
It was my intention that this Series should have comprised D’Oyley’s and Anti-Macassars, but at the request of many ladies who have honored me with their patronage, I have been induced to present Collars, &c. in this the Fourth Series, and defer the publication of the other articles to the Fifth, which will appear shortly. Sincerely acknowledging the approbation and support received from my numerous correspondents, I shall be most happy in return to afford all the information in my power, and elucidate difficulties, should any arise in the following directions.

EleÒnore Riego de la Branchardiere.

33, New Bond Street.

N.B.—All communications must enclose a stamp for reply.

? Lessons in Point, Lacet, Crochet, Knitting, Netting, Embroidery, &c.


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