Young Folks’ Library in Twenty Volumes Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Editor-in-Chief SEA STORIES EDITED BY CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY decoration BOSTON HALL AND LOCKE COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1902, By HALL & LOCKE COMPANY. Boston, U.S.A. Stanhope Press P. H. GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS - List of Colored Illustrations
- Yarns of the Forecastle, By the Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady.
- The Mutiny of the Bounty, From Chambers's Miscellany.
- Our First Whale, By F. T. Bullen.
- Going to Sea a Hundred Years Ago, By R. J. Cleveland.
- The Escape of the American Frigate Alliance, By J. Fenimore Cooper.
- Among the Ice Floes, By J. Fenimore Cooper.
- A Tornado at Sea, By George Cupples.
- My First Voyage, By R. H. Dana, Jr.
- Running Away to Sea, By Daniel Defoe.
- The Tempest, By Charles Dickens.
- A Struggle with a Devil Fish, By Victor Hugo.
- The Man and the Cannon, By Victor Hugo.
- A Ship on Fire at Sea, By Jean Ingelow.
- In the Gulf Stream, By Charles Kingsley.
- The Loss of the Royal George, By W. H. G. Kingston.
- Sailors' Yarns, By Pierre Loti.
- Equality at Sea, By Captain F. Marryat.
- The Club-Hauling of the Diomede, By Captain F. Marryat.
- The Chase, By Herman Melville.
- Rounding Cape Horn, By Herman Melville.
- The Merchantman and the Pirate, By Charles Reade.
- A Gale of Wind, By W. Clark Russell.
- Saved, By W. Clark Russell.
- The Capture of the Cotton Ship, By Michael Scott.
- The Cruise of the Coracle, By R. L. Stevenson.
- Landing on the Island, By Jean Rudolf Wyss.
- Biographical Notes
- Suggestions for Supplementary Reading