Dedication i.
Explanatory iii.
Preface v.
List of Full-page Illustrations xv.
Description of Species Nos. 1-181.
Order Passeres—Perching Birds.
Suborder OSCINES—Song Birds.
Family CorvidÆ—The Crows and Jays 1-14 1
IcteridÆ—The Troupials 15-22 43
FringillidÆ—The Finches 23-68 68
TanagridÆ—The Tanagers 69 170
MniotiltidÆ—The Wood Warblers 70-86 172
AlaudidÆ—The Larks 87-89 212
MotacillidÆ—The Wagtails and Pipits 90 221
TurdidÆ—The Thrushes 91-102 225
SylviidÆ—The Old World Warblers, Kinglets, and Gnatcatchers 103-105 262
ParidÆ—The Titmice 106-110 273
SittidÆ—The Nuthatches 111-113 287
CerthiidÆ—The Creepers 114, 115 295
TroglodytidÆ—The Wrens 116-122 301
MimidÆ—The Mockingbirds 123, 124 320
CinclidÆ—The Dippers 125 325
HirundinidÆ—The Swallows 126-132 329
AmpelidÆ—The Waxwings 133, 134 348
LaniidÆ—The Shrikes 135-137 352
VireonidÆ—The Vireos 138-141 358
Suborder CLAMATORES—Songless Perching Birds.
Family TyrannidÆ—The Tyrant Flycatchers 142-151 369
Order Macrochires—Goatsuckers, Swifts, etc.
Suborder TROCHILI—Hummers.
Family TrochilidÆ—The Hummingbirds 152-155 393
Suborder CAPRIMULGI—Goatsuckers.
Family CaprimulgidÆ—The Nighthawks (Goatsuckers, etc.) 156-158 404
Suborder CYPSELI—Swifts.
Family MicropodidÆ—The Swifts 159-161 410
Order Pici—Picarian Birds.
Family PicidÆ—The Woodpeckers 162-179 418
Order Coccyges—Cuculiform Birds.
Suborder CUCULI—Cuckoos.
Family CuculidÆ—The Cuckoos 180 452
Suborder ALCYONES—Kingfishers.
Family AlcedinidÆ—The Kingfishers 181 454

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