HENRY M. STANLEY, 19 Stanley is safe; the world’s rejoicings; a new volume in African annals; who is “this wizard of travel?” story of Stanley’s life; a poor Welsh boy; a work-house pupil; teaching school; a sailor boy; in a New Orleans counting-house; an adopted child; bereft and penniless; a soldier of the South; captured and a prisoner; in the Federal Navy; the brilliant correspondent; love of travel and adventure; dauntless amid danger; in Asia-Minor and Abyssinia; at the court of Spain; in search of Livingstone; at Ujiji on Tanganyika; the lost found; across the “dark continent;” down the dashing Congo; boldest of all marches; acclaim of the world. THE CONGO FREE STATE, 27 A Congo’s empire; Stanley’s grand conception; European ambitions; the International Association; Stanley off for Zanzibar; enlists his carriers; at the mouth of the Congo; preparing to ascend the river; his force and equipments; the river and river towns; hippopotamus hunting; the big chiefs of Vivi; the “rock-breaker;” founding stations; making treaties; tribal characteristics; Congo scenes; elephants, buffaloes and water-buck; building houses and planting gardens; making roads; rounding the portages; river crocodiles and the steamers; foraging in the wilderness; products of the country; the king and the gong; no more war fetish; above the cataracts; Stanley THE SEARCH FOR EMIN, 139 Stanley’s call; the Belgian king; the Emin Pasha relief committee; Stanley in charge of the expedition; off for Central Africa; rounding the cataracts; the rendezvous at Stanley Pool; who is Emin? his life and character; a favorite of Gordon; fall of Khartoum; Emin cut off in equatorial Soudan; rising of the Mahdi; death of Gordon; Emin lost in his equatorial province; his capitals and country; Stanley pushes to the Aruwimi; Tippoo Tib and his promises; Barttelot and the camps; trip up the Aruwimi; wanderings in the forest; battles with the dwarfs; sickness, starvation and death; lost in the wilds; the plains at last; grass and banana plantations; arrival at Albert Nyanza; no word of Emin; back to the Aruwimi for boats; another journey to the lake; Emin found; tantalizing consultations; Stanley leaves for his forest stations; treachery of Tippoo Tib; massacre of Barttelot; the Mahdi influence; again for the Lake to save Emin; willing to leave Africa; the start for Zanzibar; hardships of the trip; safe arrival at Zanzibar; accident to Emin; the world’s applause; Stanley a hero. EGYPT AND THE NILE, 185 Shaking hands at Ujiji; Africa a wonderland; Mizriam and Ham; Egypt a gateway; mother of literature, art and religion; the Jews and Egypt; mouths of the Nile; the Rosetta stone; Suez Canal; Alexandria; Pharos, a “wonder of the world;” Cleopatra’s needles; Pompey’s Pillar; the catacombs; up the Nile to Cairo; description of Cairo; Memphis; the Pyramids and Sphinx; convent of the pulley; Abydos its magnificent ruins; City of “the Hundred Gates;” temple of Luxor; statues of Memnon; the palace temple of Thebes; the old Theban Kings; how they built; ruins of Karnak; most imposing in the world; temples of Central Thebes; wonderful temple of Edfou; the Island of PhilÆ; the elephantine ruins; grand ruins of Ipsambul; Nubian ruins; rock tomb at Beni-Hassan; the weird “caves of the crocodiles;” horrid death of a traveler; Colonel and Lady Baker; from Kartoum to Gondokoro; hardships of a Nile expedition; the “forty thieves;” Sudd on the White Nile; adventures with hippopotami; mobbing a crocodile; rescuing slaves; at Gondokoro; horrors of the situation; battles with the natives; night attack; hunting elephants; instincts of the animal; natural scenery; different native tribes; cruelty of slave-hunters; ambuscades; annexing the country; hunting adventures; the Madhi’s rebellion; death of Gordon. SOURCES OF THE NILE, 257 African mysteries; early adventures; the wonderful lake regions; excitement over discovery; disputed points; the wish of emperors; journey through the desert; Baker and Mrs. Baker; M’dslle Tinne; Nile waters and vegetation; dangers of exploration; from