Materials—3 skeins each of Magenta and Black 12-ply Fleecy, or any two colours that contrast; a pair of large Knitting Pins 1-1/2 inches in circumference. For the Lining, 1/2lb of White or Grey Fleecy, and a pair of Knitting Pins No. 1. THE FRONT.With the black wool and large pins cast on 36 stitches, leave it and tie on the other color. 1st row—Magenta. Bring the wool in front of the pin, slip a stitch, pass the wool to the back, knit the next stitch; repeat to the end. 2nd row—Keep the wool at the back, slip the Magenta stitch, bring the wool in front, pearl the black stitch, pass the wool to the back, and repeat to the end. 3rd row—Black. Bring the wool in front, slip 1, pass the wool to the back, knit 1; repeat. 4th row—Slip the black stitch, bring the wool in front, pearl the Magenta stitch, pass the wool to the back, and repeat. Work these 4 rows 13 times more, when it should measure about 14 inches wide and 10 inches deep. To shape the top, with Magenta work as the 1st row for 10 stitches, turn back, leaving the rest, and on these 10 stitches work as the 2nd row, turn back; then with black work as the 3rd row for 8 stitches, knit 2 together, turn back; knit 1, then 8 stitches as the 4th row, turn back; work 6 stitches as the 1st row, knit 3 together, turn back; knit 1, then 6 stitches as the 2nd row, turn back; work 4 stitches as the 3rd row, knit 3 together, turn back; pearl 3 together, pearl 2, cast off the 3 stitches, and fasten the wools. Commence at the stitches left, and with Magenta knit 2 together, then work as the 1st row for 12 stitches, knit 2 together, turn back; knit 1, work as the 2nd row for 12 stitches, knit 1, turn back. Join on the black, knit 3 together, then 8 stitches as the 3rd row, knit 3 together, turn back; knit 1, then 6 stitches as the 4th row, pearl 3 together, turn back; knit 1, then 6 stitches as the 1st row, knit 1, turn back; pearl 3 together, then 4 stitches as the 2nd row, knit 1, cast off. Commence with Magenta at the stitches left, and knit as the 1st row for the 10 stitches, turn back; work as the 2nd row for 10 stitches, turn back. Join on the black, knit 2 together, then 8 stitches as the 3rd row, turn back; work 8 stitches as the 4th row, knit 1, turn back. Then with Magenta, knit 3 together, then 6 stitches as the 1st row, turn back; knit 6 stitches as the 2nd row, knit 1, turn back; with black, knit 3 together, then 4 stitches as the 3rd row, turn back; pearl 2, pearl 3 together, cast off. THE SIDES AND BACK.With black wool cast on 80 stitches, and work the first 4 rows the same as for the front. Repeat these 4 rows again. Then work the same 4 rows 4 times more, leaving 4 stitches unworked at the end of each row to slant the sides. Put all the stitches on one pin, and cast them off. THE LINING.With the white wool and No. 1 pins cast on 39 stitches. As a guide to the making up, the first of these stitches should be labeled A, and the last B. 1st row—Make 1, slip 1, knit 2 together; repeat to the end. Then cast on 3 stitches. Work 19 rows more the same, casting on 3 stitches at the end of each. Then 2 rows without casting on. There will now be 33 ribs on the pin. 23rd row—Cast off 30 stitches or 10 ribs, work the rest of the row as before. 24th row—Cast off 10 ribs at the other end; this will leave 13 ribs in the centre; the stitches cast off are for the sides of the lining. On these 13 ribs now work 120 rows. To shape the top, knit 4 ribs, turn back, and knit these 4 ribs backwards and forwards for 5 rows more; then knit 8 ribs, turn back and knit them; then 2 ribs, turn back and knit them; then 1 rib, turn back and knit it; cast off these 12 stitches, and label the first one B, then on the stitches left knit 5 ribs, turn back, and on the 5 ribs knit 5 rows. Then 4 rows, leaving a rib at the end of each, turn back, knit 3 ribs, then cast off these 5 ribs, and on the 4 ribs knit 7 rows; then 3 double rows, leaving a rib at the end of each. Cast off, label it A. The Lining is folded at about the centre of the 120 straight rows; the foundation row being for the top of the back; attach A to A and B to B, then sew the stitches cast off for the sides to one-half of the selvedge of the straight rows, and the stitches cast on to the other half. The work, when finished, should be mounted on a frame of millboard, with a cord to correspond at the seams, and a rouleau of shaded grey wool round the opening. |