2 (return) [ Examen artium is the entrance examination to the Norwegian University, and philosophicum the first degree. The ranks given at these are Laudabilis prae ceteris (in student’s parlance, prae), laudabilis or laud, haud illaudabilis, or haud, etc.]
3 (return) [ Free translation of a Swedish serenade, the name of whose author I have forgotten. H. H. B.]
4 (return) [ Translation, from “Exotics. By J. F. C. & C. L.”]
5 (return) [ In the country districts of Norway Saturday evening is regarded as “the wooer’s eve.”]
6 (return) [ The saeter is a place in the mountains where the Norwegian peasants spend their summers pasturing their cattle. Every large farm has its own saeter, consisting of one or more chalets, hedged in by a fence of stone or planks.]
7 (return) [ Katzenjammer is the sensation a man has the morning after a carousal.]
8 (return) [ A stave is an improvised responsive song. It is an ancient pastime in Norway, and is kept up until this day, especially among the peasantry. The students, also, at their social gatherings, throw improvised rhymes to each other across the table, and the rest of the company repeat the refrain.]
9 (return) [ “The red cock crew” is the expression used in the old Norwegian Fagas for incendiary fire.]