare, dress, get redy, ME. tawe, to work, act upon, NE. taw, to prepare skins, curry, toil.] -taÚrnan, wv. (194), to rend (intr.), in ga-t. [< pp. stem of taÍran.] tawidÊdeina, prt. of taujan. -teihan, stv. (172, n. 1), to show, in ga-t. [OE. tÊon (for tÎon, for *tÎhon), OHG. zÎhan, MHG. zÎhen, NHG. zeihen, to accuse of, charge with.] TeimaÚÞaÎus, pr. n., Timotheus; II. Cor. I, 1; acc. -u; II. Cor. I, 19. [< ????e??.] Teitus, pr. n., Titus; acc. (-u or) -aÚn (Gr. infl.); II. Cor. II, 13. [< ??t??.] tÊkan (ei for Ê; 7, n. 2), rv. (181), to tuch, w. two dativs; Mk. V, 30.—Cpd. at-t. [ON. tÁka (prt. tÓk) > ME. take, NE. take.] TheodemÎr, Theodomirus (6, n. 2; 70, n. 1), pr. n. Theodoricus (18, n. 1; 70, n. 1), pr. n. Theudes (18, n. 1), pr. n. Theudicodo (18, n. 1), pr. n. *tigus, m. (142), a decad, in num. cpds. [OE. -tig, ME. -ti?, -ti, NE. -ty.] -tilÔn, wv. (189), to aim, fit, in and-t. [< -tils (in ga-tils, adj., convenient; < v ti + suff. -la-. Cp. til, n., aim, fit time, opportunity, = OE. til, n. fitness; and ON. til, prep., to, > ME. NE. til) = OE. til, adj., fit, suitabl. OE. tilian, to aim, strive for, labor, ME. tile, NE. til, to cultivate.] -timan, stv. (175, n. 1), to be fit, in ga-t. [OHG. (ga)-zeman, MHG. (ge)zemen, stv., NHG. (ge)ziemen, wv., to be fit, behoov. Cp. -tamjan.] timrja, m. (108), builder, carpenter. [< *timr (= OE. timber (the b being eufonic), n., material to build with, building, ME. NE. timber) + suff. -jan-.] tiuhan, stv. (173), to pul.—Cpds. at-, inn-at-, us-t. [OE. tÊon (< *tÊohan), ME. te, to pul, draw, OHG. ziohan, MHG. ziehen, NHG. ziehen, to pul, draw, bring up.] -tÔjis (26, a), adj. (126), doing, only in cpds. [< v of taujan.] trauains, f. (97), trust, confidence; II. Cor. I, 15. III, 4. [< trauan + suff. -ai-ni-.] trauan (26), wv. (179, n. 2; 193), to trust; w. du (in) w. dat.; II. Cor. I, 9.—Cpd. ga-tr. [OE. trÛwian (26, b), orig. *trÛwan, (the w being eufonic, as in) OHG. trÛwÊn, beside trÛÊn, MHG. trÛwen, NHG. trauen, to trust, believ. OE. trÊowian, to trust, believ, < trÊowe = Goth. triggws.] Trauas (26, n. 1), pr. n., Troas; dat. Trauadai; II. Cor. II, 12. [< ?????, gen. ????d??.] trausti, n. (95, n. 1), cuvenant. [Extended < stem *trausta- (in OHG. MHG. NHG. trÔst, m., consolation), < v traus- (by-form of trau-; cp. trauan) + suff. -ta-.] triggwa, f. (97, n. 1), cuvenant; II. Cor. III, 6. 14. [OE. trÊow, f., ME. trewe, OHG. triuwa, MHG. triuwe, NHG. treue, f., faithfulness.] triggws (68), adj. (124), tru, faithful, reliabl; II. Cor. I, 18. [OE. trÊowe, ME. trewe, NE. tru. Cp. trauan.] -trimpan, stv. (174, n. 1), to tramp, tred, in ana-tr. [Its corresponding prt. stem occurs in ME. trampe, NE. tramp.] triu, n. (94, n. 1), tree. [OE. trÊo(w), ME. tre, NE. tree.] trudan, stv. (175, n. 2), to tred. [Cf. OE. tredan (Fifth Ablaut Class), ME. trede (pp. also troden, as if belonging to the Fourth Ablaut Class), NE. tred.] tuggl, n. (94), constellation, star. [OE. tungol, n. m., constellation, star.] tuggÔ, f. (111), tung. [OE. tunge, f., ME. tunge, NE. tung.] tulgjan, wv. (188), to confirm, establish, w. acc.; II. Cor. II, 8.—Cpd. ga-t. [< tulgus.] tulgus, adj. (131), stedfast, firm, strong. [Cf. OS. tulgo, adv., very.] tunÞus, m. (105), tooth; Mt. V, 38. [< v of itan (cp. Brgm., II, § 126). OE. tÔÐ (Ô < on < an; pl. tÊÐ), m., ME. toÞ (pl. teÞ), NE. tooth (pl. teeth).] twai, card. num. (140), f. twÔs, n. twa, two; Mt. V, 41. VI, 24. Mk. V, 13. Lu. II, 24. Skeir. VII, a. b. d (=·b·). [Cf. OE. twegen, m., twÂ, f., tÛ, twÂ, n., ME. tweien, two, twa, for all genders, NE. twain, two. Cp. Brgm., I, § 142; III, § 166.] twalib-wintrus (88a, n. 1), adj. (131), twelv years (lit. 'winters') old; Lu. II, 42. [-wintrus < wintrus, m. (= OE. winter, m. n., ME. NE. winter). OE. twelfwintre, twelv years old.] twalif (56, n. 1), card. num. (141), twelv; Mk. III, 14. IV, 10. V, 25. 42. Skeir. VII, c (=·ib·; so in) d. [OE. ME. twelf, NE. twelv.] tweifls, m. (91, n. 2), dout. [OHG. zwÎfal, MHG. zwÎvel, m., uncertainty, distrust, despair, NHG. zweifel, m., dout.] tweihnai, distrib. num. (147), two apiece. [< tweih- (= OE. twÎh, uzually betwÎh, between) + suff. -na-. Cf. OE. twÊone, dubl, two, > twÊonum (prop. dat. pl.), uzually betwÊonum, -an, ME. betwenen, NE. between.] twis-standan (twistandan; cp. 78, n. 5), stv. (177, n. 3), w. dat., to depart from one, bid farewel to; II. Cor. II, 13. TykÊkus (6, n. 1), Tychicus. [< ???????.] Tyra, pr. n., Tyre; acc. -a; Mk. III, 8. [< ?????.] Þaddaius, pr. n., Thaddeus; acc. -u; Mk. III, 18. [< Tadda???.] Þadei, adv. (213, n. 1), where, wheresoever, whither. [< *ÞaÞ (-d-; < stem of Þata + -Þ; cp. ?aÞ) + -ei.] Þagkjan (gg; 67 and n. 1), anv. (209; prt. ÞÂhta; 5, b), to think, consider, ponder, reason; w. acc. and af sis silbin; II. Cor. III, 5; w. a dir. question (so w. sis); Mk. II, 6; w. acc. (understood) and in haÍrtin seinamma; Lu. II, 19; w. a dependent clause introduced by Þatei, and bi w. dat., to purpose; II. Cor. I, 17.—Cpd. and-Þ. [OE. Ðencan, (prt. Ðo^hte; o^ < on < an), ME. Þenche, Þenke (prt. Þohte), NE. think (by influence of ME. Þinke, NE. methinks; s. Þugkjan).] Þahan, wv. (193), to be silent, be stil, hold one's peace; Mk. I, 25. III, 4. [OHG. dagÊn, MHG. dagen, to be silent, be stil.] ÞÂhÔ (5, b), f. (112), clay, p????. [OE. Ðo^ (< *Ðo^-e < Ðo^he < *Ðanhe), f., OHG. dÂha, MHG. dÂhe, tÂhe, (weak) f., NHG. (than, tahen, then < the oblique cases; later) thon (str.), m., clay.] Þai, Þaiei, Þaih, nom. pl. of sa, saei, sah. Þaim, Þaim-ei, dat. pl. of sa, saei. ÞaÍrh, prep. w. acc. (217), (1) of space: thru, thru the midst of; Mk. II, 23. II. Cor. I, 16. IV, 15. (2) indicating the 'instrument' or 'means', 'author' or 'agent': thru, by, by means of, (a) w. names of persons; Mk. superscr. II. Cor. I, 5. 11. 19. 20. II, 14. III, 4. IV, 14. V, 18. 20; (b) w. names of things; II. Cor. I, 1. 4; —Þ. ÞÔei, because of; Skeir. VII, a; (c) denoting a state or condition: with, by; II. Cor. II, 4. III, 11. V, 7.—Occurs also in eight compound vs. [Cf. OE. Ðurh, ME. Þur?, Þuruh, NE. thru, thuro.] ÞaÍrh-gaggan, anv. (173, n. 3; 207), to go thru, to pierce thru; Lu. II, 35; w. ÞaÍrh w. acc., to go thru; Mk. II, 23; w. und w. acc., to go on, proceed to; Lu. II, 15. ÞaÍrh-sai?an (34, n. 1), stv. (176, n. 1), to see thru, behold as in a glass, w. acc.; II. Cor. III, 18. ÞaÍrh-wakan (63, n. 1), stv. (177, n. 1), to keep wach (thruout); Lu. II, 8. ÞaÍrkÔ, n. (110), a hole thru (anything), the ey of a needl. [Allied to ÞaÍrh.] -ÞaÍrsan, stv. (174, n. 1), to wither, in ga-Þ. [The corresponding v-form (Þars) of the pret. occurs in OHG. darra (rr < rz: rs), MHG. NHG. darre, f., a kiln for drying grain, meal, etc. Cp. -ÞaÚrsnan.] Þamma, Þamm-uh, dat. sg. m. and n. of sa, sah. Þamm-ei, dat. s. m. and n. of saei. Þan, adv. and conj. It is often preceded by the enclitic -uh (s. especially under (II), below). There is no distinction in sense between Þan and -uh Þan; the latter, like Þan (which occurs oftener), stands after verbal forms of any kind; -uh Þan, never Þan, is inserted between a sb. and its prep., also between a prep. and a v., and is frequently found after sums, anÞar, ni, rarely after sbs. or adjs. (I) adv., (1) dem., then, thereupon; Lu. II, 42; jah Þan, and then; Mk. II, 20; (2) rel., when, whenever, as long as, (a) w. prs. ind.; Mk. II, 20. IV, 16. 31. 