Indian Fights and Fighters: The Soldier and the Sioux |
THE LAST OF CUSTER Drawing by E. L. Blumenschein AMERICAN FIGHTS AND FIGHTERS SERIES Indian Fights and Fighters THE SOLDIER AND THE SIOUX BY CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY, LL.D. Author of “Colonial,” “Border,” and “Revolutionary” Fights and Fighters Illustrated with Original Drawings by Remington, Schreyvogel, Blumenschein, Crawford, Elwell, Deming, and Zogbaum With Maps, Photographs, and Sketches from Life from Original Sources, many of which are now published for the first time NEW YORK THE McCLURE COMPANY MCMVIII Copyright, 1904, by McCLURE, PHILLIPS & CO. Published, December, 1904, N Second Impression. Copyright, 1904, by The Pearson Publishing Company To that most eminent and useful CHURCHMAN AND CITIZEN OZI WILLIAM WHITAKER, D.D., LL.D. Bishop of Pennsylvania Whom I admire as a CLERIC, respect as a MAN, and love as a FRIEND I dedicate This Story of the West He served so well