Materials—2 ounces of White, 2 ounces of Magenta or Blue, and 1 skein of Black Andalusian wool; 1 pair each of Knitting Pins, Nos. 19, 14, and 10. THE WAISTBAND.Commence with Magenta wool and pins No. 14, the wool is to be used doubled throughout the waistband. Cast on 34 stitches. 1st row—Knit 2 together, knit the rest plain. 2nd row—Slip the 1st stitch, knit the rest plain. Repeat these 2 rows 20 times more, when there will be only 13 stitches; then knit 64 rows plain, always slipping the 1st stitch; this will make the bodice 25 inches round the waist, if required more or less, these 64 rows can be added to or reduced. 107th row—Increase a stitch thus—knit the 1st stitch; but before taking it off the left pin put the right pin into the back of the same stitch and knit it off—knit the rest plain. 108th row—Slip 1, knit the rest. Repeat the last 2 rows 20 times more, when there will be 34 stitches; then, commencing at the 1st row, repeat the direction once more. 297th row—(For the button-holes) Slip 1, knit 1 (make 1, knit 2 together, knit 4, 5 times), make 1, knit 2 together. Knit 5 rows plain and cast off. With the black wool doubled, and crochet-needle No. 1, work a row of single crochet on both sides of the selvedge of the band, working a stitch to each rib of the knitting. THE RIGHT SIDE.With white wool and No. 10 pins cast on 27 stitches, and, as a guide to the making up, label the last stitch with the letter a. The work should be rather loose, so as to preserve the lightness of the wool. 1st row—Slip the 1st (make 1 and knit 2 together to the end), then cast on 6 stitches. 2nd row—Knit the 6 stitches cast on, and the rest of the 1st row all plain. Repeat these 2 rows 11 times more, when there will be 99 stitches. Mark the last stitch cast on, b. 25th row—Slip the 1st stitch, (make 1 and knit 2 together to the end). 26th row—Slip the 1st stitch, knit the rest plain. Repeat these 2 rows 8 times more. Then, at the longest side, cast off 8 stitches for the armhole, and mark it c. Work the 25th and 26th rows 14 times. 1st row—Make 1, knit 2 together, then knit 2 together again; repeat, and at the end knit 3. There will now be 69 stitches. The Colored Stripe—Join on the black wool, and use No. 19 pins for the next 8 rows. Knit 2 rows plain, with the colored wool knit 4 rows plain, and with the black knit 2 rows plain. Join on the white and work with No. 10 pins as before. The White Stripe, 1st row—Plain. 2nd row—Slip the 1st stitch, make 1 and knit 2 together to the end. Repeat these 2 rows 5 times more. Work a 2nd colored and white stripe, and a 3rd colored stripe. Join on the white and use No. 10 pins. Cast on 6 stitches for the back of the neck, work the 2 rows as the white stripe 19 times, then repeat the same 2 rows 8 times, but leaving 6 stitches at the end of the 2nd row each repeat. Cast off all the stitches. The first and last rows of the white piece must now be sewed to the selvedge of the waistband at the side where the points are made; both pieces are to be kept on the wrong side, and in sewing it take the Magenta stitches, leaving the black row in front. Sew the shortest side cast off to the top of the point at the back of the band, then sew the 1st stitch cast off to the 38th rib of the band. Take the end marked a, sew it close to this, and the end marked b to the centre point of the band. Gather the white and sew it to the band, placing more fulness at the points than under the arm; when finished, sew the sides together from the band to the armhole c. The Left Side—With the white wool and pins No. 10 cast on 27 stitches. 1st row—Plain. At the end cast on 6 stitches. 2nd row—Knit 2 together, * make 1, knit 2 together. Repeat from *, and at the end make 1, knit 1; mark this a. Repeat these 2 rows 11 times more, mark the last stitch cast on b. Then work the 2 rows 9 times, omitting the stitches cast on; and for the armhole cast off 8 stitches at the longest side, and repeat these 2 rows 14 times. 71st row—Plain. 72nd row—Make 1, knit 2 together twice, repeat, and at the end of the row knit 3. Work the Colored Stripe as in the right side; and for The White Stripe, 1st row—Plain. 2nd row—Knit 2 together, * make 1, knit 2 together, Repeat from *, and at the end make 1, knit 1. Repeat these 2 rows 5 times more; then a 2nd colored and white stripe, and a third colored stripe. Join on the white, knit a plain row, cast on 6 stitches at the end of it and for The Back, 1st row—Knit 2 together, * make one, knit 2 together. Repeat from *, and at the end make 1, knit 1. 2nd row—Plain. Repeat these 2 rows 18 times more; then work the same 2 rows 8 times, leaving 6 stitches at the end of the plain row each time. Cast off all the stitches, and sew it to the waistband, the same as the other side. The fronts are to be joined together to the 1st colored stripe. THE POINTED TRIMMING.Commence with the black wool and No. 14 pins; cast on 421 stitches. 1st row—Black. Plain knitting; slip the 1st stitch of every row. 2nd row—Magenta. Slip 1, * make 1, knit 11, then knit 5 together, thus—slip 2, knit the next 3 stitches together, and turn the 2 slipped over them; knit 11, make 1, knit 1. Repeat from * to the end. 3rd row—Pearl knitting. 4th row—Slip 1, * make 1, knit 10, knit 5 together, knit 10, make 1, knit 1. Repeat 5th row—Pearl. 6th and 7th rows—Black. All plain. 8th row—Magenta. As the 4th row, knitting 9 stitches instead of 10 each time. 9th row—Pearl. Repeat the last 2 rows 3 times more, knitting one stitch less each time. 16th row—Slip 1, knit 6, * slip 1, knit 2 together, turn the slipped stitch over, knit 13. Repeat from *, and end with knit 7. 17th row—Pearl. 18th row—Slip 1, knit 5, * knit 3 together as before, knit 11. Repeat from *, and end with knit 6. 19th row—Pearl. 20th row—Black. Plain. Cast off, and sew it to the black row of the waistband. Each point must be sewed to the white bodice. The Collar—With black wool cast on 225 stitches. Work as the Pointed Trimming to the end of the 15th row, when, with black wool, knit a plain row, and cast off. Sew it to the neck of the bodice. The Sleeves—With black wool cast on 197 stitches. Work as the collar, and sew it to the armhole. |