32. (Cp. Lu. II, 42); —jah Þan, and when, but when; Mk. IV, 15; (b) w. prt. ind.; Mk. I, 32. II, 25. III, 11; (c) w. prs. opt.; Mt. VI, 2. 5. 6. (II) conj. (continuativ), therefore, then; but, farther, also; Mt. V, 31. 37. VI, 7. 29. Mk. I, 6. 28. 32. II, 5. 6. III, 32. IV, 5. 6. 35. V, 6. 11. 13. Lu. II, 1. 4. 6. 17. 47; —jah Þan, and then; Mk. III, 6. 31; and also; Lu. II, 35; for; II. Cor. II, 10; and; Mk. IV, 36; —-uh Þan, for; Mt. VI, 32; but, and, now; Mt. V, 31. 37. VI, 7. 29. Mk. I, 6. II, 6. IV, 5. V, 11. 13. II. Cor. II, 16. Skeir. VII, c; —sah Þan, and this, and he, etc.; Lu. II, 2. 37. II. Cor. I, 17; for this; II. Cor. IV, 15. [< stem of Þata. Cf. OE. Ðonne (for Ðanne), Ðon (for Ðan), ME. Þanne, Ðan, NE. than, then.] Þana, Þanei, acc. s. m. of sa, saei. Þana-mais, adv. (153, n. 2), further, henseforth, yet, stil; Mk. V, 35. [Þana- < stem of Þata.] Þana-seiÞs, adv. (212, n. 1), longer, stil; ni Þ., no more, no longer; niÞ (= nih-h) Þan Þ., no more, no longer; II. Cor. V, 15; ni Þ. ni, no more, no longer; II. Cor. V, 16. [Þana < stem of Þata; -seiÞs (for *seiÞis, compar. adv. to seiÞus) = OE. sÎÐ (< *sÎÐiz), compar. adv., later, late; also prep., sinse, ME. siÐ, NE. sith (Shak.), OHG. sÎd, adv., later, MHG. sÎt, prep., adv., conj., NHG. seit, prep. and conj., sinse.] ÞandÊ (Þandei), conj. (218), (1) if (prop. causal: sinse); Mt. VI, 30. (2) because, sinse, for; Lu. II, 30. ((3) while, until). [OHG. dantÂ, therefore, because. Cf. OE. Ðenden, Ðendon, while, until, meanwhile.] -Þanjan, wv. (187), to strech, in uf-Þ. [OE. Ðennan, ME. Þenne, OHG. MHG. den(n)en, NHG. dehnen, to strech.] Þan-nu, conj. (218), then, so then, therefore, so that, for; Mk. IV, 41. II. Cor. V, 15. Þan-uh, adv. and conj. (218), (1) adv., then. (2) conj., but; Mk. IV, 29. Skeir. VII, d; therefore, then; Skeir. VII, d. Þans, acc. pl. m. of sa. Þanz-ei, acc. pl. m. of saei. Þar, adv. (213, n. 1), there. [< stem of Þata + loc. suff. -r. Cf. OE. ÐÆ^r (= Goth. *ÞÊr), ME. Þere, NE. there.] Þar-ei, adv., where; Mt. VI, 19. 20. 21. Mk. II, 4. IV, 5. 15. V, 40. II. Cor. III, 17. Þarihs (20, n. 1), adj. (124), not yet fuld, new. Þar-uh, adv. and conj. (218), (1) adv. there; Mt. VI, 21. II. Cor. III, 17. (2) conj. (continuativ, for ?a?, ???, d?), and, then, so, therefore, but; Lu. II, 25. Þata, dem. prn. n.; s. sa [< stem Þa-t- + -a (as in Þan-a, in-a, ?ana), which caused the retention of the originally final t (see sa; cp. also Þar). OE. ÐÆt, ME. Þat, NE. that.] Þat-ain-ei, adv., only; Mt. V, 47. Mk. V, 36. Skeir. VII, b. [< Þatain (< Þat-a + the n. sg. of ains), that one, that only, + -ei.] Þata-?a-h, nom. sg. n. of sa?azuh. Þat-ei, n. sg. of saei, uzed as conj. (218), (1) that; so after vs. of 'saying, thinking, knowing, perceiving (seeing, hearing, etc.)', and the like, chiefly w. ind. Like ?t?, it often introduces a dir. discourse; Mt. V, 20-23. 27. 28. 31. 32. 33. 38. 43. VI, 5. 16. 29. 32. Mk. I, 15. 37. 40. II, 1. 8. 10. 12. III, 11. 21. 22. 28. V, 23. 28. 29. 35. Lu. II, 11. 23. 49. II. Cor. I, 7. 12. II, 3. III, 3. IV, 14. V, 1. 6. 15. Skeir. VII, d. (2) causal, because, for, that; Mk. II, 16. Lu. II, 49; —ni Þatei w. opt., not that, not because, not as; II. Cor. I, 24. III, 5. (3) afar Þatei w. a finite v., after; Mk. I, 14. Skeir. VII, c. ÞaÞrÔ, adv. (213, n. 1), (1) local, thense. (2) temporal, afterwards, then. [< stem of Þata + suff. -ÞrÔ.] ÞaÞrÔ-h, adv. (213, n. 1), (1) local, thense. (2) temporal, sinse that time, afterwards, then; Mk. IV, 17. 28. [< ÞaÞrÔ + -h = -uh. (Cp. also 62, n. 3).] Þau, ÞÁuh (i. e. Þau + -uh), (1) conj. (218), (a) after a compar., than; Mt. V, 20; (b) introducing the second part of a disjunctiv question, or; Mk. II, 9. (2) adv. (216), perhaps, stil; or untranslatabl; in the apodosis of a conditional sentence (in most cases for ??): ni Þau w. prs. ind.; Mt. V, 20. VI, 15. [OE. ÐÊah, ME. Þeh, Ðeh, Ðoh (by influence of ON. ÞÓ, contracted < ÞÁuh), NE. tho.] ÞÁuh-jabai, conj. (218), even if, tho; II. Cor. IV, 16. ÞaÚrban, prt.-prs. (199), to hav need, to need, want, lack, (1) abs.; Mk. II, 25. (2) w. gen.; Mt. VI, 8. 32. Mk. II, 17. II. Cor. III, 1. [OE. (be)Ðurfan (cp. 56, n. 3), ME. (be)Þurfe, to hav need, to need, want, OHG. (bi)durfan, to hav need, to want, lack, MHG. dÜrfen, durfen, to hav reason or cause, to need, want, dare, be permitted, be-d., to need, want, NHG. dÜrfen, to dare, be permitted, be-d., to want, need.] ÞaÚrfts (56, n. 4), f. (103), need, necessity. [< ÞaÚrban + suff. -ti-. OHG. MHG. durft, f., NHG. -durft (in composition), f., need, want.] ÞaÚrnus, m. (105), thorn; Mk. IV, 7. 18. [OE. Ðorn, m., ME. Þorn, NE. thorn.] ÞaÚrp, n. (94, n. 2), field. [OE. Ðorp, n., village, ME. Þorp, NE. thorp, a small village, now chiefly uzed in names of places (-thorp, also -throp).] -ÞaÚrsnan (32), wv. (194), to dry, wither, in ga-Þ. [< ÞaÚrsus. ON. Þorna, to wither.] ÞaÚrstei (32), f. (113), thirst. [< *ÞaÚrst, adj., thirsty, + suff. -ein-, < v of -ÞaÍrsan, ÞaÚrsus, -ÞaÚrsnan, + suff. -ta-. Cf. OE. Ðurst (w. orig. tu-suff.), Ðyrst (w. suff. -ti-), m., ME. Þurst, NE. thirst.] ÞaÚrsus (32), adj. (131), dry, witherd. [< v of -ÞaÍrsan (pp. -ÞaÚrsans). OE. Ðyr, OHG. durri (ja-stem), MHG. durre, NHG. dÜrr, adj., dry, witherd.] ÞÊ, instr. of Þata. [Cf. the OE. instr. Ðy, North. Ðy, ÐÊ, ME. Ði, ÞÊ, NE. the in 'the more'.] ÞÊ-ei, conj. (157, n. 1; 218), that, for the reason that, always w. ni, not that; II. Cor. II, 4. Þei, (1) rel. prn. (= Þatei; 157, n. 2); so after Þata?ah, Þis?aduh, Þis?ah, Þis?aruh, Þis?azuh (164, n. 1). (2) conj., that; in order that; Mt. VI, 26. [< *Þa (a by-form of Þata) + -ei.] Þeihan, stv. (172, n. 1), to thrive, profit, increase, advance, w. (loc.) dat.; Lu. II, 52. [OE. (ge)ÐÊon (for *ÐÎon, contr. < *ÐÎhon), ME. Þee, NE. thee (Spenser), to thrive, prosper.] Þei?Ô, f. (112), thunder; Mk. III, 17. Þeina, gen. sg. of Þu. Þeins, poss. prn. (151); f. Þeina; n. Þein, Þeinata, thy, thine, (1) alone (predicativ); Mt. VI, 13. Mk. V, 19. (2) w. a prec. sb., (a) without the art.; Mt. V, 23. 29. 30. 33. 36. 40. 43. VI, 3. 4. 6. 10. 17. 18. 22. 23. Mk. I, 44. II, 5. 9. 11. 24. III, 32. V, 19. 34. 35. Lu. II, 29. 30. 32; ?a namÔ Þein, what (is) thy name?; Mk. V, 9; (b) w. art.; sa..Þeins; Mt. V, 24. VI, 4. Mk. II, 9. 11. III, 5. V, 34. Lu. II, 48. (3) w. a follg. sb., (a) without art.; Lu. II, 35; (b) w. art.; Mk. II, 18; (c) between adj. and sb.; Mt, V, 30. 39. [< Þeina. OE. ÐÎn, ME. Þin, Þi, NE. thine, thy.] -Þinsan, stv. (174, n. 1), to draw, in at-Þ. [OHG. dinsan, MHG. dinsen, to draw, pul, expand, NHG. *dinsen, pp. gedunsen (uzed as adj.), bloated, puft up.] Þis, gen. sg. m. n. of sa, Þata. Þis-?aduh, adv. (164, n. 2); w. Þadei or Þei, withersoever, wheresoever. [< Þis (here adv.), < stem of Þata, + ?aduh < ?aÞ (-d-) + -uh.] Þis-?ammÊh, dat. s. m. n. of Þis?azuh. Þis-?aruh, adv. (164, n. 2); w. Þei, wheresoever. [< Þis (s. Þis?aduh) + ?aruh < ?ar + uh.] Þis-?azuh, prn. (164, n. 1) m.; Þis?ah, n. (164, n. 1); folld. by the rel. ei, Þei, or saei; uzually w. opt.: Þ. ei, whoever; Þ. Þei, whosoever, n. whatsoever; Þ. saei, whosoever, whatsoever; Mk. IV, 25. [< Þis (s. Þis?aduh) + ?azuh.] ÞiubjÔ, adv. (211), secretly, in secret. [< stem Þiubja-, secret; cp. Þiufs.] Þiubs, s. Þiufs. Þiuda, f. (97), peple, nation; in pl. (uzually) 'the Gentiles'; Mt. VI, 32. Lu. II, 32; Þai ÞiudÔ, those of the heathen; Mt. V, 46. VI, 7. [OE. ÐÊod, Ðiod, f., ME. Þede, peple, population, OHG. diot(a), MHG. diet, peple, NHG. *diet; cp. Diedrich, pr. n.] Þiudan-gardi (88a, n. 1), f. (98), kingdom; Mt. V, 19. 