
Aabo, 514
Aachen, 31, 32
Aake, the Yeoman, 58
Aal, Jacob, 518
Aale Hallvardsson, 373
Aaluf, 111
Aamunde Gyrdsson, 312
Aaros, 237
Aasa, 32
Aasa, Haakon Grjotgardsson's daughter, 60
AasbjÖrn Sigurdsson, 211, 212
AasbjÖrn of Medalhus, 92
Aasen, Ivar, 538
Aasgerd, wife of Egil Baldgrim's son, 78, 79
Aasta, mother of Olaf the Saint,182, 186, 187, 188, 199, 200,240
Aastrid, queen of Olaf the Saint,197
Aastrid, Olaf Tryggvesson's mother, 108, 109, 134, 135
Aastrid, Olaf Tryggvesson's sister,148
Aastrid, daughter of Thirik, 153
Aastrid, wife of Earl Sigvalde,163, 171
Aasulf of Austraat, 426
Abel, mathematician, 538
Absalon, Bishop, 330, 359, 379
Adalbert of Bremen, 272
Adeler, Kort, 500
Aeger, 23
Aelgifa, see Alfifa
Aesir, 13, 14
Africa, 32, 298
Agdeness, 294, 300
Agder, 32, 47, 147, 173, 324
Agmund Skoftesson, 288
Agnes, Queen of Denmark, 456
Agnes, daughter of Haakon Longlegs, 478
Agvaldsness, 95, 211
Aker, 416, 492
Akershus, 459, 481, 486, 503
Akron, 293
Albrecht of Mecklenburg, 463, 464, 467, 468, 469
Alexander Newsky, 430
Alexander IV., Pope, 430
Alexander I., Emperor of Russia,510, 514
Alexander III., King of Scotland,430, 442, 453
Alexius I., Comnenus, 293
Alexius III., Angelus, 360
Alf Askman, 100
Alf Erlingsson, 453-456
Alf Guldbrandsson, 207
Alfheim, 21
Alfhild, mother of Magnus the Good, 230
Alfifa, 225-229
Alfonso the Wise, 430
Alfvine, 137, 138
Allogia, see Olga
Almannagjaa, 439
Alsted, 248
Althing, 159, 436
Amboise, 34
America, 31, 179
Amsterdam, 474
Amund Sigurdsson Bolt, 473
Andres Skjaldarband, 399, 423
Andvake, 372
Anglesey, 288
Anglo-Saxon, 41, 138, 147
Anker, Peder, 518
Anna KolbjÖrnsdatter, 503
Ansgarius, St., 32
Anund, 145
Anund Jacob, King of Sweden, 198, 213, 214, 217, 218
Apostles, Church of the, 294
Arctic Circle, 494
ArinbjÖrn Thoresson, 78, 82, 85
Armfelt, General, 504, 512
ArnbjÖrn Jonsson, 413, 424
Arnmodlings, 255
Aryans, 1, 2, 3, 5
Asaheim, 13
Asgard, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23
Asgeir, 36
Asia, 1, 13, 240
Ask, 18
Askatin, 442
Aslak Erlingsson, 179
Aslak Rock-Skull, 124
Astrid, Sverre's first wife, 380
Audhumbla, 16
Audun Hugleiksson, 451, 457
Aun the Old, 45
Aura-Paul, 364
Austrian, 498
Baard, steward of Erik Blood-Axe, 78, 79
Bagler, 360-401, 407, 413
Balder, 21, 22
Bald Grim, 57, 62, 63, 77, 78, 79
Baldwin, 293
Baltic, the, 94, 237, 277, 312, 463
Bank of Norway, 522
Beauvois, 36
Belts, the, 356
Bene Skindkniv, 401
Bengt Algotsson, 463
Beorthric, 41
Berg-Anund, 79, 80
Bergen, 280, 294, 307, 309, 316, 323, 324, 327, 328, 345, 346,347, 348, 349, 354, 356, 359,362, 365, 366, 375, 376, 388, 390, 392, 398, 410, 413, 417, 420, 422, 424, 428, 429,457,462, 465, 473, 478, 480, 488,492, 494, 506
Bergljot, 119, 178, 261, 264
Bergthor's Knoll, 158
Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste, 513, 515, 519-528, 531
Bernsdorff, Andreas, 509
Bertrand of Tripolis, 293
Bevje-Aa, 320
Biadmuin, 289
Bifrost, 17
Birchlegs, 333-407, 414, 425, 426, 427
Birger, Earl of GÖtland, 333, 336, 337
Birger Magnusson, King of Sweden, 456, 458, 459, 461
Bjarkemaal, 221
