Accommodation in a yacht defined, 363 'Active,' used by Froude in experimenting on the resistance of ships through water, 86 'Ada' (2½-rater), 231, 232; Adams, W., of Greenock, his iron horse for yachts, 391 'AdÈle' (5-tonner), 328 Admiralty, the, build the cutter 'Trial' (1790) and the brig 'Lady Nelson' (1797) with three sliding keels, 104 Adriatic, the, yachting in, 38 Advertisements and cards of races, 153, 154 Æschylus, quoted, 39 Ahl, the moorlands of, 309 Ailsa, Marquis of, owner of 'Titania,' 47, 82 'Alarm' (193 tons), 22, 52, 73, 110, 111; 'Albatross' (118-tonner), 20 'Albertine' (153 tons), 113 Alderney Race, 402 'Alerte' (E. F. Knight's), yawl, 299, 300, 301; Algiers, wreck of the 'Alouette' at, 333 'Aline' (216 tons), construction, 111; Allan, Messrs., owners of the 'Nora' (5-tonner), 346; Almanac for the Solent Racing, King & Co.'s, summary of racing rules in, 151 'Alouette' (5-tonner), dimensions of, 332; Aluminium, as a material for yacht-building, 80 'Alwida' (5-rater), 241, 242, 246, 372 America, adoption of centreboards in, 102, 103, 105; 'America,' American schooner, her dÉbut in English waters, 12; America Cup, 107; America, North, the eastern seaboard of, 21; American pre-eminence in yacht-building, 11 Ames, L. M., owner of the 'Atlantis,' 141, 230 'Amphitrite,' schooner, 109, 144 'Amy' (72 tons), 116 'Anemone,' yawl, E. Liddell's, 141 Anholt, Island of, 314 Apenrade, 309 'Aquiline' (55 tons), 113 Arabin, Mr., 230 'Archee' (5-rater), 241, 242, 356 Archer, Colin, of Christiania, 344 Ardglass, 401 'Arethusa,' Stuart Lane's cutter, 141 'Arrow,' the original, 52; Ashbury, James, has the 'Cambria' built, 115; Ashes, black, for removing varnish, 379 Asia Minor, cruising off the coast of, 400 Assheton-Smith, T., characteristics of his cutter 'Menai,' 73 'Atlantis,' L. M. Ames's yawl, 141 'Aurora,' in the race round the Isle of Wight for the Royal Yacht Squadron 100l. cup, 111 Australia, voyage to, time occupied by 'Sunbeam' under sail and steam, 26; 'Avadavat' (2½-rater), 246, 247 Average clause, Insurance, 408 'Babe,' the (2½-rater), 241, 243-247 Baden-Powell, W., his designs for the 'Diamond' (5-tonner), 61-64; 331 Bags for clothes on a voyage, 392 Bahamas, the, 38 Bainbridge, Captain, R.N., 141 Baldwin, Mr., of New York, 116 Balearic Islands, 38 Ballast, gradual abolition of shifting, 77; Baltic, cruising in the, 37, 308; Bangor Bay, Belfast, 401 Bantry Bay, 401 Barbados, 38 'Barbet' (10-rater), 251 Baring, E. (afterwards Lord Revelstoke), 140 Baring, General, 237 Barking Outfall, 223 Barometers, 312-314 'Barracouta' (3-tonner, 1860), 328; Barrow, Mr., hon. sec. Island Sailing Club, 237 Batthyany, Count E., brings out the 'Flying Cloud,' 116; 'Beagle,' H.M. brig, rig of, 29 Beam, appreciation of the value of, 65, 93 Beauclerk, W. A., 243 Beaufoy, Colonel, his experiments in towing bodies through water, 83 Beds, yacht, 385 'Bella Donna' (119 tons), 78 Belvidere yard, the, 232 Bembridge, 403 Bembridge Regatta, 351 Bembridge Sailing Club, 229, 239, 248 Bennett, Gordon, 115, 117, 131 Bentall, E. H., builder of the 'Jullanar,' 88; Bermuda, 38 Berthon collapsible boat, the, 304 Berthon dinghy, the, 398 Berthon's paint, 399 Biscuits, ship's, 305 Bishop, Mr., builder of the 'Barracouta,' 328 Black & Co. (late Hatcher & Co.), 245 Black ashes for removing varnish, 379 'Black Maria' (American sloop), 106 Black, Mr., 246 'Black Pearl,' cutter of, midship section of, 200; Black priming varnish, 377 Blackwater River, Essex, 88 Blake, G. L., on 5-tonners and 5-raters in the North, 322 et seq.; 'Bloodhound' (1874), built without fittings, 82 'Blue Bell' (170 tons), 113, 114; 'Boadicea' (378 tons), 139 Boag, Mr., 335 Board of Trade certificates, 408 Boats, yacht's, 187 et seq.; 303 Booth, Sir Robert Gore, 76 Boston, New England, centreboard building at, in 1774, 103 Boutcher, E. (owner of the 'Fiona'), 140 Brassey, Lord, on ocean cruising, 18 et seq.; Bridson, Mr., 78 Bristol Channel, 43 'Britannia,' H.R.H. the Prince of Wales's (151.13 Y.R.A. rating), loss of three masts by, 10; British sailors, character of, 296 Brixham, 403 Broadwood, Thomas, his 'Witchcraft' (240 tons), 113 Bronze, manganese, for plating purposes, 79 Brooke, Rajah, his 'Royalist' (schooner, 45 tons), 21 Brooks, Samuel, R.N.A.V., 43, 44 Brushes for varnishing, 378 Buchanan, John Cross, his 'Wave' fixed with a metal keel, 53 Buckley & Sherlock, builders of the 'Lorelei' (5-tonner), 344, 345 Bucknill, Colonel, designs the 'Thalassa,' 228; 'Bud' (2½-rater), 251 Burgess, Edward, American boatbuilder, designs