
(Chosen from a variety of the increasingly useful list of cheap paperbound books.)

Childe, V. Gordon

What Happened in History. 1954. Penguin.

Man Makes Himself. 1955. Mentor.

The Prehistory of European Society. 1958. Penguin.

Dunn, L.C., and Dobzhansky, Th.

Heredity, Race, and Society. 1952. Mentor.

Frankfort, Henri, Frankfort, H.A., Jacobsen, Thorkild, and Wilson, John A.

Before Philosophy. 1954. Penguin.

Simpson, George G.

The Meaning of Evolution. 1955. Mentor.

Wheeler, Sir Mortimer

Archaeology from the Earth. 1956. Penguin.


(Two general books. Some Pleistocene geologists disagree with Zeuner’s interpretation of the dating evidence, but their points of view appear in professional journals, in articles too cumbersome to list here.)

Flint, R.F.

Glacial Geology and the Pleistocene Epoch. 1947. John Wiley and Sons.

Zeuner, F.E.

Dating the Past. 1952 (3rd ed.). Methuen and Co.


(The points of view of physical anthropologists and human paleontologists are changing very quickly. Two of the different points of view are listed here.)

Clark, W.E. Le Gros

History of the Primates. 1956 (5th ed.). British Museum (Natural History). (Also in Phoenix edition, 1957.)

Howells, W.W.

Mankind So Far. 1944. Doubleday, Doran.


(These are standard texts not absolutely up to date in every detail, or interpretative essays concerned with cultural change through time as well as in space.)

Kroeber, A.L.

Anthropology. 1948. Harcourt, Brace.

Linton, Ralph

The Tree of Culture. 1955. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

Redfield, Robert

The Primitive World and Its Transformations. 1953. Cornell University Press.

Steward, Julian H.

Theory of Culture Change. 1955. University of Illinois Press.

White, Leslie

The Science of Culture. 1949. Farrar, Strauss.


(A sampling of the more useful and current standard works in English.)

Childe, V. Gordon

The Dawn of European Civilization. 1957. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner.

Prehistoric Migrations in Europe. 1950. Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskning.

Clark, Grahame

Archaeology and Society. 1957. Harvard University Press.

Clark, J.G.D.

Prehistoric Europe: The Economic Basis. 1952. Methuen and Co.

Garrod, D.A.E.

Environment, Tools, and Man. 1946. Cambridge University Press.

Movius, Hallam L., Jr.

“Old World Prehistory: Paleolithic” in Anthropology Today. Kroeber, A.L., ed. 1953. University of Chicago Press.

Oakley, Kenneth P.

Man the Tool-Maker. 1956. British Museum (Natural History). (Also in Phoenix edition, 1957.)

Piggott, Stuart

British Prehistory. 1949. Oxford University Press.

Pittioni, Richard

Die Urgeschichtlichen Grundlagen der EuropÄischen Kultur. 1949. Deuticke. (A single book which does attempt to cover the whole range of European prehistory to ca. 1 A.D.)


Adams, Robert M.

“Developmental Stages in Ancient Mesopotamia,” in Steward, Julian, et al, Irrigation Civilizations: A Comparative Study. 1955. Pan American Union.

Braidwood, Robert J.

The Near East and the Foundations for Civilization. 1952. University of Oregon.

Childe, V. Gordon

New Light on the Most Ancient East. 1952. Oriental Dept., Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Frankfort, Henri

The Birth of Civilization in the Near East. 1951. University of Indiana Press. (Also in Anchor edition, 1956.)

Pallis, Svend A.

The Antiquity of Iraq. 1956. Munksgaard.

Wilson, John A.

The Burden of Egypt. 1951. University of Chicago Press. (Also in Phoenix edition, called The Culture of Ancient Egypt, 1956.) HOW DIGGING IS DONE

Braidwood, Linda

Digging beyond the Tigris. 1953. Schuman, New York.

Wheeler, Sir Mortimer

Archaeology from the Earth. 1954. Oxford, London.


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