DESIGN No. 9. Materials—White and Magenta Single Berlin Wool, Penelope Needle No. 2. For the Stars, Gold Twine or a skein of Crochet Silk, Tatting Pin No. 3, and a small Shuttle. CENTRE DIAMOND. With the gold work a Diamond as page 4. 1st round—With the magenta wool and crochet needle commence in one of the pearl loops of the diamond, work 3 chain and 1 plain in each of the twelve pearl loops; fasten off. 2nd round—With white wool commence in one of the three chains between the ovals of the diamond, work 4 chain, 1 plain in the same 3 chain; 2 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 3 chain; 4 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 3 chain; 2 chain, miss 1, 1 plain in the next 3 chain; repeat 3 times more, and fasten off. With the gold work 16 Sexagon Stars as page 4. 1st White Star—Commence in a pearl loop of one of the gold stars, work (5 chain and 1 plain in the next pearl loops 5 times), 3 chain, take the diamond and join to the centre of the 4 chain over one of the ovals of it, 2 chain, 1 plain in the 1st pearl; fasten off. Work 3 Stars more the same, always joining over the ovals of the diamond. 1st Magenta Star—Commence in a pearl loop of a gold star, work (5 chain and 1 plain in the next pearls 3 times), 3 chain, join to the 1st loop of chain of a white star, 2 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 3 chain, join to the next 4 chain of the diamond, 2 chain, 1 plain in the pearl, 3 chain, join to the next loop of the 2nd white star, 2 chain, 1 plain in the pearl; fasten off. 2nd Magenta Star—Commence in a pearl of a star, work (5 chain and 1 plain as before 4 times), 3 chain, join to the 2nd loop of chain of the 1st white star, which is to the left of the magenta star, 2 chain, 1 plain as before, 3 chain, join to the next loop of the magenta star, 2 chain, 1 plain; fasten off. 3rd Magenta Star—Work as the last star, making the first joining to the 1st loop of the 1st magenta star, and the second joining to the next white star. Repeat these 3 Magenta Stars 3 times more, that is, between each of the white stars. Then with the gold, work 8 Octagon Stars, as page 4. 1st Large Magenta Star—Commence in a pearl loop of one of the stars, work (6 chain and 1 plain in a pearl loop 5 times), 3 chain; take the 3rd magenta star, which is to the left of a white one, and join to the 1st loop of it, 3 chain, 1 plain as before, 3 chain, join to the loop of the white star, 3 chain, 1 plain, 3 chain, join to the 4th loop of the next magenta star, 3 chain, 1 plain; fasten off. Work 3 Stars more the same. 1st Gold Circle—Commence in the centre loop of the 1st Sexagon Star, work 3 chain, 1 plain in the next loop of the next Sexagon Star, then (5 chain and 1 plain in the next loops of the stars 10 times); 3 chain, 1 plain in the centre loop of the 1st star; repeat from commencement and fasten off. Large White Star—Commence in a gold star, work (6 chain and 1 plain 4 times), 3 chain, join to the centre of the 2nd 5 chain of the last circle, 3 chain, 1 plain in the next pearl, 3 chain, join to the next 5 chain, 3 chain, 1 plain, 3 chain, join to the next 5 chain, missing Work 3 stars more the same, leaving 6 loops of the gold between them. 2nd Gold Circle—Take the last loop of a white star and commence in the gold loop to which it was joined, work (5 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in a white loop 4 times), 5 chain, 1 plain in the gold loop to which the next white loop was joined, (5 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in a gold loop 7 times); repeat from the commencement of the circle. White Circle—Commence in the 1st loop of gold, (5 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the next gold loops 4 times), (2 chain, miss 5, 1 plain in the next gold loops twice); repeat all round. Magenta Circle—Commence in the 1st 2 chain of last round, 1 chain, 1 plain in the next 2 chain, then (6 chain, miss 5 and 1 plain in the next white loops 5 times); repeat and fasten off. |