BjarkÖ, 211, 212, 451, 462
Bjarne Erlingsson, 451, 452
Bjarne Herjulfsson, 179
Bjelke, General, 498
BjÖrgvin, see Bergen
BjÖrn, King of Sweden, 196
BjÖrn Egilsson, 311
BjÖrn Ironside, 34
BjÖrn, a peasant, 109
BjÖrn the Merchant, 71, 182
BjÖrn Stallare, 194, 195, 197, 218
BjÖrnson, BjÖrnstjerne, 535, 537, 538
BjÖrn, the yeoman, 77, 78, 79
Black Death, the, 465, 466
Blanca of Namur, 462, 463
Blekinge, 463, 498
BÖr, 16
Bogesund, 483
Bohemia, 1
Borg, see Sarpsborg
Borgar-thing, 253, 361, 445
Borghild, daughter of Olaf of Dal, 297
BornhÖved, 417
Bornholm, 498
Brage, 22, 45, 120
Bratsberg, 155, 317
Breidablik, 21
Bremangerland, 339
Bremen, 147, 272
Brenn Islands, 231
Brigida, Harold Gille's daughter, 333
Brising, 23
Bristein, 354
BrÖmsebro, 496
Brunkeberg, 480
Brynjulf, 129
Bue the Big, 122-126
Bugge, Prof. Sophus, 153
Bull, Ole, 538
Bure, 16
Buris Henriksson, 330
Burislav, 136, 142, 154, 162
Buste, 110
Bute, 431
Byzantine, 360
Candor, Lay of, 41
Eadgar the Etheling, 285
Eadwine, Earl, 268
Ecgfridh, 42
Edda, the Younger, 434
Edward the Confessor, 236
Edward I., 453
Egil Aaslaksson, 287
Egil, Bald Grim's son, 62, 77-84
Egil Woolsark, 96, 97
Eidsivia Law, the, 47, 210, 445
Eidskog, 337
Eidsvold, 70, 210, 414, 516, 518, 519, 520, 522, 532
Einar Thambarskelver, 162, 169, 170, 178, 179, 189, 190, 191, 192, 217, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, 238, 239, 243, 244, 246, 247, 249, 252, 254, 260, 261-265
Einar the Priest, 375
Eindride Einarsson, 238, 239, 264
Eindride the Young, 327, 328
Elgeseter, 426
Elivagar, 16
Ellisif, queen of Harold Hard-Ruler, 242, 235, 260, 272, 274
Elsinore, 455
Embla, 18
Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson, 472, 473
England, 1, 12, 28, 31, 40, 41, 42, 43, 72, 79, 80, 81, 84, 88, 90, 91, 128, 137, 138, 139, 142, 147, 177, 179, 183, 184, 185, 207, 212, 213, 217, 228, 236, 268, 273, 276, 277, 278, 283, 287, 292, 347, 375, 443, 446, 447, 453, 454, 465, 509, 510, 512, 513, 514, 530
EnkÖping, 464
Erik, Archbishop, 358, 379, 387
Erik Blood-Axe, 68, 70-86, 88, 94, 95, 99, 102, 160, 182
Erik Eiegod, 288
Erik Eimundsson, 57, 58, 196
Erik Emune, 312
Erik Eriksson Lisp, King of Sweden, 412
Erik Glipping, 453, 454
Erik GudrÖdsson, 32
Erik Haakonsson, Earl, 119, 121-127, 163-181, 184, 215, 254
Erik, King of HÖrdaland, 52
Erik Kingsson, Earl, 351
Erik Magnusson, Duke, 458, 459, 461
Erik Magnusson, son of Magnus Smek, 462, 463
Erik Menved, 455
Erik of Ofrestad, 108
Erik Plowpenny, 453
Erik of Pomerania, 467-474
Erik Priest-Hater, 451-456, 459
Erik the Red, Archbishop, 179, 181
Erik the Saint, 380
Erik the Victorious, King of Sweden, 152, 196
Erik the Younger, King of South Jutland, 68
Erlend of Husaby, 391
Erlend Haakonsson, 129, 130
Erling Eriksson, 106
Erling Haakonsson, 121, 123, 128
Erling Skakke, Earl, 318, 319,322-343, 350, 355, 357, 360
Erling Skjalgsson of Sole, 148, 162, 164, 174, 176, 178, 179, 190, 192, 210, 211, 212, 216, 217, 318
Erling Stonewall, 385, 386, 387, 390
Erling Vidkunsson, 462
Erne, Loch, 38
Ernst, Herzog, 242
Eskil Lawman, 412
Essex, 138