a keel-boat, 106 Bute, 38 'Buttercup' (1880), character of build, 58; Buying a yacht, advice concerning, 375; Byrne, St. Clare. See St. Clare Byrne Byron, quoted, on the sea, 39 Cadiz, 45 Calais, character of the sea near, 365 Caledon, Earl of, 141 'Calluna,' the Clyde champion, 23; Calshot, racing at, 227 'Cambria,' schooner, and the America Cup, 111; 'Camellia' (5-tonner), 333; 'Camilla' (2½-rater), 244, 245, 247 Campbeltown, Cantyre, 369, 400 Camper & Nicholson, Messrs., of Gosport, 20; Canoe of the South Seas, the, 361 Cape de Gata, 38 Cape La Hogue, 402 Cape St. Vincent, 45 Cape Spartel, 45 Cape Verdes to Rio, from, time occupied by 'Sunbeam,' 26 Capstans, improvement in, 81 Card, the race, 154 Carlingford Lough, Ireland, 215; Carroll, R. P. owner of the 'Navahoe,' 23, 151 Castle Yacht Club, 227, 229, 237, 238, 241, 244, 247 Castletown, Isle of Man, 401 Caustic potash for removing varnish, 379 Cecil, the late Lord Francis, owner of the 'Chittywee' (3-tonner), 141, 371 Cedar fittings, 81 Centreboards, origin of, 102; 'Cetonia' (203 tons), 136, 137, 141 'Challenge' (20-tonner), 338 Chamberlayne, Tankerville, owner of 'Arrow' (5-tonner), 330 Chamberlayne, Thomas, buys and alters the original 'Arrow' (84 tons), 73 Champy, Bescoit, his 'Diane' (98 tons), 117 Channel, English, as a cruising ground, 37 'Chazalie,' 24 China clipper ships, the, 77 'Chipmunk' (2½-rater), 231, 232, 236 'Chiquita,' 180 'Chittywee' (3-tonner), 230, 371 'Christabel,' 114 'Christine' (40-tonner), 333 Civita Vecchia, 38 Clarke, Mr., owner of the 'Satanita,' 23, 230, 232 Clayton, Colonel Fitzroy, 146 Clayton, C. P., 66, 96, 101, 227, 234, 243, 247, 372 'Clio' (5-tonner), 335 'Clotilde' (5-tonner), G. L. Watson's first racing yacht, 88 Club and open matches, 152 Clyde, estuary of the, yachting in, 38; Cochrane, Blair Onslow, hon. sec. Bembridge Sailing Club, 239 'Cockatoo' (2½-rater), 251 'Cock-a-Whoop' (2½-rater), diagram of her lines, 234; 235, 241, 244; Collapsible boat, Berthon, 304 Collision clause, Insurance, 410 'Colonia' (American keel boat), 69, 106 'Columbia,' American centreboard schooner, beats the 'Livonia' in the first match for the race for the America Cup in 1871, 129; 'Columbine' type of racing cruisers, 147 Commissariat for foreign cruises, 304, 305 'Condor' (129 tons), 116 Coolin Hills, Skye, 215 'Coquette,' 248 'Cordelia' (18-ton schooner), 331 'Corinne' (162 tons), 136 Corinthian deep-sea cruising, 41; 'Corisande' (yawl), wins the Commodore and Vice-Commodore cups of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club in 1872, 134 'Cormorant' (2½-rater), 232 Corsica, 38 'Cosette' (2½-rater), 233, 237, 244 Cost, annual, of a yacht, 375, 376 Cowes, 11, 112, 113, 119, 121, 127, 133, 134, 136, 141, 143, 144, 226, 403 Cox, F., 146 Craig, Mr., part owner of the 'Camellia' (5-tonner), 335 Cranfield, Lemon, skipper of the 'Miranda,' 140 Crawford, A. F. S., his 'Squall' (5-rater), 254 'Creole' (40-rater), her dimensions, 66-68 Cruiser, a sailing, of 10,000 tons, speculative career of, 15, 16 Cruising grounds, 37, 38, 399-405 Cruising, precautions to be observed on unknown coasts, 404, 405 Cumberland Sailing Society in the Thames, 104 'Cumberland,' Commodore Taylor's, with five sliding keels, 305 'Currytush' (3-tonner), 354, 371 Cutters, modern racing, 14, 198 Cuxhaven, 315 'Cyane' (5-rater), 251, 253, 254, 372 'Cygnet' (35 tons), plan of, 54 'Cymba' (Queen's Cup winner, 1857), 20; 'Cynthia' (H.M. sloop), 104 'Cyprus' (5-tonner), dimensions and lines of, 346; 'Czarina,' 24 'Dacia' (5-rater), her 1892 certificate, 169; 251, 253, 254, 255, 372, 373 Dagger-boards, 103 'Dancing Girl,' 248 Danish Islands, 42 Danske fishing-boat, 311 Dartmouth, 8, 43, 44, 45, 403; 'Dauntless' (336 tons), loses the race across the Atlantic, in 1870, 115; 117, 124; 'Dauntless' (ketch), wins the first prize in the Royal Yacht Squadron Jubilee race, 141 'Dawn,' the, 47 'Decima' (10-rater), 171, 177, 179, 180, 183, 184, 186, 233, 241, 245 Deck-houses, 23 'Deerhound' (40-rater), her dimensions, 66-68 'Delvin' (5-tonner), 367 Denmark, 44; Denny Brothers, Messrs., of Dumbarton, 87 Deptford, centreboards built at, in 1789, 104 Designer, duties of a, 151 'Diamond' (5-tonner), tables and diagrams showing length and displacement, 61-63; 331, 332 Dickenson, Mr., of Birkenhead, builder of the 'Wyvern' (6-tonner), 325, 328; 'Diligent,' 47 'Dis' (10-rater), 180, 230, 231, 232, 233, 241, 245, 252 Dodd, Edward, R.N.A.V., 43 Dogfish, 191 'Dog-legged' sternpost, 57 'Dolly Varden,' Ratsey's, 232 'Dolphin' (2½-rater), 180, 241, 