4.htm.html#Page_98" class="pginternal">98; accession of William IV., 99; illness of her father, 101; arrangements for travelling, 103; at Turin, 104; Genoa, 104-114; riding parties, 105; the Masquerade, 107-112; at the Baths of Lucca, 114-124; the Boddingtons, 117; the servants’ ball, 118; the Duke and Duchess of Lucca, 119; on the religious festival at Lucca, 120; lines on the Duchess, 121; at Florence, 125-129, 146, 201, 209-224; on the de Fauveaus, 126; first impression of Rome, 130; painters and sculptors, 131; at Naples, 133; Moonlight rides, 135; excursions, 136; at the castle of Sant’ Elmo, 138; the feast of the Madonna dell’ Arco, 140; haunted apartments, 141-143; at Pisa, 145; her acting, 148; on the office of prompter, 148; friendship for G. P. R. James, 152; on Caroline Bonaparte, 153-156; Geppina, the flower-girl, 156; lines on, 156; visit to the Duchess of Gloucester, 158; mistaken for Princess Victoria, 160; on her coronation, 161; at Millard’s Hill, 163; Tenby, 164; bal costumÉ, 165; on Charles Young, 166-169; death of her father, 170; at Havilland Hall, 170; lines on Sir William Napier, 172; on Mr and Mrs Kean, 173; at the Island of Sark, 174; Alderney, 174; Whittlebury Lodge, 179-186; on Colonel Leigh, 180; sporting ecclesiastics, 182, 183; musical evenings, 185; at Munich, 187-191; on the dramatic performances, 4, 51, 163; - letter from Lord Nelson, 6
Corn Laws, 247 Cornelius, 188 Cornish Miners, 34 “Courage,” the St Bernard, 61 Courcy, General de, 150 Covent Garden, 36 Coventry, Lady Mary, 105n Cowdray Park, 57; Cowper, Francis, Earl, 226n, 281 —— Lady, her leading attributes, 282 Cowper’s Oak, 183 Crackenthorpe, Mr, 92n Crawford, Countess of, 152 Cromartie, Lord, under sentence of death, 65 Cromwell, Oliver, 51 Cumberland, William, Duke of, 65; Cunningham, Mr Peter, 237 Cure for the Heartache, 147 Damer, Mrs Dawson, 82 “Danny Man,” 31 Dante, tomb of, 191 Day, Rachel, 74 Delamere, Lord, 135 Demidoff, Prince Anatole, 206; Denison, Evelyn, 278 Denmark, Queen Anne of, her visit to Althorp, 254 Derby, Countess of, 270n, 272 —— Lord, 247 Devonshire, Duke of, 33 Devrient, Emil, his acting, 167 Dickens, Charles, 13, 56, 229; - first meeting with Mary Boyle, 231;
- on her acting, 233;
- letter from, 234;
- his social evenings, 235;
- children, 236;
- at Boulogne, 236;
- extensive walks, 237;
- at Gad’s Hill, 238;
- his chÂlet, 239;
- drives and walks, 239;
- visitors, 240;
- letters of sympathy, 242;
- stroke of paralysis, 243;
- death, 243
—— Charles, his children, 241 —— Harry, 236 —— Katie, 132 Oxford, Wilberforce, Bishop of, 278 “Pacolet,” 94 Paestum, 136 Paget, Lady Florence, 280 —— Lady Mary, 272n Pallavicini, Marchese Fabio, 104, 190 Parma, Duchy of, 123 Pearl, The, 144 Pell, Sir Watkin, 23 Perry, Lady Lucy, 146n Perugini, Kate, 236 Peterborough, Earl of, 64 Petty, Lord Henry, 250 Pierrepont, Rt. Hon. Henry, 246n Pinelli, 132 Pipa, Comtesse, 204 Pisa, 145; - festival of St Ranieri, 145
Pius IX., Pope, his accession, 191 - popularity, 196;
- witty sayings, 196;
- the “Possesso,” 197-199
Play, the first, 25-29 Poggi, Miss, 84 Pompeii, 136 Ponsonby, Frederic, 256 —— Sir Henry, 256n Portarlington, Earl of, 282n Portland, Duke of, 278n Posillippo, 135 Powder-Monkey Bay, 17 Power, 35 Poyntz, Carolina Amelia, 4 —— Charlotte Louisa, 56n —— Elizabeth, 255 —— Georgiana Anne, 55 —— Isabella, 59 —— Stephen, 64 —— Mrs Stephen, appointed governess to the Duke of Cumberland, 65; - intercedes for Lord Cromartie’s life, 65
—— William, 4, 55n, 56n, 245; - loss of his sons, 59;
- character, 61;
- political views, 62;
- death, 163
Quarto, Villa, 204 Queensberry, Duchess of, 66 Quin, Captain, 259 —— Lord George, 229n, 230 Quorn Hounds, Master of the, 97 Tree, Ellen, 173 Turin, 104 Tuscan revolution, 216 Ungher, Madame, 106 Urvins, his picture, 141 Vansittart, Mrs, 203, 205 Vernet, Horace, 131 Vernon, Hon. Gowran, 251 Vestris, Madame, 34 Vesuvius, eruptions of, 136 Victoria, Queen, 40, 160; - reception at the Opera House, 161;
- coronation, 161;
- at the bal costumÉ, 166
Villiers, Rt. Hon. Charles Pelham, 269 —— Hon. Francis, 271n —— Lieut.-Col. the Hon. George, 271n —— Lady Theresa, 271n Violette, Mdlle., her dÉbut at Drury Lane, 68 Vyner, Henry, 280n —— Theodosia, her marriage, 280 Walpole, Horace, on Mdlle. Violette, 68 Ward, Baron, 123, 214 —— Miss, 92n Waterford, Lady, 278 Watson, Mrs, 229, 231 —— Hon. Richard, 229n Watts, George, his drawing of Charles Boyle, 12; Napier, 171; - at the Villa Careggi, 202
Weedon, 78 Wellington, Duke of, 37, 161, 246n Westbrook Hayes, 265 Westminster Abbey, 31 Whittlebury Lodge, 179 Wigan, Alfred, 227 Wigan Rectory, 56 William IV., his accession, 99; - failing health, 158;
- attempt on his life, 159
Williams, Sir Thomas, 21 Willis, Annie, 168 Wolf-dog, taming a, 56 Wrest Park, 281 Yates, Edmund, 240 Young, Charles, 35, 166; —— Giulia, 168 —— Julian, Chaplain to Hampton Court Palace, 168 - Transcriber’s Notes:
- Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected.
- Typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.