Esthonia, 135, 196
Estrid, daughter of Sweyn Forkbeard, 236
Ethelred II., 138, 139, 183
Ethelstan, 72, 73, 79, 80, 85, 150
Eugene III., Pope, 320
Euphemia of Arnstein, 457, 459
Europe, 465, 483, 523, 526, 527, 538
Eystein, Earl of Hedemark and Vestfold, 76
Eystein Erlendsson, 327, 347, 354, 357, 358
Eystein Haroldsson, 314-317
Eystein Magnusson, 291-301, 317, 329
Eystein Meyla, 333, 334, 336
Eystein Orre, 255, 270
Eyvind Kinriva, 154, 156, 157
Eyvind Lambe, 57, 59
Eyvind Scald-Spoiler, 98, 99, 100, 105, 154
Eyvind Skreyja, 79, 100
Faeroe Isles, 40, 43, 158, 159, 320, 333, 334, 336, 380
FalkÖping, 468
Fall River, 180
Falsen, Judge, 518
Falsterbro, 466
Fenris-Wolf, 21, 23
Fensal, 22
Finland, 196, 512, 513
Finmark, 74, 173, 495, 506
Finn Arnesson, 255, 265, 266, 267
Finn Eyvindsson, 170
Finns, 3, 50, 61, 67, 74, 278, 295
Fitje, 98
FjÖlne, 45
Flanders, 28
Flensborg, 472
Florsvaag, 356
Folden, 46, 190, 256, 320, 425
Folkvang, 23
Folkvid the Lawman, 332, 336, 382
Fontenelle, 36
Formentera, 292
Fors, 317
Forsete, 22
FraedÖe, 96
France, 1, 36, 43, 64, 137, 277, 430, 509, 527, 530
Fredensborg, 495, 517
Gungner, 20
Gunhild, Queen of Erik Blood-Axe, 74-86, 94, 95, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104-114, 130, 134
Gunhild, mother of Sverre,

Gunnar of Gimse, 311
Gunnar Grjonbak, 352
Gunvor, 153
Gustavus Adolphus, 495, 496
Gustavus IV., 512
Gustavus Trolle, 483
Gustavus Wasa, 484, 487
Guttorm, Archbishop, 400, 410, 411
Guttorm Eriksson, 94, 95
Guttorm Haroldsson, 60
Guttorm Ingesson, 395
Guttorm, son of Sigurd Hjort, 47, 48, 52, 53, 62
Guttorm Sigurdsson, 385, 387
Guttorm Sigurdsson, 199, 200
Guttorm Sindre, 71
Gyda, wife of Harold the Fairhaired, 52, 53, 59, 60
Gyda, wife of Olaf Tryggvesson, 137, 142, 228
Gyldenstjerne, Knut, 486
Haakonarmaal, 101
Haakon Eriksson, Earl, 178, 179,184-186, 215-218
Haakon Galen, 377, 382-398, 402, 410, 412, 414
Haakon Grjotgardsson, 56, 60
Haakon, Gunhild's emissary, 109
Haakon Haakonsson the Old, 391-433, 437-444
Haakon Ivarsson, 259, 264-268
Haakon Jonsson, Lord High Steward, 467
Haakon Longlegs, 451, 456, 457-461
Haakon Magnusson, son of King Magnus Haroldsson, 274, 285, 286
Haakon Magnusson, son of King Magnus Smek, 461-466
Haakon Paulsson, 287
Haakon Sigurdsson, Earl, 106, 107, 110-134, 139, 163, 166, 173, 254, 261
Haakon Sverresson, King of Norway, 370, 377, 379-385, 391, 404
Haakon the Broad-Shouldered, 316, 319, 320, 322-326
Haakon the Good, 72, 73, 80, 87-101, 105, 106, 150, 160, 294, 446
Haakon the Old, a Swedish Peasant, 110, 134
Haalogaland, 56, 60, 148, 154, 155, 158, 211, 366
Haarek Gand, 48
Haarek Haroldsson, 60
Haarek of Thjotta, 148, 154-156, 158, 233
Haavard the Hewer, 124, 127
Hadeland, 50, 51, 153, 199, 203
Hadrian IV., Pope, see Nicholas Breakspeare
Hadulaik, 121
Hafrs-Fjord, 59, 60, 63
Hagustald, 121
Hake, a Berserk, 47, 48
Haldor Brynjulfsson, 320
Halfdan Haalegg (Longlegs) 68, 69
Halfdan Sigurdsson, 199, 200
Halfdan the Swarthy, GudrÖdsson, 32, 46-52, 318, 432
Halfdan the Swarthy, Haroldsson, 60, 71, 72, 76
Halfdan the White, 60