20. VI, 13. Mk. I, 14. 15. III, 24. IV, 11. 26. 30. [-gardi < gards.] ÞiudanÔn, wv. (190), to be king, to rule, reign. [< Þiudans.] Þiudans, m. (91), king; Mt. V, 35. [< Þiuda + suff. -ana-, OE. ÐÊoden, m., king.] Þiudinassus, m. (105), kingdom; Mt. VI, 10. [< ÞiudanÔn (-in-) for -an- by influence of the sbs. in -in-assus w. regular -in-, formd < vs. in -in-Ôn the -in- of which refers to the weakend suff. of stems in -an (cp. fraujinassus) < fraujinÔn < frauj-in-, weakend stem of frauja.] Þiufs, Þiubs (56, n. 1), m. (91), thief; Mt. VI, 19. 20. [OE. ÐÊof, m., ME. ÞÊf, NE. thief.] Þiu-magus (88a, n. 1), servant. *Þius, m. (91, n. 3), servant. [OE. ÐÊo (contr. < *Ðe-u, for *Ðew < Ðewo-, gen. Ðeowes, contr. < Ðe-uwes, the u having developt itself before the w; hense also nom.) ÐÊow, m., ME. Þeow, servant, OHG. deo, m., servant, cpd. deo-muoti, MHG. demuot, NHG. demut, f., humility, humblness.] ÞiuÞ, n. (94), good, in pl. good things; II. Cor. V, 10; Þ. taujan, to do good; Mk. III, 4. ÞiuÞi-qiss (88a, n. 2), f., blessing. ÞiuÞjan, wv. (187), to bless, (1) w. acc.; Mt. V, 44. Lu. II, 34. (2) w. dat.; Lu. II, 28; —pp. ÞiuÞiÞs, Þiwi, f. (98, n. 1), maid-servant, hand-maid. [< stem of Þius + suff. -jÔ-.] [OE. ME. ÐÊowe, f., female servant, maid.] Þizai, Þizai-ei, dat. sg. f. of sa, saei. ÞizÊ, ÞizÊ-ei, gen. pl. m. n. of sa, sa-ei. Þiz-ei, gen. sg. m. n. of sa-ei; s. also in (1). ÞizÔ, ÞizÔs, gen. pl. and sg. f. of sa. Þiz-uh, gen. sg. m. n. of sa-h. -ÞlÁihan, rv. (179, n. 1), to cherish, fondl, in ga-Þl. [Cf. OHG. flÊhan, flÊhÔn (fl < Þl), to caress, flatter, entreat, MHG. vlÊhen, to entreat, NHG. flehen, to beseech, entreat. Root flaih is also seen in OE. flÂh, adj., deceitful, crafty.] Þlaqus, adj. (131), soft, tender. Þliuhan, stv. (173, n. 1), to flee.—Cpd. ga-Þl. [OE. flÊon (contr. < *flÊohan; fl < Þl; cp. ÞlÁihan), ME. flee, NE. flee.] ÞÔ, ÞÔ-ei, acc. s. f. and nom. acc. pl. n. of sa, sa-ei. ÞÔs, ÞÔz-ei, nom. acc. pl. f. of sa, sa-ei. ÞÔmas, pr. n., Thomas; acc. -an; Mk. III, 18. [< T???.] Þrafstjan, wv. (188), to console, cumfort.—Cpd. ga-Þr. Þragjan, wv. (188), to run. [OE. ÐrÆgan, to run, race.] ÞraÍheina, prt. of Þreihan. Þramstei, f. (113), locust; Mk. I, 6. Þreihan, stv. (172, n. 1), to throng, crowd round, press upon, afflict; Mk. III, 9. V, 24. 31. II. Cor. I, 6; pp. ÞraÍhans, trubld; II. Cor. IV, 8. [< *Þrinhan. OE. Ðringan, ME. Þringe, OHG. dringan, MHG. NHG. dringen, to urge, press.] Þreis, card. num. (140), three; Lu. II, 46. [OE. ÐrÎ, m., ÐrÊo, f. n., ME. ÞrÊ, NE. three.] Þridja, ord. num. (146; 149, n. 1), third. [< (Þri-, the short form of the stem of Þreis) + -dja. OE. Ðridda, North. Ðirda, ME. Þridde, thyrde, NE. third.] Þriskan, stv. (174, n. 1), to thresh. [OE. Ðerscan (for *Ðrescan), ME. Þreshe, NE. thresh.] -Þriutan, stv. (173, n. 1), to urge, trubl, in us-Þr. [OE. Â-ÐrÊotan ( = us), to be weary, OHG. bi-, ir-drio?an, MHG. be-, er-, beside ver- (= Goth. faÍr-), drie?en, to excite disgust or weariness, NHG. ver-driessen, to griev, vex. The v of OE. ÐrÊat (prt., = Goth. *Þraut) occurs also in OE. ÐrÊat, m., ME. Þrete, NE. thret.] Þruts-fill (15, n. 1; 88a, n. 3), n. (94), leprosy; Mk. I, 42; Þr. habands (for ?ep???), leper, lit. (one) having leprosy; Mk. I, 40. [< Þruts, prob. < v of -Þriutan. Cf. OE. ÐrÛstfell; also ON. ÞrÚtinn, swoln.] Þu, pers. prn. 2nd pers. (150), thou, uzed alone or w. vs., for emfasis, (1) sg., (a) nom. Þu; Mt. VI, 6. 17. Mk. I, 11. 24. III, 11; w. a prec. voc.; Mt. VI, 9; (b) gen. Þeina (or, tho for s??, poss. prn.; s. note); Mt. VI, 13; (c) dat. Þus; Mt. V, 26. 29. 30. 40. 42. VI, 2. 4. 6. 18. 23. Mk. I, 2. 24. II, 5. 9. 11. V, 7. 19. 41; (d) acc. Þuk; Mt. V, 23. 25. 29. 30. 39. 41. 42. VI, 3. Mk. I, 24. 37. 44. III, 32. IV, 38. V, 7. 19. 31. 34. Lu. II, 48. (2) dual, (a) nom. (wanting); (b) gen. iggkara (wanting in our 'Selections'); (c) dat. igqis, iggkis (wanting in our 'Selections'); (d) acc. igqis; Mk. I, 17. (3) pl., (a) nom. jus, ye, you; Mt. V, 48. VI, 8. 9. 26. II. Cor. I, 14. III, 2; (b) gen. izwara; Mt. VI, 27. II. Cor. I, 23. II, 3. 10. IV, 15; (c) dat. izwis; Mt. V, 18. 20. 22. 28. 32. 34. 39. 44. VI, 2. 5. 14. 16. 19. 20. 25. 29. Mk. III, 28. IV, 11. 24. Lu. II, 10. 11. 12. Þugkjan, anv. (209), (1) impers.: ÞugkeiÞ mis, 'methinks', I think; so w. ei, that; Mt. VI, 7. (2) pers. (not in our 'Selections'): to think, suppose, intend, seem. [OE. Ðyncan (< *Ðuncjan), prt. ÐÛhte (< *Ðunhte, pp. ÐÛht); mÊ ÐynceÐ, it seems to me, ME. Þunche, Þinche, Ðinche; me ÐincÐ, NE. methinks (cp. Þagkjan).] -ÞÛhts (15, b), adj., thinking; s. hÁuh-, mikil-ÞÛhts. [Prop. pp. of Þugkjan.] ÞÛhtus (15, b), m. (105), thought, wisdom. [< *Þunhtus < v of Þugkjan + suff. -tu-.] Þuk; s. Þu. Þulains, f. (103, n. 1), sufferance, patience, suffering; II. Cor. I, 5. 6. 7. [< Þulan + suff. -ai-ni-.] Þulan, wv. (193), to tolerate, suffer, bear.—Cpd. ga-Þ. [OE. (ge)Ðolian (transferd to the Second Weak Conjug.), ME. (i)Ðole, to suffer, endure. Cp. the verbal abstr.: OHG. gedult (w. t-suff.), MHG. (ge)dult (-d-), NHG. geduld, f., patience.] Þus; s. Þu. ÞÛsundi (15), card. num. (145), a thousand, uzually f. sb. (98); Mk. V, 13. Skeir. VII, b. [OE. ÐÛsend, n., ME. Þusend, NE. thousand.] ÞÛsundi-faÞs (88a), m. (101), leader of a thousand, captain, high captain. Þuz-ei, dat. of Þu-ei (158). Þwahan, stv. (177, n. 1), to wash, w. acc.; Mt. VI, 17; to wash one's self. [OE. ÐwÊan (contr. < *Ðwaon, for Ðwahon), OHG. dwahan, MHG. twahen, zwahen, zwagen, NHG. (dial.) zwagen, to wash (cp. zwehle, w. l-suff., f., towel).] -Þwastjan, wv. (188), to secure, in ga-Þw. -u, an enclitic uzed in asking a question (216 and n. 1), (I) in simpl questions, (1) dir., (a) attacht to a v.: skuldu (ptc.) ist, is it lawful?; Mk. III, 4; (b) to a prn.; (c) to an adv. (2) indir., w. opt., affixt to a v.; II. Cor. II, 9. (II) in disjunctiv questions, both dir. and indir.; —abu (= af + u) Þus silbin Þu Þata qiÞis, sayest thou this (thing) of thyself?; Jo. XVIII, 34.—After the pref. ga-: ga-u-laubjats, believ ye?; Mt. IX, 28; ga-u-?a-sÊ?i, if he saw aught; Mk. VIII, 23.—Cp. niu. Ubadamirus (40, n. 1), pr. n. Ubadila (40, n. 1), pr. n. ubilaba, adj. (210), evilly, il; u. haban, to be il, be sick; Mk. II, 17. [< ubils + suff. -ba-.] ubils, adj. (124; 138), evil, il, bad, useless; Mt. V, 45.—The n. ubil is often uzed as sb.; so also Þata ubilÔ, the evil, an evil thing; Mt. V, 37. VI, 13; ubil haban, to be il, be sick; Mk. I, 32. 34. [OE. yfel, ME. yfel, ivel, evel, NE. evil.] ubil-tÔjis, adj. (126), evil-doing, mischievous. ub-uh, i. e. uf-uh. uf (56, n. 2), prep. (217), (1) w. dat., (a) local, under, beneath; Mk. IV, 32; (b) temporal, in the time of; Mk. II, 26. (2) w. acc., local, under; Mk. IV, 21.—Occurs also in numerous cpds. [Cf. OE. ufe- (in ufeweard, higher), OHG. oba, MHG. obe, ob, NHG. ob, prep. (rare), over, ob-, prefix in cpds., over.] uf-aiÞeis (56, n. 2), adj. (130, n. 2), under an oath. ufar, prep. (217), (1) w. dat., local, over, abuv, beyond; u. himinam, 'over (the) hevens', hevenly; Mt. VI, 14. 26. 32. (2) w. acc., trop., abuv; II. Cor. I, 8. Skeir. VII, b; u. filu wisan, to be 'over much', to abound; II. Cor. I, 5.