243, 247 'Dora,' G. L. Watson's centreboard, 59, 105 'Doreen' (10-rater), 171, 177, 179, 180, 183, 184, 186, 251, 252 'Doris' (5-tonner), tables and diagrams showing length and displacement, 61-63; 81, 233; 'Dorothy' (5-rater), 234 Douglas, Isle of Man, 401 Douglas, Mr., 123 'Doushka' (1-rater), 251 Dowell, Admiral Sir William, 44 'Dragon' (20-rater), 80 'Drina' (10-rater), 232 Du Bowlay, Captain, 248 Dublin Bay, small yacht racing in, 325, 326 Dudley, Lord, owner of the 'Dacia' (5-rater), 253, 254, 255, 373 Dudley, Tom, sails the 'Camellia' in her matches with 'Freda,' 344 Dufferin, Lord, his adoption of sailing yachts with auxiliary steam power, 24 Dunraven, Earl of, his efforts to bring back the cup from America, 11; Eastern Archipelago, the, as a cruising ground, 38 Edwards, Mr., 113 'Egeria' (153 tons), 112; 'Eileen' (½-rater), 248 Emerson, quoted, 35 'Enchantress,' American yacht, enters for the Prince of Wales's Cup in 1874, 137, 141 England, East Coast of, as a cruising ground, 37 England, South Coast of, as a cruising ground, 400 English Channel, the sea in the, 365 Entries, 160 'Eothen' (340 tons), 20; 'Eulalie' (18 tons), 20 Euripides, on the ocean, 39 'Evolution' (10 tons), her broad beam, 71; Ewing, Major, his 'Gwendolin' (171 tons), 119; 133, 134 Exeter, Marquis of, 146 Eyton, Wynne, designer and owner of 'Lorelei' (5-tonner), 344, 345 'Fair Geraldine' (5-rater), 230, 233, 234, 235, 241, 243 'Fairy' (2½-rater), 231 Fal river, 403 'Falcon' (E. F. Knight's), her voyage to South America, 299; Falmouth, 8; Farmer, Mr., 230 'Faugh-a-Ballagh' (2½-rater), 251, 256 Fay & Co., builders of the 'Black Pearl's' cutter, 206 'Field,' cited, 51; 'Fiery Cross' (51 tons), 113, 370 Fife, Messrs. William, of Fairlie, yacht builders and designers, 20, 66; Fifty-tonners, fitting out, to go foreign, 295; Fin-keels, 369 'Fiona' (80 tons), establishes the fame of Scotch yacht-builders, 83; 120, 140 Fiords, Norwegian, 44 'Firefly,' 24 Fish, Mr., 137 Fisherman's anchor, the, 384 Fishing, sea, 190-193 Fitting out a yacht, 377; Fitzroy, Captain, R.N., commander of 'Beagle,' 29 Five-raters in the North. See Five-tonners, &c. Five-raters, the Y.R.A. rule of measurement, 355; Five-tonners (and five-raters) in the North, 322; Flags, 394 Flamborough Head, 31-33 Flensborg, 309 'Fleur-de-Lys' (90 tons), 113 Floating blinds, 103 'Florinda,' yawl, diagrams of lines, 97; 'Flutterby' (4-rater), 230 'Flying Cloud' (75 tons), 116, 119 Forecastle pantry, the, 380 Foreign cruises in vessels of small tonnage. See Fifty-tonners 'Formosa,' cutter, 83 Formosa Channel, 'Sunbeam's' performance under sail in, 26 Forwood, Sir William, 146, 168 Fowey, 403 'Freak,' cutter, 110 Freake, Mr., first owner of the 'Freda' (5-tonner), 337 'Freda' (5-tonner), 333, 335; French rating rules, 179, 180, 181, 185 Frisian Islands, 309 'Frolic' (7-rater), 230 Froude, Mr., quoted, on the ocean, 39 Froude, R. E., on the rating rules, 175; Froude, William, his experiments on the resistance of planes through water, 85, 86; 'Galatea,' cutter, in the International Race for the America Cup, 22; 111, 113 Gamble, Colonel, his lifeboat to the 'Aline,' 206-208 Gannets, 190 'Gareth' (2½-rater), 251, 256, 372 Garret, Mr., his 'G.G.' (2½-rater), 223, 236 'Garrion,' 78 'Genesta,' and the America Cup, 111, 141, 180 German Emperor William, his 'Meteor,' 11, 82; 'Ghost,' 180 Girth rating rule, 185 Gladstone, W. E., his cruise in the 'Sunbeam,' 19 'Gleam,' 76 'Gleam' (5-rater), 234 Glengariff, 401 'Gloriana' (133 tons), 106, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119 'Glycera' (5-rater), 241, 242, 245 Godinet, M., his new rating rule, 180 'Gossoon' (American keel boat), 106 Gourock, 400 Graham, E., R.N.A.V., 44 Grant, Lieutenant James, R.N., 104 'Graphic,' quoted, on the voyage of the 'Hornet' in 1879, 43 Gravesend Reach, 139 Grecian Archipelago, 400 Greeks, the, as lovers of the sea, 39 Greenland Dock, near London, Colonel Beaufoy's experiments in the, 83 Grenada, 38 'Greyhound,' used in experimenting on the resistance of ships through water, 86 Groceries, &c., for yachting, 393 Gubbins, Mr., success of his 'Windfall' against the 'Dacia,' 255 Guernsey, 402 'Guinevere' (308 tons), 115, 116, 117; Guinness, Sir Edward, 141, 143 Gulf of Bothnia, 315 Gulf of Heligoland, 315 Gulf of Lyons, 38 Gulf of Mexico, 318 Gulls, 190 Hallowes, Commodore, Admiral of the Minima Sailing Club, 238 Hannay, J. M., owner of the 'Barracouta,' 328 Hansen & Sons, builders of the 'Aline's' lifeboat, 206 Harbours suitable for small yachts, 369 Harlingen, 