Halfdan Whiteleg, 46
Halland, 214, 266, 267, 273, 307, 418, 453, 454, 460, 462, 463, 498
Hallkel Agmundsson, 451, 452, 456
Hallkel Jonsson, 355, 356
Hall of the Side, 158
Hallvard VebjÖrnsson, St., 256, 322
Hals, 258
Hamar, 321, 420, 421, 492
Hamburg, 32
Hampshire, 138
Hannibal's Feud, 496
Hans, King of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, 481, 482
Hans, son of Frederick I., 487
Hans KolbjÖrnsson, 503
Hansa, see Hanseatic League
Hanseatic League, 453, 454, 455, 460, 464, 474, 480, 485, 490, 509
Hansteen, astronomer, 538
Hardeland, 41
Harold, Earl of the Orkneys, 355
Harold, grandson of Sigurd the Crusader, 332
Harold Bluetooth, 86, 94, 95, 110-120, 138, 161, 410
Harold Gille, 303-311, 313, 314, 320, 322, 333, 337, 346, 382, 386
Harold Godwineson, 268, 269, 272
Harold Greyfell, 94, 100, 102-114
Harold GrÖnske, 152, 182
Harold Hard-Ruler, 199, 200, 201, 221, 240-274, 278, 283, 286, 308
Harold Ingesson, 349
Harold the Fairhaired, 31, 49, 50-74, 87, 88, 99, 105, 130, 134, 139, 140, 152, 155, 174, 176, 177, 182, 183, 187, 188, 198, 201, 226, 231, 245, 251, 252, 256, 275, 276, 318, 350, 378, 433, 460
Harthaknut, 229, 231, 234, 236
Hasting, 34, 35, 36
Hastings, 272
Haug, 232
Hauk, 155
Haukby, 284
Hebrides, 40, 43, 63, 288, 311, 312, 394, 480
Hedemark, 48, 51, 76, 203, 210
Heidaby, 257
Heimdal, 22
Heimskringla, 13, 45, 433, 440
Hekla, 465
Heklungs, 345-348
Hel, 23, 24
Helge Hvasse, 396, 397
Helge-aa, 215
Helgeness, 237
HelgeÖ, 413, 421
Helheim, 24
Hellenes, 1
Helluland, 180
Heming Haakonsson, 119
Henrik of Schwerin, 410
Henry I., King of England, 292
Hercules, Pillars of, 34
Heredhaland, 41
Herjedale, 496
Herlaug, King in Naumdale, 54
Herluf Hyttefad, 482
Hettesveiner, see Hood-Swains
Himinbjarg, 22
Hindoos, 2, 3
Hinsgavl, 455
Hirdskraa, 445
Hitterdale Church, 321
Jon, chief of the Kuvlungs, 353
Jon Kutiza, 345
Jon Loftsson, 434
Jon the Red, Archbishop, 448, 452
Jonvolds, 365
Juliana Maria, queen of Frederick V., 508
JumiÈges, 36
Jutland, 41,

68, 95, 116, 236, 237, 257, 324, 330, 453, 485, 495, 496, 498
Kalf Arnesson, 217, 222, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 235, 255, 265, 266
Kalfsund, 459
Kalmar, 301, 455, 467, 469, 470, 479, 495
Kalvskindet, 343, 344, 345
Karelen, 196
Kark, 130, 131, 132
Karlsevne, 181
Karlshoved, 190
Kelts, 1
Kent, 138
Ketil Calf, 190, 199
Keyser, Rudolf, 538
Kiel, 515, 516, 520, 523
Kielland, Alexander, 538
King's Mirror, 441
Kirkevaag, 432
KjÖgebugt, 502
KjÖlen, 4
Klerkon, 135, 136
Klypp Thorsson, 111
KnaerÖd, 495
Knut Alfsson, 481
Knut Eriksson, King of Sweden, 358, 385
Knut Haakonsson (Squire K.), 396, 410, 416, 424, 425
Knut the Mighty, 179, 185, 212-218, 225, 226, 229, 231, 232, 236, 243, 261, 268
Knut Porse, 461
Knut VI., King of Denmark, 368
KolbjÖrn Stallare, 171
KolbjÖrn the Strong, 209
Konghelle, 152, 198, 274, 288, 310, 319
Kongsberg, 494, 503
Krebs, Colonel, 502
Kringen, 495
Krogh, Christian, 526
Krokaskogen, 313
Krummedike, Hartvig, 477
Krummedike, Henrik, 481, 482
Krupp, 536
Kruse, Colonel, 502
Kurland, 196
Kuvlungs, 353, 354
Kveld-Ulf, 56-63, 77
