Taylor’s Crochet Thread, No. 12; Needle No. 23, Bell Gauge.—All stitches that are not worked in the chain are to be worked in Double Crochet. First Small Leaf—Make a chain of 10 stitches, turn, miss 4, and work 1 single in the 5th stitch to form a round loop, turn back; leaving the chain for the stem, work in the round loop 7 chain, 1 plain, 9 chain, 1 plain, 7 chain, 1 plain, turn back; miss 1, (4 chain, and 1 plain 7 times in the 7 chain), miss 1, 1 plain in the 9 chain, (4 chain, and 1 plain 7 times in the 9 chain), miss 1, 1 plain in the 7 chain, (4 chain and 1 plain in the 7 chain 7 times); this finishes the Leaf; work 5 single stitches down the stem, and for the Second Small Leaf—10 chain, turn; miss 4, 1 single in the 5th stitch, turn back, and work in the round loop 7 chain, 1 plain, 9 chain, 1 plain, 7 chain, 1 plain, turn back; (4 chain, and 1 plain 3 times in the 7 chain, 2 chain, join it to the centre stitch of the 18th 4 chain of 1st leaf, 2 chain, and in the same 7 chain work 1 plain, then 4 chain, and 1 plain 3 times in the same 7 chain), miss 1, 1 plain in the 9 chain, (4 chain, and 1 plain 7 times in the 9 chain), miss 1, 1 plain in the 7 chain, (4 chain and 1 plain 7 times in the 7 chain); this finishes the leaf; then 5 single stitches down the stem; and for the centre stem 5 chain, join it to the 20th 4 chain of the 2d leaf, 5 chain, join it to the 17th 4 chain of the 2d leaf, 10 chain, join it to the centre or 11th 4 chain of the 2d leaf, 6 chain, join it to the 6th 4 chain of the 2d leaf; and for the First Large Leaf—29 chain, turn, miss 2, 3 plain, (2 chain, miss 2, and 1 treble 4 times), 2 chain, miss 2, 1 plain, turn, leaving the chain stitches for the stem, work 1 chain to cross it; then on the other side of the foundation, 7 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the 2 chain of foundation, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 2 chain, turn back, and missing the 2 plain, work 5 treble and 1 plain in the 7 chain, turn back; 9 chain, 1 plain in the same Calyx and First Flower—14 chain, turn, miss 1, 8 plain, turn, work 1 chain to cross the stem, and on the other side work 2 plain, 5 treble, 1 plain, 7 chain, 1 single stitch at the point, turn back, and work 16 plain in the 7 chain, turn back; (7 chain, miss 1, and 1 plain on the 16 plain 8 times), turn back; 4 chain, miss 4, 1 plain in the 7 chain, (4 chain, miss 7, and 1 plain in the 7 chain 7 times), 4 chain, miss 4, 1 plain on the 1st stitch of the calyx, turn back; miss 1, (1 plain, and 3 treble in the 4 chain, join it to the 3d division or open space of the large leaf, always counting from the point; then 3 treble 1 plain, these 8 stitches are all worked in the same 4 chain), miss 1, (1 plain, 6 treble and SECTION OF COLLAR. Third Small Leaf—13 chain, and work the same as the 2d small leaf, joining it to the 1st division of the large leaf; when finished, work 4 single stitches down the stem; and for the Fourth Small Leaf—15 chain, and work as the 2d small leaf, joining it to the centre of the 18th 4 chain of the 3d leaf; when finished work 6 single down the stem; and for the Fifth Small Leaf—9 chain, and work as the 2d small leaf, joining it to the centre of the 18th 4 chain of the 4th small leaf; when finished work 4 single down the stem, and 8 single down the centre stem; and on the flower, miss 1, (1 plain, 6 treble and 1 plain in the 4 chain), miss 1, (1 plain, 3 treble; join it to the centre of the 18th 