The DiatomaceAE of Philadelphia and Vicinity










The present contribution to the local flora is intended as an introduction to more extended research.

The study is of advantage in relation to the life history of aquatic animals, the determination of ocean currents, as proved by polar discoveries, the investigation of geological strata where other fossil forms are absent, and the analysis of water supply; and, when we consider the universal distribution of diatomaceÆ in the earth, the water and even in the air and the enormous deposits formed in past ages and still forming, we are able to realize the importance of a knowledge of these complicated forms and their function of purification.

The absence of descriptive works of reference in available form in this country, the polyglot confusion of authorities abroad and the amount of time, patience and skill required in obtaining, preparing and examining specimens, render the study one of difficulty.

The bibliography is omitted, as it is understood by those who possess the works of reference, and but few synonyms are given, having but little, except historical, value, especially when it is considered that modern investigators have no access to many of the earlier collections, when any of these exist.

So far as the marine forms are concerned, it is probable that nearly all occurring north of Florida are here included, and the fresh-water species described represent a large proportion of those found east of the Alleghanies. All of the figures are drawn to the same scale, a magnification of eight hundred diameters, from specimens in my possession, nearly all of which were found in or near Philadelphia.

If the work is of any value in inducing further investigation, I hope, in the words of Julien Deby, that "those who follow my advice will find in the study of these wonderful little organisms as much pleasure as I myself have found."

The Author.


The Delaware River rises in the Western Catskill Mountains, flows southward for about three hundred and seventy-five miles, and expands into Delaware Bay about sixty miles from the sea. Its origin is among the Devonian and Carboniferous rocks, and in its course it passes through Silurian, Triassic and Cretaceous formations, finally reaching the Cambrian and Laurentian beds. It also drains regions of the glacial drift and beds which overlie overturned Miocene strata, and are sometimes mixed with them. From the mountains, nearly four thousand feet high, to the Bay, where the depth of water is not greater than seventy-five feet, the diatomaceous flora, from Alpine cascades to the salt marshes of New Jersey, contains a larger number of species than any other equal portion of the American coast.

The city of Philadelphia, about one hundred miles from the sea, lies at the junction of the Schuylkill with the Delaware, and much of the land near the rivers, especially southward, is flat and low, composed of recent alluvial deposits. In the central districts the ground is high, the deep sub-soil being mostly a dry gravel resting upon gneiss and schist, although it is in part composed of a bluish clay which was probably laid down in the bed of the ancient river before the last period of the glacial drift. The blue clay was not all deposited at the same time, as in the lower strata many marine forms are found which do not occur in the upper layers. This is notably the case in a deposit obtained at Spreckel's Sugar Refinery and also at the east end of Walnut Street Bridge, where a layer of blue clay occurs which is overlain by glacial drift. In other parts of the city mixtures of blue clay with more recent deposits are found, including fresh-water forms from numerous creeks and rivulets which traversed what is now the city proper, and especially from the vicinity of Fourth and Market Streets, where there existed as late as the year 1700 a large pond known as the "Duck Pond" which was subject to tidal overflow from its outlet, Dock Creek. The river water at Philadelphia is not noticeably brackish, although the tide extends thirty miles above the city and, before the building of Fairmount Dam, to the Falls of the Schuylkill. At certain times, when the river is low, the influx of tide water is sufficient to produce an abundance of brackish water diatoms at Greenwich Point. The entire absence, however, at present, of many of the marine forms obtained in dredgings in the Delaware opposite the city, as at Smith's Island, now removed, and in certain well borings at Pavonia, Pensauken, Gloucester and other places in New Jersey, where the depth reached the old blue clay, indicates conditions quite different from those now prevalent. In the Bay itself comparatively few living species are found, at least in any abundance.

In the study of local forms which follows, the district included may be considered as circumscribed by the circumference of a circle having a radius of one hundred miles from Philadelphia, containing the States of New Jersey and Delaware, the southeastern part of Pennsylvania, a portion of Maryland on the south and extending eastward to New York Bay and Long Island Sound as far as New Rochelle.

The greater number of fresh-water species described have been obtained from near the city along the Darby, Crum, Ridley and Brandywine Creeks and from various places in New Jersey, including the Pine Barren region of the southern part of the State. Numerous collections have been made in the Schuylkill and the various reservoirs and along the Wissahickon, "where an Alpine gorge in miniature of singular loveliness is to be found within the limits of a city." The fossil deposits are from well borings near Camden, N. J., and from excavations in various parts of the city.

There appears to be no relation between the Miocene beds of the eastern coast and the deposits here described, all of which have been formed later than the glacial period or in an interval between two such periods. Apparently no diatoms grew during the glacial era, at least in sufficient abundance to leave any perceptible traces of their existence. An examination of glacial "flour" and clays from the Catskills shows an entire absence of these forms, and I have never found them in the milky flow from the glaciers of the Alps nor in the constantly muddy streams in certain of our Western States. The opacity of the water produces the same result as the absence of light in the deep lakes of New England, where diatoms are found only on the stalks or roots of water-plants near the shore, while in shallow ponds, such as the small lake near the summit of Mt. Lafayette, the growth is abundant. Certain species will grow wherever there are moisture, light and heat, but the greater number require the presence, in small amounts, of substances produced by the decay of animal and vegetable life. An abundance of diatoms in fresh water is usually an indication of its potability, while their entire absence in shallow water may be due to an excess of bacteria.

The specimens from which the drawings are made have been collected by the author for many years; in addition to possessing an almost complete library on the subject, he has had the advantage of examining material obtained by the late Mr. Lewis Woolman and numerous slides furnished by a number of friends, including Mr. John A. Shulze, Mr. Frank J. Keeley and Mr. T. Chalkley Palmer, to whom I here take pleasure in expressing my thanks.

The difficulties of the study are well stated by Agardh in the following extract from the preface to his Systema Algarum:

"Because, indeed, in this respect, no one will wonder whether in the distinction of species and reference to synonyms we have, perchance, committed many errors. They have occurred and are bound to occur, partly from the fact that one is not permitted to see the original specimens of all authors; partly, because sometimes even the original specimens of these plants are erroneous; partly, because the figures and descriptions of authors are often lacking and imperfect....

"There is added the difficulty of the study itself of these plants, their submerged habitat, the minuteness of their structure, the rarity of their fruit, the change in the dried plant, the impossibility of culture, the fallacies of microscopical vision and the chaotic condition of Algology itself to-day."

The words of Agardh, written in 1824, are almost as true to-day. The lack of authentic specimens, which we hope will be remedied in time by the collections of the Smithsonian Institute, numerous incorrectly labelled slides in amateur collections, the imperfections of figures copied and recopied, without regard to relative size or correct references, and the confusion in the attempts to harmonize different descriptions, deter the student at the outset. The remaining difficulties mentioned by Agardh add, however, to the remarkable interest these forms have always had, since no increase in optical perfection of the microscope serves to lessen the mystery of their structure and mode of growth.


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