Taylor’s Mecklenburgh Thread, No. 3, or Knitting Cotton, No. 12; Pins No. 19. Cast on 400 stitches for a yard. Cut a portion of the thread in pieces of 4 inches in length. 1st row.—Knit 1 *, take 4 pieces of the cut thread and put them on the left pin, crossing them so as to bring one end in the front and one at the back; then with the right hand pin knit the loop formed by the threads, and stitch together; then bring the ends at the back forward between the pins, and knit 1 stitch; repeat from * to the end. 2nd and 3d row.—Plain. 4th.—Pearl. 5th.—Plain. 6th.—Make 1, knit 3 with the left pin, turn the 1st of the 3 knitted stitches over the other 2; repeat. 7th.—Pearl. 8th and 9th.—Plain, and cast off. Wilkinson & Co., Printers, 1, Bartlett’s Court, Holborn Hill. THE WINTER BOOK. Beautifully Illustrated, by W. D. Hornsby, With new patterns in Crochet, Knitting, and Netting, for Wool, Silk, &c. By the same Author, Price 1s. each, THE CROCHET BOOK, FIRST AND SECOND SERIES, Beautifully Illustrated by W. D. Hornsby. Just Published, price 1s., THE CROCHET APPLIQUÉ FLOWER BOOK, Illustrated by W. D. Hornsby. Shortly will be published, with eight beautiful designs, engraved by W. D. Hornsby, in large 4to, printed in colours, accompanied with descriptive letter-press and Instructions, THE LACET BOOK. Price 3s. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO.; ACKERMANN AND CO., STRAND; OLIVER AND BOYD, EDINBURGH.