1: I am deeply indebted to Mr. D. W. Marsden, late honorary secretary of the London Corps Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers, for his assistance in the compilation of these notes. 2: The late corps of Royal Naval Artillery Volunteers of London, Liverpool, Bristol and Glasgow. 3: Vide 'Arabian Nights,' the 'Princess Jullanar of the Sea.' 4: The first ship to discover that Tasmania was an island. 5: The Editor desires to express his acknowledgments to Mr. Pritchett for much energetic service kindly rendered during the preparation of these volumes. 6: But not for classification, which latter has been simply the length of hull on water-line. Hence, yachts built for the same class have varied much in their sail-area; 'Vigilant' and 'Valkyrie' for instance. 7: This club has raised its fees this year (1894), finding it impossible to exist on the income derived from nearly seven hundred members, whereas formerly it lived joyously on half the amount. 8: The above was penned at the end of 1892, and applies to that year. In 1893 the programme was enlarged by including races on alternating days for the 5-raters and for handicaps with boats up to 19-rating, not being class racers. A few races were given in 1891 to 2-1/8-raters.—?. 9: The Royal Portsmouth Corinthian Yacht Club, however, still continues to give races only to those owners who are members of the club; and the Royal Southampton adheres to the condition that the yachts in the small classes shall be steered by members of the club. 10: She subsequently lost the match on a protest, which was referred for settlement to the Council Y.R.A. 11: For further information and drawings of 'Quinque,' see the Yachtsman of July 20 and October 5, 1893. 12: This (and other limits of crew for the classes of 5-rating and under) has since been embodied in the Y.R.A. rules. 13: The 'Daisy' was exhibited at the Royal Aquarium in 1893, and sold to some gentleman in the Antipodes; so that her keel, instead of her stern, is now pointing at the Solent ½-raters. 14: The resolution to measure the actual area of head-sails in yachts of 10-rating and under, as proposed by the Council, was lost at the general meeting of the Association held December 6, 1892. 15: These amounts were all larger in 1893. 16: See chapter on the Racing Rules and Rules of Rating. 17: The 'Navahoe,' before returning to America, ordered a square-sail from Tilley, of Southampton. Transcriber's notes: Obvious printer's errors have been corrected, hyphenation has been standardised, all other inconsistencies are as in the original. The author's spelling has been maintained. Missing pages numbers correspond to blank pages or moved illustrations. In the formulas, cubic roots have been rendered as [3]v and fifth root as [5]v. |