Grapefruit Baskets with Mints Open Cheese and Bacon Sandwich Mixed Sweet Pickles Crab Meat and Tomato Jelly Salad Egg Biscuits Orange Layer Cake Iced Coffee with Vanilla PRELIMINARY PREPARATIONS
MARKET ORDER½ pound crab meat GRAPEFRUIT BASKETSCut in two Insert two toothpicks opposite each other on each half. From one-half inch on each side of toothpick cut through the skin around the grapefruit one-fourth inch from the top of each half, leaving skin whole where toothpicks are inserted. Loosen pulp and remove and discard seeds, membrane and toothpicks. Sprinkle pulp of each half with Bring the two strips of skin together above the grapefruit and tie together with GRAPEFRUIT BASKET GRAPEFRUIT BASKETOPEN CHEESE AND BACON SANDWICHBeat Mix well and spread on Cut Make bacon still thinner by pressing each strip on a board with a broad knife. Cover cheese with bacon and bake 8 or 10 minutes under gas flame, or in hot oven. MIXED SWEET PICKLESPut in small agate or enamel saucepan Add Cook 10 minutes, remove raisins and add Arrange in glass jar in closely packed layers, putting raisins in first, then cherries, then pickles; repeat until jar is full. Strain hot syrup into jar, and seal. MIXED SWEET PICKLES MIXED SWEET PICKLESCRAB MEAT AND TOMATO JELLY SALADIn a salad bowl lined with Between piles place Make a nest of heart leaves of lettuce in center and fill with The salad ingredients may be mixed lightly together, when salad is being served, or only those ingredients that are desired may be served to each person. TOMATO JELLYHeat to boiling point in agate saucepan Stir until gelatin is dissolved, strain through fine strainer, and mold in small bread pan that measures about 4½ inches by 8 inches. Cut in ½ inch cubes for serving. MAYONNAISE DRESSINGSift into a bowl Measure When very thick, add EGG BISCUITSSift together Work in with fingers Toss on floured cloth or board and knead 5 minutes. Shape in any way suggested below. Bake 15 minutes at 400 degrees F. Brush with milk or melted butter just before removing from the oven. BISCUIT SHAPESMake in small round balls and bake in muffin pans. Bake 2 round balls in each muffin pan, brushing between with melted butter. Bake 3 round balls in each muffin pan. Roll ¼ inch thick, spread with butter, roll up like a jelly roll, cut in pieces 1 inch thick, and bake in muffin pans. Prepare as above, sprinkling with sugar and cinnamon before rolling. Prepare as above, sprinkling with chopped nuts and maple sugar before rolling. Roll ¼ inch thick, spread with butter, fold in 3 layers, cut off strips 1 inch wide, twist and coil. When baked spread with confectioners' frosting. Shape and roll in strips 8 inches long and about as large around as a lead pencil and bake. Roll ½ inch thick, cut with small oval cutter, brush with butter, double over and place close together and bake. ORANGE LAYER CAKEBeat together until thick Fold in Grease an angel cake or deep round tin and line bottom with greased paper. Pour in cake mixture and bake 30 minutes at 375 degrees F. Split, put ORANGE CREAM FILLINGMelt Bring to boiling point, stirring all the time. Cook 15 minutes over boiling water. Add Cool and fold in BOILED ORANGE FROSTINGPut Stir until sugar is dissolved and boiling point is reached. Do not stir after it boils. Wash down sides of saucepan with pastry brush dipped in cold water to prevent formation of crystals. Cook until syrup spins a 4 inch thread when dropped from spoon held at least 8 inches above pan. Pour slowly onto 2 egg whites may be used instead of egg yolks if preferred. ICED COFFEE WITH VANILLAAdd to Serve in tall glasses with ICED COFFEE ICED COFFEE |