316 Harvey & Co., Wivenhoe, builders of the 'Oona' (5-tonner), 353 Harvey, E. N., 247 Harvey, John, of Wivenhoe, 136, 140 Harvey, Miss (afterwards Mrs. A. Heygate), 237 'Harvey's Patent' paint, 377, 378 Harwich to the Baltic, cruise from, 309, 310 Hatcher & Co. (now Black & Co.), 245 Hatcher, Dan, of Southampton, 20; Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, 219 Havana, 38 Havre, 402 Healey, C. E. Chadwick, 47 'Heathen Chinee,' yawl, 236 Henderson, Messrs., of Partick, 334 Henn, Lieutenant, R.N., races his 'Galatea' against the 'Puritan' for the America Cup in 1886, 22 Herbert, Captain John, his success with the 'Wildfire' (59 tons), 111; Herm, 402 Herreshoff, Mr., on rating rules, 177, 178, 186 Herreshoff, Messrs. (of Rhode Island), design and build their 'Vigilant' (centreboard) and 'Colonia' (keel boat), 106 Herreshoff, N. G., designer of the 'Navahoe' and 'Vigilant,' 22, 82; Hewitt, Major Percy, 146 Hewitt, Robert, designer of the 'Buttercup' (1880), 59 Heygate, Mrs. A., 237 'Hilda' (5-tonner), 331 Hilliard, J. B., part owner and designer of the 'Vril,' 334; 'Himalaya,' troopship, 75 Hired yachts, 162 Hoare, Sydney, 47 Hoare, Wilson, his 'Avadavat,' 247 Holland, coast of, as a cruising ground, 37, 404; Holland-Ackers, Mr., initiates the system of time allowances, 52 Home versus international racing, 12 HÖnefos, Falls of, 44 Honolulu to Yokohama, the 'Sunbeam's' performances under sail from, 26 'Hoopoo' (2½-rater), 251 'Hornet,' build and gear of the, 42; Houldsworth, W., his 'Morna' not successful as a racer, 135 Houston, John, of Largs, skipper of the 'Fiona,' 83 Howth, 400 Hughes, Captain J. W., 65, 146; Hughes, Fred, 230 Hughes, the Misses, 237 Hull-measurement rating rules, 182, 185 'Humming Bird' (2½-rater), her build, 65; 235, 236, 241, 243, 245, 247, 369 Hunt, Mr., the publisher of 'Hunt's Yachting Magazine,' 89 'Hunt's Magazine,' cited, 51, 54, 56, 76, 338, 342 Hydraulic steering apparatus, 14 'Idono' (½-rater), 248 'Iernia' (5-rater), 246 'Illustrated London News,' quoted on the cruise of the 'Hornet' in 1880, 44 'Ina' (10-rater), 230 Inglis, John, of Pointhouse, in favour of outside ballast, 60 Inglis, John, jun., institutes in Pointhouse shipyard Rankine's method of estimating the resistance of ships, 86; 88 Inglis, Mr., designer, builder, and owner of the 'Hilda' and 'Viola' (5-tonners), 331; Insurance of yachts, 407; International race for the America Cup (1886), 22 International versus home racing, 12 'Intrigue' (72 tons), 113 'Iolanthe' (75 tons), 113 Ireland, 42; 'Irex' (centreboard), Mr. Jameson's, 105, 141 Iron, introduced into the construction of ships, 77 Ise Fiord, 309 Isle of Man, 401 Isle of Wight, as a cruising ground, 38, 47 Italy, coast of, as a cruising ground, 38 Itchen ferrymen, 224; Iveagh, Lord, 142 'Iverna,' 65 Jamaica, 38 James I., condition of the fleet in his time, 13 Jameson, John, result of his trial of the 'Irex' as a centreboard, 105; 141 'Janetta' (2½-rater), 244, 246, 247 Japan, coasts of, yachting round, 38 'Jeanie' (½-rater), 246, 248, 250 'Jenny Wren' (5-tonner), 230; Jersey, 402 Johnson, Dr., quoted, on the sea, 2 'Jubilee,' American yacht, her dimensions, 69; 179 'Julia,' 120 'Jullanar' (120 tons), E. H. Bentall's yawl, 83; 'Katherine' (5-rater), 246 Keels, sliding, Admiralty adoption of, in 1790, 104; Kemp, Dixon, on the length of yachts, 59; 'Kestrel' (202 tons), 108 Ketches (50-ton), 300 Kiel, 309 Kingstown, small yacht racing at, 326, 327, 401 Kirkcaldy, 54 Kit, the, for yachting, 392 'Kittiwake' (½-rater), 248, 250 Klein, Mr., owner of 'Dawn,' 47 Knight, E. F., on fitting out a 50-tonner to go foreign, 295 et seq.; Knives, sailors', 218 'Kriemhilda,' cutter, 83, 98, 134 Kyak, the Greenlander's, 361 'Lady Nan' (2½-rater), 180, 231, 235, 236 'Lady Nelson' (H.M. brig, 1797), the first ship to discover Tasmania to be an island, 102; 'Ladybird' (½-rater), 248 Laird, Mr., of Birkenhead, constructor of the compound engines of the 'Sunbeam,' 25 'Lais' (40-rater), her dimensions, 66-68, 71 Lamb & White, their wooden air-tight compartments, 206 Lampson, G. E., specialities of his 'Miranda' (139 tons), 140 Lampson, Sir George, Bart., 146 'Lancashire Witch,' 24 'Land and Water' on rating rules, 175; 230, 245 Lane, Stuart, 141 Langrishe, Mr., 245, 253; Lapthorn, Messrs., sailmakers, 77 Larne, 402 Lawrence, John, part owner and designer of the 'Vril,' 334 Lawson, Mr., part owner of the 'Camellia' (5-tonner), 335 Laying-up policies, 411 Leach, Sir George, K.C.B., on schooner racing, 108 et seq., 146 Lead ballast, introduction