[The above reflections of the author were penned at a later period, on the reverse pages of his History, at this place.] [The above is written on the reverse of page 103 of the original, and should properly be inserted here. This passage, "being overslipt in its place," the author at first wrote it, or the most of it, under the preceding year; but, discovering his error before completing it, drew his pen across it, and wrote beneath, "This is to be here rased out, and is to be placed on page 103, wher it is inserted."] John White, "Noble, worshipful, wise, and prudent Lords, the Governor and Councillors residing in New Plymouth, our very dear friends:—The Director and Council of New Netherland wish to your Lordships, worshipful, wise, and prudent, happiness in Christ Jesus our Lord, with prosperity and health, in soul and body." We cannot but take notice how ye Lord hath been pleased to crosse our proseedings, and caused many disasters to befale us therin. I conceive ye only reason to be, we, or many of us, aimed at other ends then Gods glorie; but now I hope yt cause is taken away; the bargen being fully concluded, as farr as our powers will reach, and confirmed under our hands & seals, to Mr. Allerton & ye rest of his & your copartners. But for my owne parte, I confess as I was loath to hinder ye full confirming of it, being ye first propounder ther of at our meeting; so on ye other side, I was as unwilling to set my hand to ye sale, being ye receiver of most part of ye adventurs, and a second causer of much of ye ingagments; and one more threatened, being most envied & aimed at (if they could find any stepe to ground their malice on) then any other whosoever. I profess I know no just cause they ever had, or have, so to doe; neither shall it ever be proved yt I have wronged them or any of ye adventurers, wittingly or willingly, one peny in ye disbursing of so many pounds in those 2. years trouble. No, ye sole cause why they maligne me (as I & others conceived) was yt I would not side with them against you, & the going over of ye Leyden people. But as I then card not, so now I litle fear what they can doe; yet charge & trouble I know they may cause me to be at. And for these reasons, I would gladly have perswaded the other 4. to have sealed to this bargaine, and left me out, but they would not; so rather then it should faile, Mr. Alerton having taken so much pains, I have sealed with ye rest; with this proviso & promise of his, yt if any trouble arise hear, you are to bear halfe ye charge. Wherfore now I doubt not but you will give your generallitie good contente, and setle peace amongst your selves, and peace with the natives; and then no doubt but ye God of Peace will blese your going out & your returning, and cause all yt you sett your hands unto to prosper; the which I shall ever pray ye Lord to grante if it be his blessed will. Asuredly unless ye Lord be mercifull unto us & ye whole land in generall, our estate & condition is farr worse then yours. Wherfore if ye Lord should send persecution or trouble hear, (which is much to be feared,) and so should put into our minds to flye for refuge, I know no place safer then to come to you, (for all Europ is at varience one with another, but cheefly wth us,) not doubting but to find such frendly entertainmente as shall be honest & conscionable, notwithstanding what hath latly passed. For I profess in ye word of an honest man, had it not been to procure your peace & quiet from some turbulent spirites hear, I would not have sealed to this last deed; though you would have given me all my adventure and debte ready downe. Thus desiring ye Lord to blesse & prosper you, I cease ever resting, Your faithfull & loving friend, Des: 27. [The above letter was written on the reverse of page 154 of the original manuscript.] Transcriber's Note:Spelling is inconsistent and is left unchanged from the original printing of this book. The following are some common examples of questionable text. Page 16 Page 24 Page 41 Page 76 Page 84 Page 98 Page 113 Page 156 Page 208 Page 210 Page 214 Page 304 Page 351 Page 371 Page 391 Page 416 ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. |