—Occurs also in numerous cpds. [< uf + compar. suff. -ar. OE. ofer, ME. ofer, over, NE. over.] ufarassjan, wv. (188), to cause to abound, increase excessivly, w. acc.; II. Cor. IV, 15. [< ufarassus.] ufarassus, m. (105), overflow, abundance, excellency; II. Cor. IV, 7. 17. u. wulÞaus, abundance of glory, glory that excels; II. Cor. III, 10.—The dat. ufarassau is uzed adverbially: abundantly; II. Cor. I, 8. 12. II, 4.—ufarassus wisan w. gen. and in w. dat., to abound in (the gen. becuming the subj. in E.); II. Cor. I, 5. [< ufar + suff. -assu-.] ufar-hafnan (35), wv. (194), to exalt one's self. ufar-hamÔn, wv. (190), to put on clothes over, be clothed upon, w. (instr.) dat.; II. Cor. V, 2. ufar-ist, 3d pers. sg. prs. ind. of ufarwisan. ufarÔ, (1) adv. (211, n. 1), abuv, thereon. (2) uzed as prep. (217), (a) w. gen., upon, abuv; (b) w. dat., over, abuv; Lu. II, 8. [< uf + compar. suff. -ar + adv. suff. -Ô. Cf. OHG. obaro, MHG. obere, NHG. ober(e), upper.] ufar-skadwjan (14, n. 1), wv. (188), to overshadow. ufar-steigan, stv. (172, n. 1), to mount over, grow higher, grow up; Mk. IV, 7. ufar-swaran, stv. (177, n. 1), to overswear, forswear; Mt. V, 33. ufar-wisan, stv. (176, n. 1), to be over, exceed, abound; II. Cor. III, 9. uf-bauljan (24, n. 1), wv. (187), to pul up, blow up, be highminded. uf-blÊsan, rv. (179, n. 1), to blow up, puf up. uf-brinnan, stv. (174, n. 1), to burn up, scorch, (intr.); Mk. IV, 6. uf-graban (56, n. 1), stv. (177, n. 1), to dig up, dig after, dig thru; Mt. VI, 19. 20. uf-hausjan, wv. (187), to listen with submission, to obey, be subject to, w. dat.; Mt. VI, 24. Lu. II, 51; —uf-h. in allamma, to be obedient in all (things); II. Cor. II, 9. uf-hrÔpjan, wv. (188), to cry out, cry; Mk. I, 23. w. (instr.) dat.; Mk. I, 26. uf-kunnan, wv. (prt. ufkunÞa, onse ufkunnaida; 199 and n. 1), to recognize, acknowledge, know, (1) abs.; II. Cor. I, 13 (second). (2) w. acc. of th.; II. Cor. I, 13 (first); and an interr. sentence; II. Cor. II, 9; or in w. dat.; Mk. V, 30. (3) w. acc. of pers. and bi w. dat.; II. Cor. V, 16. (4) w. Þatei and ana w. dat.; Mk. V, 29; or (loc.) dat.; Mk. II, 8. uf-rakjan, wv. (188), to strech out, strech forth, put forth, w. acc.; Mk. I, 41. III, 5. ufta, adv. (214, n. 1), oft, often; Mk. V, 4. [Cf. OE. oft, ME. oft, extended ofte, often, NE. oft, often.] uf-Þanjan, wv. (187), to strech. uf-wÔpjan (63, n. 1), wv. (187), to cry out. -uh, -h (the h being frequently assimilated to the initial consonant of a follg. word; 24, n. 2; 62, ns. 3 and 4), enclitic particl (218), but, and, now, therefore; Mk. II, 11. V, 41; inuh Þis, on this account; II. Cor. II, 8. IV, 16. V, 9.—With prns. and other particls it often ads intensity to the signification; s. andizuh, duhÞÊ (s. duÞÊ), (?anuh), nih, nuh, sah, sumzuh (= sums-uh), ÛhteigÔ (15, n. 3), adv. (211), in season, at a fit time. [< Ûhteigs +-suff. -Ô.] Ûhteigs, Ûhtiugs (15; 19), adj. (124), in season, at leisure for. [< Ûht- (s. ÛhtwÔ) + suff. -eiga-, -iuga-.] ÛhtwÔ (15), f. (112), daybreak, dawn; Áir ÛhtwÔn, before daybreak; Mk. I, 35. [< *unhtwÔ-, -twÔ-n-being suff. (cp. Brgm. III, § 61). OE. Ûhte (Ûht-, in cpds.), n., ME. uhte, dawn.] ulbandus, m. (? 105), camel; Mk. I, 6. [< Lt. elephantus < ???fa?t-, stem of ???fa?, elefant, < Hebr. aleph, eleph, ox.] un-, inseparabl particl, in meaning = our un-, in-, dis-, -less. [OE. ME. un-, NE. un-.] un-agands (35), ptc. adj. (202, n. 2), not fearing, fearless. [-agands, inf. *agan, stv., prt. *Ôg; s. Ôgjan.] un-and-huliÞs, ptc. adj. (134), not uncuverd; II. Cor. III, 14. un-and-sÔks (35), adj. (130, n. 2), irrefutabl. [-sÔks < v of sakan (prt. sÔk).] und, prep. (217), (1) w. dat., in return for, for; Mt. V, 38. (2) w. acc., denoting 'direction toward', or 'the point' or 'goal at which anything, in its direction, arrives', unto, to, until, as far as, up to, down to, (a) of space; Lu. II, 15; (b) of time; II. Cor. I, 13. III, 14. 15; —und Þatei (218), til, until, as long as, while; Mt. V, 18. 25. Mk. II, 19; (c) of degree; und filu mais, so much the more, much more; II. Cor. III, 9. 11. [OE. un- (for *und; s. Sk., unto), ME. un-, NE. un- (as in unto, until).] undar, prep. w. acc. (217), under; Mk. IV, 21. [< und + compar. suff. -ar. OE. ME. under, NE. under.] undarÔ, adv. (211, n. 1), below, beneath; uzed as prep. w. dat. (217), under. [< undar + adv. suff. -Ô.] und-greipan, stv. (172), to gripe, seiz, take, lay hold on, w. acc.; Mk. I, 31. un-fÁurs, adj. (130), not wel-behaved (for f??a???, tatler). un-frÔÞs (35; 74, n. 4), adj. (124, n. 2), unwise, foolish. un-ga-hÔbains (35), f. (103, n. 1), incontinency. [gahÔbains < gahaban (w. Ô-abl) + suff. -ai-ni-.] un-ga-laubjands, ptc. adj. (133), unbelieving; II. Cor. IV, 4. un-ga-saÍ?ans, ptc. adj. (134), not seen, invisibl; II. Cor. IV, 4. 18. [OHG. ungesehan, MHG. NHG. ungesehen, not seen.] un-handu-waÚrhts, ptc. adj. (124), not wrought by hand, not made with hands; II. Cor. V, 1. [-handu-waÚrhts < stem of handus + pp. of waÚrkjan.] un-hrains, adj. (130), unclean; Mk. I, 23. 25. 26. 27. III, 11. 30. V, 2. 8. 13. [OHG. un-(h)reini, MHG. unreine, NHG. unrein, adj., unclean.] un-hulÞÔ, f. (112), evil spirit, unclean spirit, devil; Mk. I, 32. 34. 39. III, 15. 22. V, 12. [Prop. weak form of the adj. *unhulÞs (< un- + hulÞs, gracious, = OE. ME. hold, OHG. hold, MHG. holt (-d-), NHG. hold, adj., gracious, affectionate) = OE. ME. OHG. unhold, MHG. unholt (-d-), adj., ungracious, hostil, NHG. unhold, adj., disaffectionate, ungracious. OHG. unholdÂ, MHG. unholde, f., fiend, sorceress, wich.] un-karja, weak adj. (132, n. 3), careless, neglectful; Mk. IV, 15. [karja < kara + suff. -ja-n.] un-kaÚreins, f. (103, n. 1), a refraining from being a burden, a thing *un-lÊÞs (74, n. 2), adj. (124), poor. [OE. un-lÆ^d(e), ME. unlede, adj., poor, wreched.] un-mana-riggws (68), adj. (124), inhuman, fierse. uns; s. ik. unsar, poss. prn. (124, ns. 1 and 4; 151), our, (I) uzed alone. (II) w. sbs., (1) prec., (a) without art.; Mt. VI, 9. 11. Mk. I, 3. II. Cor. I, 2. 3-6. 8. 12. 14 (?Ôftuli understood). 22. III, 2. IV, 3. 6. 10. 11. 17. V, 2; (b) w. art.: sa..unsar, our; Mt. VI, 12. II. Cor. I, 18. III, 5; (2) follg., (a) without art.; (b) w. art., II. Cor. V, 1. [< stem of unsara (= OE. Ûser, Ûre; dat. Ûs; acc. Ûsic, us (prop. dat.), ME. gen. ure; dat. acc. us; NE. us. OE. Ûser, Ûre, ME. ure, oure, NE. our).—Cp. ik, weis.] unsara; s. ik, also unsar. un-sÊls, adj. (130), wicked, evil; Mt. VI, 23; uzed as sb.; Mt. V, 39. unsis; s. ik. untÊ, conj. (218), (1) temporal, (a) til, until, (as long as, while), w. prs. ind.; Mt. V, 18. 26; (2) causal, because, for, sinse; Mt. V, 34. 36. 45. VI, 5. 13. 14. 24. Mk. I, 22. 34. 38. III, 30. IV, 6. 25. 29. 41. V, 4. 8. 9. 28. Lu. II, 10. II. Cor. I, 5. 8. 12. 13. 14. 19. 24. II, 2. 11. 15. 17. III, 6. 10. 14. IV, 6. 17. 18. V, 2. 7. 10. 13. 14. 19. 21.—ni untÊ..ak untÊ, not because ... but because; Lu. II, 7. un-ÞiuÞ, n. (94), evil; Mk. III, 4. II. Cor. V, 10. un-wÂhs (5, b), adj. (124), blameless. [-wÂhs < stem *wanha-. OE. wo^h (wo^g), ME. woh, adj., crooked, wrong, > wo^gian, to woo, lit. to incline, ME. wowe, NE. woo.] un-weis, adj. (124), unlernd, ignorant; II. Cor. I, 8. [< un + -weis (= OE. ME. wÎs, NE. wise.—Germanic stem wÎso-< wÎt-to, prop. verbal adj. to witan, to know). OE. ME. unwÎs, NE. unwise.] un-witands, ptc. adj. (133), unknowing, ignorant; II. Cor. II, 11. [witands is prsp. of witan, to know.] ur-; s. us. ur-raisjan, wv. (188), to raiz up, raiz, lift up, w. acc.; Mk. I, 31; to rouse up, wake; Mk. IV, 38; to raiz, raiz up (the ded); II. Cor. I, 9. IV, 14. ur-rann, prt. of urrinnan. ur-rannjan, wv. (188), to cause to rize (lit. to cause to run out); Mt. V, 45. ur-reisan, stv. (172, n. 1), to arize; Mk. II, 9. 