of, 53 Leeboards, 316-319 Length and sail-area, rating by, 356 Length and sail-area rule, 168 'Leopard' (1807), lines of the, 72 Lepper, Mr., of Belfast, his 5-rater 'Archee,' 356 Lessop, Mr., 134 'Lethe' (163-ton yawl), midship section, 78, 79; 'Letters from High Latitudes,' quoted, 24 Liddell, E., 141 Lifeboats, 198 Lights, yachts', when racing at night, 164 Liim, the, 309 'Lil' (afterwards 'Nety'), 232 'Lillah' (20 tons), 20 'Lily' (2½-rater), 54 Little Belt, the, 309 'Little Nell' (10-rater), 230 Liverpool, 325 'Livonia' (240 tons), schooner, 20, 111; 'Lizzie' (20 tons), 78 Lloyd's and Insurance, 407, 412 Loch Hourn, 9 Loch Scavaig, Skye, phenomenal squalls in, 215, 216 'Lollypop' (5-rater), 233, 234, 235; Londonderry, 402 Long Island Sound, sea disturbance at, 366; 370; Looe, 403 'Lorelei' (5-tonner), dimensions of, 344; Lough Strangford, 401 'Louisa,' 52 'Luath' (5-tonner), 353 Lubat, Mr., 137 Luken, Lionel (coach-builder), his pamphlet on insubmergible boats, 107 'Lulworth' (80 tons), 52, 73, 113 Lymington, Hants, 403 McCheane, Mr., hon. sec. Royal Portsmouth Corinthian Yacht Club, 225 Macgregor, Colonel, 144 'Madcap' (2½-rater), 228, 231, 233, 236 'Magic' (93 tons), wins the America Cup in 1870, 125 'Mahatma' (1-rater), 251 'Malissa' (10-tonner), 354 'Man overboard' rule, 158 'Margaret' (265 tons), 252 Marine insurance policy forms, 407, 412 Markham, Lieut.-Col., 113 Marsden, D. W., late hon. sec. of London Corps Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, 41 Martin anchor, 383 Matches, private, 151; Measurements, rules concerning, 164-166 Measurers, official, duties of, 164-166 'Mechanic's Magazine,' cited, 85 Medicines, 395 Mediterranean, the, as a cruising ground, 38; 'Menai,' first vessel in which hollow lines were adopted, 73, 74 'Merkara,' diagram of the resistance curves of the model of the, 87 'Merle' (10-tonner), fitted with a 'dog-legged' sternpost, 57 'Merrythought' (1-¼-rater), 228 'Meteor' (164 tons), her victory for the Queen's Cup at Cowes, 11; 20, 24; 'Meteorological Notes,' Scott's, 405 Meuse, the, as a cruising ground, 37 'Minerva' (23 tons), Fife of Fairlie's, 106, 180, 367, 368 Minima Sailing Club, 229, 237; 'Minnow' (2½-rater), 228, 231, 232, 236 'Miranda' (139 tons), specialities in her build, 140 'Mliss' (2½-rater), 241, 244, 247 'Modwena' (223 tons), 136 'Mohawk' (40-rater), dimensions, 66-68; 93 'Moina' (85-rater), 141 'Molly' (2½-rater) 251 Montagu, Captain, 232 Morley, S. Hope, 141 Morocco, coast of, 42 'Mosquito' (50 tons), system of construction, 73-75; Mousing, 389 Mulholland, Hon. H. L., M.P., 255 Mulholland, John, M.P. (afterwards Lord Dunleath), 112, 117, 137 'Muriel' (60 tons), 20, 78, 101 Mutual Yacht Insurance Company, attempts to launch, 412, 413 'MystÈre' (118 tons), 117, 118 Nab Lightship, the, 110, 113, 117-119, 121-124, 127, 133, 136, 141, 143, 144 'Nadador' ('Lady Nan'), 2½-rater, 233, 237 'Naiad' (10-tonner), 327 'Nansheen' (1-rater), 251 Napier, Colin, owner of the 'Wyvern,' 326 Napoleon III., his encouragement of yachting, 117 'Narna' (½-rater), 246, 248, 250 Nassau to Bermuda, from, the 'Sunbeam' in a gale, 34 'Natica' (5-rater), 54, 254, 373 'Navahoe' (156.7 Y.R.A. rating), American yacht, beats the 'Britannia' over the cross-Channel course, 11; Negro crews, 298 'Nety' (9-rater), 232 New Jersey, coast of, 102 'New Moon' (209 tons), lugger, 113 New Thames Yacht Club, rule adopted by, in 1874, for measurement, 56 New York Bay, 102, 124, 125, 128 New York Yacht Club, 111, 125; New Zealand, racing and cruising on the coast of, 399, 400 Newton-Robinson, Mr., 230 Nicholls, Jack, skipper of the 'Alarm,' 111 Nicholson & Sons, of Gosport, 101, 372 Nicholson, Charles, 96, 248, 256 Nicholson, J. H., designer of the 'Dacia' (5-rater) and of the 'Gareth' (2½-rater), 372 Nicholson, Mr., jun., 253, 255 'Nora' (5-tonner), dimensions of, 346 'Norman' (40 tons), 20, 78, 83, 101, 122 North Pacific, 26 North Sea, the, 309; Norway, coast of, as a cruising ground, 37, 44, 404 'Nyanza,' 78 Ocean cruising, precautions requisite for, 295 et seq. Officers, race. See Race officers Oglander, Sir Henry, owner of the 'Firefly,' 24 'Oimara' (165 tons), 78; Old tonnage rating rule, 182 'Olga' (5 tonner), dimensions, 61-63; 'Oona' (5-tonner), dimensions of, 61-63, 353; 'Oread,' 180 Osgood, Mr., success of his centreboard schooner 'Columbia' against the 'Livonia' for the America Cup, 129-131 'Otokesan' (½-rater), 248 Outfit for a yacht, 392; Owners of yachts, duties of, in races, 159; Pacific, the, yachting in, 38 Paine, General, his 'up