Laaka, 424, 425
Labrador, 180
Laerdal, 119
Landnama Book, 63
Laps 3, 495
Largs, 431
"Lars," 491
Latin, 378
Leif Eriksson, 179, 180, 181
Leipsic, 515
LesÖ, 257
Lie, Jonas, 538
Lie, Sophus, 538
Lier, 520
Limerick, 40
Lim Fjord, 258
Lindesness, 173, 179, 210, 531
Lindholm, 468
Lindisfarena, 42
Lodin, 135, 143
Lodur, 18
LÖwen, Colonel, 503
LÖwenskjold, 527
Lofoten, 315, 331
Loire, 34
Loke, 23
London, 73, 538
Long-Serpent, The, 162, 164-169
Lothair, 37
Louis the German, 32, 37
Louis the Pious, 32
Louis IX., 430
Louis XIV., 500
LÜbeck, 457, 486, 487, 490, 495
Luna, 34
Lunge, Vincentz, 477, 485, 487, 488
Luther, 485, 486
Lutheran, 489, 490, 506, 519
Lutter and Barenberge, 495
LÜtzow, General, 503
Lykke, Nils, 485
Lyrskogs Heath, 237
Maelsechnail, King of Meath, 38, 39
Magne, Bishop, 304, 305
Magnus Barefoot, 285-290, 295, 303, 308
Magnus Birgerson Barnlock, King of Sweden, 449, 455, 456, 458
Magnus Birgerson, the Younger, 459, 461

Magnus Erlingsson, King of Norway, 323-349, 351, 355, 356, 385, 388, 401, 427, 428
Magnus Haroldsson, 273, 274
Magnus Law-Mender, 442-451, 453, 457, 494
Magnus the Blind, 297, 305-313
Magnus the Good, 218, 229-250, 251, 254, 255, 265
Maid of Norway, The, 453, 457
Malcolm, 285
Malmfrid, 302, 304
Man, island of, 288, 289, 320, 394, 442
Maniakes, see Georgios
Marcus of Skog, 326, 327
Margaret, see Maid of Norway
Margaret, queen of Magnus Barefoot, 288
Margaret, queen of Sverre, 358, 362, 381, 382, 383
Margaret, queen of Haakon the Old, 407, 413
Margaret, queen of Erik Priest-Hater, 452
Margaret, Reigning Queen of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, 462, 463, 466, 467-472
Margaret, daughter of Christian I., 480
Maria, relative of the Empress ZoË, 242
Maria, daughter of Harold Hard-Ruler, 268, 272
Maria, daughter of Harold Gille, 322
Markere, Earl, 268
Markland, 180
Massachusetts, 180, 181
Mathias, Bishop, 334, 335
Matrand, 521
Mecklenburg, 410, 463, 467, 469
Medalhus, 130
Mediterranean, 318
Michael, Church of St., 294
Military Academy, 508
Mimer, 18
Minne, 311
MjÖlner, 20
MjÖsen, 199, 321, 380, 408, 413, 421
MoliÈre, 506
MÖnnikhofen, Colonel, 495
MÖre, 56, 59, 64, 69, 130, 150
Moors, 292, 300
Mora, 197
Moss, 521
Moster, 72, 140, 158, 167
MosterÖ, 167
Motzfeldt, Captain, 518
Muirkertach, 286, 289
Munch, P. A., Prof., 378, 538
Munin, 20
Munk, Erik, 492
Munk, Ludvig, 492
Munkeliv, 294, 480
Muspelheim, 16, 17
Nanna, Balder's wife, 21
Napoleon I., 510, 513, 515, 519, 520, 526
Naumdale, 54
Nessje, 190
New England, 181
Nicholas Arnesson, Bishop, 358-362, 365, 366, 374, 380, 386, 388, 390, 393, 407, 411, 413, 183, 184, 446
Olaf the Unlucky, 329, 332
Olaf the White, 40
Olaf the Woodcutter, 46, 57
Olaf the Young, 461, 466
Oldenborg, 475, 476, 478, 487, 494
Ole the Russian, 136
Olga, 136, 137, 142
Oplands, 88, 174, 188, 190, 199, 210, 267, 268, 285, 287, 329, 370, 393, 400, 413, 416, 422, 424, 445
Ordinance, the, 489, 494
Orient, the, 242
Orkdale, 54, 189
Orkhaugen, 279
Orkneys, 40, 43, 63, 69, 88, 113, 114, 127, 176, 233, 268, 272, 279, 288, 289, 308, 355, 394, 430, 432, 457, 481
