
One of the most dangerous and rugged coasts of England is that of Northumberland. This is partly owing to the proximity of the group of tiny islands called the Farne Islands; which number about twenty. When the sea is at all rough, and the wind high in this vicinity, the wild waves rush with violence between the somewhat narrow island channels, and lash themselves into fretted fury, as they curl over in frothy foam. Many years ago, on one of the Farne Islands named the Longstone, a lighthouse was built, that vessels might be duly warned of the danger and difficulty of the rocks and shore.

In 1815, a tiny, gentle baby girl was born in the little lighthouse home, who presently received the name of Grace Horsley.

Her father was William Darling; a most suitable man for his post as keeper of the lighthouse, being vigilant, steady, attentive, and careful, not only in the special duties to which he was appointed, but also in training a numerous family with diligence and discretion.

So little Grace was not a lonely child in a quiet home; but one of a merry, active, happy troupe of northern children; sometimes playing in the clean, white-washed rooms and staircases of the lighthouse, or at other times clambering about the rough rocks, and watching the eddying waters all around.

Still the life of the young girl was not all play, with the dear brothers and sisters whom she loved.

Lessons had to be learned, and they were well learned too; copies had to be written, and in these little Grace soon excelled, for she "wrote a beautiful hand."

The kind, homely parents, too, taught her to think, and as she read nicely, and was bright and quick in acquiring the information within her rather limited grasp, she became very intelligent.

A fair share of household duties also fell to her lot, and these were discharged in a quiet, orderly, and unobtrusive way.

Though very neat in her dress, she was never smart; the only trace of feminine vanity was this:—After her brave conduct in the shipwreck of the "Forfarshire," the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland sent for Grace Darling to Alnwick Castle, and presented her with a gold watch, which she always wore when visitors came to the lighthouse; taking care that the watch-seal should be slightly conspicuous on the plain, simple striped cotton gown!

Thus the childhood and girlhood passed gently on in almost unvarying home love, duty, and quiet happiness, until the 5th of September, 1838, Grace being then in her twenty-third year.

On that night an awful storm rose in tempestuous fury and swept up to the Farne Islands, raging and swelling around, and tossing the black billows into surging foam amongst the cliffy little isles that chafed it into such majestic madness. A steamer had left Hull a day or two before, and as her boilers were not in good repair, she was soon rendered helpless in the wide ocean, and presently drifted on towards the perilous Longstone Lighthouse. She struck on one of the dreaded islands, and the cries of the few survivors who could cling to that portion of the wreck which was forcibly driven between the rocks, reached the ears of Grace Darling, who immediately awakened her father. Utter darkness prevented them from seeing where the wreck lay, and both father and daughter watched till the dawn. An attempt to rescue the moving forms which they could faintly discern in the misty daylight was almost hopeless, but for all that it was made, and the two stepped without hesitation into the frail, small boat, which they then rowed towards the wreck. Here the difficulty increased, as the tempestuous sea threatened to dash the boat and its occupants on the rocks where the "Forfarshire" was stranded. But the father succeeded in landing, Grace pushing off with the boat to avoid its being engulphed, and with her oars balancing it amongst the rolling billows until the nine survivors and her father were safely with her in the tiny craft. Then both rowing back to the lighthouse, they carefully nursed, cheered, and tended those rescued men, Grace especially devoting herself to them with unremitting care.

This event gave Grace Darling the notoriety which her noble conduct so well merited.

It was on the 20th of October, 1842, when the wild equinoctial gales had not long swept over the surrounding seas, that she died gently in the midst of her own loving family circle, at the early age of twenty-seven.

It is easy to imagine the gratitude and joy of the nine perishing men who were rescued from an awful death!

May you, dear young readers, value far more highly that eternal salvation from darker death than the one which threatened them, that salvation of those who trust themselves fully to the loving Saviour's power and willingness to save! To save from both the guilt of past sin, and the power of present sin of heart and life, through the influence of the Holy Spirit of God, and to save for the calm, unshaken rest of a bright Home of Light, when the last wave of this stormy sea of life is left outside, and exchanged for the unbroken beauty of heaven's crystal "sea of glass!"




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