11. 12. III, 3. IV, 27. 39. V, 41. 42. II. Cor. V, 15. ur-rinnan, stv. (174, n. 1), to run out, go out, w. du w. inf.; Mk. IV, 3; w. us w. dat. and in w. acc.; Lu. II, 4; to go up, rize (said of the sun); Mk. IV, 6; to spring up, grow up (said of seed); Mk. IV, 5. 8. 32; to go out (i. e. to be issued); Lu. II, 1. ur-rists (30), f. (103), arizing, resurrection. [< ur-reisan + suff. -ti-. OHG. urrist, f., resurrection.] ur-rÛmnan (78, n. 4), wv. (194), to expand, enlarge (intr.). ur-runs (78, n. 4), m. (101, n. 1), a running out; hense outlet, draft; also dayspring, east. us (uz- before Ê, Ô, u; 78, c; ur- before r; 78, n. 4; sumtimes u- for us- before s; 78, n. 5), prep. w. dat. (217), (1) of space, out, out of, from, forth from; Mk. I, 10. 11. 25. 26. 29. III, 7. 8. V, 2. 8. 10. 30. Lu. II, 4. 35. II. Cor. I, 10. V, 8. (2) indicating a going out or forth, a cuming or springing out of any thing, and the like, from, of, out of, with, by; Lu. II, 4. 36. II. Cor. II, 2. 16. 17. III, 1. 5. us-agjan (35; 78, n. 4), wv. (188), to frighten utterly. us-agljan (14, n. 1), wv. (188), to trubl exceedingly. us-alÞan, rv. (179, n. 1), to grow old. us-anan (78, n. 4), stv. (177, n. 1), to breath out, giv up the ghost. us-baÍran, stv. (175), to carry out, bring forth; to exclaim, answer; Skeir. VII, a. us-beidan, stv. (172, n. 1), to expect patiently, abide for, w. acc.; Lu. II, 38. us-beisns (75, n. 1), f., expectation. [< usbeidan + suff. -sni-; cp. Brgm., II, § 95.] us-bruknan, wv. (194), to break off (intr.), be broken off. us-daudjan, wv. (188), to strive, endevor, labor, w. inf.; II. Cor. V, 9. [< usdauÞs.] us-dauÞs (74, n. 2), adj. (124), diligent, zelous, forward. us-dreiban (-drÊbi; 10, n. 5), stv. (172, n. 1), to drive out, cast out, send away, w. (instr.) dat. and us w. dat.; Mk. V, 10. us-drusts, f. (103), a falling away, (said of) a ruf way. [< us-driusan, to fall out, fall away, + suff. -ti-.] us-faÍrina, wa. (132, n. 2), without fault, blameless. us-filma, wa. (132, n. 2), amazed, astonisht, w. ana w. dat.; Mk. I, 22. [-filma-, -an-, < -fil- (s. -fill) + suff. -ma-.] us-fulljan, wv. (188), to (fil completely, fil up, supply, accomplish) fulfil; Mt. V, 17. us-fullnan (180), wv. (194), to becum ful; to be fulfild, accomplisht; Mk. I, 15. Lu. II, 6. 21. 22. us-gaggan, anv. (179, n. 3; 207), to go out, cum out, go forth, go up, cum up; Mk. I, 35. 45. II, 12. V, 13; w. and w. acc.; Mk. I, 28; du w. dat.; Mk. I, 5; in w. acc.; Lu. II, 42; us w. dat.; Mk. I, 10. 26. 29. V, 2. 8. 30; Ût us w. dat.; Mk. I, 25; jainÞrÔ; Mt. V, 26; w. inf.; Mk. III, 21. us-gaisjan, wv. (188), to strike agast; in pass. to be beside one's self; Mk. III, 21. us-geisnan, wv. (194), to becum or be amazed, agast, astonisht, affrighted; Mk. II, 12. II. Cor. V, 13; w. (instr.) dat.; Mk. V, 42; w. ana w. dat.; Lu. II, 47. us-giban (56, n. 1), stv. (176), to giv out, giv away, w. dat. (indir. obj.), to reward; Mt. VI, 4. 6. 18; w. acc. (dir. obj.), to giv, pay; Mt. V, 26; w. both dir. and indir. obj., to giv, render, perform; Mt. V, 33. us-graban (56, n. 1), stv. (177, n. 1), to dig out, to break up or thru; Mk. II, 4. us-grudja, wa. (132, n. 2), weary, faint; II. Cor. IV, 1. 16. us-gutnan, wv. (194), to be pourd out, be spild, flow out; Mk. II, 22. us-hafjan, stv. (177, n. 2), to take up, lift up, w. acc.; Mk. II, 12. us-haista (69, n. 2), wa. (132, n. 2), very poor. us-hlaupan, rv. (179, n. 1), to leap up, rize quickly. us-iddja, prt. of us-gaggan. us-kannjan, wv. (188), to make known; w. dat. (indir. obj.) and acc. (dir. obj.), to commend one to one; II. Cor. V, 12. us-kunÞs, adj. (124), wel known, evident, manifest; II. Cor. IV, 10. us-qiman, stv. (175, n. 1), to kil, (1) us-qistjan, wv. (188), to destroy, kil, w. acc.; Mk. III, 4. us-qiÞan, stv. (176, n. 1), to proclaim, w. acc.; Mk. I, 45. us-laubjan (31), wv. (188), to permit, suffer, giv leav, w. dat.; Mk. V, 13. us-leiÞan, stv. (172, n. 1), to go out, cum out, go away from, (1) w. gen. of aim; Mk. IV, 35. (2) w. hindar w. acc.; Mk. V, 21; us w. dat.; II. Cor. V, 8; —to pass away; Mt. V, 18. II. Cor. V, 17. us-liÞa, m. (108), one with useless lims, one sick of the palsy; Mk. II, 3. 4. 5. 9. 10. [Prop. wa. uzed as sb.; cf. liÞus.] us-lÛkan (15), stv. (173, n. 2), to unlock, open, w. acc.; Mk. I, 10. Lu. II, 23. II. Cor. II, 12; pp. uslukans (uzed as adj.), opend, open; Mk. I, 10. us-mÊt (34), n. (94), manner of life, conversation, behavior. [< us-mitan. -mÊt = late MHG. mÂ?, NHG. mass, n., mezure, degree, manner.] us-mitan, stv. (176), to behave; II. Cor. I, 12. us-niman, stv. (170; 175), w. acc., to take out, take away; Mk. IV, 15. us-saÍ?an (34, n. 1), stv. (176, n. 1), to look out, look round about on, w. acc.; Mk. III, 5. us-sandjan (74, n. 3), wv. (187), to send out, send forth, w. acc.; Mk. I, 43. us-siggwan (68), stv. (174, n. 1), to read (lit. 'to sing out'), w. an indir. question; Mk. II, 25. us-skaus (42, n. 2; 124, n. 3), cautious, wakeful, awake. [Its v appears in OE. scÊawian (tr. and intr.), ME. schewe, NE. shew, show.] us-skawjan (42, n. 2), wv. (188), w. sik, to awake; in pass. to recuver one's self. us-standan, stv. (177, n. 3), to stand up, rize up, arize; Mk. I, 35. II, 14; w. ana w. acc., to rize up against; Mk. III, 26. us-stass, f. (ustass; 78, n. 5), f. (103, n. 3), a rizing up or again, resurrection; Lu. II, 34. [stem -stassi- < stat-ti-< v stat (s. standan) + suff. -ti-.] us-steigan (ust-; 78, n. 5), stv. (172, n. 1), to mount up, go up, ascend, w. in w. acc.; Mk. III, 13. us-stiggan, stv. (174, n. 1), to pluck out, w. acc.; Mt. V, 29. ustaig = us-staig (s. us), prt. of us-steigan. us-taiknjan, wv. (188), (1) w. acc. of pers., to point out, appoint.—us-t. sik du w. dat., to commend one's self to; II. Cor. IV, 2. (2) w. acc. of th. and ana w. dat., to show, designate; Skeir. VII, c. (3) w. dubl acc., to show, expose, make; II. Cor. II, 14. us-taÚhun, prt. of ustiuhan. us-tiuhan, stv. (173), w. acc. (sumtimes understood; in pass. the nom.), (1) to lead out, put forth; w. acc. and in w. acc., to drive into; Mk. I, 12. (2) to perform, finish, accomplish, fulfil; Lu. II, 39. 43. us-Þriutan, stv. (173, n. 1), to trubl, uze despitefully, w. acc.; Mt. V, 44. us-waÍrpan, stv. (174), to cast out, (1) w. acc. (in pass. the nom., or pers. pass.); Mk. I, 34. 39. III, 15. 23. (2) w. (instr.) dat.; Mk. III, 22. V, 40. us-wakjan, wv. (187), to wake up, awake from sleep. us-wandjan, wv. (188) w. dat., to turn one's self away from; Mt. V, 42. us-waÚrhts, adj. (124), just, righteous; Mk. II, 17. us-waÚrpa (32), f., a casting away. Ût (15), adv. (213, n. 2), out, always w. vbs. of motion; Mk. I, 25. [OE. Ût, ME. out, ut, NE. out.] Ûta, adv. (213, n. 2), out, without; Mk. I, 45. III, 31. 32. IV, 11. [OE. Ûte, ME. ute, NE. out, without, abroad.] Ûtana, adv. (213, n. 2), without, on the outside, from without; sa Ûtan unsara manna, our outward man; II. Cor. IV, 16. [OE. Ûtane, Ûtan, ME. uten, outside, externally, NE. -out, in about, ME. abute, abouten, OE. a-, on-bÛtan (on < an = Goth. ana), prep., about.] ÛtaÞrÔ, adv. (213, n. 2), from without. [< Ûta + suff. -ÞrÔ-.] -uÞ-; s. -uh. uz-Êta (us-Êta? 78, n. 4), m. (108), manger, lit. 