artist, page
Map of the interior world, Frontispiece.
I signalled the engineer full speed ahead, and in a short time
we crossed the ice-foot and entered the chasm
C. Durand Chapman, 17
A semi-circle of rifles was discharged at the unhappy brutes.
Two of them, fell dead in their tracks
" 29
The terror inspired by the professor's words was plainly
visible on every face
" 35
At this moment a wild cry arose from the sailors. With one voice
they shouted, "The sun! The sun!"
" 41
One of the flying men caught Flathootly by the hair of the head,
and lifted him out of the water
R. W. Rattray, 55
One of the mounted police got hold of the switch on the back
of the bockhockid, and brought it to a standstill
Carl Gutherz, 69
The sacred locomotive stormed the mountain heights with its
audacious tread
C. Durand Chapman, 75
The king embraced me, and I kissed the hand of her majesty, " 81
A procession of priests and priestesses passed down the living aisles,
bearing trophies of art
Harold Haven Brown, 87
On the throne sat the Supreme Goddess Lyone, the representative of
Harikar, the Holy Soul
C. Durand Chapman, 97
The throne of the gods was indeed the golden heart of Atvatabar,
the triune symbol of body, mind, and spirit
" 101
Her holiness offered both his majesty the king and myself her hand
to kiss
" 111
Zoophytes of Atvatabar, Paul de LongprÉ
The Lilasure, 117
The Laburnul, 118
The Green Gazzle of Glockett Gozzle, 119
Jeerloons, 120
A Jeerloon, 120
The Lillipoutum, 121
The Jugdul, 122
The Yarphappy, 123
The Jalloast, 124
The Gasternowl, 125
The Crocosus, 126
The Jardil, or Love-pouch, 127
The Blocus, 128
The Funny-fenny, or Clowngrass, 129
The Gleroseral, 130
The Eaglon, 131
The goddess stood holding on to the outer rail of the deck,
the incarnation of courage
C. Durand Chapman, 135
Then the ship rose again toward the mammoth rocks, adorned
with the tapestries of falling wave
" 141
Lyone was borne on a litter from the aerial ship to the palace, " 147
The priest and priestess stood beside the altar, each reading an
alternate stanza from the ritual of the goddess
R. W. Rattray, 155


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