to date' centreboard, 106 Paint for yachts, 377, 378; 'Palatine' (steam yacht), 9 'Palmer,' American centreboard schooner, 129, 131 'Pantomime' (151 tons), 112-116, 135, 136 'Papoose' (2½-rater), 251 'Paradise,' ancient and modern notions of, 1, 2 Paraffin stoves, 307 Parsons, Mr., 239 Passengers in sailing boats, 218 'Pastime' (10-tonner), 327 Payne, A. E., builds the 'Humming Bird,' 65; Payton, W. E., his designs for the 'Trident' (1879), 'Olga' (1883), and 'Oona' (1886), 61-64; Pearce, Sir G., 247 'Pearl' (5-tonner), 330; Peel, Isle of Man, 401 'Peg Woffington,' G. L. Watson's little cutter, characteristics of, 57 Pembroke and Montgomery, Earl of, on yacht's sailing boats, 187 et seq. Penang to Galle, from, time occupied by 'Sunbeam,' 26 Pender, Henry Denison, R.N.V., 44 Peninsular and Oriental Company build the 'Himalaya,' 75 Perceval, P., his 'Glycera' (5-rater), 242; 255 Percy, Lord, centreboard boat built for him at Boston, U.S., in 1774, 103 'Pet' (5-tonner), 328 'Phantom' (176 tons), 139 'Pilgrim' (American yacht), her dimensions, 69, 179 Platinum as ballast, 80 Pleasure fleet of England, progress of the, 12 Plunket, Mr., of Belfast, 353 Plymouth, 8; Policies, insurance, laying up, 411 Polperro, 403 'Polynia' (2½-rater), 251 Popham, F. L., 141 Port Darwin to the Cape, from, time occupied by 'Sunbeam' under sail and steam, 27 Port Patrick, 365 Port Phillip, 400 Port Rush, 402 Portland Bill, 403 Portsmouth to Brindisi, from, time occupied by 'Sunbeam' to, 27; Portsmouth, conference of Solent clubs at, in 1887, 228, 403 Portsmouth Harbour, 377 Portugal, coast of, 42 Post entries, 160 Potash, caustic, for removing varnish, 379 Powell, W. Baden. See Baden-Powell Power, Mr., owner of the 'Olga' (5-tonner), 352 Premiums in insurance, 411 Prevention clauses, insurance, 410, 411 Priddy's Hard, 377 Prince of Wales's Cup, race for, in 1871, 126; Pritchett, R. T., staff officer of the 'Hornet,' 43; Private matches, 151 'Problem,' built at Kirkcaldy in the early fifties, plan of, 54 Protection clauses, insurance, 411 'Punch,' quoted, 128 'Pup' (1-rater), 251 Pure length rating rule, 182 'Puritan' (American sloop), in the International Race for the America Cup, 22 'Queen' (15-tonner), 345 'Queen Mab' (centreboard cutter), 65; Queenstown, 43, 44; Queenstown Model Yacht Club, 57 'Quinque' (5-rater), 180, 241, 242, 246, 255 'Quiraing,' plan of her immersed counter, 58 Race Officers, Duties of, 156-159 Racing, advice upon, 395; Racing rules, summary of, in King & Co.'s Almanac for the Solent Racing, 151. See Y.R.A. Racing yachts, evolution of the modern, 50 et seq. Ramsey, Isle of Man, 401 Rankine, Maquorn, his papers on surface friction, 85 Rathlin Island Sound, 402 Rating-cheaters, 359 Rating rules and proposals, tables of, 183, 184. Rating supersedes tonnage rule, 93 Ratsey, Charles, advocates cotton sails, 77 Ratsey, Linn, yacht-builder, 72 Ratsey, Michael, 20, 72, 83, 101, 113, 115; Ratsey, Mr., 232 'Raven' (10-rater), 230 'Rayonette' (8-tonner), 332 Reaching courses, 359 'Red Lancer' (5-rater), 371, 373 Reid, James, of Port Glasgow, devises the 'dog-legged' sternpost, 57; 'Resolution,' H.M.S., accident to, 14 'Reverie' (43 tons), 113 Richardson, Alexander, of Liverpool, 98, 101 Richardson, John, his 'Evadne' (206 tons), 112; Richardson, Mr., on rating rules, 173, 181 Richardson, Mr., designer of the 'Urchin' (5-tonner), 345 Robertson, Mr., of Ipswich, builder of the 'Alouette' (5-tonner), 332 Robertson, Mr., of Sandbank, Holy Loch, 335 Rogers's movable anchor stock, 384 'Rogue' (1-rater), 251 Romans, the, as lovers of the sea, 39 'Rose' (5-rater), 230 'Rose of Devon,' in the race from the Nore to Dover, of 1870, 120 Roskilde, from the fiord, 313 Rothesay, wind-force at, 174 Rouen, 402 Rowley, Mr., 134 Royal Albert Yacht Club, 225, 229, 247 Royal Clyde Yacht Club, 413 Royal Danish Yacht Club, 44 Royal Irish Yacht Club Regatta, 352 Royal London Yacht Club, rule arranged for measurement in 1854, 56; 138, 225, 226, 229, 247 Royal Navy, condition of the, 12, 13 Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers of London, Liverpool, Bristol, and Glasgow, 42 Royal Portsmouth Corinthian Yacht Club, 224, 229, 250 Royal Southampton Yacht Club, 224; Royal Southern Yacht Club, 223, 225, 229 Royal Thames Yacht Club, rule adopted by, for measurement in 1854, 56; Royal Victoria Yacht Club, 223, 225, 229, 247 Royal Yacht Squadron, one of its original objects to encourage seamanship, 4; 'Royalist,' 21 Russell, Scott, his system of construction, 73, 74; Rutland, Duke of, 117 Ryde to