"I am Salmo fontinalis. To the sparkling fountain born; And my home is where oxalis. Heather bell and rose adorn The crystal basin in the dell (Undine the wood-nymph knows it well): That is where I love to dwell. There was I baptized and christened, 'Neath the somber aisles of oak; Mute the cascade paused and listened. Never a word the brooklet spoke; Bobolink was witness then. Likewise grosbeak, linnet, wren— And all the fairies joined "amen!" Thus as Salmo fontinalis Recognized the wide world o'er. In my limpid crystal palace. Content withal, I ask no more. Leaping through the rainbow spray. Snatching flies the livelong day. Naught to do but eat and play." Charles Hallock.