The Frenchwoman's creed; the science of being gay; feminine types in French society; the demi-monde of Paris; Parisian salons.
Paris and the art of dress; Worth and the old masters; Paquin and the new school; the clientÈles of the great men.
How the work is done; the saleswomen; the mannequins; the ouvriÈres; the system; the launching of the modes.
Racing near Paris; round the braziers of Auteuil; the day of the Grand Prix.
Motor mania; Parisian golf and French golfers; fashion and tennis at Puteaux; the motor-boat fad.
Al fresco dining in the Bois; with le Roi galant at the Henri Quatre; where the Pompadour held sway; the restaurants of the town; Frederic, "King of the Ducks."
Gay Trouville and chic Deauville; at the tables of the HÔtel de Paris; in the Casino; some inns and the motor.
Winter in Paris; five o'clock tea and chiffons; the theatres of Paris; the Palais de Glace and its crowd; spring fÊtes and follies.
The Frenchman and la chasse; at the chÂteaux; venery new and old; with the hounds of the Duchesse d'Uzes.
Cannes and the world; Nice and the flesh; Monte Carlo and the devil.
The French frock and the American woman; American buyers; feminine extravagance in America; some famous orders; the ready-made costume and its effect upon dress. |