Gondokoro to Albert Nyanza, native chiefs and races; traits and adventure; discovery of Albert Nyanza; King Kamrasi; his royal pranks; adventures on the lake; a true Nile source; Murchison Falls; revelations by Speke and Grant; Victoria Nyanza; another Nile source; Stanley on the scene; his manner of travel; trip to Victoria Nyanza; voyage of the “Lady Alice;” adventures on the lake; King Mtesa and his empire; wonders of the great lake; surprises for Stanley; in battle for King Mtesa; results of his discoveries; native traditions; demons and dwarfs; off for Tanganyika. THE ZAMBESI, 331 Livingstone on the scene; how he got into Africa; his early adventures and trials; wounded by a lion; his marriage; off for Lake Ngam; among the Makololo; down the Chobe to the Zambesi; up the Zambesi; across the Continent to Loanda; discovery of Lake Dilolo; importance of the discovery; description of the lake; its wonderful animals; methods of African travel; rain-makers and witchcraft; the magic lantern scene; animals of the Zambesi; country, people and productions; adventures among the rapids; the Gouye Falls; the burning desert and Cuando river; an elephant hunt; the wonderful Victoria Falls; sounding smoke; the Charka wars; lower Zambesi valley; wonderful animal and vegetable growth; mighty affluents; escape from a buffalo; slave hunters; Shire river and Lake Nyassa; peculiar native head-dresses; native games, manners and customs; Pinto at Victoria Falls; central salt pans. THE CONGO, 367 Discovery of the wonderful Lake Tanganyika; Burton and Speke’s visit; Livingstone’s trials; his geographical delusions; gorilla and chimpanzee; Livingstone at Bangweola; on the Lualaba; hunting the soko; thrilling adventure with a leopard; the Nyangwe people; struggle back to Ujiji; meeting with Stanley; joy in the wilderness; exploration of Tanganyika; the parting; Livingstone’s last journey; amid rain and swamps; close of his career; death of the explorer; care of his body; faithful natives; Stanley’s second visit; what he had done; strikes the Lualaba; descends in the “Lady Alice;” fights with the natives; ambuscades and strategies; boating amid rapids; thrilling adventures amid falls and cataracts; wonderful streams; the Lualaba is the Congo; joy over the discovery; gauntlet of arrows and spears; loss of men and boats: death of Frank Pocock; the falls become too formidable; overland to the Atlantic; at the mouth of the mighty Congo; return trip to Zanzibar; the Congo empire; Stanley’s future plans. CAPE OF STORMS, 416 Discovery of the Cape; early settlers; table mountain; Hottentot and Boer; the diamond regions; the Zulu warriors; the Pacific republics; natal and the transvaal; manners, customs, animals and sports; climate and resources. NYASSALAND, 423 A disputed possession; the beautiful ShirÉ; rapids and cataracts; mountain fringed valleys; rank tropical vegetation; magnificent upland scenery; thrifty and ingenious natives; cotton and sorghum; the Go-Nakeds; beer and smoke; geese, ducks and waterfowls; Lake Shirwa; the Blantyre mission; the Manganja highlands; a village scene; native honesty; discovery of Lake Nyassa; description of the Lake; lofty mountain ranges; Livingstone’s impressions; Mazitu and Zulu; native arms, dresses and customs; slave-hunting Arabs; slave caravans; population about Nyassa; storms on the lake; the first steamer; clouds of “Kungo” flies; elephant herds; charge of an elephant bull; exciting sport; African and Asiatic elephants; the Scottish mission stations; great wealth of Nyassaland; value to commerce; the English and Portuguese claims. AFRICAN RESOURCES, 441 African coasts and mysteries; Negroland of the school-books; how to study Africa; a vast peninsula; the coast rind; central plateaus and mountain ranges; Stanley’s last discoveries; a field for naturalists; bird and insect life; wild and weird nature; vast area; incomputable population; types of African races; distribution of races; African languages; character of the human element; Africa and revelation; tribes of dwarfs; “Africa in