

For which a Shuttle and Ring and Pin will be required. The Shuttle is to be filled with the materials as directed.

"A Pearl Loop," in Tatting—Turn the thread which forms the foundation loop over the pin and continue the stitches.

"A Double Stitch," in Tatting—Is formed by a single and a reverse stitch worked alternately.

Octagon Star—Commence a loop, work 1 double stitch, then (1 pearl and 2 double stitches alternately 7 times), 1 pearl, 1 double, draw the loop quite close, place the two ends together, knot them firmly and cut off the ends; it is better to knot the gold twice to make it very secure.

Sexagon Star—Commence a loop, work 1 double, then (1 pearl and 2 double 5 times), 1 pearl, 1 double; draw close &c. as for the previous Star.

The Diamond 1st Oval—Commence a loop, work 4 double stitches, then 1 pearl, 2 double, 1 pearl, 2 double, 1 pearl, 4 double; draw quite close, and work 3 Ovals more the same, commencing them close to the last; and to fasten off firmly, pass the first end through the last oval, and then through the other three; knot the two ends together.



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