I. | The official reports of the Secretary of War, with accompanying documents, very kindly lent to me by the United States Government. |
II. | Different numbers of the following magazines and journals: Harper’s Weekly; The Century; Scribner’s Monthly; The Chatauquan; McClure’s Magazine; Outdoor Life; Journal of the United States Cavalry Association; Journal of the Military Service Institution. |
III. | Files of various contemporary newspapers, notably the Chicago Times and the New York Herald. |
IV. | Various General Histories. |
V. | Ab-sa-ra-ka, by General and Mrs. Henry B. Carrington, U. S. A. J. B. Lippincott Co. Philadelphia. 1890. |
VI. | Adventures of Buffalo Bill, By Col. William F. Cody. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1904. |
VII. | Army of the United States, The, by Gen. Theo. F. Rodenbough, U. S. A., and Maj. Wm. L. Haskin, U. S. A. Maynard, Merrill & Co. New York. 1896. |
VIII. | Army Sacrifices, by Col. James B. Fry, U. S. A. D. Van Nostrand. New York. 1879. |
IX. | Boots and Saddles, by Elizabeth B. Custer. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1902. |
X. | Campaigning with Crook, by Captain Charles King, U. S. A. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1902. |
XI. | Campaigns of General Custer in the Northwest, by Judson Eliott Walker. Jenkins & Thomas. New York. 1881. |
XII. | Deeds of Valor, Compiled by W. F. Beyer and O. F. Keydel. Perrien-Keydel Co. Detroit, Mich. 1901. |
XIII. | Following the Guidon, by Elizabeth B. Custer. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1901. |
XIV. | Life of General G. A. Custer, by Captain Frederick Whittaker. Sheldon & Co. New York. 1876. |
XV. | My Life on the Plains, or Personal Experiences with Indians, by General G. A. Custer, U. S. A. Sheldon & Co. New York. 1876. |
XVI. | On the Border with Crook, by Captain John G. Bourke, U. S. A. Charles Scribner’s Sons. New York. 1892. |
XVII. | Our Wild Indians, by Col. Richard I. Dodge, U. S. A. A. D. Worthington & Co. Hartford. 1890. |
XVIII. | Personal Recollections of General Nelson A. Miles. The Werner Co. Chicago. 1897. |
XIX. | Sabre and Bayonet, by Gen. Theo. F. Rodenbough, U. S. A. G. W. Dillingham Co. New York. 1897. |
XX. | Story of the Soldier, The, by General George A. Forsyth, U. S. A. D. Appleton & Co. New York. 1900. |
XXI. | Story of the Wild West and Camp Fire Chats, by W. F. Cody. (Buffalo Bill.) Historical Publishing Co. Philadelphia. 1888. |
XXII. | Tenting on the Plains, by Elizabeth B. Custer. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1895. |
XXIII. | Thrilling Days in Army Life, by Gen. George A. Forsyth, U. S. A. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1902. |
XXIV. | Twenty Years among our Hostile Indians, by J. Lee Humfreville (late Captain of United States Cavalry). Hunter & Co. New York. 1903. |
XXV. | United States in our Own Time, The, by E. Benjamin Andrews. Charles Scribner’s Sons. New York. 1903. |
XXVI. | War Path and Bivouac, by John F. Finerty. M. A. Donohue & Co. Chicago. 1890. |