Colombia University Press Publications


AMERICAN CITY PROGRESS AND THE LAW. By Howard Lee McBain, Ph.D., Professor of Municipal Science and Administration, Columbia University. Pp. viii + 269.

WORLD ORGANIZATION AS AFFECTED BY THE NATURE OF THE MODERN STATE. By David Jayne Hill, LL.D., late American Ambassador to Germany. Pp. ix + 214. Reprinted with new Preface.

OUR CHIEF MAGISTRATE AND HIS POWERS. By William Howard Taft, Twenty-seventh President of the United States. Pp. vii + 165.

CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED STATES. By Woodrow Wilson, LL.D., President of the United States. Pp. vii + 236.

THE BUSINESS OF CONGRESS. By Samuel W. McCall, Governor of Massachusetts. Pp. vii + 215.

THE COST OF OUR NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. By Henry Jones Ford, Professor of Politics in Princeton University. Pp. xv + 147.

POLITICAL PROBLEMS OF AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT. By Albert Shaw, LL.D., Editor of the Review of Reviews. Pp. vii + 268.

THE PRINCIPLES OF POLITICS FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. By Jeremiah W. Jenks, LL.D., Professor of Government and Public Administration in New York University. Pp. xviii + 187.

THE NATURE AND SOURCES OF THE LAW. By John Chipman Gray, LL.D., late Royall Professor of Law in Harvard University. Pp. xii + 332.

THE GENIUS OF THE COMMON LAW. By the Right Honorable Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart., D.C.L., LL.D. Pp. vii + 141.

THOMAS JEFFERSON. His Permanent Influence on American Institutions. By John Sharp Williams, U. S. Senator from Mississippi. Pp. ix + 330.

THE MECHANICS OF LAW MAKING. By Courtenay Ilbert, G. C. B., Clerk of the House of Commons. Pp. viii + 209.

LAW AND ITS ADMINISTRATION. By Harlan F. Stone, LL.D., Dean of the School of Law, Colombia University. Pp. vii + 232.

Uniformly bound, 12mo, cloth. Each, $1.50 net.

THE LAW AND THE PRACTICE OF MUNICIPAL HOME RULE. By Howard Lee McBain, Associate Professor of Municipal Science and Administration in Columbia University. 8vo, cloth, pp. xviii + 724. Price, $5.00 net.

STUDIES IN SOUTHERN HISTORY AND POLITICS. Inscribed to William Archibald Dunning, Lieber Professor of History and Political Philosophy in Columbia University, by his former pupils, the authors. A collection of fifteen essays. 8vo, cloth, pp. viii + 294. $2.50 net.

COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. A magazine issued by authority of the Trustees of the University, which aims to represent that wide variety of literary, philosophic, and scientific activity which focuses at Columbia and through which the University contributes to the thought and work of the world. The Quarterly is published in January, April, July and October. Annual subscription, one dollar; single numbers, thirty cents. 400 pages per volume.



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