Orm Jonsson, 437
Orm King's-Brother, 346, 349
Orm Lyrgja, 129
Oscar I., 528-530
Oscar II., 531-538
Oslo, 256, 306, 312, 320, 322, 323, 359, 361, 369, 370, 381, 383, 390, 411, 413, 414, 425, 426, 456, 459, 492
Ottar Birting, 302, 303, 314, 316
Otto I., Emperor of Germany, 115
Otto II., Emperor of Germany, 115
Oxus, the, 1
Oyeskeggs, 355, 356, 357, 360
Paderborn, 31
Paris, 36, 513, 520, 538
Paul, Bishop of Hamar, 420, 421
Paul, Earl of the Orkneys, 288
Persia, 2
Peter III., Emperor of Russia, 508
Peter KolbjÖrnsson, 503
Peter of Husastad, 411
Peter Skulesson, 423
Peter, St., 427
Peter Steyper, 377, 381, 382, 388
Philip, Don, 430
Philip Simonsson, 386, 390, 393, 400, 401
Piraeus, 241
Poland, 498, 502
Pomerania, 163, 473, 513
Pontecorvo, 513
Prestebakke, 512
Protestantism, 487, 495
Prussia, 136, 163
Pultawa, 501
Rafnista race, 56
Raft Sund, 331
Ragnar, a viking, 36
Ragnar Lodbrok, 34, 198, 214, 231, 236
Ragnfred Eriksson, 113
Ragnhild, queen of Harold the Fairhaired, 68
Ragnhild, queen of Halfdan the Swarthy, 47, 48
Ragnhild, daughter of Magnus the Good, 265, 266, 267
Ragnvald, Earl of MÖre, 56, 59, 64, 69
Ragnvald, son of Erik Blood-Axe, 80
Ragnvald Rettilbeine, 68, 71
Ragnvald, Earl of VestergÖtland, 195
Ran, 23
Ranafylke, 317
Randsfjord, 51, 108
Ranrike, 57, 173, 284
Ratibor, 310
Raud the Strong, 156, 157, 162
Raumarike, 46, 51, 173, 199, 210
Raumsdale, 193
Reas, 135
Ree, 327, 334, 338, 433
Reformation, the, 486
Reidar Grjotgardsson, 313
Reidar Messenger, 360, 361, 375, 376, 380
Reidulf, a Birchleg, 389
Rein, 416
Reinald, Bishop, 308
Revolution, the French, 509, 524
Revolution, the July, 527
Reykjaholt, 436, 440
Rhine, The, 37
Ribbungs, 407, 408, 412-416
Richard the Fearless, Duke of Normandy, 65
Richard the Good, Duke of Normandy, 65
Rimul, 131, 140
Ring, King, 188
Ringeness, 190, 199
Ringerike, 47, 51, 183, 186, 199, 244, 503
Robert Bruce, 456
Robert Guiscard, 292
Robert the Magnificent, Duke of Normandy, 65
Robin Hood, 341
Roe, Bishop, 335, 380
RÖrek, King, 188, 199, 201, 202, 206
RÖrek, Viking, 36
Rogaland, 174, 324
Roger, Duke, 292
Rolf the Walker, see Rollo
Rollaug, King in Naumdale, 54
Rollo, Duke of Normandy, 56, 64, 65
Rome, 1, 31, 34, 36, 171, 214, 308, 359, 421, 422, 438
Roskilde, 498
Rostock, 469
Rother, King, 242
Rouen, 36
Rousseau, 508
RÜgen, 163
Russia, 1, 134-137, 142, 192, 217, 218, 229, 232, 239, 240, 277, 501, 502, 508, 509, 510, 512, 513, 514, 515, 530
RydjÖkel, 329
Ryfylke, 121
Saemund Jonsson, 436, 440
Saemund the Learned, 434
SaltÖ Sound, 346, 361
Sandness, 61
Saracens, 240, 318
Sarpen, 194
Sarpsborg, 194, 197, 213, 391, 492
Sars, Prof., 538
Sars, J. E. Prof., 538
Saudung Sound, 185
Saurbygd, 337
Saxons, 31, 42, 146, 236
Scandinavia, 470
Schiller, Friedrich, 418
Sciences, Academy of, 508
Scotland, 40, 43, 80, 113, 114, 137, 268, 285, 287, 314, 431, 442, 443, 452, 456, 480
Seeland, 244, 248, 510
Sehested, Hannibal, 477, 496
Seine, The, 36
Sekken, 62
Snefrid, wife of Harold the Fairhaired, 67, 68, 71, 183
Snorre Sturlasson, 13, 45, 49, 52, 66, 72, 74, 160, 186,