'a thing to eat out of'; Lu. II, 7. [< us + -Êta < v of itan.] uz-u, uz-uh, i. e. us + -u, -uh. -Waddjus (73, n.), f. (105), wall, in baÚrgs-, grundu-, miÞgarda-w. [< primitiv Germanic wajus (w. suff. -ju-). Cf. ON. veggr (m. i-stem); OE. wÂg, wÂh, m., ME. waghe, wowe, wall. Cp. Brgm. I, § 142, p. 127.] wadi, n. (95), pledge, ernest; II. Cor. I, 22. V, 5. [OE. wed (for *wedd, stem *wadjo-), n., ME. wed, pledge, NE. wed- (in wedlock).] wadja-bÔkÔs (88a), f., bond, handwriting. *waggareis, m. (92; or waggari, n., 95—?), pillow; Mk. IV, 38. [< *waggÔ (= OE. ME. wange, wonge, n., cheek, jaw, NE. wang, rare or vulgar; cpd. wang-tooth, obs., jaw-tooth) + suff. -arja-.] [OE. wangere, m., ME. wonger, pillow.] wahsjan, stv. (177, n. 2), to wax, grow, increase; Mt. VI, 28. Mk. IV, 8. Lu. II, 40. [OE. weahsan, ME. waxe, NE. wax, to grow.] wahstus, m. (105), a waxing, growth, increase; Mt. VI, 27. Lu. II, 52. [< wahsjan + suff. -tu-. ON. voxtr, m., growth. Cf. OE. wÆstm (for *wÆhstm, w. an additional m-suff.), m., ME. wastme, growth, fruit.] *wahtwÔ (58, n. 2), f. (112, or -a; 97—?), wach; Lu. II, 8. [< wakan + suff. -twÔn- (or -twÔ-). OHG. wahta (by loss of w), MHG. wahte, waht, NHG. wacht, f., wach.] wai, interj. (219), woe! [OE. wÂ, ME. wa, wo, NE. wo.] waian (22), rv. (182), to blow. [OE. wÂwan (cp. saian). Cf. OHG. wÂjan, wÂen, MHG. wÆ^jen, wÆ^n, NHG. wehen (wv.), to blow.] wai-dÊdja (21, n. 2), m. (108), woe-doer, evil-doer, malefactor. [-dÊdja < dÊÞs + suff. -jan-.] wai-faÍr?jan, wv. (188), to wail; Mk. V, 38. waÍhsta m. (108), corner; Mt. VI, 5. waÍhts, f. (116 and n. 1), a whit, thing, (in our 'Selections') always w. ni (or a negativ v.): ni w. or w. ni, sumtimes separated by other words, no whit, naught, nothing; Mk. I, 44.—ni (in) waÍhtai or w. ni, in nothing, nothing at all; Mk. V, 26. Skeir. VII, b (ni..w.). c. d. ni waÍht (116, n. 1) mikilis, no great thing, lit. 'nothing of great'; Skeir. VII, a. [OE. wiht, wuht, f., ME. wight, wi?t, NE. wight, person, creature. To the Goth. waÍht, n. (s. waÍht in my 'Compar. Glossary'), answers OE. wiht, n., ME. wiht, NE. whit (for *wiht the h of which had lost its sound).] waÍla (20, n. 3), adv., wel; s. under galeikan, hugjan, taujan. [Cf. OE. ME. NE. wel.] waÍla-mÊrjan, wv. (188), to bring glad tidings, proclaim, preach the gospel; w. acc. (in pass. the nom.), to preach, w. in w. dat.; II. Cor. I, waÍla-wizns, f. (103), wel-living, food; Skeir. VII, b. [-wizns < wisan, to eat, feast, be merry, + suff. -ni-; cf. wizÔn, to liv (I. Tim. V, 6).] waÍr, m. (91, n. 4), man; Skeir. VII, b. [OE. wer, m., ME. were, wer-, NE. wer-, were- (in werewolf, ME. werwolf, OE. were-wulf, lit. 'man-wolf').] waÍrpan, stv. (174), to cast, throw, (1) w. acc. and in w. acc.; Mk. I, 16; and af w. dat. (the dir. obj. being understood); Mt. V, 29. (2) w. (instr.) dat. and ana w. acc.; Mk. IV, 26.—Cpd. us-w. [OE. weorpan, ME. werpe, OHG. werfan, MHG. NHG. werfen, to cast, throw.] waÍrs, compar. adv. (212, n. 1), wurse; Mk. V, 26. [For *waÍrs-s (cp. 78, n. 2), i. e. *waÍrs-is (-is being adv. compar. suff.), OE. wiers, wyrs, ME. wurs, wers, NE. wurse.] waÍrsiza, compar. adj. (138), wurse, wurser; Mk. II, 21. [< waÍrs- + compar. suff. -iz-an-. OE. wiersa, wyrsa, ME. wurse, werse, NE. wurse (> wurser, a dubl comparison).] waÍrÞan, stv. (174, n. 1), (I) principal v., (1) to be born, arize, becum, cum forth, appear; Mk. IV, 37. 39. (2) to cum to pass, happen, be done or fulfild; Mt. V, 18. VI, 10. Mk. IV, 11. V, 14. 16. Lu. II, 15 (second). Skeir. VII, c; sumtimes the prs. must be renderd by the future in E.; Lu. II, 10; the impers. warÞ (prt.) often introduces a narration, either without a connectiv or folld. by jah: it came to pass; Mk. I, 9. II, 15. IV, 4. Lu. II, 1. 6. 15. 46; so w. dat. and inf.; Mk. II, 23.—Of time: to cum, cum on; Mk. I, 32. IV, 35.—With dat., to be givn to, cum to; II. Cor. I, 8. (3) to be, w. in w. dat.; II. Cor. III, 8; miÞ w. dat.; Lu. II, 13. (4) to becum, be, (a) w. a pred. adj. (especially wa. discharging more or less the function of a sb.); Mt. V, 20. 21. 22. VI, 16. 22. 23. Mk. I, 22. 36. 41. 42. II, 21. IV, 22. 32. Lu. II, 2. II. Cor. I, 7. III, 7. IV, 1. 11. 16. V, 17. Skeir. VII, d; —w. twalib-wintruns (sc. alÞeis), to be twelv years old; Lu. II, 42; (b) w. a pred. sb.; Mt. V, 45. Mk. I, 17. II. Cor. V, 21. Skeir. VII, c; (c) w. adv.: sundrÔ; Mk. IV, 10; ja jah nÊ..ja; II. Cor. I, 19. (II) auxiliary v., w. a pp.; Mk. I, 14. II. 27. III, 26. II. Cor. IV, 1.—Cpd. fra-w. [OE. weorÐan, ME. wurÐe, worthe, NE. wurth, to becum, be, as in frases: 'woe wurth the day', or 'the man' (indir. obj.).] waÍrÞida, f. (97), wurthiness, dignity, sufficiency; II. Cor. III, 5. Skeir. VII, a. [< waÍrÞs + suff. -i-dÔ- (72). OHG. wirdida, f., wurthiness.] -waÍrÞnan, wv. (194, n. 1), in ga-ga-w. waÍrÞs, adj. (124), wurth, wurthy, able, w. du w. dat.; II. Cor. II, 16; w. inf.; Mk. I, 7. II. Cor. III, 5; w. a clause introduced by ei; Mt. III, 11; —waÍrÞana briggan w. gen., to make or count wurthy, make able; II. Cor. III, 6. [OE. weorÐ, wurÐ (the u by influence of the w), adj., ME. worth, wurth, NE. wurth.] wait, prs. of the prt.-prs. witan. waja-mÊreins, f. (103; 113, n. 1), a blasfeming, blasfemy. [< waja-mÊrjan + suff. -ei-ni-.] waja-mÊrjan (21, n. 2), wv. (188), to blasfeme, w. acc.; Mk. III, 28. 29. [waja- < wai.] wakan, stv. (177, n. 1), to wake, wach.—Cpd. ÞaÍrh-w. (63, n. 1). -wakjan, wv. (187), to wake (tr.), in us-w. [OE. (Â)wecc(e)an (< *wacjan), ME. (a)wecche, OHG. (ir)wecchen, MHG. NHG. (er)wecken, to wake up, rouse from sleep.] -waknan (35), wv. (194), to awake, in ga-w. [< pp. stem of wakan. OE. wÆcnan (intr.), to arize, be born, ME. wakne (intr.), NE. waken (tr. and intr.).] Valamir (6, n. 2; 40, n. 1), pr. n. waldan, rv. (179, n. 1), to wield, rule, guvern. [OE. wealdan, ME. wealde, welde (rv.), NE. wield (wv.).] waldufni, n. (95, n. 1), power, might, authority; Mk. I, 22. 27. Skeir. VII, a; —w. haban w. inf.; Mk. II, 10; or du w. inf.; Mk. III, 15. [< waldan + suff. -ufnja-.] waljan, wv. (187), to choose, be willing, w. inf.; II. Cor. V, 8. [OHG. wellen, MHG. weln, wellen, NHG. wÄhlen, to choose, elect.] waltjan, wv. (188), to roll, beat upon, dash; Mk. IV, 37. [OE. wyltan, weltan (< weoltjan < weolt, prt. of wealtan, ME. walte, = OHG. walzan, MHG. walzen, stv., NHG. walzen, wv., to roll, revolv), OHG. MHG. welzen, NHG. wÄlzen, to (cause to) roll.] wamba, f. (97), womb, belly; Lu. II, 21. [OE. wamb, womb, ME. wombe, NE. womb.] wamm, n. (94), spot. [Prop. n. adj. (cf. ga-, un-wamms). OE. wamm, n. m. (adj. wam, wom), spot, > OE. wemman, ME. wemme, to stain, defile, < wemme, wem, NE. wem (obs.), spot, blemish.] wandjan, wv. (188), to wend, turn, w. dat. of pers. and acc. of th.; Mt. V, 39.