For over a year now Philippe, the little Brussels Sprout, had been going to the market place with Emile Spinach. Mother had to stay at home with Baby Rose. Philippe felt himself almost a man now. If only Emile would stay at home and let him drive the dogs alone! Ah, that would be heaven, indeed. Another dream was to bring his precious Baby Rose to the market place some day. Philippe was always wishing wishes. Rose was so tiny. At first she could only laugh at Philippe's happy face as he bent over her cradle. She pulled his hair or clutched his finger. Now she could stand alone and say a word or two. She was beautiful. She was fair and dainty, and her eyes were as blue as a summer sky. How Philippe loved his Baby Rose! Soon Mother had promised to bring her to the market place. What a proud boy Philippe would be when he might set her upon the low cart on top of the vegetables and drive her to town! The fine, sleek dogs would be proud, too, knowing that a rare flower rested upon their vegetable load. Philippe had a sweet voice and sang a number of Belgian folk songs. He was beginning to teach his Rose a little vegetable song which he had made up. He had a fine plan. He wanted to station Rose in the market place, and have her sing for the passers-by. How proud the little fellow was of his baby sister! Today as he walked along beside the sturdy Papa had put his finger to his lips and said mysteriously to Philippe, "You shall dine with me, little one; and then, in the afternoon—ah, you shall see!" "AH, YOU SHALL SEE" "AH, YOU SHALL SEE" So as Philippe walked along, he wondered what surprise his father had planned for the afternoon. When he reached the market place, or Grande Place (grÄn plÄs), as it is called in French, he helped Emile Spinach unload the vegetables. Many other farmers were arranging their wares. Some sold beautiful flowers, and others sold fruits. There were portions of the square set aside for The Grande Place in Brussels is one of the most beautiful places of its kind in the world. There stands the city hall, built half a century before America was discovered. There are many other beautiful, gilded buildings. The Grande Place in Brussels shines in the splendor of past glory. SOME SOLD BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS SOME SOLD BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS Here sat the little boy, Philippe, and helped sell his mother's vegetables. He often glanced at the clock and hoped his father would not be late. He wanted to know what Papa Pomme was on time. He took his son by the hand. They made their way to a restaurant, where little tables were placed out on the sidewalk. Here people sat in leisurely style, eating hearty dinners. The jolly-faced chef and his little son settled themselves at a corner table. The menu before them was indeed tempting. Although Philippe was anxious to know his father's surprise, he could not allow it to stand in the way of his appetite. How could any boy do that? Belgian food is tempting to everyone. It is as dainty as the French food. It is as wholesome as the Dutch. And it has something about it that is neither French nor Dutch, but purely Belgian. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that Papa Pomme ordered "potage," the famous thick soup, dear to all the French and Belgians. Then they had a roast, and for dessert, strawberries and a huge plate of gingerbread. Belgian strawberries and gingerbread are very famous and are said to be the best in the world. While they ate, they did not talk. Eating was a serious matter with Papa Pomme and Philippe. So absorbed did Philippe become that he forgot his manners. He reached across the table and pulled toward him the long loaf of French bread. "Ho, ho!" cried Papa Pomme. "Not so fast! Come! Do you not use your tongue Philippe blushed. Then he replied stoutly, "Yes, Papa Pomme; but my arm is much longer than my tongue!" Papa Pomme laughed and gained another pound. Philippe went on eating happily. When they left the restaurant they walked down the street together. "Papa Pomme, where are you taking me?" asked Philippe, puzzled. For Papa Pomme was acting in a very mysterious way. "Do not ask yet!" he said. "Soon you shall see." Soon Philippe did see. For they stopped in front of a big theater. In Europe a motion picture theater is called a cinema. "Now, little Philippe," laughed Papa Pomme, "you know my surprise!" Philippe threw his cap in the air and shouted, "Hooray! The cinema!" It was a special treat to the little boy to be taken to the cinema! He had been to one only once before in his life. GRANDE PLACE, BRUSSELS GRANDE PLACE, BRUSSELS They were to see a great film today. It was the story of the World War and the Long ago a treaty had been made which said that no nation should take an army through Belgium to attack another nation. If ever such a thing happened, it was Belgium's duty to stop them. In the year 1914, an enemy did try to go through her land. Belgium might have neglected her duty. She might have remained quiet and allowed the enemy to pass. Had she done this, she would never have been destroyed as she was. The enemy would have marched quietly through and left Belgium to its peaceful life. The film showed how the Belgians fought. Still Belgium could not hold out against so The audience shouted and clapped. But after that came sighs. The film showed how pitiful and sad was this poor little Belgium after the war. That film left in the heart of Philippe a new dream. It was that film which was really the cause of the little boy's later adventures. |