254, 276, 421, 433-441, 444
Snorrelaug, 436
SÖndmÖre, 122, 193, 217, 324, 411, 495
Sogn, 119, 234
Sognefjord, 179, 210, 348, 349, 415
Sognesund, 228
Sognings, 348
Solveig, 438
Sonartorek, 85
Sotoness, 95
Sound, The, 118, 242, 453
Stamford Bridge, 268, 269, 272, 283, 287
Stang, F., Prime-Minister, 534
Stanger, 332
Stavanger, 59, 321, 358, 359
Steen Sture the Elder, 480, 481, 482
Steen Sture the Younger, 482, 483, 485
Steinker, 189
Steinkil, King of Sweden, 267
Stenbock, Magnus, 502
Stig, Marshal, 454
Stiklestad, 212, 221, 227, 232, 235, 240, 255
Stockholm, 464, 469, 480, 484, 485, 532
Storm, Prof. Gustav, 538
Storthing, 521-534
Strand, 121, 183
StrindsÖ, 369
Struensee, 508, 509
Stub, Rev. Kjeld, 496
Stuf Katsson, 254
Sturla Sighvatsson, 421, 438, 440
Sturla Thordsson, father of Snorre Sturlasson, 434
Sturla Thordsson, nephew of Snorre Sturlasson, 45, 440, 442
Sturlungs, The, 433-441, 443
StyrbjÖrn, 214
Styrkaar Stallare, 270, 271
Supreme Court, 522
Surtur, 16
Sussex, 138
Suttung, 20
Svang, 408
Svanhild, daughter of Earl Eystein, 76
Svante Nilsson Sture, 482
Sverdrup, Prof, 516, 518
Sverdrup, John, Prime-Minister, 534
Sverke, King of Sweden, 368
Sverre Sigurdsson, 195, 333-379, 382, 385, 386, 388, 391, 393, 396, 404, 407, 423, 432, 446, 450
Svolder, 157, 163, 173, 178, 193
Sweyn, a pretender, 287
Sweyn Alfifasson, 225-229, 233, 287, 292
Sweyn Estridsson, 236, 237, 244, 245, 247, 248, 250, 252, 257, 258, 259, 265, 266, 267, 268, 273, 274, 276
Sweyn Forkbeard, 116, 118, 119, 138, 139, 154, 161-166, 168, 173, 177, 214
Sweyn Haakonsson, Earl, 119, 121, 122, 173-181, 186, 187, 189, 190-193
Sweyn, RÖrek's servant, 201
Tacitus, 25
Taylor, Bayard, 491
Tegelsmora, 223
Telemark, 338, 340
Thamb, 162
Thames, The, 42
Thangbrand the priest, 146, 147, 158, 159
Thirty Years' War, 495
Thjostulf Aalesson, 311, 312
Thor, 20, 21, 22, 128, 144, 151, 204, 208, 209, 224
Thora, wife of Earl Haakon, 119
Thora, wife of Harold Hard-Ruler, 255
Thora Guttorm's daughter, 309
Thora Moster-Pole, 72
Thora of Rimul, 130
Thora Saxe's daughter, 308
Thoralf Lousy-Beard, 108, 109, 135
ThorbjÖrn Hornklove, 59
Thord Sturlasson, 436
Thore, Archbishop, 393, 395
Thore Herse, 77, 78
Thore Hjort, 148, 154, 156
Thore Hund, 211, 212, 222, 233
Thore Klakka, 139, 140
Thore Sel, 211
Thore of Steig, 245, 262, 274, 286, 287
Thorfinn Karlsevne, 181
Thorgeir, brother-in-law of Olaf Tryggvesson, 161, 162
Thorgerd, Valkyria, 123
Thorghaettan, 363
Thorgils Thoralfsson, 135
Thorgils, 224, 227
Thorgisl, 38, 39, 40
Thorgny the Lawman, 195, 196
Thorkell Dyrdill, 164, 165
Thorkell Leira, 124, 125, 126
Thorleif, Bishop, 480
Thormod Kolbruna-Scald, 221, 222
Thorolf, Bald Grim's son, 77, 78, 79
Thorolf, Kveld-Ulf's son, 57-60
Thorsberg, 362
Thorstein, a peasant, 109
Thorstein Kugad, 362, 366
Thorstein, son of Side-Hall, 238, 239
Thorvald Eriksson, 181
Thrond the Priest, 391
Thrudvang, 20
Thyra, queen of Olaf Tryggvesson, 154, 161, 168, 171, 214
Tiber, 34
Tidemand, Adolf, 538
Tiding-Skofte, 119
Tilly, General, 495
Tilsit, treaty of, 510, 512
Toke, a peasant, 246
Tordenskjold, 503, 504
