The Motion of Diatoms


The erratic backward and forward movement of certain diatoms, especially those of the Naviculoid group, or the slow, rolling motion of Surirella, has been discussed in so many ways without definite conclusions that a brief statement will be sufficient. Osmosis, the amoeboid movement of the coleoderm, the protrusion of protoplasm or protoplasmic threads through the raphe, the existence of actual organs of locomotion or cilia, and the lack of synchronism in the chemical action occurring at the ends of the cell which is sometimes divided by the plasma bridge, have been offered in explanation. The chief objection to the theory of cyclosis appears to be that the resultant motion is so greatly in excess of the rotation of protoplasm in the cell. More or less motion is observed in various kinds of free cells, but the movement of diatoms is not evident in those without either a raphe or a keel upon which and apparently by which the phenomena are produced.

Mr. T. Chalkley Palmer, in various articles in the Proceedings of the Delaware County Institute of Science, especially in Vols. 1 and 3, gives the results of exhaustive experiments. "Nothing, it would seem," he says, "could be more conclusive as to the essential sameness of the nature of motion in monads and diatoms, than the fact that both monads and diatoms require oxygen in order to perform motion, that they come to rest when oxygen becomes scarce, and that they resume their motion when oxygen is again supplied."

He also thinks "that the living substance of the cell, more or less deeply overlaid with coleoderm substance of varying consistency, and itself assuming that degree of fluidity which best meets the requirements of the situation, permeates the raphes, circulates in the keels, or in some cases protrudes quite beyond the silica, and functions as the actual propulsive agent."


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