Havre, from, 312 Sail-area, 160; Sailing boats, a yacht's, pleasures and advantages of, 187; Sail-carrying power defined, 363 Sailing committees, duties of, 152; Sailing masters, duties of, 162-164 Sailing rules. See Y.R.A. Sailing yachts with auxiliary steam power, 24 Sails, character of British-made, previous to 1851, 74 St. Clare Byrne, Mr., M.I.N.A., his 'Valiant,' 21; 'St. George' (871 tons), 21 St. George's Channel, character of the sea in, 365, 366 St. Ives harbour, 370 St. Malo, 8 Salcomb, 403 Salt meat for foreign cruises, 305 Sandy Hook, wind-force at, 174 'Sappho' (American schooner), 116, 120, 121; Sark, 402 'Satanita' (161.58-rating, Y.R.A.), 23; 'Savourna' (5-rater), 245, 246, 255 Schanks, Captain, designer of the 'Trial' revenue cutter, 104, 107 Schenley, George, 244 Schooner racing, reasons for the decadence of, 108, 109; Schooners, inability to compete with cutters, 109; Scilly Isles, 8 Scotland to Plymouth, from, voyage of 'Cyprus,' 349-351 Scotland, West Coast of, 8, 9; Scott's 'Meteorological Notes,' 405 Scows, or floating blinds, 103, 105 'Seabelle' (153 tons), 136; 'Seabird' (126 tons), 78 Sea-fishing, 190-193 Seamanship, 37 Secretary, club, duties of, at regattas, 154 Secretary, Y.R.A., checking a sailmaker's measurements, 165 Seine, the, as a cruising ground, 37 'Selene,' 78 Sesmaisons, Count de, 117 Seth-Smith, C. E., C.B., R.N.A.V., on Corinthian deep-sea cruising, 41 et seq.; Sewanhaka Yacht Club, on the rating rules, 171, 173, 176, 179, 181 Shanklin Bay, 47 Shannon, the, as a cruising ground, 401 'Shark' (204 tons), 117, 121, 137 Shelley, Sir Percy, 111 'Shipbuilding, Theoretical and Practical,' cited, 85 Ship-chandlers, home and foreign, 306 Shuldham, Captain, R.N., pivots sliding keels (1809), 105 Sicily, yachting round, 38 Siemens-Martin steel, 80 'Siesta' (127 tons), 116 Simonosaki to Aden, from, time occupied by 'Sunbeam,' 26 Simons, of Renfrew, 73 Simpson & Dennison, of Dartmouth, builders of 'Doris' (5-tonner), 354 Simpson, Mr., success of his 'Tottie' on the Thames, 231 Skippers, yacht, 7 'Sleuthhound' (54-rater), built without fittings, 82, 141 Sliding keels and centreboards, 102-107 Slie, the, 309 Smith, Colonel F. J., R.E., his merit-formula, 230 Solent, the, as a cruising ground, 38; Solent Yacht Club, 229 Sooji Mooji, for removing varnish, 379 Soper, J. M., 96; 'Sorella,' 224 Sound of Raasay, phenomenal squalls in, 216 South Atlantic, 26, 295, 300, 304 South Pacific, 26 Southampton, conference of Solent clubs at, in 1887, 228, 402 Southsea, 225 Spain, coast of, as a cruising ground, 38, 42 Sparks, Mr., 252 Spartel Bay, 45 Spezia, 38 'Sphinx,' 114 Spirit stoves, 307 Spithead, sea disturbance at, 366 'Spray of the Ocean' (cutter), 20 'Squirrel,' Sir G. Pearce's, 247 Starkey, F., 135 Start, the, at races, 157, 158 Steam launches, as adjuncts to sailing yachts, 8; 188, 198 Steam versus sail yachting, 3-5, 223 Steam yachts, cost of building and manning, 23 Steamship hands, 4 Steele, Messrs., build the 'Wave' with a metal keel, 53; 77 Steele, William, designs the 'Nyanza,' 'Oimara,' 'Garrion,' and 'Selene,' 77 Stephens, Mr., of Southampton, 235 Sternpost, the raking, introduced, 54; Stevens, Commodore, his 'Black Maria,' 106 Stewart, Mr., 249 Stone, Mr., designer of the 'Squirrel,' 247 Storey, Mr., designer of the 'St. George,' 24 'Stork' (2½-rater), 251 Storms, law of, 35 Stoves for cooking, 307 Stowe, Mr., of Shoreham, builder of the 'Diamond' (5-tonner), 331 Straits of Gibraltar, 38 Studding-sails, duck, 30 Suez Canal, the, closes the era of China clipper ships, 77 Sullivan, Sir Edward, Bart., on yachting, 1 et seq. Summers, Mr., 245 Summers & Payne, 245 'Sunbeam,' 20; Sweden as a cruising ground, 404 Sydney Harbour, 400 Tamar River, 403 Tangier, 45 Tanks, water, 305 'Tar Baby' (5-rater), 234 Tasmania, discovered to be an island, 102 Tatchell, E. R., 146 Taylor, Commodore, of the Cumberland Sailing Society, his yacht 'Cumberland' with five sliding keels, 104 Taylor, Harry, 136 Taylor, Robert, 105 Teignmouth, cargo boats fitted with sliding keels at, 104 Tennyson, Lord, his cruise in the 'Sunbeam,' 19 'Thalassa,' on racing rules and the rules of rating, 146 et seq.; 'Thalassa' (2½-rater), 228, 231, 233, 234, 236, 241 'Thalia' (57 tons), her dimensions, 66-68 Thames, for many years the centre of yachting, 223 Thames Iron Works Shipbuilding Company, build the 'Mosquito' (1848), 75 'Thames Rule' of 1854, the recognised method of measuring yachts, 56; Thellusson, Charles, 111, 115, 117, 139 'Thief,' 65, 233, 234, 237, 245 'Thistle' (of 