a Nutshell”; various political divisions; variety of products; steamships and commerce; as an agricultural field; the lake systems; immense water-ways; internal improvements; Stanley’s observations; features of Equatorial Africa; extent of the Congo basin; the Zambesi and Nile systems; the geographical sections of the Congo system; the coast section; cataracts, mountains and plains; affluents of the great Congo; tribes of lower Congo; length of steam navigation; future pasture grounds of the world; the Niam-Niam and Dinka countries; empire of Tippoo Tib; richness of vegetable productions; varieties of animal life; immense forests and gigantic wild beasts; oils, gums and dyes; hides, furs, wax and ivory; iron, copper, and other minerals; the cereals, cotton, spices and garden vegetables; the labor and human resources; humanitarian and commercial problems; the Lualaba section; size, population and characteristics; navigable waters; Livingstone’s observations; tracing his footsteps; animal and vegetable life; stirring scenes and incidents; the Manyuema country; Lakes Moero and Bangweola; resources of forest and stream; climate and soil; a remarkable land; THE WHITE MAN IN AFRICA, 526 Egyptian and Roman Colonists; Moorish invasion; Portugese advent; the commercial and missionary approach; triumphs of late explorers; can the white man live in Africa?; colonizing and civilizing; Stanley’s personal experience; he has opened a momentous problem; Stanley’s melancholy chapters; effect of wine and beer; the white man must not drink in Africa; must change and re-adapt his habits; visions of the colonists; effect of climate; kind of dress to wear; the best house to build; how to work and eat; when to travel; absurdities of strangers; following native examples; true rules of conduct; Stanley’s laws of health; African cold worse than African heat; guarding against fatigue; Dr. Martins code of health; the white man can live in Africa; future of the white races in the tropics; the struggle of foreign powers; missionary struggles; political and commercial outlook. MISSIONARY WORK IN AFRICA, 565 Africa for the Christian; Mohammedan influences; Catholic missions; traveler and missionary; the great revival following Stanley’s discoveries; Livingstone’s work; perils of missionary life; history of missionary effort; the Moors of the North; Abyssinian Christians; west-coast missions; various missionary societies; character of their work; Bishop Taylor’s wonderful work in Liberia, on the Congo, in Angola; nature of his plans; self-supporting churches; outline of his work; mission houses and farms; vivid descriptions and interesting letters; cheering reports from pioneers; South African missions; opening Bechuana-land; the Moffats and Coillards; Livingstone and McKenzie; the Nyassa missions; on Tanganyika; the Church in Uganda; murder of Harrington; the gospel on the east coast; Arabs as enemies; religious ideas of Africans; rites and superstitions; fetish and devil worship; importance of the mission field; sowing the seed; gathering the harvest. AFRICA’S LIGHTS AND SHADOWS, 735 Arnot’s idea of Central Africa; killed by an elephant; the puff adder; the Kasai region; bulls for horses; a Congo hero; affection for mothers; caught by a crocodile; decline of the slave trade; the natives learning; books in native tongues; natives as laborers; understanding of the climate; Stanley on the Gombe; the leopard and spring-bock; habits of the antelope; Christian heroes in Africa; the boiling pot ordeal; adventures of a slave; Arab cruelties; a lion hunt; Mohammedan influence; a victim of superstition; Hervic women; Tataka mission in Liberia; a native war dance; African game laws; Viva on the Congo; rum in Africa; palavering; Emin Pasha at Zanzibar; the Sas-town tribes; an interrupted journey; in Monrovia; a sample sermon; the scramble for Africa; lions pulling down a giraffe; Kilimanjars, highest mountains in Africa; the Kru-coast Missions; a desperate situation; Henry M. Stanley and Emin Pasha; comparison of the two pioneers. pp. 800. |