Amalfi Ä mÄl´f?
Avanti Ä vÄnt´?
Balilla b?l l?´l?
Bella signorina b?l´? s?´nyo?? r?´nÄ
Benito Mussolini b?n ?´t? mo?os´so?? l?´n?
Campanile k?m´p? n?l
Cimabue ch?´mÄ bo?o´?
Colosseum k?l´? s?´?m
Dante d?n´te??
Dio mio d?´? m?´?
Doge d?j
Felicissima notte fa?? l? ch?´se?? m? n?´t?
Fontana Trevi f?n tÄ´nÄ tr?´v?
Genoa j?n´o?? ?
Giotto jÔt´t?
Giuseppe Verdi jo?o s?p´p? vÂr´d?
Grazie gr?tz´i ?
Il Duce ?l do?o´ch?
Lucullus lu?? k?l´?s
Mia m?´?
Milan m? l?n´
Niki n?´k?
Palazzo San Giorgio p?l Ätz´? sÄn jo??r´jy?
Piccole Italiane p?´c? l? ? tÄl ? Än´?
Stromboli stro??m´bo?? le??
Tina t?´nÄ
Torrone tÔr r?´n?
Viva Italia v?´vÄ e?? tÄl´yÄ

EndPaperL EndPaperR

Transcriber's Note: The list of illustrations with their page numbers have been added after the table of contents. Images have been moved from the middle of a paragraph to the closest paragraph break.


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