713-h@57713-h-22.htm.html#Page_190" class="pginternal">190 |
108 | | Sarcocystis blanchardi from ox. (From Wasielewski, after van Eecke) | 190 |
109 | | Sarcocystis tenella. (After Laveran and Mesnil) | 191 |
110 | | Haplosporidium heterocirri. (After Caullery and Mesnil) | 195 |
111 | | Haplosporidian spores. (After Caullery and Mesnil) | 195 |
112 | | Rhinosporidium kinealyi, portion of ripe cyst. (After Minchin and Fantham) | 197 |
113 | | Balantidium coli. (After Leuckart) | 200 |
114 | | Balantidium coli, free and encysted. (After Casagrandi and Barbagallo) | 200 |
115 | | Balantidium minutum. (After Schaudinn) | 204 |
116 | | Nyctotherus faba. (After Schaudinn) | 205 |
117 | | Nyctotherus giganteus. (After Krause) | 206 |
118 | | Nyctotherus africanus. (After Castellani) | 206 |
119 | | Trachoma bodies in conjunctival cells. (Original, Fantham) | 209 |
120 | | Half of a transverse section through Fasciola hepatica, L. | 214 |
121 | | Harmostomum leptostomum, Olss. | 215 |
122 | | Median section through the anterior part of Fasciola hepatica | 217 |
123 | | Polystomum integerrimum. (After Zeller) | 218 |
124 | | Allocreadium isoporum, Looss. (After Looss) | 218 |
125 | | Terminal flame cell of the excretory system. (Stephens) | 219 |
126 | | Diagram of female genitalia. (Stephens) | 220 |
127 | | Diagram of male and part of female genitalia. (Stephens) | 220 |
128 | | Ovum of Fasciola hepatica, L. | 223 |
129 | | Miracidium of Fasciola hepatica. (After Leuckart) | 223 |
130 | | A group of cercariÆ of Echinostoma sp. | 225 |
131 | | Development of Fasciola hepatica, L. (After Leuckart) | 226 |
132 | | Young redia of Fasciola hepatica. (From Leuckart) | 227 |
133 | | Older redia of Distoma echinatum | 227 |
134 | | Cercaria of Fasciola hepatica. (After Leuckart) | 228 |
135 | | Encysted cercaria of Fasciola hepatica. (After Leuckart) | 228 |
136 | | Watsonius watsoni. (After Shipley) | 234 |
137 | | Watsonius watsoni: ventral projection composed from a series of transverse sections. (After Stiles and Goldbe
8 |
215 | | Sparganum prolifer. (After Ijima) | 319 |
216 | | Sparganum proliferum. (After Stiles) | 319 |
217 | | Dipylidium caninum. (After Diamare) | 320 |
218 | | Dipylidium caninum. (After Benham and Moniez) | 320 |
219 | | Dipylidium caninum: central portion of a proglottis. (After Neumann and Railliet) | 321 |
220 | | Dipylidium caninum: development of embryo. (After Benham, Grassi, and Rovelli) | 321 |
221 | | Larva (cysticercoid) of Dipylidium caninum. (After Grassi and Rovelli) | 322 |
222 | | Hymenolepis nana, v. Sieb. (After Leuckart) | 324 |
223 | | Hymenolepis nana: head. (After Mertens) | 324 |
224 | | Hymenolepis nana: an egg. (After Grassi) | 324 |
225 | | Longitudinal section through the intestinal villus of a rat. (After Grassi and Rovelli) | 324 |
226 | | Hymenolepis nana (murina): cross-section of proglottis from a rat. (After v. Linstow) | 325 |
227 | | Hymenolepis nana: longitudinal section of an embryo. (After Grassi and Rovelli) | 325 |
228 | | Hymenolepis diminuta. (After Zschokke) | 326 |
229 | | Hymenolepis diminuta. (After Grassi) | 326 |
230 | | Hymenolepis diminuta. (After Bizzozero) | 326 |
231 | | Hymenolepis diminuta. (Stephens, after Nicoll and Minchin) | 327 |
232 | | Hymenolepis lanceolata. (After Krabbe) | 328 |
233 | | Hymenolepis lanceolata. (After WolffhÜgel) | 328 |
234 | | Scolex of Davainea madagascariensis. (After Blanchard) | 330 |
235 | | Two fairly mature proglottids of TÆnia solium | 332 |
236 | | Head of TÆnia solium | 332 |
237 | | Large and small hooks of TÆnia solium. (After Leuckart) | 333 |
238 | | TÆnia solium. (After Leuckart) | 333 |
239 | | Two mature proglottids of TÆnia solium | 333 |
240 | | Large and small hooklets of TÆnia marginata. (After Leuckart) | 338 |
241 | | Mature segment of TÆnia saginata | 339 |
242 | | Cephalic end of TÆnia saginata | 339 |
243 | | TÆnia saginata. (After Leuckart) |
ar vat pr06">399 | | Wing of Anopheles maculipennis, Meigen | 566 |
400 | | Wing of a Culex | 575 |
401 | | Wing of Simulium | 579 |
402 | | Wing of Chironomus | 579 |
403 | | A Ceratopogon, or midge | 580 |
404 | | An owl midge, Phlebotomus sp. (From Giles’s “Gnats or Mosquitoes”) | 581 |
405 | | Larva of Homalomyia canicularis | 585 |
406 | | LarvÆ of Calliphora vomitoria | 585 |
407 | | Larva of Chrysomyia macellaria. (After Conil) | 585 |
408 | | The screw-worm fly (Chrysomyia macellaria) | 587 |
409 | | Ochromyia larva on the skin of man, South Africa. (After Blanchard) | 590 |
410 | | Head end of “larva of Natal.” (After Gedoelst) | 591 |
411 | | Lund’s larva. (After Gedoelst) | 593 |
412 | | Dermatobia noxialis, Goudot | 597 |
413 | | Larva of Dermatobia cyaniventris. (After Blanchard) | 597 |
414 | | Larva of Dermatobia cyaniventris. (After Blanchard) | 597 |
415 | | The ox gad fly (Tabanus bovinus, Linn.) | 601 |
416 | | The brimp (HÆmatopota pluvialis, Linn.) | 602 |
417 | | Head of Glossina longipalpis. (After GrÜnberg) | 604 |
418 | | Antenna of Glossina pallidipes, male. (After Austen) | 604 |
419 | | Glossina palpalis and puparium. (After Brumpt) | 607 |
420 | | The tsetse-fly (Glossina morsitans, Westwood) | 608 |
421 | | The stinging fly (Stomoxys calcitrans, Linn.) | 609 |
422 | | Trichomonas from cÆcum and gut of rat. (Original, Fantham) | 735 |
423 | | Chilomastix (Tetramitus) mesnili. (Original, Fantham) | 736 |