Capital for Good Projects


First-class propositions in railroad building, gas and water plants, electric lighting and power, street car lines, mines and industrial and mercantile projects fail because those who control them lack capital or the knowledge and facilities for obtaining it.

It is our business to supply capital for meritorious enterprises. Thousands of people have millions of dollars to invest, and yet hundreds of good enterprises lie dormant for lack of cash. There is plenty of money for any really good projects.

We organize companies, effect consolidations, create and guarantee bond issues and act as trustees and fiscal agents.

We buy and sell Government Bonds and other securities dealt in on the New York Stock Exchange and other exchanges, and give disinterested advice to clients seeking investments.

We own and control investment securities paying from 3½ to 12 per cent. dividends, and will be pleased to send our regular list on request.

We buy and sell real estate and deal in real estate loans.

Henry Voorce
Brandenburg & Co.
6 Wall St., New York City

Girard Building, PHILADELPHIA
Salisbury House, LONDON

Transcriber's Note:

Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note.

Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have been retained as printed.

The cover of this ebook was created by the transcriber and is hereby placed in the public domain.


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