—Cpds. ga-, us-w. [Caus. of -windan. OE. wendan (prt. wende, for *wend-de), ME. wende (prt. wende, wente), to turn, turn one's self, go, NE. wend (rare; prt. went), to go.] waninassus, m. (105), want; Skeir. VII, c. [Like wanains (w. suff. -ai-ni-), a waning, diminishing, < *wanan (< *wans, lacking, wanting, = OE. wan, won, ME. wan, ON. vanr, n. vant, deficient, > ME. want, adj., deficient, and sb., NE. want) + suff. -inassu-.] *war (s. 78, n. 2), adj. (124, n. 1), wary, cautious, sober. [OE. wÆr, ME. war, adj., cautious, NE. ware (obs., but in beware = be-ware), extended wary (w. suff. -y).] -wardjan, wv. (188), in fra-w. [Caus. of fra-waÍrÞan, to go to ruin, corrupt (intr.)] [OE. wyrdan (< *weardian), werdan, ME. werde, to spoil.] warei, f. (113), wariness, craftiness; II. Cor. IV, 2. [< war + suff. -ein-.] wargiÞa, f. (97), condemnation, judgment; II. Cor. III, 9. [< -wargs (in launa-wargs, an unthankful person. -wargs = OE. wearg, m., outlaw, criminal, wolf, ME. wari, weri, villain.) + suff. -iÞÔ-. OE. wergÐu, f., condemnation, punishment.] warjan, wv. (187), to forbid, thwart. [OE. werian, ME. wer(i)e, to defend, ward off, OHG. werian, weren, MHG. wern, to hinder, protect, defend, NHG. wehren, to protect, defend.] warmjan, wv. (188), to warm, cherish. [< *warms (= OE. wearm, ME. warm, NE. warm). OE. wyrman (< *wearmjan), ME. werme, warme, NE. warm.] warÞ, prt. of waÍrÞan. was, prt. of wisan. wasjan, wv. (187), to vest, clothe, put on, dress, (1) tr., w. acc. and wasti, f. (98), garment, cloak; Mt. V, 40. Mk. V, 27. 28. 30; in pl. also raiment; Mt. VI, 25. 28. [< wasjan + suff. -tjÔ-.] was-uÞ-Þan; s. the components. watÔ, n. (110, n. 1), water; Mk. I, 8. 10. [Cf. OE. wÆter (w. r-suffix), n., ME. water, NE. water.] waÚrd, n. (93), word; Mt. V, 37. Mk. I, 45. II, 2. IV, 14-20. 33. V, 36. Lu. II, 15. 17. 19. 29. 50. 51. II. Cor. I, 18. II, 17. IV, 2. V, 19. [OE. ME. word, n., NE. word.] -waÚrdjan, wv. (188), in filu-w. [< waÚrd. OHG. -wurten, in ant-wurten (= Goth. and-waÚrdjan), MHG. and-wÜrten, NHG. antworten (by influence of antwort, f., answer), to answer.] waÚrkjan, anv. (209), (1) abs., to work (intr.), becum effectiv, w. in w. dat.; II. Cor. IV, 12. (2) w. acc. (in pass. the nom.), to work (tr.), do, make, produce, prepare, and dat. of pers.; Mk. III, 35. II. Cor. IV, 17; w. dubl. acc.; Mk. I, 3. Skeir. VII, b.—Cpd. ga-w. [OE. wyrcan (prt. worhte, pp. worht), ME. werke, worche (prt. wrohte, pp. wrocht, wrogt), NE. work (prt. and pp. wrought and worked).] waÚrms, m. (101), serpent. [OE. wyrm, wurm, serpent, ME. worm, wurm, NE. wurm.] waÚrstw, n. (94), work, deed. [For *waÚrhstw < waÚrkjan + suff. -s-twa-.] waÚrstweigs, adj. (124), effectiv, effectual; II. Cor. I, 6. [< waÚrstw + suff. -ei-ga-.] waÚrstwja, m. (108), workman, laborer. [< waÚrstw + suff. -jan-.] waÚrts, f. (103), wurt, root; Mk. IV, 6. 17. [OE. wyrt, f., herb, plant, root, ME. wort, NE. wurt.] waÚrÞum, prt. of waÍrÞan. wÊgs, m. (91, n. 5), a violent movement, as of billows; hense tempest; in pl. billows, waves; Mk. IV, 37. [< wigan. OE. wÆ^g, m., wave, billow, flud, sea, OHG. wag, MHG. wÂg(-g-), m., flud, wave, river, sea, NHG. woge, f., wave, billow.] weiha, m. (108), priest. [< weihs.] weihan, stv. (172), to fight, strive, contend. [OE. wÎgan (the g, for h, being due to the forms with grammatical change), OHG. wÎhan (wÎgan), MHG. wÎgen, to contend, fight. The prsp. (uzed as a m. sb., = Goth. weihands) is seen in OE. wÎgend, OHG. MHG. wÎgant, NHG. weigand, m., warrior; cp. also OE. wÎg, m., ME. wi?, fight, batl.] weihnan, wv. (194), to becum holy, be hallowd; Mt. VI, 9. [< weihs.] weihs, adj. (124), holy; Mk. I, 8. III, 29. Lu. II, 25. 26. II. Cor. I, 1; w. gen.; Mk. I, 24. Lu. II, 23. [OHG. wÎh, MHG. wÎch (-h-), NHG. weih-, adj., holy, in weihnachten, Christmas, (lit. 'holy nights'), weihrauch, incense (lit. 'holy smoke').] wein, n. (94), wine; Mk. II, 22. [< Lt. vinum > also OE. wÎn, n., ME. win, NE. wine.] weina-basi (88a, n. 1), n. (95), wineberry. [-basi = OHG. beri (r < s = z), n., MHG. bere, n. f., NHG. beere, f., berry; an extended form is OE. berige, f., ME. berie, NE. berry.] weina-triu (88a, n. 1), n. (94, n. 1), 'wine-tree', vine. wein-drugkja (88a, n. 1), m. (108), wine-drinker, wine-bibber. weipan, stv. (172, n. 1), to crown. [OHG. *wÎfan, MHG. wÎfen (stv.), to swing, wind, prt. weif > the weis, pl. of ik. -weisjan, wv. (188), to make wise, in fulla-w. [< -weis (s. unweis). OE. wÎsian (prt. wÎsode; Second Weak Conj.), ME. wise, OHG. wÎsen (< wÎsjan), MHG. wÎsen, NHG. weisen, to direct, gide, show, instruct, lit. 'to make wise'.] -weitan, stv. (172, n. 1; 197, n. 1), to see, only in fra-, in-w. [OE. wÎtan, ME. wÎte, to see, look, rebuke, NE. wite (Sp.), to reproach, blame.] -weitjan, wv. (188), in faÍr-w. [< -weit, in fraweit (< fra-weitan), n., revenge, MHG. ver-wÎ?, NHG. verweis, m., rebuke, reproof; and id-weit, n., reproach, = OE. idwÎt, n., ME. edwit, reproach, blame.] weitwÔdei, f. (113), witness, testimony; II. Cor. I, 12. [< weitwÔÞs.] weitwÔdiÞa, f. (97), witness, testimony; Mk. I, 44. [< weitwÔÞs + suff. -iÞÔ-.] *weitwÔÞs, weitwÔds (30; 74, n. 2), m. (117), witness. [< v of -weitan, witan. Cf. Brgm., II, § 136, 5.] wÊnjan, wv. (188), to hope, trust, expect, (1) w. acc. and inf.; II. Cor. V, 11. (2) w. a clause introduced by ei; II. Cor. I, 13; so w. du w. dat.; II. Cor. I, 10. [< wÊns. OE. wÊnan, ME. wene, wÊne, to suppose, NE. ween (obs. or poet.).] wÊns, f. (103), expectation, hope; II. Cor. I, 6. III, 12. [OE. wÊn, Ê is i-uml. of Ô, for (West-Germanic)  = Goth. Ê, f., hope, expectation, ME. wene, OHG. MHG. wÂn, opinion, belief, hope, NHG. wahn, m., delusion, fancy.] wÊsi, wÊsun (-uÞ = -uh); prt. of wisan (204). -widan, stv. (176, n. 1), to bind, in ga-w. [OHG. wetan, MHG. weten, to bind, join, yoke. Its v is containd also in OE. wÆ^d, f., wÆ^de, n., ME. wÊde, NE. weed, garment.] widuwÔ, f. (112), widow; Lu. II, 37. [OE. widewe, widwe, f., ME. widewe, NE. widow.] -wigan, stv. (176, n. 1), to move, shake up, in ga-w. [OE. wegan, ME. weye, to carry, bear, move, weigh, NE. weigh.] wigs, m. (91), way; Mt. V, 25. Mk. I, 2. 3. IV, 4. 15. Lu. II, 44. [OE. weg, m., ME. wei, wey, NE. way.] wileis, prs. opt. of wiljan. Wilia (40, n. 1), pr. n. wilja, m. (108), wil; Mt. VI, 10. Mk. III, 35. Lu. II, 14. II. Cor. I, 1. [< wiljan. OE. willa, m., ME. wille, NE. wil.] wilja-halÞei (88a), f. (113, n. 2), special favor. [< *wiljahalÞs, adj., < wilja- (stem of -wiljis, in cpds., willing, < wiljan) + -halÞs = OE. heald, adj., inclined; cp. OHG. halda, MHG. NHG. halde, f., declivity.] wiljan, anv. (205), to wil, wish, (1) abs.; Mk. I, 40. 41. (2) w. acc.; Mt. V, 40. Mk. III, 13. (3) w. swa filu swÊ; Skeir. VII, c. (4) w. inf.; Mt. V, 40. 42. II. Cor. I, 15. V, 4. Skeir. VII, c; w. acc. and inf. (wisan being understood); II. Cor. I, 8. [OE. willan (prt. wolde, wulde), ME. wille (prt. wolde), NE. wil (prt. would).] wilÞeis, adj. (127), wild; Mk. I, 6 (gloss). [OE. wilde, ME. wild, NE. wild.] wilwan, stv. (174, n. 1), to plunder, rob, w. acc.; Mk. III, 27.—Cpd. dis-w. -windan, stv. (174, n. 1), to wind, only in bi- (du-, ga-, us-) w., to wind round, inwrap, swathe, w. acc.; Lu. II, 7; pp. biwundans, wrapt; Lu. II, 12. [OE. windan, ME. winde, NE. wind.] winds, m. (91), wind; Mk. IV, 37. 39. 41. [OE. wind, m., ME. NE. wind.] winnan, stv. (174, n. 1), to suffer, sorrow, (1) abs.; Lu. II, 48. (2) w. acc.; II. Cor. I, 6. [OE. winnan, to fight, strugl, toil, ge-w., to (obtain by fighting), win, ME. winne, to fight, acquire, win, NE. win.] wis, n. (94), a calm; Mk. IV, 39. [< wisan.] wisan, stv. (176, n. 1), (1) to dwel, abide, remain; II. Cor. III, 11. 14. V, 6. (2) to be, be present, exist, liv. (In this and the follg. senses wisan supplies the defects of the sb. v.: im, is, ist, sijau, etc.; s. 204. It is frequently understood.—For nist, etc., s. 10, n. 2; 4, n. 1); Mt. VI, 30. Lu. II, 25. 