Torstenson, General, 496
Tostig Godwineson, Earl, 269, 270, 283
Tours, 34
Toverud, 512
Trangen, 512
Travendal, 501
TrÖndelag, 54, 76, 80, 87, 88, 102, 106, 130, 140, 148, 177, 178, 189, 193, 220, 234, 255, 285, 287, 324, 327, 340, 352, 358, 366, 368, 398, 445
TrÖnders, 94, 95, 106, 107, 148, 149, 189, 193, 207, 227, 228, 232, 265, 285, 286, 311, 327, 328, 340, 368, 423, 498
Trollhaettan, 288
TromsÖ, 429
Tryggve Olafsson, son of Olaf Haroldsson, 473
Vladimir, 134, 136, 137, 142
Voltaire, 508
Vornedskab, 475
Vors, 111
Wallenstein, 418
Waterford, 40
Wedel-Jarlsberg, Count, 518, 527
Welhaven, J. S., 536

Wendland, 136, 142, 161, 162, 163, 168, 237, 330
Wends, 236, 237, 310, 312
Wener, Lake, 288
Wergeland, Henrik, 526, 531, 536
Wergeland, Rev. Nicolai, 518
Wessex, 41
Widukind, 31
William the Conqueror, 12, 56, 65, 272, 277, 283
William Longsword, 65
William of Sabina, Cardinal, 428
Wismar, 469
Wollin, 120
Ygdrasil, 18
Ymer, 16, 17
Ynglings, 31, 40, 45, 57, 62
Yngve, 45
York, 81, 268
Yotun, 16, 17, 21, 23
Yotunheim, 17, 18, 21
ZoË, Empress, 242

The Story of the Nations.

Messrs. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS take pleasure in announcing that they have in course of publication a series of historical studies, intended to present in a graphic manner the stories of the different nations that have attained prominence in history.

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It is the plan of the writers of the different volumes to enter into the real life of the peoples, and to bring them before the reader as they actually lived, labored, and struggled—as they studied and wrote, and as they amused themselves. In carrying out this plan, the myths, with which the history of all lands begins, will not be overlooked, though these will be carefully distinguished from the actual history, so far as the labors of the accepted historical authorities have resulted in definite conclusions.

The subjects of the different volumes will be planned to cover connecting and, as far as possible, consecutive epochs or periods, so that the set when completed will present in a comprehensive narrative the chief events in the great Story of the Nations; but it will, of course, not always prove practicable to issue the several volumes in their chronological order.

The "Stories" are printed in good readable type, and in handsome 12mo form. They are adequately illustrated and furnished with maps and indexes. They are sold separately at a price of $1.50 each. The following is a partial list of the subjects thus far determined upon:

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** Transcribers Notes ** -minor punctuation errors corrected -minor spelling / printer typos corrected -spelling of fiord/fjord left intact -Illustrations relocated to between paragraphs-list of illustrations may not point to exact page of relocated illustration -Footnotes have, where possible, been placed immediately following the paragraph that refers to them


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