The contents of this book, including the Wall Street definitions given above, should give the reader a pretty clear idea of what is done on the New York Stock Exchange, and just why and how the blundering public is continually losing its money and giving Wall Street a black name. It should convince you that you cannot afford to attack Wall Street by the methods that have been tried so many thousands of times and found to be utter failures. About the worst possible thing that can happen to a man is to take a "flyer" in Wall Street and win. His winning convinces him beyond a doubt that he knows all about it, and he goes deeper and deeper, sometimes winning a little, but oftener losing, until some extraordinary turn of the market, some unforeseen incident, or some reckless piece of speculation wipes him out. That is the record of the guesses of ninety-nine out of a hundred men who try to take money out of Wall Street. What is the use of following right along in their footsteps and trusting to dumb luck or something of that sort to pull you out? If you have any money that you want to make money with, go into Wall Street through our medium, and place your money in hands where it will not only be perfectly safe, but where it will be handled in the only way that can possibly beat Wall Street. There is no doubt at all about this. The thing can be done, has been done, is being done, and will always be done. And the men who are doing it are piling up enormous fortunes for themselves, they are the only men who get the money in the end. If you want to be on their side instead of on the losing side, the only possible way you can do so is in the manner outlined in this book and we offer you the best, most favorable and safest opportunity. |