36. II. Cor. IV, 7. Skeir. VII, b. ufarassus w., to abound; II. Cor. I, 5. (3) w. dat. (as in Gr. which sumtimes has the gen.), to be, belong or pertain to; hense to hav; so occasionally folld. by a partit. gen.; Mk. I, 24. V, 7. Lu. II, 7. (4) w. a gen. in the pred., to be of, belong to, (a) poss.; II. Cor. II, 3, (b) qualitativ; Mk. V, 42. (5) to be anything or in any manner, (a) w. an adv. in the pred.; Mt. VI, 25. Mk. IV, 26. 36; (b) w. a prep. in the pred.; Skeir. VII, a; (c) the pred. is a complete sentence or an elliptical frase (as in Gr.), (a) in a dir. quotation; Mt. V, 37. II. Cor. I, 18; () introduced by a rel. particl: Þatei; Mk. II, 16; Þarei; Mk. IV, 15; swaswÊ; Mt. VI, 5; (d) the pred. is a prsp. denoting duration; Mt. V, 25. Mk. I, 4. 22. 39. II, 6. 18. IV, 38. V, 5. 40. Lu. II, 8. 33. 51. II. Cor. I, 9. II, 9. 11. 17. V, 19; (e) the pred. is a pp., (a) w. an act. meaning; Mk. I, 33; cp. II, 24. 26. III, 4. II. Cor. IV, 10. V, 10; () w. a pass. meaning; Mk. I, 6. V, 11. Lu. II, 26. II. Cor. IV, 3; preceded by the art.; Mk. IV, 16. 18. 20. V, 14; wisan being auxiliary v.; Mt. V, 21. 27. 31. 33. 38. 43. Mk. I, 2. 5. 9. III, 9. 21. IV, 11. V, 4. Lu. II, 3. 11. 17. 20. 21. 23. 24. 33. II. Cor. I, 4. 8. Skeir. VII, c; (f) the pred. is a rel. clause (cp. (c), abuv); Mk. IV, 22. II. Cor. II, 2. Skeir. VII, d; (g) the pred. is an adj.; Mt. V, 29. 30. 48. VI, 22. 23. 26. Mk. I, 7. II, 9. 25. III, 29. IV, 17. 31. 40. V, 18. 34. Lu. II, 5. 25. II. Cor. I, 18. II, 16. III, 3. 5. 10. IV, 18. V, 6. 8. 11.—Cp. also 5, e, a, abuv; (h) the pred. is a sb., either alone or w. an attribute; Mt. V, 34. 35. VI, 12. 22. 23. Mk. I, 11. 16. II, 28. III, 11. 35. IV, 38. V, 9. Lu. II, 2. 11. 12. 25. 37. II. Cor. I, 7. 12. 14. 19. 24. II, 15. III, 2. 3. 9. 17. IV, 4; (i) the pred. is a prn., (a) interr.; Mk. I, 24. 27. III, 33. IV, 41. V, 9; () poss.; Mt. VI, 13; (j) the pred. is a num., (a) def.; Mk. V, 13; () indef.; Mk. II, 15. V, 9. (6) to be, be calld, mean: Þat' ist, that is (to say); Þatei ist, which is, that is (to say); Mk. III, 17. V, 41; ?a ist Þatei, how is it that?; Mk. II, 16. (7) to be, be present, be found, (a) w. an adv.: hÊr; Skeir. VII, a; jainar; Mk. III, 1. V, 11. Lu. II, 6; Þarei; Mk. II, 4. V, 40. II. Cor. III, 17; Þaruh; Mt. VI, 21. II. Cor. III, 17; Ûta; Mk. I, 45; (b) w. a prep.: ana; Mk. I, 45. IV, 1. 38. Lu. II, 25. 40; at; II. Cor. I, 17; faÚra; Mk. V, 21; fram; II. Cor. I, 2; in; Mt. V, 25. VI, 4. Mk. I, 13. 23. II, 1. IV, 36. V, 5. 25. Lu. II, 5. 8. 25. 44. 49. II. Cor. I, 1. V, 4. Skeir. VII, b; miÞ; Mk. I, 13. II, 19. 26. III, 14. IV, 36. V, 18; ufar filu wisan, to abound; II. Cor. I, 5; us; Mt. V, 37. Lu. wissÊdun, prt. of witan, prt.-prs. wit, dual of ik. witan, wv. (197, n. 1), to look at, giv attention, observ, wach, w. dat.; Mk. III, 2; w. wahtwÔm ufarÔ w. dat., to keep wach over; Lu. II, 8. [< v of witan, to know. OHG. (ga-, ir-) wi?Ên, to pay attention, observ.] witan (30), prt.-prs. (197), to know, (1) abs.; Mk. IV, 27. Lu. II, 43. (2) w. acc.; Mk. IV, 13. V, 33. II. Cor. V, 11. (3) w. a clause introduced by Þatei; Mt. VI, 32. Mk. II, 10. Lu. II, 49. II. Cor. I, 7. IV, 14. V, 1. 6. (4) w. an indir. question; Mt. VI, 3. [OE. witan, 1st and 3d pers. sg. prs. ind. wÂt (Goth. wait), prt. wiste, ME. wite, prs. wot, prt. wiste, NE. wot, wist; to wit < ME. to wite(n), OE. tÔ witanne, gerund.] witÔÞ (gen. witÔdis), n. (94), law; Mt. V, 17. 18. Lu. II, 22. 23. 24. 27. 39. [< a lost v. witÔn (= OE. witian, ME. witie, to destin) + suff. -da; < v of witan, to know.] witubni (30), n. (95), knowledge. [< witan, to know, + suff. -ubnja.] witum, pl. of wait. wiÞra, prep. w. acc., (1) local, over against, by, near, to; Mk. IV, 1. 15. II. Cor. V, 12. (2) metaforical, (a) in a frendly sense, to, toward; (b) in a hostil sense, against, to, for; Mk. III, 24. 25. [OE. ME. wiÐer, prep., against, NE. wither- (in the cpd. withernam, a law term in England, a second or reciprocal writ, a writ of reprisal; -nam < niman = Goth. niman), OHG. widar, MHG. wider, NHG. wider, prep., against, wieder, adv., again, back.] wiÞrus, m., lam. [OE. weÐer, m., ME. NE. wether.] wlaitÔn, wv. (190), to look round about; Mk. V, 32. [< a lost sb. (= ON. leit, f., inquiry, serch) < *wleitan. OE. wlÂtian, to look.] wlits, m. (101, n. 1), face, countenance; II. Cor. III, 7. [< *wleitan (s. andawleizn). OE. wlite, m., ME. wlite, figure, look.] wÔkains (35), f. (103, n. 1), waching. [< *wÔkan (+ suff. -ai-ni-), to wach, < a lost sb. < wakan.] wÔkrs, m. (91, n. 2), uzury. [Apparently < v of wakan (prt. wÔk) + suff. -ra-. OE. wÔcor, f., progeny, posterity, OHG. wuohhar, MHG. wuocher, m. n., produce, fruit, profit, uzury, NHG. wucher, m., uzury.] wÔpjan, wv. (187), to cry aloud, cry out, cry; Mk. I, 3.—Cpd. uf-w. (63, n. 1). [OE. wÊpan (stv., w. the prs. in-jo-), to cry aloud, complain, bewail, ME. wepe (stv.), NE. weep (wv.).] wÔÞeis, adj. (128), sweet, mild, plezant; dauns wÔÞi, sweet savor; II. Cor. II, 15. [OE. wÊÐe, adj., sweet, mild.] *wÔÞs, wÔds (74, n. 2), adj. (124), wrakja, f. (97), persecution; Mk. IV, 17. [< wrikan + suff. -jÔ-.] wratÔn, wv. (190), to go, jurney; Lu. II, 41. [ON. rata, to jurney, travel.] wrÊÞus (wriÞus; 7, n. 3), m. (205), herd. [OE. wrÆ^Ð, f., herd, troop.] wrikan, stv. (176, n. 1), to persecute, w. acc.; Mt. V, 44; wrikans, persecuted; II. Cor. IV, 9. [OE. wrecan, to drive, urge; avenge, punish, ME. wreke, NE. wreak.] -wrisqan, stv. (174, n. 1), in ga-wr., to produce fruit. [ON. *reskva, pp. roskenn, grown.] wrÔhjan, wv. (187), to accuse, w. acc.; Mk. III, 2. [< wrÔhs, f., accusation. OE. wrÊgan (< wrÔgian), ME. wreie, OHG. ruogen (< ruege, f. jÔ-stem), MHG. rÜegen, to accuse, NHG. rÜgen, to reprove.] wulan, stv. (173, n. 2; 175, n. 2), to wallop, boil; be fervent. [Cf. OE. weallan (prt. wÊoll), ME. walle, OHG. wallan (prt. wial), MHG. wallen (prt. wiel), NHG. wallen (wv.), to bubl, boil; also OE. wellan, wv., ME. welle, NE. well, to issue forth, spring.] wulfs, m. (91), wolf. [OE. wulf (pl. wulfas), m., ME. wulf (pl. wulves, wolves), NE. wolf (pl. wolves).] Wulfila, pr. n. (108; 221). [Prop. 'litl wolf', < wulfs + suff. -ilan-.—???f??a?.] wulla, f. (97), wool. [OE. wull, f., ME. wulle, wolle, NE. wool.] wulÞags, adj. (124), gorgeous, honorabl, glorious; II. Cor. III, 7. 10. [< wulÞus + suff. -a-ga- (a for the stem-vowel u).] wulÞrs, adj. (124), of wurth, of consequence; mais wulÞriza wisan, to be of more wurth, be better; Mt. VI, 26. [< wulÞus + suff. -ra-.] wulÞus, m. (105), glory; Mt. VI, 13. 29. Lu. II, 9. 14. 32. II. Cor. I, 20. III, 7-11. 18. IV, 4. 6. 15. 17. [< stem wul (cf. ON. Ullr—ll < lÞ—, name of a god) + suff. -Þu-.] wundufni, f. (98), wound, plague; Mk. III, 11. [< wundÔn (< wunds, adj., = OE. ME. wund, OHG. wunt, MHG. wunt, -d-, sore, wounded, NHG. wund, adj., sore; -wundÔn = OE. wundian, ME. wounde, NE. wound) + suff. -ufnjÔ-.] Xristus (1, n. 4), pr. n. m. (105 and n. 2), Christ; Lu. II, 11; gen. -aus; II. Cor. II, 10. 12. 15. III, 3. IV, 4. V, 10. 14; dat. -au; II. Cor. I, 21. II, 14. 17. III, 14. V, 19; acc. -u; Lu. II, 26. II. Cor. I, 5. III, 4. V, 16. 18. 20.—IÊsuis-aus (gen.); Mk. I, 1. II. Cor. I, 1. 3. 14. IV, 6; IÊsu-au (dat.); II. Cor. I, 2; IÊsu-u (acc.); II. Cor. IV, 5. [< ???st??.] Y; s. § 39. ZaÍbaÍdaius, pr. n., Zebedee; gen. -aus; Mk. I, 19. III, 17; acc. -u; Mk. I, 20. [< ?eeda???.] Zakarias (43), pr. n., Zacharias. [< ?a?a??a?.]
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