4 chain of the 5th small leaf; then 3 treble, 1 plain, these 8 stitches in the same 4 chain), miss 1, (1 plain, 6 treble and 1 plain in the 4 chain); and commence the Second Flower and Calyx—14 chain, turn, miss 1, 8 plain, turn, work 1 chain to cross the stem, and on the other side 2 plain, 5 treble, 1 plain, 6 chain, 1 single at the point, turn back; work 14 plain in the 6 chain, turn back; (7 chain, miss 1, and 1 plain 7 times on the 14 plain), turn back; 4 chain, miss 4, 1 plain in the 7 chain, (4 chain, miss 7, and 1 plain in the 7 chain 6 times) 4 chain, miss 4, 1 plain on the 1st stitch of the calyx, turn back; miss 1, (1 plain, 3 treble in the 4 chain, join it to the centre 4 chain of the 5th small leaf; then 2 treble, 1 plain, those 7 stitches in the same 4 chain), (miss 1, 1 plain, 5 treble, and 1 plain in the 4 chain 7 times); then down the calyx, 1 plain, 5 treble, 2 plain; and down the stem, 4 plain; and to finish the 1st flower, (miss 1, 1 plain, 6 treble and 1 plain in the 4 chain 4 times); then down the calyx, 1 plain, 5 treble, 2 plain, 4 plain down the stem, 6 plain down the centre stem; and for the Second Large Leaf—22 chain, work the same as the 1st large leaf, joining it to the centre of the last 6 treble of the 1st flower; when the leaf is finished work 2 plain down SECOND PATTERN.First Small Leaf—10 chain, turn, miss 4, 1 single, turn back, and in the loop work 7 chain, 1 plain, 9 chain, 1 plain, 7 chain, 1 plain, turn back; (4 chain and 1 plain in the 7 chain twice, 2 chain; join it to the 2d division of the 2d large leaf, 2 chain, 1 plain; then 4 chain, and 1 plain 4 times, all in the same 7 chain), miss 1, 1 plain in the 9 chain, (4 chain and 1 plain twice in the 9 chain, 2 chain: join it to the centre of the 7th 6 treble of the 1st flower; 2 chain, 1 plain, then 4 chain and 1 plain 4 times in the same 9 chain), miss 1, 1 plain in the 7 chain, (4 chain and 1 plain 7 times in the 7 chain); 5 single down the stem, then Work the 2d small leaf and centre stem as in the First Pattern; and for the First Large Leaf—29 chain, turn, miss 2, 3 plain, (2 chain, miss 2, and 1 treble 4 times), 2 chain, miss 2, 1 plain, turn, and leaving the chain stitches for the stem, work 1 chain to cross it; then on the other side of the foundation, 7 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the 2 chain of foundation, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 2 chain, turn back, and missing the 2 plain, Third Small Leaf—13 chain, turn; miss 4, 1 single in the 5th stitch, turn back, and work in the round loop 7 chain, 1 plain, 9 chain, 1 plain, 7 chain, 1 plain, turn back; (4 chain, and 1 plain 3 times in the 7 chain, 2 chain: join it to the 1st division of the 1st large leaf, 2 chain, and in the same 7 chain work 1 plain, then 4 chain, and 1 plain, 3 times in the same 7 chain), miss 1, 1 plain in the 9 chain, (4 chain, and 1 plain 3 times in the 9 chain, 2 chain; join it to the centre of the 6th 5 treble of the 2d flower, 2 chain, 1 plain; then 4 chain and 1 plain 3 times in the same 9 chain), miss 1, 1 plain in the 7 chain, (4 chain and 1 plain 7 times in the 7 chain), then 4 single down the stem—repeat the 4th and 5th small leaves, the 2d flower and calyx, and the 2d large leaf, as in the For the Band.—1st row, work 3 chain and 1 treble in each of the chains along the sides of the 1st small and large leaves. 2nd row,—3 chain, miss 3, 1 treble in the 3 chain of last row, repeat and fasten off. |