1887), sketch of her cutwater, 60; 'Thistle' (of 1889), disadvantage of the sacrifice of surface in the, 88, 89 Thomas & Nicholson, Messrs., of Southampton and Gosport, characteristics of their anchor, 383, 384 Thompson, G. B., on the rating rules, 168; 'Tiara' (of 1850), system of construction, 73, 74 Tilley, of Southampton, 301 Time allowance, 15; Timing yachts at races, 158 'Tiny' (½-rater), 246, 248, 250 'Titania' (184 tons), the Marquis of Ailsa's, 47, 113 'Titu' (2½-rater), 232 Tomlinson, W. A., his 6-ton yacht 'Wyvern,' 325 Tonnage rule, all-absorbing question of, in modern yachting, 50; 'Tootsie' (afterwards 'Minnow'), Mr. Payne's, 228 Torbay, 403 'Torment' (5-tonner), 330, 331 'Torpedo,' Mr. Stewart's, 249 'Torpid,' 77 Torquay Regatta, 373 'Tottie' (2½-rater), 231 'Trial' (Admiralty revenue cutter), 104; 'Trident' (5-tonner), tables and diagrams showing length and displacement, 61-63; Trinidad, 38 Trotman's anchor, 382 'Troublesome' (2½-rater), 241, 244 Turner, William, 136 Turning-point of maximum efficiency, or best length, 174 'Valentine' (5-rater), 180, 241, 242, 245 'Valhalla' (1,400 tons), 21 'Valiant' (2,350 tons), 21 'Valkyrie,' Lord Dunraven's, victorious career of, 11; Valparaiso to Yokohama, from, time occupied by 'Sunbeam,' 26 Vanderbilt, Mr., his 'Valiant,' 21 'Vanderdecken's' tonnage-cheater, 55; 'Vanduara' (90 tons), first design for, 59; 'Varuna' (40-rater), diagram of profile, 55; Veile, 309 'Vendetta' (40-rater), dimensions, 66-68; 'Verena' (7-rater), 230 'Verve' (10-tonner), 81 'Victoria' (H.M.S.), loss of, 14 'Vigilant,' American yacht, defeats the 'Valkyrie' of Lord Dunraven, 11, 22; 'Viola' (5-tonner), 331 'Virago' (6-tonner), 332 Virgil, quoted, on the sea, 39 'Volante,' loses her bowsprit by collision while racing against the 'America,' 110 'Vol-au-Vent,' cutter, of 1875, 83 'Volunteer,' American yacht, compared with the 'Thistle' of 1889, 88; 180 'Vril' (5-tonner), dimensions, 61-63, 334; Wages, racing, of a yacht's crew, 10 Wales, H.R.H. Prince of, accidents to his yacht 'Britannia' in 1893, 10; Waller, Mr., 231 'Wanderer' (850 tons), steam yacht, method of construction, 78 Wanhill, Mr., of Poole, introduces the raking sternpost, 54; Warsash village, 238 'Wasp' (American keel boat), 106 Water ballast, 206; Waterman, Tom, designer of the 'Mosquito' (50 tons), 75; 'Waterwitch' (160 tons), 140 Watson, G. L., designer of the 'Britannia' and 'Valkyrie,' 22; Watson, S. C., owner of the 'Lethe' (163 tons), 79 Watson, Sidney, owner of the 'Chipmunk' (2½-rater), 231 Watson, Mrs. Sidney, 237 Watson, T. L., F.R.I.B.A., 82 'Wave,' John Cross Buchanan's, fitted with a metal keel, 53 Webb, Beavor, owner of the 'Freda' (5-tonner), 337; 'Wee Winn,' rig of, 357; Weguelin, Charles, designer of the 'Alouette' (5-tonner), 332 Weisbach's experiments on the flow of water through pipes, 85 Weld, Joseph, 22, 71, 73, 111, 113 'Wenonah,' rig of, 357; West Indian negro crews, 298, 307 West Indies as a cruising ground, 38; Weymouth, 403 Weymouth, Mr., designer of the 'Phantom' (176 tons), 139 Whales, 189 'Whimbrel,' 224 White, Mr., boatbuilder, of Cowes, 113, 198, 201 'Wildfire' (59 tons), her rigging, 111 Wilkinson, Arthur, owner of the 'Phantom' (176 tons), 139 Willan, Major Frank (Y.R.A.), 146 Williams, General Owen, owner of the 'Enchantress' 141 Wilton, Earl of, his steam yacht 'Palatine,' 9 'Windfall' (5-rater), 245, 246, 251, 254, 255 'Witchcraft' (240 tons), 113, 116 Wolff, Mr., hon. sec. Royal Southampton Yacht Club, 225 'Wonderful' (10-tonner), 331 Wood, Nicholas, owner of the 'Corinne' (162 tons), 136 Woodd, A. B., R.N.A.V., 44 Woods, John, skipper of the 'Egeria,' 119 Wythes, Mr., owner of the 'St. George,' 24 'Wyvern' (6-tonner), her voyage from Kingstown to Liverpool, 326, 327; 'Yacht and Boat Sailing,' Dixon Kemp's, on the rules of racing, 150, 335, 346 'Yacht Architecture,' Dixon Kemp's, quoted, 172; Yacht-building, American pre-eminence in, 11 Yacht club, object and duties of a, 152 Yacht, internal economy of a, 8; Yacht Racing Association, the, procrastination of, 58; Yacht racing, expense of, 10 Yacht racing, small, development of, 223; Yachting, compared economically with Continental travelling, 11; Yachts, little individuality of form previous to 1820, 71; 'Yachtsman,' cited, 51; Yachtsmen, qualities of, 322 Yalme, the, 403 Yarborough, Earl of, 108 Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, 403 Yawls, 300 Yolla metal, 80 York, Mr., secretary of the Royal Clyde Yacht Club, 413 'Yvonne' (10-rater), 233 END OF THE FIRST VOLUME PRINTED BY |