The Real Problem Frontispiece
The Tenement in Houston Street in which the Author and his Wife lived (The chimney-shadow marks their room) Facing page 8
Mrs. Brandenburg in her wretched Tenement-room Facing page 12
Life on the Steerage-passengers’ Deck on the Lahn Facing page 28
Preparing to Serve a Meal on the Lahn from the Food-tanks and Bread-baskets Facing page 38
Peasant Types Facing page 50
Mangling Hemp Facing page 56
Morning in the Village and Vineyards Facing page 64
Threshing Beans Facing page 72
Scilla—Draught-oxen of Italy Facing page 82
The Messenger—The Guide—The House of the Squadritos—The Town (Gualtieri) Facing page 90
Part of the Family gathered in the Kitchen (From left to right: Ina, Tono, Giovanina, Antonio, Mrs. Squadrito, Giovanni, Jr., Nicola, Maria)—Felicia Pulejo—Concetta Facing page 98
Visitors in the Author’s Room—Teresa di Bianca—The Old Woman up the Valley—Shyness in Shawl and Pattens—Small Children Labor in the Fields Facing page 104
Giacomo Marini, the Municipal Secretary—Nicola Squadrito at Work (Carmelo Merlino at the right) Facing page 114
Ina and Her Friends in Procession to the Church for Farewell Blessings Facing page 124
Departure From Gualtieri
“Declaring” in the Messina Office—Party’s Baggage on Lighter—Friends, Neighbors and Relatives Facing page 132
The Storied Vicolo del Pallonetto in Naples Facing page 146
At the Doorway of the Capitaneria—Author’s Party on the Quay Facing page 162
Mid-Voyage Scenes
Mora—Syrian Jews—Prostrated by the Swell—Children Escaping Seasickness Facing page 184
Half a Dozen Races on Common Ground—His Brothcup—The Immigrant Madonna Facing page 190
Life Aboard the Prinzessin Irene
Men’s Sleeping-quarters—Ladling out Food—The Purser Hurling Passengers About—On the Fo’c’s’l-head Facing page 194
Part of the Author’s Party—All Eyes to the Statue of Liberty Facing page 206
Croatians and Italians—Swedes Arriving—Loading the Barges, New York Facing page 210
Rushing Immigrants on Barges—Inspectors and Immigrants at Ellis Island Facing page 214
Stairway of Separation—Checking into Pens Facing page 218
Excluded for Age—Waiting for Immigrant Friends Facing page 222
The Immigrants’ Track Through Ellis Island, Facing page 227
Mr. Broughto

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