4-h@52664-h-6.htm.html#Page_54" class="pginternal">54 First Dynasty, Egypt, 147 Fish-hooks, 80, 94 Fishing, 80; by food-producers, 122 Fish-lines, 80 Fish spears, 94 Flint industry, 127 FontÉchevade, 32, 56, 58 Food-collecting, 104, 121; end of, 104 Food-gatherers, 53, 176 Food-gathering, 99, 104; in Old World, 104; stages of, 104 Food-producers, 176 Food-producing economy, 122; in America, 145; in Asia, 105 Food-producing revolution, 99, 105; causes of, 101; preconditions for, 100 Food-production, beginnings of, 99; carried to Europe, 110 Food-vessel folk, 164 “Forest folk,” 97, 98, 104, 110 Fox, Sir Cyril, 174 France, caves in, 56 Galley Hill (fossil type), 29 Garrod, D.A., 73 Gazelle, 114 Germany, 94 Ghassul, 156 Glaciers, 18, 30; destruction by, 40 Goat, wild, 108; domesticated, 128 Grain, first planted, 20 Graves, passage, 141; gallery, 141 Greece, civilization in, 163; as route to western Europe, 138; towns in, 162 Grimaldi skeletons, 34 Hackberry seeds used as food, 55 Halaf, 151; assemblage, 151 Hallstatt, tradition, 169 Hand, development of, 24, 25 Hand adzes, 107, 146; food-production in, 99; Natufian assemblage in, 113–115; stone tools, 114 Needles, 80 Negroid, 34 New World, 90 Nile River valley, 102, 134; floods in, 148 Nuclear area, 106, 110; in Near East, 107 Obsidian, used for blade tools, 71; at Jarmo, 130 Ochre, red, with burials, 86 Oldowan, 48 Old World, 67, 70, 90; continental phases in, 18 Olorgesailie, 40, 51 Ostrich, in China, 54 Ovens, 128 Oxygen isotopes, 18 Paintings in caves, 83 Paleoanthropic man, 50 Palestine, burials, 56; cave sites, 52; types of man, 69 Parpallo, 89 Patjitanian, 45, 47 Pebble tools, 42 Peking cave, 54; animals in, 54 Peking man, 27, 28, 29, 54, 58 Pendants, 80; bone, 114 Pestle, 114 Peterborough, 141; assemblage, 141 Pictographic signs, 158 Pig, wild, 108 “Piltdown man,” 29 Pins, 80 Pithecanthropus, 26, 27, 30, 36 Pleistocene, 18, 25 Plows developed, 123 Points, arrow, 76; laurel leaf, 78; shouldered, 78, |