CHAPTER | | PAGE | I. | —The Holy Anglers | 1 | II. | —Histories Of The Trouts —How The Angler Takes Them | 7 | III. | —The Angler And The Fisherman | 15 | IV. | —Fly-fishing | 21 | V. | —Walton's Way | 33 | VI. | —The Wanton Way | 38 | VII. | —Fly-fishing For Trout | 41 | VIII. | —The Angler's Prayer —Save The Woods And Waters | 52 | IX. | —Trout And Trouting | 56 | X. | —Trouting In Canadensis Valley | 64 | XI. | —The Trouter's Outfit | 68 | XII. | —Trout Flies, Artificial And Natural | 71 | XIII. | —The Brook Trout's Rival | 84 | XIV. | —Trout On Barbless Hooks | 87 | XV. | —The Brook Trout Incognito | 92 | XVI. | —Hooking The Trout | 102 | XVII. | —Doctor Nature | 104 | XVIII. | —The Brook Trout | 106 | XIX. | —The Angler | 112 | XX. | —Angling | 119 | XXI. | —Trout Flies | 133 | XXII. | —Casting The Fly | 138 | XXIII. | —Tackle Talks | 142 | XXIV. | —The Angler's Kitchen | 149 | XXV. | —Care And Breeding Of Trout | 151 | XXVI. | —The Angler's Clothing And Footwear | 153 | XXVII. | —Little Casts | 155 | XXVIII. | —Borrowed Lines | 157 |