Materials—1 skein of Magenta, Blue, or Green, Andalusian Wool; 1 skein of Black Maltese silk; 2 steel netting needles; a flat ivory mesh, a quarter of an inch wide, and one half an inch wide; a steel mesh, No. 21. The Cuff may either be commenced on a foundation or on a string of the black silk. 1st row—Fill a needle with the wool, and with the 1/4 inch mesh net 68 stitches. Leave the needle; fill the other needle with the black silk, and commence at the 1st stitch of the last row at the other end. 2nd row—Black, and No. 21 mesh. Net a plain row on the stitches of the last row; leave the black, both needles being now at the same side. 3rd row—Colored wool and 1/4 inch mesh. Net a plain row. 4th row—With the black at the other end, and 21 mesh, net a plain row. Repeat these 2 rows until there are 15 black and colored rows. The Frill, 31st row—Colored wool and 1/2 inch mesh. Net 2 stitches in 1, then 1 plain in the next stitch; repeat, netting 2 stitches in each alternate stitch. 32nd row—Black, and No. 21 mesh. Net all the stitches of the last row. Fasten off. Turn the string so as to work on the foundation row; net a row of black as before, then repeat the 31st and 32nd rows. Sew up the sides and double the cuff, so that the two frills are at the top. |