713-h@57713-h-22.htm.html#Page_190" class="pginternal">190
108 Sarcocystis blanchardi from ox. (From Wasielewski, after van Eecke) 190
109 Sarcocystis tenella. (After Laveran and Mesnil) 191
110 Haplosporidium heterocirri. (After Caullery and Mesnil) 195
111 Haplosporidian spores. (After Caullery and Mesnil) 195
112 Rhinosporidium kinealyi, portion of ripe cyst. (After Minchin and Fantham) 197
113 Balantidium coli. (After Leuckart) 200
114 Balantidium coli, free and encysted. (After Casagrandi and Barbagallo) 200
115 Balantidium minutum. (After Schaudinn) 204
116 Nyctotherus faba. (After Schaudinn) 205
117 Nyctotherus giganteus. (After Krause) 206
118 Nyctotherus africanus. (After Castellani) 206
119 Trachoma bodies in conjunctival cells. (Original, Fantham) 209
120 Half of a transverse section through Fasciola hepatica, L. 214
121 Harmostomum leptostomum, Olss. 215
122 Median section through the anterior part of Fasciola hepatica 217
123 Polystomum integerrimum. (After Zeller) 218
124 Allocreadium isoporum, Looss. (After Looss) 218
125 Terminal flame cell of the excretory system. (Stephens) 219
126 Diagram of female genitalia. (Stephens) 220
127 Diagram of male and part of female genitalia. (Stephens) 220
128 Ovum of Fasciola hepatica, L. 223
129 Miracidium of Fasciola hepatica. (After Leuckart) 223
130 A group of cercariÆ of Echinostoma sp. 225
131 Development of Fasciola hepatica, L. (After Leuckart) 226
132 Young redia of Fasciola hepatica. (From Leuckart) 227
133 Older redia of Distoma echinatum 227
134 Cercaria of Fasciola hepatica. (After Leuckart) 228
135 Encysted cercaria of Fasciola hepatica. (After Leuckart) 228
136 Watsonius watsoni. (After Shipley) 234
137 Watsonius watsoni: ventral projection composed from a series of transverse sections. (After Stiles and Goldbe 8
215 Sparganum prolifer. (After Ijima) 319
216 Sparganum proliferum. (After Stiles) 319
217 Dipylidium caninum. (After Diamare) 320
218 Dipylidium caninum. (After Benham and Moniez) 320
219 Dipylidium caninum: central portion of a proglottis. (After Neumann and Railliet) 321
220 Dipylidium caninum: development of embryo. (After Benham, Grassi, and Rovelli) 321
221 Larva (cysticercoid) of Dipylidium caninum. (After Grassi and Rovelli) 322
222 Hymenolepis nana, v. Sieb. (After Leuckart) 324
223 Hymenolepis nana: head. (After Mertens) 324
224 Hymenolepis nana: an egg. (After Grassi) 324
225 Longitudinal section through the intestinal villus of a rat. (After Grassi and Rovelli) 324
226 Hymenolepis nana (murina): cross-section of proglottis from a rat. (After v. Linstow) 325
227 Hymenolepis nana: longitudinal section of an embryo. (After Grassi and Rovelli) 325
228 Hymenolepis diminuta. (After Zschokke) 326
229 Hymenolepis diminuta. (After Grassi) 326
230 Hymenolepis diminuta. (After Bizzozero) 326
231 Hymenolepis diminuta. (Stephens, after Nicoll and Minchin) 327
232 Hymenolepis lanceolata. (After Krabbe) 328
233 Hymenolepis lanceolata. (After WolffhÜgel) 328
234 Scolex of Davainea madagascariensis. (After Blanchard) 330
235 Two fairly mature proglottids of TÆnia solium 332
236 Head of TÆnia solium 332
237 Large and small hooks of TÆnia solium. (After Leuckart) 333
238 TÆnia solium. (After Leuckart) 333
239 Two mature proglottids of TÆnia solium 333
240 Large and small hooklets of TÆnia marginata. (After Leuckart) 338
241 Mature segment of TÆnia saginata 339
242 Cephalic end of TÆnia saginata 339
243 TÆnia saginata. (After Leuckart) ar vat pr06">399 Wing of Anopheles maculipennis, Meigen 566
400 Wing of a Culex 575
401 Wing of Simulium 579
402 Wing of Chironomus 579
403 A Ceratopogon, or midge 580
404 An owl midge, Phlebotomus sp. (From Giles’s “Gnats or Mosquitoes”) 581
405 Larva of Homalomyia canicularis 585
406 LarvÆ of Calliphora vomitoria 585
407 Larva of Chrysomyia macellaria. (After Conil) 585
408 The screw-worm fly (Chrysomyia macellaria) 587
409 Ochromyia larva on the skin of man, South Africa. (After Blanchard) 590
410 Head end of “larva of Natal.” (After Gedoelst) 591
411 Lund’s larva. (After Gedoelst) 593
412 Dermatobia noxialis, Goudot 597
413 Larva of Dermatobia cyaniventris. (After Blanchard) 597
414 Larva of Dermatobia cyaniventris. (After Blanchard) 597
415 The ox gad fly (Tabanus bovinus, Linn.) 601
416 The brimp (HÆmatopota pluvialis, Linn.) 602
417 Head of Glossina longipalpis. (After GrÜnberg) 604
418 Antenna of Glossina pallidipes, male. (After Austen) 604
419 Glossina palpalis and puparium. (After Brumpt) 607
420 The tsetse-fly (Glossina morsitans, Westwood) 608
421 The stinging fly (Stomoxys calcitrans, Linn.) 609
422 Trichomonas from cÆcum and gut of rat. (Original, Fantham) 735
423 Chilomastix (Tetramitus) mesnili. (Original, Fantham) 736

We regret to have taken without permission from the “Transactions of The Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,” London, the following diagrams:—

Pages Figures
268 No. 169
269 " 170
391 " 281
411 " 295 and 296
414 " 298
460 " 337 and 338

and tender our regret to the Society in question for having done so.


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